Mar h , 1925. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THRB1 4 ALBERTA FARMERS nil I ubh I N rvcvi 1 it ! Local and Personal HOLD ON TO MONEY 1 1 0 01 , nk -. . tar K.Afi j k n ' -v t v. 1 h n 1 m-mj 1 1 ?Corn Syrup Known throughout Canada for its purity, its digestibility and delightful flavor. Write for the EDWARDSBURG Recipe Book. , , , THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL uperi ASTER- iy tide m To meet the ever popular increasing demand for EASTER CARDS, BASKETS BUNNIES, CHICKENS etc., we have this year a well selected slock of each of these lines at popular prices Mail Orders forwarded by return mail 17 I I 1 5 H " Fresh Trozcn All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thtstlo Brand" Nova Scotians. . Canned Salmon Pinks, Skecna Sockcye, etc. Salt Fish - Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ltd. Prlro Rupert, B.C. Phono 109. 'r. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY ' ' No mailer w lint Mm- mil iif til 1 1 1 1- dental "; v When yoii i-iiiiii- In iii oflne von gel Mil' :i II ' rvn'i' ami receive dcnlilr II1.1I 1- limirsL GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. Si SAVAGE t V:, Washer and Dryer ii- 1 1 Wringer, nerds none. Won Medal al last Oiichci- IaIiiIiiIm'ii over all AllllM'll'.'ill nit.l I 'iii:iili.-in l:n-In ill's. QVi Lasli liicc $185.00: also ul. I on loiiio. Kaien Hardware to. ., HAS REMOVED s irt ,1U(IP t, (.r Shop, arrows frm llu" Kmprt'ss lintel IP A Dp i-ar ry a rtill I:n or fKS, TOBACCOS PR I TITS PANDIES Hes ZarMii ,flL ROM IN CONNECTION f t Upi IVtvl PfCDO I TO i" U.U. Umlerlakers. I'Iiojio 41. I. allies' ami ChiMriMf Shoes Mr, (iralilinau's. You'll like our joall Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Sedan. 1'liie J. Slieddoii. & JlitnM'llglil' Doil to Muil all pocke! 7J T. .1. Slieiiliin, iiiseeulnr 0 inineM, leiuiiie,) iiiinj Stewart on the Ciinlena lliiri morning. l.iiilysiiiilli - Wellington, "tliu l)et," also "Pfi-iiess," "smokeless." l'riiice Uiipeit Coal Co. tr Aecoiiiils foi Hie vek einlin;r Mareli :'H loiallins 3,5I7.5I wen- iassei fur uiyiiienl Uy tlje eily eouiicil last niylil. An aiii'llialion from A. Oluit-ui' to iiun liase tax sale lot 2(5 Mock seel ion 5, was received ly Hie l ily ciiuiieil last nilil anil refennl 0 K. finance L. Murray Fuller left on last nigrhlV train for (ireen llivev near Toronto wlnrc lie has been eallcd on aeeounl of Hie serious illness of his father who recently hail a paralytic stroke. The police commission is to he invited in niftcl the eity council at its meeting next week In Ko into the mailer of a .new Parking llylaw which Hie commission has itquttsU'd Hie coun cil to enact. Tim ctly's new , walr hyla wmk lo have conn? up for consid eration at last uifM's council meet in? Iml it was laid over for n wwk so thai Hip ahlertiwii may Im given thp'opporl unity ot perusinjf il. A lcal iniroveiiMn inflialiM bylaw to provide for the grwliuir of Sixtij Avenue l'.asl neslwwui liiiinanui'l Slri-et and Seal Cove Circle was put through its first n-ailiiiu at the iiieetiinr qf Hie city council last night.' ' Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Maim -ami family, who have been located u' Alice Arm since lasl summer, are pasiM)i'-s jfoinir Ihrouuh on the Cuiilioa today lioiiml foi- Van couver. Mr. Mann is a brother of K. A. Mann of this city. I wish to apologise to my many patrons for any poor service In the past. As I cannot net my own phone Installed under ono month, should you need a taxi at reasonable charges, phone Red 461 or 3C1. C. V. Symes. If A reoorl from Hie fina ice committee ii'i-iiinnielMllnp that lux sale lot l'J8, block 20, see. Hon 2 he advertised for sale was laid over for a week by Hip city council lasl night periling a cisfon lieiiiif reached as to Hie; general policy in eoiilieofioii with lax sale lot soltiu?. - . Itylaws provldlttK for Hie float ing ot meal mtproveineni ticiien- lures lo cover prtiding done hul year on Fifth Avenue Mast, Mr- liride SI reel, PiYyeulh Avenue F.asl. Sixth Avenue Hast (Section 7 . Hays Cove '.Avenue, Ktehlh Avenue West. Fulton Street atfd Hays Cove Circle; cinder paths on I on mi Avenue west, linn Avenue West, Afcncw Place mid Dnnsmuir SI reel, and 4he siik' walk igi Fifth Avenue I'.asl were advaiiceil Ihloujili their first reailiif's al the IlieeliUeT of llio eily eiiuncil last ninhl. 4. V V ANNOUNCEMENTS lialTodil Dance, tjueen Mary Chatilcr, I.U.I . I'... Itoslou Halt Faster .Monday, April I J. Catholic Spring Sale, afternoon of April -Ml, Melropole ll.dl followed by social evening. Tennis Club Hall, Friday, April W eekly Cimfcrclla Dance, Sal- nla.v nmlil. Mks Home ode. lj I. Take-Vwk ! RrWn CATARRH of Hie BLADDER E.chCanaule ftjnA l-iariran,- tfT"" RrtmrrnfniunltirftiU MX? Vflfc mv i LB EI 9 This is DiSercnt from all other lazativei and relief for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Na'tfte'i Remedy (NT Tablcti) is mori natural and thor ougK. The effectj will be a revela tion you will tccl so eood. Make the test. You will appreciate this difference. UtmJ For Ovur Thirty Ymart Chips off the Old Block W JUNIORS Uttl rfla Tt lilM K? In oo-thlrd doet. Dee, candy-coated. Fcr children sad d SOLO BY YOUR DRUCClSf ORMES LIMITED I m It. W. (yaliieron r.-l urn- on the Cardcna this inm-nim; from a liusine;s triji lo .Stewart. -Mrs. J. P. Mo.Millan and Miss Catherine .McMillan are sailing this afternoon on 'Hie Cardena for Vancouver. C W. Oawson, -who arrived in I hi city yesterday moruiu? from llazelton, will ail this afteruooii on the Cardeim for Vancouver. Jmlpc F. Mell. Voting is leav-insf'on tomorrow night's Irair for Smilhers where he will try i theft ease, dale of which is set for Thursday. .Miss May ltnrjress, fur som lime on the C.N. It. dock f retell' ollice statT, will sail this afternoon on the Cnnl'Mia for Van ot'ver where she eXMets to Fire :hief I). II. McDonald. who lias been confinis! In Jiis home fr the past forlrtteht with a severe attack of iiiriuen.a, h sulliciiiiHy recovered Xo. be around aLrain. , J. Slade Sttsvens, income l,ux oliMfcr for I lie reiterat govern- liwni, reiuincO iiifs nmnung on Hie: (Jarilfna from n wi-ek's trip lo Slewarl ami Pivmler on tie parimenlal business. ; ihm-I litis faies ou and after April I will be Adults, 5c, adult liekels ti for sl.on. . Chi h lieu bc- iween ff and 13. toe. Children'-(ickets 11' ror I. (id. (eiieVal Traiisporlaliou Co. 78 The County Court case of the imperial Machine Works vs Charles T. Waul, which was !o have come up this morning before Judge Young, was adjourn ei sine die, Hie defendant not being in town. (leorse Clothier, resident inin- ing engineer, who , reiuraeil lo the eity frrim Victoria 'at. the first of the vwek, states fhal he ejs-Mcls to go into th Desise Lake utining field early iycJutie. The mission, will biiul a mouth's lime he expects.- Kruest Love, superjtileiulenl of utilities, atiil Mrs. Line rulurncu mi the Cardena I his morning from Stewart where Mt Love has been .supervising' finishing touehos on the Harney fiulch unit of Hie International Fleclric Co. which is now rJiviiig elTcc-Hve service, in supplying liglil lo Stewart ami, llyder. '.. I'nion steamer Cardena, Unpt A. K. Dickson, arrived from Stewart, Auyox and Alice Ann al IO:io this uioriiing -ami al r this afternoon will sad for Vancouver ami wayporls taking aniom: tier pnssetiuers froin liere Hie. following for Vancouver: Mrs. .1. P. McMillan McMillan. C. May Lyon and Miss CatherinoL W. Dawson, Miss!; Hurgess and Mrs. V. O.l ARE STILL WAITING REPORT FROM HEADS OF TWO RAILWAYS OTTAWA. Mar. 31.---lleplying1 lo a series of questions on Hie' Pence lliver district by II. II.1 Stevens of Vancouver, Hon.! Oeurge !' Cratiain, minister ofl railways ami canals, staled that Hie stilijrct of a rail route to! the coast was tinder considera-l Hon mid n repori was njivv await-j i " i ihmii ine iii-iiiis in- nm ivvu ' ' 7 railways , Legislators Not In Favor of Reduction of their Indemnity i:i).M().M'()., Mar. 3 1'. The proposal lo reduce Hie indemnities oT members introduced in the legislature by W. M. Davidson, Independent memlier for Cateary in the ' form of a bill amending Hie legislative act discussed .in Hie legislature found little favor on the government si" of Hie house. The debate out the proposal was adjourned when fin house rose and will not likely be continued again until a resolution by llolierl 'Marshall, Liberal member for Calgary suggesting the reduction of the number of Hie electoral districts from to to 15 hajUjcen considcr- d. , II was ipiile aijpfarent Ihrougb- lut the discussion -that the ques tion of redistribution of constituencies ami itidemnities of the meinlters wiis very closely linked together in the minds of government members. The opin ion wus expressed by diiTerenl members that small iinli'innil ie houbi be associated with large indemnities wMh small reiire- ejitalion. The opiiosition side of the house for the most pari siipporl- d Hie proposed amendment to the legislative assembly act con-lendiug thai a reduction in in- lemnilies was in order. II -was Hie contention ol some thai i! was not a matter of how niui-li man's time was worth, but how much the province should pay under present conditions wheii the government Was facing seri ous financial problems. The Allorney-lieneral in op posing tins argument coiiienueii that Hie government could not expect lo gel first class service unless il wa .prepucd lo pay the proper price for high-class men. The hill provided for no reduc tions during the present session, but a reduction lo I.Ko() for l!Cli :iii I a further cut to l.7!i0 the following year. 1 he. present. indemnify is '.,,tllin. WIFtELESS REPORT 8 a.m DKiHY ISLAND, barometer, u.u;t: sea smooth. DKAD TltMi: POINT. criliu: F. Aiim ,H0TEL 4'tcar. calm (emperalure baronieler. 21.8ii; ature, .'10; ea smooth. ARRIVALS - Clear Iciupcr- HULL HAItHOIt.--.CIear, light southeast wind; baroineler. "J S8; leinpTralure, 38; moderale swell; iii:j(i spoke steamer Camnsun in Millhauk Sound soutliliound; 7 a.m. spoke steam er I'rince .loliii oil Copper is-Innd soutliliound. Noon DK'iHY ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer, 30.00; temperature. II; sea smooth. DKAD TJIF.K POINT. Clear, light" southeast wind; barometer.. 21LH2; lemiieriiture, 11; sea moolh. HULL IIAItnoiL Clear, light east winu; naromeier, -v.n.- lemtcrature. t!; sea smooth. Prlnco Rupert (allagher. Alice Arm. Central Duguan, V.. Olterson and , - CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Take notice that Ninth Avenue Lasl from Mc-Itriile Street lo the ijiler-section of i'iighlli and Ninth Avenues, also Sixth Ave. West ..from Mcllride Street lo Taylor Street, will be closed Tor three weeks commencing Thursday, April Hesidenls are reipiested to gel in their supply of coal etc.. before lhal dale. F. W. PF.AHSON. 78 Cily Fngineer. Portland Canal Mining District Our utatlatii-nt di'parlirtwit hi compiled, anil we will mall FREE ON REQUEST A LARGE COLORED MAP and uthtr valuabli mfurniatlon r'Kardnu rrVent linimrtant dla-coverlrs and iictivltlea In tills. Urltlali ColumliU a rlclieat, sold and pllver pruilucliiK illalrlct GRANT MAHOOD & CO. LTD. MtmUr Vniii-uuver Stock Kxcliamce 522-5J5 Roter. Building VANCOUVER, B. C. Arllvr in All Mining Stock Wt Huy and Ki'll .Vll Sharra O. Not a sidn of wear ! Silk hosiery, of dainty weave and cxauisite colour! Undcrthings so sheer and delicately pale! In fact, any dainty fabric can be washed time after time in the gentle Lux suds, without showing a sign of wear. Of course, with Lux, there is no rubbing to break the slender fibres, or to streak and fade the lovely colours. Just, dip your things up and down, pressing the crcahiy Lux lather through and through, and they're as lustrous and beautiful as new again. Lux mil not injure anything that u-ater alone u ul not harm. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Hrush used in lirusliiug the hair will imparl lone and vigor and stimulate .'the growth of new hair. A splendid head of strong v igorous hair will follow ils consistent use. We have a shipment oT Whale .Hone UriMics iuiporled direct from Hie nianti fact ureis in Fnglaml. which are of particularly good quality and low, in price ranging From $1.25 Up. They have nice bucks ami Hie Whale Hone will stand up well under use. (Jome in and m ike your choice today. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Rupert Marine Products Ltd. The Rexall Store For Spring and Summer Wicker and Seagrass FURNITURE Our Wicker (iliairs an t Huekcis tire stained a deep lirown and am upholstered n nMrui-livc eixdoiiiies. We have in stock a full line of Hie ever popular .Sea-grass Chairs anil lluckurs. Barries Home Furnishings Phone 123 Building Materials LUMBER Dimension, Sluplap ami Finishing, Shingles, Lalh. Mouldiifgs Oak, Fir and 'Collonwood a Ply Veneers, Hash and Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Kecnc's Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hurn Hie Famous IMANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince RuperL" TUG BOAT'S Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 IP. no iO ir0 (SI1