pake tvcj 1 f"fSB 1 A HEAP and i SrB ml 1 bronchial nsaaEsitra colds No Smoke No Sprays- Ko Snuff Just Swallcw a RAZ-MAH Capsuls Restores normal breathing. Quickly tops ail choking, gasping nnd mucus gatherings in, bronchial tubes. Gives lwng nights of restful 6leep. Contains no iniurioua or habit-formirr drutrs. SLOOper box at drug stores. Send 5c. for generous trial, lempletons, ioronto. R A Z- !V3 A II GUARANTEED RELIEF FOR SALE BY The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Piililjslioil Every Afternoon, except Sunday. the Prince ,'Jhiperl Daily News, Limited, Third Aveiui' II. R PULLEN, Managing Editor. r r DAILY ROITIOA SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, liy mail or carrier, By mail In all parts of Hie British Stales, in advance, per year tffl.rtO To all other eoiinlries. in advance, per year J?7.." 0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - All advertising should lie in The nu day jireccitinj; puldicalion. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Future Is Looking Full Of Promise. The Hi Lure is full of promise for this city. People Outside are realizing il perhaps niurytjiaii those living here. The arrival of the elevator engineer and flic rniUnieu is having, a good effect psychologically and il should not be ery long before we begin lo feel the results. The jniildiug of Hie elevator, the improvement and operation of the lumber mill, the building and operation of the new cannery near Seal Cove, Hie erection of the biological station, Hie work on life 'road construction and the power plant and street and other improvements and the large expenditures on hiiildmgs,' which is bouild to follow the other developments, all will bring people lo the. city (aud keep them busy. It is to be expected thai Prince Rupert will be busier this year than ever she has been be Tore. In addition to the developments in the city, Ihere is going to be a busy time in the district. The milling outlook is better than il has ever been before in the Portland Canal district and it is confidently expected the district mills will all be Working as Hie lumber business picks up, Itshing wilt go on as usual and 1)c eold storage plants which will 'have beeii " cleared nut during the close season, will hTivelioiico" mTi'r'e ' fill up their rooms. Status Of Canada In , British Empire. Colonel Aniery, secretary of state for the colonies in the British Empire, well slated the case when he said that Canada was a much greater influence in the world as a partner in the British Empire than she could hope lo be in an independent capacity. If today she were independent, without army or navy, and lacking a very large population, she would be a nonentity. As it is she has a say in all world affairs and that without any other country .interfering in apy way with her internal workings. Colonel Aniery lived in Canada for many years and knows the country Well. He is a kindred spirit for be. has ramped, id the mountains, ridden 'over the plains and taken part in the life of the people, lie ralher objects lo the litle "which he now holds, that of "Secretary to the Colonies," recognizing that the Dominions are no longer colonics in the old sense but have evolved into iialions. Probably the position will be abolished soon or given a more appropriate name. Using Bank Money To Fight Extradition. The alleged bank robbers are fighting extradition and if they are guilty, as "their actions seem to. indicate, Ihey are probably using (he stolen money lo keep themselves from facing inn music, i niortiiiinteiy the machinery of justice in the. United States is siieh that delays are nol only possible but probable, lu Canada delays are sometimes possible but in (he neighboring stales loopholes seem so numerous that it'is easy Viioiigh to, slip into one. ., II is in be hoped thai, fpr Ihe sake of the future, the men accused u( robbery oii this side the line will be Drought to face me juoge. Do Not Like Canadian Justice. U.S. criminals like to take inn iue inwneuiateiy make( fur the oilier side as soon as they gel the job done. They do not like the prospect of facing" Canadian law courts. While Ihey can expect nothing here but justice they get a fair deal. H the bank robbers expect lo gel clear by delay, lliev should remember what happened (lie Chinese murderer two days ago He committed the dastardly deed wenl lo the scarfold. Even if proceedings for two years, they "m -fir rrffT AT ALL DRUGGISTS mmZmmm l H-i U Dr I rnan,!.-. fV m PaIm . W - - M a w a . . Neuritis Neuralgia Thoueanda cf Canadiana hava found that T.K.C 'a five quickfat and aureat relief from Pain. T.RX.'a act iiir tly fin the poiaona that cauae the pain. They contain no cUrtperuua or habit fuming dr. . Your drua-tfmt room. menda them. Send 10c. fur a-entroua trial. Trrapletona, Tbronto. 1 (( Rhaumatiam 50r. UC Headachee Neurltia N.uralala SIZE SIZE Paina TEMPL ETON'S TRC's RHEUMATIC CAPSUl' 31 ORMES LIMITED per moulli 91.00 Empire and Hie United 98 86 Daily News Office hefnre p.m. JiJD Saturday. .Ian. 17, I0i5. .' . a flyer on this, side .occasionally the bank robbers should' ilelav would not escape because of y . mm url a flaiit Sold In Prince Rupert by ORMES LTD. ! MAYOR SPEAKS ! TO RATEPAYERS Addresses Association on Question of Filling Cow Bay and Other Matters lli. remarks being principally ill connection willi Hie project ! for Hie filling in of Cow Hay for; 1111' privilege of doing which Hie 'provincial government intends lo (turn over lo the cily 2"(l feel or ; walerfrOnlage, Mayor re-elect S, M. Newton addressed the Prince lllupeil Itatepayers' Associalion jlasl night. The meeting was ; presided over hy Yici'-presidenl i.M. M. Stephens-and there was fair allendance of members oticoat and" turns in directly the the associalion lu connection with the final selHemenl. of this proposal, which had been approved by the electors. Mayor Xewlon said that the Itatepayers' Association in'iyhl jiive varuhle assistance. The proposal was that the city should receive SOU feet of waler-fi'onlagc just cask of the Wiulh of Cov Hay in return for giving permission to Ihe filling up of the bay. It would he Ihe intention or Ihe cily on the waler-frontage il thus received In provide landing and shelter for vessels of fishermen and people from outside points along the coast. After denying Hie sugges tion that, in advancing Ihe pro position he had been serving any interests, Mayor Newton entered into an account of the steps that had leil up to Ihe p'lehiscie beingj presented. There was still a feeling that a - mistake might be Mule in permitting the filling up of Cow Hay for fear thai il would he impossible to obtain any oilier iidepiale shelter. However, he could see no other course nnen if the desired facilities for. Ihe lauding and shelter of small boats was In be obtained. This was a matter, he felt, that, should ljae been attended to long ago as a mailer of keeping faith with Hie fishing inlere'sls. It would benefit the cily, he felt, in the competition to make Ihis -Hie headipiarlers of (he. fishing industry of Ihe Pacific Hoast. Extols Association In the course of his address, the mayor reiterated former statements he had niade regarding Ihe value of the Itatepayers' Asociation lo Ihe city. Through suggestion and assistance given Ihe eiy council last year, he fell il hail demonstrated its useful ness which he hoped would be continued. Any complaints or suggestion il had to make .vould always be welcomed and ivcii full consideration, by the council. .Mr. Stephens having congratulated Mayor Xewlon on his re election. Mayor Xewlon reciprocated the seniinieuts of AM. Elect Stephens and slated hi hope thai 'the I'.V'r, eouncil would so measure up to it responsihilitis and requirements thai, when the end or the year arrived, the association could not. lmV feel that the host courses had been followed in Hie interests of the citizens generally. The'tiii'esljon iif'lhe removal oT Hie plank roadway on Tale Sheet again having been brought up. Mayor Xewlon slaled bail )ee.i decided lo extend grading lo Secliiw 2 Id lake In this street H Ihe property owners involved so desired. Seventh Avenue Water In answer lo remarks by D. H. McDougall respecting 1 lie ad visability of enlarging the water main on Seventh Avenue West, His Worship slated that he had brought Ihis matter lo the al-enlion of Ihe cily council and II would be dealt with by the new hoard of works. OBJECTS TO METHOD OF DEBT COLLECTING At Ihe meeting of Ihe hospital board last night J. J. (iillis objected lo the method being ued to collect debts for (he (ieneral Ibipilal. He owed a small I it moii 1 1 1 and Ihe account had hrcn placed Tor collection with a foreign collecting agency. Alderman Macdonald snggesl- !eil Ilia! for a man with seven jrhililreii and employment not very regular some leniency 1 should have been shown. He de- fended Ihe aclion of the secre-llary. who was working under n-islrucllon.H. He did nol like Ihe method or securing Ihe aid or n foreign agency lo collect debts. Mr. Mackay defended lln inethod, saying that ait Interna- tional orjiritrtfznt F?n could 1"' more effective llian a purely national one. Even their union were iiilcruallonnl. However he thought Hie riiciu'bers of Hi! Hoard sliiiiilil authorize sjifli n riiaHe'r a this. the Man in the Moon aAYS: IK a girl think lie will pro- pone again she will say o." 4 MUSSOLINI is ii star advertiser, lie mighl-as well order a permanent spare on the front ( page. A IIEAH 1 mows when lo go lo rijbed. He just nuts on his thick first snow conies. SOME people work for a liviuir and some' makej il by Ju'sl silting in a chair and using a pen or pencil.". i "I'M (vi'IlEllS lap iiypewrilcrs and think I her anw'orkiiig. AXD yet others, dig ditches,' erect elevators, ifr'huild railways and Ihey think liiey are working. ' A lit lie KnW ' Named Paarvo Xurini, Hot in ahead . And said - "well here'in I. ' ' 1 He licked t'jie whole hig World at ''running f And everyone cheered And 'said (was stunning. I THIS Is going lo be a dry year.1 Hie prophet's announce, but when! Ihey said il Ihey did not rminl on those "wet areas," IK you have never heard a really terrible .squeal, you probably have never listened in on a radio set. ' THE farmers On the prairies ire praying thai Ihe price of wheat will go up anil the people in Ihe cities are praying that the price ot hreariKvill go down. What .is Ihe goojj l.iinf (q do alinui ' --'..I. ' f IK there . is any jibing going on in Parliament at Ottawa, -.doubt less the Liberals will whisper under Iheir breath ''.U'esl Hastings." .NOW 'boys, don't gel investing all your money in real estate because I here's only a tew thousand lots here altogether, and you. must not be selfish. JOHNNIE sometimes uses, a dreadful word and he declare he learned it frmu Santa Clans. IT used to be that when a girl crossed the slreel intersection' during a high wind Ihe men all stopped lo gaze, but liieni days is gone forever. IK you wish to muko your pile. become a junk dealer or buy and sell lumber. Teh Years A&o J in Prince Rupert I, i Heiirgr. Bradsjinw.ij jrety engineer 'for the (iraiid Trunk Pacific Railway, addressed local employees at a meeting yesterday j afternoon in Hie Westholmo Theatre. General Superintendent W. C. C. Mehan presided. Mayor Xewlon has appointed his council committee chairmen for the year 1!5 (is follows: Kinanee, Aid. Morrlssey; board HAD BAD SPELLS WITH HER HEART ,Mr. C Martin. Ii.p, Nrt. t. Oilllin, Out., wrllen:- "I hnvn In-en irrmljli'il with my Imart fur n hmit time nml vry urieii lind liml fpell Willi it, I would hike raliiltnir KielU, nnd my liuliand (mil to liave muiii'lKidy In tiiy Willi inn all Hie llnin. Hi, imt me cVcrMlilnit hi ronhl Oi;mI f,r i ir iii-i, i.i ,u - ! rhI. ii.n imiiiiur mtiu'ihi m in in mp. on nay a rrlcml m In to me ami ad' vlfd ine to try MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS My liuliand went and wt me twn luivoa, ami afler llm riral fine wa flrilslii'd I Mt likr Oirrcrnil wdiriuii. I raiinii'l reni'mint'iid t'lii'in eminUi lo all iiii'ide Wlin aurfiT with nnylhliiif wrnnjr whli ifirlr hi'arl nr nerves." MIIMirn'a II. K X. rill luivn been rin the IniiiVi'l fir lln' A !r) ycara anil ai'n uit up only hy The T. Mlllmrn Oi blmltoil, Tornnio. Onl, "All diutiuu handle, lliein." S:ifii-.1a . .Tiuniary 1 yiMiaMjMii f works. .ld. Maillaud: utilities. Aid. Kerr; health, Aid. Xieol; reading room, Aid. Beveridge. Mayor Xewlon has received a Vire from "the boys" at tho 'A'illows. Victoria, congralulal-ng him upon his re-election. I :hinese theatricals i for local hospital) i Entertainment Will be Given by Members of Local Colony Aid of Institution There Is lo be clashing of Chinese swords, and all the re-litlar accoiiipanimenl or Orient-il tragedy and comedy aeeoiu-willieil hy the -wierd strains ot 'jarbarie music , at one or the 'ii'cal Ihealres, if Hie plans oT Ihe n'einliers of Ibe'pyne Mill reading room mature, Louis Wing, 'heir representative, .had a letter 'lelore the lid nihil Hoard last light olTeriiigyrf'0 services of heir llieairiealXc'Minpaiiy to raise money lor Ibijiiospilai and Hie lifer wa neeepiVd. 'The Chinese vHI give ihe'eiVlertaiiunenl and lie pri't-eeds .Vjilj go id I tie Tor a1 j nsliluli'nn. : ! .. . . . . ' 1 1 I CI, : 1 1 it.. I : il was leu -.won i lie iwcrui ivi' 'o make cfimplele arrangement-.Villi Hie t'.hii'ii:e, Company. TWO SUPERVISING NUR$ES RESIGNED Miss: Crone and Miss Bailey aro . . . i ..i I, i i .1. ff-octvuiH nuapitai, iviairon States In her Report to Board . 'Hie report., of flie Hospital Hoard Of theHady superinteiiden' rtead.;Ul ilhe, nfijeHufc'or the Hoard lasl'.evrifj.qg ffo'weil that I here Were miu Hie sjVlTVa!,! present six night'' nlir'sesfrjl IjfoVlreii pupil itbrses and leifjoliiers with herself .making nK lolil employed lllere' or thirty.' '.Vr . DuriiiS the moiilfi.a number of Hie nurse had been ill.' Some new table .were needed. The linoleum provided by Ihe ladies' auxiliary wa mucH appreciated but it was being held awailing Ihe pulling in'of proper castors for the bed. Two supenising nurses. Mis Crone and Mis llailey had handed in their resignations, The coiumlllee. was asked lo again investigate the matter or utirse' salaries, aTler which Ihe report was adopted. v , , PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Sunday, January 18 HlBh 7:2K a.m. 1 8.5 ft. 20:1 1 p.m. 1 5.U " Low 0:5(5 a.m. 7.2 " 1 3 :no p.m. 7.:i " Monday, January 19 High H:2H a.m. IR.'J ft.! 21 :27 p.m. tr.R Low I :'C a. in, i.H I 15:11 p.m. 0.3 " I it Rupert Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid, PrIr.r.a Rupert, B.C. S.8. PRINCE RUPERT aiU from l'rlnre Riipnrt rOR VANCOUVER, VICTORlAi SEATTLE, illliTjlii-illale JiiuiiU cai'll ft jil.ij( 0. (10-a. In. a. t For STEWART and ANVOX -WiiliiiMilay. tl m) t.i S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur Vanrimvi-r via QUEIN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS, JaiiMiny n, ; li'hrnai'y U. . PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT M0',I?.A,I,J2NES0AY' SATURDAY, ..(III pjir. for ITo- Oe.iritff. EDMONTON. winnipeo, an iminis Kasnm :anmia, .L'nitoil. St'itr. Inr.rv lit amiu ' . City T.ekat OfflcarVVhlrd A,.r. CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINnPSS Al , ' I illllVbtlS IflMTll For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 20; February 0, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13i 27 8.S. PRINCES8 BEATRICE. For B-itedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, NamU, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vau- coiiver, every Saturday, 11 aim. Agency for all Steamship Llr.ev r Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince RuctrL B.V Wint Balance of er AT CAPS lo clear from Only a WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE PNnTpcrT. Phona 2C0. amij. Siervico DniMerce mnnu Overcoats COST. . . $1.25 to $2.00 few loft. STEVE KING Phono Green 85. 9)