February 1925. THE DAILY NF.WS PACE TORES .... j.i jitinnrT rninim itmMimiinuMmiwvm rnl' II At the end of washday how old ffifM do you feel? And few ' ,hl ,lrl"C ' toil will make you actually as old In erprnce t,n 7 " w0"t now makes you fttL Ktp you' youth tr ,,ne ouf Tbrlf-T-irvic. Jt coit is vry iiht. et your entire bundle will b, washed carefully, tht 'flat work will be Ironed, ind Just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And thii comes back to you damp, leadr to starcn ana iron 01 " . . May wa send for your bundle next washday? 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Per Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. Learn to Make P PETTY LAMP SHADES, DAINTY FAVORS, DECORATIONS ErPTNf WEAVE ATTRACTIVE LEARN TO MOULD AND PAINT With Sealing Wax. It mi Ihi- 1 i-riimliiiK Vi BASKETS With Crepe Paper Rope. II" l r! ; Tr.-iy, .in. I L.i'P.- -v awl 1 KTflSWf'fl Wax and Flowers every Tuesday, Rope Weaving every Friday from 1 to 0 p.m. McRAE BROS. LTD. FISHERMEN! I. .-. over nur l'irl Aid K i I ami ee 'I' ii is i-mii-llerc are Mime of I h; tilings ui -lini.ht have on (or you nut In sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK r our I'ci'Minal Kil you will alsn need razor SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH ,! imr Miiiplios frniii i mid lie Mire of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 'h 'd Avcnuo Phones F2 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. For Your Kitchen ! Gateleg Tables and Bow-back Chairs '" lire iiiirinislicd, lull have Ihi- mhiiulage llnil we nisli, slain or enamel same In suit your purli-iilnr Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phono 123 Local and Personal ! I Mi. Undertakers, l'lione 41. Ilayiiurg, Undertakers, l'lione 351 llaskr-tball, Klks' Home tonight You'll like our joall his Coal Co. l'lione 7, Cimsdm If Uiiitni'lla lakcu from Hospital hull yesterday by mistake. Will Owner please phone KUic 33'J. .We stock Look Mills. have further reduced our to clear by January 31. It over. Shockley Planing tf Annual meeting Northern B.C. Agricultural anil Industrial As sociation tomorrow at 8 ii.ni. in Council Chamber. llalihul boat for sale. 36 feci unji. It ft. (') in. heain, 12 h.p. Standard engine, full line of ear. Going at a bargain. N. M. McLean, Cow Bay. 2T Union earner ('.ardeiia, Cap'. A. K. Dickson, arrived from I lie south ul 7 o'clock last night and sailed at I o clock (tils morning for Anyox, 'Stewart and Alici Arm. I tic barge llinpuniou is now mi lier way souili to Vancouver from Cuiusliewa Inlet, in low of the tux Massell. Tho Ilingainon has 1,250,000 feel of lo aboard. Municipal Chapter, l.().l. I'., Mi slead of meeting lonivht, will ineel at the home of Mrs. A. T. Parkin, H55 Burden SlivH, al p.m. on Thursday evening, Feb ruary 12. Capl. (inorge lllack, M.l. for Yukon, and Mrs. lllack will leave shortly for Ollawa where lhy A'ill reside fur the months wliiH lie hoimr in in fiijouz-Yan couver Sun. ' On the pelilioii of Mi's. I'lor nee I'.leannr ltaltenbury, hoi naniase to 1-ranees Mawson Ualienliiiry in 1K98 In Victoria as dissolved in tile supreme r.oi.rl at viineouwr last weoK. Jiidgmenl iii favor of Ihe pluinlilT has been given by Judg Yoimir in the County Court ease of A. .1. Whcalley vs. AL fa I cmicr. ImiI li ol .Mice Arm. I'a'.- more I'ullon had (he ca-u for Hie plainliir and Williams, Man-son ; (ionzalcs for Ihe defend ant. TIm- suil airaiiist the rum ship Prince Albert by I lie Pacific Commercial liable Co. will open in Vancouver on Thursday of this week. 'Ihe sum of 110,000 is laimod from Ihe ship which is alleged lo have broken Ihe Paci fic cable outside of San I'ran-ci.co. The Prince Albert is si ill lied up under arrest at Esquimau. ' ; - INNOUNCEVCNTS I.O.D.I'.. Children s Fancy Dress Ball, February C. Illks" Smoker, February 10. O.YV.Y.A. Annual Hall, Febru. ary 12. C N.lt. l'ebriiary Employes' Annual Hall, 17. F.Iks' Annual February 20. Pacific M'lk's Natural Flavor Novelty dance, si Ihe rich, rresh cream flavor or Pacific Milk Is due entirely lo the splendid quality of rresh milk which comes lo our faclories at Abbolsford and l.ndner. And lo Ihe Improved process we ue, which retains natural flavor, (iro. ecrs tell us thai five of every six cans Pacific. of milk sold are Pacific Milk Co. Limited Hoad Office, Vancouver Factorloa at Ladncr and Passenger Man Appointed to Railway Executive W. B, HOWARD WB. Howard, whose appointment as General Executive Assistant has been announced by E. W. Bcatty, Chairman and President of the Canadian Pacific Hallway. Mr. Howard. vim has been Assistant General Passenger Agent, succeeds K. L. Wanklyn, whose retirement was announced at the end of the year. Mr. Howard Is one of the younger of the Company's officials although he entered Its service twenty-five years ago. Born In Chatham, N.B., he Joined the Canadian Pacific forces as Junior clerk at St. John, N.B., in 1S97. and two years later was promoted to the position of travelling passenger agent Since that time his promotion has been rapid and ho 13 well known throughout the east as a very competent officer. On two occasions Mr. Howard has been In charg. of the train placed at the service of the Prince of Wales by the Canadian Pacific, D. J. Mallieson, city treasurer sailed on the, Princess Mary sal- nrdav afternoon for Vancouver on a holiday tqp, Don't; forget taUiolic. social lo nighl in Melrtiptde Hall. Bndg lllil wllisl ctmitttenees al 8.30 p. m, Miaey. Aiimission ouc. Auclion sali ofalved malerial from S.S. Keiinecvl1 on February 5 at 2.30 p.m. at J'rovincial lov-ernmeiil wharf. -4 Itcceiver of Wricks. , 27 Mrs. Saldin Hie Weslern Hotel was nHeil"4fo in the cily police court thin., iuorniii3 for huviug Hiuor unlawfully on her premises. Alex Williams,, Arthur West and James Spnce,, Indians, were each fined .til ami rust in the eily police court Ihis morning for inloxicalion. Mayor S. been soulh M. Newton, who has foi; a. fortnight on private business, home on the Princi neday afternoon. is expected lluperl Wed- C.N.Il. sleamer Prince John. Cap!. Neil McLean, spent the; week-end at tlib Ary doiV. dis- charging 080 Ions, of Vancouver;- Island coal for Ihe power houe there. The Joint will sail for Vancouver, via I lie Queen Char lotte Islands, at 8 n'clock loniglil Harry Beams, after spending several weeks holidaying at his home in Vancouvor, returned In the cily on Hie fiardenn last night and will proceed lonighl on Ihe Prince John lo Buckley Bay where he will residue- his dulics Willi Ihe Masselt Timber Co. V.. II. Simpson, manager of Ihe Laiigara Packing Po.'s cannery al Massetl, and Mrs. Simpson, relurned. on Ihe Cardena yesterday afternoon after spending several weeks in llie smith and wiH proceed lonighl on I hi' Prior. John lo Hie ljueeif Charlotte Islands. Molorship Belliiigham, with 800 cases of salmon ami a car-loud of frozen fish for Irans-shipinenl East fioni here over the Canadian Nalional Jlailways. arrived in port from Ketchikan at 8 o'clock this morning. The vessel is iii command of Capl. Matheison, Vr regular skipper, Capl. Leu Williams, being ashore sick at Ketchikan. Miss Ted llaslell of Ihe government agent's olllce wishes lo correct an Item which appeared on Salurjlay in this paper. Her sister Mrs. Harry Thorley (neo Miss Kalhlcen llaslell) was married In Tacoma last Augusl 20, Hie announcement of her engagement for August 20, I U25, being incorrect. The error was due lo a mistake in dales In an out-of-town paper"frohi which Hie Hem was copied. ' WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIUBV ISLAM). Hainlng, strong southeast wind; baromet er. L'H'IH: lemoerature. J: sea moderate; 8 p.m. spoke steamer. Canadian Miller, Japan Tor Prince lluperl, 1002 miles from I Prince lluperl; 12:15 a.m. passed out Cardena northbound. IlKAl) TIlKK POINT. Ilainhijf, calm; barometer, 29.04; temper ature, 37; sea smooth. BILL HAIlBOlt. Overcast, light southwest wind;' barometer, 20.30; temperature, 10; moderate swell; 8 p.m. spoke slcainer Any ox lowing Itiversdale, l.adysmith or Prince lluperl, 113 mile from l'riiu-o lluperl; 8 p.m. spoki sleamer Nahesna, 133 miles from Taroma, southbound; 0 p.m. sooke steamer Princess Mary, abeam Pine Island, soulliDounu 10:30 ii.ni. snoke sleamer llliel- ohsin at llivers Inlet southbound, Noon DK1BY ISLAND. Strong oulheasl wind; barometer, -'- 12: lemneralure, 10: moderate well. BULL HAHBOIl. Overcast, light soulhwesl wind; baromelc 2U.31: temperature. 10; light swell. The ease of I he plaintiff wa dismissed and a counter claim for the defendant allowed in judgment handed down by Judge Young in the Counly. Court action action of Peyton vs. Wray. A wage contract was involve in the case which wys defended bv S. V. Taylor with W. K. Fisher appearing for Ihe plaintiff. During the mouth of January, the fire .department was called mil five limes. In only one case was damage 'done, that being when the premises of Mrs Ouarrcl on Fight li Street wen gulled on New Year's1 morning. Coastwise Steamship it llargi Co.'s steamer Anyox is due lien tonight with a cargo of Yancou e.r Island coal. The vessel has in low the coal laden barge lliverside which was laken on to Anynx. '"The lawyer made a bald statement of the case." I "Shrewd lawyer! Then the jollier side had no opportunity to split hairs mi ii. ' SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAIHENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Viu-ant, unreserved, surveyed Crown lHnls may be pre-empted by riritlsh subjects over IK years of age. unJ by aliens on declaring Intention to lierome l.rltlsli suujecis. conui- ; Uonal uiOn residence. occjiutlon. : .nd lnniovtment for agricultural ourpove. Full Information concerning regu- i .Atlons regarding jire-emptlons li I given In llulletlii No. 1, Land Series, ; "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of i vdiicli can be obtained free of chrg ly addressing the Oepurtment of Lands. Victoria, U.C. or to any Gov- i arnment Agent. j Itwords will be grsnleJ covering j only Id nd suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber- land. I.e.. currying orer 8.0 board feet per acre west of the Coast llange und 5.00U feet per acre east of that Itange. I Applications for pre-emptions are j to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Itnd Recording Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are made n printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and improvements mads to value of 1 10 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant tin be received. For more detailed Information see the llulletln 'How to Pre-empt Land." 4 PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Cruwn lands, not being timBerland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is 13 per acre, and second-class (grax-lng) land :.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leaso of Crown lands Is given In Uulletln No, 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASE8 Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding S acre, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first .year, title being obtainable after residence and lm-Vrovement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEA8E3 For graxlng and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 640 acres may be leasea Dy one peiun ui -company. GRAZING Under the Graxlng Act the Province Is divided Into graxlng districts and the range administered under a. Graxlng Commissioner. Annual graxlng permits are Issued based on numbr ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners may form nclatlons for range management. Free, or partly free, narm t are avaiiaDie or soiunp, calipers and travellers, up head. '1 to ten time of accident you need help quickly IN and Zam-Buk is always the best, and most reliable antiseptic first-aid to have bandy. Whether it be a cut finger or a gashed knee, a scratched arm. burnt hand, sprain, bruise or open wound, Zam-Buk can always be depended upon to swiftly end pain and soreness, and ensure clean healthy healing. Through its valuable antiseptic property, Zam-Buk guards broken tissues against infection and quickly removes all trace of poison. Thus suppuration, inflammation and ulceration are completely averted. Zam Bull's unparalleled success is due to its purely her ail character, its constant reliability nd wide range of usefulness No home can ever afford to be without Zam-Buk. Pain & Disablement Ended "I would have lost a finger but for Zam-Bnk," savs Mr. A. Rowirtt. Gilbert Plains, Man. " li was my right fore fing-r black with poiscn and swollen four times normal size. 1 tried poulticing ; bathing it with antiseptics ; even had the docter lance the finger (or ! '. inches, but throbbing pain c'iiilii dv ind nifM "Mil the dtutfKifti put itt- 'm to 41-1II ik N'l'inimr lid !! l i finrrlrMii i- linck way thi srrat hral.r end. .1 ili trrtibl.- para and removed ppiion It ki me ri&ht lu a wck." Free & Post-Paid. Gat a U. box of Zam-luk fresi our retular drugl'St " seal-p, " end stlte lam-Cut Ce.,Tr ste, tor a utelui lantclo lo. It II ke , mailed return Fro. tad Post . M. fam-Buk THE WORLD'S ANTISEPTIC HEALER GET IT AT! YZ- HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 60T 539 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prime Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueiday, B P.M. Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swaneon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Nasi RI.er Cannerlea, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Atenue. i. Barneley, Agent. Prince Rupert, B O. " FAMED LONDON The Gin you will aak for again - the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.25 Per Bottle. The Gin for you Is "II. & U." This advertisement is not published or displayed by, the ' Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Colurjibiu. jj