1 PAtTE FOUR T?R rAtt.V -NF.V3- POTATOES ARE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMar 1 , 1 1 1 5: : DUE FOR DROP NOW-LlhTFN. I'M -.!-.-- what oo -too tc err talking s NCVER. NINO DEAR IP HE HA-o L.OV. r I ,ri ThEVVe M . TIRE.O Or THIa CxJeVR-eri -V-M TO HER UIKE THM" iOO OROTE Hit) uove aWo ArretTiOM ro ioo (r4 eu t v. ,x ., WITH lOOR MOTHER OO ARE OObT A"3 CROEL HEATEb CJ I-5.IQHT Its AJS VbK HEB. A-i TOU CAI Apple Prices High; Eggs Drop TO FOROVE fOO -OOWl TELL nrSS faSot fKyvc mother' ;- ping; Sugar Firm; Flour at OO- TOO evRr ETTIN" LITTLE. Famine Prices V .TOO.. IMPORTANT TOR - VOi It? ill .-- A lightening up in prices of Vegetables ami fruits generally is In ho noticed in this week' market report. Supplies aro be coming scarce and no drops iie In ltd expected until the 192.' rrnps commence In be reaped It i expected, however, I fiat linlalii prices will drop.-.' Tfiej aro high now lull, when Ihe pits aro oprnofl up, a considerable decline of I ho market is atdiei-paloif. 5rnwors wbo can ship lo Prince Ituporl wilhoiit danger of frnsl ? aro advised In. dispose. ,ftf Iheirlpolaloes as iL is doubtful if the. markol will ho any higher or as good lalor on. Apple prices are vory high ami il is expected I hoy. will remain The lowest price on jurnhlo slock is .:( a case while Xo. I wrapped go as li iff as sj; 4 .7 T lo .lay. Tho egg markol is easier and further reductions will lako place next week luo In curtailment, of KaslPrn shipnionls. The market is heavy in Iho sou Hi and prices aro lrniij)in(r. Sugar, after many drops re-oonlly, has, it is believed, roaeh-oil Iho hoi torn. Tho raw markol is strong and (triors aro firm. While sugar is now soiling horo for No a pound. . Sharp mlvaneos here in Iho (triors, of flour and fooil just ro. Heel Iho perioral condition of Iho Wheal . markol. 'Chore is a "keen World demand for wheat anil l looks like a hijli year wilh Currants Prunes , Apple. Po.i'ditis pooled . 4 Apricots, lb. 4. . . Nuts Pecans , . . i . . ... 35c I Hubbard S.piasb, lb 8c Celery ...... ... 25c and 30c lli'ilssells Sprouls, Washington Hi.? ... ..i 35c Fruit Apple, Yellow Newlons .. $1.25 Appieji, Winesaps J;75 Oraiiffos, Sunkisl, doz., 25c to 90c Lemons, Simklst, U6z. .. 40o llannnas, lb, 17.'j0 Hananas, Ih. . .... ... .. l5o firaiWruit, Florida 3 for 35c Comb Jlohoy (t4 , ... too F.xtrac;fed llnnoy, per lb. ., . 25o Coconuts, each . , . 25c Dried Fruits Dales, bulk, 3 lbs. ... Dales, Fard ... .t. . Dates, Dromedary fllitood Cborrios( lb, Itaisins, bulk, 2 lbs. flaislns, packajte, lb. Spanish Cluster Raisins, lb. Sunmajd Clusler fl.iislns, lb 40c 40o 25c 75o 25o, 20o, 45c oe' I Amnn nnl li pn rt rr a TIiiaI ) r Cilron Pool 50c iiiarK tiooKiiiff r iks .'.c ann 3U0i Whio Ffg. 2 . 11. for... .i. 35oj 20c-25c, . .. 25o .m 25c i . . 30c Almonds ... ... ... .. ,,, 26o Alrnonds, sliylled Valenclas.. COc 8 HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART Mrs. C. Marlln, lt.li. No. J. ilrillla. tint, writes: "I' have, hern troubled with my hearl fur a lonir Unto mid' very oNrn had hiiil spells Willi II. I would take raintinir spells, mid my husliand had tu tiavo snmehorty In stay Willi in. nil Hie limn, lie led mo everylhinir lie mild llihik of in see ir they would do mn any food, lt.il nnihinir seemed lo help me. (inn day -a rriend was, In in sec nit- ami advised mi' to try MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS famine, prices hoing in prospect Almonds, . shelled .lorilans wilhiiv Iho iic.xl six months. Butter Uronkfiold, Shamrock and Wood. land, Ih. ... 4 45c n. p. ..... .... 5c Nnndorhonr Utc I'lipe ... . Lard i r.nniponnd ... .. Cheese Alliorllt solids. . . . , Ontario solids ... . SUItorf. Ih. ... ... L.... rt Jtl.tllj... ... . Xnrwo'sian ioal Napoleon Mmherper . IlniinoforJ. . . ... ... Mdani II .Swirts JJiillorciip. Ih. nVinfnhzida, Ih. ... . . Eggs II.C. Krosh I'nllol ... Jt.f:. 1'rosli Firsts . . . H.ii. Kxlras Jfiesh i t j Local il'iillols . , . . Local Now Lafd , VegetabK i ffropn 'Poppers, lb. 4 . . Ai - r .... i .. i . - . a il . - nni-t-i nil ll 1 1 ten, nts. ' i , ,2&C 22r 2oc Mt! 35c 45c . .". . Che ...n 73c . . . ioC . .. i.rC . . . . 75c 05c COC f5n 05; 750 My hiish.ind went find Rot nio two hnxps, mid nrirr lh rirsl tmc wits rinllH-d felt like a ilirrnnnl woman, t ranimt llecf. roast prime rib Lamb, ohips ... .Lamb, shoulder ... , Million, leg Lamb, log Mutton, rhops . . . Million, shoulder. . Feed Wlnvil, Xo. 5 ... Oats Ilran Short s Rarley Poultry Mash . . . Special Kppmnsh . .. ... Kaslern Salt Herrjns,. 2 for 9 e $1.0.0 Hrazils and filherls 25c Walnuls, California No. 1.. 50c Walnuts, Manchurian 25c alnuts, broken shelled . 50c Walnuls. shelled halves .... fiSc f'hcslnuts, lb '. . 40c Peanuts, roaslo.il 20c I.,- . wrmiiiu .inioinis ... 7&c Ahnond Pasle' . . .. .... fine Sugar White, per 100 ... ... , Yollow, per 100 ... ,.; Flour riitur, 'i'J's, m.; bread I'jtstry Flour, io's . . , I'aslry Flour, ill's . ; , ; . J , Fish ftwl Salmon ., Ilallhiil, lb. .. .. Smoked Kipperis, lb Kippered Salmon, Ih. . Smoked lllack Hod, lb I'innah Ifaildlo.s, lb. Salt MacltereL H. . . . . . . 8.no 57.50 ?s.o.o , 75c Jinnee &lorge otel TOROMTO In Centre of Shopping nd Business District ZM ROOMS 100 with Private Balhi BUROPUAN PLAN I. KINNUt 1MOMP90N, MAN'S, DIR. iiwloutkwwMiontiuoowi 5C 25c 9.r. aV'C , . i 20(. . .. 25c 25c 25 c Salt Codfish Flllols.' lh. .1 30c Honoloss Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25c Holland llcrnriffs, per kev H.ft5 Meats I'olal.les, Woo.loock, KiO's 3,75 : Fowl, Xn. i. lb. .... 25o lo 2Sc l'olaloes.JIorioetown, lftfl" 93.(i(rKbaslin(c Chicken, lb. iOc and 45c l'olaliios, Smithors, tnn'si 3.5ri!Turkoy.., Ih. .... ... ... .. i5C l'olaloos, Terraoe, ln0',4 .i:?v)lnn), siloed, rirsl ttradn'.. .. 50c Walla Walla Onions, I lb. 2uC;Horn, whole, first Rrad'e ... llHc. Vallai Walla Onfons, sack i.75 jHaoon, back, sliced r,ij Heels, I lbs. ... 4.. 25c(Hai'0n, side ... ..... 35c. to 5e lteels, no's ... ... ..,. !l.r.O Ayrshire itacnii, lb ... 35c Carrofs, 5 lbs ... 25c. Veal, slioulder 18a Carrots, ton's ijsl.ni Veal, loin 350 lerrare Hulehasas, fi lbs. ,25c , nl. Ifj 25c Iliilebajras, ion's $2.50 1 ''"rk. shoulder 30c CAuliriowor, head .. 40o to 50c Pork, loin 35v Cabbafio, Calif. ... 12C' Pork, Ior ... ... Cnlifornia head Lelluro 15'c-25c ,,eri Pt mast 10c to 15e .arlic, Imported, pet lb. ... 50oi",',,r. boilintf 8o to lOo Mexican Outdoor Tomatoes, lb. "L steak .... . 25c to 35c i .. 50c . i iia.i r ...... .. . -i 2-r 5o 28: 35c 45 c 35c 22c 100 Ujs. .. $3.75 .. $3.25 .. $2.35 .. 2.U .. $3.25 $3.90 , .. .. $1.00 INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE TIED Grotto and Colts Even for Cham-plonshlp Honors as Result of Last Night's Game The lulermediale League bas-kelball ohampionshii is slill a I slako between the Crolto and Colls. The two teams oamo In-j!elhor last nilil in one of the (iphlost and best contested rnali'bes I hat has been put. ii this season, The Ci.dls won tty ;'t'i In 2?, Ihus iiiillinir llii'ill- rpMimmffiid Ihom ciii.iiiih in all ihosp whotfUos oil oven fiiffor Ulli anylhlnir wronir wlili their . Inhaoonnisls at noart ir ncrvoj." M I Itiurn's . fc . puis have been on Hk markrl for Iho past 30 years and ri put up only iy Tim T. Millmrn Co., l.lnilifMl, Toronio, ont. "All dm a if 1st. handle them." toi-inS wilh I be the Ion uf the Ioa?Ue slandinr. Ooorfro Milcbell referred IIm" jiaiiie and Hie foams lineil un as t fol lows: Colls W. Wral hall; (i. Shen- (oii, A. Phillips, Italph Smilli (captain), D. Fj-izzrll, C. Claip Hid h. .McLean. Orollo W. (iray (caplain). W. Caalior..n. Hill, V. .Meacher. 0. (Jurvicb ami j. MeXully. Junior i League llie Colts again boal Ilio Tiny! Tiins in (ho .1 ii n if r League. II I hoy can do il asraiii nexl week, il will moan that tho b-apiie larillns will lie tied up in 11"' lust tamo of the season. The score of life game lasf'tiighl was 21 lo 13, Jlal.h Smith roforeod arul the loams lined up as follows: Tiny Tims P. Ilaislor, Y. Kal-siiyama, K. Dingwall, .. Wallers, II, Walker and 11. 'ITiomnson. Colis .1. .MeXully, S. .!. S. Ciirviob, C. CAinoroit, M. Coni-adina and II. Maodotiald. Senior League As bad boon anlioipalod, Ibe CoJIs forfoileil the .Senior Lea-; iw panii! to' Hie Klks. The, lliirii Gallic of Iho evenius was a piok-j up affair helween lVo lOauisi! ealliiiK Miomselvos Midgels and Py?mios. The Iallo won 12 to 7, Iho line-ups, who played under llalph Sinilh a referee, boinp as follows: Midjfels Oiirvicfi, Wicks, Mao- iliuiahl, Kiilsiiyaiiin, Obala and Pyle. PyKlilies (iiuvieh, Sleon. York, Cheuiiski, Krirkson am! :,iniilioll. I.eaaue standings lo dale are is follows: Senior League . W D Sons of tTnliada ( ' l; Klks 9 I Colts 2 0 L. Ptn. 4 19 4 10 1 1 4 Intermediate League W L. Pis tlrollo to 1 2f Colls I (i I si lloRiinenl Ladles' Leaque Mnplo Leafs 7 Colls 3 Junior League Tiny Tims ( Colts 5 1.1 : 3 7 (V 5 12 o in SECOND SHOOT IN RIFLE ASSOCIATION Mortimer Lamb Gets Highest Score Last Nlqht with 97 Out of 100 The second shoot in Iho Dominion lliflo Association series look place at the hiiniulu.ro range last nigbl, .Mortimer Lamb secur ing Iho highest score making 97 points oil! of a possible 100. The scores won;: Mortimer Lnmb ' 97 .1. F. FlilohlM, jr 91 W. Ilrass yn 11. V. Cameron 90 ll. Wilson 88 W. M. llrnwii 80 C. M. MeKrnwn 85 H. Floyd A. Squire 80 W. Hurrobiii 78 DELAYED BILLIARD GAME PLAYED OFF M. Andrew's Beat J. Deesley by 150 to 106, Giving St. Andrew's Win of 733 to 672 over Grotto In the delayed game of las' week's second division billiard tournament between the St. Andrew's Society and Iho (irollo. Al. Andrews SI. Andrew's) last ligbl defealed J. Ileesloy (llrol-'n) by I50 jt IOC. This makes llii! aygrofriilo score for Ibe tournament 7:i3 lo Ci72 in faSnr of SI. Andrews, W. .1. Xclson ((irolln) having losl lo .1. Andrews (SI. Andrew's) by 150 to 135 in the fourlli game. , The league slandiii? lo date is as follows: fiaines TIL Avo. riilliard Parlor .. il i;:t02 707 Orollo H 5501 OO:. SI. Andrew's 8 5518 09 4 O. V. V. A 8 5175 Cll Callios y 50(19 023 Cold Storage 8 1955 019 WHIST LEAGUE Great War Veterans and Knights of Columbus Won Over Canucks and Orangemen Last N:ght Postponed allies. Iho mon' sociiiui of the I'ralornal Whisl l.e.t'ie were (dayed last nlsbl as follows: Oroal War. Yelerans, 7; Sons of Canada, 2ji . Ktiigbls of Coliiuihiis, 7; Loya! Orange Lodge, 2 . League standing follows: Klks I. of C s. or u ...v SI. Andrew's S. of K ...: Oddfellows Moose J...-. O. W. Y. A L. O. I of P In dale as V. L. Pis. Ml 4 10 10 4 III 9 5 y H It 8 7 7 7 "n 8 0 li 8 0 (i 8 It 5 9 5 3 I I 3 Sport Chat Called in by Coach ( la I low ) -a to prescribe and supervise a sciou-lific diet foi'toaisiuen at llic.l'tii-vei'sily. nil Vaijing(oii; a SeuU nV, Miss liornihy Ktiebloi4. as- sislnnl professor of iiulriliou. jiisl followod gooil household practise. During the two sea sons that she has boon in charge, Iho husky crew lias won lire inlereolloglale champion ship nt Pougbkeepsio, and she is feeding Ihein up again lo ilefend (be lillo on the Hudson in Juno. "Wo do mi give Ibe crew men a special diet," Miss Kuebler says. "They are served a well biilanrod menu that all people should follow In order to keep hcallhy and .in good comlilion. Fresh fruils and vegetables, milk, cooked and dry cereals. cooked meats, special steaks, mil other wholesome foods con- slilulo the main port of the faro. No rich desserts or pastries are" served and highly seasoned dishes, fried polaloes and olher foods fried Ih grease arc taboo. The men aro given coffee, in Mm morning If they so wish. Toward the end of the season (be iriohu boeo'nW'S nor'e simple, aitd Is made up of foods more easily digestible, flronlor iiinnlitios of fresh fiuils and vegetables then appear on the tables." Smithors failed In get revenge from Prince ifioorfio in Ibe two aame relnrn hockey series that was played al Hie railway centre last wee,k.enil. The Smithereens woVe all Innod up for a win mid wcro ahead nt one minute before :i ' ; Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c IVANTEB WANTF.D. - Domestic help fur pari of I he day. Xo washing or cooking. Phone (iri-eu 1 .".. 38 WAXTHD. Oirl or woman for lighl hoiisiHvuik. Att(ily II McMordio A pari nienls. WAXTKD. Sleigh dags wntiled.j A(iply .1. V.. McCoy, lloyal Hotel.! 43 FOIt PLAIX SI'.WIXC, phon lllack 237. Prices i-easonalile. WAXTF.D. Mulcher wauled. Ap ply Prince lluport Fish .Market. MALE HELP WANTED $300.00 a monlb lo dislrihule everyday household necessity in rural and small lowu districts. Xo money needed Million dollar firm behind il Wrilo for particulars and si it I r territory desired. II. I.. JOHNSON. 579 McDermotl Ave. Winnipeg. FOR SALE FOIl SALi:. House for sale, 0 rojiius, jiaulry and basemen). Splendid loealioii, fie miuiilos from old posl ollice. House buill on romeiil idles and in good condilion. . Tortus arranged. Wrilo llo 232, Daily News. 38 FOIt SALI'..--- Cash rigisler and baby buggy. Snap for cash. Phono lied 720. 4J TO RENT FOIl riF.NT. - Singer Sowing Machines. Plione nine, 389. if BOARD HOAIID. The SOeond Avenue. LOST Inlander, 830 Phone 137. LOST.- - Anloiiiobile licoueo number (dale. No. 5111. Finder please reliirn lo Daily News oMlee. FOUND FOUND- Munch of keys on sleel ring on Fourlh Avo. West. Owner can bave same by iden- RADIO! RADIO! AIIH yoii inloroslod in It.idio sols or parts? I can savo you money. 2 lube sets complete wilh aerial, phonos and bal- leries, installed, 5rt. Phone lied 707. . ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up llalanco slieels, financial statements and income lax returns pre-pTired by expert, aecountants Hales reasonable. Write P.O. Ilox 835. If the close of lime in Ibe opening game on Friday w hen I be boys from Prince Oeorge got in the lying tally of u six lo six score. Moth loams were so tired after a strenuous sixty minute (day that it was decided In call il a draw. The second game was singed on' Saturday niglii and Prince Oeorge, getting all Ibe breaks, won by 5 to J, It, was equally as fast and bard fouglil a game as the first. The players in the' games were: Prince fieorgo .1. Douglas, Ken Douglas, W. Neliring, ,1. .Inhrison, II. Ornss, Dud Oross W. Toman. Smilhers O. Wood, O. Warner, L. n.iabe, Ken McKay. J. O rati am, H. Dawson, A. Mulch rind P. Ilosklna. Advertise In the Dally News. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Ca!i Oeorge, Paul or Ousl' Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nit'.t Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acr"ss from tfnior s Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Hi-y. Sell and Kx. cbange New and Secondhand Ooods. GkO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phuiu 44fl. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult u when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or anv article. prtLNCK IlUPFHT KX-CHAX01,1 Auctioneers. CANCILLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICK IS IIFIlFnY niVRM tliat the pwrvf rnvfrlrii l.nt 4 439, :Ur III'-trlrt, Ia mncfllfrt. n. n. ?tAnf:x. Ippnty MlnHIrr of Lndi. I.nil rnm :nl, Vlrlorm, B.C.. mm O-ri-nibr. 0t LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to furth Land In Skcrns Muni DMlrlrt. or rr'lnff lllilif-rt llfroritlnir lillrlrl mil altiiaU aMrnxiiimti-y one inl i.im? Itair utiles wem ii miivih siuiiiin, on saivu ll,nul. Skcciu lllvir. Tike Nollri that lliirtr.ir l.arMon. of till rurlcton si., It ii niali v. (limitation Lnirer. Ililfiid' to ipply tor HTIlll3lnn lo pnrrha the folloulnir denrrlbeil lamln: i.i.iiiiiieiirlnif it a il pUnleil it Hie nilhvpt rorner of Lot 4C03, Silvui Inland: ttiPmn aoiith'A'fXterlv, arprntl-mati-ly kiio yuril: tliem-p nortlterly in-I'nuliiiiilcly Sim yarilt; lliencp imrllnmst erly nfproliiiH U-l. Hitn ar.i: tnenre iMiiilliiTlv Sim yanlit, lu puim f,f Uuimiliiif. iiiiniirKliij all thai iirlloii uf Salma 1jimI -Mt of l.ot 4803 and ronlalnlnr S00 arres. mure or Ipm. THOMAS MILLS Ari-nl for IIUliiil." LAIISSO.t. COAST LAND DISTRICT. RIOARDINQ DISTRICT OF COAST. TAkK NOTUK that Pari'rie M. .ni-' t1. of VaiiPoiivpr, Hrlllsli Cnlmnhla, l-iilp ami Paper M.iinifariiirera. Inti-iiili lo apply Tor a lease uf Hip following lei-niet laiiil, In i;iai ninilct. iianrp 3. In tlte rriivliir of liiitmii coliiini.u, an. I Ii.-imk a wain- lot on iim wct i,p (f i:(jm In-let. limlii iiiillnil;irly uVarrllteil ii f.il-Ii.wk : o.iiiiiii'iii'linr al a ihmii plunlcl on lilfth Kile lute on pie went lioir or i:,,ii,nn Inh'l dimaiit Hoiilherly ahnir naine aim rt. rroin lite aoiiiliiMiM rorner or l.ot 1 1 S3, iSjhut Iillrlrl, luimf :t; thenrii north 43il if.K., ilimanpp of H.ftdo rt.. more or lesi. in ihe sniiiheait eorner or Water l.ot tiiwi; iiieni'e north 47der.3fi,W. ilonir Hip -oiim iKHimliiry ir h.iI.I water lot linn, a illKtarire or f,r, ft. In the Hoiillment lorni-r i.r ali lot lr,n; tiience f,,.iulinr IhP hlrli title line soiitherly a ilManre of 7.11011 rt., niuir nr Ipkh. ii, iho point of t'oniiiii-iiieiiieni, rontaliilnir 71) iinea inure or Ipsm. OA'tKli January lull. lO'i.l. I'Al.llli: Mills I.IMfTKn. Hy JIES II. I.AWSON, A.Mlant Serrelary. 13IS Staiiitiird Bank linlliilnir. MO I It r In ir streit. Vft, Vaiirniiver. n.n. mmmm MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Situate. In Hie Skeenn Mlnlnr nivlalon il 1 "J".", ,nn,t I'tmrlrt. When-loraled Si.iilh of Falls Creek, Kllum-kahiiii l ake, anil mlj.ilnlnir the Whistler V" .r:"1 "' Lrnl holders, w V. iretitr.a and n. Wilson: No. or Holders1 w.:on,"7n,o1,,lrl',', TrM,nn o,o, Take Nntlrn thnt n w t., w 20, n.VLV"f n', I,l,vl(l - Wilson. F.M... No. MoaiC. Intend at the end or ltv VV" trn.m ,," l,mf hereor to apply ' trt the Mining Deeorder rnr Cerlirirali) if im-prnvemrnu Tor the purpoe of olitalnlna ?r;'i"'n nr".nl, nr ,hp ,,nV" rlh' riirthermnre take nnt:.-n that Action under S 1 7 .nf.,,", Mineral Art innM he rnm-inineii herore the Ixnanen of snirli peril-rieale or liiiprnvementn. n.llPd this Snih ,av or Nov., tn4 W. P. TtlF.STON, and ' DAVin WILSON. Owners. K. T Kenny. Aient NOTICE. IN T1IK MATTKiTnp AN APPLICATION V isfiie iif a Trefcli Ceniriente of VM itii. i r'.r. mn (l,n ""'I Ihlity-one Cillllli.M HI.,.' t P I I Cltw I.r frinn. ll "i-'i ''l ' Sallsfnetory proof of the loss and dei I trnr ion or the Cerliriraie of ttlle enyer- !' "l.".''".1!""1 hl,vl"1' '"'" rrodnei d to t ie It Is my Inieniioii to intme, artrr the 111! .1 4 . ftnicia I List irul I Foind,4t DEPARTMENT CF LAHOL NOTICt Application for Grtiina Ptrr iifc 'wn ISO, Appllel!i.ii. loiK on in,. . praiinr ill'ti 1. 1 ijillllllUII. in I'oresier al kalllliMipit, Nil minver, Vi rii. ii , herure .Man n ns; II l.i nk P. mi plH-atlian m.i . t Irfel F(M'elfi or fnmi On Ii. : . toria. Ii.c. , fir: Department . V'ktoria. H . Jaitiiarv mn. one mile eolith ' ' let, and In Y tu IH .no Take Notl.-e tr.il of Masselt. ft.. Manarer. Inten.i ' ' to lease the P i' ; Cmnnienrlnr at a p- t Side of VesMli .ri B Paled lannarv th spin" (Mil fisted, the 4lh da' LAND ,s inntiiii in ihiii niiinin raw.m II.. m, a ..., I n 1 1 LAND ACT Notlc or InUntlon to Applj -tl ttil Lino. In SkiPiia 1 ii.. i i, Itppurfltiiv- r. Iitlaml mi Kiwili ..r -TAkK MiTUt of Hurtialiv, 11 intend to api.i r? hae Hie r..n ... I.l.llilliellrlin , eaterly end . ! t tllalely . m.iiili . : Iwina Hmlr.l ,t .(id Inland, H Inland. Tln -iaK. dlrertly iiiii tain the nam. slaked iy air. in r f inlnini 'loo ir'. r I. njleil Janmi: 1 ' LAND ACT ' Nolle of InUntlon to pi)ly tViuull In Uaanetl Inlet Islands' Land Mitrlrt. 'B of rrlnre. Unpen, B IS rbalns; thenre eat H ffit'" 1 B fhalns; thenre wrjt i talnlntr 15 aip l r ' F.'''.i Paled neremner 1 . LAND ACT, Nctlco of lnlnllon to Apply l lM"lJ' in i run n nu t . . eordlmr PIslHi't if 0 i rr nate at Harnaril i1 v1' Island. PC, Take Noili'e trt Company t.tmltrd, ' lends to apply f rxllnwinr deiierlbrl st the head "f B noyal Island: then:, thenre porih f. i wpst ten ill) eiivr water mark ; then-mark to point '( ronlalnlnr ririeen ' less. SC'Mfnv: nstert rn,wh. n'l itireensi. LAND ACT, Notlc or Intention to ApplJ.W In Skeen.i l.atm, ' trlrt or Prlnr. ii. proximately two m. of the Skeena an.l Skeena Hlver. Take .Notlre thai ' rrlnre hiipert. It.1 intends to apply ' ' , the follOWlnir llrii ';!. J Cominenelna: at a KOiilh side of Pkw" west & i-lmltts: the, Ihfnee northeast west 1 0 rhaln ih :? Skeenn fllvir I" meiit, and nintiiln....- nKOlliSF ii U i t" ' line IN PROBATf. IN THE eOP" In the Milter or ti 111 the Mailer or the 1 d' nan, Iweeaseil, TAKK NOTHF. II , Honor F. Mi'H. Y i of January. A.P. 1 Administrator " Colli Kan. derea.-ed, sr rlalms analnst tin rennlreil tu rinn. Ii fled lo me on or Marrh. ,.It. I !':.. nr-l lo Ihe eslale ill' eiiioiint of their l' 1 wilh. i,Iii' i. if Act V.,K'Pfl.",.,i. e":r:.l' !.'?: "'rirte' of Ked'lSnd.'. 'fViV h . .,; ,m."m . r.owHrir ii. pierce. ,v,a " n.imliered 30S3 I. II. P. MACLEOD. Land Registry Orrie'e'r"" f T,,"", I'rlnre Rupert. H C January 3Blh, isj'j. M Skeenn Land nt " lu-riirillnr f" 1 TAKK M)Tli:i: Terrnee. n.c . ni'. 'ii 0. L. M. riliitiev .ii 1 1. m Inmlierniitn Coinnii'iiclnir at l I end or island m .... , mimkalliim Hlver an t i.wp .. of said river; then" ' , aroiind Island I11 !' , , roiilaliilnir ner;; ... !l: , n if 11 r.i.AIHIt l- " kitl