r y$lb. VACUUMZED TINS V - and in (150 PACKETS fa w 1 m Mie Pioneer Druggists u the, tevtrue. 06DENS LIVERPOOL The New 5 : Illi Xl'iir I- iidor.iMc wilh js UIUII tailored lm - will I 1 1 1 II ) ll ItMJrllcs. Have Them in all the Leading Colors and Designs mmrs P.O. Dox 327. 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 Phone 27. EASTER NOVELTIES HAVE ARRIVED ' .Hi- made ul the lc.i c li - il .i I and are J '' ' '"i the "Kapler ltmiii " In give - II (inning Mini hgg, per II. 40C lil .-lltmilkiW Ku If I Minriiliili Kirira l!lun-iil iVa'iini V.fit-. I.Iiim iilale MuMiiK em h 5c i l n vver I'uK, HhDMIs Ihnitders, Kprgx. l''Jh. I i KgK- and Kgg in While Kgg Uiis enrji . . 10o J i m- in Faney' ?gg Gjijis, eneh 15c ifc'ii- nuiitr, ItnhhiK Fi-li and lien n Ned, " .' 25c LuT ,j inn imvellio were -nIil out hefure Kiiler ii;i)ili('i' uf icnie were iliaiMiinleil. Make your' e iivw inl c ik Keep Ihein fur im until Kaler, )"" n in he Mire of Ihein. ORMES LIMITED The Itcxall Store Madian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD L.,Peralln8 Q- T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock I ters Machinists. Hnll ApmaL Arc nlarLtnilth PultArn takers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. 0' iwrft,a,,t '8 CfIl,,PPl l handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONPC At ift AnOmPP PnnlhnH P nnnl (Innnnliinifn I liM luiuQuu uanai uuuuiiuniiy tin i.... ' I t'casnrv ..r n... 11....1.... 1.1..1,.. ti. ...... . "-ur "'-ur ifi in 1 1 in- in- 1 1 U ui 1 m 1 - 1 -1 -1 ' . 1 I M m Ijl il' ' . , ,iiiu..- lill . . 1 m 1 1 u 1.1 1.1 ... . ,,, 'III' i, ollcred the oulilii- i.l :.,. ur .hare Thi- null . . 1 " slllltiui(r mi,,.. . I..., n., n ;,. II... ''"J devpi,!'1 , i!U'i''- Ore shippnd last year mur - . . r,ir inn iitroriiiaiion uppiy. w- M. ROLSTON & CO wiubKuroKcrs. nil Victoria. j Local and Personal J ll.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. You'll jikc our joall Coal Co. J'liuno 7. t .lack .arelli sailed 4asi nilil hi lie Oardena for Yhjloria. 'Vi'i .... I il ... t i : CIlUI'Hi iunight will In; comJurlf'tJ !' i. i. it.- j ii.. i , l.ilijyinilli - Wellington, "llii hcsl, also "Peerless," "smoke less." Prince Rupert Coal Co. r . tf nr. A. .1. Squire ix sailing Friday morning on the te.amei I'rinee Huperl for Vancouver on a holiday trip. L. 1.1'firi'r, who .ha been in lln- city fur Itie pal wwk on business, return lo .Montreal on tonight. train. J. A ltUH-'l Ward Rell of the Prince piUCM' i 1 1 1 K is eSpeCleiJ In arrivi' from aiicnuvcr on tin.-Prince (icorge Una afternoon. Ladies of Moott'lifurl Legio" and lllks whist lrie ami dance. lilks" Ilium- Thursday, March 2tt. Presentation of and prizes Admission 75r and &0c. 73 Passenger sailing last uigh) Tor I he south on I In- steamer Cm-dena included II. C. Cliam-bei-s, A. Nonke, M . Shaw, J. T. Mevill, Jack ZareHf and i. K Mi Hit. T. A. Kelly, head of the Queen Cliai'lollc Inland logging organi alion bearing his name, is c-iwrled in I lie cily from Yancou-.er mi (In- Prince Ceorge CX.H. Hleamer I'rinea ieorjn, Capl. Harry .Nftldi, from Yan-eoitter and wayimrlx, in due on lime al 3 o'ehtek lUi afterimui'. The sleaun-r ha 3 itaHfteutrer-rm Hie train. II. I'. McNaUKlilon, CN.II. din- iriel. iaMiiyer anti-tit, and Mr. Mi'.NaiiKlilon mid 'family will he liai-k mi I riilay morning' tin in .'null U iiini(,i-jx where ..Mr.Nausih- Iimi ri-irnlly mtdei went a ue- til OJIHI'Ul iilll. , I wish to apologlso to my many patrons for any poor servlco In the past. As I cannot ?ct my own phone Installed under one month, should, you need a tsxl at reasonable charges, phone Red 4C1 or 3C1. C. V. Symes. ir The eliarue in (he Coiiub :.u;rt IIii.h niiirnin.t .of i'lileeenl assault auainnl l.uiyi I'aluieiri o! Aiiynx was ihMiisi'il hy .IuiIri- Youna who found that he eouhl not HiTi-pl n eviiletiev of the priurinal wiinens. a ehild of ten der jeao. K, V. Jones ro.eeul- iii ami i,. . raimore ajipeareii for I he defence. A County Court cae hotween i:. I. Itiel and .1. M. Morrison of A lire Arm in whirlr the miiiii of :ilii.0 is involved over a lofr-- inu conlrarl is iiriM-eeiling in Mi County Court hefore Jud' iin: loday. J. . Trelheway i-a wilness. (. W. l'almore ha I he ease fur the lilamlilf vvliil .Mill i mi lioiizales' aiipears for lln ii-reiiiiutii. NAIOUNCElENTS Musieal cu'iiini; i.i llaplis! Chiireh, Mareh 20. lo 8 p.m. tf Dalfuilil Dance, Crueen 'Mary Chapter, I.O.I .K., Muslim Hal! Faster Monday. April la. Calholie SpriiiK Sale, afternoon of April ".mi, Melroion ll.dl followed hy social evi'niiifr,' Tennis Cluh l!ill, Friday, April ? r Weekly Cinderella lane, Saturday mull!. KUs' Home. fide. USE SiMONDS SAWS Their teeth are ot a toughneti which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. .. SIM0KDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMIU0 VNCOUl MONTRIAL T.JOHN.H... SEE THROUGH STEEL ! Quiet! Remington Quiet-12 (Made in Canada) Quiet - btfeMmjjkgchirs of carbon tedtriiaairf2n exchuiie quiet anvil. Quirt .(icmM of enclosed felt-lined ides, txdiuive escapement bracket, - and exclusive laminated rubber cylinder. Quiet - wid more than quiet: it is speedy, durable, ca'v lo operate, with type that's a plt i-.urc to read. McRAE BROS. rinee Huperl Jli'iiresenlatives. SUitlhlt Cmuprn hrjofr ynu Joftt II! . Km1ngtn Txnwrltpr rnmpmii of Cpnnd:i, IJmllrd I'rlnr Kurrt Oeitfrri Mrltw rtro. I'leaic urnd roe foil pirtlciilarn of lh worM'n n(it i"iuktr tyr-wrltpr. Iteoilntlcn Quirt 1!. ami your Eajr rayiueat I'Jan ot Var- Nm . . Addrcm DREDGE IS RAISED AND STE AM IS UP Equipment Which was Sunk in Monday's Gale to be Drought to Dry Dock for Repairs The I'rinee Ituperl Hoal lions'1 launi'li I'aelieua ami Caul. Alfre.l SwatiMMi assisl iiif in the work W. C. AnieU'.s liijr ili-cilpe, whic' sank a4 the mouth of Mr.Nielinl! Creek in Monday ei'iiin's stale, was raised yesterday afternoon and this iiHiruiug leum was up The dredge will isfcfJy lie hrnusli iver lo I he dry floek for sunn enirs lie-fore il resumes diy:- iiif: ftiiiM-l fur the elevalu foundations. PLATES EIGHT INCHES l.n.MX, M .r. J5. II will in nsiile, in I lie near fnlnre liv he aid of I lie X-ray, lo see Ihrouirh steel eiyhl inehes lliicl 'ro feasor I'ullin. ilireelnr of Hi-.' Itailinlnuieal Itoaii'li ileiiarlmen! al Wonlwieh iuerniiienl arsene1 preiheliil in a recent address iie'ore I lie Royal Suciely. II is an e;. malter al nreenl hy the use of the X-rfly lo n'iie- Irale pieces of steel three meiie-in thickness. I'mfessor I'ullin asserled, hul what is .sought by scientists is an nnparalus lo eii- ahle ilii'in to examine into cal-inirs len or twelve infhex thrniili. Tins is desired so lint! Haws may he delected in eastings, and !n avoid serious danger lo workmen's lives. GRAND ORANGE LODGE MET AT EDMONTON ITlMn.YI'OX. Mar. .r. The 2ard annual session of the (traiul Lodve of Allierla has lieen meeting hen- mid was welcomed by Mayor llhtlclilord v!io nun-ferred on -the ileleRales the freedom of the city. The.Cininil Fre-siijcift of (he Sons of l'.nglaud also look part in I ho prooeeil-ings. MANITOBA FLOODS" AS ICE GOES OUT WINN1IM li. Mar. J5.- Ice going down in Mir Souris Ilier last niulil earrn.l awaV nail of the Cauailinii Nalionai railway bridge' liu-ar Wawa'ie-a. The district is ! menaced with riuud. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Wednesday, March 25 lligli I.r.j a.m. 2 1. a ft. 1 i :l i p.111. :'li.8 " Knw :IH a.m. 2.7 " :'():.i:' p.m. .1.0 " Thursday, March, 26 Hllh ...... 2:32 u'.iiii ' 2l.a .J1.. 11:30 ifjfig- 26 " Low :: n.nVf - I 08 p.m. 3.0 H ere an dTK ere Southern Alberta is to hare another addition to its growing lilt of titled ranchers, according to report The Due de N'rmours, a descendant of Louis Philjipe of France, it is stated, is sailing in April to visit Lord and Lady Rodney, who have a ranch at Fort Saskatchewan, and, later, to acquire a homestead near the establishment of the Frince of Wales. The Nova Scotia Technical College assays under direction of the Dominion Council of Scientific Research indicate Nova Scotia oil shales to be the richest in the world, giving fifty gallons of high-grade paraffin to a ton of shale. One hundred million tons of the shale are readily accessible, and vast oil industries similar to those of Colorado and the Western States might well come into being in this "I find general business conditions quiet but improving throughout Canada and undoubtedly the increase in the price of farm products will prove very encourrging to the west," said Grant Hall, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on his return from a recent tour of the Dominion. "Large orders for hardware shipped over our lines of late to the west indicate that the crop money is now beginning to circulate more readily, which in its turn is a mark of the farmer's confidence in the country." There was a gene.-al increase in all phases of the lumbering industry in Canada during 1923, as compared with the previous year, according to the latest report of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The average value of the output in that year amounted to $139,894,677. as compared with $114,324,580 in 1922, an increase of 22.4 per cent. In this respect the lumbering industry comes third on the 'ist of manufacturing industries fci Canada, with the pulp and paper industry first and the flour and grist mills second. Tassengers aboard the Canadian Pacific steamship "Empress of France," now touring the world, had a unique experience recently while visiting Ceylon. Returning from a run out to Kandy, the old capital of the Cingalese Kings and Site of the Temple of the Tooth of Buddha, a train-load of the travellers was held up by a herd of wild elephants which, hemmed in on either side by the jungle, ambulated along the track ahead. This was a feature of the journey which delighted those of the tourists who were not anxious about missing the ship. Viola Dana, the famous motion picture actress, whose work has de-. lighted millions, is to be the star of a drama to be filmed at Banff, according to a recent report. Miss Dana journeyed from New Vork to Montreal and then across the continent via Canadian Pacific Railway, in order to join her company for the film. The remainder of the cast- are proceeding to Banff from Los Angeles and it is expected that shooting of the scenes will commence shortly. A very considerable number of big pictures have already been taken at Banff, which seems to have a great attraction for discerning stars and directors who appreciate the beauty of the scen ery. dear?" VERY BOTHERING Thomson: What's I lie matter? Finance Imlliering you? .lohnsloii Yes! I owe lingers live pounds, and today I've gut il, ami he knows I've got il, ami lie knows 1 know he knows I've gut il. ENVIED GEORGE. "I)id you enjoy llic parly, "Yes, mother, but I wished I'd been (icorgc Washington." "Why, dear?" "Well, lie couldn't toll a lie, ami so when be was at parly and was jiskeil if he'd like another piece of cake, instead of saying 'No' just to be polile. he'd have lo lell llic Irulb." The Color of Soap The white color emphasizes the purity which has made Baby's Own Soap so popular in Canadian Nurseries. Its soothing fragrant lather cleanses. and refreshes. It is impossible to bi7 a purer soap thaii'-- Bnby's Own Soap " "But far you end Baby loo" GET IT AT! MEN! there's kick in it. There's something about Lifebuoy Soap that men can't resist. Something in the way Lifebuoy cleanses and refreshes them that is making this soap more and more popular every day. Definite, satisfying cleanliness is exactly what any man has a right to expect from using a soap. When people greet you with a smile, and bright eyes flash your way, and your work goes with a real snap, that's health. ... Lifebuoy is the Health Soap. The clean health odour of Lifebuoy vanishes quickly after use, but the protection remains. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. ' LB-SiJ -: CRIBS :- 1 ONLY WOOD CRIB Drop side, ior enamel Hmsh and decorative panels al head and fool, and inuUros with animal design licking, $22.50 IRON AND STEEL CRIBS Bolh sides drop, while enamel rmish. $13.50 and $26.10 Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Phone 123 V HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 BULK COCOA 2 lbs. for 25c (new block) Trade FAMED WBtm LONDON The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. 53.25 Per Bottle. The Gin for you is "H.& U." This advertisement' is not published or displayed by the Liquor! Control Board or by the Guveruiueul of British Columbia :