pake TVa TUT. DATLT . JITIVB F46TS ABOUT TEA SERIES-Xo. 2 Tea Production Today If the Chinese, who first discovered tea, had realized the possibilities of the trade and had studied the nature and requirements of the plant, China might still be the largest tea producing country. Centuries of neglect, however, stunted the growth and caused the quality to deterior- ate. In the mountains of Ceylon and' India, tea was found to flourish. Scientific methods of cultivation and manufacture were introduced with remarkable results. Now the finest tea grown in the world and by far the largest quantity comes from these countries. "SALADA" is mainly blended from flavoury India and Ceylon teas. II SALADA The Daily News I'HINCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMUIA II Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Dailv New?, Limited, Third Avenue, II. P. PULLKX;,. Managing Editor. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: v Cily Delivery, by mail nr carrier, per month ......;..'...... $1.00 Ry mail to all parts of the Rritish Empire and Ihe.'tlnitcd Stales, in ailvauce, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . . .' $7.J0 Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page .$2.804 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ....... .2re per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ...2c per word Legal Notices, each inspriion irc per agate line Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86' All advertising should be in The Daily News Office' before V p.m on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. t I M...J1A . . - n - - i t iiicuiucr ui huuii ourcau oi ircuiaitons.-'n't-wt PAILY KDJTIOI 5t Monday. April 0 1025. Why Are They Living In United jStates. ;.. :f ' I ' ' It would be interesting Ui know vli fou r 1 li on .n tii men who fought overseas afiji are now. (InnvingilLabjlityjjuMisiiitis from the Mfiadian govt'rnhicnt are living in the United States.. They, apparently; loved their country enough to" fight for if but mil enough to stnyuud live in i( after the war ya- over.' Besides the ex-suldiers wlpi fought overseas there are hundreds oT sons of soldiers and oilier loyal Rritish pa re ills who have, left this country and gone to be educated iir to make their way in the larger entires of population. They are working under the Stars and Stt'jbes and very soon most (if hem will be citizens of Ihal country. 'hy have they gone? fherWi no national or international reason except that they look on going to the United Stales much as ; they would look on. mnvingo Toronto or Montreal. A good many would, reel more at home there than they would in Oh'ebec; They want to be iirune of the larger centres and Hie U.S. centres have .appealed- lo them.. "- Canadians, Everywhere ' 0 V Throughout States. 4 w " . Almost everywhere throughout the United Slates Canadians may be round and mi may Englishmen., .Scotchmen and. Irishmen. The country is full or them. Also in .every town on thin side the bonier there are .plenty or American citizens or.puople who have-Weir Americans. , Yet it seems necessary to-keeptha l iri t f i i 1 ipi 1 1 1 il a i y, line-between that jcouiitrvvnin!' nurS' a, line 'that .iiiMoys-eihi(i)ieSvhliiistU'VVH)f;i'l hiuPiif teiAfbejimlrgjiii lies or customs and immigratiim orficers. I here would be no objection laken if .Canada were to annex me Mliletl hUles, and there would lie no objcetinji i vasmugioiiror lhe iiniied Hlales to annex Canada, but h.mIIi.ji. ..till . i.. i...:.... .i i.. ii.. ii ... .m i.ii w.ini -uiimii nr in-ill aiiiitwro io nil1 oilier. C are loo loyal roc mat. . e should resent any move with that in view, luslead we are willing to submit to all the discomforts and in- oimpiiriicc ami uisainlllles of the long three thousand mile nummary over which we may not carry anything without paying his trim fes lo goveriimeiils on either side. I Another Cleanup Order Is Issued. j Another cleanup order lins been issued by the police commissioners in Vancouver, this time, in respect to its notorious Chinatown. This is a regular thing, .liui oiily in Vancouver but in other cities, Orders are given for a cleanup because 'usually llm i.l.w... 1,. 1. ........... ... I.3..I II.., I !l I i i. . .. ' hv ; iii uvkiiiiu- .-u iiqu iiimi H is Ul'gllllllllg 10 illiracl IIIC notice of citizens ami complaints are made. In all cities of Canada and especially in the Westlhis same complaint is nlrtde. Conditions, owiug.usually to IJm inaction of someone at the. head, are aRoed jo Jieconie so bad that there are vigorous irotess made lo the mayor, the chief of police oilier, orricials'. Then the. commission sits in solemn conch or lave mid order are given Ihal there is Ip be a cleanup. The cleanup , lakes place, joiuis are closed, gambling is slopped and Tor a Tew ilays those who live by tlieir wils live but poorly. The condition does not last long. Readjustment are made and once more the crime mill grinds and lhfugs go'ii much as they were before III the meantime those who made the protest are satisfied that action is being taken ami 'they forget il. .,....? , . Ideal Condition Is For No Cleanup. rue njcni comimnous in any cu is ior iiiuigs io ne so well comlucled Ihal there is no need .of " cleanup..' If thing were always clean, this would be unnecessary. When a cleanup H oniercil it is pretty certain lo indicate that previously condi- lloi;i have been unsatisfactory. m " ; 'I .. x . .4y ' r.aroy'H eye forecast. WEEK AT. THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Harry Carey in Tii-'er Thompson." Comely: "The Telephone lihT iinil "llun?alow ItoolM." Series So. I Alberta Viiiinlui ' t'uf"Miiliu.- Sees ;T.ller... . ,v ; JiflrTiiatrnmu'cw. v Wednesday and Thursday llinler Kealon in "Sher.- -Comedy lock, .li'. "(iallnpin? Uun- fjitlows" ami "Heroic Taking." Friday and Saturday "Abraham Lincoln'" .Topics of Hie 'Hay. FLAPPERS ARE MENACE TODAY So Says Movie Actor, Whose Play Is to be Seen Here Tonight ''"'tyie" flappers of today poor, super-wise Ijllle creatures 'are becoming more and more a menace lo the nation. Ami nu daughter of mine Is jroing to lie a. flapper of 11)25!" So spoke I Harry Oarey in discussing the problems of bringing up Ids lil- lif tiaunier, And lie says- it with Ihe same conviction tin his race that the camera caicnes wnen nc auvises the villain lo et the heroine alpne. i.arey is io ne seen nere 10- nishl in tiger Ihompson. Oh, don't think I am out of f yinpal liy with mpilern American wonianhooil," Carey adinoiiislies, TesC you tfiink him a, seir-ap-poinledr minister of morals. "Ry 'flapper' I do not mean the really modern girl, who tlresses sensibly. looks life in the face, loves music and hooks anil her own independence and her boy frienu even lo point Ihirf ""WOuM" shocked her pramlmolher. Too Hard and Too Fasi "Rut 1 mean the real flapper who ilpes evcrylliins too hard anil loo- fast and too often, who wastes her father's money ami her own youth ami at the age of Ky'iity-oiie tfinds herself jaded ami bored and tired of liTe. .My la nr-liter is not poiii lo have Ihe opportunity 'lo be lik&Jhat." II is interesting toknow how this movie-made, cowboy intends lo avoid, it. he it' Every lime I sil on the ver anda at my ranch house with Skeeler. in my arms and gaze at the blue sky and Ihe prray-green bills oer there, I llinnk Provi dence for the start il has given The wholesomcness of. the outdoors shall be hers, and the cramping of custom and civili.a- lioinwill not be able to reach her until she is old enough and wise enough to throw off its errecls." And, for corroboration, lie turns Jo tils wife, who has been giving arudiescenfe ,f , his. stale- Smoke and Drink "And then we plan In send her away lo a mushing school or our own selection. Itnl first we hope tor us that will cause Iter lo keep a promise not lo smoke or drink al least until she is 21, Ry that time she will be 'wise enough tp realize that lc had lold her Ihe truth when we, explained to her how she can have two or .three years of idiotic ami unnatural excitement or a normal 'happy life always. "The young men slie goes with must be able to lipcnd a weekend out here on the ranch with me and enjoy jt. The enlerlain-ineuls she attend shall be selected. .She shall lie eucouni'ged lead worthwhile books. Her daily clothes sball lie plain so that she 1 may appreciate her dress frocks all the more. Normal Girl "In short, we intend In make her a normal write a Idler. a happy1 eoncln-ion of lhfis. plans. "Philosophy anil lif.l-tiino sloi'ics from a cowboy oil may tpiestion. Nik -paternal pride in a Minima picture aclor who is a college graduate. BUSTER KEATON IN SHERLOCK JUNIOR IS LAUGHABLE COMEDY Love and Laughs Mingle In Midweek Picture Here the Itusier Kealou is coining in a full sine feature comedy and il is sajil to lie a scream. The course ot love fails lo run smooth, Muster loxes pretty Kathryn, but the wiles of (he town's hesl dresser are wining Ihe girl away from' the poor youth. This is brought lo a culmination when the villain plants Ihe pawn ticket for a stolen watch on him and then rinds" il while Hosier is at the girl s home. ' This is all Ihe more disconcerting because Husler had taken up a correspondence school course in iletcrlintr, ami . tins' brought his downfall, since he .suggested .searching eerybMly-including himself. Willi head dowifj'jic climbs the ladder lo his projection booth and begins lo show the picture of the evening, i.!r"llearls and Pearls" or "ThiNlioiuige .Lizard's Love." The story 'lias lo do with the theft of a string of pearls. After watching it ta short time Roster falls asleep;il his post. Then occurs aYstunf thai is sure to have aiidfenres in gab's oT laughter. Roster finds that, I In; chanii'tcrs in the story lie is showing are none other than Kathryn and tils hated rival, 't he picture is. evidently much in need of a hero, for the bad man is trying to get Kathryn in Ids clutches. Roster, wild Villi anger, leaxes the projection booth and walks town the, aise of the theatre. Finally, when tie can stand it no longer he climbs onto the stage and into Ihe screen itself, just as the scene changes to t lit outside of l lie house. In his search fr Kathryn, he becomes a great delcrtnc wlio rinds-Ihe Ihefl -of-lb pearl nu easy mailer to solve. This "picture within a picture" gathers speed as il goes along, until just us the Villain has been blown to bits and Roster and Kathryn are drowning in their race lo escape, he wakes up lo rind the real Kathryn has ur- rived to lell him he has been cleared or slealihg the watch. Husler then billows out Ihe ad vice uiusiratPil by the film hero in the closing scenes nT "Hearts and Pearly." WASHINGTON PAPERS AND PICTURE PLAY All Speak Highly of "Abraham Lincoln," the American Educational Film No play thai has .eyer been bow;jr in NVashingloii has received a set; of such splendid and worth'whlle iioiices as?wn,givu Al ijiidi Hay, .)Uickcir(i''Abrabuin Lincoln" wWii it 'was shown there. The reviewer on the Washing-Ion Herald said: "A fine an achievement as lias, ever been ..l.ii.liln.l Ii. II... ...i.tmJ.. lo have ns died in her a respect, ' imlJ)((I.v n hu C)( A drama or wnnderrully enlertain- ing quality. The oulstandin episodps in Ihe life or Abraham Lincoln hate been laced tightly together into a moving, pulsing, gripping eulertaliimeul that possesses much humor, Treipienl touches or pathos, adventure and thrills beyond number. The pivolal characters .are played with a unirorm excellence Rial amaxing. The familiar characters visualized in Rip drama are n riawlessly done that (t ceases lo be acting ami becomes sheer ......III.. l.'.,... ii... ..a i ii r lii ton., in. Im. l,..,.,.u i " ""' fianupoini. Ill ., , Mil ' 1 II'NI pholography and the jollier essentials of a superfine production, 'Abraham. Lincoln' is supreme." Great Picture Washington Times: " 'Abraham Lincoln' is n great picture. girl, who can and some day you may be servnnl, keep some proportion tore must none up lo tills pro'. neiween her income ami her ex- dtirlfon lo rind Iheir standards, " ' r - v... i . ... Im Swift's Premium The National Breakfast In thousands of homes in Canada, Swift's Premium, as the world's highest standard of quality, is served all year round. But for Easter Morning this supreme quality Bacon has an added appeal Swift's Premium has become almost the national dish on this bright feast day when nothing but the best is adequate. If you have not experienced the delicious flavor and uniform goodness of Swift's Premium this coming Easter Morning would be a fitting occasion on which to try it. Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon Look lor this blue identiE-cition tag when you buy a whole htm or when you buy a slice. wilh such a'richness or detail as to be intensely engrossing rroin beginning to end. One of the really worth-while moving pictures, one of the Tew thai can be counted on the fingers or one hand siure 'the ery Inception of the! ail. Neer hero re has anything like 'Abraham Lincoln' been al-lempted. , magniriceul production, something 'that everyone should see." 1 Washington News: "An impressive achievement. The pic-j lure has moments or vigorous drama, a most marvellous Hon-' est Abe, good arling sujiporl, ambitious direction. See Lin coln.' " LAND ACT. In tkt-rna Land Plorlrt of Prlnr fiiiprrt iwrirriinir hmrlrt. TAKE thai Oorir Ulllc. tit Terrwe. B.C., niriipatmn liiniixTinin, ami ;. I.. .M. Cilititpy. i if Tcrrtr, B.C. ncru-I'slli.n himlirrmin, Intrnd ft apply rnr tirrnilsiilon 14 purr lime lh follnwlnf cl-rrihofl lamK rrr ln1utrlal ellr: Cnmnirnrlnr at a nott ntanlpd at notilh rnd nr IiUikI ltnlisl iuar nioutli or Kit-Mimkaiiiim liltrr and Ivinr nmr rii hank nr ald Mvfri thmro rolllnK atnire I Mm around oland 11 point or nmimfnei'mfnt, rontalnlnt Ii itm, mor or Im. OKfinoF. L1TTI.R and CUtnE I.. M. OIOOEY, prn-nntl T)Mtq thla 8th of Janiiarv. I0. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (Watrn Raglon) CONSTRUCTION COWICHAN BAY BRANCH, VANCOUVER ISLAND SIvM.F.'b -v.NpKIl, will i, twfivMl at ll) 'nfrirf M KhllniHvr, WliinW pi'ir. Manilnlia, iinlll IwHvp' n'rl.irk jhmih, Mriiiilay, April mil, IB.'.. rir lllo run lnii'ilon or tlmlir-r tirlilir lurliuiinr lor ittirnplnr itfn at Cimlrluin luv, ' ait 1 rir il I'l.ntlriiriicin i.r tlilrlccn mllM or rendu . Plans, pronto, apf-rinrtllona and rorm or rontrart may lx m'Mi and ronri or IpiiiIpt ohlalnrd at Hip orrirra or Chlcr Knrinoer. Wlnnlpr. Man.; hlntrlrt Kn-Klnwr. VaiKiiiivcr. n.C; ilvllon Knaln-cr. Prtiire Ilnpcrli n.C; Aiilnir hMtrlrl r.HBlnivr. Vlciorla, B.C. Ti'iiiUr will not Im rntnlili-rcd linlcaa innilH on the rorm 4ipplli'i).v the n.nlwn.r Cotnp.iny ami amiinpimifil iy an ari-cplcil rhcdiic on n rhnrlniMl hunk nn.i il i., ri. I per cent of lii vuliif or in work, imv- aoir 10 i in- onifr or tlio Trraniirer. Canadian National Hallway. TIip inwMi or any lendrr not n-M-aarlly ariTpicd. A'. r WAnilEN. ,, Ornrral Manairrr Winnipeg, Man., Marrli notri. til ii. 81 WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAQt TAkB NOTICK that the Canadian Uim-hor in)., l.lmit(Hl. wlioi attdrena la 012 Manilard Hank llldir., Vanniuvcr, 11. C will apply ror a llrenrp to take and iio &n niMr teoi jst m-ennd and lo atorr 5(1.-imm) arr- ti or wati-r tint or Ian, Skim, ilalp, and A In l.nknu. ami Ain niv. ..i.ih riowa 'iiilliorlv and dralna Inlii. 'Mailt Inlft, throuirh Indian llpervp No, ft The! will be loialcd al nr nnar thrl oulli't or Aln Uaki. Tin' raparltv or the1 n-wrvolr to tie rroaled la ahoni SO.onnl arrc rct, and II will flood ohout (U b mrrn in lailll, MIA WnlPr Will lie dlvrricd rroin thi airnnm at n point Bt or war the atnrairn-ilatii, and will lio linen rnr irvtiitiHfll r'..,!-. .. IuimI .1 i .. ... l,'"l'""' iipnil t riff n.". .n-n. , nmi it i-nri in iniiian aciiprVA n.i ?i' ,"."lr" 2'"! on the around on i talk inlelligenlly ashamed lo admit not having' m tW MnnXiuJS 1.. 1...- ..l.l i. .it.. ... i ... ... .. flicrptn iiiiTPin anrt min in in ini ih. "U'.i. "Walff . li.l ... 1 ,n,. - " r iriemis. uireci a seen II. All rilnw nf s ni i nr nu villi he rile.1 In the orrirn nr tlt WaiAr l i'mider at Prlnre llupi'rl. ol.r1l..n to II a.p rati mar do rilod with Uifl Mld Water lli'i'iii'ilcr nr Willi Oik rr,i,i,,ir,.n- i''i.Hlilures ami enjoy an eveniiift. 'Abraham Lincoln' is solemnly; v.eior"n?rB .'!'.,r,,'iT, h.,,', i h i7i v " 1 ' or Iwo without ffallivanlinp away niaffniricenl and trravelv Inanir-1 !,",..rirM "wurnnn- nr uiia n.itirr- in a rrom hen own fireside." In-" 1 ,IZ.,r '.,fll'.''f"''. flr'l .... ...... Vnop 1 o n .uarrn u. Ami Ihe smile of visiializalion! 1 WashinKlnn Slnr: "Port rayed iiiMiun ' VAntw i,m . and the Hre of sincerity in so perfectly, so accuralely and' Appiinint! By C, E. froft, Secretary. Be ctreiul to gtt Switt'i " Prtmium " wbea you buj Btcon or Htm mike sa:t ol it this coming Etsttt Nomine. Ordtr (torn you Butcher or Grocer. Swift Canadian Co. Limited Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PU makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EL EC 'SIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMfflERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F WINTER Steamship Service S.S. FRINCK RUPERT Mil from I'Nwa llnpcrl FOR VANCOOKt". SEATTLE, lutPimi'diale K(iiita cadi Friday S.t " ror STEWART and ANTOX THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" laaa PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. VICTORIA. forlniji'1'. " PAS8ENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE "urIRT ibmOV1 MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.(10 p III. fc r I'tllK 0' T,e WINNIPEQ, al iMilnia Eailrii Unada, UiiIM.J tnaira. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Otrica, S2S Third Am, Prlnca Rupart. IIcanadianJ Vacific Agency Staamahlp w. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup"1 PRINCESS MARY. . 21. For Katchlkan, Wrangall, Junu and Sktgwa April For Vancouver, Victoria and Saatlla April 10, 21. J( S.S. PRINCESS ' BEATRICE. .. N,m, For Butadata, Swanion Bay, Eaat Bella Balla, Ocaan Fa"i. " Campbell Rlar, and Vancouver avary saiuraay n pr for all .ii c... k, Llnea Full lnrorn' C. ORCHARD Oenaral 0ant. B.C, Corner of dth Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. . . . .. . - m a. sailing rrora rrmca nupun, Tul,da. r, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanion Bay, and Alert nay. ' lllfitf, 10 or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bayf For ANYOX, ALIO! ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M- j ji. .g, For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa River. Cannarlei, m, rup"' I2S 2nd Avnu.