1 1 .Mv M Clerk ' 0. -. . 1 1 1 1 1 William nr's clerk, .iiii,-' uf accepting,' 1 :iiu,o(io in oonnec-j iilacKmuilin of ir I i lian prince, was I sentenced In . ii.inl lulior. ituuinst 11 uliln in ranunis "Mr. R M NF. IS SOLD $750000 l-SO.N M,,i i) . c.,,1,1..- 1 V I SI in-key rroni Lon- !: 'lie iiiirehase of I'l ill" Mini' nl ViiiO from l'r t Vancouver and llk.HM ..... ..r II. . Ynur from the Yankee (iul Mining iU). by ' !i 111e1 iran and foreign 1 1 1 111 iiiiiii ni 1111.11 111. i' i ' ; n iinies the provision null asm further power tie- imii' hKIIlK nisTRIfT i IN NEED OF HOSPITAL aiuit gnnuiura win nuc ml. 111 11 ini'H view at Victoria ""(I . March J. Inlrr- 'U lll'I'll hll W....L V II " " rll 1 1 III. .r.u u .1. . .ll. I II III. Ill 1 il Hint. Ins ilislricl. was 11 ol a inoilern ho- 11 w mlil he nne.or Hie ' i,r Hie present year lo ' . iin .1....' 1 J noai a len-year me coiiMruelhm of Ihe 1,111 follow up wilh ex- "l: loianees warra nl. FFPn RDIMrc rrtn - " " villllUkJ I.IIHI. 0R COLD STORAGE CO. '"'"Il' hmiiib .1.. C. 11 "mi.-iiiii i nai'Ke in lie, 1 i.i rr. t. 1 ... (r.. Ml UITIW'II III ,, ' n ui o'clock '""" ' discharge coal , Up Uiimiian Kt-i, r,.i,i i.u 1 , ,.. , :;mi1 iu 1 i.uik " " " t 'akei, on had in I lunula to Anyox. Ar. WANT NICE GIRLS AS FARMERS' WIVES i:i).M)M(.N. Mar. t. The uili.ens' iaue oT Yilua is sending a man to Muvland and Ireland as a spi'i-ial iMiiissary for Hie bachelors of Ihal pari of Alberla wilh a view lo securing wive, 'fhere are plenty of well-to-do farmers I here who would marry if lln-iv were nice girls available, Ihe. league .ays. 1 CABLE COMPANY ASKS 1 THAT ALBERT BE SOLD Vessel Undrr Seizure at Victoria for Breaklnn Frisco Cable stld to be A new turn has been laken in Ihe easu in Ihe Admiralty iiouri in Vancouver belween the t.oin-mcrcial Gable Co. or San Francisco and Ihe shvinier Prince Mberl Over Ihe breaking of Ihe eomnaiiy s onblc near mo I'eiineiM'o anil for which Ihe sum of ill I ill, :( Is being claii I from the dofcndanl ship. The cable company has appiieo 101 mi order aiilhori.ing Ihe sale or Ihe Prince Albert on Ihe ground Ihal. Ihe si earner, which has been lied up under sei.uie in Victoria for several mouths, is deteriorating. 'I'1"' iil'l'li-' lion will be ileal! wilh by Mr. Juslicc Marliu Ibis week. FIRF nFSTRfiYF.D TWO FACTORIES h? I'OUT SMITIf. Ark.. Mar. '.1. A fire Saturday night destroyed Fori Sinilh I'.ollou Ho.s plant mid Ihe enor dlass Company's plant was deslroyed on Sunday entailing a loss of approximately a million dollars. REVIEW GRANTED WASHINGTON. March It. - In Ihe Supreme Court a review" wat granted lo.lay in Ihe which Ihe validity of Hie Alaskan law taxing Ihe salmon canniiiK Induslry Is cliallcnged by M"' Pacific-Aineriean Fisheries Co. 5 TAXI and BOSTON GRILL mt mmn Large Upstair Dining Hal. Ambulance wilh nrwly laid iancint Service floor for hire. Suitable for nvwhre at Anytime. lances, banquets and wedding 3rd Av. parties. Hotel, Royal unrf and bin ot. PRINCE RUPERT For ratts. apply To Hoston VIDECK,- - Grill, Third Ave. MATT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phono 457. PIUNCE IIUPKHT, B-U MONDAY, MARCH U, 1U25. tur' Clrculttlon 1C33 8trt Sli 424. price FIVE CKim ROTHtK 1 lui OF LOCAL MAN SHOT IN CHICAGO MSlIAl INTEREST IN SESSION OF COIINCE OR LEAGUE OF NATIONS ancuuvti man onui in Chicago Drug Store as it was being Held Up Traveller for Vancouver Firm WWAH MM. Mm', it. 'Word received .Sunday IcIN or Hi. ,1 ug t i (Ii idli of Archibald Ajurchic, ill years of ge, son of 1 .I U 1 men-haul. liWo oii Saturday nigh! in Chicago, vv 1 1 r U 'I 'il ' 11 ii 1 H '""i i" mviai u j'ui i nii.-i- mi uiu hj in 111- lli drug -lore was being Ih'I'J up !' a bamlil who lumen , 1 1 11 - 1 , 1.1 1 1 (run 1111 oiiiik .i'H" on. ano me jnung man men laic yesicruay. Mm' li;r w.if emplojcij ly Kelly Douglas Co. hero, lie was 11 aire 011 leave 01 ansenre lor inrce nionins WKinjr an an so r mlcndcd lo return home at the eiul of March lo re- "ttpt"T - - - 1 ifiin H111 rii'iii nnn rnii&ii III! L W I 1111 M iJ kj M. W 4. w GUILTY; GETS PRISON TERMi; l 't 1 Mr. .Mtii'eliie was a brother of Nick Murehic of III is eily traveller for MeLcllan Mel'cely, I.I.I, lie received the .tad news this Ituoi'ning through the medium of llii' i lailv New. ' All ofriecrs 111 Kharloiini recently were required lu lake a new oalh of allegiance lo Ihe govcrner general anil receive new commissions, as Ihe native Sudanese officers had swum llieir oalh of allegiance o lwpg Fuad. Photograph shows bolh British and native officers filing past to mini) Ihe order BRULE CUTOFF Company Refuses Offer of Men RAPPED HARD Engineer and "Geoloqlst take? Exception to Proposed Railway Route A special despatch from t)l-lawa lo Hie Vancouver Province says: The suggested Ilrule eul- olT railway line, from Obed sU- 1 1 on on Ihe Canadian National lo (iramle J'rairie. receives a bard iiiock in Ihe report of .lames MeKvoy, eminent mining -engineer ami geologist of Toronto., who was engaged by Ihe Dounn- iou Fuel Hoard tolelenhine the svorlb of coal deposits in Ihe Sheep Itiver and 'Smokey Hlver districts of Alberla. As previously reported, .Mr. MeKvoy stales llicre is no aulhlracile in either area. healing wilh Ihe iUi.lion o Iransporlalion, Mr. MeKvoy re-porls Ihal il is not, fcJisiblo from a practical poinl. of view to con-struct and oiierale a line ot railway lo, (iraude Prairie and Peace lliver counlry which would pass through coal lands of Hie Sinokey and Sheep river countries. The only praelieal route, he finds, would pass far lo Ihe northeast of Jhesc coal lands, and, lo gain access to Ihe 'coal, long branch lines would be necessary. The reason why a through railway could 110I Ira verso Hie coal lands is Ihal il would have lo cross at right angles all the deep drnininir valleys of Hie in lencnihg country. Considered as a new source of coal supply, Ihe principal fact alioiil Ihe Sniokey-Sheep river area, according lo Ihe. reporl, is dial il contains a large lonnage oT very higbgrade biluiiiiiious coal one notable I t-fool seam grad ing In places, ny analysis, an uii-anlbracile. Ibis seam will give a superior steam coal but il is not notice ably heller than the oilier high- grade bituminous coils already developed in Alberla' in Ihe iualilies which domestic urrj require, namely, freedom from dill, smoke and -soul. The oilier seams 101 Hie Na-lional coal reserve con lulu high-grade bituminous, steam coul, probably equal to If not a lillh) boiler Ihau the best bituminous mined in Alberla. Imperial Oil Co.'s lankcr Imperial, Capl. Foole, was in por yesterday from loco discharging package goods at the local lanks. in Nova Scotia Miners- Strike Vice-President Issues Statement HYJJ.NKY, Mar. !. There, i.s no cjunge'in llie siliiaHo'n in conneclioii wilh Ihe miners' strike today. No' dis'iurbailces hav taken place. lu a slaleinenl issued by J. K. MeI.11 vice-provident, tin Urilish F.nipire SI el Company declines to accept a proposal o union official.-- lo provide tnaiiili'iiam e men if Ihe company would provid credit at Ihe slures am! guarantee minimum employment, ami pay l'iM rales until a settlement is effected. The company insists Ihal it cannot consider milling under llie lWt rales. INSPECTOR PARSONS ! P((J RIQF IW uv w l" REACHES VICTORIA1 Having in Custody Harry So-, wash Who Is Charged With Being Implicated in Hijack Murders Inspector T. W. S. Parsons of Ihe provincial police is .expect ed to arrive in Victoria today having in custody Harry Sowash charged wilh being implicated in Ihe Meryl C. hijack murders last Tall. The local officer brought Sowash from New Orleans where lie arrested htm. A press -message received this aflernoon slated that Inspector Parsons had arrived nl Vancouver wilh his prisoner Ibis moiling and Ihal he had proceeded inmeilialely wilh him lo Victoria where a' preliminary I rial is cx-iccled lo commence tomorrow. LIEUT. NELSON OF U.S. WORLD FLIGHT TO SANTA MONICA . WASHINGTON. March Firsl l.ieul. fink II. Nelson, round-l he-world flyer lias been ordered lo duly al llie Douglas Aircraft Co. al Santa Monica, Cat. as produclion inaiiugerTorair service conlracls in Ibe Ninth Army corps area, llie war department announces. Lieut. Nelson is now assigned lo McCook Field al layon, Ohio, bill is on leavo'of ibseuce al Miami, Fla. BIRTHS A daughter was born al Ihe Prince llupert (leneral lluspilal on March It lo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley VV. Taylor, Graham Avo-nue. Al St. Paul's Hospilal, Vancouver, on March 1, a son was born lo Mr. and Mrs. L. 11, Ken-ney of Terrace. Nino Boats Sold 123,000 Pounds This Morning on Mora Favorable Market SALMON ON MARKET The halibut supply at the local Fish Kxclilinge is now becoming more commensurate wilh the demand and the result is Ihal prices are improving. This morning Ibe bids were much higher I ban lliey have been for len days during Ihe period that Ihe market was lulled. American boals received over l.'le and 0c and Canadians went over tie and le. Arrivals and sales were as follows: Canadian Sumner. Mi.nnu lbs., nl l.'U'e and or. lo the Atlin and Pacific Fisheries. Seymour. .'I7.1MI0 lbs.,' at l.t.Cc and "(-, to Ibe Canadian rish x Cold Storage Co. Yukon, irj.nmi lbs., and F.asl- ern Poinl. l.r.oo lbs,, al Kl.le aid rc, lo Ihe Mooth Canadian Co. American Tillie S.. l.r.00 lbs., and W lo Hie Moolh Canadian Co. - Ingrcd II.. 7.000 lbs.; N. iV S., I. (inn lbs.; Iliiigleader, Ulnd lbs.: and Muirneag, :.(Min H,s. al ll.-'c ami it', (o the lloyiil Fish I'm. .lust It. .'.Olio lbs. oT salmon nl IKc for red and .'le for while In Ihe Canadian Fish &' Col Slorage Co, PIANIST DIES Fisheries at ll.3o Fisheries PA1IIS. Mar. 0. Morllz .Mos-- kokski, the famous pianist am composer, died al his home here nged 70. League of Nations Council Opened today at Geneva and Attracted Visitors' Attention UK.YKVA, Mar. 0. Austen Chamberlain, as president nf he council, opened the Bllril session of the council of the i.eaguc of Nations here loday. A vast erowtl was present, at-l-ucled by Ihe council's program, especially in conneclioii wuh ' he problem of I ho Ceiievn securily protocol, which Great Hrilain is expcffled lo declare nnsuiled to British ideas. Prescnl indicalioiis. poinl to a postponement of this subject until Ihe .September meeling and that in the meantime negolia-tions for the guaranty pact recently proposed will he pushed. C.P.R. MAY BUILD RAILWAY TO PEACE RIVERSAYS ROOSA A despatch from Winnipeg to Ihe Fdmniiliin -lourual says: "Although the striking ofr point nas not been decided on. Micro is no doubt thai the end of t'J-'o will see Ho- Kdmoulou, Munve-gan and Urilish Columbia tail- way joined up , with Prince (ieorge and the latter with ijues-nel." staled M. Itoosa .or Matt-rum, Hask. Mr. lloosa, who is associated with W. A. Mutton, railway con tractor of was no sec Winnipeg, said -that Uiprinee4lUyat "IstaMiJV.where Shu "ret that "'the Canadian will'tie used during the (Joniinv Pariric Jlailvvay would do Hie construction work. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIfillY ISI.ANH.-Cleaiv calm: barouieler, 30.14: temperature, ;iu; sea smooth; H p.m. .spok) sleamei' Admiral Hodman. Seal- tie for llyder, till miles from llyder; K p.m. spoke lug Cap" Scot I. abeam Northwest rocks, lound for Powell lliver; 8 p.m.1 poke steamer Camosun left rince Ituperl norlliliound; H m. spoke sleamer Mogul, i-7 miles fronliTacOina, .southbound ;-8.30 p.m. spuke sleamer tJrilTco lue Prince Hupcrl 10 a.m. IKAI TltllK POINT. Clear, aim; baromeler.- .'lO.Ui; lemper- iture, .32: sea smooth. IIL'I.l. IIAIIMlilt. Clear, calm; baromeler, 'JD.Hl; lemperature, .12; sea moderale; 0 p.m. spoke sleamer Alameda. 25:t miles from Ketchikan, norlhbouiul; K p.m. spoke sleamer Canadian Coasler, Ocean Falls for San Pedro, M0 miles from Ocean Falls. Noon DKillY ISLAND. -Clear, light soulheasl wind; barometer, 110.- 0; leinperalnre. 12; sea smooth; In a. m spoke lug Cape Scot I, abeam lied Winds Point, bound for Powell lliver; 1 a.m. spoke sleamer Camosun lefl Wales 1 land 7 a.m. northbound. MULL IIAIlHOll.-Clear. light northwest wind; barouieler, 2l.-87: temperature, IH; light swell. DKAD TltKK POINT. Olearv :h norlliwesl wind: baromeler. :i(i,ll: temperature, 12; sea smooth. SEMI-FINAL ROUND ENGLISH FOOTALL GAMES ARE DRAWN LONDON. Mar. 0. The draw for the semi-final round of tin: Knglisb Football Cup lo b.e played 011 March 28 shows I he following teams lo meet: Soiithamplon vs. Sheffield. Mlackhiirn Hovers vs. Cardiff. OPERATION ON CURZON LONDON, March J. Marquis Cunton underwent a successful operation this morning. Advcrtiaj tn the Dally News CANNERY IS COMING HERE Laura Whalen on Way up Coast to Paok Salmon; Jefferson on Board Tho Millerd Cannery Co.'a floating schooner Laura VVhaleni a converted sailing ;ship, which was operated with. such -success at Massett Inlet 'last year, is now on the way up the. coast from Uualsiuo to Marnanl Cove, Whale Passage, on the north end of season. lniring the winter, tho Laura Whalen has been al Uualsiuo putting up herring. W. J. Jefferson, local manager of tho Millerd Cannery, is corning up aboard the Laura Whalen. The vessel, during the course of the siinmiT, will come to the local dry ilock for an overhaul, il is expected. Work on the building of the new Millerd Cannery here will start ,on the return of Mr. Jefferson lo the city il is slated. MASKED MEN STEAL $50,000 NT'AV YORK, Mar. 'J. Three masked men broke into the studio apartment of . Mcs. Fay Perkins this morning and after healing her and gagging her escort. Millon Abbott, a wealthy cotton broker, escaped with jewellery valued at $50,000. PRINCE GEORGE HERE FOR OVERHAUL: WILL RESUME RUN FRIDAY With ('.apt. Harry Neihlen on (lie bridge. O.N.ll. sleamer Princo George arrived in port last night al 8.15 and this morning was laken up on the pontoons at the Iry dock where she will complete. annual overhaul preparatory to resuming coast service on Friday morning replacing the Prince llupert. The (ieorge Vcame up from Vancouver under reduced speed and carried no passengers. II. Knox. C.O.M.M. superintendent engineer, came tip with Iho vessel. REFUSES TO MARRY ' VANCOCVKU. March 0. Mis l.ollie Maud Mlinn, pretty Knglisb girl, who is suing John Haahti. Slewart mining man, for SI 0,00(1 aflcr having been disappointed in him aflcr she had come from Ihe Old Counlry lo bo his bride, is slill delermined Ihal she will not marry lilm $1 is said in court house circles. Mr. Justice Morrison -urged llie two lo settle their differences by wedding.