PUNISHED FOR CUTTING TREES Charles Stewart Assessed S1B In City Polloo Court This Pleading guilty to a charge of culling down tree on the Skecna Hiver highway, Charles Stewart was fined 15 in the city policu court this, morning and given a lecture by Magisti-aie McClymoitt who gave warning thai further offences of such a character would be more .severely dealt with. The charge against Slew art was In ill ut the instance of Hie municipal public works de partment. Accused hail been culling down Hie trees, It aid, in order to .sell them, as fire wood. SCHOLARSHIP GOES TOUBISTUDEN Archie Fee, Who Is Doing Re search Work at Queen Charlottes Is VA'NCOUVKIl. June 21 Archie Fee. 11) vears or ,age, now on Hie Queen Charlotte Islands, en gaged in Ooveruiuent research work in biology, has been award ed the 1H51 Exhibition scholar ship, which entitles him to an annuity of $250 while studying al any university in (Heal mil ain, It was announced .today. The award Is described by University authorities as one of the great .est brought, lit the illnlyersily of ij.c. in ...recent yoars. ing until Monday. ORDER FOR RELEASE 10LF BEING PLAYED ON NEW COURSE AT CHINESE HOUSE BOY Ignature Should bo Appended Today and Ball or $10,000 Put Up VA.VCOIVKII, June it. An order directing lhar Wong rnou Sing be given his freedom under bail or 1 0,00(1 w as granted yesterday and will come before Chief Justice Hunter today for iiiiialure. As soon as it is iiriicd arrangements have neeu . .' i i..... ,.r tit!,,!. mai e o nave a im ' "- lug Chinese citizens rurntsh llie necessary bonds for the release ,.r i lie liiiiiseboy. charged with the murder of Janet Smith. JASPER PARK LODGE WIN NIP !'. June 21. Heavy rains during the past two weeks have brought along splendidly i he -roH course at Jasper Park neeoidiiig lo Canadian National ollicials. who relurned from there yesterday and who report 1 1,:, i Hie first nine holes are In excellent condition. Practice railways ami pulling greens are f.iii.r used and Jasper Park lodge guests are playing over .the first boles. CASE AGAINST WONG FOON SING IS WEAK VANCOUVER, June 2t. In maiitiri: the request to bear the application Tor bail today for Winic Foon (sing, Chief Justice Hunter staled yesterday Ihat-hfl lid not see how 'any tribunal inlil eniiv icl accused on ilhc evidence adduced aL the prelim 'inab- huirinsr. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, willi newly laid danciiig Ambulan ' floor for hire. Suitable for hi Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal HoUl, 3rd Ave. For rahs, apply to Doston Hnd 6th SL PRINCE RUPERT Grill. Third Ave. MATT VI DECK, Prop. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL, XV., NO. 117 PHINCF, HIPKItT. K.CL, V K I J N KS I) A J L' N K 2 'i , 11)25 Vtiterdiy'i ClreuUtlon 1648 8trt Salt! 607 PIUCE FIVK CENTS, f. Halibut prices were about even on the Fish Fxchanwe this morn ing, the average for American and Canadian fish being about eiiual. Fares for the day lo- alled t.'J.OOO pounds hj.uuu iifinml.s' from American boats i'" , mil U',000 .pounds rroin uana diau. Arrivals and sales were as fol- loVVslfi''"' , American North, 47.000 lbs., at 9.7c and lc, and Sentinel, 18,00(1 lbs., at J.7c and 5c. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Oona. 11.000 lbs., at 10.7c and T.C-, and Flattery'. 0,000 lbs. at 10. lo and Gc. lo Hie Hooth Kislieries Canailiiui Co. Canadian Sea Maid, 5.000 lbs., at I0.lt ami tic, to the Atliu Fisheries Prosperity A t.'I.OOO lbs., at 10c and 5e; Verna, 15,000 lbs., ut 10c iiml 5c, and N. & S 0,000 bs.,Mil '10.2c and (5c, To the CaiH adlan Fish & Cold Slorage Co. AUf, V.000 lbs., al to. tc and (ic and S.A 3,000 lbs., al KUe and Oc'ttii'e Ko.val Fish Co. LIQUOR LAW AMENDMENT PASSES COMMONS CHARGE IS THAT NORTH VANCOUVER ELECTION INVALID: VOTES SWITCHED Switching of Absentee Ballots is Charged at Election Last Summer George S. Hanes produces affidavit implicating returning officer and others in alleged crime VA,COUTU. June 21. Allegations of ballot theft ami switching in handling Hie absentee vole of North Vancouver hut J line art- contained in an affidavit by (ieorge S. Hanes, the defeated independent candidate for North Vancouver constituency, in the election last June. The affidavit was introduced yesterday during (Jie hearing of an application before .Mr. Justice Murphy asking to reopen I he coiilesled election of J. M. Hryan, Liberal, lu the Legisla- rnrkfl i rmr nil f Charges are made against I Kr A I Y KM ! ivrry Maslerinan, returning olll- lliuiw a A&i PASSES HOUSE mi - pact with Australia Is Ratified by House of Commons at Ottawa OTTAWA,' June- .1. A bill err. The allidavil declares thai June II, Hanes uiel Charles Ki I l.on, campaign manager fur Hryan. by appoinlmeul ami Kittson loM Hanes his conscience was bothering him ami he wishul U J-dl -allahe knew in connection ;wilh' The disputed election. .- Kitlson made an allidavit in putting into elTect the Irade which he declared that .Masier-Ircafy between Canada ami Aus- man and one, J. MrNainara, India, whereby each gels a pre- opened the absentee voters" en-ferei' i on certain commodities velonos, switched or changed the in tin markets of lite other, was ballots so a to elect Hryan and nut limni-h all it-, slaaes in the, that l. MeCalt, former business House or Commons early this partner or Killson, sealed up the lliurtllllg. When the bill came up for its fecund reading, a division was i ailed for by I he Progressives, Hie treaty being supported by BO voles and opposed by 12. Four Conservatives voted with Hi" uiveriiinenl and five Progressive favored the treaty. Many did hot Mile. enve ones alter uie imiiuin n'i been changed the judge adjourned the hear One of the most picturesque and novel phulos of Wembley is shown above. It was taken when their Majesties attended Hie Thanks'giving service and shows the clerical procession inarching across the arena MANY TOURISTS Steamer Prince Rupert In Port Today on First Voyage to Alaska 225 Passengers With a total of about 225 pas sengers. 150 of whom are making the trip to Alaska, the hal- ance iieiiarKing nere, u...ii steamer Prince Itupert, Capt. I). Donald, arrived in port sharp on lime- at 10.30 this morning ami will sail at I o'clock IJiis afternoon for Alaska. This voyage inaugurates Hie company's tourist service to Alaska. Included in the passenger' lisT are many tourists from the Fast ami Mid die West as well as a numbei form the Pacific Coast, especial y California. There are more passengers coming in from Hie Fast ibis afternoon ly train in join ' Hie- ship Tor I lie cruise llii'oiiuli Alaska waters and south luaiih Ideal weather has pre aled so far for the trip up the oast ami the passengers have apparently been enjoying Ine. Irin. They are being joineii nere by II. F. McNaughlon, la FISHARR1VALS dislricl ssenger agent, and Mrs. Mi' Naughlon. Halibut Faros This Morning To talled 129,000 Pounds Prices About Even House of Commons Last Night Locked Horns with Senate and Refused Amendments Bank Bill . OTTAWA: June 2t. The House of Couiux.ins .last ,night locked horns' with the second chamber. Hy a vote of lilt lo It) it sent back to the .Senate Hie bill to provide relief for the Home Hank depositors, declining to accept the amendments made by the Senate. Sixteen Conservatives, led by llou. Arthur Meigben, and three Progressives, constituted the opposition to the motion of Hon. J. A. Hohb, -acting minister of finance, Hint the House of Communis disagree with Hie Senate umeiidnieuls. DIAMONDS STOLEN NEW YORK STORE NKW YOHK, June -t. ivvo robbers held up tho diamond store of Marcus Feblman on Hroadway this morning and escaped willi diamonds said to aggregate a value of from !? 100.000 to $150,000. EUROPEANS ARE KILLED People Fleeing from Canton to Hong Kong and Situation is Serious CANTON, Juno 24. Sev-oral Europeans were killed and many others wounded today when fighting broke out between Chinese agitators and residents. Shameen women and children are fleeing on the United States steamship Ashvllle to Hong Konn. Tho situation hero Is extremely serious. COAL STRIKE NOVA SCOTIA : SCHOOLS CLOSE FRIDAY NEXT Preparations Being Made for .Entry of vDrawing and Penmanship Specimens In Exhibition The public , schools close on Friday. Just now the teachers are finishing up the work, pre paring their ollicial reports and gelling everything in readiness lo leave for the long holiday. There will lie no formal closing but some of the teachers are arranging for little evenls in I heir romps lo which parents are invited. Owing to the Tact that the fall fair opens just about ' the lime the schools reopen, preparations are being made by all the schools for the entering of drawing and handwriting speei Prevent Importation of Liquor into B.C. is Object of Measure Amendment to Canada Temperance Act passed ; by Commons and passed on this i morning to Senate i I OTTAWA, June 21. A bill to amend the Canada Teniper-'ance Act passed all stagis uf the House ur Conunuiis Ihis tnorn-: ing and now goes loathe Senate. r I The bill chiefly at iccts Hrilish Columbia and will give tliat province the right lo prohibit importation uf liquor except fur : medicinal, sacramental and industrial purposes. When the bill canrc up for consideration, opposition de-t vtiuped from Hie Conservative benches, (ieneral Clark of Hurraed aud .Capl. (ieorge Mack of the Yukon objecting to the bill which is aimed chiefly at private ! ciluens and not at export bouses.! ft 4 lSJIAirDC A. W. Neill or Co.nox-Alberni, UfiL lYUiMLRlj) gave I lie bill his hearty support.: He said that liquor was being AD17 WADDICIl brought into Hritisli Columbia, iIL TtU1I1LU .istensibly for export and no ex-i cis'o was paid on.it. It, was. sljp-i . 7 , .. , jpe.l a few miles out fp sea and rroiongoa uprv.ivn in Britain smuggled back and booqeggeu on uauses move 10 tower wages . 'aJargoalat'jiftce.sHvrnrviTeii OUT DOOR WEDDING '71,,, ' n '1SS! LADY IS SUMMONED and spent the whole evening mounting the work so as lu make a good display. It is un derstood that the work is very good tills year. Most of the teachers are gmng away for their holidays and ll is probable a few will not -return .dthough' mcsl of them are'ex- peeled lo be in their accustomed places h September. Intorost in Election so Great no IJ.C, IJ.C., Silver Silver Steps Taken Toward SYDNFA, N.S., June 21. With interest in tho No)a .Scotia elections which will be held, tomorrow in the marked ascend ency, developments in the coal strike throughout the province are practically at a standstill. Advertise In Hie DiUy News STOCK MARKET Hid. Aakerl l. Indian 00 .07 Duitwell 3.30 1.00 Premier 2.22 2.30 Hufus 10 .20 .Terminus .30 ...55 Huzelton 01 JJ2'.i l. , i :.. .20 ISCVi Daly Alaska ...a. -27 Hayview ... .,. 0U .10 Siivercrost lB ilowe Sound 10.00 felSrf Pile! .Or. .i .00 rr the provincial liquor board could not compete. Capt. Mack said the Attorney tleneral or Hrilish Columbia could withho'ld consent Tor licencing any export Jiouses, thereby wiping lliem out. The Hritisli Columbia government was "only putting up a sham tight against bootlegging" which was desired as "one of their principal sources of revenue." AT COLLEVIOUNT Bride Was Gowned in Nile-Green to Harmonize With A rather unique wedding look pbn-e recently al Colleyniount when Miss Phyllis May Walt of Horns Lake became the bride ofj Wesley Lloyd Huberts of Colleyniount the ceremony being per-tormed in I lie open air by Hev. W. H. Ashrord, H.A. The bride was given away by her brother and .miss tv. m. iii-glis. H A., or Vancouver, attended I lie bride. lu order to harmonize with the roliage setting, the bride was gowned in nile-green crepe de chine. ON ABDUCTION CASE Employee of Detective Agency Is Thirteenth to Have Charge Laid Against Her V.VNCOL'VF.U, June 21. Mrs. Fdizabeth Ioniuily, employed by O. H. V. Ilobinson's detective agency, Iuks been summoned in connection with the abduction of Wong Foon Sing. 'This makes Hie thirteenth charge laid hy the Provincial Volico in connection willi the notorious case. WILL NOT SUSPEND V1CTOHIA. June .'1. The Point Orey police commission is not to lie dismissed because Attorney (Ieneral Manson finds lie has' not the power to remove them. The commission operates under the munio'qnt 1 nv. and Increased 'Hours LONDON. June 2 i. i Executives of the Miners' Federation announced today thal: they would make every effort to prevent longer hodr.t, and lovv:r wages proposed by Hie employers in the coal industry. Prolonged trade depression and steadily mounting unemployment has now reached aj point where a crisis is foreseen. The Laboiites most blame tho a governnfent. which they aceuse of taking no action. - PREMIER MINE PAYS DIVIDEND Sum of $400,000 to .be Distributed Among Shareholders', Next Week VANCOUVF.H, June 2 L Fight cents per share Is) Ur.bc4 the quarterly dividend of the" Premier Cold. Mine which vvjtl take i(0,-s 000 of the company's profits and-brings the total dividends paid by Hie .company to dato to $7,840,-000. The dividend is payable the end of next week. Shares of the company, which1 had been showing, a weakeiiitiig tendency have strengthened considerably as n result Of. the action of Hie directors. ZIONIST WON IRISH DERBY Aga Khan's Horse Oarrles off Big Prize; Warminster t Came Second CUHHAtill. Ireland, June 21. Aga Khan's VJouisI won Hie ilrisli Derby for 5000 run hero today. Warminster came second and Hrighler London third. Fight horses ran. FIFTEEN THOUSAND HOMELESS AT FORBES SYDNF.Y. N.S W.. June 2t. - -the city of Forbes Is entirely, surrounded by a flood of waters ami t.5.000 person a Jiumidetftf.