You need a new Bathing Cap this season have a with; assortment or color- and sivles Sh ( ,,. iiL-uiiui, mi.tuoii, imviiik sonio prettily decor h. r- quite, plain. Humu have chin straps like the h 1 style.whlcli has Ihe slrap built into car porkels if v iler otitind, lakes the pressure off Hie ears. ' Mfre Horn, each 25c to $2.00 Rubber Bags to curry HaUiing Suit ami Towels from , ; $1.75 to $3.75 Ear Stopple, to protect the ears while in the water, per pair 25c Water Wings, to give confidence while luuriiiug lo .swim, I"'" l,:l'r 50c Don't wail until you want to use Ihese things, the ,r- may he closed when yon need them. Hoy now.' ORMES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail Druggists 3rdAvc. and 6th St. Phonos 82 and 200 PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures Prices range front $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Hdme Furnishings Phone 123. FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prlnco Oeorge Prlnco Charles Sailings from Prince Itupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle mid intermediate ports. Monday, at i.00 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at 0,00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, ' p.m. For Skagway and Alaska I'm Is. Wednesday, 1.00 p.m. S.S. Prlnco John lor Queen Charlotto lilands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. TRAINS LtAVE PRINCE RUPEnT DAILY Sunday 11.30 .III. for I'rlntT OcwrKi-, EDMONTON, Winnipeg, til poind EiMjrn Canada, tnlud. -stales. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, city Tltktt Offlea,- B2S Third Aa, Print Riiparl. 3rd Avenue phon. Z60. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sillint from I'ruica llupTt. 'or VANCOUVER, VIOTOKIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alrl Bay, Tuaaaay, B P.. .'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Ray, and Swanion Bay, Saturday, 10 A.. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S P.M. im IT SIMPtON and Natl Rlr Cannula., Friday A.M. 123 Prlnta Rupart. Sl.0 nd Himui. j, B.rntl.r. Aa.nt. TROLLERS Hofore outfilliiig It will pay you to inspect our line of ''Jlling -"" -"r. (ienr. We vvc have nave n n new new line line oi or Salmon 9mi" Hooks, SWlvella. 5vvlvells, CuttuhnnU Cuttyhunk and anrl n-a- dear ,.r of nil all kinds. liimk. J" our stock you will find everything yon require--nchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardwaro of all kinds, Hull ami Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. 1 I' Tor the bon I. wo have it. Hoal are loi every year hv fire -have you got your fyreno Flro Extinguisher yet? We sell them, all and sec us. " STORK'S HARDWARE LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) J Local and Personal " . B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. You'll like our .soall Consum- era Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phone 678. tf La Parisienne Ueauty Shop, Fourth St., Phono 301. tf Football tonisbt, Acropolis Hill ut 0.S5. b.O.U. vs. Calliea. For the busv man or untti:iii a Hrown car saves money. Phono OO. it SI. Andrew's Picnic In Diirhv island, August U. Adults 50c. Miiiurcn free. Mrs. II. J. Hradburv is In sail for Vancouver on lln PHnen Oeorge loinorrow afternoon. Kick (iurvich and his son Spiro, will sail on the Prince Oeorge tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. Our low rales have been an outstanding success and we shall continue on this basis. Hrowii laxi. Phone 80. tf Mrs. If. .Mackenzie anil child of DiShy Island arc to sail on the Princo (ieorgo tomorrow after noon for Vancouver. Aubrey Sweet, formerly or this cily, is a patient in the St. Paul's Hospital at Vancouver, having undergone an operation for John liyhhavn left on this morning s train for Lake Kath-lyn to spend a few days with his family who are now at their summer home there. Tom Shacklcton, Usk hotel proprietor, and Mrs. Shacklelon, arrived in the city from the in terior last night ami are regis lered at the Hotel Prince Ilupen. You must hurry if you want anymore cheap sbiplap. posi tively only 25,000 feel left. Thi is your chance our advice "Take il." ll.5) per thousand P. It. Transfer and Taxi. Phone 112. 171 CP. 11. steamer Princess Char lottc. Capt. II. U. Bennett, with a full list of 275 passengers mostly tourists aboard, was in port Ibis morning from 7.30 to 10 o'clock bound north from Vancouver lo Alaska points. , Col. J. T. Crabbs, president of Hit. Oranby Consolidated Mining Smelling S; Power Co., and Col 1). C. .lading of San Francisco director .of 1 lie company, are oasscngers going through to Anyox on the Prince Oeorge lo day on trip of inspection. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information apply: R. F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Don't Miss BENTS Summer Clearing Sale Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. (irrieo Hours- -0 lo 0. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open i'uosdny, Thursday and Saturday Kvenlngs Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ureakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itctail. You will bo pleased with our service, Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi tho original 50c. taxi. Phone 131. tf Prince Itupert 0 per cent bonds for sale, due 1020 to 11135. Tho? MeClyniont. tf F. M. Crosby returned on the Prince (Jcorge this morning from a trip south. II. Zcfrerl of Stewart .was a through passenger on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mrs. X. Mussallem and family are sailing tomorrow afternoon on l he Prince Oeorge for Van couver. Mrs. Fred Stork and daughter returned lo the cily this morn ing on the Prince Oeorge afle a holiday spent in the soulh. Mrs. Oeorge 'Frizzell returned on the Prince Oeorge this morn ing after attending the Royal Purple Convention in Vancou vcr. Xo more cheap shiplap after Hie next few days. Only 25,000 more and no more in sight Phone 112. P.ll. Transfer and Taxi. 171 The Trades & (Labor Council had a meeting last night. Pus iuess consisted chiefly of mak ing arrangements for the forlh coming picnic. Asipiilh said "Wail and see" hul that's gol'iiothiiig to do with Hie success of Ihc 1025 Kx hi billon, which is assured if we all gel behind the directors and do our bit. We're off. Whore to? Tho Moose Picnic, Sunday, July 20. Boats leave Cow Bay from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Full line of sports with good prlzos. Gents. 91.00, Ladies and, children free. 171 Frank Harris of Ihe Crawfonl- Harris-Hurgess Advertising Ser vice. Vancouver, H.C., passed through the cily on Ihe Princess Charlotte this morning on his way lo iskagway .on a holiday trip. C.N. II. steamer Prince (feorge. rt.. a tt t i.api. narry .vuucii, arrived in port Ibis morning from the oulh with' a heavy passenger list. She will sail (his afternoon it I o'clock for Stewart and Anyox. Chas. Hocking, general mana .Mrs. Dale Pitt and two child ren were arrivals on the Princo Oeorge this morning en route lo remier. Mrs. Pitt was accoin pauied by Mr. and Mrs. Pitl of Salt Lake City, parch Is of Mr. ill, and also by Miss Wilson, niece of Mrs. Pitt. .Airs. O. F. llandall and lier lit tle daughter, Miss Lillian Mae llandall, arrived oft the Princo Oeorge this morning from Powell lliver and will spend (he next few-weeks in the city visiting with Mrs. Randall's sisters, Mrs. O. A. Hunler and Mrs. Alex Mcllae. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Shepherd were arrivals on Ihe Prince Oeorge this iiiumin;,' from Victoria where they were married on Wednesday. They are receiving Ihe best wishes of numerous friends mid will main in Ihe north for a short time vistliiiif with friends SURPRISE PARTY FOR MR. AND MRS. JOY JR. Enjoyable. Affair Took' Place Last Night Presentation Was Made The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joy, Jr., was captured last uighl by a crowd of some thirty people, the occasion being a surprise party on Mrs. Joy in celebration of her birthday. The evening was delightfully spent in card play ing, community singing and dancing which continued until the early hours. During the fes livities Mrs. Joy was presented with a beautiful Community sil ver carving set. Jack Judge made the presentation with a few fitting remarks and i lie gift was suitably acknowledged by the happy recipient. Those present included Mr ind Mrs. J. Joy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Slrachan, Mr. -and Mrs. II. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart, Mrs, J. Joy, Sr.; Misses Florrie mid Marjorie Joy, Sam Joy, L. I.ockwood, Miss Isabel Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Judge, Mrs. Robinson; Mrs. II. Haskill, Mis lelia Johnson, Miss Klsic Mc- l'wen, 11. Rolands, Oeo. Anderson, W. Harton and A. Woie. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IS STILL THE LEADER New York Agencies Showed that It Exceeds all other Mediums According to a statement made by a Xew York agency regarding the amount of money spent for advertising during 1923, the fol lowing amounts are given: For newspaper advertising, $000, i 000,000; for periodicals, $177,-000,000; for street car adver tising, $11,000,000; for billboards, $12,000,000. Advertising s just a part of business, ac cording to a writer in Printers' Ink. It pays, not because of some mysterious "power," but because someone uses il right. Xo wonder newspaper advertis ing continues lo lead. It pays because it sells the goods. DIES IN VANCOUVER Stewart Girl, Training For Nurse at One Time Resided In Prlnoe Rupert The' death occurred last .Monday in Vancouver of Miss Lois Comer daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Harry Comer and niece of Mis. John Mcltae of this cily. The late Miss Coiner, who was 22 years of age, at one time lived in Pi'ince 'Itupert and for several years after that lied in Stewart with her parents. For the past) year she had been in training for a nurse at Hie Vancouver (Seneral Hospital. Some months aigo she was taken seriously ill ami from ibis illness she failed to recover. TEA AND SALE. A very successful lea and sale of home cooking look place at the home of Mrs. L. It. Parry yesterday afternoon in aid of the fall Hazaar op the Moose Heart Legion. The sum of $30.50 was raised for this purpose. Mrs. Parry was assisted by Mrs. Capt. Mablis of Vancouver, Mrs. W, llance, Mrs. Howard, and Miss ger, of Ihe firanliy Consolidated Parry. Mrs. C. Whatman, Jr. Mining, Smelling and Power Cojhad charge of Ihe homo cooking s a through passenger on llioj lalle. Mince Oeorge loday aeconipanv- MISS LOIS COMER ing Co.. Crabbs. the preside,,, of SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swunson's Float on. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until 0.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, 3 and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboals and canoes for sale and hire. PIUNCF. IIUPF.RT HOATHOUSU A. 11. Triles, prominent man, is a through passenger on Hie Prince Oeorge today for .Stewart. 0 hi Jim lUl rsr-B- TBI 1 w .'Km . m la IiU-0k to Mm ( CATARRH ef the IBLADDER tStSamwal 'Rath r.n.ul batnrame $Jt BivariafcxmnUrfetU 1 m "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." 5? BEST PROCURABLE y I . Far IETCHIUN. WRAKGEU, JUNEAU. SIACWAY far UNCOlYEIt. VICTORIA ui SUTTU STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vancouvor Monday ss. Prince oeorge. 1 p.m. Tuesday ss. Cardena, 5 p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Charles, C p.m. Saturday ss. Venture, 10 a.m. ss. Princess llealricc, It a.m. ss. Prince Itupert, 0 p.m. July 25- ss. Princess Louise, p.m. 2'J ss. Princess Charlotte, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday 'ss. Cardena. Monday ss. Prince Charles, 10.30 a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Oeorge, 10.30 a.m. Friday ss. Prince Rupert, 10.30 a.m. ss. Venture, a.m. Saturday ss. Princess licalricc, a.m. July 27 ss. Princess Alice, a.m. 3,1 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. For Port Slnjpson and Naas River Friday ss, Venture, p.m. 'From Port Simpson and Naas River Saturday ss. Venture, a.m. For Alaska July 27 ss. Princess Alice, a.m. 31 Princess Louise, a.m. From Alaska July 25 ss. Princess. Louise, p.m. 29 ss. .Princess Charlotte, p.nt For Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday ss., 8 p.m. Monday ss. Prince Charles, i p.m. n D BOTTU0 4 6UARANUEBBY B&kkirZZ1 roOOOCt Of SCOTLAND. H MM v The Original Label look for it at tho Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by-thrs. Liquor Control Hoard, or by the Government of British Columbia Julius Caesar Never Bought Lumber From us but you will always buy It after your first order-has been delivered Wc are agents for the Prineeltiiperl Spruce iMills and Can quote you attractive prices on their products: Cedar Timbers and Shiplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shiplap. Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 118 and 64. UcamadianT "iaiiwT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert My 6, 10. 13. 17, 20. 24. 27, 31 Jl;4.8. H. IS. 18.22. 2S.29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, (ait Balla Balla, Ocaan Falla, Natnu, Alart Bay, Campball Rltar, and Vancouar avary Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Staamahlp Unaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agant. Cornar of 4th Straat and 3rd Avanua, Prlnca Rupart, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding next door to Frizzell Hulclier Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll ' Proprietor Bargains at 40c. 600 Yards FIGURED VOILES, BEADED VOILES, RATINES, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS in great variety of shades and iiatlerns; values up to 05c. All one price, per yard 40c. West of England Store Phone 753. l'lidav ss. Prince lliincrt. 1 n.m. Phona Kl. From 8tewart, Anyox and Alice Cartage, Warehousing, and Arm Tuesday ss? Cardena, a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Charles, 1 p.m. Saturday ss. Princo Rupert, 5 p.ui GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. Third Ave. Repairing, Remodelling on the premises, mazing and Cleaning 811.50 Phones Day: Qreen 120 Night: Black 709 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage lliutrihullnir Taari nr Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving.