VIGTOUIA, July 21 iiinbia fire situation is fureslrv service. These reports indicate thai conditions in till dMrirts give cause for iilurnt. Forest fires now miniljer 1020 mnipareii with r08 at this time last year. The situation in the southern interior, where ;JH(J blazes liave been reported, is extremely grave. . Fues in other districts since May I, the opening of the fire IS NO FRIEND OF COMMUNISM i (rand Master of1, the Black Chapter, Loyal f in ii Communism, as "that tlichhng. baneful. blasliitg Hung, he urged that all ntcm-l' s of he order do tlieir best to Mil -lie propaganda IJiaL was nuns? siireail liy members of radical m xiimzallouM. v DAZZY YANGE Battors in Yesterday's Baseball Game IlllOOKLYX, July 21. laiy Vance, pdchlng Tor Htvoklyn against SI.. l;ouiH yesterday, fan-nei seventeen bailers in tun iji-'I'Hks At the end or the ninth, he had shuck, out fifltfeu one le -i i linn (tttviua'Jor league record made by llubo Waddcll in IU08. l)siies Iiih wonderful liilehlug, Vance made three hlls -one u iioine j-un and boosted his ktrikenul record for the season i la?. CONNAUGHTOJP GAME IS DRAW Nolther Nanalmo or United, Weston Scored In Match at Winnipeg Last Night r "I.VMPF.M, Jy 2. The anaiino citv rr,,,ii i,.,,m .umi t niled Weslon played a scoreless 'haw bi., nini lM f,,.sl ,,r w" "es to determine which "o. enier the Coniiaughl Cup ' against l ister I'niled or n"'"ih or Fort WiilHum. The 7,'!"',," ""! deciding game will ,I,M! I'jftt'e nn Wednesday. ACCEPTANCE OF HENRY FORD'S BID FOR OLD SHIPSJIECOMMENDED vyAsiiiNcrmx, .niiy s"i.-ac- Mplance f Pnry ,..,.,,. ff(,p "I l.7(,nno for 200 Shipping "'""''I vessels gel anide for '"I'ldiig has been recoinniend-J' 'y l'resldenl Palmer of the seuoii, have been as follows, j Vancouver (including the I Island; .... 217 Prince Ituperl 133 Prince (ii'orgo 108 Kamloops . . , Cariboo lOV P. S. Homier, di-lrirt foresler Head of Orange Black Chapter' for Prince Rupert, who returned Sooka Slronalv at Vancouver Hi Hie oily last uii-lil from the Convention Yesterday i interior, slates that the situation there is satisfactory at this VVM'OI Vl'll July "1 V extremely hazardous. r i? 'attack 'on U.iiimuiiiui i''1'" been very .lo ut farln Uv I.,ifln II itofl.l r,ri""l'K V"i t-'ti"'" stances are Just right foiput-hreaks. IIowcmm-. If the publkVo- O JgeflTltrillM, America.1 opcrHlw. it Is hope.! theV.iMlji ; ' ' lilt III AI'lAil - I His;s- at Ihe opening of " srss-uniK here yesterday. Ite-' "" , nil" lllirr ilir." ii uui iiiiiK, uiu none of I hem are serious, nierel Is h new one near the Jlabinc! uolil strike, apparently starlejl by prospectors. J Ls'now being fo'uaht. Twn, oldMiiitbreaks, on. nl jitike kalhlyn and tinot'her near Fr)inciHi Lake, are being patrol- ,Mrt Honney has been In the i interior for the past ten days imirnn nninnn!111111 Ililll,,tt lril'1u ,,il'illc mar k RHK!'i'it,,p, ' ,,un, uke lllnlVLlJ ULbVni and returning by I'opley. T. A. I Clarke, assistant district fores- Brnn. oni. ei-..-L n..i 7Mer. who is cruising tlinbcr in , 'i f iviiui u,i uvn wu "'i., , !, Hie mints i,hm: area, iu back about inonlli. the first of ELECTION ON OCTOBER BASEBALL National League Chicago 3, Hoslon 0. Cincinnati 5, New Wk . SI. Louis 3, Brooklyn L Plllsburg 3, Philadelphia . American League Xew York 5, Detroll l. Washington V. Cleveland lioston I -10. Chicago Vhiiuli'!p!'" ! iu be next 14? T( Hit INTO, July 21. :iaiming the authority or Liberal parly "stalwarts" the Toronto Telegram' lerday printed a prediction I hat a federal election would be held on Oct. It. PREPARING FOR VISIT . .. .1.1..., I be next COUIlU' Of WCCKS, .iim. i ; OF BRITISH WARSHIP; m ' emmittM of Cllv council IS Appointed to Take Charge to referring to entertainment 1.. Han with the Visit of II M S. Capetown which is ex . . .. r ......1...1 In lie re in II e couie in 111,1111 Casey askH Tor a meeting or Hie committee lasi eeiuoM when tenlal'ivc plans were tlis-cussed. The comttnitlee consists or Aldermen Casey, Hiown, Mc-ordie, and lhe Mayor. VAXCOrVKII. July 21. andT'Sons of Seolt'atpl and Sons) of Ireland to dd it." Mi ' at pol ion Ad- son, speaker or the Ontario leg-Islaluriv who is attending Hie ' Oraitgr Craml Lodge nesslons henjfeuiled for closer j-clatiotis IrtMwi'ii ifi'vTarious tfirovinces and urged IhcMcvivalif old in-' ler-prnvlucjal conferences by getting: together for frank discus sioujit.,. of What was best for CantMa. This would accomplish intirji, he said. 3 G I ' Tak i if?" u e with the lale-. nieni someiimtv uearu inai mere wns loo much "Vnns of Knglaml") and "Sons of Scotland" about' 1 . f,anBd''T,,'r, Miomp-Mii declared llialj immigration was (Jic unity's biggest problem and M we arerlrt' develop .the great natural resources of tuts vast nonunion MONKEY; CASE . ENDEDTODAY vJohn T. Scopes, Found Guilty and Fined $100 at Dayton DAYTON, Tennessee, July 21. John T Scopes, school teacher, charged vlth violating tho Tennessee antl-evolu-tlon laws, was found guilty this morning aUer the Jury had deliberated eight minutes and was fined $100 by Judge Raul-ston who described the Issue as being whether or not Scopes had taught that man descended from ihe lower order of animate. It Is announced that an appeal will bo taken to the Supreme Court In Knoxvllle. ANOTHER SmFtHERS CAR LEAVES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hatt Sustained Severe Bruises In Accident on Thursday SMITH WIS, July 21. Farly last Thursday imiruing when re- timiiuar from Ihe barn dance at lite Oullon Farm, the car ot 1 F. Hall lert lhe a-oad when coin- inc no the hill. Into (own and rolled itowii the bank into fence. AlUiough the top and wind shield were demolished Mr. and Mrs. Halt, who were the only occupants of the car. for tunately escaped with only se erc bruises. VANCOUVER HAS mttnnn nitmmnn the Open season for migralorv birds in this district lie advanced one month and still another that the control of snorting fish be transferred from Hie federal de partment of fisheries to the provincial game board. I In opening Ihe session, M. H. Jackson, chairman of Ihe board said it was the first public j meeting of the Came Hoard in Prince ituperl. ihe policy of lhe board was lo visit outlying. parts or the province so thai thej member might get in' better! touch with Hie game silualioii.j It was the desire lo obtain lhe, points or view nf those direetlv' interested in the fur trade iindi big game hunting. Indian Department Col. J. .S. l'ragncll, inspector or Indian agencies Tor Hrilish Columbia, was the first speaker. He said he was somewhat al sea as to what the future policy of Ihe (iaine. Hoard actually was. The Indian department would like to see some arrangement made for tho registration ot trapping areas. Mr. Jackson said that ft was the fixed policy of the Hoard lo but Into force al once u .system of registration of trap lines. Col. Prague!! also a'sked fijr how long it was intended lo close the season for trapping south of the (i.T.l'. Hallway. Mr. Jack son replied that such a (lose season was now in force ami Ihe period would probably be three or five years, li would be use- IntALLi OUltlUtO less to have such a close se'ason E, Robtln Hangs Himself; Un known Man Leaps Over Bridge; Another Takes Rat Poison YAXCOl'VF.H, July 21. Three alleged suicides have been re-inirled to Hie police since Sunday n igh I. C. P.. Ilobtiu was found hanging lit his home on Sunday and an unknown man is believed to have Jumped into Balse Creek from lhe Conutiiighl bridge. Yesterday, Albeirl pioneer music dealer for one or' two year died from the effects of swallow- would Col. Pragnell staled Hint lie would have further represents Hons' to make lo Ihe hoard al its meetings in Ihe , interior where resided Indians whn wer,e more directly concerned in me fur trade. 1 W. E. Colllson Indian Agent t!olllson sail that the ban on trapping south of Ihe .O.T.P. would not elTect the Indians of his agency. How ever, he bad been asked lo titakq representiillons lo the board on Musketl,' behalf of the Indians of the of lhe city, Bella (.Viola district. The ban work a serious hardshii '(: u 'in ua:-'i 25 TAXI BOSTON GRILL and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance . with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wod-ding at Anywhere Anytime. parties. Royal Hotel, 3rd Avs. Stnd For rat!s, apply to Doslon and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. VIDECK, Prop. HIATT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. NO. 1 07. VOL XV PHIXCK III PHUT, B.C., Tl'KSDAY, JILY 21, H25. VMWrdx't Circulation 1633 tlrttt Ut, 472. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SCOPES IS FOUND GUILTY AND FINED $100 CO-OPERATION BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND PRINCE RUPERT IS STRESSED Forest Fire Menace is Serious in all Parts; Few Fires Locally now FOR BENEFIT OF DOMINION 8peaker of Ontario Legislature Makes Some Suggestions In Vancouver . Ni improvement in Hie Brilish Col- dre.sHing'the -.Canadian1' Club yes-ecorded m in reports received by tho tVl;iy. lion, Joseph K. 'I'liomp- New lenders of Kiwauis Inteniatioiiiil. Left lo right: J. W. (1 Taylor. .Mont-eal, second vice-president: J. P. Nejil, Washington, first vice-president; J. II. Moss, Milwaukee, pruVideut: II. C. Heinz, Allaula, treasurer. Various Matters Pertaining to Fur ard Game Taken Up at Conservation Board Meeting we want mure Sous of F.ngland lari'l their linn views n:s and unit make reeonimcndulions iniiiui iniuiiun at in the inc iiiirciui meeting ui of the iiici last evening.' The fur trade, local game birds and animals and ! gieu iirmtjJJial will prove of value to .Iheaviitt'o.n.iireUoii ! vitiri7iesiipervision and making of game laws for the 'province as a whole. Among many suggestions thai were otTcred the board was one that a more ef fective policing of game preser ves be inslllulcil, another inu ALL FISH IS TO BE TAKEN Limitation as to Halibut Going East From Here Is Now Removed It was announced from the superintendent's office here this morning that Instructions had been Issued from Canadian National Railway headquarters to take all refrigerator car offerings of fish at this port. If necessary, fish specials wilt again be run taking the fish to Jasper where It wtll be transferred to the regular express trains, there being two trains dally from there. This will remove the grievance which arose locally through the limitation of fish cars that might be attached to express trains on boat days. LATEST REVOLUTION WAS BLOODLESS ONE Certain Military Units Engin glncerod. Portuguese Revolt Which Took Place on Sunday Last lale disturbed by a succession of Short lived cabinets, came through an abortive revolution ary movement engtneensl by cer tain military units on Minuay wilh out the firing or a shot. He- IMirls or casualties proved erron eous on investigation CONDITION OF J. C. K. Council of Two Trade Boards Meet and Talk About Mutual Benefit wl' much was imported from Hepresenlutives or the India), department, fur dealers aud o . ., ' ... ... .... V , . . i he east. In sneaking of the iiir.'ii uiuiri w ii i ii ii wdrii ininiio- i iuiu wnn 'innPiii'ini in tvnr t 1 11 lift It I I I V. t I IIIIIWIIQ lltU VVUVr HJ-J'VU1 VU 1 V . 'I The Vancouver hoard o trade party with about twenty v' members from the local hoard of trade enjoyed a cruise ycslc.r'-duy to the Skeeua River and around the local harbor. The party visited Inverness, Cussiar, and Hunnyside canneries on the river and later visited the local dry dock and! add stonige plants. The parly left here in the morning about 10 o'clock and relumed lo the eiiy about five in the afternoon. They were served a delicious buffet luncheon on Iniard ship and enjoyed the whole trip very much. ( " Last eening al the Prince lTTTf'r nnPPrnO Ituperl Uuli. the council of the! II lll.fl rKKrhKN tlUlUU I lM UIW local board of and the council of tlie Vancouer board, met ami discussed inalters of mutual interest. F. ,(5. lawson,' manufacturing .outh were " " related ' to the,. Inter- the north as tlie more the north . 1.. EASTERN CRICKET PLAYERS DEFEAT sealy is improved i!;;;;,,:;0: Prominent Bulkley Valley Ran-ohcr Recovering From Attack of Pneumonia "v (Hue- ( u i" 'ap n DEATH SENTENCE in speaking of tlie great advance made by the province in manu- Says It Is Better Than Life lm-f, . facturing, contrasted the silua- prlsonment Idleness Is lion lo.lay with ten years ago. c f crime viirmniA .lnlv ! Jnilcn of Vancouver and (-an ""f"-' be, of lhe (irc.rM cireutt aUo'tiame Conservation Hoard which was held in Ihe Court llotise'V"'1"11 . . I l,a"" ,na,ie I i 11 I' Court told police chiefs in conr U0V, clear illimit Idol that I the III interests lllll I1 1 al ot ilf I the 1 1 1 . . .. .. . .vention here last night that game preserves were discussed and member of the board, ns , , i v 1 "'"eiy-ine per cem 01 crime wp a result or their first official visit to the city, undoubtedly were " , ,,' , " due to Hleiress. He .ejpmienine.i umi, iu.j ... jle penitentiary svsle.111 01 Ihe the north as markets for tlieir I,i,. si.-iie ritinr i rl.eek goods. The south cotild not af- crimiliiti instincts in the Moil rord to be antagonist nor un- an(, faV0.,.(J t1P (Jwl(h S).ntenee friendly to the development of ..ff,..iivp ,,... of ridding society of, persons who nevciope.i me more vsouiu 11 am of nu value tidt w to Ihcm-tho south. selves. This he' declared was ' In replying to the suggestions, ,,le , theni ilragging oVU, various members ol the ancou-uu,jr jv,,s jn prj,oni '! ver delegation assured the Prince, llupert council that Vancouver board of trade had always been very friendly toward northern development as it was good busi- ncss. They regretted IJiat they could not control the press KILLS HIMSELF sometimes, nor various elements1 of the community. Iteference Antagonistic Business nraue 10 inc present irip which; was Ihe fourth of its kind In. proe that they wer, vitally in Men of Imperial, California, Agreed to Die terested in Ihe north and in the! ... . , whole province, and .suggested BHA L1A, Cal.. July ;21.-Po-that a dehwalion ironi ti,e' bee ofricers ound the body lalo boards, or trade from Prince yesterday of II hlrk near tho spot l"licU-.l by John lru. cn who, Ceorge to Prince import visit Vancouver 1 before committing suicide in the The conference lasted for cm-,numiil,r; wv? u 1.",,)te an siderable lime after which the J;1'"1 "e " kri Kl"k il d,,e'- l.arly left 011 the special train at '"'V , . . "7" midnight Mr lhe east, stopping'" " "e at several points en route. WINS DUEL BUT VANCOUVER TEAM pRAIRIES HAVE VAXCOUYKIl, July 21. Tihe louring Bishop HidJey College 1 t ..i 1....... ..f ci 1 ln.t.iti.. VI'U nn 11", 111, l'4 ,miiitini' I ....... ... LISBON. July 21 Portugal, of: , , , , .. had agreed to kilt himself within three days of the duel. Tho two. 1 business nven of Imperial, had ibeen antagonistic- for several years. GENEROUS RAIN coast yesterday when it defeated Some Parts, However, Are Still a representative Vancouver Suffering form Continued eleven by lo5. Hidley scored! Droughts 321 for seven wickets while Vancouver followed up with 181). WTXNIPKC, July SI. A lih-- r , - jerul rain fell over an extensive ln.1 STOCK MARKET j Howe Sound Silvercrest ... ISurr Inlet j I uu well ....... " il'reiuier SMI I IIFHS, July 21. John C. Selklrks K. Sealy. prominent rainier of Terminus "... Hrirtvwod dlsliiict. who tins beeniflrauby seriously till willi pneumonia,; Daly Alaska had a change for the better the L. A I last couple of days. Mr. SealyTiladslone.. .. was sick ror several weeks this ltUfus spring and it is thought the pro- Hayview Bid Asked 1.00 1.30 .01 H .02 Vi 20.110 . .18 ,' 3.30 2.211 .lit t 1.0(1 .15 .2t '.4 .... .2U4 .05 00 , .05 3.75 2.25 .OlU .38 t.(fv .25 ,30 Oil 07 .2o .20 I area of the prairies during the I ifititt- umi tilt. I nnnnllu tnlini-nl n a-rnn 111111 (iiiiij i,iiuii lhe parched slate nf the crop in .many districts. Continued drought, however, is causing ome anxiety in southern sections of Alberta and Saskatche wan according lo llu weekly re ports of the. Can-iillan l'aclflc Hallway. In certain, parts of Saskatchewan. depreciation through heal is set al from ' 25 lo 3il per rent of the' prospective, yields estimated Pi June. Mrs. It. Howther and daughler will sail for Hie south on the Canlena today. They wilt be P-eompatiieil by Mrs Lindsay. sU j 1 - ! . , H .11. r I.ow' u-r.