Jay June 15, 1925. n m m if a mBBBaBBB..ij S B. i BBBBBBBB H 1; 1 I MMMMMM IS. v: A ft HM M J These are Short & Mason arometers M;ide ia England. Every insliimieiil guaranteed per-lrn:es are same a sold at in Eastern Canada. Ask .. .U' i'P catalogue. Jutlicalc the altitude and foretell . -allier. No. 2200 5" Diameter-Brass Case-Good Grade Movement Price $11.00. No. 2021 Watch Aneroid. Ite.uls to 8,000 Feet Altitude. $20.00 No. '2501 Cable Aneroid. Screws to wall of vour boat. $11.00 FOR SALE rlaliht&t Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian ftsii & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED u tiding uc l door U Frizzed But- her Shop, across from the F.mpros-s Hotel We i ai i v a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Cr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phonos 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 RAW FURS If yon want to he paid lushest possible CASH prices t"i your HAW FLIHS, forward them to 1 R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Offico: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. lud Orricc:- ll.S.U. Bldg.. 1.1-:I Louise St., Winnipeg. Man. . I: i. 1883, ' Incorporated 1020 7r HBesl Procurable ca I .jvrww 1 TO1 PaVlf I vftttf (THE tICINLi Pure ScoicSi Whisky RICHEST IN FINfST HICIILAND MALT i 1 (totltaJ pwsrftMlrvd by William PtJvtnittGlcnUvct DuttllW, Dm1. town-Adataow, ScolUnJ llus advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liluor CJntrot Hoard or by tli Oovernment of iDritish 'Columbia. if I l r I Local and rersonai B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. A real 50c Taxi Service. Taxi. Phone 80. You'll like our joall ers Coal Co. Phone 7. La Parisicnuc Dcauly Fourtli St., Phone 301. Hill at 0.15. age. to-night, (J.W.V.A. Drown tfl Cons urn? If Shop, tf Save your solesr 50c. service Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf Football Acropoli? vs. Slor- Dr. II. C. Wrinch, M.L.A. ac companicd Hon. E. 1). Harrow, minister of agriculaure, on his trip last week through the Hulk- ley Valley. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie 'and child returned home on Hie Prince llu- litert yesterday morning after i having ."pent several weeks visit ing in Vancouver. Jtev. P. li. Haisler, pasfor of S!. Paul's Lutheran Church, re turned on Hit? Prinee Hupert yesterday inorning lifter a trip to Vancouver and -Victoria. Mrs. G. (J. Bushby returned on I he Prince Hupert yeslcrday inorning from Victoria accom paniod hy her mother who will spend some lime visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mann and family, who spent a fortnight a' Ketchikan visiting wilh Airs. .Mann's mother, Mrs. Osherg, re turned home on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon. .1. M. Hoar of Seutltle, who is interested in mining operations on KiisuniKaium l.aKe, reacueu the city from the south on Hie Piiuce Hupert yesterday morning and left by today's train for Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson ro- lurtml home on htt Prince Hupert yesterday morning after a brief trip south. Shortly they will be leaving for Iake Kathlyn ho spend some months at theiv summer home Miss Margaret Palmer, daugh ter of Mrs. P. "I. Palmer," 720 Fourtli Avenue East, returned home on the Prince George yesterday morning after luivtmr successfully tib m 'pie led her Normal School studies at Vancouver. John Ilaahti, .pioneer Stewart mining man belter known as John I he Finn," passed through on Hie Prince Hupetl yesterday hound north, lie was recently married in 'the south and Mrs. Hahhti Was accompanying him north. Judge Frederick W. lloway of New Westminster is a visitor in the city today. He arrived fron. Prince George where he unveiled the Sir Alexander Mackenzie tablet on Saturday and will. sail south on Ihe Prince Hupert this afternoon. Miss Mary Mallae, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. I. C. Mcllae, 310 Fourtli Avenue East, relumed home from Ihe south op Jim Prince Hupert yesterday morning. Miss Mcllae has successfully eouipleled her studies at the Provincial .Norman School at Victoria. Miss Elsio Collis, H.N., of the Shaugbnessy Military Hospital Vancouver, ami ner sisier, .mis Helh Collis of the Victoria pun- tic linrary, arrived in uie cuy uj. Ihe Princess Heatrice Saturday evening and will spend n few-days visiting with Mrs. Alex Mcllae, t-'li Eighth Avenue Easl. Albert Davidson. C. .V H. as sistant general freight agent a' Vancouver and some yeais ago G.T.Pi general freight ager.'. here, reached the city by train Saturday aflernoon from a trii lo prairie points. Accompanying him were Mr. arid Mrs. Luke of Wellington, New Zealand. Xfler making the round trip lo Stew art, they will proceed south to Vancouver on tho Prince Hupert V r 4 - ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Plc-nlc June 28. G.V.V.A.vpUMile July to. I 0 THE DAILY TfEWS KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product We have recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and arc now in a position to make ai.nl supply IGF CREAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Retail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 Mr. Alsgard the Fuller man is in town for a few days. For appointments, please phono 510. Mr. and .Mrs. Sidney and daughter, of Chicago, arrived yesterday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. Si-Lewis, Second Avenue. Miss Hazel Cunningham and Miss Dorothy Thompson of the hospital nursing staif are sailing tonight on the -Prince George for Vancouver on aholiday trip. E. Wick was fined :i5 in Hh! city police court tins morning for intoxication. A'. Magello pleaded not guilty on a similar charge and was remanded until tomorrow. L. Jessen, manager for Hoyle llros., the well known diamond drilling concern, was a passen ger going through-, on the Car- itena last night hounil north from Vancouver to- Slewart. Charles Docking, general man ager of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelling & -Power Co was a passenger going throu tin the Cardeua last evening bound from Vancouver to Anyox II. J. Suralt, moving pictui man, who has been taking films of? the stampede tiV'lhe Dea. Lake country, reached Ihe city from Wrangell on the Pj-incess Louise yoslenJay aflernoon and is registered at the Prince- Hu pert Hotel. .Miss Helen .Young, datighle of 11. Doyd Young of Port Simp son, arrived in tho city last nighl on the Carilena from Yjincouvt where she has been altendin school and is registered at Hi Prince Hupert Holel. She will proceed to Port Simpson, at th first opportunity. Prosecution having heen in sliluted by the Detail Merchants Association, six women are ap pearing in Ihe city police court this afternoon on charges undei Hie License llylaw. It is allege that I hey took orders for hooka for firms outside The .municipal ilyvvilhuul lirsl bavin? paid Ihe licenses. They each paid thei 5() license under proles! and art now appealing to the magistral Union xleamer Cardena,. .Cap' C. 11. Smith, arrived at 7.30 last evening from the south and pro ceeded at 0 o'clock lo Anyox Alice Arm ami Stewart. Th vessel was delayed a .few hour coming north through havin heavy cargoes roe cannery points. She' will return from Hi north tomorrow morning and sail for the south al 5 iu lho after noon. - C.N.H. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden,, .which ar rived from the south nt'O o'clock yeslenjay morning and sailed at 1 noon for Slewart. returned here this morning at 7:30 anil shortly after 8 moved up to .the dry dock where she is now pu! for cleaning and painting. The vessel is scheduled lo resume her voyage south at 1 o'clock this afternoon.. A party of some Iwenly people went over lo the Lambly ranch, Lewis Island, yesHrday iu the t C. Roberts, lecturer for tho I.D.S.A. who spoTie at a meeting in the W'estholmo Theatre last night, will sail Tor Vancouver on the Prince George this after noon. It. F. Mc.Naughton, C.N.K. district passenger agent, returned on last night's train from Jaspei to which ' point he accompanied the special Zuhrah Shrine train ofy Minneapolis last week. Mutorship Dellingham, Cap I. Len Williams, arrived in port a! :30 Saturday night and dis charged 3,300 cases of salmon :ii lhi nri'Mii i lark for sloratre mid eventual transshipment easl The case of G, L. Youngman of the Government Liquor Store, who unwittingly sold liquor last week to an Indian in mistake fot while mad, will come, up in Hie police court tomorrow foi decision. J. E. Miller, customs inspector, and his assistant T. Mason, 'wer trrivals from the south on the rincess Alice this inorning. Mr. Miller continued through lo Telegraph Creek while Mr. Mason lebarked here. Little Lillian Jones, daugliU of Mr. and Mrs. loin Jones, Drexel Apartments, broke her arm when she fell from a seesaw after school hours on Hie Bool'i Memorial School grounds on Fri day afternoon. J. It. Halls, member ot th" Winnineir contract ins linn oH Carlcr-llalls-Aldinger Co., which will build the elevator here, ar- ived in the city over Hie week end ami is registered at th Prince Hupert Hotel. Mrs: Halls is wilh him. Coastwise Steamship & llarge Co.'s steamer Anyox, with the barge (irllTnlt in tow, reached port from the south at U o'clock as nighl ami, after discharge- uig coal a! tne u.i.i'. wiiari lor Philpolt & Evil!, sailed al mid night for Anyox. C.P.1L steamer Princess Deal- rice, Capt. Thomas ClilTc, arrived in port from the south on Salur day evening at 7:30 and returned lo Vancouver and wayports iu 12 midnight. The vessel was de layed Ibis D'iP .Ihrougl) making a special call at Hivers Inlet wilh cannery supplies. tHie nad a: ..vs...., I it it, 1 1 r li.kiiw i;i,4.n'?e list ami freight cargo eomini north and had still her calls in the Skeena Hiver to do after leaving here. C.P.H. steamer Princess Alico Cant. V.. C. Saintey, making Ihcit first trip lo Alaska Ibis season was in oorl from 10 lo O- clocklhis morning. The vess had a full list of 200 tourist passengers aboard. Those sail ing for the north from here wen J. Mclulyre and James Kelly fqr Wrangell;, Thomas Colo and J V. Keyes for Skagway; George Hnich and M. McLean for Car- cross; r;. Douglas, i,. .auiu- rup and li. E. lleele for Ketchi kan. t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MM Hi;.M. Ivvo large rooms suitable for otlice or bouse keeping. 330 Third Avenue Phone Green 700. I t SFAI.ED TENDEHS addressed lo the undersigned, and endorsed " Tender for Wharf Hepairs, Port Clements, lt.C," will be receive until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June 23, 1925 for repairs to the wharf al Port Clementsr Skeena District, D.C Plans and forms of contract can be seen anil specification and forms of tender obtained al Ibis Department, at the otlice of Hi District Engineer, Old Post Office Huilding, Victoria, lt.C; and at Ihe Post Olllees, Vancouver, H.C Prince lluperl, H.C. and Por Clements, U.C.- Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by Hie Depart- oday. Mrs. Davidson came launch Uh llahy. rlhe water wasiment and iu accordance vviiu ute north otr Ihe steamer yesterday wonderfully calm ami a ilelighl-jcondilions contained therein, lo meet Mr. Davidson. . fill passage vvis made both going Each lender must be acconi- and reluming. The sun shone panied by an accepted cheque on pretty well all tho aflernoon and the beauties of ij he island were explored after it .tleleclablo luncheon had been served. The parly returned about V o'clock l.u-t in. lit. a chartered bank, payable to too order of the Minister of Public, Works, equal lo 10 per cent of the amount. of the tender. Ilonds of the Dominion of Canada or Donds ,.of llio Canadian National WHEN TEACHER I "Kept you in" ' - --'-: Remember when you were a little girl and hawjju felt when teacher kept you in "after school" on a fpli spring afternoon? 4 m- y And isn'LJt tho same when washing "keeps yqii'iii ; tie house now that spring is hqre? '' Our Family Washing Hen-ice will th) your washing thoroughly and iron all your flat work,, with complete satisfaction. . . , ; t a Let our representative explain ,lo you Ibis De Luxe Laundry Service for people who are only satisfied with tho best. A' CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 Youl be Surprised If you have never given us an order for BUILDING LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIALS, OR OUR FAMOUS NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL You'll be surprised at the satisfaction Ihe delivery of these goods will give you. We arc agents for the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Ltd. Mill Prices on all Lumber ALBERT & McCAFEERY, LTD. Phone 116 or 564 Coast Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT op PRINCE GEORGE sill rrolii Prince Huprrl fcr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami liiterineillale pulnt ecu SUNDAY and THUR8DAY, 10 PM. For ANYOX Wdn.tdy 10 P.. For STEWART Saturday 10 P.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tiecpt Sunday 11.30 ajn. tor I'rlnre Goortre. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, al nnl9 Kaslvn Canada. Llnlurt states. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckal Of flea, 528 Third Aa, Prlnca Ruparl. Phona 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far ICTCKjUN, WRANGELL. JUNEAU. SKAGWAY TIMBER SALE X7050. There will he offered for sale uL Public Auction, at noon on the 18th day of June, 11)25, iu the office of Forest Supervisor at Sinitbers, H.C, the Licence X7050, lit cut 180,000 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on Lot 2380, situated on the fcouth Hank of Skeena Itlver. west of Skeena Crossing Cassiar Land District. Two (2! years will be allowed for removal of timber. J "Pi'oviileil imiv one tumble, to! attend the auction in person may! submit a sealed tender to no opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." further particulars of thfl Chief Forester, Victoria, H.C. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. June IS, 19. 26, 29. July 3. 6 far VANCOUVER. YICTORU ni SEATTLE - - Jw 13. 20. 24. Mr 1. 4 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, East Balla Balla, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Riar, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamahlp Llnea. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Qanaral Agent. Ccrnar of 4th Street and 3rd Anenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. - UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings trom Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueeday, B P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday. 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River Cannerlea, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Avenue. i. Bernalay, Aanl Prlnoe Rupert, B-0 Hallway Company will also be accepled as sesurily, or bonds and a cheque if required lo inako up an odd amount. Note. Hlue prints can bo ob tained at this Department by depositing an accepled cheque for the sum of $10, payable to Ihe order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be relnn.cd if the intending bidder submit u regular bid. lly order, . S. E. O'lllllEX, Secretary. Department of Public Works, , Ottawa. May 2C. I0.5. Now obtainable Prlnco Rupert. Supra Canada's 1'av, orile Furniture I Polish. At all I good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop Oil anil the famous "Eureka Bleach." Look for Jho Rooster Label. T DrJ.PIenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mine Engineering and Contracting 617 Second Avenue Toronto 107 Commonwealth Building