BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, faJ Amfr with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Scy..,. Anywhere at An' "'hii dances, banquets and wedding Royal Hotel, . parties. Stand For ratis, apply to Boston and 8th a. I'll,, PRINCE RUPERT HI Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIPECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV NO. 170. PIUNUK HLU'HllT, H.C. Kill DAY, JULY 21, 11)25 YMttrdiy't Circulation. 1511 Strut Salt! 376 PRICE FIVE CENTS. D ii FLAMES PARTLY WIPED OUT CANNERY TOWN CHICAGO COURT ORDERS THAT THE EXECUTION OF MURDERER BE DELAYED One Third of Destroyed in Fire Yesterday; Two Packing Plants Are Saved luildings razed included Parlor, Pool Room, and Manager's Por' Kssingloii, Hie busy salmon fishing (own ;it Hie nioulh (lie Skecnn Hiver, was ugnin i .1 ..i . it :e was wiped out though (he ;.:nsnier. ml raiineries. for which fears were expressed in early i :rts were not totally destroyed. The hlaze, which raged the :; tit the afternoon and was. still going in (he evening, was r igiU under control last, night and people who had lost their , .-!- und places of business were starling to estimate their. - 1 - ' ! ATRIC EXAM. 1 RESULTS OUT a vi miniiB awrim loci n mil: School Are Among the Sue- easeful I v AN 1 VC.Il, July 21. Hu- r ,,; reuU imtrlcula.ion 13111 ...l...n. In High Schools l;vtitflioi:t llin nrovince were il 1y the Department of j I :n litis morning II i . M l . ... I.' i.iiniri.-. ... nf llilM ...xi ili Vancouver High School! i il . Uhi . I- I ..f .. imivi. I. nil o, lull ... . . .111111 mil ' ..." .v.. ...- - . 'I'i l II... ' I II" lirillRipai Ol IIIC trimm I'iiiiiie; who for several years 'lit; t Mo) out t lie highest mn- 1 "i: am iii Hie iirnvlnre. He ill- fop prince Itupert are (Mows: Norma) Knlrance Daniellu i' usen. Lillian .M. Cross, : ;i (Irani (S.t. Jean llaan. 1 ""K' oii arvnv H.,. -.e n InlHison Kathleen Mathers. Irene Mi sri! Miifuin linloli fitrit. lumoi Mjttricul.'ttion Perry Itaistei Ivan Canieron, Janet 1 s . Charles 11. Jackson, Maijiarel - KL,,n (jj;.,, Aiinee Matkav s , Uoheit K. Malheson, Alexander Mllchell, llichniond Morluner K. , , John L. Nicker f n i Mleen Palmore, ISosario So 'mo. Oavid A. Ttte. ' "rnplete Jcnior Malriculalion Peter Hittok. Senior Matriculation - Alici y'lson, ,llcn I'lllshury, Klgood "iilietis. Edna Vlc.kers. DANISH PORT " "coat Ulazo Raging In New Har bor of Odenso Military Is Called Out LONDON. July 21. A great rue is raging 1 1 a 11 1 u new harbor r Odense. Denimirk. Four wiir-S"P and a nilmbee of merchant uvssets ,. en.litngered ami 1,000 "lis or grah, lfl horning. T. "niitary f0,.t.s lllVe ,iven Clllll,, BASEBALL National League . IjIHII Pltmiilirir :i. New York 35. Iloslmi American League I. Philadelphia 5. Chicago h ii,.i,...u i ."1IWIL . W '"ijiu, i vow York II. Port Essington Caledonia Hotel, Beer Kishimoto Store Residence visited ly u disastrous fire yes- . .... . .1 ii. i: r 1 1 British American und .Skeena' losses and' make arrangements for new .premises. It was the most serious of Ihe several liigj conflagrations that have visited Port Essington in recent years. Beliexcil lo liau started froml raully chimney in the kitchen of 11. Kishiniotos home, the, ii;iiiii"m liiiuirii u tt rn uia&iiiA j"d frequently shifting wind,, (gained such ncaiiway mat mc), were soon out of control. Water conuections were interfered with U '' vxUimih h I he ,lae, it necessary lo pump waier iroin lie river. ine Dominion snag scow and lioals of all description rendered assistance where I",",!""lc Buildings Lost The following buildings were ruled: 1 Caledonia Hotel. Deer parlor. Pool room. Kishimoto store. Skeena CoiWniercial mess- hoiisw. A. M. Klpp's residence. Kishimolo's residence. Itritish American office. Seeral while people s and a arge number of Japanese homes. The big llrilish American net loft ami the Hell Irving cannery comprised of what remained of the old llrilish American cannery, which was burned a few years ago ami the Skeena (.omiiicreial were in serious daniger. The Dominion Fisheries office and Hn leleuranh and post office were also menaced for a time. Heaviest Losers II. Kishimoto and Mr. Perkins, who was nronrietor of the Cale donia Hotel and also the beer parlor, were the heaviesl losers through I he fire Mr. Kishiinolo is a progressive Japanese merchant and nnwnig his plans, is the Intention lo inlerest Japanese liners in the fall lo make Prince Rupert a port of call. those who sought re- finni iii the evening was a boat i. 'Mil, ....i ... ..r ........ iiiimeless Jaiianese . who went across the river to stay Willi friends. They brought with them ii. i.o.t.linir. clothing and I 111. I L " nml aiHHNiml lo l happy their lives ami what goods they could in Hie scramble. Canneries Safe t hat I he canneries w ere nanny damaged al all was me o.o brought In by persons reacuim Hie city from Port hssingion (tils ariernoon. Italmural can-nerv was closed and Hie crew sept across I lie F.estall River lo asHsl In fighling U"" f1""1-The blaze was brought under control last evening but was still smouldering Ibis morning. tii ii... i,.n l.elweeii Kaineda'd '.'irned. uUll .- ' ,re vvlM.-li a - i the N.A. nunnery was destroyed. I here was al least one deed of heroism. Kishimolo's child, in the rush, was left in (he house. Mrs. Wesley, a nalive woman, slmiudeil herself in a blanket, I'lllpll'll lllit Ill:i7il1'' lllllKI' Mllll ,u.ouglli ,, c)j, !l.r(,lj. 01 ENTRANCE LEADER HERE ONLY 3 YEARS VANCOUVER. July it. Nobuchi Yamaoka, Japanese hoy who led I lie province in the Entrance examinations, arrived in Vancouver only three years ago from Japan 'to inin his fattier who is employed on a coast boat, ,t Hint time, lie could not speak a word of English. He was employed by J)r. V. E. I. Casselnian and id al present picking strawberries near Mission. I AIRMEN ARE"0N VISIT TO cin Squadron Leader Tudhope Arrives From Vancouver to Meet Chief of Air Force Coming on Monday Squadron Leader J. II. Tud-hopey commander of the Jericho "Air Station al Vancouver, arrixed Iii the cily on Hie Prince (ieorgqVthis morning l.o meet (iroiip Captain Scolt, chief of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and Wing Coininamler Oonlon, who are coining here from Ollawa on a trip of inspection. t roup Captain Scolt is due here on Monday next and it is possible he may fly from here lo Vancouver, I.ictit. MrCillloiiigh of the Royal (tuadiaii Corps of Signals, who is in charge of the radio arrange incuts in connection with the jerial fisheries patrol here, also arrived from Vancouver on Hie Prince Oeorge this morning. HONOLULU .PLANES CRASH: TWO KILLED HONOLULU, July 21. Three army airplanes crashed al Oaliu Island Hoilay killing Jwn aviators and injuring three others -ser iously. This makes four crjishes in the last week wilh a total o' three pilots killed. STOCK MARKET nid Ask! llazelton .01' .02 Vi Surf 'fiilet ... .0114 ,un Duqwcll 3.:io Premier,;- ....... 2.20 2.2H Selkirk ........ .01 '.05 1 L. X L. .2l Vi .31 Daly Alaska 30 H.O. 'Silver ... i. on 1.2c' Howe Koiinil 20.00 23.00 Sllvercriisi .17 Porter iilaho . .20 Vi .23 Terminus'' .50 Oraithy 11.00 10.00 Oladslono 2 1 14 .20 Rufus .20 Hayvlew .05 .09 V Indian .00 .07 .Sixteen grand-dads from the Grandfathers' Club, London, start off on a fortnight's holiday. This is the first vacation in 20 years for some of them. MANY DISTRICT PUPILS PASSED Results of Entrance Exams, for This District Announced by Education Dept. '.Special lo Daily .News) VICTORIA, July 21. Further! entrance ' result for Northern and Central Itritish Columbia are as follows: Ocean Falls Centre Ocean Falls Margaret Wright 117; Elhel McCuaig. 3UH; Helen lurner, 38; leoi;ge Hill. 300; Alice lioilwiu, 32; Esther Hewitt 3(50; Michael Long.; Allen Denton, 350; (iarfield Cranl,3il; lean Kirlon, 311; Robert McMil lan. 311; Dennis Xicol, 311; Richard Marsh, 331); l.oraine Spear, 333; l.otlie Lavoie, 3JO- Andrew Leask, 'J30; Cyril 'Parker, J28;. Nina Fridlefson, 32H; Tan- nis ltenner, 317: Sybil Ross, 311; David Williams, 311; Clarence Rower, 310. ; Hums Lake. Olive Nourse.- U20; Kennelh Kerr, 303. llazelton Ruby Duggan, 332: lessle II. MacKay, 320; James A. Cox, 301." New' llazelton. Thomas J. Marshall. 380. Quesnel Centre Dragon Lake.-- Richard Mc- Phall, 380; Nellie J. Dale, 321. Quesnel. I.orna I). Hoyd, 351- Sarah D. Strand, 311). McBrlde Centre Dome Creek. Roberta Hosle, 131; John (i. Sims, 3(58. , Mcllride. Olive Oakley, 322. Correspondence Course Educa tion Deparlnicnl. K, Howard Hennel, 381. Port Alice. Theodore Char- ron, aao; .Mary i.rowuer, .iuj. Frederick James, 3 ll); Stanley Rumble, 300. Port Essington. Dorothy M. C. Ilardie, ,111); Clarence H. Let- ues, 3D). Port Clements. Clarence Min aker. 38(5; John Williams, 351; Louisa Chapman, 300 Alice Arm, Lome Falconer, .111. Atert Bay Centre Heaver Cove. Florence V. Watson, 333; Hugh A. McLean. :12H; Muriiil II. McLean, 300; Al fred J. Watson, 300. . Hoys' Industrial Peler Mason 375; (icorgc M. Wilson, 358r (litis' Home. Alice Wannock 302. Bella Coola Centre Lower Helta Coola, Hannah I'uck, :i2t. MacKenzIc--II. Deijnls Hunter, 387; Elsie M. Sprague, 302; Hruce McArlhur, 311). Smlthers. Naiina Ainola Anderson, 328; Hcrlha Lulu Chapman. 300; Irene Mct.yre. 300. South Rulkley. Violet Keihly, f'oiiliiuivd o:. Pagi' 0. CURZON'S ESTATE VALUE Si SOD IUM ' -T , Two Castles, Art Collection and Books Are Bequeathed to Public Institutions . C '11. Ill LONDON mi - i. in-- win of the late Marquis of Curzon plaees a net value on his estate if i.500,000. Two castles and -an art -collection ional .-olleclioii and Napoleonic looks, prints and relics to Oxford I niu'rsily. STILL TRYING AVERT STRIKE British Minister Has Coal Mine Owners and Workers In Conference LONDON. July 21. Representatives of the mine owners and workers are conferring wilh ...... . . II I .1 ! i- -si i. orii oi i lie .Miiiiu.iuvi llridseniau who is endeaorina to. reconcile the- differences and!k,",wn Hie avert the threatened coal strike al the end of the month. MELBOURNE THEATRE VERANDAH COLLAPSES AND MANY INJURED, wi.r iiiiiMtVl.' Int.. I . one ..ll.lilii'L-ii,.i., - hundred and thirteen persons . . . were injured, some scriuumj, when the verandah of a movie theatre, packed wilh spectators watching a parade in connection with the visit of the United States fleet, collapsed today. FISH ARRIVALS Fares Marketed at Exchange This Morning Totalled 57,000 Pounds Halibut catches marketed at the Fish Exchange this morning totalled 57.500 pounds, 8,500 pound being from two American boats and the balance from five Canadian bolloms. The latter sot Hie best prices. Arrivals and sales were as'.fol- lows: American . Castor, 1,000 lbs., al l0.7ouul 0c, lo the Hooth Fisheries Canadian Co. May. 1,500 lbs., at 10.7c umh.Sc. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Canadian Nautilus. 7.000 lbs at 11.30, and (5c, and Rose Spll, lO.oOO.In His., at it.tle and 0.5c. lo tlitj'Al-lin Fisheries. V W. T.. t0.500 s.. at Kt.tlc and (5.5c. and N. ami S.. O.SOQ'lbs., al ami 0.5c. lo the Canadian Fisli A Cold Storage Co. Riugo. P.500 lbs., at 11. Ic atidj V ',. Royal FVIi Cj. Russell Scott Again Saved from Gallows; Sanity to be Tested (JIII(i(iO. July 21. Less than four hours before the lime scheduled for his execution this morning, Hussell Scolt was again saved from the gallows when Judge David convened a special session of court and issued a writ if habeas corpus re-sliaiuiug the execution until such time as an enquiry is niade ! into the condemned man's sauily. Just a week ago, Scott had another eleventh hour reprieve. That time the execution was postponed a week on the strength of a telegram, later found to he false, that said his hrolhcr, Robert Scott, was about lo con-! ress to t lie murder of a Chicagol rfl MICC AT HI I drug clerk for which Hussell was! Kl, Il !K I sentenced to death. McALLISTER TRIED TO MAKE GETAWAY Vancouver Paper Tells How For-I mer Local Man Was Arrested Last Tuesday After- noon . Tellina of t tie arrest of (.i.V C. McAllister, formerly of this city, on ' cliaraes of ,, i q-ne Vancouver Province it,... ,.n association of, merchant liad circularized all leading stores of the city regarding t lie . I till ivltuti lllttaCillV t. ! it I .i n mi aflemoon McAllister walked inti) the hardware store of P. I). Oor-dou A Co.. 15 Hastings Street west, and asked f,or a line of goods for quick shipment to Prince Rupert, he was at once suspected. The management rang up police headquarter and Detectives 1). Robertson, George Sunstruin and . n. Oram re- sponded. McAllister must have police officers, for they had no sooner entered than he made a jump for t he door. "There's your man," shouted one of the clerks nml the detectives were on McAllisters heels. II may be several days before (he total amountof the fraud is - ,, inTAnmmnn HT riimn wuuuwAWJ in rfmm FINISHING P.G.E. Vancouver Member of Legislature Made Trip Over Railway and Into Prince George Last Week I'lUNCE OEORdE. July 21. Following a trip over the Pacific t J rent Eastern to the terminus at (jiuesnel and from there to Prince (ieorge by motor, Charles Woodward, M.L.A. for Vancouver, stat ed that what lie had seen had decided him lo support efforts that will be made at the next session of Ihe legislature to have the line completed to Prince (ieorge. CAPT. GRIFFITHS HERE ON YACHT Head of Coastwise Steamship A' Barge Co. Will go to Anyox and Then to Alaska Capl. Griffiths, president of Ihe Coastwise Steamship & Rarge Co., has. arrived here on his mo- lor yacht Sueja. lie will proceed Anyox and from there will go Iii Ketchikan taking Col. Jackling of the Utah Copper Co., who, af-ler visiting Anyox with Col. Crabbs, president of the Gratiby Co., will go to ,lhe Keunccotl mine u Alaska. Adverlise In llie Daily Nnws. MINE IS SOLD Important Deal Announced In Vancouver Development to Start at Once Purchase of the Rig -Missouri mine, on Salmon Rier in the Portland Canal area, was ap-i nounced by II. A. Hentuii of Ta-eonia, A-Mi.TfiTOal1iela7a-ard Mines Corporation in Vancouver this week. This concern also recently purchased two large drediging leases on Mc-Danie Creek, Cassiar, and machinery for the development of that properly is now on the way north. Development work Hi the Big Missouri will 'begin at once, under direclion of Pat Daly, Who is credited with being responsible for Hie famous premier mine by inducing R. K. Neill of Spokane to examine his theories regarding ' it. 1 Mr. Daly jndi'ceil Air. llenton to go into the Hig .Missouri deal. He had made Mr. llenton the proposition he afterwards successfully made lo MrNeill on the Premier. Harry Townschd, formerly with the AnaPonda, Cooper Company as field icuaiiieer, is now with the Standard Mines Corporation as consulting engineer, and following the preliminary exploration work oiifthe Dig Missouri, he will outline a development pring ruin. ;? The deal for the Rig Missouri was closed Tuesday by Mi. Ren- Ion ami lan i.inuenorg aim a representative of, Hie Stevenson and Proudfool nstates. A substantial cash payment was made The total price of the bond was not made, public. ULSTER UNITED MEETS NANA1M0 Defeated Fort William In Con-naught Cup Semi-Flnai Last Night FORT WILLIAM. July 21 Ulster United defeated Fort William last nlcht and will play Nanaimo for the Connaughl Cup. (The finals will sgirt with the first match in Winnipeg un Sat urday. STRIKE IN BRITISH WOOLLEN INDUSTRY Walkout at Bradford Today Affects 135,000 Workers Wages Are In Dispute v BRADFORD. England, Jtly 2L A shutdown in the wool anil textile Industry over wage disputes occurred here today. Workers affected number 135,- tMO.