Stock-taking AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and p recti ca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist , WILL PROCEED WITH STATION Building to be Erected for uso of Etiological Board Soon as Plans Ready HATCHERIES DISCUSSED Scientific Body will Probably be Divided Says John Dybhavn , Just , Returned Arrangements novo Horn finiliily camideled between the provincial and federal governments for a silo on I he -provincial government wliarf and I lit building of die biological station hero will be proceeded Willi just is soon as Hie plans are in shape announced .lolin Dybhavn lodav on bis return from Ottawa , f wnere ire aiiciincu a medium ui I lie Itiologiral Hoard of Canada of which lie is a member. The building will he of two-storeys measuring 55 by 50 feel and will be of frame construction. j'Ii: eriti ninenl winch ll will house will be largely of a scientific na'ure. lr. Clemens, direclor of I lie WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Reginald Denny In "The Reckless Age" Passionate love, slo'en necklaces, foreign duplicity, society blackmailers-, forged letters, a treniendoiishaiid-to-haml buttle interspersed with real comedy may be found in this rhest-lhiimping, dynamic drama. See Heg kick I lie phoney earl, scare the blackmailing actress, thrash u husky editor, chase detectives all to help another man marry the girl he loved. In the end things happen and he didn't exactly lose out after all. Slroug supporting cast. Iloth Ihvyer, llaydeu Stevenson, John Stoppling, May Wallace and many others. COMEDY CARTOON: "FELIX CALMS HIS CONSCIENCE" FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT saiN from Prince Hubert FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Inlei IiuUiu le piilnu fail) 1 rlilay D.OU a.m. For STEWART ami ANVOX , Wediiexliiy, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur Yanruiivpr via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, January 17, 31; lcbruiiy H jfs. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPER1 MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, ft.00 p.m. fur I'rlni-v Grirrve. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, al pumli tl;m Canada, l ulled Slate. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Olty Ticket Offlc, 828 Third Hit., Prince Rupert. Balance of Phone 2G0. Winter Overcoats AT COST. CAPS to clear from $1.25 to $2.00 Only a few It; It. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. H Silks Spun Silk, Cream or Pink . . 27" Jap. Silks. Sale Price . Natural Pongee. Sale Price Shot Tnfratas. Sale Price . Durability Silks, $1.!),'). ror . MesMilines, :J(J", all colors . (ieorgelle Crepes, to $2.75 . $1.10 Yard . . 50c Yard . . COc Yard $2.25 Yard SI .50 Yard $1.75 Yard $1.75 Yard . S. Wallace Co. ROOMS TO LET IN WALLACE BLOCK 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. . i biological station at Departure Hay, near Nanaiino, will be ir: charge - "while the local station is Ibeiug built, and equipped and it lis expecled that an officer to lake permanent charge will be ap pointed by I lie biological board at its .May nieeling. One of the first uses to which the Prince llupert station will br put will be as headquarters foi an expert from the University oT Edinburgh who has been ap pointed by I ho biological board lo follow, ui studies of I he Paci fic coast salmon which heretofore have been carried on by Dr. (iilbert for I he provincial .govern ment. This expert, who wiil urrivi here" in the spring, wil oe attached lo the local station Hatchery Problems The recent meeting of the bio logical board was called more particularly to consider the hatchery problem on which i pf'Ki'eat deal of varying opinions have been expressed. -Mr. Dyb liavn slates that the board decided to recommend lo the department that a scientific investigation of the problem be undertaken lo determine the act ual results from the hatcheries. As the salmon are known to run in four year cycles, it will pro bably lake lhat long lo complete the investigation, if it is under taken. Just before this meeting of Hi" ' oard, Dr. lulcliinsoii of the 'niversily of H.C. was appointed I member .and he attended the teeling. There are now three members of the hoard from west of Winnipeg, (he third being Professor O'Doiiohue of Hie University of Manitoba. May Divide Work Since the scope of Ibe board i:as been enlarged to include 'oniniercial research work for which the new stations at Prince llupert and Halifax are lu be particularly erecled, it was felt by most of the members of the hoard at the recent nieeling thai 'I would be advisable lo divide :hc board into I wo sVetnns one for the Pacific Coast and the other Tor the Atlantic. Thi latler was discussed at some 'nglli but no definite action was taken. II is considered likely. ! owever, thai such a division will he pul into effect for it is ripparenl dial more cffeelive work could thus be carried on II would be concenlraled so dial those familiar with particular ! matters would be aide lo deal with Ihem more effectively aim economically. Friends In New York llesides Ottawa, Mr. Dybhavn visited Toronto, Monlreal, .New York, Chicago and other cilies on J business. In .ew York he was with W. E. Williams and J. It.j Morgan. The latter went to tlio! metropolis accompanied by Mr.1 Williams to seek special treatment n.i- his sight. Mr. Wil-iams will remain in Ottawa mi ni i ne eievauir leuuers are open-l 'd and deall Willi on January ID.' Mr. Dyhhavu experienced xi'y weal her throughout the !t n I i glad- lo be back here: where il i-. sn agreeably mild. ANGLICANS ARE MOST NUMEROUS ; According to Census Presby terians Come Second In Number In Prince Rupert , While tilings have chunked j I somewhat hero since Ibe last j census, it is o:ily recently dial Mlie book issued by die census lileparlmenl under die minister lof trade and eoninierce has been issued. It gives some Interesting information in regard lo (be religious of die people. According lo dial authority the Anglicans are die most numerous in Prince llupert with Presbyterians a close second. The elassified lis is as follows: Population Anglicans Ilaplisls ', t'hrisllaiis ... I.. Cougregalioiialisls l'.asleru lleligions (ireek Church . . . Jews Lutherans Methodists . , . . . Mormons Presbyterians y . , Unman Catholics Salvation Army . . Protestant (,aaa 207 1 12 180 105 1 1 r52 7i: 1 1,(553, H75 18 7 Other Seels 220 I'nspecifie.l 1 No religion 4 A.lverl.iso in the Daily News. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, January j, jj Valtt Evert pdirfull of uear Service Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Pelbn. arrived on this morning's train from Winnipeg and are register-: ed at din Prince llupert Mole! Mr. IVlleitz is a commercial niani and visils the. west every year or I so. They will go south Friday j morning on the steamer Princej llupert . J John Dure, district supeinteu- dent of (ioverniiienl Telegraphs, j is leasing on. I he steamer Prince, llupert (oniglil for Stewail on, denarl menial business, lie ex-j peels to' be .hack next Tuesday. Harry Tlirupp oT die C.N'.H. division freight ofllce relinked ret-enlly from an extended holiday trip to die Old Country. , HOW ABOUT IT? Ilushand' Didn't I telegraph you not to bring your mother wilh you? 'j, WITe Thai's whnt she wants lo ce you about. Wear Western King - Union Made Overalls IS m is eS that mean Busines mens for our Depart Blue and Striped, sizes 34 lo 44 Khaki, sizes 36 to 44 Strong 7 oz. Denim Smocks - $h9$ To match above 1uant,ty buying enables this store to sell this well II P I UVerallSf blUOCkS known brand of overalls at these remarkably low prices. Finest materials and w workmanship in every pair atch This Space Unionalls $2-95 For our January Clearance Sale. Prices that will shatter all bargain records u CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY, FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY C0MBINA TI0N SPECIALS LOT 1 7 Tins (iukl Medal Tomatoes, 2's $1.00 LOT 2 . 0 Tjns Maple Kidge Tomalogs", 2."V. . . $1.00 ' LOT 3 ' ; "" . A , .V 2 Tins Qmikor tiini, 2V. 2 Tins lliinistierley Farm Pea-i's,- . 2, Tins Gold Medal Tomuloei, 'ih'l-i'. s . $100 LOT 4. , ' r ' : -This Quaker Cortt, 2V. ;v : I 2 -Tins Maple Iticlge Toinnlbes2 Ws..' " 1 Tin Pumpkin, 2's $1.00 LOT 5 2 Titrs Mefugee Means, 2's. iversal Trading 2 Tins Quaker Corn, 2s. 2, Tins llumslerley Farm pea.-, 2's . LOT 6 2 Tins Mulkin's Hns Poache, IV. 2 Tins Quaker Grceilgagus, 2 Vks, . 1 Tin (ilobe HrAiid Pears, 2V ... LOT 7. 1 Till Nabob Loganberries, 2's. 1 Tin MalkinV IU1 Peaches, 2HV. 1 Tin MulkinV Ilesi I'enrs, 24's ... LOT 8 , 1 Tin Del Monte Sliced peaches, 2Vr 1 Tin Ilamslerley Kami Pe-nrs, 2's. 1 Tin Malkin's llest Apricots, 's. 1 Tin Hoyal Sliced Piiieiipple,, 2's . . Co $1.00 $1.00 .... $1.00 .... $1.00 Satisfaction SPECIAL CARPET WEEK WILTON AND AXMINSTER CARPET SQUARES AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES a9 lOTrTsn r IMP 3rd Avenue. WILTON KOlinnrQ Size 27" x o'i" Size :ill" x (i:t" Size (I ft. 1) in. x'ti ft. . . Si.o t) fl. x It II '. '. Size ! fl. x 10 ft. II in. . . . AXMINSTER SQUARES v Size 27" x rt Size HO" x o:r Size i ft. (I in. x 7 d. (I in". Size 0 ft. tl in. x t) fl. . Size t) -ft. x 11 fl. . Size I) ft. x 10 it. (I in. All I MA n..u n . - - - GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Price $11.00 Price $17.00 Price $47.00 Price $54.00 Price $74.00 Price $5.00 Price $9.00 Price $23.00 Price $32.00 Price $37.00 Price $45.00 Phone 20