infill hi io DM Jilli 13 QUICKER THAN BEER DRINKING I IT ii ii I . f r i j n r to add Fruit Drink to that Sold In Parlors VluoIHA. May Ii. ltavidnu gave S - Couiinis-a decision a' itaf ijdep.Viiuiiol la". 1 1 . i ' parlors. Id, aives of Ihe frili' : v en imalt'd Unit cider i I ' hundreds of Ihou-! ili ' annually to Ihe ! Hie province as il an mil let for low ii vri itnenl expert re--a; Hie proposal was .j. .j I c as eiiler would nol iiei'i, slating thai uolh-.nhii '"d a "jag" quicker i lining eujer on lop of u CHURCHES NOW I AKH....I f . mm . it-A Congregations Propose to Form Ono at Victoria Vfi Tim I A. May M. One of 'criii; il 'nils of Uhurcli I'uioii a proposal lo iiuile Iwo 'ssfi'n i'toigregatioivs, thai !ie Insl Cougregaljona! wilh Centennial' Melho-Tlie former has, always It II ilillleilll In irel :ilim'' "" iic latter has not recovcreil ' tir sc;i- formed when Hn il I'l 1. 1 IT III 111.1'" i' and sel on fur liiloself. What is nmi- I In. Cilv ''"'unit' i in. largest congrcgalion " '' or i a. 'V J ' W l eimiiiii 1 1 in. nf linlli " "'s has reiiorled favorably "III1 fltlllliei.'i I 2i 1 1 1 iii-nel ienl bl"'; nf sucli a union and the is how being dealt with 'y lie Minuii"j:alions separately. MOOSE TEMPLE Lot BEING PLANNED On Krascr Slrnnt Nnan Sal. vatlon Army Hall Is to bo Purchased Adv local Moose 'Ne ereclion "nir future, filinneml 1... I "J nuns lot among Lodge is plan- of a Iciuplc in the project lo he floating of Ihe members. A INI l'i':iuft.. ii... v., i . -vi --ini-i iii'iu i no ;;anon Army cilndel is lo 1.. 1 '"''linsed. '"'i'e in tho Dally News. work. From lr. limit cr. crown counsel elicited a statement thai cocaine causes .sudden ilea Hi willi sonic people, een when administered surah-ally as a local anaesthetic The significance of this statement has uol yet hern revealed. Mr. Maker's evidence win milch along the same line as given al previous inquiries but crown counsel stressed Die fact that there were several discrepancies hctween Ihe evidence given yesterday am) that of previous netja-floUH. Mr. Maker was on Ihe stand when ,vci)h n'sriirtett Ihlrf morning. HUGE ESTIMATE FOR RAILWAYS IS RECOMMENDED V OTTAWA, May ft. The House of Commons committe on railways ami shipping (his morning rnrricd a mot ion recommending Iho estimate of $50,000.1)0(1 Tor Ihe National Railways in 19-3- :c. . ! According to Physician; V WCOl VLTt. May 14. --Kvidenre or lir. W. A. Ilunler, ,.c firmed I In- autopsy on llir body of Janet Hnulli two if r ili.ilh. ami I hi' appeal mice of F. I.. Maker on I he ,i) icdurcd yesterday's session of (he preHiiiinary g in flie riisc.againsl Wong Fuon Sing, charged willi g the .Scottish nursemaid lal .Inly, lir Ilunler I f? 1 i f i tl lliat In Ihe best id his belief Ihe mm 'lit1 girl's ioiy occurred after ilealh ami staled Hi" In f Ma' body was embalmed grcnlly interfered willi 1 1 : - i. i. v PROSPECTORS ARE FAMOUS AUTHOR ENDS CAREER Sir Rider HaqnaTd Author of, Klpn Solomon's Mines .Died Today Lo.MiON.-May t I. - Sir H. Rider Haggard, writer of roiiiaiices". lind author of work) on agriculture .Hid oilier similar solid subject-, died here today al the, age.' of Cti ; years..-' -. While Srr Rider had heeu prominent In Hnglaml for man) years taking part in public life .iml writing on laud ami agricultural problems il 'is for 1 1 1 uovels'ltiat lie is known Ihrough-iouL Iho world. Away hack in Ihe seventies lie spent several years iu South Africa in ollirial posi- lioiis ami il vtas at that lime he iolitaiiied the local color for his (brilliaiil "King Solo- Hum' Mines" which was puh- .Ijsheil in I HUG. This Uook Was followed by "Slie" 'and thou again by '"Jess" a"nd others but Ihe olhers are llllle known. . In UH2 Sir Rider was id as u reward for his work. Deadlock in Spring Salmon here fish, eiireii ces to slates, Fishing Industry in Sotith are packed in ice ..ifi-iirei-Hliir cars Results from Drop in Prices T,Y WleSTMlNSTKH. May I S I'islierincn and caiincrii' opeialiiig on Ihe IVa-er Itivrr as far inland as roily miles me ...rr....ii..i t.v Hie deadlock which has arisen as n orolest of l.tmii riw no.o' aviiiiist Ihe fish Iniyers elilllng Hie pricif of .spring salniiMi from thirleeii lo eight c-ouls last week. Nn uclu.n is ox-peeled lieforo Salurday when mass ineelings will l.e held here. All fishermen, including Japajieso and Indians, are nffci'1 t'd liy Ihe slrike A. Monk, rcpreseniiun m-buyers in Ihe discussion, slated Dial Ihe norlhern lialilml fishermen, who formerly received as high as rents fr I heir pn-duel were now gelling only from lluee lo seven cenis ami that salmon prices uao iuiic." poudiiigly fallen. . Inquiries in IliU dislricl elicits Ihe racl Ihal llm I't'if" being jwiid lor spring' salmon in ii... neii'bborlit'od varies from eight lo ten cents a pound Iresscl bill Ihal owing lo lh-depressed slate oT Ihe eastern fish market Ihe .pces imiy .os-sibly go h'wer. The hollom has rallen out id tin' mlM cure hus. ie and Ihe ileiiianil for fresii fish has rallen on. ,as been Hie euslom holh and in Alaska lor im: mis--over 10 pounds, lo- he mild ami shipped in miuc, uei- Oerinany or me i-.asi.-ui while Hie smaller (Jalinon and sjilpi'ied I" lo Ihe. Maslet market. Hy If"' ''" :.pcl1: ed ii,.. re ii uiyer in mu lin il was a luxury for Hie I rich only. - , i " DELAYED Special lo daily News TKI.KliHAIMI, CRKKK, May II. - The three Harrington hoals carrying over I (Ml prospector for the I lease Lake country and freight which' left Wi'jiugell last Sunday have not yet arrived here. There is great- deal of ice in the Stikino Hivcr yet anil its presumed that llm jams arc causing the delay In the hoals. f. . '' Since the general deprcssioil has hit Ihe, eoutinent and the people in Ihe Km I are uol earning hi; money any more, lliey ale buy lug cheaper food, and Ihe result is that salmon as well as hali but prlres are down. PROHIBITION . FOR DOMINION That Is Scheme of Laymen's As soclatlon of Methodist Church VICTORIA, May 1 1.- resolu lion sponsored hy the laymen' association of the Melhodisl Church passed yesterday ' asked Ihe Methodist Conference now- in session lo co-opcratc vviti all other temperance orgaui.nlions lo secure prohihilion of Ihe manufaclure and 'ale of alco holie Jliiuitr,' maintaining that "dominion wide legislation is Ihe nnly practical way to nieel llil nallonal peril." TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable, for Service dances, banquets and wedding invwhere at Anytime. parties. Sund Royal Hotel, 3rd Ay.. For rats, apply to Iloston PRINCE RUPERT ana tin at. Grill. Third Ave. ffiXTT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV NO. US IMUXCK HL'PKUT, Tilt HSlJ.VY. MAY It, I'HSS. Vttttrdar'i Circulation 1Mf. trtt !. 4M. PRICE FIVK GENTS. ANET SMITH MURDER CASE IS PROCEEDING RGENTINEAN AVIATOR MEETS WITH ANOTHER SETBACK ON WORLD FLIGHT 7 . KL 'i oay or nursemaia was Burned After She Died i Tju' Martpiis nmlMurcliioiiess of Ahertleeii rcceullv nr n d. in New York en roule lo Wiishinglui.i, where the march m-ess. s president of Ihe lulerualiomil Ciiuiiejl of Wmn 'ii. will olleml (hu sixth ,iuiiiiiicmii.j1 convt'iilion of Ho- organ-izatiim. Tlie marquis is a former gnvi'rnor-general of (launda Zanni's Plane Overturns; Damaged by Heavy Waves, but No Casualties Result 0&KAT-41ay I S. Major Zulini, Hie Argentine -nvkityv;, met wilh an accident Ihis munling as lie was living lo leave here, lie was allenipliug lo hop off for Kasoniiga-Iiiini from Which place he was u renew his world flight when his plane ovcrluriicd. No rasiiiillie resnlled hut heavy waves dumagcil Ihe plane hefiu-e il was lowed lo land and lifted-ashore hy a crane. Wheat Shortage is Predicted Unless More Land is Brought i in populaliou pulirii's are foriiinlaled fur Ihe white race. I'his is Ihe opinion of lr. Maker, an official of Ihe Uuiled Slate,- lleiarlmeul of Agriculture, as guoled in n uew?iago ilein by tin Wall Slrcel 'Journal recenlly. The arlic.le couliuues: i Under Cultivation by Whitesl NF.W YOltK, May I I Hy Canadian Press "Future gen- eralions will see n worm siioriage in wueui uniess rauomu lauo "I he while races of Ihe world, who are tlie principal con- iiuiers of wheal, have an average consumption of 2,025,000,000 bushels a vear. Ir. Maker figures Ihal Ihe increase in poptila of of the the while while raee raee will will neee- neee- tiou llnle .'I,'.'IMI,OIHI,000 bushel in 5 years, I..IUO,000,0(0 in 50 - ...... ...... .uli. vears ami m n'u years. Should the average petlllie apila ennsuiuptioii increase lo Ihal now prevailing in Irance, vvliieli on account.. of I lie inevit ably higher prices of meal is al-uiosi a cerlainly. Ihe while races would require r.,5OO,u00,(.Mi0 an- ually within 50 years and 7,100,- 000,000 in the next eenlury. As present day production for all the world ranges from .1.000,- (100,000 lo 3,500,1100,000 bushels i year Ihe question of such an increase Mor me oreau supply oi Hie while races alone gives rise o Ihequeslion, can the while . . I.. ill il mans world aiiuosi ireme us pi-oduclion of wheal in a century or even produce the 5,500,000,-000 bushels which may be need ed within tlie, lifetime of some of us? "The figures do suggest I he danger of a wheat shortage. . a. . . . . i1- . . . I he result wouni lie equal io me calamily which Mallhus pre- licled. Ihal economist in 10M claimed Ihal populaliou would increase faster limn Hie means of suhslteui-e. I lie result would mean never ending wars between nations fighting for more land. Nothing hut starvation and misery could be foreseen by him. I he .result of a ' world wheat shortage would ho fully as tragic because I lie pressure of populaliou would result in stronger mil Ions figliling' for their own meservalion, and endeavoring lo extern! their land areas "Hr. I taker, does nol fall Inlo oversight of Mall bus, but says Ihe shnrlago will come un less ralioual land and population policies are foriuulaled." NEW PARSONS ARESLATED (Special to Dally News) VICTORIA, May 14. Methodist conference transfers of Interest In the north Include Rev. George B. Kinney of Ocean Falls to Summerland, Rev, B. Black of Esquimau to Llllooet, Rev. J.. Herdman of Anyox to Crsston, Rev. M. W. Lees of Smithers to Kaslo, Rev. C. D. Clarke to Anyox, and Rev. George Turpln of Agassli to Smithers. Rev. G. G. Hacker at his own request and that of his board, Is. being loft at Prince Rupert. This Is the first draft which Is subjoct to change. HELD UP BANK: GOT TWENTY THOUSAND CAM HR 1 1 nK, Mass. May 1 1. Armed men today held up Iwo messengers of Ihe First National Hank and escaped wilh $?0,000 City of Ketchikan has Interesting Features and is a Live Place Pays its way as it goes and tax rate is kept low, yet many improvements there 'Hy II. t Pollen, Kelihikaii is one of the live si little cities I have ever visiled. I- businessmen aiu on Ihe jolt and most of IIhmii have buill heir businesses from Ihe ground up. The people Iheir sav lliey .lave had lo fighl their way inch by inch and everything' they have has been won by persilcul effort. Today many of them are welt lo go, inn lliey ure Jiisi us Keen iveicjiikan pairiois as when lliey went working llieir way up. They seem lo see bill one Hung antJ lliat is me welfare or llieir city. Afany of Hie stores in Kelchi-i tiiu carry large slocks anil maKe fnc displays and llieir windows i are always origin ami cieau aim ihe whole place has an air of tirosperily. The lownsile is uol a good: me. It is long and narrow audi ms apparently not been laid out I jy an engineer. It looks as if il! pisl grew and il is what il looks. I he visitor steps off the steamer firs, into the main sjreel of the cilyi .iml enters "the "no felr across the way. Ihe stores crowd aroundj Ihe docks and the streets are larrow and some or mem. are buill on piles, which arc expen- ove lo renew but the redeeming feature is that the place is busy. People and automobiles move rapidly hither and thither. There is little lolling. Kven those stand ing on the street corners seem is if they were hurrying lo fin ish their conversation so Hint they may get back to work. Canneries In Town I he tovyji has a population ot ometliinw like five thousand of whom many are fishermen ami some are Filipinos. It has six mineries in Ihe city and a float ing cannery tied lo its docks. while two more lose by. just limits, 'then SENTENCES IN TWO CASES AT WESTMINSTER c caiuries caniries an are 1 ' ai adj.dnlng the eily l''"i'i''d iaiT W lis ;rge are Iwo lumber mills. One, right in Ihe centre f the town, cuts about 70,000 board feel a day and sells most of it locally either as lumber or took shooks. Ihe airplane spruce goes to Seattle for ship ment east. I called al the cily hall and found Ihe staff there consisted if two persons, the clerk ami a . . . i . .i i. youm.' lady wuo neips nun. i.icvk 1. F.. Johnson is also city Ireas urer. maxisiraie aim assessor uol for filling these duties hi gets 3,000 a year with Sl.oou for his lady assistant. Heing.a lawyer by profession he also 4ives the cily legal advice and if much law work is required Ihe services of an attorney ft re en gaged temporarily. City Managor The tiu'inbcrs of the cily coun cil, elected for two ear terms, are not naid lunl neither is the mayor, as sucli, hut Ihe present mayor has been for the past sev eral vears eily miinewer and for Mint he is paid ?3.(j00 a year Ihe present mayor was chosen eit'y manager five years ago when Ihe affairs of the rily were In a bad way and he has succeeded in getting lliein hack; to a bus ness basis. Mayor rhoina Tony Is a contractor and builder by profession. In addilion lo tin five years consecutively' in which he has served under Hie prescnl system he was Tor two years mayor under the old regime. He is elected each year by Ihe oi I i .ens hut his appointment as city manager is. inadf by Ihe mem bers of Hie council. fn 1020 the population of Ki'W (oonllnued on page four) Collch Got 23 Months Only for. Cuttina .Husband's Throat with Raior NLW WKSTMINSTKH, May I I. Senlcnres were, meted out today al the conclusion of the spring assizes to prisoners previously found guilty. v. For attempting lo murder her husband, Paul Colich, al their home al Hope with ia razor as lie lay in bed Mrs. Mamie Colich was given 23 months n jail. Hie judge who sam Hie pri-niier had committed' Hie act while "obsessed by insane Jealousy," remarked that the len iency of her senlenceMVvas due to pleas for mercy inade by the husband and the jury. ,. llershlock, a Russian, was sentenced lo live years . in the for wounding lr on or liurnany vviin i revolver on .viurcii si. ine Miurt said that llershlock and others must realize thai it is against the law to carry revol vers in Canada. CONFERENCE OF ' EMPIRE SOON Matters Such as Immigration and Citizenship to be OTTAWA, May 11. A con ference of Hie British dominions and Ureal Britain will be neees- ary lo Ihe enactment of im migration legi,lntjou dealing villi such subjects as repatria tion of Canadian .subjects, and the definition of the nationality o a Canadian woman who mar ries a citizen of another eounlry. I'his was intimated' by Hon. Arthur Hliss Copp, .neerrlnry oi stale, in the House of., 'Commons yesterday. He said he hoped to ave such a coiifereiice called soon. BASEBALL National League St. Louis H, Brooklyn 'D. Chicago 5, Philadelphia 0. I'itlshuurg 5, Iloston . Cincinnati 0, New York 3. American League Washington H, ST, Louis I. Hostrm 1, Cleveland C. Philadelphia 3; )croil 1. New York 0, Chicago J. i