May . 102!5-- Ssl , 'IVlllUf , ., H new l'J25 lii saoy Haek- $3.50 to 530.03 .... 51.25 $2.00 ....... G5c Id. Iin ' t 4 A1 'it',,,!, llaM .. 50o Si,. 030 II , , Hirmal All I' "si ,, lla.'kpi. 13- I , l ws. prided j' , $1 50 il nn all oul ..wii orders. laien Hardware Co. .inens from FRANCE . ,, K.tiinful drawn SO pOhJll'l1 i -1. 'ii no. tiuar-i lade in Hip wihii irjii-Iy i ii ami Chihl- Y il $1.35 fest of England Store Phone 753. I, L. Blain Contractor sent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods it Office, Fixtures. P'i -iw K and Planing. I' i .mil Jtppairiiw;. ' ! it d'anng. h'' li'inrs and Moulding P.O. Box 179. Phong . DRY Blue 2G8 Bird Wood r0R SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer I 139 Second Avenue. r"on B80. Nlghi or Day. BUY BOTTLES. BlueFoxPupj 1 rof. M.t, . ,82 ONLY, 20lh 10 30lh' c,nl "'a""'' Tan , ;; '"''' run'!!! v"""!"' """ST l-KSS, l . ."'"Il" and lirwd f u , ' s,'"d tt new booklet 100' INCREASE QUARAN- . TEED , f ..'. Old Brt.d.r. wlih ! iK1' " mpl. a- "Ml. I Viiu-- f ic i'rfKlilfiiia. six BR0S- FX FARMS ii " .."Mr. SKATTI.K. US " "m a l.ui'itiMt I'm "I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE. j In the Letter Box ARMY TELLS OF WORK TJic Kditor, Daily News. In recent issues of.your paper, there have boon news iloms which indicate thai business of all kinds in western Canada is in a lienor condition, ami Ihal Ihoro are prospects of a reasonable measure (if prosperity, for all. I am satisfied Dial I h coming year will show a continuance of this lioMonnonl, ami that llio .wealth i;f Hit country will sload- ily increase. At llio present lime in llio Salvation Army our officer and soldier are in the mid! of the annual period' of Self Denial, ami I write to you to suggest that oul of Hie resources which lire beinsr provided there may hi set apart a portion for llio humanitarian work which Hie Salvation Army is carrying on amongst Hie poor. Hie distressed ami the unfortunate. Rapid Growth This year the organization celebrates its Diamond .luhiloe. Founded as Hip Christian Mission in l'asl London in IfiftTj, tic work spread in the following decade to many Knglish cities. In IH7fl il look its present name ami adopted a military plan of organization with uniform and oilier distinctive failure. From Hie early eighties it spread In many parts of the world, so that at the death of the rounder and Hie appointment of (ieneral niamwell Ho nili in 11M2. it-was operating in fifly-nine different countries. It is now at work in TENDERS FOR ORAIN ELEVATOR AT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Not lea to Contractor sMIl'lt TKNDKIlS fur (lie conMrurMuli ' . r' . reinrunvlt r,, HIT. II- 11111 t'll'Vllor ! .iiinTlrin-liiri'. wltlk lliiiijei il"i'k naileries mill rrh..iiM-. will l rv.-HvwI oiuwa. onurln, until Noon of Mondj, aa 18tn, 1825 Tender Humid be "nl lu n opaque waled riitpl marked "Tender tor i, rim Kleiatm bihI addressed to Mr. . , T o'llara, l.put Mlhl.ner. Iieparl-mem or Trade ind .oniinern-. 'iiawa. V lump mini Tnr the vnirk l desired. n areepled lunk rlicnuc for Hrt . .. ii... ..nmluiifli mail njIV' i riHiiiwi ihiii.ii. , v,..v.--. - r -' t" tlie Mlnwu-r 'f Trade and .ni- iiu-ri'i'. ilium iTiinimi.v r.n l.irn ium will IH rurrrll.;! If llio lriy twidi-rlnit drrlliiM In filter Hit" "'"I"" fTtlVi i u..k mi the lerii.-i Mated I In li s IHider The rhi-iie nf iilim rerill ten-!ler.'r I" returned. The rheqiie or ihe "irreir il IM.derer will tie reljlned i M-i'urlly r .r tli due ruirilinelil i.r Ihe eolilrart I., be entered Into. ..r rhemie may he replaeeil with equivalent pr value or Ikhh1 or the Iioniliimn ir :imaa. Tlail". M-eeiriratlons id all nere,.ary lnr''.n e.-Kardinic the prj'P'-ed work Viiiaiiv. ioikiiIIIiiic Enrlneer. WH'"J i...i.i7.; ...n Arthur, inuarlo. Iepill ...(.......p. aiiiiiinO) u re- quired for plan, and P"'!"';;1,! and til lie n'llirneii nil ir i uneririeatlolK In (rood roliilllloli. tim luei or any tenner lli rp,jrlly ! arrepled. will not IT III II I i r v.. t. H-n vnA. . Pepuly Vlnlter neparlment or Trade and rmmwerrr. otiawa. April lh. I0S. IN PROBATE IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR ITORY Or auw w. BER ONE, HYOER PRECINCT , In II." Mailer r Ktu- r lealli luvl. iereaed. . M.inl'er l I'rolmte. ''' .', Iiv virtue or an order duly minieil i J ,?le or rerord III the a l-oje eourt on Ihe 151 da ..r A pr I, ttU. n he I avK ,1,-e U lierehy (riven ; (Ted ultlv dav rrom the date or inn m V""i"lt!" ZrK i ... in riar and rile Aim V" II V. ' - ...t . .-..-ai i.r 111 II court WU. lle-enleiVd roFfeillnR your In- 'P Ua!e orrPKlrft rulilleatUm. April 7. .., i .t Mil.llrallon. June 27, lino? ti mi- onr.N r. him-. ilmlnlirator Uur mWIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION (i " - bmV r. S. C. Chip. 118. llt prior to Jim", AV" "wnM I. ii.Ti,t HIMrlrl, 1'n.vln.c or nrium bliri ..lAlJln T.r TKi: nn.' notick .""-... mm rrmn .ho. ..,lc t in jnnnirtirl llio '"""r",,",1,' tv I"1 Pnliif nt Vnnnnivi'r. ---. of May. 10. .,.,, roMI'ANY TIIK I ' rl. , " "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnc BPfi.,E'",?rll?lrletCl Mackanil Eltctoral Dlatriet. . l. .,..t,tt lint I Hill Iit " ' . "' r in n'rhirk In Ilia rnrwi.ii. i iur ii.mii ... "-,,., iiiiiii.ii. niini n at tho Cinirt iioii.ip. i .,-- tin' flllliiK or I;""" .. ' ",'.' f voiVra Mr mTT, ThlVirlrK or hoarlnir thp HI i Mrrtoral im, 1M!M!.'.i in ,,iiiH'llunH )J In nn,) .iHHrinlnlnir any a , e "ial.l lh lelrnllon or i V '"."l? vnior or ll.. or. to iii ioris. . - ,.. ror nut : nniMirniii nimlirniil TOP nr i rridt r. . t5ftaB6 - UeCause " - oods. nounsnmc- eishly countries and colonic ami proclaims its messairc in fifty-three lansuases. While first and last the Army seeks to snread lln icIilmiiii of Iomis Christ, j! has develoued , a consideralde variety of agencies ill its purpose to serve and Mess the iieoide. Welfare Work Men of all nations are pleased In ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 , 1 il W'i'If'ii. iv-Mi-L- i. its care for Hie liealeeled :mtl fl'ifiMlMfiSa 'lllil wimil'ii. k.....'i....cI I 1 - - -' " ...... III! 1 II,. ijt They recoj;ni.e in il a valualde agency of Social Ileireneralion. 'l'hrouph its iiislruiiienlalily, had men are made irood. and turned iuln a force for riifliteotisness: drunken mothers are made sober and home-loving; wayward sons and daughters are transformed ami restored to friends; prisoners the I'lespuir of loved ones and the authorities, are made anew. The Army's work in the social realm, is umiiestionahly a frain. It's Homes are havens for Ihe distressed ami friendless. It has hospjlals for the sick, homes for the wayward ami unforliinale yirls, and a ranae nf other help ful ajriMicies, including" the inquiries department. This department has hranches In every town all over the world for Ihe I racing of lost friends and Army oMicers visit weekly all Ihe prisons and assist the men ami women to fret on their feet apain, after dischar?e. .Magis trates frequently hand prisoners over In Ihe Army's care; Hie sreal majority of I hose do not enter prison, hut are helped hack' to heller livin? and worthy cili zenship. Saved from Shame In western I'anada the Salva tion Army maintains four. Ites-eue Homes, these heiiijj also Maternity Homes. Through those agencies an annual average ol 300 jjrirls are saved from a lift of shame. Ilesides these institu- -lions Ihe Army has also homes for children and for pirls, as well as melropoles for men. The fact, nf western Canada heing a new country has made it imnossihle for us In meet the actual requirements. Social In slittitions are hadlv needed in 'many rilies Women's Heseue Homes, Children's Homes, Men's Melropoles hut we have not the! money to erect Ihe huildintis. In centres where we have heon aide In open Hiis work, we find our accommodation inadequate In meet Ihe needs. All our homo are overcrowded .anil il is with adness dial our devoted and hardworking ' nlllcers; . )i:tve til turn 'many away Ihrousli lack of room. Training School II will he reeosnized Hiat for all thi work, nlllcers are re- niiirod. and il is therefore co scntial dial adequate training facilities he provided whereby men and women consecrating Iheir lives lu this service may be trained and equipped. this t minimi makes a ureal demand upon the limited resources of Ihe Army. At present there ts only one small buiiiimg ior mis purpose, ami ror such a training, (he best and most adequate fac-ililiesc possible should be provided. It was one of the dreams of Ihe founder, William Uoolh, In round a University or Humanity. There are, lie said, great universities for knowledge and .. . .....! II I... ..,,1 f.... 11 s pursuit, i iion mij inn im in". service nT HiimanilyT Hut our hands are lied In this as in other sections, through lack of money. In view or Ihe fact that Ihe Army is this year completing its sixtieth year of service, and celebrating lis Diamond .lubilec, in view of Ihe facl.lhal Ihe Army is operating a tnlal nf twenty in-slilullons In western fianada, in view nf Hie 'far I Ihal Ihere was . . t. at I I.. It a ileiicil oi over iweuiy-iuou tWffgr th!fn..o1lar last year .in view nf II .c, c. IIHIt'U III I nn - - jilay of April j nil K (ho fact Hint Ihn olllcers serve and vllM,Ar. A. ?,',r WATT. ihV rrinrrnr 'for Ihe Ihe bare bare cost cost of or living, living, ""'IwSri fami P Mrk'K'ror,,IUul ull these IllStllutlOUS are eta THIS world fs a Jress rehearsals tin pass. 229C operating at a minimum of cost, may 1 not- he permitted lo ask Ihroiigh your paper for a cordial response lo ihe financial appeal which Ihe Army makes on this occasion of Self Denial. CHARi T. men. I.I.CYmimissioner. - it The Man in the Moon j - (illtl..s may he interested in clothes, hut only, a bravo man would dai'e lo say, I hey are com. plelely wrapped up in tliem. IF Ihe port is cjosed lo Amer ican fishing' boats, what will there he to argiitxthout at street corners? . ' II- Ihe men I ktiow gel by on their look's, there is not much to Nf) man will ilare jest at women's elolhes. now thai tin priug fashions for shieks havi made their-Appearance. stage with Sunday. TIIK way lo lake" the mil of a man i lif lead Hie altar. , J f conceit 1 1 1 1 1 1 lo I KXOW a .wio is such a leontte. that lift icni believe his own slnlemenls. SOMK poopli' wllV'iiever ' wak im ninF find HieniM-Kes rich be cause they neven'wdKe np. MONKY ialki. seems terribly but my hoarse. paycheck A lilltl. does not wanl much fur line inonov when she buys a bathing suit. ONI' of Ihe most successful iieliiiiir narlies wns that of Sampson and Delilah and as a resull Sampson, lost his hair. WO.MF.N are the best iMiinrs Thev Ira n men lo their bidding and give them lots nf practice. A WOMAN'S lire is easier than . ii ..i a man s. , man uas io pun .u his things lo get tliem nn hut a woman utilizes Ihe force of ONF. thing about Ihe North Polo, it does not rain Ihere. Ten Yeats Ago In Prince Rupert May 8, 1915. O.T.P. steamer Prince fienrge arrivrd from Ihe south on lime this morning instituting (he spring Iwice-a-week 'service. Halibut arrivals yesterday included the Helgoland, nn.OOu pounds; Agnes. 10,00(1 pounds. Keens Theilome Clean GILLETT'S PURE FLAKE LYE is the Crat-ald to hum aanltatlon. No-thlnf ruuala It for cltanlni out alnkaand dratna, cltanln grtaar cooklnc Utrnnlla, krtplng- fluori lrn, rlc. (let can from four croctr. It will aar u much hard labor. GILLETT'S 100 PURE FLAKE J LYE NO MORE FOOLING did Abraham Lincoln show his shrewdness NOWHERE of judgment to better effect than in that famous utterance which ended, "You can't fool all the people all the time." In the past, there were a few misguided advertisers who thought they could sell their wares better by misrepresentation. But those advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended their ways. Hard experience taught that Lincoln was right.' Untruthful advertising doesn't1 pay. Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise successfully, make regular customers and build up public good-will was to tell the absolute truth about their goods. So, you can be sure that every consistently advertised product is good. The advertising test has proved it. The very fact that it is advertised is your best warranty of satisfaction and true quality. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing is a good concern with which to do business. That is why it pays to read the advertisements, to patronize advertisers, and to buy advertized merchandise. OIIU-. . r,. l.wi , ami .iiiass.i, on,""" imiiuih-i. do, The Ouiiard steamer I.usitania was stink ycsirruay. ny a tiermau lorpedo otr Ihe north coast of Ireland. The vessel sank in fifteen minutes and Jl is feared 13(10 persons perished. SPRINGTIME BRINGS ITS SPRING CLEANING liiilotthtedly spring cleaning ts the most popular imloor sport at this season of Ihe year. The lady of the house is always cap-lain of the learn the rest of us make up the crew. Routine wmL- is criven the jro-by. AH must take a share in scrubbing Hie paint, beating the carpels and bathing the cat. il oasv for llio one who does Ihe most of the work, sin. Hint, she buvs bakers' bread instead of baking her own. F.let- hie itread is liesi. Jrom your irniil or from us. the Klertnc Window Ilakeries. Hi SLAYER OF GRAND DUKE MICHAEL IS KILLED IN AIR HlfiA. May H. Miasnikjifr, the llolshevisl commissionary who in I'.ltH was conim'issioned to' (To away with Oram! Duke Michael, recenlly was killed in an aindano nceiilent it is reported rrom I.cniuurnd. OarryiiiK nut the assignment ' nival assassination, Mlasni- kofr went In Perm 'and managed in he mini I led lo (he urniul duke on Ihe nrelext Ihal he was sent bv a secret society (it nrislocrals. lo conduct the grand duke In Siberia and Iheiice In saTely in F.ngland. 'I he grand duke's Knlish secretary, Harry Johnston, becoming suspicious, warned his cm- It's mighty good business FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. plnyor. but Miasniknff succeed ed in abducting bulh in two au tomobiles and as they wero pass ing' a West he and his agents are said to have miiriiercu me i'l-and duke ami his secretary. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, thi.maa TinniKn. or tho city or i.. ii . I at liiu ltiivlnn tit Ml It Uti i-.uliinilil.i. IIF.HKUY ('.IVES MITICK tliut he liiH under Soi'lliin 7 or tin' said Art do-nulled with III" MlnlnliT nr l'Mliltc W'TK ill iiiiami, nun in in" .Mini- im m" irl.t ltou-lkl,;ip nr llii. l.lind lllirltrv I It A trlcl nt I'lince Hiiiiert, at I'rliirp IUilrt. ll.l... a Ul'M'rllilMlll ill inc nui; mni i,uiti i.r n vli:irr .'mil tili.r lirnlMimiil In liri lillllt 111 the I'rliire llnpert llarhnr, Prlin luipert, H.C.. nn all IIiom iiirllniH ri watrrrmnt liloik (1, -plan D2U, Rprtlmi 1. 1 I'rlnre lliiport. I'rnvlnre or llrltlsh Ciilum-1 his, or th npimrti'iiant roreahore and tlm wnlcr lot In mnit tlii-roor, roiiUlnlnc In all an area or I RV-louilr acr1.'. more or Irs: AND TAKE NOTICE that aHer tlm M-plrallon or one iiM.nth rrotn Ihn daln or lie rirst piildU-allmi or this Motlre Tnitlfir will muter tHrllnn 7 or the aald Aft apply to the Minister or Public VrnVi at liU-nrrtc In Ihe City or Otuvru, ror 4'iprovnl or tl- aald lle and plan and rnr Wave t" construct th said wharr and Plfr. Paled at Vrlnre nuperl. B.C., Ihla Dth ilnv or April. I9J5. THOMAS THOTIKII, By Williams, Manm A floiualcs. tn Solicitors. Canadian Laundry and i Dry Cleaners Operaling the only power cleaning and pressing equipment In the city. Service and workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 615 Cth Ave. W. Phone 8