December 16, 1025. wjnesdar rim OALLT flDTVTB "Ani" runrp rzTXfmxmii n at Suggestions for "HIM" perhnp- -in" nf llwy would pleac hints) Wnleiniiui Poii. gulil.'or Jilain. Kversharp Pencil. WiilflifH from, (o $800.00. Tie Clip or Sigm'l Itijig, Hill Fold or I'orki'l Mf.ok. Cigurclle Ve or llizor. Military Itrushcs, lllUlrUSslS. Cuff Mnk or Tic in. John Bulger Jeweller Prlnco Rupert, B.C. Stationery as a Christmas Gift Is Always Acceptable . iii' ".iiiif 1 will lo uti h rrMin ol O'l.iliiv. Iii'.inliliil .iii' .n,nn r and low pr.e. Symphony Antique" m ltvor,ile.l fringed Ihic, feather I' '.iicr. linnTMinpniT (ird- and Kuvclne, $2.50, $2.85, $3.00, $5.00 mid $5.25 "Lord Baltimore," in Imc. wiih lnoe or hinged lid. Paper, i pumlcinc ljinl iinil KiivHope. 75c, $1.25, $1.65 and $2.75 Correspondence. Cards, Plain or (hit Kdge. with F.iiveiooes 75c, SI. 00 ami $1.05 Whiting A Cook 'Tin- fini'sl writing ;imi that ran be in ulf'": i H. .I Kid-kin Paper. Canl and Knveopc S3.00 - IV..P?rtiNl llajier. in Tun. WJute wrWhite vn'h .n l..W JM 6lUTHgrv $5,'S5.50 ami 56.00 I Kill-kill lively Paper, Klivc.ipe hac a 'A li..iidimi ining . . . $8.00 'mienl Linen, a deckle edge pajter $5.00 ' ' Ill-Mi Sl.iln.ner $2.00 it, t .i-ir-' i ninr Slilionery from nor -tnrk with or .ili-l i' lion. Ormes Limited I' n,Ul-l Mi-K.lll 3rd Avenue and Uh Street Phones 82 and 200 iii': X a.m. In ! p.m. noil llolidai- from 12 l 2 p. in. ninl 7 lo 0 p.m. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Kriztell Hotelier iuP. coss from the Empress Hotel Wo carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jmei Zarelll Proprietor UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. , SiIIidm trmn rrinrs Bu(xtI. VANOOUVIR, VICTORIA, .n0B Mil. AUrt TvSl. VAN00UVCR. VICTORIA, AIM Bit, n Swtnion turd, 10 A H. NV0X, PORT SIMPSON nd Nmi Rlxr CBrlM, Thurid p.m. J0RT SIMPSON, ANVOX. ALICK ARM. STKWART, Sundif, S p.m. t Aimu. J, atrnillf, Anu Pfl" aufl. B O. Local and Personal ll.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. k Large ante for sale, cheap Max Heilbroner. If Mm. Donald Mos ami sou. wh i have been on an eU"ijiled visit in Vancouver, returned to the city on lb.- Prince Iturert Ibis morn uitf. They will take up their residem n -on iiraJiain Avenue. Mhke 1 our reservation early for Ib:'-0!ir1liiia sailinc. .Steamer "CantemV' b-avinK l''rc Tues day 5 arrmiiv Vancouver i liiu 'la . iiiorimu (he day fur.- Xma I IlilMI S.S. Co. ill.' The First North British Colum-blt Reqlment w'JI hold a smoker In the Armoury on Thursday, December 17, at 8 p.m. at which ths presentation of prizes will take place. All members of the reglfent are Invited to be present. 301 Mux HeilbroneKs new Hi,000 jcweli. ij- (.lore was besiejffU with i.i!,.r- ti the opening day when t.niMi in. wily souvenir bracelet were resenleil to customers. So a real was (he rush that everyone d d not receive a souvenir and an additional updy has been kep' in reserve for Ihose who have mi yel bad one. D I'.arswell of Montreal fUjier-niieii.leul MiKinccr of the Canadian (iovediment MrcliHiiL .Mar ine, who lias been here fot the past w.-ftk on official business In .oiineclion with the takintc over of 1 lie local dry dock by the merchant marine from the railway company, will ail for Vancou ver. 1 rid. iv niornim;. He ex- pec' in relntii lo the ci.ty early in I he New Year. A NICE RICE '- . 1 if fell vytg Cuok aluiiit four ounces of rice Currie's Taxi anil Messenger. Phone 500 night or day. It Always good service and iiual- ilv at Linzcy & Davies. If Two cars at your service 75 Taxi. 50e service, day and Sneddon laxi. nione u. u "ifflit. tf ... . . See I Ik 1IS specials mr iiuuse Son (he low priced value" a! 'untisliJiigs at Tile's .lore. (2V t Titr's .store. ' 2D I -,',' . , w A mini? wen iKiuftni js nan sold. Uel it at Lliuey & Danes . i tt Xil.ii. 1W ,!im. anil " oys and railCy IJOOUS if bon-boi.a, at Limey & Davies. If T'" iwial Prices for Christ- Titi-'s Sni'cials will save you ilollais fur Christinas Inlying. 00 I'.iil -in. I Traimfiip r.n Unas. Private Christmas Cards ji) 1 1 printed by Hose, Cowan & Lalta. uii sireei. u I II. . .. L MI1I...-.I ....i. ........ I service. Il.iv nmi n i . T.I ul" Dybhavn. ' ' tf "n lh,; i'"'"1 iuij-."rt niorn llnv Mfkiiilj.v ...fia 'iti nrrivul ing irom Vancouver, ...... a fl.... . .... fnmi V:iliFliv..r ihi Ihn Urinpo 1 1'fliny .mill r Ilun.M Uii. moriihiir. of china and glassware iiiiriHimas jiruscuia .'"i etcn i. ri...i.. . . lown. . 2'J '.miy .uill IFtlllldS llllirt. iuvlirfl li", Ithioiiittrs elc. At Women's Kxi liantti-. 711 Third Ave. -'9t Tin- ra of iipplyinR liiluor to i;tliel Coonil)- appi-art'd in the eily Dolicv eoqrl Ibis inuniing nil a charfre of vagrainry and wa IndM.,- again-l Mike Jurovicli ,e",",,,,,tl un,il Morolay ill II.. lllll tMIlU II 1 1st I Ilttlil rPlllIIA.I " . i i ue uenny .men v- ""i hi cnina oups uuu saucurs o I. 4 .1 . U.... . I I... Il..,.nv lllot. rJt rj.niH ' .tctr, i.i.i.sii I 1 .-.... IS... j ;.n.l ! ilk f,.p llil ilimiAr lr. lul' " rw.iui niM ,u.i..l ,nMP cmnn cups anu saucer ... . -i- 1,, I. ...... O0l"'c ... . 1 :.. n. n. I...-., ui iv, r.,., 1.. 1 ecu iwrr uas fimiru in mr ! ,.. ... .ml look over our slock.. -Onrr,,J ' -M,nd,m is small, but our slock fc''"- "'r , on 'la,!1.- is large. 4ii.ll 1 ill' iiiiiii'ri 1 imr -ui.. liarr ami laiiiny win arrive 111 im: 'itir new steamer 'Catla"lc',y ,a,er .ml. Culni.ilfitr III u hi uppivliiir VaniMuit-r early MomJay morn- M; "V 'V' ihf mt! inn.- tiiion s& Co. ' " v "r" Ivieilor in the city lliw'wfeK. It that Insurance ad iii.. iu-i ..ii.i 's mi ihf .anl'iia for Vancouver in- f' ... . .... u... 1 v-i. ,.,i ii. f'ni nrr, win sooti im- lil.l..luf p . . ww n.-' ' .It llla I . . it. . lit I I.. it. ami .Mm. ii. 1.. .iivi-iii'i' 1 will sail on Friday morning fo Victoria when- thoy will spend Ihi Christina iaratii"i. They will lie accompanied by Mis- Dorothy lossi', Mrs. Alexander's sister. who lias been visiting in the oily or some lime. Molorship Norro, Capt. . I.eti Williams, iirrive.t m port at 1.30 Kenlenlay afternoon fro.m Kelchi 'an with IKH Ions of frozen UiilH.ut and -aliiMin wbicli is be-in if unloaded at the ocean dock for lranshipnieui Kasl over the Canadian National liailway. S.S. "Princess Mary" will sail from here on Friday at 5 p.m. and SVS. "Prince. Ucalrioe" on Saturday at II ajn. for Vancouver. Victoria, aud Seattle-, denervations should be madu early for these -Christinas sail-inns al Cl'-ll. office, Third Ave. 2DS D. C. Mawhinney of Usk and John K. dlhoiin of Mlnneapoli a arrived in the city yeslVrday af lenuHin. They caims over Hi-railway rade Iraiiipiua over suel parts of the line as are still tie 1 up as a result of the recent floods. They are interested in miniiig in Ibu Dak district. Last cicniujj a number of young people invaded the flal occupied by II. F. Pullcn on Third Ave. while be was away and on his return he found them in possession and a fine upholstered wicker chair in the middle of the floor. He was asked lo try il on! ami see if he liked it. It seems Hint he . liked it and he said so and the parly remained ami danced for a few hours. The visitors served refreshments leaving just before midnrV'ht. IMA 11. .! I. Ml J lit piui"ii , A full dress rehearsal of "Snow White and the Seven Dwai-rs." 11 musical adaptation driiiim' fairy talc, was piveu in 1 1 lie I toot h School Auditorium ......... ivcstordav afternoon. It nroved 111 ko...r i uaniiiy saneu wamr. - . , ,. ., , lre-n for both the children When rice is soft, strain and . ! n in I 1 1 1 tt 1 sunt li 1 u it ra mt I I Ii t .1 M l- l.-L 01..1 ill V v o ..-v 111.. .v. cheese, t.ulter sie i.r walnut, """f ml ""'"f ar o'nK-miII. lo rtwliv and the choice o the Pepper and mustard - Add Pacific Milk lo bind the P.v-, Tt operetta is being staged "! ''" Hiry mixture to paste. Form ,,,,w'nl until!"1 8 P-m- 1 is a treat al ml., rissoles and Try ;s Servo '""" "" oltl- '""1 'lllii! il! brown in boiling fat. piping hot . We thank Mrs. Illlngswortt FUNERAL NOTICE, for this roclpo i I Funeral service for the hilo A. PACIFIC MILK w,iU.b0 1,1,1,1 al.,.,Ill,, (!,i""oli': ""rsday, " a !,''' Head Ofrico, Vancouver AU Mowe inei.rt.eM will Factories: Ladner and i2;30' Abbotsford, B.C. ,1,"J ,"" - Malroiiolo , 1 1 k I I ill I 1 I on. I Itohlli fit I'll M t I null up ii i i vi p vi i i- o - weur fo ami ribbons. FOUR HOURS of intensive celling Thiirj-day niorniiig to Hear our magiiiriccnl stork of Silk-i. Prince Huperl people will never have a belter Hian e to get a bcmiliful dre-s as Hieuply. SPUN SILKS. Aiiollicr .-liijmieiil of this desirable Silk in tweiity popular shades with lots or White, Flc-h and Mauve., 9Qc fcSPKCIAI. Tomorrow, per yard CANTON CREPES Mr. and Mrs. A. Lionel llollby. who have been on a vaealioji tri. 1o Vancouver, returned to the eily on (lie Prince Hupert this morning. ! Sidnev llazetl-.l"i'es who has! usl eompleled lakin;: Ins exam-1 inations in Vancouver, has k'iiici on for a holiday lri to an rrancisco. A. A. Cox, Vancouver architect. arrived from the south on the .Jrince Hupert this morning. He; :s here on business in connection villi local liuildiiir-' projects. P. S. Itouney, district forester j rclurned to the city this morning ifter spending his annuad vacation in the south. Mrs. Iloiiney and family will be returning later. P. M. Hay, local manager for the It. L. Johuon-Wallon Co., Ltd.. will leave on Friday morii-iiitf for Vancouver on a combined uisiness and pleasure Iriji. He xpecls lo be away about len Jays and will spend 'Christmas in the south. William Manson. arcd Dl. a pionoer resident of Nanaimo and father of William Manson. for mer M.L.A. for Skepua, died a! .Vanaimo al the end of lasi week. He vvas a native of Scotland and, besides his son, is survived by. Iliree daughters, Miss M. Man-! son, living in. Nanaimo: Mrs. Mercer of Nanaimo. and Mrs .tobert .MnvvatI or Salt Spriu;: ls-.and. liiterinenl look place in Nanaimo cemetery yesterday. LAND ACT. Nolle of InDnllon lo Apply lo Lim Ltnd. In I'rlncf Itiiprrl UnJ nrordm DH Irlrl of Crliii- llurt. sml UuIp al ShiuiHin Biy. Oui-rii Cliarlulte lslamlj. ""TVKK Ml TICK Hut Ooe-.v:ard. l.liuilMl, of VniUpr. ll.C. IiiIpiiiI I" ii ply ror a lep ur the follow ln 1cscrilK-U laiwli: ...... Cdinnirii.-hiir al a t plaulpd about 16 rlulns, morp or Ip, p?t rrmii nurlh-pal conier or Lot ISIS (T.I.. SilJIM: lliptiw? iMiih iti repf, lliom-e mulh l.lrr. upH 90S fpfl. morp or less; tlieiiep soiitli l0 fept to I If lilirti walpr . i. ... . .it. ...I. ..I. .1 i -.i-t I. ill Q II It Iliaift. Ill nwiii-r.'t.t..i rrpl, iihii-p or Iph. to Hip point "f c"ln nipiHTinrnt, ana mntalnmr "t acrps. UT 'e5COE.M.LUIlD. LIMITF.ll. Applicant. Ivr Win. 0. Mltrhcll. Agent rM4 Nn'pmM- .ft.h .Oyi LAND ACT Nolle ot InUntlon lo Apply to Ltai Land In oupeii cliarlolli' llnvJ Land II'' iwiKiiinir iii.iriri of Prliire lluiiprl. ami Itiialp iwn ami unp-liair inlli- vft or Mlf.iril 1U.V. SkiUPnaiP iniPi. . , TVKK MITII K thai ll.C Klblnic A I'ark i iitiiuiiv i iimiiil. ur Vanciiiivpr. ll.C HM-uiialliiii 'salmon CaiinPi. Inlnutt to apply ror a pae or tlip rullowUiy a a..ll.Mil 1:111.14- Ciiniiorni'liir at a sist planlPit at Hip wpt piuI or small Hay imp luiiiilrpil Virus m.t uf inoutli or unuaniPil slrpiin: thcin-c oUUl nvp rlia.i; Ihpnee vat UIppii rhuliK; iIipiii-p iiorlli lo lmrp limn Uipiipp follow Inr s.Hirp IIiip to tmliil or iMin-HM-io -'ill. ami rim.alnlnir spvpii ml tlirw qnaripr irrps. nmrp or If. B.C.. riSIUNO k r.VCkINO CO. .Tl. Appill'BIII. ppr M. M. Kntiish. tulpa tpmlip o. 'Of LAND ACT. Nolle of InWMlon to Apply to Lii Land In PrlnrP Hupert Land niTonlinr DMrlft i.r Cum I llnnitp I. ami .uite on Smith llaiiiarl Inland. T.vkK .NOTICE ihal Alfrpil Swan.on, or rrlm-e niiH-ri. otTiipanon inwr m-ti'iid.t to apply ror a lea or tho rollow-inw rtMrriltpil lanrti! Coinmrnrlnr at a pn planlpit nil th .w.iiit of Smiih Itacliarl l and: tliru iround hlih walpr mark in tliel mini ur pumuipm-pnipiii, anu roniainun 5 10 icri'i. nmro or ". ALFnED 8W ANSON, Applli'int A. E. Wrlfhl. Atcut. batpit Ortotxr tib. Princ P,iir'rt, B.C. CREPE SOLEIL A lovely fabric for .street or afternoon In many popular shades, including wear. Shades include Black, Navy, Sand, IJIack a-d While; 10 inches wide. Regit- Cocoa, Mvf lie, etc. Regular per lfflP.00. , C9.Cn, Sard. 575 SPKC1AL, per yard Yu.vv Sl 'I'.l VI. tier T WASH SATINS. Heavy quality Wash .Satins for Underwear or Children's Dresses in White nml Flesh, an inches. Regular $2.00. M SPKCIAL, per yard West of England Store Third Avenue. Phone 753. ripv for the Kiddies Pedal Hikes, steel disk wheels, rubber tires $7.65 I SVood Wagons, ball bearing disk wheels, robber tires $5.85 lu $10.00 Scooters, steel wheels and Trame work $5.00 Wood Sleighs, sleel runners 65c to $3.40 Iteed Doll Carriages $7.75 to $15.75 Kiddie Kars, steel dNk wheels $4.00 lo $5.40 Kiddie' Rockers in golden oak, wicker or seagress $3.15 and $4.00 Raby Swings .Daby and Doll Rlankels $2.00 and $2.25 . $1.75 lu $3.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings One door east of Daily News (Mire 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Gifts! Gifts! PRETTY and USEFUL To Delight MOTHER, WIFE, SWEETHEART OR SISTER. Hosiery Tlu eadsilk.. silk and wool, all wool $1.00 to $2.25 Gloves Silk Chanm-Suede $1.00 to $2.00 Silk Scarves $2.50 to $10.00 Silk Lingerie Mourners Vests, Slips, Nightdresses $2.25 to $6.00 Leather Handbags Nowcsl styles $3.00 to $7.50 Handkerchiefs in great variety 15c to $1.00 Compacts (Sold or silver plated $1.75 to $5.50 Sweaters $3.00 to $7.50 Phone 27 "DEMERS" We Aim to Please P.O. Dox 327 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouvor, with additional machines for the inanufacturo of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Save handling charges by buying direct from the source of supply. ..,.s .. . .4)!f. i