TTT?. fUTT.V NTWi page rotm SNEEZE SOUNDS LIKE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM: nus EXPLOSION IN SHINGLE ' MO -HUM" HERE .T iS II HI I "I II II iP'TTROe JJ HUH: iT'- OMUf TEH . ---w YARD SAY OPERATORS People Who Broadcast Over Radio Must Conform to Rules OAKLAND., Mar. 30. .Mon who I i sf rn day after day at the. control hoard In everylhins hroadcasl from K((), are sensitive ahoiii unusual sounds hr-foro llio microphones. Oiy? sure way of orfcndinp Jim Martin, Joe llaker, or Norman Woodford, K(!() control room oeralors, is lo sneeze liefore a mieriphoue. A sneeze, nernrdiiif lo lliese experts, is inhuman ami is' rnmparalde lo an explosion in a shinsle yanl. liven clearing. Hie throat, wltioh sounds like the. ralllinp of luoken pottery, is had enough. Coughing into a microphone crimes, out at' (he oilier end nf liroadoasf iur ma-idiinery a series of i rri 1 a I i iii'-r clicks. No I long ago a green ra dio art is!, just ahoul, lo make hi how liefore I he invisible audience of the night, blew a clarion note on his nose. Jn I he control room. the result was the lightning removal of headsets, with muttered accompaniment of words not found in radio technical books. Oeralors a lis first of all always mi (he listen for sounds in the eifuipmc'nl,. h.isso, clicks, and scratches which tell their respective stories to the' trained ear. Ocasionally an operator in Ihe M() control room will ad-njil hearing what is beijig said or played. I nusual sounds always attract attention. 'Hie man who Jingles money in bis pockets while talking before a microphone, the woman w;ho rallies her beads while she sings, the fellow who holds his watch too close lo Ihe microphone; all these people must reform their habits if they aspire to travel I f ii electrical highways of the air and keep ih goodwill of the keen young fellows "who make travelling possible. t Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert U - - March 30, 1915. Jive of Hit largest fishing concerns in M-aiiic are coming' lo Prince Hupert lo establis', lranches says Cant. J. K. Oil- tiiore, wiio is just back frtim Irjp to Snn Francisco, .Seattle and other cdies of the north- wi'sl. , . Hesignalions of Mayor Ncwiin and Aid. Morrissey were accepted aj the meeting of Ihe oily council last night on motion of Aid. KVIge, secouded by Aid. Nicol. Aid. McClyinonl has been appointed acting mayor. Nominations for the election now in'ado necessary will tie . received on April 0. Martin Johnson, employed in cons) ruction work at the dry dock, was admitted to the hos-having pilal this morning had his leg badly lacerated when sling of material fell on it. NECHACO LIBERALS ELECT THEIR OFFICERS B. Smith Is President and Andrew Rae Secretary-Treasurer VANr,OI:Vi:il, Mar. 30. Th" annual nieeling of the Nechaco Valley Liberal Association was held here, Friday when olllcei were eleoted as follows: 'President, F II. .Smil) First vice-president, O. Second, vice-president, Park, TliinJ1 vice-presiileiil, Arthur l-'owlcr. Sec.-Treas, Andrew Hae. Kxeculive: .lames (Irahain, .1 II, Kills, Lawrence Hirksnn, II Ludwig, Frank Heid, W. II Mulheson mid N. .1. Mcllride. Advertise in tho & PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ( V Monday, March 30 High ..... a.m. 18.0 18:03 p.m. Low, 1 1 :S I a.m. (1.0 ; 23:ffi p.m. W.2 Tuesday, March 31. High .J: r.:iO a.m. H).5 1 U : I B 'Low ... 12:11 Wcdnesdi.y, April 1 lligli..... 0:5 a.m. 1 5.8 . .a ; 3i): iO p.m. " Low (1:12 a.m. io.2 " 13:52 p.pi, 7.3 " JAS. GROAT PRESIDENT OF SMITHERS FAIR RMITIIKIIS. Mar. 30. The Huckley Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association elected iillicers for the ensuing year a! a meeting held in the Town Hall on I imrsiiay uigiu. .las. Jroa,l was chosen as pre- sidenl, with several vice-presi- lents who are to act as heads of the different departments at fair lime, each lo select his as sistants. A strong iianu oi direc tors was also selected, Ihcse lie-ing chosen from the different, sections between Terence and Francois Lake each of whom will act as a represeiHalivn for. his district. Hev. M. W. J.ees, secretary for' last year consented lo carry on until a new u Hirer had been chosen by the executive.. Several plans for the betterment of I lie fair were discussed tad I In niemticrs vre timst op- limistic regarding Hie Associa- lion's future. The home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Mc I n lyre was Ihe scene of a Jolly "party on Friday night, when If,.,,, .tniifrlil nit 1tlwl unit : 111 1 1 ch'uni Alic( Smith enlerlained a! number of their girl and hoy jCoIthursI friends. A pleasant evening wasiMoiulay. spent at dancing and games, with a dainty supper served jt midnight. Master Itonald Hlavering en-Icrtaiiicd .-.everJil of his little friends on Thursday afternoon, In celebration of his I bird bu lb- A number of friends in the form of a surprise parly father-. ed at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. M. McMillan on Friday night and enjoyed a few pleasant hours ai dancing. " Roberl Itarnell wis host lo ? jolly crowd on Saturday night, a most pleasant time being spent with dancing and music. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. Anderson of Pacific spent Friday and Saturday in town last week. Mrs. Thc.s. . :yii , of nipjiprUiud M;s I); r,nAlo lm An-Prince lluperf Taslfgefi.'H;'. 'iVf'Jl. GnmvTijtht,', vy lw....i...r.. ........ li. i. t!l..j..;it.' wr City visiled week. Mrn. fieo. I'nwprs loft" for Ilaz- ellon Saturday nlghl. Mrs. Olson returned from Prince lluperl 'Saturday. Miss Hollham who has spent the last two years with Mrs. VX&J ii t .n . i 1 VACUUMIZED TINS u i ki . a i u. I j- and in s-"'" IS kY J ft. A JKLuU y PACKETSX I f 3 I is I This Lassie Has Her Colds "Rubbed Away" to The mother of this attractive little girl, Mrs. E. H. IimmansjCf 15 Seventh Ave., N. 12., Kirtage La Prairie, Man., is one jibe of the many Canadian mothers who are enthusiastic about tlie vaporizing salve, Vicks VapoUub, for treating children' colds. Mrs. limmans writes: "My little girl had croup at nir ht pretty badly and Vicks did her a lot of rood. I have alto iml it with very satisfactory results for lead and diest colds." . Vicka-is imt ' rubbed on" for sore Inroat,- tonalitu, bi-onchitis, croup or deep due-Jt colds. When so applied, Vicki has a double direct artbn: inter-mitly raadicated vapors are inhaled wiiile, at tba same time. xfWt. it is ah. sorhd through and atimtdatee the skin. . left for Kngliiml on Mf. fftd .MM, Swansim wh--wert? rirjilljf married iii Prince Ruperl ;IiaVe taken up their residence at their ranch at llehio. Frank ' .Milzenberg who lias been working all winter at on I Of tlieJIteriui iwde Camps left foi Uaun.(l on Saturday. A; Y. U'jlson of Hetno was in town, on- Friday. Toni Hoss and Dan teacher a'. Ileino wftre in- town over the wrek enii. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. M. Kipp, Port Hssinglon Ksuiii"iH, II. Oow; A. S. Fricksefi and T. M. I.arcpn, city: Saul lladoiniga, Lockejiort;., .1. fHenhani, Akulan; N. Nrlsnh; A (1. Monturii'lT. Oeorgro (). tiastlo, Mr. ami .Mij. V.m Malbers dnd I. .'.IT. IJeithell. Van&puver; Mr Wesliniusler A. Segnih, Win- uipeg; A. .1, Mallicsoii, Porl F.d- ward, 15. W )awsm, Ilazellon. Central O. Aline. C.N.H.: W. r.rnnl, ;cily; . K. Harniiui, Wales Is- land; .I. M. Siejl'ried, Terrace; II I M. Lane. Winnipeg. J j Advertise. In the Daily News QIUHUP6 the Acurne OGDENS LIVERPOOL Sport Chat i Some sugresl thai it was not the most sportsmanlike thing if-the world for i'iimbridge last Saturday lo leisurely row in the Winners of Hie big college boat race afler the Oxford boat had become waterlogged in Ihe rough water af Putney. The suggest ion not a reasonable oi:c. Ttecause Ihe weather proven led Ox fowl 'winning is no reason why Cum-I bridge should so liberally run llic chance of losing herself in another raco, fven it such action were possible, (ioudilious won Ihe same for both sides and if, through lack of ..preparation ol 'their boat or lack of .skill in handling it, Oxford was tumble carry on it would seem thai she was (ufle fairly entitled to 'lose. In one previous raw, both boats became walorlongiw land the rne-o jta run over agnui. Saturday's was? tlambridge's 3fll: vicloiv in tho iiimual ro,vinv race; Oxford . lias won forty tildes. l . There nrfl-irdinK ' I' 'i Jtrca! niauy disappirtftlod Western hiw key' fann if III Victoria Cougaii-do not win tlif Slanly Cup Iw defeating tfea-ldtrenl Caiuuliem-in tonight's ivorld's chaurpion ship hockey gjme. Indeed, lb' iclory I4l !fiday night of Ihe 'uiuiiliens ciiijie as a wirpri-e tiid ev(Mi ,aSSf shock lo many mu were roiifiicnlly"hoping th' :ii Cougars would make three slraigbl and liflve I lie thing over with. The Cougars are solid avoriles in the West and pro .ably have Ihe edge of Hie selili iieiil in the Jioekey world al irge. I.ikt' Washington Spii.i- ors in tlie nasimaii worm swie- asl vear, they nave won men irsl pennant and many would Mike lo see tbeni al the worlds Uampionship as well. Th layers do mil haro in (onig)il r i.ile nor in the fifth. II II Is icosary lo p.lay il. 'The iiroeewls of Ihe collection at the billiard cliainpionslilp Sfaine al the On'al War clerans rooniM wan ddnaled by Ihe War VHterans In Ihif Hidley Homo. .oreal Irnpshootors w'ill he in erected lo learn Jhal a . jyin rdu now In nrocess of nrauiuznlioii it Smilliors. jiiilhr In.. IJitt year it may , iMuaunCi tursi rimn Upper!., and 8 mMJWVW W '". ineel. For the pai iwi reasons, the loeais navn neen Hinkeriu.4 for oulside competi lion but il was found niipossibli to make Ihe necessary arrnnge- niPitl h. When Ihe daily train service is inaugurated, il ought to be easy for Sniilhers shooters lo come here or ours go then W. II. lioodson, F. Halt and Ct II. (iazeley have been appointed i committee In make arrange merits fur the formation or. Hie hull hers club and a strop.. uembershiii is anticioated. 'Tin fepn will he sid at a figure suf ielenl lo euabb' Ihe purcliase of Imps ami oilier necessar equipment. Ir. I.. S. tall wa reeer.lly re-elected pii'sidenl ot Ihe Prince Itiioert (inn Club and lack Kcefe, secretary Ireasurei 1 Camilla was drawn In play New Zealand in Ihe Davis Cut draw which looH place rtreully in Washington, Vice-President Charles (i. Dawes olllcialing 'Th games will probably be play ed in Canada and Montreal making a strong hid as Hie pros peril vi venue. Oilier draws wer as follows: Auslralla V. Hawaii .laiian s. China: Spain vs. Cuba and the winner vs. Mexico; Hoi land t. C.eeko-8lovakl!i; Sw erliind vs. Sweden llelglum vs India; Au"lria vs. Ireland; Hun gary vs. Franco; Portugal vs India; Ituuianin vs, Denmark Poland vs. Oreaf llrllalii. European) one wl'l Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASS 2c per word in advance. No Adverlherrjent lakaii for Ins tha WANTED WOMAN Wanted for Oenejal housework. Apply Salvaiion Army. . WAN F F.I ).- Second hand piano. Will pay cash, Phone Red ins. FOR SALE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT OH SAI.K.- Tenders will be re- cnivnd by the City of Prince Ituperl for I lie piircliasu of a 25- h.p. gasoline engine mi truck. 'Teudenrs may hid for the same with or without t ruck. I'.ngine can lie inspect -ed al any lime he! ween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. in tlie city si ore under the Fire Hall. Tender-lir be in Ihe oflice of the i'A'.s Clerk marked " Tender for Oasoline llngine" not later than 5 p.m. April 1st. I'.i.'ii Highest or any lender nut necessarily accepted. City F.n- gineer. 17 " s" FOH SAI.K. At Terrace, ll.C. several ten acre tracts and one I -acre tract. Look I licit' over ami make me an oiler. I'.. I.illle. FOH SALK.- Dahlia hulhft goo-! double varieties, als.i iliohnrl roots; cheap. i Niuthl Avo, Fast. Phone Hlnck tilH. TO RSiNT UltNISHKI) Housekeeping Suite for rent. I0 Sixth AvPime. Fast. Phone lue27H. M 'OIJH roomed house for rent. With bath. Phone lied IS23. BOARD nOAIUi. Tin- Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phono 13" , 1- IIOAIID. Table hoarVpr, home cooking. Phone Ited 707. tr LOST .OS'T. Vest pocket card case Owner's name inside. Fiudnr please -return to Doily News olllcn. FOUND 'OUNl. 'Oiv Wediipsdn'y morning a fountain pen.. Own' hihy bnyinnMMipon lilnttfir- 'illge-' jiV jlilpivt Talifo ?uitpl and paying for this julverlise- ment. tf i 'OUND. Hnneli of keys on ring, including one, C.N. II. switcf) key. Apply OAlly Nuwh oflliso. FOUND. Pair of child's brown woollen mill. Apply Daily News nlllee. FOUND. Pair child's fur trim med kid mills. Apply Daily New olTlce, FOUND. Post office key. App Daily New ollien. play the Western in a final and Hie winner will challenge Ihe United Stales which now holds Ihe Davis Cup. HOCKEY SEASON IS . OVER IN WINNIPEG'. Mar. V8. Willi the departure lliis aflernoon of Ihe 'Toronto Varsity huckey leoin meiniicrs or which travelled in a special car attached to Ihe "Na tional" -ov'cr the Canadian Nit lioual Hallway's, accompanied by eatdern members of the C.A.II.A hockey nmurs in inniieg havi liecoine dormant unlit ininllici winter. 'The Porl Arthur team, winners of the Allan run. tell by 'l'heCanadian Nntional last nighl ror the head of the lakes. IFIED ADS. BO ATS JRNDJ.AUNCHES PltlCK Ml- F.ASTH4IPF. i-CVCJ8 Murine . luiuinc H.P. wilhoiii i-lu! t Hfi.Otl II. I". cylinder Mil II. P. cylinder ItL H.P. cylinde-- 111) 8-it. p. : cylinder. wn.tio Irt-ll.P. I yliiidei 1,'H All Hie lltlOVe ei'ld till" fimi include Ihe l-'iiiitoo) Joe Ho- verse iiear, iiml Jull HlPtUrMltll and iiinp' :l.r iiliiniiMli; S beil Ilia! i-ioney ifatt tmy. t;;iihiiM. Hros., 174,7 t4iir9i HI. W. V: ouver. B.C. Alwa al your servilH'. If J J !!. COLUMBIA HEOOIWJS NKVV Proress Colunibia, Reword - mi sciatching. Finiint re-prodiiclKins of lalet Fox Trols. SongH and luntrumenlal music by world famed artists. Call in 'and hear (liflin.. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third AviMiips . MARINE TAXI SERVICE AF oh Haby" al your er-vice day or night. Uomfort Safuly -Curtesy. If it.' a water trip mil lAtib lAtnblf. - 570 or 131. ' TAXI 502 I'lli: DF.I'KNDAIM.F. TAXI Hni and Night service. (imforl and oCourlesy is my motto PHONE 532 CONRAD LEE Stand: Hifhinorhi lloonui. TAXI Taxi G7 Phone (Call (ii'oige. Paul or (iunt Prornpjt Servtrie and Uwnfori Day or Nig. I Slnrid: 30CS BROS. PQOL ROOM IVSeoker tlork, w j rronv 7'u r llii FURNITURE WI5 handle tli FAWCK II guaranteed coppr baaring SIpcI Itangcn and all grades ot high grade furniliifp we ex-ehnnge. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auelioiiajrs FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ur Stopp. Wo Huy. Sell and chnngo New and Secondhand Goods. QCO. PAPA DOPU LIS, 839 Tbird Avfl. Phoi l OENEHAL BLACKSMITH Kvery descvlptlon of Hlackumilh worH done. Uoat work a speciality. ' Prompt attention and moderate prices. . 1 A Trial Solicited.' J. M. V7ALKER Nenr Hhockley' Planing Mir WOMEN'S EXCHANGE HltlNfl us any plain sewing and fancy work you wish to dis- posp of. 'J'lie articles in Ihe Women's lisehunge Dept. are not limileil lo $1.00. THE DOLLAR STORE Phone: lied .'iVl. v 1 a.-.1 1 TIMBER SALE X 7033. Fo: lb MAIL for th E3i!r Moudav - Moii(b -. Friday , f0 Vaniivuvxi ' Tudii -Mail . Bftlurduv Pridajrs, C.H.R. M ' Buaday- .Wednes.: '. Thhfsd iv At To Anyox, A Mi Prenne Wediie-i Sunday -Prom Anyox r and Prcn i Tueda - Friday - To Fori 8ln ,), Riv Points XllM'i "I Ft6m Fori Si rt i 1 h Blwr Poidt Tnndii - .TO AlaaVa P ijHurch flNtm Al.i-Ki . March i ro Qtiaap Chv Marcii . From Queen It'll . P&lnt Maadi BOX CO! I rio'd lrHin A ill Ave A I Uh Ave . I stfcve A hi IHhAvi. . . - 1 1 hi. Ave '.lh we, !l I Avf ilh ,V II t Circle i Htll Ave. A C.-' I 5lli .We. ,1 M I i Pro. -o. IH'i-Prov. v O 'T.I'. W hai I .'lid Ave. iV ird Ave I .,1 V ,rlf.T, OMIT N ntCAROINO 0")'.- ' TAKK vol I' I licit, 'il V HI' "1 iiml Im-i; r r .i l' .i I.iihK ii' :vi ' fl t.l IIH 1 I'1 I WIIIIT l"l Id. " I - I I'lW I illlllliil' ill;' 1 I lute In.'- ' " I hili'l .H 1 ' 'I ' mini oi .... .t- ! i llldl-K I . .1 III-' In llll- - ,! i.i. till'" llll' Milllll I. .Mil..! :i t I a id - I'l ...oii-i ..r - ii. i lilt' I V 1 1 llll'' 1 " Ik i 7, i n . in"" ii' i iiliiliirin i inriil. in- Ic--'. mini iiuii i' r ' ii i:n- LAND AST ,,. 1.' AI'PlJ Nolle af Initio' in U,,.,. i I n"1 tii iillim i' hlum I In Miiilh i'l ' TAKI' no 1 1' I nr B111111I..V. 1 ' lulriltli l" "'" rlmc On' f"" 1 '.....iih.I.i'IH'.' n' .1" ticii 1. 1. .1.- 'i'l in .I. " 'i'l'' inn " , i"'i iiiiii HI'' in . "'. If"i i" 1,1 hit . Ml! 1 li' 111.'' Hunan H(in1il Tdinli'i-s win lm rix'dvpd hy tl' I (.(fl -rlv ""I r lllxlllct KnrcHKii- n Ub-r Hum nimll on 1 illnl. h -";"' llli. lull iliiy,ur AiMl, tttvt, ror tin- O"' - Ik inn i'l I'llil'ii ir'ciiri' X ?(i:lK, KlUiiilcil one inlli'l l-l. liuitll nr I n) VI?, Jeliiihiin Cliuiuiol, CM. II, 1. 1:111,1 In (HI lull, mill feel I h 1:1 I'd mi'iihiui' 11I' .iiri'.l'v Siiihc. Ili'llilnrk, llillsniii iiml l.i'ilnr Siiw , tain, f Ic Inir". I .e,i, .it l" Twn 'Vi Veins will lm iilluvvi'il rnr re ulnhm :e 11 Kit III ir IImiIh i-. I null. 1 iimilniliiiH nr I lie clilrf 1'iiri-s tcr. Vii-tnilii. in- 1 lie niftthi'i roi-nur, I'rince liiiiiitrt, U.C. I Ditfd