page W have a complete line, of Tennis Ooods, and it is all new 11)25 stock. Sykes or Russey Rack Rubber Grips ... 25c Out Reviver . . . . 65c Sun Visors .... $1.00 Reach Halls 50c Slazengers 5c Improved Uirmal AH Steel Racket, 13. 1 3 , 14 oz. priced at .. .. .. $14.50 Postage paid on nil out of (own orders. Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Blaio Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Class and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldjqgg. P.O. Bpx 179. ( Phone - - - Blue 2G8 Did You Buy Premier, Dunwell, B.C. Silver, when these Mines were only prospects? History Often Repeats! Gold - Ore at tt cents is a mighty pood buy. when you consider 1 he location of Mieir properties. Vrite 11s for informal ion on this. Portland Canal SslesCo 318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver r. Alexander Smith Blook Phone 075 DENTIST Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11. 1 Dance 10c; 3 for 25c Ice Cream and Confectionery on Sale Cards and Tables MARINE MOTOR Less Starter . . . . $250.00 AVilh Starter . . .. $300.00 Government Taxes atul Freight .Kxtra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Doalers Prince Rupert, B.C. I ' ! 1 H 13 I II I taut w rtmrrt 14 A'r-n A '.-.Vv ...'! h M 1 T- .' II! II ill I Hi ets, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses .... .. $1.25 Covers $2.00 lear uotioli of the sort of man they want for each place. For your goal keeper you need a man as near to Oft. as you an get. Jle must have a good eye enabling him to punch the hall out in emergency or tip it over the bar. Spectators often make remarks about the goal keeper and, since he stands still. he eannot help hearing them. It is fatal to have a man who is easily "rattled" in goal. You want a man of calm and cheerful disposition. Dash is hest avoided as it may cause him to dash nt at the wrong moment, en-; aiding the forward to take tlie ball around him. Your goalkeeper needs the power to kick straight, hard and low. When backs are compelled to take jroal kicks, they are roh- iM'tl tf erifigy that they ought to save for clearing at more dangerous times. Tactics for 3acks Racks are stoppers and kick ers. J hey need never run villi the ball or dribble it. Their wo-k is to-stop the attack and kick i.n ball out.. A man of medium uo is frequently heavy enough to make a good' Jiack.' Dig men have a natural advantage, Jiul un amateur team is compelled i ) make the best of talent, and the higgesl man in the team 'hay be needed as centre-forward. If the his man is a crack shot it fc Pitt: it v to waste this mafch-win- a nirig-iower by putting him at back. This is a mistake many teams make I bey put their biggest men behind without consid ering whether or not they would be heller employed in front. , Given judgment in manoe'uvr-' ing for position, courage in go ing after the ball, and power In kick it out, any two fair-sit ?d men can be trained to combine as a defensive pair. Kicks of great power are not needed. A well-placed kick t;i one of your own side- is far more likely to result in a quick rua down and a goal. , Keen Centre-half Your centre-half is a terrier. His work is to worry. He wor ries Hie opposition centre-foc- ward chiefly, but his job is to jilay Hke a back when back, play is needed and like a forward when forward play is needed. Here you must have a man or persistence and stamina. You may be able to find one with the necessary persistence ;and power lo make himself thoroughl.i troublesome to all of the oppos ing attackers: hut lie must bn keen enough on the gume to keep in -rigid training that is important. If he fullers half way through a match all his goo) points are wasted. Should he lose hope or tire in the second half the whole of I'm team may become infected with the same spirit. That is why the niosl virile and enthusiastic member of the I team must be your choice .for -cienl re-half. He is Jhe only man privileged In move pretty well where he likes about I ho field. Judgment is called for to use Ibis privilege to lh. hest ad- PRINCE RUPERT TIDE8 Tuesday, June 2 High 10:08 a.m. 10.2 P. 22:31 p.m. 18.1) " Low 1:0!) a.m. 7.1 " 10:08 p.m. fi.r " Wednesday, June 3 High 11 :0I a.m. 17.0 ft. 23.12 p.m. 20.0 " how 0:02 a.m. fi.B " 10:58 p.m. 0.2 " move out lo the wings in emer gency, but he will be responsible if the centre forward lakes! the opportunity lo slip through. Supporting Jhe centre are two' halves chosen for their tackling power. Hard kicking and drib bling are not the greatest ofl dhe halves' - work what they need is fearless and clever tackling. I The shql the halves use so 4 frequently Ihat' it become a habit is the one which swings the ball out lo the wing forward, to clear the ball lo the centre of the liehl more often, than nol only provides temporary relief. A neatly plat iil forward 'pass out 10 the wing, however, is likely to provide your wing man with a chance for a brisk run and so change the defence into an at- faek. , Dacks concentrate chiefly on slopping ladies. Halves must slop the attack and (men up the counter offensive in one and the same move. 1 That is why a good half-back line makes a good team, and a good half-hark is a discovery to he "cherished. Forward Qualifications When you come to your for ward line yo.11 are" on very clear ground as to J he men for the work. Without hesitation I as sure you lhal it will pay you lo put your two quickest sprinters and dribblers un the wings. You may have a man who looks big enough lo be a back, hut if Ids bigness is the long-legged sort that means spi-inliug power, you ought lo make him your, wing forward.',1 $ 5 The pos of inside forward Is one for a "first-class brain." This j l.ho place for' a man who can run round the others, pass trickily, use his head lo rind openings, and generally play a strategic game. Your centre-forward i s a shooter of goals, and ought lo devote himself to becoming per fect at lbs worki A big man who can hold his own when al lacked in fronl of (he goal is desirable, but shooting power is the firsl essential. Here, Ihen, are the chief abili ties by which you may grade your men: Goal-keeper: Height, calmness and m'tivily. Racks: Kicking power. Centre-half: Ivnlbusiasm and strength. Wing halves: Tackling power Centre-forward: Shooling ability and size. Inside men: brains and uluw hleness. Wing forwards: Sprinting power. Sport Chat Following the example of Cal- gary and other western cities. Prince George is proposing lo observe Dominion Day in future with h stampede which it is planned to make an annual af fair for the enjoyment of (lit districl people and the advertising of the country. livery-tiling hinges now on whether or not sullicient capital ran he rais ed locally to clear the grounds that would be necessary and pav for other arrangements. J. li. Johnson wnselecled president of the Stampede committee, Claud Foot, secretary" and II. A. Carney, Alex. Melt. Young, I. It. Daird, Mayor Alward, Alex Mof-falt, J. C. J'idgeon ami A. F.. Sibley 011 the executive. I. V Lookhart of (Juesnel was made honorary provident and honorary vice-presidents have been appointed to represent all parls of the distriol. The fickleness of Jhe masses work is' to pin down the oppos-Us aS s"rinl,'B " ,fuc,or j ",rtrt ing centre-forward. He mavas 1,1 a"',h1nS . and " wa never shown more than in the case of Ty Cobb. After many years of playing with the Detroit Tigers, after working so hard and brilliantly that -all sorts of honors have been showered upon him, and his name was writ large nol only in the weekly and annual recapitulations of baseball prowess hut in the general history of the game, a petition is being circulated for signuture, in the city nf Detroit, to haw. iijm deposed from the position of manager of I he American League dub' of ihat city. And while poor Cobb is wondering whether he shall resign, "ltahe" Ruth is regnining his strength slowly, and able lo walk about, lint the doctors said last week Hint it would- be a long time yet before he would play again. FIRSTSOCCER Sons of England Outclassed Cold Storage Last Night and Won by 6 to 2 , The Sons of. 1'ngland defeated the Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co. by C lo 2 in thc'opeuiug game last night of the Mobley Cup (city championship) 'soccer series. It was an easy win for the Knglishmcu who clearly outclassed the men from Seal Cove. It is hoped, hovever, Ihat as the season advances and hey become more practiced up, the latler aggregation will show to .heller advantage. The score at. half lime- was three to iill'dir jfiil'or of -tlpfl Sons Of T.uglnud. For the winners, the scorers were Farquhar Johnson (2 .'. Dickens and Howe. The Cold Storage scorers were I.' Corhell and S. Dartnn. Alex llolniberg refereed and there was a fair attendance of spectators. PARKS BOARD TO HOLD MEETING Newly Constituted City Body Will meet Today Aid. Casey Complains of Work Being Held Up The recently formed cily Park-Hoard is holding its first meet ing today. The council was so informed last night after Aid. Casey had staled thai work a? McClymont Park which might bfi done by the caretaker was being unduly delayed. The construe lion of a tool house and shelter had been authorized hut the caretaker had been Instructed to delay building R V, Aid. Perry explained Ihat Ihe curel aker had been I old not to proceed as the site seleelcd for Ihe tool house might be changed. Mayor Xewlon said le caretaker had not been entirely wasting his lime. Ho had prepared considerable ground for I be plaKtfflmof seed. He thought Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WARTKB WANTF.IJ. Store clerk tempor-aryj for summer months, a' Port lissington. Apply John I.. Christie, Prince Rupert, RC. 1211 WANTF.D. To huyor exchange furniture anil stoves of every description. Prince Rupert Kxrhange. tf FOR SALE FOIt HALF.. -- Knlire household furniture including Viclrola, Rugs, Linoleum, Dining Room Suite, bedroom suite, fixtures, dishes, sewing machine, etc. Suite 2, Wahtron A-pts. Phone 771. 131 F.RNKST Slubbs, A.R.H.S.; CM. Ag.Camlis; Landscape Gardening. Plans and estimates for gardens. Ferns iml olhar plants from 3.00 per doz. F.O.H. Usk, I1.C. FOR SALH. Cabin Inuneh Rva. 27 feel, fully equipped, in first class condition. Apply Ward Kleclric and Marine Supply. Cow Hay. If FOR SALE. Commercial Hotel. Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens & Co.,Lld. If FOR SALK. Pleasure bnat"Iic!m" C. L. Heindel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. If TO RENT TO RI-INT. Furnished mom. Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable rents. Norfold Rooms, Fulton SlreH. Phone lllack 321). li FOR HUNT Three large housekeeping rooms, furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR RK.VT. Four room apart ment, 030 laylor Street. Phone lllack 409. 129 COMFORTAHLF. bed-sitling room lo rent. Suit two men. Phone Dine 339. 131 IfOR IlF.NT.-r Clapp apartment ' Wc'stcnh'ttvcr Ttr6s'. . - .'V tf FOUND FOUND--MfOKeheart pin. Api , ply Daily .News fdllcc. there would he no further hold up on other work after today's meeting. GYRO CLUB GRANTED $100 BY COUNCIL Money to be Used In Connection With Organization's Playground Activities This Year The cily council agreed last tiikiii lo make a grant of fiOO to the (tyro Club in connection with Its playground work this year. The mailer came up in (he form of a report from Ihe finance committee staling that the cily was nol in a position to give financial assistance Ibis year hut .would give work lo Ihe value of i(tl00. It was fell by members of Ihe council Ihat Ihe flat grant of money might just as well be made ami, on mo-lion of Aid. Casey, seconded by Aid. Perry, Ibis course was derided upon. Miss Margaret Palmar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Palmer ,of ni(s cily, passed her normal .examinations and is qualified lo .receive a rirst class teachers' certificate. BOARD HOARD and Room, or hoard only. NFAV I'i m 413 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Red 707. HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRIC11S OF KAHTHOl'K 4-CYCLK Marine Kngines 4-II.P. without clutch J185.00 4-ILP. I cylinder Ml) 2CO.O0 0-11.1'. 1 cylinder I1D 460.00 H-H.P. 1 eylindflr HD 750.00 M-II.P. 2 cylinder MD 450.00 IG-H.P. 4 cylinder LD 47&.0O All tile above em-cpt the firsl include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The hest that money nan buy. Fast hope Hros., 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always al your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five passenger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courlaay. Rates: 50c for I or 2 passengers, 5c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh liaby" al your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safely- Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Iwimbly Phones &70 or 131. '( TAXI 592 THh DUPFNDAHLI-: TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comfort and Court tisy ' i my motto. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Sland: Richmond dooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone tr.U :.. .!, 1 if filial Special C and 7 passenger Stude- bakers al your service day ami night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mocker Block Across from Kuipress Hotel. And General Repair Shop. Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to. We repair typewriters, gramophones and do picture, framing. Carpet laying. Furniture crating. TOM BALLANGER Phone Dine 025. 318 Fifth St OIL SKINS. Patronize Home Indilfdry. Ask for Le Clalre'a RUPERT BRAND OIL SKINS Rest by lest Made In prince Ituperl by Rupert Hoys and Girls Phone: Black 404 KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Rdward IlnleJ, now re-moilellvd. Up-to-dale Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Barjgage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything hciiI for, or delivered, phone un. P.O. Dox 099. NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Ilaggage and Fxpross Northern Transfer. Day Phono lied 243. Night phono Green 397. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. To Thursdays Sunday From Tuesdays From RltOP Sulurdayn 1 To Alaska May From May To Quoon May From Points- Points roun 14 4 ...- 4 Tup.-fi.,,. , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM,nm In - - . .) if WELL CvmJCHT&r) tiOt?y TO tPOlU TOOR ' 'LL CET HE't TMi.s 1 T' Crs'T Mot tfSJf f TENNIS j II eRE. 6HT COOY OUT I tvw j TO CMCH tOMC SmW? OOTlhltl'3fheTReE fdffi i ! , 8j -0 OT THM" CaCT OUST N HOUR 0 OiTOb-lU HV HKMT OCH"TE bMO , " t. ail .. t" " I ' ' " - ' 1 1 1 1 . .. . 1 I, I , HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL Pointers given for placing of men on field what each position requires (By "Andy" Ducat, Manager of Fiilham Cluli.) (Ileprinled from "Gwnork Herald") You need to put each man in Hie place where lie will tb best. Few managers get the chance to fill every position on the field with their ideal man for it. They all, however, cherish' a vantage. The centre-half's chief Article, Lost and JCOLUYBIA RECORDS New and Ser F -ni-ure Store. V W y Sof It 1 i ' eli.inge New anJ IKAui luti Goods. QtO. PAPiooPUUl, e-39 Third Ave. Ph"H. . .ill 4 I --li IIO MT;i . 1 product 1.1 1, -Trots, Su.,... , . music liy urn . j r .- .;J Call in and ur . r PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, I III:.' Vvr BEDDINQ OUT PUNTS. Plants l hiii . for ynur ,., j; beddllii; ally ari'i.iu.;: -rwlied 1 1 1 . goods. Store I'h (ireeilliini-. ! , ; MCCARTHY'S. TOW CALCHEFF Experienced Tailor Soils PlVS"!!;' V..i-k Fullon Sire. : FURNITURE. FIREWOOD. lie Co.uifiirlulile 0 Dry Idork Freuli split i'Iiui..' J A. ISAACS' PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.M. J! V ' prilirr Hi.:.. ' Service :n"i 1 I i 1 1 . 1 1 : 1 '! KNITTED GOODS SWEATK.IIS knileed k-m.iI-Phone Itlack .105. MAIL SCHEDULE For the Ctil- Monday. " -- IIPIIIIVK C 11"- ill If From the East , i(-.l-..al1'IV M" Mondays. run- FriilHV. (hit ' 11 m To Vancouver-Tuesdays Mail close Saturdays Thursday fiiiniluvs From Vancouver Sunaayg - Wednesdays Fridays at Pi q 1:. A. I.-, Pi 01:. I' 1,1 n"'1 - C.P.R. May To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesiiio' - p.jl. r .... -.1 ... .i From Anyox, Alice Arm p J( Tuesdays 8 p.s. Alaska Pol""- ..P. lo::in A.J-A.H. ,n ;ni a.m. ano r. ps, Stewart fl (i Saturdn atiinlny- : p.S. To Port SUwart and P" Sundays Points Th pson and ursday and Port sirne-"-- points A- Chariot" - 1 May 7 and 21 pJ. P.V.