May 18, 1925. hnday THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREP n the Spring a Woman's Fancy Lightly Turns to Thoughts of Clothes." Smart Clothes Cost You Less at Bent's Tin' -warily dressed woman of today demand the Kli .-t hi style combined with good materials and fasli- . jc tailoring al MODKHATK COST. Our many year of experience in the Ladies' Heady- W r.f business, both from a manufacturing and retail- y. jidpoiul, lias taught us the whims or "Dame Fashion" '. i;i policy of satisfying riislomers, no matter what the . i ' of the purchase, is a silent testimonial to our cuu-ii;;:it'i success. Mrs. Bent returned on Saturday from a southern and eastern buying trip bringing back with her a fine selection of Ensemble Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery Suits range in r.;e- up In id. THESE NEW GOODS WILL BE PUT ON SALE AT VERY MODERATE PRICES I v II he worth your while I" come and see them and v, ie under no obligation. Oi i reputation for square dealing s,ind behind every :. .it we sell no matter what I he price. BENT'S Ready-to-wear Store Ooposile the Hunk ol Montreal Third Avenue Phono CG1 Just What I Wanted when you -ee our splendid J.oo' b Ba-kel- for PICNIC PARTIES Strung, well made, good appearance and very reason- uie in price. xSxI2.i .... $2.40 OMixUKixIl .... 52.00 I Ixl Ixlll $2.40 Ki:; li Paper Plates 1Gc doz.; l'd"Z. Tor 25c ' In 'li Paper Plates, per doz 15c Fish Haskels al special reduced prices. eMaeMvs.Ml Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD r Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock E'Bl"ier, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makors, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our )nt js Ciiiipted to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F RAW FURS . If yon want to be paid highest possible (IAS 1 1 prices ",r your HAW KUHS, forward them to n, S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Uanch Receiving Office: 1225-G Standard Bank Bldg., i, , Vancouver, B.C. 'lead Office U.S.ll. Hldg.. lil-ol Louise SI., Winnipeg, tol 1883. Man. Incorpdialed 11)20 ! Local and Personal 0. U.O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Simmons' IteuMing Week commences today at Tito's. La Parisienno I.'eaulv Shon. I'ouriii si., l'lmiic aoi. tr You'll Iik our joall Consum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Sen our windows for complete Simmons' , Ued Outfits. 0. I). tile's. -i New shipment .of Ladies and Misses voile and broadcto'th d reuse, all. sizes, froiii SS.jO to 0.D5 al tlit Onlvenia,!. II. C Fraser. inspector of schools, is expected hack at the end of the weeJc from a trio to Hie Queen Charlotte Islands. Charles .1. Fletcher, secretary of tho U.C. .Medical Association, who aj-rived from Vancouver on Saturday, saih-d last night on I he jjCardenu for Auyox, liridge and whist drive lo he held in Hie Itoslon Hall on Fri day, May ii al 8.30. Proceeds lo he given to the. Sons and Daughters of Kokand Memurial Fund. Women of Moosehtart Legion Whist Drive and Social evenin-' Metfopole Hall.' Tuesday, May I'.', p.m. Kefreshmenls. Proceeds for Children's Ward Fund. Collection aljdoor. 1 18 A social evening will he held oi the lower hall of St. Andrew's Anglican Church at H p.m. Thursday, May it, to which all Anglicans are cordially invited. A good program and refreshments. . 118 J. P. Forde, district engineer for the federal department of I'uhlic works, after spending a niple of days in the city in the i oiusi' of an hisepctiwn tip, returned south on the Prince Hubert last nigbl. 1 JL'iiton steamer Cardena, Capt A. I!. Dickson; wan delayed in reaching ooii from the south' yesterday and did not gel in uu-' lil 1(1 jp'rtork last night. t Tim Wens'ailc.f at NhShtfjihf foi' Mewari, Anyox ami Alice Arm. COAL, S1 4.50. "The B03t." Double-screened Ladysmlth-Wolltngton lump. Peerless Egg( $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.50. No soot, clinker, lit-t'o ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. If There was onb- on tendur re ceived locally for the' purchase of the gashoat Ailanac which is being sold hy the provincial police. The lenders will be open ed in victoria where decision as to the successful bidder for the craft wiit lie made. Squadron Leader .1. II. Thorpe, officer commanding .Icrieho Itrarli station of the itoyal Can adian Air Force, returned south on Hie Prince Huperl last night after spending a couple of days in the city making arrangements for the fisheries patrol that will he carried on here again this year. XNjVOUNCEMKNTS Moose Pic nic .tune ?8 1 Recipe Begins Success wJr in MhP t'liivvDiTrfl Some weeks ago we sent a cake recipe lo Mrs. S., who is at a camp up tio coast. She had ueer used can milk unlit this spring and was having indifferent .success until she Irieil this recipe. It came ...ii ....II cl... i. i... win i-ii. iir ii ii-ii IIUl again, with success. i ii never use any iuiik inn Pacific, even when we go back) lo Vancouver," she says. I Pacific Milk Co. Limited Hoad Office, Vancouver Factorlos at Ladner and KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A Purely Homa Mado Product We have recently installed the Tab-sl type of lee Cream making equipment and are now in a position lo make and supply ICi: CltF.AM equal lo anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILL AS & CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Ilclail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 Football lonighl, Acropolis Hill al 0.30. G.W.V.A. vs. Cal-lies. Fil Skoglund,Ji, who has been spending the 'winter in Alice Arm, has arrived in the city. All Die latest Simmon s tied spring and mattresses at special prices during Simmon's Hed-ding Week at Tile's. Mr. aiid Mr J. (). Lyon of Mewari were passengers goinu south on the Prince (ieorge las' night on a' holiday trip. Mr Lyon was formerly on P. Ilurn-i.ld. slafT liere. ; Coal $14.50. Doublo screened Nanalmo-WcLIng-ton positively the best domestic coal In British Columbia. Albert & Mc-Caffcry, Ltd. ..Phono 564 and 116. if Passengers booked to sail for he north on the CP. It. sleainei Princes Mary this afternoon include .1. busmen" and W. Son-nes for Carerosn; Max llarlman U. S. Thomas. J. .lorgenson am! Inspector Spillqr, for Wrangell; Mrs. A. Itejuidry, (i. Leighton A. Hooch and M. Anderson fo; Ketchikan; 11. Tinner for WhiP Horse. n Mr. and Mr, 1?. A. Woodlam of Prince llupflt;! Jiav arrived ii town and are going lo snend two months here. " Mr. "Woodland i- mana.wr of Lhc Imperial Oil I. Id it Prince lhrprl and is conval- I'sciug from 'n sorious .operation. The' fante of Penlfclon as health resort lias penetrated to 'he home 'of the chicken halihul. -Penlieton Herald. llev. .1. F. Diiniuick, formerly .Methodist minister here, was transferred from Wesley Church Victoria, lo Penticlon '-Jit (In Methodist Conference last week. Hev. (ierald Swilzer, a gradual e I his year from Ilyerson College, Vancouver, mid son of llev SwiUer, formerly of Wesley Church, Vancouver, was appoint ed lo Toptcy and Houston. Passengers sailing last nigh' on Hie prince iiuperl ror lhc soulh included Mrs.'F. K. Ward. Miss A. de Koven, Miss Jackson (from Prince (ieorge), IS. Ileatly. Squadron Leader J, II. Tudhope C. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lyons, A. Dryden, James A. lilair and Mrs. I'.ssen and daughter for Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. (ioodriek for Victoria. LIQUOR CASES IN THE POLICE COURT Fivo Whito Men and Sovon In dians wcro Fined by Magistrate McO'ymont Today There were twelve limior charges in the city police cour' this morning. while men am five thu involving remaining seven, Indians. Phillip Milled and. Joe Smidl were fined $50 and costs for supplying liquor jo Indians. - . , , , . ..... i ieorge uose ami iioneri uuuis were fined for Intoxication and .loo Hose forfeited .fjr, on failing lo appear on a similar charge. l.cander Smyllie, Henry (Tol- lison, Arthur Lewis and Henry lludland, Indians, were, each fin ed $15 mid eosls for 'intoxication and Klhel liladslnno was assessed $10. Arthur Derrick and H. Leighton, charged with being in possession, were each fined $25 ami costs. 1 , Advertise in the, Daily .News. H ere an ere It Is expected that the present year will break all records in the movement of Eastern transatlantic travellers. It Is estimated that over j a quarter of a- million Americansf! and Canadians will travel to Eurona 1 during the season. The supply of farm hands for Western farms is not equal to the demand and the shortage Is becom ing more pronounced as the season progress, in spite of the large number of Immigrants coming from Europe for this purpose. During the eight months ending March 1925, 187,798 cars of grain were passI by the government in spectors for the western provinces. This number has only been exceeded four times in the past twenty-four years. Of the total for this year 105,555 were on Canadian Pacific lines. According to a statement Issued by the Bureau of Statistics, Canada's production of commercial fruits for the" past year showed a decrease of $8,902,912 in value as compared with 1923. The total value of fruits grown in 1923 was $33,169,343 and in 1924, $24,266,431. There has been a decided increase In the first quarter of this year in the ordinary life insurance written in Canada as compared with that of he corresponding period in 1924. The increase in March over February was from twenty-eight to thirty-five million dollars. According to the first weekly report issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the crop acreage this year will be slightly less than last. It is estimated that Manitoba will sow about 2,643,000 acres this year, Sas-ketchewan 8,555,183 and Alberta 2,721,689 making a total .area of 13,919,872 as 'compared with 14,-153,905 in 1923. Very encouraging reports as to the general agricultural outlook in Southern Alberta have been re- around caigary. Mucn more progress has been made with seeding than was anticipated and conditions are described as either "splendid", "fine" or good and in every case plenty of moisture in the ground is reported. The country is being beseiged by moving-picture stars. Mary Pick-ford, Viola Dana, Tom Mix, Harold Lloyd and others have passed "through within the last few weeks, and explored the Rocky Mountains and other Canadian attractions. Th latest is Hoot Gibson, who is bringing a large company of movie people here to film the Calgary Stampede as an Incident in a "super" drama. Lord Aberdeen and Temair, former Governor-General of the Dominion . and Lady Aberdeen passed through Canada recently with the British delegates to the seventh Quinquennial conference of the International Council of Women, of which the Marchioness Is president and founder, at Washington. On the bridge at Niagara Falls Her Ladyship' was presented with a golden key symbolic of free entry into the United States. Adverlise in I tie )aiv .w - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . FOH SALK. New 0 hole range. polished steel lop. A snap. Apply ((onion's (irocery. Pliom in. 12-j RECKLES Don't Hldo Them Wlth a Veil; Remove Them With Othlno Double Strength This preparation for the removal of freckles is so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by all drug and department stores witli a guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under' a veil or waste time on lenion juice or cucumbers; gel an ounce j of Othiiie and remove lliem. Kven the first few- applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles van-! ishing entirely. He sure to ask for the doublo strength Dlhinc; it is this that is sold tin inoneybaek guarantee.! At all drug or department stores or by mall. Otliine, P.O. Llx -Join, Montreal, Canada. LADIES! The Burden Has Been Taken Away Has Yours? Are you one ol the modern women who have learned by experience how easy, how economical and how satisfactory it is to jusl step to the phone and have the CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY take Ibis burden from your shoulders? We have THREE distinct kinds of Laundry Service to meet THREE distinct kinds of Laundry needs. ' You will find listed below t fie EXACT service that you have always wanted but never got before. 1. WET WASH For the woman who prefers to do her own ironing. '(Hollies .delivered lo your door damp, ready lu iron, 5c per lb. Minimum charge, 75c. 2. THRIFT-T-SERVICE Wearing Apparel delivered damp, flat work, nicely iioued, 5c per lb. and 1c additional per piece. Minimum charge, $1.00. ' 3. SOFT FINISH Wearing apparel delivered dry starched if desired). Flat work ironed, per II). 7c and 1c per piece additional. Minimum charge $1.25. Just Phone No. 8 and leave the rest to us. OUR MOTTO IS "SERVICE." CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 UR GOAL IS 116 li F Double Screened NAN Al MO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton is not an expense but on investment It is positively the best domestic coat in Mrilish todav. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Don't Take our Word for it Test it. We are agents for the I'.U. Spruce Mills Lid. Iluililiug Materials at Mill Prices Phone 564 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting il will pay you to inspect our line of Trolling (iear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. lu our slock you will find everything you reipiire Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it's for the boat we have, it. Moats are lost every year by fire have you got your Pyrene Flro Extinguisher yet? Wo sell them. Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Hutcher Shop, across fromdhe Krnpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarclli Proprietor Telegraphic Addross; "Bushmarino Prince RuporL" TUGBOATS Day Phones 423' 539 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phono 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 I