Ljn'Mlar. June 21, 1P25; 0mm -T-- -. 1 , ifvee Canvon Ion of your life. 01 w$5 edar Breaks ALCT- thlf New Am n- yooaariana si Mm tah Nothing like it on earth. Few have , iten there the trip wi too hard. But cw you can tee it in perfect comfort i Union Pacific tleeping can, motor pun over good roads, good living ac- ' bmmodatiom. Low Summer farei. trtonally etcorted all -ex Dense tours. lide trip to Kaibab Forest and North lim Grand Canyon. Sand lor Free Book jluatrated in natural colors. It'will ' tp you plan the most satisfying vaca , Union Pacific ) System 1405 4th Ave. and Union Station Seattle, Washington Ask For Blue : Ribbon i Tea axil Blue Ribbon Baking Powder ' After all they are the best" A Ymr Grocer. John L.Christie Sales A grill. Prince Rupert Summer )resses DU VOISE, BROADCLOTHS, FRENCH CREPE and FUOI SILK at "Doners" House of Quality Phone 27 P.O .Box 327 One cannot burn llie candle at both ends You wouldn't light a cuulle nt hotli -finds and ex-peel il to last very long. And you cnift attend your many duties as wife and mothor, then pile on washday labor, and expect to Keep yourself fresh and igorous. Why not let us' InKe care of washday I oil and trouble? Ono of uur many services will fit esf-sictly bolh your ivecds and your purse. And you can 'keep the home fires burning" without burning tho eandle at both ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone 8. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone St. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Sorvbre. Coal, Sand and Gravel , We 8peolallz In Piano an Furniture Movlnfl. GLEE CLUB IS COMING AGAIN Westholme Theatre Packed Last Nifjht by Appreciative Audience Ihe I niversily f California 'lee Club again uiiheld t liir well-deserved reputation at tbeir second eoiiceri at, I he West-holme last njghl, Wiiea the eurtain rov on the opening chorus the house was filled to rapacity. Thai the audience was delighted with the good fare placed before it, was evidenced by I be loud rounds of applause, punctuated wilii many cneji. of "Kncoie," will, which each and every item of the well-varied program was greeted. Vernal ifily is a strong point with the talented riiembers of the club and last foielv l.WkturliJ ilnum llui limlttA IVisalll' Willi his funniosilies. (ieoige'''ar,y- Dyer imitations were deeidedlv (District Forester, ul Prince Hu- pert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X7147. There will be offered for salCj at Public Auction, at noon on the 251b day of June, 1425, in the office of tho Forest ftuuigcr, llaz-clton. Il.C. the Licence X7HT, lo jcut 151,1(53 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on an area su-ualed on the cast hank of Skeena Iliver. npiiroxiniately 15 miles north of Hazellon, Range 5, Coast District. Two years will be allowed for removal of timbVr. ' "Provided that any one un-i.tn in nttend the auction in ,,., . person may submit a sealed tender lo be opened al the hour o auction and treated as one Further particulars or tho Chief Forester, Victoria, H.C., or District Forester, Prince Kupeit, Il.C. N PROBATE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the Mnlter of the "Administration Act" and lit the Matter of the Estalo of W H. Mcdeorge, Deceased. TAKE NOTICK that by an Order of Ills Honor Judge Young dated the Bill day of June,-125, I, the undersigned, was appointor Administrator with the Will annex, or the estate of W. It. Mnnnnrsre. deceased. H parties having claims against the said estate are hero-hy required In forwnrd same, properly veriried to me, within thirty davs from the duto of this notice and all parties indebted to" the said estate are required to pay the amount" of their indebtedness to mo forthwith. Dated al Prince Rupert, li.U, this 13th dny or June, 1025. N. A. WATT, Officir.1 Administrator. BILIOUS AND SICK HEADACHES ARE CAUSED BY CONSTIPATION Once yon slki- your riowels to besnme connipmed you will Ix-mute troubled wltli Mlliius unit sick hesdarlicfl, and fur relief yon iiiiisi iifip your liver to remove the poisonous lull- that Is clrcnlatlii in the blood and upKeitlnir the entire biliary system, For this purpose there; Is no other remedy to equal MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Mrs. L. 0. .Vtherrott, n. R. No. 1. Crinan, Ont., writes: "1 as awrully troubled with constipation, and sick and bilious headaches accompanied with severe vomiting spells which made me very piUerable. 1 tried dirferenf remedies, without relief, but since taking Uxa-Liver 11119 the headaches and constipation have disappeared, arid 1 am very thankful for what they bave done for me." For sale at all druggists and dealers; put up only by The T. .Mllbum Co., Llm-'ted, Toronto. Oat. , night's concert contained manyj new numbers which proved quile , ""Pause. ns .popular, if not mfjre so, thanl '"rector Morse was again in those given on the preceding (charger assisted by K. Court right, night. Kvery artist was in good'".'u,SH 'iianiitrer. Assistant direc-trim and every item received its lor Finnic made the annnuncn-jneed of approval. ' inienls, general business ar- The Club Chorus rendered '"angeinenls being in the hands many selections from the,0' 'url Holmes. Members of the classics inlerspersed with snapp ic,u1' ,(,ft early this morning on college songs in great style. E.!tl,p J'achenu. for Ketchikan re-Saniro and his saxonhone. I-'rnirtt turning here on Friday when lloberls with two harllone solos I 'hey will stage another concert, C Diddle in a oouple Of bass 111 tU(t evenrng at the Westholme. solos, The Great- Hear, quartette Al almost complete change! of in concerted numbers were all program will be presented and 'good and were recalled, repeated-' Iov,M's of good, clean-cut I'nler-lv. Iluinment will receive more than Hud Toles was In trreal form ,l,pi'' '""ney s worth. TieketsJ in clever songs and puller und;!ire now available and it is ail- to secure reservations popular and Harold Ilosenblum; UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB pleaseii wnn seii-aceompuniea songs. J. Kelly und C. Diddle were again to the fore with their amusing seeomi signi act unn I he Club Jazz Hand showed themselves to be masters of melody. Quale and Kelly's dancing and palter evoked storms of TIMBER SALE XG4G4 Sealed Tenders will he receiv-ved by I lie Minister of guilds, ul Victoria, not later than noon on (lie nirHth 1 1 1 1 day of July. 11)25. fur the purchase of Licence XGif.t, to cut 50,0(10 feel if Spruce, and 32,000 Jack-pine lies on an area situaled on the south shore of Francois Lake, opposite Collymount, itange 4, Coast District. Three 3 years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, Il.C, or GIVES SNAPPY DANCE AT ELKS' HALL LAST NIGHT There was a good crowd at the dance given in the F.Iks Home lusl night by the University (lice Club following- the enter tainment at the Westholme Theatre. The great attraction was the music which was differ ent from anything heard hen before. It was very jazzy und the time was excellent. The constant change of instruments und the change of tune and time for each encore added a great deal to the enjoyment. Another dance will be given by the same orchestra on Friday evening after the entertainment to be given by the boys on their return from Ketchikan. FANDERHOOF The tennis tournament al Prince Oeorge last week between Prince George and Vunderhoof resulted in victory for the former players by eleven events to three, Vunderhoof won the men's singles and lost the remaining games. W. T. HurUer, superintendent of the Dominion experimental station at Suinmerland, and A. Morton, of Hie Dominion livestock branch, will be here on July 1, when the annual field day at the local illustration station is held. Arrangements for the-evenl, are ''i" & 15: Richards, Waller Adams has left foi Anyox where he has accepted a nosilion jn the Orunby Co.'s si ore. The Nechako creamery, under government' ownership and man agement, got otT lo a good start, turning out 1886 pounds of buller in the first six days' operations. The nut put is in creasing. Advertise n th Dailv New GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer I License Notice js hereby given that on the Ilth day of June next, the undersigned intends to apply to tho Liquor Control Hoard, Tor licence-in respect to premises being part of the building known ns Hudson Hay Hotel, Telegraph Creek, Il.C. upon the lands de eribed as Lois 5 and I, block 2 map 975, Princo Rupert Land Registration District, in the Pro vince. of Hrilish Columbia, for the Rale of beer by the glass or by open hotlle. for consumption on the premises. Dated this 25th day of May 1925. ERIC McGEER, Lessee, Applicant THE DAILT news PAGE riTB Inew radio on ARCTIC VESSEL Canadian Government Ship to Keep In Touch With Home all Time GO FARTHER NORTH YET QUKIIKC, June 21. - Hy Can adian Press .New Arctic radio transmission records will, it is expected, be established when the Canadian government shift "Arc tic enters the polar regions on her annual tripxthis summer, for the vessel will be. equipped with a transmitting set especially designed to keep the Canadian government posted on her movements in the land of the midnight sun. The vessel holds the present record for receiving and transmitting radio messages from the point nearest the North Pole. The Cunadian government is prepar inig to start the ship off on her voyiie earlier this year, in order to pierce farther into the Arctic ice fields than it did last. The staunch ship, built especially for Arctic travel, is being reinforced on bow and stern with heavy steel plates to fight its way through the ice to a pcunt farther north than it bus been able to penetrate most of the 20 years it bus been making annual pilgrimages to the Arctic Circle. Talked to Pittsburg , Lust year the vessel continu-r ously received messages from the Canadian government transmitted from Station KDKA at Pi.lts-burg, Pa., on the short wave, Hnd establishing the "furthest north" reception record when a message from KDKA was re ceived at Cape Sabine, north of Peary's winter base at F.tuh, and within 11 degrees of the North Pole. Not all the reply messages sent from the vessel liWtbe Canadian jriivernmenl were received, however, and in order Itl insure uninterrupted- two-Wa transmission Ibis year Commander C. P. Kdwards, director M radio serT vice of the Canadian Department of Marine & Fishories,Jn collaboration with C. W. lYoj-n, super- inlendenlof radio operations of the KDKA engineers, is having a more powerful set built for the vessel this year. BISLEY TEAM FROM. CANADA IN ENGLAND Winner of Last Year's King's Prize to Again Compete LONDON. Eng., June 24 Hy "anadian Press . The annual Hisley meeting will be held this year from Monday, July C to Saturday, July 18. As in previous years, Canada will be well repre- ented, and Lieut. Desmond Hurke, O.M., Ottawa, winner last year of the great Hisley classic, the King's Prize, will, again he a competitor at the Hisley ranges. The Canadian Hisley team comprising twenty marksmen, who sailed from Montreal on ' June 13 us follows: Commander;, . Col. Douglas R. Street, Ottawa; adjutant, Major . Styles,; IhS.fi: Re,gina, Susk.; Sergl.-Major R. KiiTdicsr I'oronlo; Major C. W. Gibson, Hamilton; Sergl. O. M. Elmslie, l'oronto; Lieut. D. Hurke, (I.M., Ottawa; Corpl. O. Preece, Ouelph; Sergt. H. Ashling, Toronto; Pto. H. Cray, Toronto; G.Q.M. Sergl. A. Parnoll, Verdunv, Major C. R. Crowe, Ouelph, Ont.; Sergt. H. W. Heauin'oiil, Victoria; Lieut. H. E. Rowlands, Hamilton; P. II. Radford, Toronto; Sengt.. O. 11. I'yers, Hrilannia, Ont.; W. J. Ir vine, Ottawa; A. E. Hunt, Winnipeg; Cupt. 0. M. Oalbraith, Lon don; Lieut. A. J .Harvey, v Tim-mins, Ont.: Sergt. A. 1 II. Wilson, Ottawa. ALICE ARM Development work at l'oric mine is again in the swing following a cessation of operations for two .months. It has 'been decided to erect a concentrating mill this year having a capacity of 50 tons oT ore per day. The Orunby Co., who are de. veloping the. Standard property on 'McOruth M(unlaln, are now settling down to active develop menl work. The work of stripping the ore bodies js.now Iteing carried m. 3 . , Rolh Gordon, teacher of the Can You Afford to Speculate? EVERY time you buy something you are either speculating or making a definite investment. Few people can afford to speculate. Yet many do it continually, in making their everyday purchases. And it is so unnecessary. The advertisements make it easy for any one to avoid taking a chance. The merchant or manufacturer who advertises, realizes that the good-will of his customers means money in the bank to him. He knows that the public confidence in his product and public respect for his own character are as valuable as his credit at the bank. So he metres the individual sahsf action-0 his patrons, their loyalty and their friendship paramount issues in his business. When you buy an advertised product, you can know in advance what to expect in return for your money. You can count on its being right. You are making an investment. But when you buy nameless, unbranded merchandise, you are taking a chance. You are speculating. Know what you buy. The advertisemsnts will tell you. Alice Arm school, left this week for Vancouver where he will, fake a two months' course at the University oT H.C. He will return lo Alice" Arm utter the holidays. Mrs. J. O. Tretbeway is spending two weeks in Vancouver. . Harney Cray has returned here after spending the winter in. Seattle. STEWART Local experts .flocked to 'the InweJl,Mine last week to examine a .new strike of rich ore on the surface 1,000 feel from the main workings. Edward O. nrown, of Ihe Hal,1 Creek Coal Co., has bonded the I Albany group oT claims on Glacier Creek rrom Jack atkflis and associates and development work has, ulready started with Watkins in charge. Mr, and Mrs. John Hauhtl, who were recently mnrried in Vancouver. have arrived here! and taken up residence" on Sixllij Slreet. Mrs. Hauhti was former-' ly Miss Ida M. Uulela, a Finnish pill. There was a special Sunday School service.1 in . St. Mark's Church Inst Rundav In mark lhe fu,, conclusion or Mrs. H. P. Ojb- soii's eighth year as superin tendent of .the school. LAND ACT. CAS8IAR LANO DISTRICT nuirWt (if C.aslaF. 8tlkin hlTlsion. TAKE NOTICE tuat I, Wilier Jullwi (llf turned Soldier), of TfleRMuli Crcrlt, li .('... ocrupntliin Miner, Intend lo apply i Tor permli'Jlon lo purrjma IDA' following derrltert lauds; Conimcnrlnit tl t post . pl.mted about one mile tt rf McLeod Sloinrb near ll Stlklne niver and about Si mllea mmthwest or Telegraph .CreeKj tliem-e north to rlwliKi) tlieme eal 40 chutn'; thenre touih 80 chain; thenre west 40 ChnlM to point of coininem'etnenl and rontalnlnr 3i0 acre", more or leM. WALTER UIL1AN. Applicant. April torn, ise. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ND SHIPYARD ' Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths' Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P ;4 COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Prince ljupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intennediatd ports, .Monday, nt 4.00 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, p.m. For" Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, i.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands find Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENttCR TRAINS LEA VI PRINCt RUPERT DAILV icapt Sunday 11.30 a.m. for Prince Omirre, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, Unlttd Stales. AOENOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlekat Offlca, B2S Third AM Prim Ruptri. Phofr ZM. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Say, and Alart Bay, TuMdy, S PJa. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, BaWrday, 10 A.M. For ANY OX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. for .PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr CajinarUa, frlday A.M. 123 2nd Anu. i. Barnalay, Afant. Prlna RuM't, BO.