axi Cares 75 Taxi have Hie bent Phono 75. . unison f-"tiir-First and Kr Sedan in iel .'an. RATES il'M . . $1.00 --r .. $1.50 - r. .. $2.00 inn. per .... $4.00 - an. per .... $5.00 ro Cold Storage and Across Maya Creek BrldQt, or S $1.00 lnMifpr 50o r TAXI 75 TAXI Mac STAG maw iris 8 Goats V llennnnhla 1' ices ENGLISH TRENCH OOAT8 Just Arrived We are Supporting Gyro Carnival aleve King Phone Green 85. Wood! Wood! Now u your chance DRY CEDAR 1 lml $0.00 i load ... ... . . $3.00 I - .: snckn ". . 60o DRY DIRCH load . $0.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Ford Cars NEW AND USED l asy Terms If desired. 8PECIAL BARGAINS fur the balance of Sojiloni-bor. S. E. Parker Ltd. ni'oltei- 10. 1025. PACK FTTH EST to buy Big ens and Baby Bens at ulger's Big Little Jewelry Store ft can repair them when necessary SSI" ' U, M'tuUo F' which!, he SfMl I LAND A 01 rii limn-. Sunn. ii... . .. wiin me result Unit .,m MoiMluvianyihina for I heir expenditure Election Dope On the eve of the federal cIpc- lion one b.'Hra nothing else dis- Iban. Fnrwanl, Sllblre.l (1ar 'upon Hie woiie, and well may be l'rfMMrtly, Cape jtr and Mali Qame Scare AllbfNiah many hunt i or par- He have been out to various iirrnundina MonU in Hie dm Iricl. nine I be opening nf Hit? aarne hunlinx aeaMiii, vary few have rvtmriatl ketl ini yomt of eiltar duakf or geee. True idaied parties have been mw .ful in droppina a few bonk er. nioiy from the Ueorge town flat, but few have brooch t in any nuailier of binl. The aroU'M' are repurteil in be particularly rarer ihi year, on the other hand deer are plentiful and, een Hie tdaek Ix-ar ha riinie in fur In bare of excittny I line in Hie hill adjaceiil lo lite oily V.i nun reaM.ii are mvon fur I In- 4horlitie of turd till year. LAND ACT. Ntlkt f laWMrAA U Apply ! lu Ln4 In crMrv Hpn UM Kraniai lira-in. I of I'rMrv Hiiprri. mmJ MliMla II irtlt -.HI. Wale ItUad. BntlKb . jrluanUl. TUC MiTirf Ihtt Aniki BrllUtl Col-umtl I'irtiliit IMWI IJMlld. it Vttmrtitrr. n.i:., orramallao Fitkr. iii-imd. lo imiI) (nr a of ttw mi Urarniif-a 11.: - t.imutrMtut ai a pott pianim on iivt kmim lwvrr ol airlltll rotnl. Wahw ! laiKl, al Mfh atr mark; IIhc In an t-aturlr atrrlli anir iHrti waltr mark ruri-eirtil twwlwl It I, nmrr or kM, In ai ni rt tut Ii!. Itwitw miID-rl to rinin., nwirr ur !, to hiw atr math . tlwitr in a wtlrir OlrMtlon atmir r' air nirk forty rltni buajlml rt, nwrr or . I Ik iter norUxtrii' le rltain Vi lMl f ninmienrMMiil. and runMinlnf T arret, inon- or . AK1UO imiTMIt lUILUMniA I'ACkl.Xfi tt), LTD.. Apllcnl rr Waller C. Walker. Atrnt. nttMt jiiiT i a., nil . LAND ACT. Nallc ( Inltnllan to Apply to Lt Land In fnnre iiwwrl Una liworaina lilumi f llrltltn i:nlmiilila. ami iiiuit at I llrnil 111 nf Matoelt Inlet, atmm I rrialna north liwn lh ldlNhft COT iter nf Imtlan lieaerte N One, Oraham Itlaixl. TAKK NOTICE Itiat I. r.Ufrn II. Slmri-ton, of Manteil, lirlllth ndiimbU. wria-Him lurker. mieiHit m arily for a ) nf lh rnlliiwlni (lnrrllwMl lamty Cununrnrini ai a ! piantml ibout I chain norm trim hie iwrlliettl "irrrer nf imllan lieerv ," one. nraham llnl. iret in wronv 'nil wry dav And King and Meiplien on the Koe at election lime, hilt lill we work and all reel fine . When politic ha done it Muff, nay it with vole and that' enough. Tl.. I1. c..k , 7 , T J2 r)ary of Harry and (.apt indph Prince, has been .... ,,, ar,lllni, , Ioiiik repair work while in port t hie week. Tbe loial landinc of halibut for the period Monday U ye, lerriay ale amounted lo HIS,, won Kiiind. A Nautical Circus ArrordinK to rep(trl circulat ed on Hie waterfront on Thur-dajr moriiinc the ciliien of our fair oily nre lo lie treated lo nomelhiuy entirely original in the way of entertainment in Ihe near future. Thi lime it I to be a nautical eircu, the member of which wilt be trained under Ihe orn hand of none oilier than Hill (Uunnen Hanson, owner and skipper of Hie Nchooner Tlielma II. After bavins, whipped UP a bunch of Ihe boy around Cmv Hay on Friday lant, and allot led them to their nriou pari in Ihe nautical cirvu, maitnsier Hill informed them they would have lo hjicc-ialie In luuU. and to dcnion- elrate hi nieanitnivlictfuiiuuj pulled off a stunt, and iucident-ully a door from I.oul I.ockor'- noiii which will take Ihe firs! year profit from Ihe circus lo renew. Hill wu attempting to do a fancy jump from Ihe wharf lo I.oui boat when hi font alipjMMt and llin door, which wan't Ilia! kind or a door, it ilefl H hlnire and precipitated Ihe clever circus maua(ter into the salt chuck much lo llio ilollKht of hi Ihcal-rieul cant. Aflcr swimming around Ihe boat for a while Ihe aunncr got kind .of chilly anil decided to abandon any long ilia- lance swimming until warmer IKK ViL"':'..:; 'r'ue wcalhcr. Now Kill i tip .tfiainsl rhaint In e-terly; ,enp;ilt as his co-workers claim ho N roiiiherty S rlutnt; llienre enoerly IW rhalna. In mHH miwnenrenienl. ami runlalnlnr 4S acre, more or J"- Kl0E.1t II. SIMI'SOX. v Applieani niet litn inih, the only man living who can pull off such a slunl in such a Ren llcmanly manner, and bavn in-t i mat oil they will quit Hie cir cus line-up alloirnthcr if ho in- Notic of inttniian to Apply to Purchato sjts upon nnfono else doing It. Land. r the Hernnlliif ntilrlel nf Prlnej 'J-Jio Cimslal cabin cruise! T. Mill: tlotl Sh.Th'fhm" i!;t!ri''k;mir Him Pl.lllll, owned by Uapl. Chnrllf. fflimcEW Kvilt. has Jioo.i returned lo iU . Umlleil, nf l-rlnre liunerl. nrr"!- mgfl nf operations llj Ihe Villi for Knp.ia.MH t' i"rrh,.. i.;; r.i-! cottar Salvnm. and Dredging Co lunula- ,irriiuni muni ihnii .k..l l in 10 Ctmiiiieri'inir l ot pUnlr.1 rliiiix noriiierly frnm ily ,,,1'h'",;L in 40 Ihenee tier of Ij.iI tunre four: rlJiln northerly; Ji.enre 40 ? l Ihenre 40 rhalna miutherly; Ihenre 40 rhalna wealerlv to polnl nf r.wiimeiiee. nieiit, ami ronuiniiif l0 arrea. more or """rniNr.K nurrnT ' Aiipilr'anl per C. P. ntfi, Aenl Dlltd AUIUII Sib, which concern nns iieen usiiik the famous bonl for Jhc past three months at Hustings Arm as lender lo the drcdKO. Canadian schoouor Kaslcru pninl, nnpl. Slieehau, lias been tuken out of active commission ! The schooners Thclmn II., nnd Kai.-n. ami Hip power bout I Eleanor Mac have, been on the Ward ways this week or gen In dm halibut fisheries for llie scaun. Thermal is now at lht McLean dock where It will be dismantled nf gear and overhauled for Hip winler lie-up. eral null overhauls. The American schooner Sentinel, owned by Ketchikan interest n. which was run down re- eeully by Hie Itepuhlie at the entrance In the, harbor, i now lam wo.-k it,. bun.-li-jyoi ( ( ((., wllilo lU(,r " Hip hand of Hie insurance :!"' , ,M"-- "f 'If 'flaii,, iiihi ,,rHy arnali'iir mm underwriter anil I JjeiriK re- al.l.ul nl. nr. II,.- .... -1,1,1m have .Hml th" ft, HiS "air"d 1,1 ,,"' "' ,,"ck 11 " l.p.-mp an Uu-'Jr,in away ihowin lal fl -that repairs will b ... in uie.neavie-t i,ni.-,l ..fion shell uaiimn was rei-orded, when twenty boats rnarkeieil n total eali-h of :i2H,5no pound on the Fish F.xchaiige. Considering the, viiliitim ..r rii. i n ... i ... i . rV ; 'T' " lh" ',ee la he ke , ll and' Or for second class Huh.1 !,.'. . T,,P while C,,in boats reeHved';,;-' r around ll and 12c and e ,'orj firl nnd eeom elass fish re. 7. ..... The slture i ii I-l.vely. The remainder of U.-..JJ1:, f. S i .... " t .ii Hii-Noy arrivaiH m ... .... ., ., I"1'" Hi tuitboal man. They'rp 'till tMtiA . i.. completed next week. Tugboat 51. T. .1;, Captain II. Dreen, lanrnli iji of the Kiuhbv fleet, left port for Stewart on Tueday morning to tow down a boom of log for 'the (Jeorgetown mill . One. thousand Ions of Nanui-ino-Wellinglnn eoal arrived on two scows in low nf the tux Gape, Scott on Tuesday morning for Hip Alberl-McGaffery inter ests. Schooner Ft.W., Cap!. Wicks, is on Hip Word way for mechani- rui repairs. K...MI wither on Ihe dap -ea ttllou, H. laHff Vln, 1 T,,B cl,non" P1- ,1 thit UUM jrroMnil. when thy leU'wbik. on... ' il.. W, " " I'd" Jensen, beinsr on the dry f, ,he homeward voya l??? for repalra a. ,.,e re,,,- . !v.-,or. while ,,1 hnL"! ak:np.a.C?n"af': wh": Arrivals 'm iii iiititii... " ... vi.l ..n. ; .lien Wll'l rrom Monday noon until ye - fire in both ln .-y., nayjt terday main Hm followinir boalj"kte raieil it (o Hip kia. And have inarketnl calche tin week. 1 1 hen the lariff bug .r..p iip, the American: Kagle, Ada. Allan-jold liiii. -w.irn elect k.ii pup. Some fic, Nvmoerat, Ivanhue, Akutan 'wani ii hiKh, onie want it low. V.-llowlon', llaltir, r.nrn, llildn jwhlb- oilier wanl- wluil I don't Vanij. Ilruno. Sunnier. lVM.iknow. Then Thnmi in the harbor lal week, and Skipper lien Slveron i build Ihe ier, Unnulfl. Swan. Kanai.k. An- feel blue and sreen. imv rnnl' In? a new n"w '7 Imlllntr ' boat . . on . 'ay ereek w. LefeniM.. Tatoo.,. .a.,na. to ,ake ,he railw.v ,m,i w,,y,, w, .. . ..... . pay in euinplelnl, nnM h u-ill will bp hi linunriwl powerel ualvelun, Ituahl Aiiiuuden May .llainier. Urania. Hpray llroiber and lloyal. (Canadian : l.fuirloiie. M. M i:iirnitiplier Hingleader, I'. Iior reit. Tlte. lj.T., Halma. Serub. Alii. H.A.. Cape lkeale. tUpe Sjpneer, Koyoou. tioaid which wa on a packing eonlrac for Ihe Hommervillc eannery, tlie schooner libon ha be'n ecur-nI wilh wbioh !n .eontinue Hie con I met while repair are hejnit rnuipleled on Ilia l.ekil. Lost and Found Her' a new lant on icn with new 8 h.p. Vtvlnn en-sine. n .T . " 3.,"; h .tb- HyP"r. fer- " : trZ.': 1 ry,mn. I having me repai. n: 'r" iwork .lnM at Ihe AkerberK- ......a..,,. .H II ri.l ... .. .l..,, . I Hwiitiiii imii ihi III ,nmfr Jxwt. Anion? Miliar thin? the old ho i MiM renewed lh brush in the vicinity of Free mans Pas over last week end for thirty hours while on a hunting trip with Capt. Hoii Thompson, skipper nf Ihe R-ond ship X. A Thtrtjhour iIops uo I .hpii) lonfr when lying In bed for a .Sunday snooie but it spems as long as Christina lluy in a workhouse when itoking around in Hie bush over windfalls an. I various other kind of foot obstructions. II seems that both Harry and were determined lo put one over on Hob by gelling Hie biggest bag of game. With thai intention fixed firmly In their lid holder they set out lo accomplish Ihe feat. However Cap!. Itoli decided that be was mil going lo make a Marnlhon race of it and that he would. therefore, slick around the baf and see how many inquisitive bird and animals came to look him up. When nigh! fell wilh a crush and no Harry or relurncij Hob -did noUbvcome unduly afarnicn. itlilhkinif J hey had iiucifod lo ramp until morning Irefore springing Hie surprlso of a weighty bag of game upon him. Wilh Ihe day breaking and uo hunters in sight skipper Hon began In think something was amiss. Having backed the right bunch and secured soma fine specimens nf the chase, without going further than quo cnuld throw Hie Wnolworlh building. he thought he would nide.vvor to find Ihe missing links of ihe party. After a fruitless scarab hv Hob (be two wanderers hiked into camp loaded down with nothing and were naturally as tounded to see Hie trophies of Ihe chasp piled high around their host's foot. Cnpl. Anton Hnwick Is linving his 7 h.p. Frisbie engine over hauled at the Akerlierg-Tlioni- son shops and n new exhaust put in in readiness for winter .nctiv- UIps. Douglas Stork's power launch Sunbeam II, has had clutch repairs executed this week preparatory lo being commissioned in Ihe full hunting business. Charlie Mllfer is having a new hlge pump fitted on h'.i bout, one of those umpteen h.p. suction affairs which, if not watched closely, aro liable to suck the engine through tlio MONDAY AND TUESDAY October 12 and 13 Exhibition Hall, 9 p.m Gyrupert CARNIVAL and Jitney Dance Under the auspices of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club for the purpose of purchasing and installing PLAYGROUNDS at SEAL COVE and SECTION TWO No City in Canada Needs Playgrounds More Than Prince Rupert SOMETHING NEW, ORIGINAL AND ENTERTAINING! Special Orchestra for Dancing A REAL CARNIVAL! SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME! Whole of Profits Devoted to Playground Fund Special Entertainment Dancing by children, direction of Mrs. H. 0. Crewe Special Fancy and Step Dancing Scotch Dancing Blindfold Boxing Special Exhibition of Skill in Sword Fighting, by Chinese Experts Admission - 25 cents In The Letter Box PLANTINC'SALMON EQGS Kditor .Daily News: I observe in the "News" of the I Ith of September last an editorial in which it is staled that salmon eggs are being transferred from Lakelse Lake lo the Frnser Hiver watershed and that in Ibis way Ihe local supply is being depleted by just (hat much. This letter is for the purpoe of correcting an Impression wlUdH'ippears., to prevail in Prince Ituperl and I wish to as sure you that there wits never any intention on the part of my Department to improve conditions on the Fraser watershed at the expense of the Skeena (liver. Kvery egg which is being taken from Hie Skeena Hiver watershed is being replaced from Hie later collection at the Pem-berton Hatchery on the IHrkcn-head Hiver, which as you are aware enters into the Fraser Hiver. below Hells (iale. The only reason that the eggs at I.ukeUe ure being used is thai Ihe collection is an early one and it is only by using Ihe early eggsi that we are able to take care of Ihe plantings in the upper stretches of the Fraser watershed and avoid the unfavorahio climatic conditions which prevail a little later on My Department is very much All shoes arc easily Shined with. m in! Shoe Polish The standard $4 value btrujbodtj knows I be quality Compare Ihe qudntidj H alive to the umlesirability of do- NOT!CE- mg anything whii-li will in Hie V'A- MiTE" or "T,,E r-"PA.NiE3 shghlesi degrpc interfere with w the natter of i.nvestme.nt com- the present satisfactory conditions of the sockeye fishery of the Skeena Hiver watershed. I trust thai you will give (his leHer Ihe prominence that your editorial received. With many (hanks in anticipation. J. A. MiiniF.ltWF.LL, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. WHIST DRIVE Daughters of England Hostesses at Affair In Boston Hall Last Night In aid of their memorial fund, the Daughters of F.ufdand held a whist drive lust evening in the Huston Hall. Prixo winners were Ladies' first, Mrs. James Sturgeon; ladies' second, Mrs,. Frank Clapp; men's first, Simon A. Swansou; men's second, Mr. Parks. After cards refreshments were served. The committee in change consisld of Mrs. Walter Shaw, convener, Mrs .C. Tuck and Mrs. J. Howe. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert IJ. Iloussean and Miss I. ill Ilmisseau, I.nwe Inlet; .lame-TuruhiiU, Ilaxolton; C A. Pro-cunfer, Sunnyside: Will Hiliben, Winnipeg; P. II. Cawley, Kiimop. Ion; Mr. and-Mrs. A. J. Stuhhs and .YrchhUtinp and Mrs. A. IT. J)e. Pencier. Vancouver; C. A. Shook and son, Indianapolis; J. I.. Hoss and C. Hnwyard, Iloss-laud: .1. Mucmillan, J. S. Mans field nnd W. I.. Dass, Logan In let. Central HAMY OF COLUMBIA, MlimiHIN Li.vim.ii. tUIITlSH TAKE .NOTICE Out tbe above Company, vvhnte. registered otrice i at Prlnee Hu-ixrt, B.C.. will apply to Ills llunur Judira Vouut. Loral JuiIkb of IImt Suprenw Cuurl or brlllh Cuiunuila at Prlnre tuier, B.C. on Thursday, the tith day or oriu-ber, Itil. at tlie hour of eleven n'rlork In the turenuon, al the Law Couru, kurl lluuae, ITMire Rupert, ll.C fur an order reiurtnir the aiu Cumtiany tu the rrliMer ur tuiinpimes In the ofrire or the Herilrar or Jolnf stork Cuiupaiiled. Victoria, B.C. under section 6 of llw txmianiea Art or llrllliih Columbia. PATEII at mure auiert, ll.C, thU taut day or Stplruilier. AO. tvii, . Oo.NtAUiS. nlieitne Oiinnanv LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land, In the Unit IleronlniK imtrlrl of I'rlure nupen. aim aiiuaie at uie mouth or BUT Kail Creek which Mows lulu the Krin hivit about Is nillea rrom It mouth. TAkE M)TIi:E that John A. Smith or U'rlnre lluwrl, B.C. oreuiallon lumber- man. IntvuiU hi aimlv for iwrmlsniiii in purrtune the follow inir de.tcrlbeU land: uniiinenrina; ai a hui pianteil at the southwest corner or Lot llanre four; Ihenee 30 rhalns norllier v: thenre 30 westerly, more or less, o the Ee- litn Hiver; tnenre 30 rhalna southerly) llienee 30 rhaln easterly, anil cunulnlnr 0 aerea, more or leas. JOHN A. SMITH. Appllrant. Per C. P. niet Amii rutM anriut 4th. n LAND ACT. In the Allln l and t.l'lrlr nf CaUr. TAKE .MITICK Hut I, Kllphlel Not! roller, or New Turk. M.Y.. U.S.A.. nrru- patKm broker. Iniend.1 to apply for jier-inlssiiin to purrba.e the rullnwina de-arrlbea lands: auiinienrlnr at PM planted alMiut 10 chalDH south of llarlne's Point on the west side of Tairlih Lake, about eleven mllrl south of the Yukon boundary line; thenre wt SO chain: thenre north 40 rhaln; Ojenre eat to rhalnsi thenre suiitherlr rollowlnr alona; tlw shore linn of Tatlsh Lake lo point or eonuiteiirement, aalit arrel conjalnlnr SO arre. more or less. EUPIILET NOTT POTTEtl, AppllranL Fred Lawaon. Amhi ltlel Annul Inih lata I AND ACT. Nallea of Intantlon to Apply to Purchas Land. In the Land neconlnit District or prlnre llunert. and situate at His- Falls Creek W wnirh flows In ti Eratall luver about is nines rrom us inoutn. TAKE NOT IE that ClUKsi P, niel of Prlnre, , Rupert, B.C.. vrrupatlnn lumber. Ill, II lAl.llil. ,A ...nlu t . . m ..AHn.ldi.lAn .n T .1 I'nuerii Sunn vjiilo .Inlin niii.r'hu ih- mil. .-.!.,- i..j i..,.i.. ' Cumiiienclnif at a post planted at the Wnliiiwliitl- wniansneK aim nnd .ioiin Inlin Men, Cilnn f i.os- nj ,onlheM corner or ua sss. nana four; Angeles; Mr. nnd MM. E. .1.1 thenre to chalni southerly; thenre to I.elrhford. TeUwa; J. I.. Mc-Kwen, Advertise in the Dally News. iwiim -rairriT: iiirni- iu riiaui.t norin erly thenre to rhalns easterly In imlnt or roinnienreinent, and n.iilalnlnr 40 acres, more nr less, C. P. KIEL. AppUriOt Oltld AutUII I lib. nil.