.11 gains ! I Ir V lllll 1 1 r and Evening Phone CI Cafe CI him...!- .. .. V eniers r r r 107 7 r.VJ. " IRYOUR eat, cenes and Goods VISIT Horn Crnrovi in. in u Mijiii i Co. Fifth Avenue East DRY l nr.. J II Vlllllll m m ar UIIUIIllllil Second Avenue. BUY BOTTLES. m hi 11 i; FREE 'i inMrina llili i-:liil in IhK ."hi ii 1 1 1 1 ' i.u rrwii f "HI EU - 11 K.t Buna no, VANCOUVER, BC. NDSAY'S geand Storag e -i "oicihiusii (. anil 'ui'k icirn or Motor Service. in runo ana iDn a ueaning , Restaurant. j wnsurpaAed Third Avenus. I S. TAIT DENtiit H'flrson Blook fXliW Dllnri. ... ""'-triT, B. 0. '"ce Hour. t. i. Phon 688. "ning. 0n, r., ppolntmint. DOG RACE AT I A MARTYR TO ! QUEBEC NEXT! St. Godard Has Gone There to Compete With His Team of Huskies IS YOUTHFUL IY1USHER Says Expects to Win Again But at Anyrate Will Make Good Try WINNII'IW' I'cb. !. Deter mined In inuko a hard fight for victory in Ilic (Juebcr Di;. Derby. Kmiln SI. (i'nliii'il, IN year old niushor. nf The Pas. Manitoba, who dislaiirnl all his rnuipcli-nrs hi I ln annual 20(1 mile Iclassie of Nrt ln'i'ti .Manitoba, 1 1 rt Winnipeg fur Quebec Mii morning over llii' Canadian .a-j I i it i ii I Hallways. , SI. (iiiilanl, who was taking liarl in his first race al The Pas .last week, put many mill's between himself anil his nearest rninpclilnr, anil made Hut 2nl I ii.v i.r I't.lii-ii.ii'v. llitfTi VKMVOX li. CAjl.KY. I I nv hit aiut Vl.'iiuni'r I nf iilil l.nili'S llnlel, I AppllrnijT j GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR BECK LICENSE. 'mill' journey In Herb Lake fiolil; Mines and ri'liini in what was .considered good Mine considering' jibe mule ami I rail conditions, j iThe liuii' of this year's race was jslow compared wild last, when i jlhe winning team finished nearly' twelve hours sooner than iliil St.: (ioilanl, Iml trail conditions 'were ; vastly ililTi'iTiil so mucli so, liii fart. thai several experienced nuisii's who were In cnlcr their teams refused In io o because a large pari of Hie mule was laiil iiloiiji lite lluiUiiu Hay llaihvay track anil lliey ileelareil that dogs i'iiiiIiI not slainl the many miles MIT1CI-: H liiTchy Riven Dial on II" j llll iliiv 'ir Miilill ni'M Hie umlernliniiMji Inti'iMl In apply Uio i.uiiinr i.oiiin'i liuaril for a liri'iiw In ii'mtI In iii'inlea Im'Iiik iiarl nr 1 ho liiillilinir kimnii a- ...... II..I.I .lliii.lf.,1 ul AIIH 11-11 -.IT SIITel. in ll'ie lilly'iif I'llme Itiil'i'il. I'liivlnri' nr .MiTlf.r: Is lieiiliy Riven thai on Ihe ? Ill .lav nr M.IICU Ileal Hi" tinileMllinril InienrN In annlv In Ihe l.lomir (.niill'nl I itiiui-.i r..e a ii.-.iine In reMirrl In In Iiir -irt nr Hie ImllillnR kii.iwn ,HS5'n i M-w uniiresa innei, Minaim 1 Thli-il .ii-iiiii. Ill Hie (Uly or ,r I lliirtm-l l.i.kliiea nf lll'UUll i ........ .i... 1.....1. .tit....iti.i.i I ii'ia nH iiin. iiini1 ""' . .'..'. ...... i ,..r.k leen iiui nun iweiiiy iri'i, uj Iweiilwilnee (Ml, Seitlmi One (i, I. IV or I'lln.T llniierl. neenrilliiR l n rfRii-l.ieil limp nr plan ilcpnulli'il In Hie l aml lleal.lry. ofri.e it Hie Cll.v of rrlwe lin-lieer liy Ihe Rlaaa nr hy the npeii Imttle pert ami iniinlieri'il nva, ror urn mm fur enniiiiiilnn m Hu pieinlHea, D Tl.lt al I'rlnie llnpeit, II. C, Una n day nr I'l'lirnaiy, 1(15. . MIIS. ANN M. HOSS, Maliiiaerraa anil l.w' , ur iNew llinpica llnlfl. , CONSTIPATION "Fruit-a-tiyes" brought early relief THOMPSON 1 -siJ y jnf J r;i ! I iciy over chiller nod i loaded from Hie Canadian Na-gravel. 'tinnal Lxprcss car in which lliey ! Brought In Dogs jlnul Iravelleil iluwu from I tic : SI. (ioilanl, driving llacon' 'nnrlh. Hie dogs were harnesseil team finished in good xlta(. Hie sleigh ami laken out foi howwi-r. Iml brought in on his an exercise run. Their start sleigh one dog, which hail played from in fronl of II xprcss nut. The conditions of the race "tables, where Ihey were qiiarler-call for drivers finishing wilh(l fr Ihe uislil. was an indica-every dog, dead or alive, either Jinn or why SI. (imlanl ha. I been hileheil (6 Hie sleiah or iiilin:ahle lie .ecu re ami hohl such a on i . leail in his ilash al The Pas. The On arrival al Viiiniie3r, Sa!-;nwner of Ihe. team, IJacon, ac-unlay, St. (Iiiilanl's loam showeil j'oui.aniel Ihe youthful musher lillle etfecl nT having Rnimjlo Uuehec, ami is In Till 1 lint Ihronxli such a griml, when uii-,'ley will lie ahle to laml Ihe prize , " .in Ihe srlinl lliere as well. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Qves nlerew NOTICE OF APPLICATION for bcer! To newspapermen who nie! U0CN$C-- ;1iim at (lie slalion on arrival MiTICK It hcn-fcy rlvrii tli.il nil th , hero, St. (imlanl expresseil Imil- llll rln i.r Manll ln t Ihf iinilprinrii)sl , i mlMiil l ai'l'ly in lh- l.lqimr Coniml I elf as oiitlliilslje as to Ihe mil - iiK"mi. .i any inn in i oiuu uj iMlim purl i.r llii liiilMliir kimwn i.-nlul llnlH. ulliiilfil l the riiim-r rii ha I'll as he 1 1 ;t . I iloiie al The Kiel mil Si-vnilti Mrwt. In Hi Clly "fl,, - . . . . . , . . i-rim-p iiiifM-rt. rniviiui- f HritMi iii.iiiin- Pas, ami he helieveil hi team li J. ii. ii the IuiiiU ili'rrltii'il i I"" (.himwIv Ililrlren una as pi I UJ :m .is Uli inivlliinir I III II K whie'i ll".l .lovrll 1 1 mil IwrlU' II.. Ii ami rmirtn-ii ill., in ninr 'ii i either east or wel eoulil n ro in Set Hull Oni. "I first heard f "Fruit-a-tiTes" through a friend of mine living in St. Johnsbury, and as I was troubled with very high Mood PrrsHure and Constipation. I decided to try the fruit treatment. Ihe result is that I am feelinj; very much better, and I am glad to recommend "Fruit-a-tlves" to anyone". Mrs. C W. Thompson, Lyndonville, Vermont. All your physical and mental energy is drawn from your brood stream. If the bowels and kidneys do not function properly, poison enters the blood-stream, and the heart, brain and nerve are all affected. "Fruit-a-tives" clear Ihe system of all waste matter, purify the blood and tone up the whole system. They are made from' the intensified juices of luscious healthful fruits combined with tonics. Sold everywhere 23c & 50c (i ll. III.V in rrinn- , , .. . imiwii. iiTuritlnr l u reriin'ml nut or mice. ri. uoiiani iiimseii lias Pi"" '!'''.",';." V iv ..r'pi.Vhi ii,, !ri i .'il Hie h. fur a Inns .lislance ; iiunilrrrc! V1, for tlw of In-er vlnmiH1!' Mini lookti til the piclure nf i Miiiii'iioii mi Uf ini-mUes. iheallh. He ileelareil he hud lonir iln'v ' oAlVSriiirM1"1 ' ' DX",h" "'"isince K"l over ll.e elfecls of his """TKit IU.M.K. ill)r urtiM) or last eek, and had 0wr iml Miiiiiit . . .. ,. , , , . ,, r i i'inral IliiiH. juol fell i t MMll.i I ly lireil al lye iliHriLlrinil, despite the Ihlrly hours I GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. duration of the journey. "Ilul it NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR inf. i was pretty hard on the docs he added. His team, however, wine MiTIi; l lioiiiiv irlven Dial on Hie ill pood shape again and WolU I TIM il nr Mari h ii.-xl the iniilfMiiifil , ., l.lttol... .iwalliiiL' Die slarlinir i Inlemls to il'l'l.v In I he l.l(nr t.iiiiimii Mii ii....... iril r Tor a llrriie In nt.wrl l' . pistol. . ZZu-rT.i St. (lodar.1 will have real 1' iW,iT!!f.l.Vm'l!u."niii..IIII..H fr'nn, his I le lown iiih.ii t'lw laml ili'H-riiieil a a iJiia si'vrji-1 when he wlarls in Dm Quebec. i urn iiji itmi i'iimih'imi ir'. "i """"., , i Iwi nl.N -lliree serUiul one ( I i, i I )e li . I lly of I.TUire RiiTt. leiwniuir lo ri'Kl.lrl'i-il lnar or ilun. li1slli'il In the l.iruil Jleirimiy oirni' h in" i.ny m rni-lliiiwii anil iiiiiulMM'i'il Uia. tor llw Ml' .if liecr liy the Flam, nr by Hie "I'l'ii In aildilioti to Marl llrydtres, winner of. lasl year's (Juelien race, he will havi1 Shorty Huslirk, winner or the i.) ""S'feW :;"V'" , ,r,:1"T r m,1 classic al The Pas and Mel)..,,, lid's Heel leani id huskies to contend wilh. The oilier three drivers with I heir leant are due lo GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. I TIIE DAILY NEWS ami will leave for Juehei- on Rfl Weilnesilay's Caijmlian .Nalnuial: Ifaiu.- y j Given to C.N.R. I Tli fleisli which ' SI. (imlanl ilrnvrf' al The Pas ami which lot is I laklnsr with him' lo Quebec, lias hfen prekcnteil liy himself ami llacon In the Canadian National! Hallways a a mark, of apprecia-l Hon of Ihe company's assistance 1 ami support lo llio Pas lierhy committee. On its return il will! he kept in Winnipeg as a sou-' veniir of I lie ran' ' BADMINTON IS WELL CONTESTED Prince Rupert Club Wins by Three Games Against Regiment at Armories The Prince It u perl I lailini iilnn Cluh scored a second victory against Ihe I irsl It.C. Heginieni al the Armories yesterday afternoon, healing llieni by lliree games out of a tolal of fifteen. .Most of I lie games were well eonlesleil and the spectators experienced scarcely a dull minnle while play was going on. Iiiirim; the course. or Ihe afteriii'iui lea was served lo aD'Hiiisc present by the ladies auxiliary, .Mrs. Xicliolls pouring. Ily pninls Ihe (day was very close, the tolal for Ihe Prince Hnperl cluh being I7..r and for the llegimenl C1. One inlcresl- ing feature will Hie defeal of Harllelt by .lohiisliine . in Ihe second round. Al Ihe conclusion II. 1". Puller on behalf of Hie visilnrs Hiankei! Colonel .Nichols and ' (he llegi-iiienl for Ihe enjoyable after noon's sport amp wished I hem heller luck next lime. Cnluni'l .Nichols responded. The score-. were as follows: First Round Singles Scoll heal Hix ITi In Id. Pbilpoll heal Thompson 15 lo 1. Tinker heal Wyles lT.'Uo 0. Harllelt heat Johnston 15 In 13 Crewe iial Treinayne 15 lo 8. Xicliolls heat Carmicliact 15-5. Second Round Singles Scoll heal Hix 15-15; Philpotl heat Thompson 15-7. Wyles heat Tinker I5-:I. Johnston heal Hartlell' 1.1-1 1. Ciiwvn heal Treniayne I !-!. '.armichael heal Nich'olls 15-11 . Doubles Philpotl ami Tinker heal Sen! I and Wyles 15-M. Harllelt and Carmichael hca Hix ami .lohusloii 15-!). Thompson and Crewe beat Treinayne and Nicholls 15-8. Sport Chat In addiliou lo the regular basketball games tonight, several local businessmen have volunteered lo stage a lillle ballle. according lo an announcement made b It. .1. llacon. The game among the butchers lasl week proved so inleresling' that it has been iciiled to give the fans a chance lo see a game which will make up in enthusiasm any thing Unit it may lack in skill. The regular sanies loiiighl will include a hallle-royal between Ihe F.Iks and Sons nf Canada who are lied al Ihe lop nf Ihe Senior League, another nf llios'e inler-esling Ladies' Lcasue. engiige-llienls between Ihe .Maple Leafs reaeli Winnipeg: on Tuesdayland Oil's" and " " . "iinalch between GOVtRivnatPi i LiguuH aui. LICENSE. MiTH:l' l liiMiliy Riven Ihal on Hie llh day nr M.u ill ni'Xt tin1 iinilni'sliou'il IiiK'iiiI- to ail In llii' I li - I'.iiiilinl liimnl rr a lirensn In ri'iiTl In piiinlsis Iii'Iiik pail nr urn nniiiiinir kihiuii in liilcrnu-dialu Hie (irollo and Hegiinent. II is, on the whole, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER a ITy llllereslillg program illld i ir-irutr i - there should he a bumper erowil of fans out for Ihe evening. They tried a new golf -stunt in bVi "h iWiiiw.. upiiii Hii taisi ii; mhw .J ll.e oilier day on Ihe itiiuhI n imu iiiiiii'i'ii (iii iind four- llw H nr renin iimi t "ihviihi or, . , .. i nf? in ntnrk ihiriV'tiiii'' aa'.niMi r.t.inn.hi.1. iin tio lau.u i- snow-cnvcml links of a finall in a n-UMrn-.i .M.ir - i Iari-ill'lllllir ili-l-iMU-.l III llin laml lli -OMry orrirs at ii... i-i... ..r iifiiii.ii iiniM.ri niiil iiiiiiitii'reil ! IHS. ro'r Hie mill- nr Im-it Ii.V Hie Flan nr liy Ihe nn-ii hoiile rr rniinniiillun mi lln' ! '" li'v rWt at I'rlneo llmii'l t, H.C.. tlil , (lay nr l eliriiarv. Illf S. I A, 1. 1'IU'pllOMMK nml A. Hsllf.n. AianilKera ami rriiinin.'" p or Savny Hotel. il't"1'"""1- GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ray or i-iiiii-e iiiiiieit. aeeiii-iiinir in oi til in one of Ihe suburbs. They . 0 . ' 3 . 7 . 7 .1. Fleming (V.i .. i Second Division .f. Heesey (fi.i .... 7 I. ilillinan (C. .,, 5 F. Xienian (H.P.) .. I -L Weir (O.) A. D.mald fH.P.) .. 1 I). Howe (H.P.) .... 5 W. Stewart To .. I W, .1. Nelson (fi.' . 0 I. Hrown (S.A. i ... 7 J. Andrews (S.A.) . . 8 Dr. West fV. 8 M. Andrews (S.A.) . 0 F. Aldridge (H.P.) . 0 S. Sllttn fi.l 8 fi. Hlylbe (C.) 4 S. Macilonald (S.A.) 5 Habe Fortin (H.P.) 7 W. Murray (C.i ... 5 .1. Maclean C..- ... 1 M. .MacLachlan(S.A. 0 (5. Mallet (H.P.) .. 2 W. Milchell (H.IO . 7 II. Wearinonth (V.) 5 fi.l'. Tinker (V.) .. '3 .1. leniing (V.i" ... 2 M.'' 1.1 nib (C.I .... 8 I-:. Fe'iud'Hi (V. ... .1. May" (C.S.I . v . . 7 .1. Allan (S..M 0 fi. Kelsey (C.S.) .. 5 D. McAuley ((5.1 .. 8 C. I.. Younpman (V.i 0 S. Darton (C.S.) ... 7 J. Hulser (C.S.i ... r, S. L. Warrior 'V.I . 8 W. Willisrrnfl (C.) 7 D. McLean, (d ... 7 II. Parr 'C.K.' .... 5 M. Stephens (fi.) ,. . 2 A. Hales (O.S.; 5 l.ami lien-try orriif at me i:nj' nr Prini-H called it tfoir on snowslioes and,;J. McDoiifjnll (fi.)..- t V.L'rvr..r:,:. rV.r..''i;:.,. rliwliile the narlicioanls cln1me.lt W. Anderson (C.).. 1 i-iiiiiiiii.iin mi on' iimnfen. iitTL'li .1 l...ii..n lliimtt'l IIP llii. All. il... l II 1 1.. ...... i.. Iik' il L'W II Inrmnn (ft I lll'S 1'I .MIJI 'l II UlPi'Hf.'"J .v ' . ........... iiny nr ivbiuary ijr.. ' "" ilouhful if il will ever become h.MI IMIII.I. I.IMI'VI 1 . I.I 111 I I'.ll, ' III ' Ci. ...... ....,,.a I Some prr: T. k. Williams. Mananer. ' generally adopleil. years ago there was a fox hunt nverj Monlreal .Monlreal and, and, Ttl. Av.l ii 1500 ::,t I (i 150(1 250 ! 1 250 250 t 250 250 (i 1 1 117 2(5 2 485 2(1 7 1077 2 HI 7 Ki7l 2.'t!) 2 471 -Mo 2 4fi2 231 7 ICiO!) 2110 l 227 227 7 1582 220 j 7 1570 225 t:il8 225 1125 22fi 455 2IS 1500 210 1188 ?l;i 411 200 1.111 to? 157 157 1050 150 750 50 000 (50 130 150 595 ll! 738 118 5tl0 118 873 110 1018 115 1112 113 1132 112 8',5 111 813 111 1 1 10 HO 558 140 830 138 918 135 071 135 511 135 801 131 207 131 1)23 132 000 132 3!) I 130 200 130 1027 128 1021 128 807 128 702 127 037 127 1010 120 7111 125 871 121 711 121 l)5!l 1201 827. 1 18 H2I 117! 555 111 210 105 502 ioo 81) 81)1 82 821 69 09 START WITH BANK BOOKS Hie snow near t)i.ss.u, Prussia, en. a. 11. ,..i., I, ii.nl inn uim n crcit : lCveiv li.'iliv horn In Dessau on notice of aucation FOR BEER notice of HurnoN FOR beer . Wim never repealed. Injohrjsliuas'wns a given a deposP M.iirf: i i,.M,liv "rnen ii.ai n the' on snowsl.nes, a leniusr ii.ree marks by Hie municipal jih .lay nr Marrh nevi the iiiiiiersiRiieii hall' was1 used. Old Coiinlfy peo-1 savings hank. The district sav- 'prwS'; i'"r;i rnrOleenlniMMTwl prHmiea pie ay thai, aflef Ihe first snoW-M.lgs I rrtST VrJWSi.1.';:!. 'atet ,Hii:.nr.Jr?; fall in Seotlaml. Il yed-ln-ll.eeven n I'lim-e , ner nf S.'i "I Ayeline anil Hlh Street, ,wno mdrers keep 011 playing Uli-TI litis ii.liiiiiliU.I In Hie (ll.v or Prime llnpeit, I'rnvlnee nf'... .' , ' , T , , I iiriHh cnlnmiiia, iipnn the f.imn de ' f i 1 llie snow gels loo heavy and a boip oiid hatik of Dessau Is doing more for the new arrivals.1 announced that il will give Tor three marks lo the T!Trton& ,e:lV."'..nn,'on1se a ball palnle.l red lo racill-.parenls or every child horn in 'I!, In the flly nf I'l'lni'n nniirrt. neenfil-1 1 ., I n snolllnf- II ;iir In a ri'iiere.i inup nr pian neiinsiieii In the I. iiml Ilea I-1 ry orrh'e al the Clly or I'rlm'e ltiin. it ami iiiimlii'i'eil n:i. fur Ihe illi' nr deer hy Hie Hm or liy Hie open II was announced Ihis morning bniile r..r rrnisiinipilnn mi h rtremlir. failed (hat the Colls l',MII, having ' ' lo PVrili at Prlnee llnpert, H.C.. Hill fttli ', itay nr iHniiary, llls. "ir eld a earn n lliurs.lay night s I l.nlV.'L HIM K III ..ItIiLI.'F I'l llT ll.t't-l Moll I. I . .. HOMI'ANY. IIMITI'D. Prr: II. 11. lliK'lictpr. Manager. Arpucmt. Senior Leaguo baskelball game thus forfeited the match lo the 1925 oi) condition lltul the parent deposit one mark. The. four marks will be held in deposit nn inleresl. for 1 1 years to promote Ihe saving: spirit among Tamilies. Advertise in Hie Dally News PACE FIVE BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. Has proiliirri Minerals ns follows: Placer fiolij, $71,002,203; Lode finhl, $11.1,-M'i, (!.-.-; Silver, $n:i,ri:2,il55 ; Lead, $58,12,001; Copper, $17!,00,r0S; Zinc, $2",-0O4,7."O; Miscollancoiis .Minerals, $1iC-X,2."7; Coal m'ul Coke, $250,008,1 IT,; UuililiiiK Sloue, Hrick, Cement, dr., $:'.9,'i 15,2.14 ; niakinp ils Mineral I'roduclion lo the end o( P.I21 show an Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws nf lliis Province, are more liheral anil llin fees lower than those of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Ihe Hrilish Empire. Mineral locations arc granted lo discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles nre obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is giiarnnleed by Crown firanls. Full information logelher wild Mining Reports nnl Mops, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. Sous of Canada who, as a result, now lead in the, stand by the Iwo points. The slaudiiig In dale is as follows: W. I.: I'U. Sops of Canada ... '. 1 18 KlUs 8 - i If. Colls 2 Id i BILLIARD AVERAGES ! First Division Oanies. Col. McMordio V. Sgl. Jehsoii ' Y. . . . V. Slewarr! f(i. . . A. Donald (H.P. . . F. Stephens lW.i . W. .1. Nelson (C,,) .. (i. Mrllninyle (H.P.) A. A. llasson (H.P.) .1. Jlillman (i.f .... Alex. Volume (V.) . II. Jelich 'H.P. ... Dr. West (V. .... V.. Pearee ((i C. Halaffno (H.P., F. )'ye (V.t (i. P. Tinker (V.; . .1. Walsh (Y.n,t. II. Morgan (C. .. I). Itrowii '(': .... (i. Jllylhe (fi.) ... (. Waiigh '("5. .., Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enginoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. . ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT sail Trnin l-rln.'e naiieri FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, inteiiiM-iliale iminl- earh f rl.lay B.oil a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX We.lneaitay, 11.00 p.m. THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" la PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER, via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.00 p.m. for I'rlni-e OeniRH, EDMONTON. WlNNlPEQ, in points Kastjrn Oinaila. I' tilled Slatei. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, Clt Ticket Office, 528 Third Ava., Prlnei Rupart. Phoni 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llr.e- Fnll information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent C.rntr of 4U S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Russrt. B.ct. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from rrlnce R'jport, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swinaon Bay, and Alart Bay, TMt4ay, S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. Fur ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Nail River Canntrlaa, Friday A.M. S2S 2nd Avinu. J. Barclay, Agant. Print Rup.rt, B O RAW FURS If you want lo be paid liigliest possible CASH prices for your HAW IT UK, forward ihejn lo R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Ifcnd Office: U.S. IL Hldfr., Y.-:A Louise St., Winnipeg. Man. Incnrpornled 1020. at