To be owneu . have a Perfectly Fitting CORSET r .. i.iJI range. Jemers" B 327, Phone 27 Percent Uiscount ; . $5.50 in. . . 40c I !.', .ti , V ' " ., I r II nor 45C '.,'. 40c . Jl I rwnwti - IS Ut'lVinl- , ! which ,, ; per rent ii. I of Ihe . 1 ii 'i you Iniy ni a quiiu a satiny. ii r i i.i iiirin ill l.v a.. H 18 Phones 84 I PIT in UVRnUR A Modern enta 1 Service It a Moderate Fee U I A I u. u. nicAauuci ,fl L OCI Phone 575 Cafe "h.v nuperv s Leading Restaurant. Mery Unsurpad Third Avenue. TtWART at 1 ANVOX . WVilllM.Uy. 1 1.00 pill THE I.K. PDihrr i.uui. . . ...nrnr fA.i.n.llM fAP couurt. ".'.vfc unn leaves rninuc nurini ni"i -'-r. ii quCEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND8. fllllunn. . ..rn miiNiPrn " w"" ' u.tiv ii i i iimr ,r-B, ai , :ntj. taHirn Canait. DnlUit Sto. Tnirn y.t prlnc Ruptrt. fm - a KeirhiL PRINCESS MARY cniKan Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway-r- P . lVfftU3 U I IllUla ill ir a""1- or an sieamsnip unes '"""nialioit from- - ,V i tth Street Anrl Mlrv, 'win STEAMSHIP ninr .....:uvt". victod.. FORESTRY BOAT SOONJFINISHED Craft Being Built Hero Will be Ready Middle of April ' FLEET IN PROVINCE In spile uf .i iii uuavniifable delays that have been cncounler-ii; good progress is being mad'! in building llii' So-fool cruiser ftip the I'opesl Itninch a I I lie I lie ;il dry dock ami tin1 craf! should In completed about ill! middle of next iiiniilli stales J II. Make. mechanical superviso-fur flic department, who is in Hie rily in eonncelion with I Ik work. llcHiiti's building this linat, which ii vcf. unnamed, Mn dry irl ha hail Unci' of the department's ntliep boats in ils hands duping 1 1 past week. Lighting System The I'.uclelnw frniii Ocean I'nlls, in charge of which an Hanger (i. '. Anuilage anil Kn- gllieer W. Iloss, wii! in to have uep li villi lighting se exchanged fop Hit- :i 2 voll frl from Hit Leila It. Tin change, will improve tin' ignition system on the Kurlelnw wliii'li left yexlcnluy on a special trip lo I lie (jii"en dh.irlollc Islands. The Kinhrcc from Swan-son Hay, in charge of Hanger .1 fl. Scoll ami Ktigincer Nelson, in in dock for new planking . ami general ovephaul. J. W. Tandy of Vancouver, re. prescntative of Viekcrs-I'ellcr of Ipswich ami Yocvil, Kngland. manufacturer of marine eiigiuci. arrival from Hie south on Mir Prince..! 'Mary last nighl. Hi businescs is in pon'm-clion with I In- insUllulitm of a 50.011 h.p. Vicker-l'eller engine in the new cruiser. Mi. Blake announce Dial another for lhi ileparU utenl uaiueil Hemlock uit re. iilly launclieil in Vancouver. II will le piil in service in Ihc Alert Kay ilislricl. II is ( feet liing ami lias a Hi h.p. Vivian rifjine. Total of 47 t'n.lep Mr. Illakes juritliclion cnuie all the Iioals in the province opcrnlcil liy Ihe tleparl- llieiil. They lulal 17 ill lllllllliT ami are hcallere.l in all parts of Ihe province. In aillilion lo Iheve tnuls, Mr. lllaRe is reponllile for the ileparlmenl's aiifomo-liih'-. fire fitthlin? eijiiipment anil radio oulfils. There nrw three laud slalions and five Imals nre eipiipped wilh wireless. Mr. Illake is leavitiir fo' Prince fieorpe rclurijiiiK" lu'P'' towards Ihe end. nf Hie" week. If.isie.s f piienlinjf fan In pri.i'-winiier ul curd parly) -Iteally. I'm afraid it's worlh ncreplins. Winner Oh, I hank you so much. lls just the kind of fan I wauled one thai I shouldn't mind losing, you know. WINTER kItt? JUPERT '" ff"n I'rmr Hntri ron vancouwir, victoria. "nit, in ii;ii i,int rarli Kriilay K.ftu am. Phon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert "couver, Victoria and Seattle-March 10, 20, 31. Nam i,Swanson Bi Ea' Be"a Be,la 0eean Fal19' ampoen mver, ana ibhwiuwi evi. o . eve'y Saturday, 11 a.m. AflAnu M. a .1 faMrl AuAMaa afl aal at A DlinAPl. II. C COMPANY OF B.C LTD. tmn Prince Rupert. wiiuon Bay, and Alart Ba, Tuaiday, B P.m. J. Rik.Iau a aa.l.. Duna. II .(. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Hichard llarthelmess in "New Toys." .lack Detupsey in "Fight and Win" series No. JO International News, Wednesday and Thursday " t'ess of the b'lj'rhcr- villes" Comedy "Fasl IHack' Topics of Hie la. Friday and Saturday ('olleen Moore and tlnn-way Tcarle in "I'lirlinw wilh l.oye." . Ciiiiicily. "Tin Itiicau- 4 neers" Pal he lleview. i REALISM FEATURE OF PICTURE TONIGHT New Toys With Barthelmess In Stcller Role Tells of Homo and Stage The story iof "New Tiys' is appealing hecaiise of its sheei-kealism. II presents a youn couple in the early stages of married life, settling down In a fulirre r f apparent happiness with their "new toys," a they rail I hem. The "toys" Ix'giu lo pall upon the wife, though, and after a couple of years she sucrumhs lo llu lure of the stage. In thi she is secretly encouraged ly a former suitor and a former sweetheart of Hie husband. T-he characters introduced llliildlilli: lleighhops, pseudo fi'iends and open enemies of the Utile home and the situations which their inlerfepenri bring ahout are striking in their close application lo life." 'Hie "new Ipys" and their collap-e. in domestic tragedy are luit pieljiri-7iilions of the homely incidents of acfual happenings. Happiness finally returns to Ihe shattered home, but not until Its occupants have travelled a heart broken path nf human trib-ulatinn. The role of Hie husband is idenllv suited lo MarHiolmess. af fordini: him a wide scope nf emotional acting of the type in which he shines. Miss Hay sleps into Hie enactment of the wife wilh a histrionic ahilily and understanding thai is a delight. PICTURE VERSION OF FAMOUS NOVEL Blanche Sweet Heroine of Famous Story Shown Here at the Midweek Marshal I Neilan realized an nnmilion of several years, il is rep,"l,,li ' filming Hardy's classical novel, and it is evident thai he has done il with sincerity and feeling. Allhougli his picture is one of universal appeal, it has been made so without mutilating Hardy's story in the lea!. Illanche Sweel stars a ' Ihe heroine. The nielurc version, begins In Ihe Diirheyfielil home, showing lo iial depths of poverty tin once proud D'H-rlirville family lias descended. The wily father sends Tess with n lrllcr I ft Alec !'! rbepville, who tftok ovep Ihe name when he bought Ihe family castle. Her disgrace at Inn hands nf AhV. her meeting with Angel Clare, Iheir liHe. marriage, and his desertion when he discovers her guilt all leads up lo the powerful climax, when Angel I l''l.... . ... i r t.fif.1. f.t 'I'liu. . ...til ' B, 1 I 1 "II" Iim i I'M I mi Mimed wilh love for her. Alec Is Killed Tfss, disheartened, lias in the meanwhile heen drawn inti an other nd by Alec, who Ihls time, asks her In marry him. She goes tin the easlle, but when lie wants her answer she decides I against it. When he tries again to overcome her, she fighls him, innd in Ilic struggle he is killed. I Angel arrives, and the J wo- are I reunited, only In lose each oilier I in lliis world, when Tess is can-Unrcd and executed for Alec's .death. Sirenically and atmospherically, llu picture Is a triumph. The exteriors nf Ihe production were filmed in Kiiglamf, in flic urinal locations described by the 'luilhor. AJinokphcrirallyt Ihe ipielur is Kngland. There is lone japping note. Advertise in t ho Daily Newi, THE DAILYNEWS GOOD TASTE - r n ) AT HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENTAL , PATy FTCT. Dominion Linoleum ocmJlll yawofocrrs FLIRTING WITH LOVE i HAS INTERESTING PLOT Story of Girl Who Was "Up Against It" With Mixtures of Failure and Success "Flirting With Love," the week end theatrical offering. volves i:$ plot from a phase nf heatrical life so. little 'known lo he la y m a n . j '.oj I ecu - Moo re i n -ferprels it temperamental young ictress, Hilda Lnmont, whoe jcmiine ability has caused many 'arlislic successes, but. financial failures." In despair and on 'he brink of financial ruin, she induces her manager to present icr in a rlsipie farce, "The Lost Kiinonn." The farce is an instantaneous hit. The press and the . hard-boiled first-nighters "proclaim Tilda I.aniont a new and great slar. Tickets are selling weeks in advance. Hut her glory, nnd Hie only happiness she has ever known fu life is short lived. Waile Hainenm. a professor nf psychology, whoso hubby is that of chairman of Hie' "Heller Plays Hoiiimillee.'' closes the show the next day as objectionable. Hut i li lit Lamnut i mil temperamental for nothing. In n fitful moment she .resolves to jive him n lasle of his. own med icine to leach him wlial il , means In he mail'' a fol L Learning thai tiamcron has wrillen, what he considers the ideal play, and knowing that lie i inleresled in slpanrae cases of dual personality, she goes lo his house, and prelends In he nn nmneida victim. Ilep ability as an nclress carries her lltrntigh. s ' 'rUerriifler begins a bnlllf of wit. r.ilda win Cameron's nolLcimfidenn. anil later Induces him In lei hop play the leading role In bis drama, She nml hep man ager pre-arrange to burloque IN FLOOR. - COVERINGS - IS - EASIIY - EXPRESSED ' r v tautiw J&or at very Hie wholn thing and to find their revenge in having f.anieron ridi-jculcd as a playwright, and ns a gullible professor of a dual per-isonality hoax. The slory takes a novel turn, however. CHINESE HOUSEBOY IS STILL MISSING Reward was Posted but Quickly - Withdrawn by Chinese Wonn Society VANCOUVKIl, March .10. t'.hiunlown is divided on the Wong Fonn Sinjjr case. Allhougli relatives of, the missing houseboy and friends belonging lo Ihe same society wailed on Defective Inspector J. .lack-son and infornyil him of lhei intention to' post a reward of $10(10 fop in formal ion of Sing iand the recovery of his body dead or alive, I heir action has not met wilh the full approval of the- Wong society., to which. friends nml relatives of Ihe missing man belong. A second meeting was held after poslers announcing the award bad been posted, and fol lowing Ibis meeting, presided j over by Wong Sik We, Hie poslers which were si ill wet from the press, were withdrawn. The section of the society deciding that Ihe reward should no he ollered is in Ihe majority. Aflep a survey of Hie situation I and an inspprlion of tin Maker premises this .section believes that Wong Fo'on Sing disappear-, ed voluntarily. i No (pace of Hie mlssiug house-' boy has yet been found. NEW RATING "Two of my clerks are paled LW." r.loek-walcheps. eh?" '.No, cross-wordors." moderate cost There's wonderful satisfaction in having a beautiful floor when you know it hasn't cost much. That's one of the reasons why Dominion Linoleum is so popular. It places true floor beauty within everybody's reach. There are designs suitable for any room, worked up in delightful color combinations. A dash of brightness here, subdued loveliness there in short, a range of selection to meet every need and every taste. Dominion Linoleum, costing so little in the first place, lasts for years. The colors will not fade. Light mopping or brushing keeps its firm, smooth surface spotlessly clean and as bright and fresh looking as the day it was laid. Dominion Linoleum is a practical floor for day-in and day-out use, a floor the kiddies can really play on, a floor that defies the heaviest grown-up tread. Dominion Linoleum comes in widths sufficient to cover any ordinary room from wall to wall without seam or crack. Enjoy its comfort, beauty and economy in YOUR home. Dominion Linoleum Rugs have all the practical advantages of Dominion Linoleum. Their beauty is admired evsry where. Dominion Linoleum Rugs re moderate in price and being all in one piecs, are easily moved if desired. They lie perfectly flat without fastening of, any kind and will not rumple up, curl or tear. Always turn over the edge when baying and look for the strong, king-fibre bock. It gticrantees years and years of satisfactory wear. Dairatuon Linoleum and Rags are made in Canada by the manufacturers of the fantous Dominion Battleship Linoleum. 1 AND GENERAL STORES EVERYWHERE Canadian National Railw ays Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F New Spring HATS BROCK $6.00 BILTMORE $5.00 BILTMORE $4.00 STEVE KING Phone Green 85. Third Avenue Hither Portland Canal Opportunity The first Treasury Issue of Ihe Porter Idaho .Mining C.n., Ltd., (s now offered Ihc public at 2."c per share. This is the only oilier shipping ntin besides Ihe Premier in Ihe PiH'ltnml tlatial IhstvirL (lie shipped last year more llian paid development work. I'or full infopiniilioi) apply W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria.