PAGE FOUR BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus Hi wht WOULD A CiC tTCK WITH LOO AT now john ier me, TENNIS VOO UrE TO the wcno"vEu;orAe THAT POOt?. tee eRHc, me oop I OOHT yrt k vEKt -J COimc to rvL i EST M MVJH ROOM'S OM CUX HE" SOME Tih A MG THIMK, VUU COOO Tqo , j IT OOT I'M UOES, TOO LKTE n DOCTOR'S ORDERS FE.. A ONlQN TEA OEET y, . bO eRtj ME CUAb DOCTOKU AND tONE We have a complete line of Tennis floods, and it is all new 1925 stock. Sykes or Hussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30.00 Presses $1.25 f Covers .. ,. $2.00 Rubber Grips ... 25c Gut Reviver .. .. 65c Sun Visors t. . , $1.00 Reach Halls . . . . BOo Slaiengers , 65c Improved liirmal All Steel Racket, 13, ( ijs, l oz, priced at .. .. $14.50 Postage paid on all out of (own orders, Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing; Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 French Voile Ratines All of these popular Fab-rics in beautiful colorings, 36 inches wide, worth 81. 05. Special, per yard $1.15 West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. See The Latest Models Economy, Simplicity, and Convenience. Lowest in cost. Easy Payments if desired Ask for Demonstration & E. PARKER LTD. Phone 93 will now be repurchased by an American. Jl is the most pal atial of the West End mansions and has a superb view of Hyde Park. Unfortunately, the exerulnis of the late soap king are not willing to let the mansion for short periods at enormous rentals, hut had this been the case there would have been a rush of Amer- ; ican host esses", for . it, llowfycr, nnvlwwlv anybody nnn can linv buy a' n 98 ' vira year's i lease Aria for about eight million dollars. Of all the m'any events in its long social history none was so remarkable as the $5,000 a head dinner which was given during tile Tariff Reform Campaign Everybody who has subscribed that amount towards the campaign was, as a reward, invited to dine with the Duke of West minster The Duke is now living in his small but luxurious bachelor apartment at a local hotel. London's Season London in preparing for a rush of overseas visitors in August and September. London's sum I ' ' Nrs A LONDON GOSSIP Queen Receives Presents; King Entertains; Lord Lever-hulme's House; London Season LONDON, En?., June. 24. (liy Canadian Press Queen Mary on her birthday received a shower of birthday presents and greetings. What presents the Queen pets fur her birthday is a prohlem (hut has always intrigircd I he inquisitive, and this year, for some reason, the veil has been slightly lifted from the array of packages and parcels that (metaphorically, may be) awaits Queen Mary on her birthday breakfast table. Well, David sent his presents' a few days loo soon, but they were nonff the less welcome for, the reason that they were some magnificent ostrich feathers wonderfully colored and shaded, all the way from South. Africa. King Oeorge (rave his consort a wonderful envratd ring set in platinum a setting that appeals to the Queen immensely for the majority of her private jewels, and all the State jewels, are set in gold. Princess Mary gave her mother some ,ohl lace, and the gifts of Prince fieorge, the bahy (and. it is whispered, the favor ite of the Queen , included some of tiie latest gramophone re cords. Used the Gold Plate On Derby night King George entertained his friends of the Jockey Club to dinner at lluck-ingham Palace and the tgydd plale service was used. Queen Mary went out to a private party on her own. Derby night is the one night of the year when the King enterlaips as a bachelor Leverhulme's- House it is generally anticipated m London that Orosvenor House, which the late Lord Leverhulme bought from the Duke of West minster only a few months ago, mer weather in the earlier months of the season has 'been so uncertain for the last few years that London hotel man agers now slate that this has resulted 'in heavier reservations this year for August and Septem ber than ever before. In view of this the social calendar has been revised and many of the season's events have ben put back. Hoth King George and Queen Mary will be- back in town for August after Cowes Itegalla. In Mm beginning of - Rcptenilier a gveqt pageant In which JO.OOO' people will takrt part will lie, given In the stadium of thej UrilUh Empire- Exposition ati Wembley. By the way, when tho time comes for the Kinig and Queen to go on holiday this year, for a part of the time at any rale they will go different ways. Queen Mary is going off on her own to some friends in Gloucestershire and King' George has made arrangements for a bachelor holiday in the north. Stokowskl Dr. Leopold Stokowskl, golden haired conductor of the Phila delphia Symphony 'Orchestra, has arrived on a vacation with his daughter. He has come just when the musical season in Loudon is at its height and is looking forward to a klnil of 'busman's holiday with a round of opera and concerts. One of the finest boxes at Covent (Jar- dens Opera House has been placed at Slokowskfs disposal for as long as he wants it. Whilst the conductor's arrival has not been heralded with the hectic scenes that usher a film star into London, his suite lias been smothered with flowers, bouquets from Melba. and others. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY holme with ticket 1. TEA ANDIaLEHELF BY WOMEN'S AID OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH A tea and sale of home cooking given by the Women's Aid of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church yes terday al the home of Mrs Straehan, Third Ave., East, was very successful and as a result tlie sunroT 29 was- ndiled'to the treasury. Those who poured were Mrs ftkallchol, Mrs. Unger and Mrs Thor Johnson, assisted by Misses Agnes and Aleda Iversnn. ' 'Hie home coofcing . was In charge of Mrs. Edwards while Mrs. Haisler looked after fancy work. a - 1 tH .1 Jlarmlwto human MVUJr urUCT ansarumaiB. OT UTBPPIST CMS Itl Fcnmr Scnvici. Iwc Grf Britain rif Hi rrsrrvtd WILL BUY BLANKETS Raffles Took Place at Regular Meeting of Society Yesterday Afternoon The women's auxiliary (if the Prince Huper! fienepal IlnupiluJ met yesterday afternoon in the council chamber, Mrs. F. Dibh. president, in the chair. A letter from the hospital board was read thanking the auxiliary for the check tor 600 to be used for furnishing the children's ward. The buying committee was in" slrucled to purchase blankets needed at the hospital. Drawings took place for two prizes. The. box of cigars donated by D. G. Stewart was won by F. Dibh with ticket it and Hie box of biscuits donated by C. D. Christie was won by J. Wolstcn- w the in i u IUIX5 I i Imh I DOCK BUILT I BY PROVINCE Local Swimming Club Relieved of Expense of Providing t Landing at Salt Lakes I The new din k and approach at Salt Lakes Park has just been completed by the provincial government. It is a more permanent structure than has been there before and is open lo everyone tu use. This is the first time there has been a public dock ut the present location, for several years past the landing having been built ajul maintained by A. Swanson for his ferry ser vice. The present float is 100 feel feet long by aiout J5 feet wide and is well supported by good float logs. , There was no need of the provincial gnernnient spending more money this year on the vajks into the lake, that having been well looked after last year. I'he floats at the lake for the ise of swimmers and the dres sing noms are kept up by the wuuming club. GENERAL McRAE MEETS BROTHER Reunion Took Place Aboard Steamer Prince Rupert After Leaving Vancouver ' General A. D. McRae, who is Inleresteil-iiuXhe fisheries of this district, arrived on the Prince Huperl. this morning from Van couver accompanied by his business associate. A. E. James. The present trip north was marked with a pleasant sur prise for Genrral Heltae. The first day out of Vancouver he net aboard the ship his brother. Randolph Mrllae of New York, un engineer. The brothers did not know before hand thai they would be on the same boat so. naturally, there was a glad re union. Randolph Meflae is bound mi a trip to the Allin district. K. OF C. PARTY IS HERE AGAIN Baseball Between ' Locals and Visitors Is to Start at 3.15 ' ; ' The parly of 150 Knighls of Columbus from California, who have been touring Alaska, will relurh lo the city on the Princess Louise which is due in port at 0 o'clock this afternoon. The main feature of the visit of the parly here today will he a hase- iiau game ai a. is between a select local team and a team from the parly. Lidsloue or Schlen ker will pilch for Prince Rupert and Halfour will catch. The parly will be here until C o'clock when the Princess Louise will sail continuing her trip south. .HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. Hargrave, F. K. McFeely, I). McPhee and R. R. Payne, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. .1. F Talhof, Ketchikan; Will F. Thompson, Seattle. Central Miss' Helen Winslnne, Aiyansl David A. Lev'ev. Vancouver: i Mrplierson and C. Johnson, city With the bringing hito service nf liiilli Mm ulpjintnpu Pvinf Charles and Prince John I his week. Purser Merl Rohson will take charge of the office' on I he Prince Charles while, rred Coram first assistant nurser of the Prince Rupert, goes lo the Prince John as purser. ' Wanted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. Set nf automobile engine '.ring book, six volume new. Phone 5!2, between C And 7 P-"- 17 FOR SAI.e Commercial Hotel, Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens A Co., Ltd. BOARD tt FOR SALE Launch for sale. For particulars apply Jack Keefe. Dominion Paths. 147 FOR SALE. Four 1iole Monarch range. Prince Rupert Ex change, tf TO RENT FOR RUNT. 3 room Apartment furnished 130.00 2 rhom atiarlmenl. fur nished (heated) $30.00 0 room house 2.ri.00 1 room house f 20.00 Cottage al Salt Lakes. MrCaiTery & Glhbdns, Ltd. I no TO HKJvT. Furnished rooms. Hot and cold water. Centrally located. Reasonable- rents .Norfold Rooms, Fullon Street. Phone itlacir 32. If TO JUNT two roomed furnish eu aparimeut by uay, week or month. Phone Red 0117. FOR HUNT. Furnished house- keeping suite. -110 Sixth Ave Hast;i Phone Mue 278. I: FOR RUNT. Large roomy apart- ' menl down town. Apply Storks Hardware. 150 FO RF.NT. Furnished sulle for July and August. Phone lUne 707. 148 FOR HUNT Clapp apartment Wesion haver Hros. ' tf AUCTION SALE AUCTKJX SALE will. Lb held in Hemiulngs' Store, Third Ave. on Thursday, June 25 at 2.30 p. lii. of all articles not sold hy thai date. On Friday, June 20, auction wil be held at. Mr. Hemming flat, Federal block at 2.30 p.m., consisting of buffet, oak armchair, upholstered arm chair, (aides, Congoleum rug, office chair, pictures, oak screent chiffonier, bureaux, single bed, double bed, rug, oil stove, fin. PhilpU, Evilt & Co. yd. .Auctioneers. j ' i.. j 1 I , j j j j.,,. IiOAlfD and Room, or board only. 4i3 Fifth Avenue East. Phone Red 707. 5" 5 Nt'RSF.S or young ladies wanting a rest home, with koim! board, apply P.O. llox 80, Terraee, H.C 150 WANTED. Maid for ' general housework. Apply P.O. Ikx 1C80. 48 WANTED. Butcher wanted, MiissHllein firurary. tf WANTED. Womaj- help. Apply Inlander. tf BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICKS OF KASTHOPU 4-CYCLE Marine Kngine- 4-11. P. without clutch 185.00 4-11. P. l aylinder MD 200.00 0-H.P. 1 cylinder HD 450.00 8-H.P. I cylinder HI) 750.00 8-H.P. 2 eylluder Ml) 450.00 10-11. P. t cylinder LI) 175.00 All the alMHrc except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Ensthopc Hros.. 1747 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always at your service. Prince Rupert-Boathouse, Agents Phone 381, . ,v FOUND FOUND. Ladies' semi-gauntlet fawn glove. Owner can obtain same upon identifying aim paying for this adverliseiueni at Daily News ofliee. FOUND. Mooseheart pin. Ap ply Daily News office. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anlime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Rales: 50c for I or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call (ieorge. Paul or Gust) Special (t and 7 passenger Stude- bakers al your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from' Knipress Hotel. PHOTO FINISHING P. J. RYAN P.O. llox 154 4 Prince Rupert, H.C Service and Satisfaction (iuananleed. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baonage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Uox 099. Goods. BEAUTY PARLOR Vogue Beauty Parlor Public Rest Room for Ladies. Mrs. Love Sk'ihens' Wock, Third Ave. Over MCalTery & Gibbons Ltd PHONE 36. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl ure 8re. We Huy. Sell and Kx change New and Secondhand QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone Mft KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe In King Edward Hotel now ro-modclled. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Cannier BOB KEITH - Manager. 1 J 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE FlTIl.MTUHH ' houirhf. sold and exchanged. Control, agent for Faweelt ranges, and furnareJ Household effects packed and shipped.. Auction sales con dueled. Furniture for wer home. Let me have a talk with you about my servioe. ami leave your furniture trouble lo me, A. MacKeuxiu. Furniture House, Third Avenue. Phone 775, tf FOlt SALE. We have several new lislinj on houses at real values. Special price on good collage jiI Salt Lakes. McCaffery k Gibbons, Ltd. 100 FOlt SALF. Cheap. Ten acre of good strawberry land, situated one fialf mites from Terrace. H.C. For particulars write M J. Hatpin, Kimberley. H.C. I&i Oil SALE. With every nur- chase ot $20.00 or over al the Prince Huperl Mxchunge we will give one rug' FHKK. tf WAKTKft Article Founi,4t lt. Proee i r , r. it To FURNtTURE HOSPITAL And GeniMiii U a ! pairs of all . n : i. ... irnuen in -. writers, fe-r.,11 ,, t picture ft iin Furnitun- ! TOM BALLANGER hone 111 li.- i,.:, s s COLUMBIA RECORDS no serai. ' s- i n. music by w 1 1 ' i Call in unci i.f-ir PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, I li i rd vt' BEDDING OUT PLANTS. nam ihui tr. w ir a. for your i,,... M , i Imdduig out 4. ;. r ally arHiina! - i . rttlied uimti gfHdS. Store Phone - t 8: Greenhouse Py, .8 MCCARTHY'S. Saturdays Thursdays Siinituvs . FIREWOOD. He Comfort: v Dry block w : t Fresh spli' Phcr. S a. A. ISAACS! iN S MAIL SCHEDULE For the East J H.I Mondays. WodnesSay urdavs. rinse? t. From the East Mondays. Wednrsaay Friday. du- a! - " P E To Vancouver Tuesdays Mail closes at ''' From Vancouver- Sundays - Wednesdays Fridays CalllPilnV-i r. 11 11 Ma 8. 18 and To Anyox, Alice . a .a A.M. f IJB. Wednesdays pj From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays . To Stewart and Preml- Salurdays rt 1 From Stewart and Pr"'el Tuesdays Sundays n,mBI' nd Na To Port Simpson Points Thursdays From Port Simpson River Points ColnrilnVS To Alaska Plnl8""" My 8, 18 ami From Alaska row Oueen cnarm - May 9. .... tslsni Chariot" From Queen Points ""dSaEOT.OB,,, nrnlmm h Atlln Ave M Ave. k m V (III Ave. k rulloli Klh Ave. fc TIM'"'!""" Mill Sli"rlr'ike AVi 11 til Ave. in''11"1 urn k iinvn ;"vA; Alii k lliiyn wive ' " Sill Ave. :"" : Mb Ave. MeBrhl I'ro. Ouvt. nw ITO. Oovt. WlM""r a,T.r, Vlwrf ? ltd 3rd 3rd AM. P 0 iic 0 40 B SO n (i no in.0: 8 P M. 1 ' f " 8.''' I.l.'' .:' 0T,,,"l ..Hi d 41 Ave. k 81 , , ' ,:, Ave. k Kulln 10 , Ave. k 6th 91. 8 4 8.40 A.. nd N P.M. A : sl'il ill uti ui ii'