i Ldtr October 15, 1025. TUB DAILY ilEWi PAOR THHWP JU B i till i NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & CoU Storage Co., U&. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. $1 50 wort or nnnin $1.00 L)jJcuai unci . INTRODUCING PARKE DAVIS A CO.'S TOILET CREAMS T r( lil'j jMir. r l w ,, ,ilt (i u. lolluw- i ; - AVll l presented Willi one 1 !-. p i. l ToothPati very large lube ... 50c I ). A. l.o. Uld ('renin for massage ami a a skin cleanser 50c l i. v lyi Vanishing liremn, a greaseles cream (hut rul Hie xkui ami disapf nr ipiiekly 50s I1 1), ft. I Almond llrenui for chapped hand and roughness Mie skin ... .' ' 50c I Shaving llremn. a germicidal -Shaving Soap. g be, live mouth of dail) sh,ies 50c Ormes Limited IThe Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists m. i'ti S ! r. .( Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE it. miuci Rvrmr i ppinci ozcnqk .... mm princc rvpekt f yASCOVVlA, VICTORIA. StATTLC, 1 l.n.l tab SUNDAY tl TMUP.1DAV at 10 00 pjm. free Alt Ol weoneMey, 10JDO pj. fcr tTCWtNT . , SMorSai, 10O0 jn. lit. MtftCC CHAftLtS 'ui HITCMIIAN, WRANQtlU JUNCAU, MAOWAT. WIDHSDAr, 4 Jn. It. PAI&Ct JOHN f..rii ftill) ..t VANCOUVtR H QUIIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. MtttftOIR TRAINS LtAVt PRINCE RUPERT daily turt sti ti " in r..r prince oioroe. edmonton. WO! NIP U, til rsuiiM rt.rn aneda. I Mllnl UI. AOINCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cli Tklat Olfka, Sit Jhtr4 A. PrlMO "nficc Ps 20 (wrtADlAN peine Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert tain . It. JO 0dW 13 23, XWf J Si. ttlCUS Miiua rr am!, ! ar. tail aiu Bella, ocean reiie. nm, aieet ar. Cempkell Miter, Vafttomee SelttrOaf " foe ill SteawaMp Line. r" In'oemallen lrm W. O. ORCHARD Oeneral At. OereM of 40 Suae! an r Atenne, Prince Ruf. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSIIBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 233 Dlack 735 E. H. Shockley Pianing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi uddiltonnl nxulinu'si lor the tnniiuructiirc of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Rave handling charges ,y Inlying direct from Ihe source of supply. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo building ncl door to Friwell HuMicr Sliop. across from the Empress lintel , Wo entry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zare-lll Proprietor Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Try 057. Valcnlin Dairy. Phone If ToiiiKht'H Moose meeting I'OHlnoncd for one week. WalkliK Products, lleprr nentalivc P. C. Miller, Hlue If St. Andrew' o-iely resular nieeiiiig Friday, Oclpher 10, at 8 (i.in. F. J. Cameron wa an arrival n Uie aleanier from the south last evening. Mlw MoiitKoiuery iclurned lal iimhl on tli (j Prince Hupert oiii v aneuuver. Tim Ka boat l'.tlielda, owned hy A. K. Wrizlil. m being over ruled at the drydock. Uuy ynnr Cliritma preieiili iMw. KeDekali Itaiaar SaLunlar FUli iond for children. 211. MUn McKiiiiioii of Vanaradol wa a uaH-'-nxer returning from I lie iitiuth on the Prince Hupert lal evening. Amrliean ahould nol forget I he oeial evening at their cliurrb lonuht. Program and refrehmenl. Sons of Canada general meet- inv on FrMay, October 16. at 8 p.m. in Ilinad Mall. F.Lclion of of'ieers. I'rosram for winter month. 211 Order your kindlinic mw whil" the weather is fine. Full load '6 iHi. Itundles 5 for $1.00. P.lt Transfer and Taxi, Third Ave. Phone IH9-II2. 2i The Liberal committee room. corner :econn Ave. and fourth Street, next to the Walker'r Muic store are open every after noon and evenin?. 251 I lie marriufre will take place tumuli! at K.30 at (he home of Mr : il Mrs. It. lavie. 236 Fttlli Ave.1 Y.n'. of Mis May Heid. daufb- ier. of Mr. and Mr. V. Heid of ll:i i f v and Jack Frew of Ih I..., I i:ll. -taff. Rev. H. R. iii.ui! Mill if!n'iate. ANNOUNCEMENTS Heoriah Ilaraar 'Saturday, Oc-?olier l?w.. leralic and iniseellaneoo ;i-ogratii. Westholme next Mon day and luesday. Catholic Church Itaiaar, Octo ber 21 and 22. Hospital Hallo wc'iyi Hill, Oct oher 30. ' Hill .ixly Rliapler I.O.D.E liasaar. OoUiber 31. Anglican Church ember 5. Presbyterhin November 12. lloyal ber 13. M oose and 18. Itaiaar N" Cliurch llazaar Purjrie llaiaar No vein. llaiaar November I" Haptist Cliurrh Indies' itaiaar. November 20. PACIFIC MILK rOR THE MINES JVhTt. AM Si Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliarv llazaar. December 3. i LuHieran Church Ladies' Aid j Its .n Deemb" Hi f. They lire all Tor 1U'.. up there. Pacific Milk Co. ' . Limited Head Office, Vancouver factories: Ladner and Abbotsfcd. B.C. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. CPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ilrcakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinner and after Theatre itefreshntcntti Our Specialty la Home Made Ice Cream and" Confectionery. Wholesale or Iletall. You will be pleased with our service. Let is please you. KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Phone 17 p NOTICE. I, lulward II. Mortimer, returning officer for the fc'kcena Electoral liislricl, hereby gixe notice of. the appointment of the Official Agent by the several candidates nominated J n the Skeena District as follows: William K. Fislier, P.O. liox IC86, Prince Hupert, li.C. as official agent for George Cordon Hushby. Oeorjre Hiekox Arnold, 216 Sixth Street, Prince Hupert, H.C., n official aserit for. Oeorjre Watson .'iekeron. lames Me.Nulty. 015 .Second Avenue. Prince Hupert, It.C. official agent for Alfred Sior. Two cars iheddon Taxi. il your service Phone 134. If The F.Iks are fiolding a dance in their home OB Friday night. Admission 50. 211 Mr. and Mm. 11, C. Wright ar rived from ttt sfuth last nishl on the Prince Hupert. Hupert Legion No. (5 reioel its iiiiniliers lo attend a meeting tomorrow nis;ht a: 8 o'clock. Geotfie Taylor, travelling au ditor of the C.N.H.. arrived from the south on the Prince Huperl last nigbt. "Heco Hard" Stove coal is ft hat you should call for. $11 per ton delivered. P.H. Transfer and Taxi, Third Avenue. Phone 189-112. 212 The Liberal committee rooms, orncr Second Ave. jind Fourth Street, next to the Walker's Music store are open every after noon and evening. 251 The meeting of Ihe Ratepayers' Association scheduled for to morrow niglil is postponed. I lie Association will commence its winter program in November. "Heco." This is pood burn ing for $ii.iio per ton, oel a lock of this coal before tin snow flies from P H. Transfer A rati. Third Avenue. Ijhone I81- Il. 212 Don't forget llebckah llazaar on. ai unlay. Oeiolssr 17 in St. Andrew's Rooms from 2.30 to 0. Plain sewiug and fancy work, home cooking, cai.dy and after noon lea. 211 v Tonight's train from the lias' reported three hours lute. de- May being raused by the same bridge trouble that caused yesterday's train to be late. That train arrived from Ihe East at II o'clock last night. The Somerville Ca riders lip.' floating cannery Laurel "Nvhalen reached Vancouver lit 3 o'clock I this morning in low of tin Hec-late St rait h Towing Co.'s tug rich!'"'!"' " ' lr'l 'own the Pae.ric Milkoes .ulo the . Portland Canal District j., 'roast was ma.le rroni here ,n 8 ; huge quantities. The folk ifp',,ol",!'' " H'depl good! there like its nulural flavor,0'"' ! and are proud of Ihe llrilish! I'&l.... .1.1 !.... II. ..I litl'il.)1 MlllIIUNil IIIIIIJIO-I lllllt all t'.aniida in ipialily Mrs. J. Slilrras of Xanaiino, igran4l worthy matron of the Or- '.I.,'.. ... r il... i ...... i!.... r 1...:. mc oi uic i.iisirrii .-Mur ior iiru-. Isli Columbia, arrived on the Prince Hupert last main and paid an official visit to llels Chapler, the local lodge. She jwljl return, soul h on, the " steamer tonight and, during her brief jslay here, n number of social j funclloim are Miking plaoo in lieri ' 1 honor. Jack McNeil of Te'lkwa reached t lie city la it cveiyiiK and returned to the interior on this morn ing's train. Mrs. S. I). Johnstone will sail' this evening on the Prince Hupert for Victoria to visit wilt.' her mother, Mrs. Joshua (icorge Clolhier, resident engineer for the mines department, sailed last night on the Prince Charles to pay his annual visit to the Allln district. YYc are in a 'posllhai to axain supply our famous "kiln dried" kindling. ff per load or 5 Limbics for $1.00. PJt. Transfer & Taxi, Third Ave. Phone IH'J-112. 212 Dick Kdgar, on a fharge of theft, from the pejsou, elecled for speedy trial before Judge Younz yesterday afternoon and the case was ailjourncu until uexi cu- nesday. On Friday, October 16. the local Elks are giving a dance in their home and invite their friends to an enjoyable evening; dancing to the strains of Dob Arthur's four piece orchestra, from 8.30 ii. m. lo I a.m.. and flic admission fee lo be charzed is only 50c. 210 Ole Evindsen, pioneer of Alice Arm and one of the original dis coverers of the famous Dolly vanJeu mine, was a passenger going north on the Prince Hu pert last night. Mr. and Mrs. Kvindseji and family now live near Vancouver where, they-are engaged in small fruit fanning John Stem, who pleaded not guilly to a charge of inloxica- I inn in Ilia nil a- ruil irn Mit ft m- .found guilty yesterday afternoon I and was fined $35 instead of the customary ?25. His delay of Ihe court by pleading not guilty was apparently 4iol appreciated by Stipendiary Magistrate 11. F. Mcl.eod. The Hecate Straits Towing Co.'s tug Lome left Captain's Cove at U o'clock yesterday morning with two Davis rafts! from the Queen Charlotte ls- lands for Powell Hiver. Afler making the Powell Hiver delivery. Ihe I.oriie will proceed lo Heaver Cove lo pick up the log laden barge Drumrock for Port Alice. Aetor i being asked for references Well, I can only say that my last landlady wept when I left. Landlady l.Maybe, but I shan't. I want payment in advance. LAND act. Nolle of lnttntloiT to Apply to Purchou Land. In the Land herurdtiif uutrlrt of I'rliii- uuKri. iimi uuatr at Ilir mould ol Hir Kail tiwl hirb tlu into tlx-l.ill inter alwui is niilrs from n mouth. TAkE .NOTICE that John A. Slnlth ol I'rtiirr lluiwrt. B C. urcupatlon lumber nil, immils to aply for rrnillun to purrharv the rolluinr drcrlbrd land: - CMiinimriiiir at a l..t plantpo at th Mmthvtrm rumrr of Loi Ji; nanre four. Uwimc Jtt rhamt northerly; thrnre 30 rhanii rHfr1y. niure or ItM. to ths Fc tall liorr; Ihenre 39 rluln aoutnrrly: Uimrc SO rhain rattrrly, and conummj tt acrr. inure or lrs. llt tintt , JO)l. A. SMITH. Prr C. P. Rle 1 1 in. i LAND ACT. AppliLani el. Airnt Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Purcnata Land. In Oie Land Rrrurrtliif lustrlrt or Prince imiwM. and brine- a porllon of Lol Iwrnly-fuiir (ii). nanae five & , f.ot itoirlri. TAkC NOTUE thai Frtiirll's Ltinlled of I'rlnre miprrl. B.C. nurrhani. Intend lo apply for rnriniln lo punbae the ruilovilnr drorrlbrd landi: riiinMiiir at a pum nlanird at the Dorlhrao mrn-r nf lot twenty-Tour tr. ranse fhe IS'. Coal I)llrirl; ihence ou Ih thlrly lo rhain: I hence rs furty rliain: ihenre norib elaht rhalns. inure or lea, lo huh ualer mark, Ihence n.irinci aionr mtn water mark to poini nf rxiiimeiirt-mcnt. and rontaininr elubiy (8) arre, more or leu. rrtlZZEi.L'S LIMITIO. Arpllcant iii turn Mh in (0 MINERAL ACT. Cartiricat of Improvement Spokane Mineral Claim, rituals In Oh-Allln Mlnlnr llilln nf iatar nislrlcl. on the tvei n1e ir Blr Horn nlver In the mm nr and adjoininr tnr ldln Mineral Claim. TAkK MltlCF. Ihal I, Tred Lawntu. arenl for Aanea s. l.aon. Free Miner' ortlflcafs .o. 707lf , Intend . suit rtv rroni the (lain hereof. In apply to the Mlnina necorder for a orilflcate of lm-provriiirnt. for Ihe purpose of obtaining-1 a rmn Oram nf the Above rlalm. And further lake notice thai anion.1 under necllnn ST. muni be rnmmvnced he fun' Hie lue nf ch Cerllflcaie of lm provement Dated Ibis 30th day or Aupi't. A.D The dealer vrlio Recommends 2ml Sh isbankinqonyoaM continueapaiBTnoq blish NABOB VACUUM PACK TRESH from ihe roaster no matter where ijou buy it. Send us f name and uiil send lhi illiicfMTwl Supplies book of beautiful ncmes Vs $f I Pistributorj for: (fOham K9L9RED 'ggrWWTtTl Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert .& McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 BED UNIT SPECIAL 1" CONTINUOUS POST WHITE ENAMEL BED, Width 3 feel. Braced Woven Wire Spring and good quality all Felt Mattress 3 Piece Unil, complete $24.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Harry Lander, und on waslulay morning you probably feet like singing Hie ame Hung. So why not coil that ancient drudgery to-day? THRIF-T SERVICE Just cull for imr TliniFT-T SKHYIUK which will do every bit of tho washing and iron Ihe flat work loo. Willi Ihe wash out of wash day that " hale lo get up in the morning" feeling will be gone for good and all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Sportsmen! We lire Hcadtfiiarlers Tor Sporting Goods of all kinds Wc carry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us for Hand Logger s Supplies -llilchrisl Jacks und Parts Cable Axes- Saws, elo. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue Phone 143