i " ' " ' EPS in PARE TV0 THE DAILY xMiwiKy. 3lrtrtHity, Superfine Quality ALADA The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ii H617 iri the cup reveals its outstanding merit; Its rich flavor will delight you. Try it to-day l'uhlisid Every AHernoon, except Sunday, tho Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month ........ y. $1.00 By mail UkuII parts of the British Empire and the Unifcd Slates, in advance, per year .?fl.nn To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should lie in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITION Monday. March 0, 1025. Japanese And Salmon Fisheries. There is considerable agitation going on among the caii-ners of southern British Columbia against the restriction on J;ijtaiiese fishing for the canneries. It is claimed by them that Hie white pco'ple do iiof want to; fish and that when they do rMi tliey cannot deliver the goods through lack or skill, persistence and knowledge. The rut tif forty per cent made by this government followed by another cut or fifteen per cent has, they say, forced out of the industry from seven to eight hundred men who have invaded other" industries while their places have not been taken in Hie fisheries. They have liot been driven out of Hie country. Defenders of the action of the government sav that the oiilv way. Id retrieve the fisheries for the white peopfe of British Col umbia is to restrict the itjitnber of Orientals who may be employed. There had for years been criticism, esueciaflv in tin north, of Hie. fact that, the Orientals controlled the industry ami It '". . I , I ,1 . 1 M...I Jl... t .J il ' urn uiiiu nun nit- liimirrs niviireu me Japanese as against while fishernieil and gave. thenu.;n.ior.e privileges,,, f hey were said to b"c the worst lavvbrfakers wheii it fame lo' Tishinc with double. length nets. . The matter was made, the subject of inquiry by the com mission oi which l-reij hiork was a member and thev reroni Jiiended ttie gradual elimination of the Japanese until tie in- uusiry was once more in (lie hands of (he while fishermen and Mils policy has been carried out with the exception of one year wheii the ifipie.-t or the (auner.s to have the time extended was granted. P6wer Of rlablC ...... Subject Of Sermon. . The fiower of habit was Ihe subject of'a sermon preached las-t night b Dr. II. R. (Irani in the Preslivlcrian Cliiireli. It .showed the need of breaking iip had hal'.ifs, and the- difficulty of doing sit and the value Of good habits. Perhaps the most inter-esliirg jihasc uf the -sermon was that in which the preacher urgeil that in pushing out for new things it was neeessary io build upon the past rather that to cut of r from the former base. This was particularly true in M.cial adVancemcnt. to carry on always in the footsteps .of our forefathers was to make no progress but eijually fatal to progress was it to cut of T altogether from the past and launch out ou an entirely new policy independent or everything vhich had gone before, as did the Bolshevists. flo forward steadily hut let each step be carefully related to those that have gone before, building lipOu the exbe'rience or the past. In thab way benefit is takeil froni the mistakes of the past as' well ,s Hie successes. There must be p. ogress. We eaiiiiot .itand still . Either we are going forward or backward. Advancement must be our watchword tint il must be the. enre- iiii advancement or the army In the field akv.-its keioiihr, ..r,;.., its communication with the rear. Unscrupulous i Agitators 'j yV$l ' a ', ,' ' Are Condemned. ' ! ' " -k fo: .fK.Ui A . At the Methodist Church yesterday nV Ur.' 'rVrrler' ?pX( scathingly of Ihe unscrupulous agilalors who kept alive the demand for treaty money oh behalf of the Indians of this pro- .. ... Mum i now ny s)enuiiig the money ou industrial .-U....UI..U me iiuiiiiiis reauy iienenied much more than Kiev could rrom Ihe receipt of paltry dole's. We should like to add our mite or condemnation of the practice. The Indians or this province are not a downtrodden i-t. m-iv. .., ,,, uiru are : '""'".""f (levenniuiir into uii". exec r.iriifill Wnf ,.nin.. .mm , should , lake their places as voters and independent ciuzetisi peopTo. i, . Nothing would retard then, so n.dch as the payment or wl. ch they,lo not earn. Anyone who knows of the treaty nll..icyvi celf!'. " scribes ' n.,!,.,l,Cr. Ir;VV,,,r(!r. is .Yc arewhat a curse the famous , m-.iij iiioiit-y is hi n e nai ve mere. body-building value! mill tliwif Ak you r troctr j 7t$jfll&'l! Iw THa CANADA ITAtCH CO LIUIT1D Btti!""' Jl PiT ULY WHITE CORN SYRUP l Movie News Notes ;1! 11 : 1 . u. Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Conslanrts Tahnadpe in "Her Xiglit of Hoiuance. Comedy "The ialkout." International Xews. Wednesday and Thursday "Husbands and Lovers." Comedy: "Pd.silion Wanted." Topics of the Day. Friday and Saturday Samuel (iohiwyn presents "In Hollywood witli Polash and t'elluuiller.' COniedy: "Wall Street Blues." I'alhe Review. HEK night of romance Satire on English Society Is Hu morous Picture to be Seen Here Tonight IS CONSTANCE TALMADGE LATEST CREEN PLAY Constance Talmadge hrinss a new comedy, -jicr Maui oi no- 'inisly." niance, to I lie screen at iiie,'"s VVI in nio ' fertlre tofnir i . It an ............... ... . - i i tii.rhlv O'nli ft ie..'i teil pales of laujrhter front the audi ence. ('onnie, as flippant and scin- Hons school teacher s "specs and slraijrhLlaCod demlen in or iler to avoid fortune hunter iitli nobleman admirably. Others as in Ihe east who do pood work areo Albert. ('Iran, Jean llersholl, Sid ney unify, Joseph Downing and Templar Sai LAUGHABLE VAMPIRE IN CURIOUS COMEDY "Potash and Perlmutier" Is Bur lesque of Real Thing In Movies Holly Hlythe, whose jicilur live vamping on Hie screen hasj set, nvany a inasculine heart a-.4'jitv''rI'-fpiiii- a Vampire in Samuel Opblwyn's "In lloolywood .villi I'olasli and Perlmutier," which will' he the realurc attrac tion al the week end. but she expects to he lauphed al. The champion movie vampire appears as a "movie vampire" and pokes penile fun al herself. Making Films all because "In Hollywood i h laogiiame vnmptrr; "ror I wasj obliged to burlesque, the veryi chariiclers which I-created in the! past in a serious way. This I did simply by exiiigporalirig my I acting. II was an excellent test for my sense of humor, and a' sfilendid lesson. Now I am sure I will never be tempted Io lake I myself or my work loo eri Drama and Comedy '' Miss Itlylhi' Jiclji'ves iat "In 1 Hollywood w itli piVlasll mid I'erl- i inullci'" M iiol, .however, simply cotncily. LtVe ajl Of the 1'olash jahd Peilniidtcrkplays wtiich have ;iieen seen ml lie' .Vhierican stairfi .ror lire past firtecu years, pallio is delicately ideinfnl with hiiindr, jaiiil the deep uuilei-lyin friend- Islfip of 'the two parliiers. de- 1 spite Iheir iiicessaiil arpuineiits, frives the sto'iy a remarkalily liu- j ii! an touch. This motion picture is I tip second o"f Hie I'olasli ainl I'erhmille'r plays In he hroulil in ilie screen fiy Air. tiof.iwyh. ft is an adaptation of the play 'Business III fore pleasure." ami in Iheir attempt to make "million dollar movies" the famous partners are said to he even more humorous than they were hi Ihe ehiak and soil trade. CURIOUS STORY MARRIED LIFE Midweek Theatre Offering Tale In Which Woman Marries Her Husband hile touring abroad witli her l ermines fattier. It chances thai she humps in- don who is beiiifr hnundcdiliv Jiish like appearance vhen likoiicy-lender, and they become i Hie transformation Involved In one of those seem-trisrly inipossilde but. nevertheless, real life situations where il is necessary for them to pose as newly-wed to avoid an impend- Inji scandal. I'he situation finally clarifies itself, of coprse, Inil not before the younfr couple endure an amazing ami luplily amusing series of incidents. Constance introduces a new leadinjr man ih the person of Poland Colman, seriousness an hiiRlish actor who acquits i thai himself in the role of Ihe llrit- love Charming and Desirable The husband's best however, sees the wife and Is' Ann Kmerson, married ei(:lit fiends her life wailin? on unupWrecfative husband, to satlrejlhi' ne?lect Of h'erseir. When the ' ' . i i ; -f-.... .-i i v-'i i .. V it? on Kiwi is Ii society -ami nrovokes i iiusnanu runs ner aueioiini io Ihe loci that she is liecothing! careless about tier own appear! ance he awakens tier to Hie truej lillaliiifr as ever, appears in the (slate or affairs that she Is per- role or an Amcricaif heiress who inditing yoiilh and heaiily to slip: he see iiusii.in.i is him riinsciuus oi us iii. HI one night al mistaken ...is.hk.m In oi he has never done anything inlenlioiialiy hurl her she does not feet justified in hurllnpj him Io Ihe extent, of procuring' a divorce. Later in the evening Ihe husband lets il become: the room, and otters his wife her oil any grounds she sees fit. He reels that this is" just one or those unhappy tliinsr, dhal happen iii MfCi and he hfilijs no hil-lerricss towards hiiu'wife nor his friend. : .After the sedation the wire le.ali.el.'j the fderJhig miiili lies df tier 'hnshaifd, 'And hMoo, has an awakening; he neglected her, took her as a matter ol course, and Tailed to give her the romance and attention that is so necessary iir a woman's lire. How he wishes he had It all to do over again how different his conduct would be. Divorce Is Granted The tash ami Perlmiilter" iln-; uespito Ihe Ihe adventure of I ho -down in her divorce is granted and fuel she is still, heart, in lovewilh cloak and soil partners r in their initial venlure as fi I m MOTHERS LIKE TO TREA1 proitucers. i resti rrom the cintli- ihp business, they invade Holly- i wood mid, like oilier movie magnates, decide to produce, a "vampire" picture. After testing a dozen aclresses, none oilier than Holly Hlythe is selected for Iho important role. Their first pic- Hire is shown in "In Hollywood wilh Potash and l'erliiiutier" as a pholoplay-withiii-a-pholoplay. "It seenieii very slrungo al rirsl," said Miss Hlyltie tn describing her flrsl as .. i , i . . appearance COLDS WITH VAPORS " i I Direct Treatment with Vaporizing Shire Immediately Reaches Inflamed Air Panaget. It is no lonccr necessary constantly tc dose the children In treating croup.bron-chitis, sore throaty Or deep chest tolds. Many Canadian mothers now use the "outside" remedy, Vtrl-Q VnnnPnK fnr the cold troubles 6f all tl ie family, because it is just rubbed over throat and chest-there is nothing to take., When so applied yieks feiveS off medicated vapor9 which are inhaled directly into the inflamed air passages, loosening the phlegm and making the breathing easier, At the same time Vicks is absorbed and fctimulatcs the skm like' a liniment or plaster and thus aids the vapors inhaled iu ureas up me-congestion. At all drue stores 50c n lar. For free test Rize jwekace, write Vick Chemical i C0..3USU Paul St.,V,Moitreal,l'.Q. i siairs s v, m - I if ii' -v... ifat'ilcn lieiow. I lie mans presence wdrHe' hiT, and a pass- ihrr It.t.lt.tlliil.t liitfiVOirrhl iiljmti friend, ',jn ,t!i h(,r IUii,.llI( she as a -...iij i.i i,o,, in ,.(.,, , cha.-n.infr ami desirable . crearure, ,W(.1(1 MlP ,w(l j, , (jM.Vered .-.u...., ............ .1. .. ......II .1 I . ., ,.,-., ... ... romance Is a Tool helween the i. ..n.-u n...... , wire and the olher ma... The ,,h)p. proc,sloir ver. I'he wed- starts down- tiiid while Hex marched altar Ann and John are !...,, ,s a olopitip. At the finish Ilex l darkened room for I n.cr,;lown wh,Mnjr . , .illar, ,r, man. I h.nkimr she is lalkl.ip lai .,,, .,,, An r,, jn in uie ouier man. nu coiuesse sue joves nun, ami iloesn i; ! her husband, iuil inasmuch j be married aain happily evfr after. WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAGE and live TAKE MOTICE Jliat Msi!U Tlliilwr Co. Umlti-rl, ntionf. il(1ri's H "IH I'acirii hinuiliir. Vaiirniivrr. H.i . will apply for ii iiri-iirc in note ana uw aim ciiiiic iwi IiIt wcnid, and in Iiiit 7RM. arie-fert if wairr nut of xtrraiii known Aln iinrr. w.iiri. ih.wb i.t.iii..r. ami drain , , . kmmn llial he was (he man in InUi MrfncO InWt. about one and one Half ml If -alrly from liiirklcv Hay. II. C. Iho tiiraar-clam villi Ih lorn Ik. at ireei oin. 1 lev will seuarale. ""' uiiM,nr .m l.ake or at i point le-... " , , '. '"' th" l""l "u1''. " ,M fft-iiilni-d ar- illKl sue may sue him ror divorce ifr mnvi-y have Im-cii madn. The .-aparuy nit- n'r...,inr .o jn- iii'Hirf. m an... ii 75M. acif fcf I. and It will flood nliout .i.kiio arres nr jiimi. thh wsier will in-dlverii-d From iho utreiiin al a point aliom Iho locution nt tlic Morur''-ilaiii. ii.himIv, Ilie uull.'t of Aln l.atf, and will lie iitpit Mr iKjurr and ludiiKtrtal purpnfa lipon jnr ..in. . iicfrniiru. i.oi iiit or on i, nt 414. TIlU notlcf vn polv mi the rfiund jii Um" iVth day or rclirnarv ItiSi., A ropy of Ihli luillce and an appli-i-atloil piirfiimit Itii'rptn and In Jhr ""Water Art, Ilia,", will In' ri,i In (be .mrn uf llio WnUM" llnrordcr at ITIticp Itnin-rt (injection to um applli-atlon may ! riled Willi ifin said W'aler lli-rnrdi-r m-llh Uie Cimiptrnllpr of Walor lllsrhts 1'iirli.iiiieiit liiilldimrn. Vii iona, B f: within thirty days artcr tho rirnt appearance .r tills notice In a local ncwxpiincr. Tlie dale of the rirl piililicoilon or thl noilie (, Monday, March t, 192.1 MASSCTT TI.Mni:il CO.. LTD.. . .. APPUrairt. J. W. Schoonnver. Airrnl. IN PROBATE In the suprcme court of British columbia 111 the. Mil! let- nt the AdililnlMrallnn Act and ill the Matter of the F.nlnle. or Y. Wakl rnoio. lieceaHed. InleKlatc. TAkl: MiTlr.i; thai liy Order of Ills Honor I". Mcll. Yoimir, iiimte tlm IJth dav of rilirnaiy, 10r.. I wan appointed Art'. inlnlMcator nf the eMnte of the hue i. Wiiklinolo. deceaKi'd, mid all parties ' " lllll'llll f-lilltou IHln.! .""V ' 7 np.nu:.. KMIlie Hri" herehy rccinlred to fiiMoli mime. pn,. petty verified to nie, on or hefnre an day of March, IPS, mid alt parllei. In dclnM tu Uie mild mtiiip are required pay Itie iiinoiint of Iheir liiilcliiedneiia to nie fiirlhwllh. MIIIMA.V A. WATT. Offlrlnl Administrator. Paled till I'llnce Unpen. II. C. ?tt day nf lihriiary, mar,. IN PROB&TE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA "r "'"' A,lln,nl'l,'llll" Art. iiiid In the Mitlter of ihe fnfe nf Wllllaitl Ciuneron Sim, fmceawt, Inteatan. Akf; mitick that i.y order Mr In, Honor I-. Mcll. Vonnif, jimde tlie Sllli av or lehrnary. A.D. I08S. I w aimoinied AilmliilHtriilor of me c.inle of V I am cniiieron sim, der.iii.ed. and all iiiitie. hjunp: rlalrti. naalmo the Knld eMnte are hi-rehj herehy lecinlred to hiriilKli i...... ...... rrly vr.in Verined to me, on or hefore ihe Ally or March. A U fair. .V.,1 IV. partlOK Indel.led Io the cMalo are reipilre NOMMAN A. WATT orrichil AdiiHniHtriitor. . , . I'rlnce llnpert, II r. Dated the nth day of February, Ahd such iv.cal! GET IT Mm,'! fit .. . ft i v jglt j llii r TIT I rrnta.K i -rf11IQR' r" I hk.u7" T. r-iT-n- Ji.lBKIMII jWMfW W"T1 TWT- Tf JKV mVb ITWRt BBVLN- I :sivw SJk fa if V-. f a ridliriSliirig, Satisfy. A two' ddiliir m V imiht not coniam as much rc;J nutriment iiea two Shredd . ; i Wheut IJisciiits in the oven u rssVore their unfebnessjpmi-hj,. Mk OVCf theiii, mditi a litu salt; A varm, strenHitTii md sal that puts ydU on vour for the day's work. Corins an tne oran vou neul to stimulate howcl exu-cise; Mbst food for &mmfriJP least monev. The ( aui;a;iu Cntliic-i Wh'. al ( ompauy, l.i. Niir K:U, Oa'.lrlv from her. in tier devotion to him. Slic visils l..iuly paHorsl)Uysf).r husl,amI A(ln ,,,-epares to o it iiuck ill new rnniies nnu ue- lo be youitg. A man to a yoinifr Knglish lord in Lon-! disapproves t... .......... of i.t i.;. ids wlfi ..ii... through with the inarnaKe to Martin. (In Hie weililinir ilnv. us knows what he doe never wanl.'1(.r , 1upll,s vatuit.r hark .....manj- ...e- soaiiu lUs, , Kall(.,.s r , ,0 '"I'l" 1 . wimlnw :in.l sees :i a ff inn ill I lie "Its All in the Svvds" AT! rtn MV HICHMi -GROCER PHONE 586 BULK COCOA 2 11.?. for 25c new ; a Family Shoe Stag Corne in and sec Ihe Infest exclusive di wear for Spring. We are sole npculs for Ihe Xnmon also MURRAY'S SHOES and olher well ki.o Perfect Fit Guaranteed Phone 357. ONYX SH0" $5.00 and up Third Jive. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to biiihling next door to J'rizzell Hiitcher Sho,; from the Kmpress .Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS; FRUITS, CANDlu SOCAL ROOM IN CONNECTION ,f Um... 7.111 r ,wr- VOIIIbS A-Ul VIII LAND ACT. Notlci of Intantlon to Apply o Purthaa Land In Rkeena Land Olstrlct, ,n: rrlure itnperi iiecnriiiiiK oiHirirl. anq fiiiiii approxlmntely nnn and one hair iiillcn vt ur.Salvua Station, on Salvm Inland, Skeeiiu luver. 1'lltA 'nlli tli.lt lliolotr t APKaun of 4443 Carleton St., luirnahy, occiipntldii I l.oirRcr, lnlends in apply for Pcmi.Hftinii to piirrhaMi the fnllowmir denrrlhed lan.lv f;oiiimtmelnr at a pnat planted at trni aouiliwent corner or Lot 4KU3, salvns Miami; thence miutli'ApMerh , appriixl tnalcly Km) yards; thence iinltheily ap-proilmalely 81UI, yards; tliciicp northwnul erl.v apiiroxlmately 8imi yard.i; tliftiire aoutherl.i H00 yurilx, to. point or licirlnnlnir. .oiiiprii.ina' an mill portion or siiiviis isnini: neri oi 1,01 4 nil anil arrca, inorp or cortlullilinr IHKA. THOMAS Mll.1.9 A rent rnr iit'ixii." i.noN 3 III) LAND ACT. In Rkeena t.and IHnlrlct nf )rlnc llnperl llecordlnir lilKtilct. TAkK JMOTICK that OeorK't l.ltllp, or Trrracp. 11. 1;.. oirimatloh liiiiiiieinmii ml C. I.. M. Oliotpy. or Terrifce. ll.c. hi- potion liiniheriiinii, inlend tn upplv for lipriiilnalnn tn pnrclmHp tlie fiHIowliiir de ncrilied. I11111M. r.ir Indimtrlill l: CoinmeiiciiiK at a pnt pliiiitf il at m.tiiji end or inland altuatl'd near Hi nr Kit xunikallimi HUer and lylnir near west hunk nf naUl river; tliencp rollowlnir hIi.iip line arouinl Inland In point or rommenreiiipiit, eoninlnlnit Sl nni-n, morn, or len- nronon mtti.k and CLAIIIK L. M, OIHI1KY. Appllctntt TrST IN Dress Flannels THE AND CHECKS Lovely sf I lie icw Di'.' Priced at $2-75 and $3 J5 WEST OF ENGIAN& STORE Third Av"