TUprU' June 8, 1021. tl0UOH-CONTROL PLEBISCITES,,,, MOCUkMATioN or heturnino orricen PDOVINCt OF BRITIIH COLUMBIA In ih rwim. ..r.i yr, i, Mi , inr Banal Mami . llOJllr I""-! liapl"" linen jrjir .... mil .V ' ' " I IMIfl DIVISIONS. IMU 1'iirt dementi I'url Mimpaun I'rllirr It.ipert Oueea i.liarlMii clij fiefiue Ha SilitraH Thi.ri4. lUrliuur Tl-ell Tnw Hill Woden nivrr kkrh all Imtmiik an- lien-liv re. hih k- m.fiaij giiiv iihIt mi hand at I'Hlxrr M Mil, BX . Ihla vrelileentli day t,r Htf. I-II. II, .MOItTIMFIt. Il-liirnlnir orrirer av. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES I unie l'rrk ACT. MKUWATION Of RCTURNIHO 0mCli!""r"'" SUICIDEOF ! A MURDERER wno When Caught 8hot Himself Through Heart WHISKEY RESPONSIBLE ''ri VTICK l twrel.y trtvrn to lint! BI.IO I-'IiMMVTmV ''"" 1 I,,.., 'i i. InuaO ... rkri.ir. i.f Klrk.rl bl-irlrt af..r ' .. . -'"in" .. '.w mat I nae "'.T1. ".'i"'','" Hyrnititflnii. rniifcnc. mur- .. ... ... ... ii im .1. reeled, and Itearmir rial. nw.i li'n iy "f ui-,;in. r.mimmiin iiw1 'lerer or Albert Sinclair, a half t, jium in imiHwiuir m1"1.'"., na.iieiy: Pa fov approta of u aala of baar t lha In llcanaad pramlaaa without unatr Qai.rnmanl control and r.a illation 7 if tie biiiiiiiii ii.."iijiii iu h in nip ll-i,r qualified Ui voir fur the elenum ,f i.wn.lier if llw l.erlltl Aawrnlil f Itif rleelnral I.LIrnt afore-ml; ml, further, that in ilielleiiri , the ulcl Vr i I"'" """ "'KiK-il l ein.i iHTI HI 1" IWFTI""HI .11.1 iimii W m,M( al icirn iiiimo IM IIW lrnH"lll on lint j.Hh IM , for laklnr and rereiiinr ' "" "f l"1 "! Heriura 1 Ufa "Ull.t 1i lUri ir I lie f.lerliiral ntrli-l af..real1 l Ihe re.ef live lare hired at ((noil J'Uh lake fen .Jay iiiKii, it i.-ii.. Ili committed sui- Hili- In an at lie riioiii of I Ik icni- rtlilli: MlTICT. it berj iltefl Ui lle " ' 'T - t v lwi , .imiiiafMii.ir me ' fi.lh.wina ( ie.li n. iialnclv to rain aaaroto of iho aalo ol boor bf tM flat! In llconaod or m t wlikool a kar unaar Ooiornmont control and raavtatlonT I nliinllted a...rilinr lo law la In l-H.rr q.ialiried l lute fur I lie rlerllix. . i t men.iier nr tin- i.efniativr Awenn.n ui lleri ral t..-ln. l afuretald: and. r rikei thai 10 ilmlleme lo IIm uld Writ i 4I .lull be Mfit al l(iit nVlurk la the '. 'oon a.ul ifnil be riou-ri al Keten drk Hi the af ii niomi m. the ftth day ' iunr I far lakinr awl rereinna intea .f II. ald I w-elur. in earh inll-if llll.i U I be I leriirl l.t.triri afore al lh rin rlar rmlnwinc intMlal eitanal laiion .er Cliy l.i.iki Minea I 'lolyn nktaanna Haaatl MaielliM kitwanta klim.al kiunnikalum k !. pollino oiviaiont. I.iulo i.'aajint- wrrlrlnwn w Hateltucl I'arlffr Hurt KaalnilMi IteliHi hfMtWIIitfl vkrMa Croaainr Mwiiher Koiith Miieln.n s.irr Ink-i "imuo Hay TelkWt Trrrar nf whlrh all pr.m are tierrtir re-q-.irrd lo lake nolle and a kef h ihem-ei amiMi.nalr r, umkr mr liaml al Haieltnn. B.C. ihla Twentieth day of Vay, llfl TinBlLU lletuminf nffierr. limine nf llenrlknnn when lie nw K.'icclue Ski'llon ami C4iiilahle4 1 1 .... I. .....I I i ...lal. al.. hlno.llinnml cninlnir Ihrntipli hi ..w... fiOVINCI nr OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. . ...... i . .. ... la u (ilCNA Ilatloral Dutfkt. Kale lea.lillir In Hie lmue. Hi.ikrn l.i.irui aiiirrM.iln.il i.ii.ln.r. Ii ii.k nil if nurinn n..-rt Hi- vji Writ lo . .. . . . . . 7 . tn inn aav iim' he ran run I iiimi hat aia- lie .li.l inn in. inn I wiiiii in he rauslil l.y a ln?. I'Ihiii eiilerine Hie l.iiil.liiix Skelli.n I. .Ii Hie' mnrilerer In come ilnwn. There wa n reply lull a mnment later a flint run? mil. (ininir tiimtalrn Hie o Hirer finiiii) lite hunleil man lyinir nn Hie llnnr with a liulll lii heart. Atnnvniile wa Hie AT rulilire nnnlver. that Syininlnn hu.l clolcil frniil hi eminyer on Hie day of the miinler ami which lie hal Ue, lo kill Sinclair ami In wi.uml Hie Indian natneal Jan. Ilniile. He had died Imlunlly. Ends Arbuous Man Hunt The Milcide of SyniiiiBlnn lroiiitil In an end one nf the limit nnliiotM man hiinl in which the prnvinrlnl ntice have Immmi ciikhi-iI. Immedialely after Hie word of the murder was re- ceied by Connlalde Allen of SI. anl. In eel nlT for Hie ,ccne of HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED mm. O. c. niraM. lot lwi t, SI, Ihuina, (nl arld-aj -"In tlw fail f 1011, I waa taken III with my heart, but did tw.t pay ni.irb atK-nUon Ui It. I k-j't on llh my Iwhim-IioM ilutlva, lj.it wrmed la mnnm wortw ikI mat, and finally had lo call In a ilnrlnr. II aald I a all run down and aaa a lu-xvoua wreck. had a arvrri! iln In my rlwt hlrh wMiid mir iiier Ui my Jiwirt and it m-rum liad I roald ttn i down, aa when I did I had lurb a -'tnnthrlii fifllnfr I would have to alt lip in ted till !t rsl swsy. I trlurt rereral rrinMiloa, but with nn i'Mid re wi lit. (cjnally, I wan Imtured ti try Mllbnm'a Heart ami 5ere rill. I 1tS.V 9 Ijilua mrA I . r.. o... . . II a ilcnrn of Knink II. HciirikHmi , waa U yeara an. and I am now re.ra aliniil nix mile fn.iii llnyno I, akc, ,'''" ." ! all driirlH or il-alr, Dialled ,.,.,. , i.r MiK titr .li.iu.il ilrawii U..I..I., llylilly nroun.l i h nn, airrrl on rwtpt nf vrlft hJ Jtm T MJ,. rnr i i n iiayrt nil- IllliriHTPr lias.Mrn Co, UmlleJ. Toronto. Ont, lii'cn linlin(r in die ,u,, ilw.'cn (Jirt. 1-i.h ami lloynf taken, wlifle a larjfe jionne f fiolicc ami li.Kliaiin, ai.lcil l.y h IiI.....II.mmi.I Im.l I.ccii r.'Ifiill.-.!)' nn lijn (rail. Farewell to Son 'l'li n iy lit afli-r Hie, mtir.ler, which look jilace nn '1'neo.lay, May id, .Synilnitlon vlaile.l Iii liHine al (in...) Kili lake an. I aw hi firieen.tear.nnii. IliiMin liiiu farewell n n.l Inkinx wild liim finne fund he net mil auain ami ha nl ihnnl nf Hie lime oinro Ilien in Hie liu-li where iiiiino.ll-ale il.'liTjinii wan iliriiciill. The rejmrl of Hie .fatal termination nf Hie man litint wai reehei! fntmlMertivc Skellnn, whn wa ilirecliuiz .cralnii l.y Innpeclnr 4. S. I'iper nf Hie Al berta I'rnvilieial linlice. SyinliiKlnn wan hi.liiix in Hie Ihe murder. On hi way lie lele-lmiiei vsiial particular he had In the cily nllicc nf Hie (.olice from Ilnyne lake. en were nenl mil from all parln of (jie dinlric! In IiiiiiI d'jwn the murderer and Ihe hlniid-lmundn of Ihe police Were n pul nn (i. trail. The li'avy rain interrupted Hie hunt itn it licolrnyed the wenl lull it wa picked up aain. Word came that Syniiiii'lfiii wa at Hie limine (if llenrikum and I lie jmlire al onre hurried llieji' wild (lie re-ulliu niiici.le. Boo ll en Whiskey Is Cause II'miIIi? whiskey in rrediled with lllin dnlllile Irape.ly. ?) in-ill V I nil had a giianlily nf liminr wild linn al hin nh ark mi Iho farm of A. lam Slack. Itnyne lake, vhere he worked. lie yunpecled Sinclair and Hnule of .nlealin? il, and nlealinx a Imrne am) the re-vovler frmn hin employer, lie larled nlf in Ihe evening for (!imw l-'lnh lake where Hie Iwn men were. Cominir upmi (hem while Im wan nlill under Ihe effect n of what he had hiiuelf drunk, lie elmt Sinclair ilnwn wflli ii Imll.'l Ihroiivli Hie neck ami wounded Untile twice wit Ii hlllleln tliri.uzli Ihe n nil. Then lie diapeaml, Inklnjf wild him the hnree., wliirli next .lay lie freed ami il rcliirned lo Ihe farm lliroiiati nf Slack. Forty-flv Years of Age Syiuiii2lnn wa nn American hy l.irlli and had livi-d in Alherla for neeral yearn, lie came here from llranih.n, when he in naid In have a wife and lirolher. lie wan forty-five yearn uf nfre ami of plcaninif ajijiearance. For nnme lime he had lieen working an a farm hand with Adam Slack al Itnyne lake ami lived in a shack apart from Ihe main houe with hin mil. linnd I'inli lake In r.ilualc.1 al-innt direclly nnrttt from Veirre. ville, al. ill fifty mile. Your food and your job Do they go together? Does your food fit you for the day's work? If you are a desk man do you put your brain out of business by eating greasy meats and potatoes? In case of doubt there's Shredded Wheat, a food for the desk-man and the man who works with his hands. It is so easily digested and so rich in tissue-building materials. It has been called "a perfect food". Two Biscuits with milk make a nourishing, satisfying meal. Delicious with fruits. Tba Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. KUara F.IU, Onl.ri. Shredded Wheat TH1 DATLT STvVBi ' ROAD WORK TO OPEN THURSDAY John Murray Engaged as Fore man Right-of-way Will be Cleared to Start With Work on I lie prov incial jrnv- eriimenl road leading from II. e ei!y limits al. the I'rmcc Itnprrt linulcvaiM near Ihe pipeline will nlarl rn Thiirn.iay liinriihi nf thin week, arcurdinjr In plann now heiiiK niad' by Jhe public works leparlrnenl here, jntm Murray will le foreman ami If) nr ii men will ronnlilute Die rfew in Ihe meantime. To nlart with, a .mile or an nf rifclil-nf-way will- be cleared, equipment not tieins' here yel for Ihe jtradinir. For'ten day.n nr a forlnijlil. wliile wnrk In being carried nut near ihe cily, the men will be laken mil on truck. Later a camp will tie enlabliohed. I 111 Hin in tha nan I i in man in tut uiuuu i SAYSx J WHAT in no rare an a June bride What nmntli in .no expen-nive an Ihin? TIIK only portrait of llncke. feller in a 'walercolnr becauno linbn.ly han ever been able In do him in nil. l.l.T tin Iheu lie up and doiiifc Willi our mim Is jiml bent nn fun. Whal'n Hie line nf beins nerinim An nn many fnn(n have done. M1XT In jmlitical dincunInnn, Ihe in. .! inlerentiiiK topic on vvbicli people fail asree in the virtue ami vice.n .if lmbbeil hair. .Mnnlly Ihnne wlni have theirs I... I.l.c. I try lo (heir friemU inln Hie name pre.icainenl and then lei their own Jiruw. THKIlirn a gfrl lUnow Whn let tier liair.rrv; And Ihere'n anolher girl Whne bnlm are ul aciicl. Hill Ihe jrirl I really like Can paddle, mw nr hike. And all my brain poes a whirl An I nil be. id.' that virl And lilen In her dialler Like Hie rain in ceanelenn paller; And I care not lhcn one jot If her hair in hol.hcd nr nnl. - XO one can.lidale nhnwn eiiniipli ignorance In please all Ihe crilien. TIIK a.lvanlaue vice lian nver virlure in that it doen not need lo hire a prenn apenl. WHKX I look nver' myself ami lake nlock nf my ahililien I am drurk wilh wonder al the nlu-pen.lnun fact Hint I still have friend. 4 HKCKXTI.Y il wa rennrted thai Hulilin wan with. nit gas and Ihe Hail wan in sennlon at the lime. These newnpapem Jo lie terribly. AS illiielralinif the effecl nf Ihe civil service on a cily a lady lell- iiii.' about her family, us all la. lien like In do who have them, remarked that three were alive ami Iwn were livinp in Ottawa. IWViS are much mure, inlelli-pent llian men. They know enough In bury a few linne.n where they can pel them nn n lean day. TOMOIlllOW in Derby Day nl Kpnoin and I have nnl yel picked a horse nn which In lnne any nf my money. Whal in' Hie world rnininc In. i TIIK meanest limn is Hie one vvlm always bunin ripiireilc.n from bin best uirl. Ten Years Ago In Prlnoai Rupart June 3, 1914. A prnleni is Influx lundo by William Mansnn, .M,l'.l. upainst Hie pelitinu sulniillled to the Kuvernnienl by Ihe I'rinen lluperl ilydrn.Kloilriq lisklfig: for per-niis.ninn In enter iliij streets nf Prince llueprt with HkIiI ami power. "I have Just been. In n nHr part of the country and I believe, nmrc than ever now Hint Prince lluperl In to be the centre, of the greatest mlnirj district iu North Where 5k We Go This Evening? you decide to spend the evening in FREQUENTLY town with some friend. The first part is easy Dinner at a swell restaurant But afterwards . . . What will you do to carry on this business of having a good time? Easy! Five cents. An evening paper. A glance at the advertisements Suggestion agreement, and you're off! You didn't go round to the different theatres, to be driven to an unsatisfactory choice by fatigue and time. If it's worth while to consult the advertisements about amusements, how much more worth while must it be when it comes to the spending of household money. Read the advertisements. They place before you the full choice of the trustworthy goods in the market. They describe advantages, and give you full information before you have to stir out of your chair.. Pursue for every article you buy the method you use when it comes to amusements. The way to be sure of what you buy is to buy advertised goods. Reading advertisements is an education in . better buying. 'America," slaten (!. It. Xaden wlin in jul bark from a trip lo Alice Arm in which district lie ban tnir. inp" ,inleivns. a .1. W. Convert. M.K.. likens Ihe nil pmpecls on the (Jueen I'har- Intle Island In lhne nf Miutli-ern Alberta which are caiimu no much excitement al Hie present lime. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ELECTED OFFICERS No. 45 for Ensuing Term Fred Wermlg, Vice Prelate, Fred (larlon. Keeper of records nnd seals, Fred sch, Mimler of work, W. llurken. j Manler of finance, Sid HamJilin. Mnnler nf Iho excbeijupr, Oeo. .Inhiislune, Mnnter al nrnis, W. H. Love. Inner iinnrl, F. W. Hart. Outer guard. II. M. Make. MAKING PROVISION TO GRADE TAYLOR STREET Local Improvement Bylaw Pro. vldlng For Mattress Surfacing Introduced at Council Meeting Taylor Street between Fifth Avenue ami Fulton Hlrcet t.n'lo be paved by Ihe city under the local improvement plan. An Initiative bylaw providing fnr Ihe wmrk was Introduced 'and pul through il.s first readings at last night's council meeting. The work projected will bo of the 15 foot sur- NOTHING BETTER The Anlocrat of Ihe (latuly World. PURDY'S CANDY A Tooltwmie Delight in a Heautifiil Box. PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES, faced nuitlrenn nature an in beins Jack Bulger Heads Skeena Lodge '.lone in oilier purls nf the city. The cnnstruclinn bylaw providing fnr pavinR 'of Sixth Avenue Kant lo the eastern, cily bnundary , . i . . -. Skeena I.ndpe No. ,5. Kniphts " , , ,i of. Pylhian, Ian. night elected - " nfficern for the ennuim? term an.'"" '7 11 'm f iimai iperiiiissit.il in. tin- luiuMij rum- Chancellor Hnmman.ler, Jack!',',", 1 . S "'" """ Hulper. u'niprnj u hum ...-. ii " ,,,,v,r, ,,,r """" Vice-chancellor. Fred Vernrp.',",,,, lions. I Aava aaia nivu uvutu TO JASPER PARK Thls Year Hotel Will Handle 350 at One Time Which Is 100 More Than Last Year Vlready Ihero are a goml many leople al the Jasper Park Hotel nnd before long II is expected to !x filled to rapacity. II is now capable of handling 330 people, which in 100 mure than Ihe enpa. city last year. There are in ull 00 bulb lings In the park and a staff of 150. J. O'Hrien, fornrer manager of the Fort ftarry Hotel, is in cnarge or itieoniei mm year, HIS TROUBLE "F.ver worry abouj beliiK held up?" asked .lonen. "No," sighed Henry Peck, "my worry is beintr held down." Cincinnati Knqutrer. So I Finish Thrif-T-Service Wet Wash Three Service?, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars, Canadian Steam Laundry Phone S. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue.