February 16, 1925. I ' Console Models f rom $145.09 up His MastersVoice Victrola lli .IK- niorf happiness lt llic whole family lliau any ...Ti nil- l!u ninncy. Sold on t-asy Icnns. Yon will .i- tin Miii'H iiynK'iii. ,., (li double Milf'l records $111,011 Cash mill ' 10.00 per mniitli. ,ti mil ' iloiilile rernrils -. . ... . . . 10.00 Cash ami 10.00 per moiilli. i ..nil 10 ilJt i !!! sided records 15.00 Cash mid 1 2.00 per moiilli. (ir write for cornlcle catalogue. $56.25 SGG.25 $142.50 fflaiMm.Jjd ISHERMEN! ,u:-. nvi'r vonr Fusl Aid Kil ami see Mial, il i om- t ii. . 1 1 ..... i .i.i i ( m.' are some ill me liiiug1- juii mmimiii hum: uii i i ice von pul lo sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID )RESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK I ii vain Personal Kil yon will al o need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH lii Ha implies iroui u nun ue uir m rrrriv iiik ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists Tho Rcxall Store bird Avenue Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1925. They arc Free. WINTER H Steamship Service "met RUPERT frcm Crime llulurl FOn VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, I SEATTLE Intpl'tiii-iliiilo Killil t aill Krlilay W on 111. STIIVSRT anil ANrOX' . . Wnliii 'lny. 1 1.00 in F THE IS. "princi John" ! PRINCE RUPERT fortnlahllv for ICOUVER nit QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT "DAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, B.liii p.m. fi.r I'rlmc (li-urge. EDMONTON. Winnipeg, ill imiiiia uiril Canada, tilled Slates. Afitnir.v aii nrtm stcamsuip lines. Tlckat Office, B2S Third Ae., Pflnca Rupert, Phone 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway- February 23. Vancouver, Victoria end Seattle- February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, "amu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines i i . in . i..... t W. C. ORCHARD. General Aoent jrncr of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UON STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. HmllnitH fl'Mn I'rinra II'.imiI. IVAfcr ' V,CT0R,i Swareon Bay, mi Alrl Bay, Tuoiitay, 6 P.I. k inCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Sw.n.on Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. I ANYOX. Alloc . . . ANVAv oiiwani, ounnay, a p.m. I2nd ' SJ.'.r?"1 8,mp30N and Naee Rl.tr Cannerlee, Srlday A. J. Barrieley. A.nl. Print. Huperl. B O. OGGERS' CLUB t mi HAS REMOVED 8 nexl tnir ,, YUucl Butcher Shop, iiernss Iroin Hie empress llulel We eiirfy a Hill line of ARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES O afV aa ' n. 08 y 11'f"u,. HOOM IN CONNECTION "relll Prnnrlntor Local and Personal , -. ,.Tir-, ,r-. L B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Bayiicr, Undertakers, Phono 351 Shoe Specials Mm. (Jrahl- inan s. Basketball tonilil, Klks' Homo al 7 ii.m. You'll like our ;oall Cui'.suiii its Coal Co. l'iiono 7. If You'll like luy laxi! Reason able .chart?!'. Phone, 'JGI, day or, night. C. V. Symes. tf M. P. .MeCalTery N leuviiiK on Hie Cai'ili'iia loinoi'iow afternoon for Vancouver on lnisliie.su. (Charlie I he burlier is now open for business al his n-w slaml, in'xl lo P. It. Fish Market. Third Avenue. 3J Mr. ami Mrs. Waller Shaw, who have been on a Iriji soulli, relumed lo the eily on the Car-dena yeslerday aflenioon. Iiieoi'iioralion is ttaelleil Hi is Mi'i'ii oi ine Mfw.in iiiuei i.ciiii paiiy W illi a eaiiilal nf 1 0,00(1 ami head olliee al Prinen Huiierl .Mrs. lienrjfi' I. line -r lerraen. who is Hie hniise jruesl of Mrs. Olof llaiisnn, 755 Sivlh Avenue W est, will return lo Iho inli'iior liis week. T. A. Clarke, assislanl dislriel foresliy, sailed on Hie Princess Ileal l ice Saturday aflernoiiu for Oeean .falls on departmental business. More heat less ali. l uioii steamer Cliilliwnck unlnaded .'too Inns Nauainio. W'rllinuloii coal for Albert A. Mcliilfery. Ltd Phones I Ki and 5 ill. I," I.. Iii'iniseii, cliaiyei! with druiikenijess, failed lo make lib aiiiearanee in the eilv tiwliee eoiirl I hi nioriiiii and his bail of Ki5 was eslrealed. The C.N.Il. parlinenl lias locations for iIi-iik store, (ioloni.tdinu l( had rciiiiGsls. fur a bakery, barber renersil store or hardware, walehmaker and jewel ler. Klks .Novejty I lance, Friday February SO, u p. in., Klks Home Weslhohnc five piece orchestra. Inviliilioiis may be had from Art I'.asson. ; ibb, I....M. Fuller, U. Til i-ll i or Phone (",'. F.lks and lloynl Pui'ide will nlleinl wiihout ' invitation. 50 llic Indians nf llaelloii will lint on' a play on Friday evening. February SO in their hall at llazellnii. The chief fealues will he old lime unlive dances and souks, old lime plays ami slelli' of hand pcrformniiVf s; old lime customs such as the inukiuu' of fires and the way Ibis fire wns carried about for future Use, in making ramp, ami oilier old lime customs. If After a fine voyage all the wav uii Hie eoas, tJ,X,H, steamer Prince John, C,;ipl. I'.. Mabhs, arrived in port from Vancouver via the IJueen Charlolte Islands al .'10 last evening. 'I'lie vessel lefl Vaneouver last Monday ni;lil at 1 1 :.'I0 ami was delayeil in Ihe liassiige up on account of heavy freiglils for intermediate points. Fur Prince llupert her passenger list was eoiuparalivoly lilil ss was also her Ireiylil earno. 'I'lie Prince .lolin will return south via the IJueen Chariot le Islands, sailin.vr al H o'clock Ibis ccuin. t'nion steamer Cardena, with Capl. .I. A. I'indlay eouunandiut: in place of Capl. A. I'.. Dickson, the regular skinper. wlui Is on holidays, arrived from ifn" south al CI.H0 yesterday afternoon and ailed al H for Slewarl, Auyox ami Alice Arm. The vessel brmiKliI the follnwintr passeng ers: lor I'rtnee llupert (ieorirr I'. Hale, .I. Aubrey Clout, W. C. Ai II. Mr. Alopelh, Mr. and Mrs. V. Shaw, I.. A. Malouey, Miss Parker and C. K. Mlelsoc; for Auyo.N .I. II. Hill, .I. 'I'ieruau and F. .I. C. Itell; for Stewart--F. Provhise and .i. S. McMillan. ; tNJYOUNCEMENTS 4 4 4 C.N.H. F.inplnyes' Annual Hall, February 17. Klks' Annual February 20. Novelty dance. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGR THRE CRIMEAN VETERAN TELLSJHE STORY BROUGHT BACK TO HEALTH BY "FRUIT-A-TIYES" MAJOR GEORGE WALKER "I am a veteran of the Crimean War and Indian Mutiny, having served under Lord Roberts. Fierce hand-to-hand fighting and continual exposure left me a great sufferer from Rheumatism, so much so, that my legs swelled up, making it impossible for me to walk. My bowels were so constipated that I was in terrible shape until I began to use "Kruit-a-tives". They relieved me both from Ilhcumatism and Constipation. Today I enjoy perfect health-no more Rheumatism or Constipation". Geo. Walker, Chatham, Ont. "Fruit-a-tives" contain in tab-let form, the concentrated juices of luscious fruits Nature's own remedy for Constipation and its painful consequences. "Fruit-a-tives" overcome all intestinal troubles in a way no other medicine can. At your dealers. 25c and 50 cents a bos. FUNERAL YESTERDAY LITTLE NORilA MUNRO WAS LARGELY ATTENDED Prcsbytorian Church Was Filled With People and Many Flowers Were Sent The Presbyterian Church was tilled to overflowing yesterday afternoon at the runeral nf lillh' Nornra Monro, laiiahler of Mr. ami Mrs. (leorne 'Monro, who was killed in an auto accident near her home last week. The pall-bearern were six little ;;irls dressed in while, Kdilh Kerjtin. Hilda Murray, Marjorie Itlance, Muriel Vance, Lorraine (irant and Lois Meltae. S. K. Canip-hell sttiiif ami llev. II. It. (iranl, who coniltielcil the service, spoke reelhmly'of Ihe loss 'or .his "little rrieml." 1 hose .sending riowcrs were: Tyee Lodge A.F. A A.M.. Tsinip-j se.ni Lodge, A.F. it A.M.. Miliary i Club. St. Andrews Society. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Pollyanna (iroup C.li.l.T.. Klks' Lodge, the Moyal Purple, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. .Hisl011e4 Mr. and Mrs. A. Hrookshaltk, Sergeant llailey ami family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hreniner. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilrady. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Hell. Kilinoiiton, Alia.: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Morle II. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Christ ison. M,r. ami Mrs. (i. II. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Collison, Me. Fred Dawson. Ibrbby Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Dybhavu. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Daggel, Miss Krieksou, Mr. ami Mrs. II. I'.iislman. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Finnic, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred il-buly. MV and Mrs. Milton lon- xnles. Dr. and Mrs. (Irani, Mr.! and Mrs. J. C. (iavigan. lj-. audi Mrs. (iurvieh and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Cliris. (iraliam, Mr. and! Mrs. (ilennie. LomI and Harold' (ireer. Mr. ami Mrs. (Haf Han- sen. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hail. Mr. and Mrs. Haines, Mr. mil Mrs. A. It. 1 lull b Mrs. Jack llil-' ditch. Mr. nml Mrs. T. II. John-, stun, Mrs. Myhill Jones. I, us Angeles. Cal,; .labour Pros., Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergin. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.j Lnrkin. MV. ami Mrs. II. II. I.il-I lie. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer, Mr. I and Mis. W. D. Moxley. Mi;, andi Mrs. Mussalleni. Mr. and 'Mrs.! Sam Massey, Mr. and Mrs. C (l.j Minns, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Mills,) Me, and Mrs. Alex,. Mackenzie.! Mr. and Mrs. Oen .Morrow. Vau-i eouver; Mr. ami .Mrs. i. n. Mm,.... V .....' Mi nml M- I . .iiiiiii... .inn nil.,., , (Irani Mahood. Vaneouver; Mary Klleu Moore, Hilda and Ian Murray. Mr. ai.nl Mrs. M. M. Mr. Laehlau. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Me-' Donald, MV. and Mrs. J. A. Mr-: Itae. Mr. and Mrs. T. MeMeekiu, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mcllae. Mr.1 and Mrs. (1. A. .McMillan. Mr. audi Mrs. M. P. MeCarrery. Mr. and .Mrs. John Mcllae, Mr. and Mrs.' Jnrvis MeLeod, Miss K. Munro ' Cbeslerville, Out.; Major Nevv- loll, Mr. and Jim. J. S. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. II. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Richmond and family. .I. W. Itayiuond and Mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. Horie, j llupert Bakery, Mr. and Mrs. I. i (I s;in...i-l Mr .'in, I .Mrs. K. II. Shockley, Mr. and Mrs. SmeeUiii, Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Siinpsoir. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scolt, Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Stuart, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Simund, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Seir, K J. Smith, Claude V. Symes, Mrs. It. .I. 1 1, Smith, Marybell Styles, lioris ami Annie Smith, II. A. Salimlers, Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Tile, Mr. and Mrs, Tobey, Mr. and Mrs. Krncst Valentine, Mr. and .Mrs. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Howard While, (In WaiiKh Family, Mrs. J. It. Mac-Iionald, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nickerson. II. A. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Mann. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. J. LoM'll, (ieorge P. Hah' W. C. Arnell. J. Aubei v Clout ami I.. A. Malouey, Vancouver; Mark Smaby, Ocean Falls; Dr. William Sugar. Purl Simpson; Mrs. C. A. Hancock ami children, and II. F. Pine. Buckley Hay; llev. ami Mrs. Arthur Burner, Victoria; P. Swan ami C. A. Kiercu, Portland, Ore.: Charles K. Frost, I',. W. Kent ami S. M. Bump, Seattle; II. M. Wade. San Francisco ;Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Creelmaii, Terrace; It. . Cunningham, Port F.ssiulon; It. W Sinclair, Inverness. Central Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker, Swan-son Hay. CHINAMAN DIED A Chinaman named Yung Wing dieif in the Prince llupert (ieu-eral Hospital yesterday morning. He hud been in Hie institution about u week, having been lirou'hl in by Ihe pulice from Second Avenue where he resided. The B.C. Undertakers have the remains. Chief Pelly Ollicer (I. II. Kinch, II. C.N. who lias been pcriuuneully appomleil liv llic eileral goseru- nicnl lo lake charge of local recruit training in the formation of a half company Moyal Caua iliau Volunteer Me.-erve, arrived tin the eilv on the .princess Heat- 1 rice on Saturday. V 4 CARD OF THANKS Mr. ami Mrs. (ieorge II. Munro desire lo convey their sincere Ihauks lo their friends for the very nianv kind expressions of svmnalhv received in their sad bereavement. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays' and Sal unlays, closes al I p.m. From the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, due at 7 a.m. To Vancouver-Tuesdays Mail closes al 1:15 PM Saturdays ' A M. Fridays, :I5 A.M. C.P.M. February From Vancouver Sundays .. Wednesdays Thursdays. CP, II. February 211. To Anyox, Alice and Premier Wednesdays ... I.'! and 27. P. M 3 P.M P.M Arm, Stewart 10:15 P.M Sundays 7 P.M From Anyox, Allco Arm, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays P.M Fridays 0 A.M. To Port Simpson and Naas River I' M From Port Simpson and Naas Blvor Points-Sal unlays A.M li Alaska Points-February 23. From Alaska Points February III and 27. To Queen Charlotto Island Points February 12 and 20. From Queen Charlotte Island Points February It and 28. Eli, K Tilt-Ow I. KrEm CATARRH ( tho BLADDER p0arto founts fell At the end of washday- how old Hfl1 do you feel? And a few years of this tiring toil will make you actually ad oid in appcaranca as ona day' work now makes you feel. Keep your youth by using our Thrif-T-service. Its cost Is very slight, yet your entire bundle will ba washed carefully, tha flat rvork will ba Ironed, and just th wearing apparel left (or you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on tha line. May wa send for your bundle cezt washday t 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Per Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. 1 A. 'otgunjnf "Rupert Fish Fresh Trozen All varioties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Pririe Rupert, B.C. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST The slandard of ilenlislrv I have lo offer is measured by Ihe-e words IK IXKST, HKLIAHLK, I'KILSONAL. .My nielhoils are Ihe latest, mv fees are moderate, and the guarantee I give is t NCONHITIONAL . AHSOLL'TK SATIS FACT I ON is my only aim. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. Good or Bad Weather We Can Do Your TOWING Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. FAMED LONDON The Cin you will ak for again the standard of purity for over 160 yean. S3.2S Pe Bottle. The Gin for you is "H.UU." Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the' Liquor Control Hoard or by the UovcrnmeQt of f Urilish Columbia. J.i. an