I sent operations, outlines plans tor future extensions ! BOX FACTORY MACHINERY IS READY TO START WORK SOON Wharf to be built next year also shingle mill veneer manufacture andypulp plant in prospect for future T'-f I'llniwilt objective of the Prince llnpert Spruce Mill I' liire Miiert i the eslaldilinienl of Hie tilp and jtper here but (here i much lo le done in llic way of pre-eiil lunilier plant before that chh be undertaken. til une. the roiiiwuy has jiLans in hand for a program ((-. ine of which "art? n1reJy imiler way wliili .v be developed in the near future. The prevent uimsi the company whiclr rivr the Hly a hanlthr and nlMfl ne 100 men seem (ti eotnpmo only I he nucleus ol IMT DI VCD I r m Mm m mi rv AT METLAKATLA IS SHOT DEAD Hnrge Hits morning i...iti. where he wen! unaii(ienietit if eon w ii iniii of oxcilcmwil. a few iho' before he ar- li' 'e ic star baseball r (he Metlakalla leHin a mut-up with the poller v... hoi dead. T r Nf-w Mctlnkatla team will hr on the Princess Al.ee W ill stluy LS1II 'S :or a scries R0RRFRY PRAM Shop at McBrldo of VENDOR'S STORE I ' Wednesday night thieves ---.w OMtinVIIIUfllJ I IJMM '1 n U i Yl f 1 III i P u vv .... lit xj -i.i t Ml' ; u !...! ...1 ., . . rf nut t mini inn i'iiuiiiit 111 t'Oiorailo Hmillierti iuihjumi - t.u puirn nn'U nut ur iiU Nvhicli wuf laklnu 11 Hiilliiu. Mill liiiuMii.t.... u .1.. t...-r.. upi-i s were en roiin- 'uiiie from their vacations. jinurn stonier thing to come. J. A. Smith, president of the (Prince ltd irt spruce Mills, in an I interview given a represent a tiv ir liii- hail) e. lefl I he firm impression thai lie anil hi company are here lo stay nnd Ihftl Kiev iiifend to participate lull? in the development of Hi Ium Imt industry ol tin particular - part f lln province. Mr. Smilh. riui.dl returned on.who n n veteran' lumberman or this province, with as high a HtandiiiK a any In the trade was imbued Willi satisfaction a- w'h Hip visit- o Miejto present operation ami vviin in- next f.w d.iv- of optimism as lo Ihe futute in !i'anii from New Met-l Ketchikan. Howard h hikan a mvtiy. live discussing (Id work now boim; done by Ihe Prince Huperl Spruce Mill and il plans for the future. Since Ihe sawmill' at Seal Cove was put in operation by Mr Smith oine .five month's uk". Hpprutiiiialely ten million feel of lumber have been eul. To dale Ihore hn been no diffieully ill markclinx ony or Ihe product. Airplane Mirucc, Ihe ery heal product thai it turned out by the mill. i being shipped lo I'liKlaud after painff rloid inspeellon No. I chop lumber and belter I" beinu xhipped lo the United Stale " nnil eaolem (.nnadi. lhH ina'ilv of spruce, Mr. Smith say, . . . ... t ...... Is eimv lo ill.pop oi iiiiu rum mi.iii.U uood iirloe.s..li nlane hi. nice nicvos TaK AbOUt eight Cases r,.pre!eiiU froufi five lo twenty or Liquor from Government of Ihe output of the mill dependiiiR on Ihe ipialily of the Ions; No. 1 chup or neuer repre mmiIi fifty-rive per oeni. ami ine ' 'eil he uinnrniniMil lliliior, 1 lnuoe irriiile. ie at Mellriiln mi. I lockinz lie vendor 111 his iuailer.s al Ihe ' .1.' Ill aliti.ia ..............I ..tut -.. ... r.i,,:, i-ii.iv.. '.i 0 ''a -' of iissorled lluuors. J 41 iiinr nitflil 11 ifii'inlilv uf! 1 r win- cepofled to have been "en feuin Iho tlreat War Vct- 1 ait ,s ioeiuliou n nremises at the amu place. The provincial " 1 1 i' have imh'ii working oil the 'II ,l hill ... f,... I I....... mi. 'hie 'd flint trace of the robber. TRAIN SIDESWIPED TWO WERE KILLED I'l' vVKH. Aug. 31.- Two per- 0l ui.rn ,1 HIKtitniviiMK In 111 fivi I So far, Ihe Prinze Huperl pruee .miii nas been surcerul in diipoxiiiR or IIHs lower (irade lumber. An order of 1.500,01)0 leet wan sobl lo Ihe elevalor. imintlily Klilpinenin i,r from fioo.ooo lo f.oo.oon feel In New Weslininster for box mak Ing purposes, besides (he local Irade. However, me perinanem disposal of Ibis lower grade lumber presents a problem and it l. 011 Ihe soIvIiik 'f Hds problem that Mr. Smilh is now working, coming lo nvilurily til 11 1 1 mm' promise to sellle il permanenlly. Make Cheese Boxes An Interesting bnnntnieemril md(. by Mr. Smilh was to Ihe Vrfecl thai negotinllons were uti-der wav lo have Hie Inlernallonal produo'ls Co.. nianufaelnrers of lo l'rinco Hu-,.,.rt Km ft cheese, eoine I., work with the I'rinee Hit- perl Spttire Mill" I" ""'" '"Wff iwraile and wai" ' " contmued on page two WITH THEFT T B tt m mm . H I $800 to Own Um Belong Inn lo Local Cannery At llic leipjcst of t:bief Yiek er of Hie Prince Huperl li force, 1. 1 1 1 ra I a Yioshi, alias Keno, a Japanese fili packer, has been arreled at Vancouver eharjieil with siruiinj; Hie sum of ?M00 by false prelcncci. fi'ini Ihe- Sommerville Cannery lio. atj 1'riiR'e Itupert. , It Mems that Keim. as hewui known here, had been urcha-iiik fish for Ihe local Milb-rd cannery, and had, accordU t the ullejiulunis against biio -lben cHiv,5ii mony -Jo ins vtlwiinwonl Iiik in all to ap- proxhniilely eight Iiu-hIkmI do-inrs. Me was supposed lo havi pirn ut!i on the ghs boat Ka-niaiiole and on his arrival in Vancouver as picked up by Ihe police Ih.-re. Sergeant Uailey is ?omir outh today to fetch the and Francis Millerd fs isoinn o identify him. BABE RUTH IS PENALIZED BY OWN MANAGER Breach of Club Rules Said lo Bo Causo of Heavy Fine and Suspension ST. LOUS, Aug. 31. "Misconduct off the field" was responsible for a fine and indefinite suspension imposed on llahe lUtlh Saturday by Manager Miller Hugging of Ihe New York Yankee. Itiilh renied charges of drinking and said I'n, suspension was caused by minor infraction of club rules because he did not return ) lb'' uotel until 2 a.m. on Saturday morning. The rules call rur players lo.be lo by I a.m. llutli charged thai lluggitrs attempted to shirt the blame fot the poor Knowing ot the Yankees and declared he would not play in ID ".Mi it Huggins was manager. CIIICA(H). Aug. 31 .-Hulls! efforts to place his case hefore Juduc Laudis. baseball commis sioner, Ibis morning proved fu tile, l.andis was away al bis summer home. BURNED TO DEATH" LAMP EXPLOSION F.VHHiri T. Mass., Aug. 31. Fiveu'hlldren, all under thirteen years -of 'use. were burned lo death as a result or 11 rite ongi uiillng from the explosion of kerosene lamp. The mother is also fatally burned. DAWSON, LADY DIED I )A WSDN, " Aug"." 31. M is Percy Held, wife of the noting gidd conintlsstouer. died Friday tnglit ntld the body Is being for- wa 'ded lu Vancouver rived here from Wrangell at 1:46 this afternoon. It flew from Telegraph Creek to Wran-ge'l en Thursday. The ship was piloted by Col. J. S. Williams with S. C. Caldwell as mechanic. Archibald Little, Detroit mining englneer.who headed the aerial expedition north and his associates will come down the coast by boat. II Is tho Inten-tlcn to fly the plans south to Vancouver and there take It down and ship It back to Its owners, the Laurentlde Air Service of Three Rivers, Quebec Tho flight from Wrangell was made In two hours and fifteen minutes, the distance being 180 miles. The machine will push off for Vancouver Just as soon as weather Is fav-orablo, the Idea being to make the 500 miles In one hop. The big plane covered about 6,000 miles, during Its activity In tho north this summer and thoro was not a single mishap. It went 200 miles Into the Yukon north of Lake Francois and far down the Hard River to the so-called "tropical BURGLARS STOLE GEMS POINT GREY Overlooked Some to Value $2,000 During Saturday Afternoon Visit of VANCOUVF.Hi Aug. 31. Hur glars entered Ihe home of F. A. Ashtoli of Point U-roy on Satur day afternoon, securing $1,000 worth of jewels and 250 in cash. They overlooked $2,000 worlh of gems. The stolen articles included a 1.500 diamond brooch. YAXt.OUVr.lt. Aug. 31. -Pleading guilty to attempting to roll the Hank of bommeree branch ut the corner of Powell Street and Micjoria Drive hortly before ten o'clock Friday iti.M flew to pieces on account oT a broken connecting rod, returned lo Ihe city on the Prince Charles this morning. They i spent the pasl week at China I Hat, taking Ihe machine down 'prior to putting il aboard the lighthouse, lender K s leva n, I which will lake il lo Vancouver. I Flight Lieutenant V. F. Mavvds-! ley. who went soulh to assist ithem. also returned on the j Prince Charles I his morning. I They caught (he boat at WHALEN PULP SALE DELAYED Better Offer for Swanson Bay and Other Properties Said to Have Been Made (Special to Daily News; V A N C O I' V K 11, Aug. 31. A break in the ranks of the de benture holders of the Whalen Pulp and Paper Company, own ers of the pulp mill at Swanson Hay. is indicated when Kuox Walkem, representing a nuiii- ber ot Canadian debenture hold ers and certain New Yorn m leresls, made a court applica tion to stay the sale or the Whalen property ror GO days, Vi'fiiriliiitr to WlilkiMii ll lii. ler offer has been received from! J. 11. llarbeck of New York and! certain 'interests. A. II. Douglas, representing the bondholders, opposed the delay but the court said an extension of 30 days might be made if credentials proving the new offer to be bona fide is submitted by September 25. The sale dale was some time aiio fixed for Auxusl 31. Hard Coal Miners Will Quit Work at Midnight in Eastern States but Mines Protected PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 31. -Approximately 158,1)00 tin llinicile ctial mi iters will iiuit work ut midnight (otiiglit, lint 800 maintenance men will be allowed lo retuutu on duly to prevent Ihe flooding of the mines. These 'latter will he assessed n tjay's pay every fortnight to go lo the emergency fund oT the miners' union. II is feared that 10.000 railroad men employed in li.uw iiing the coal will be laid off. F- ft 1826 25 TAXI Ambulance nnd mm mam Boston Ice Large Cream Ipslair goes Dining with Grill dmticr Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. 'll,n... Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIPECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Yi U W NO. 202 IMtlNCK MIT'KHT, H.ll, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1025. UUrttl' OlreuUtlon, 1463 Stntt Slid 346 PRICE FIVK CENTS. LARGE PRODUCTION AT P. R. SPRUCE MILLS TED CAMPBELL GETS SEVEN YEARS F0t ATTEMPTING TO HOLD UP BANK The Prince Rupert Spruce Mill is Permanent Industry and is Marketing Lumber from Here J. A. Smith, president, well satisfied with pre- IAP CHARGF!) a . . f. f f V mm WlMltlUUW Ted Campbell Gets Seven Years for Attempt to Hold Up Bank at Vancouver Friday of Last Week Regular Weekly Alaska Service to Commence Middle of September moriiiug. led (Jiiinpbell, alias Leonard, a youth living in the .. rail , , will ,. liorllv ... be rommsr ,. .. ...i.. inlo ..,...,!;, operalion for r,. . . s-chedule ii. u ii i- i ne.ghborhood w,,s Ihis n om.ng ,,, the police court here .en- . d N .learners The Prince Ueorge and leuccd to ear, , . the s 1111 ten ary reve. bi-weekly sen ice to Prince Huperl lc,l Uinpbell. t a .pear IsiMuIer tvventv year, or age um alM? Vancouver taking care o Anyox and Stewart. The known the, neighborhood a idler and waler. Ili is 111 .an ,.,.,..., ,. .... ..u. .i.0.i..i u, .1... ..,t. 'father had purchased a ticket for lum lo Ihe harvest fields In,. .,. 1luu. . ,1(imp nnr, work and he Ihe Irani for that but got on place apparently slip.. ... ...,. f(ip ,'.: (ipnrirp nil,i .:,. illltPrt ped off beforclt pulled oul and hung -round Ihe neighborhood. . v. frp4.fVfl ,, .k llf cpnlPmliir ti Th,. l,o:. Will Keno Said to Have Converted; t. ia,j ,t.eil n truble with the injlice on more than one oc- CUMOI1. Jliard river hua. Pitinn PLANE HERE Flying Boat Arrives from Wrangell on Its Way to Vancouver The big Vlohcrs Viking fly Ing boat, which left here on Flying Officer Allan 11. Hull ami Corporal II. K. Davenport of j the Hoyal Canadian Air Force. who had uilc an adventure at June 1 and spent the summer !"" 7"' "r lal after hav- oporatlng In the Dease Lake lT" WJ? " and Uard Rlver4 country . ar- JaltoMn.tanK.iHjuiHl anrr iuc 1'iMinr 111 iiyiu-ooai leave Yancoiiver on Monday and Thursday nights at 8 o'clock arriving Here on Wednesilay aim Saturday mornings al 1(1:30.' I.eavinz here al 10 11.111.. the . .. it 1.. ..-.. in 1. inuriiTiinn " nn.esu.i, w... ... ...-, rLIinii AUVtrilUKr, vox and the Salurd..v boat toi Slewart, returning here at 8: Before Leavlno China Hat Took!'n,ur'',la" a!"1 siltinlay nightsj ... . . . f 11. ...11. t 1 n Down Alrboat and Shipped It to Vancouver ind sailing for the south at lOj o'clock those evenings. The Prince Charles, which will not make her sailing south from here on September 111. will take up the Alaska schedule, which provides for her lo leave here on Wednesilay afternoon al t o'eiock nnd airrive at Skag- ffifgs after raflinal KetcHtkaii; JUneau and Wrangell. Sailing! from Skagway al 0 o'clock Fr.i-dav evenings, the Prince Charles VICTORIA SELLS nVbkiwii wi iuy r -" 1 ding with Forrrer Prince Rupert Man Among Buyers YICTOlUA. V1..1U.U.V . .vug Aug. a. 31. -x... -The auc DROWNED FROM in MOTOR LAUNCH Vancouver Man Was on Way to Dance at Bowen Island-Girl's Narrow Escapa YANCOl'YKH, Aug. 3 i. Falling from a tool or launch or. which they were bound w'lii a nariv for :i ilanee all Howeii 1s- of age. Was drmvKed Saturday night atid Miss Ida Hay narrowly escaped death. W. A. Sparks plunged to the will return here al C o'clock on assi.laiir.' jf Miss Hay and held Sunday evenings and remain her on the surface until Ihe here until making Hie trip a?.iiui,out turned around, to Alaska on the Wednesdays! n,e ,,a,pnts of St. Cla(r have following. 'offered a reward of 3'.'00 for the Starling September 26. Hiem.overv . tne body. So far (Jueen Charlotte Island schedule :(U.a,j;jUl.j uas proved unsuccess-will provide for the Prince John'fui and Prince ' leaving Vancouver . Huiiert on alternate Saturdays instead of Mondays as at pres ent. rURGES ABANDON ALASKA ROAD REVERTED LANDS -- - t .Congressman Says It e Costs , Mm S400 ...t- n-in. n..i SntPited aid-! for Each Person It Serves and Ralls Should Be Torn Up SKATTl.i:. Aug. 31. Declar- that the government-owned -u.- Ka,r i;.,.. ..f ... .mliV.I 11 flit i iVV'tltMl I IV 1 " T.Vbanks serves only 5,000 persons Ihe c.ly or utona held here at ainiroximuld. tm Ihe week end proved to be veryfor n a year Ucm. sifcesstul. Huj ers came Troiii all ,.,., Vr,h,,r i.. ,r C;.ll- over the continent, Mecuilltfurn.a who vUilillg liero rec-from California and there was.l)inme,uH ti,e abandonment of spirited nigging shown. Ihe re-,,. suit is thai owners of ictoria, . u rai,3 and n,ako property are looking to a timei. ll?liway ot it," the. congress- when there will be considerable. advance in values. SHIPS TIED UP BY AUSTRALIAN STRIKEj m!:I.1IOI llNK. Auslralia. Ausr. 31.- II is estimated that 33 vessels, represent inx cargt.es values at 000,000. are held up in Australian ports as a result oT Ihe unofficial strike of sea men. Tins strike started in London and spread lo many F.uglis ports ami also lo man suggests, or build a high-' from Poi-tnse Hav and Among the purchasers wus W . Lbu,lon Mu, ,-ailroad from Sew- J. Alder, formerly of Prince Hu-Ian, ly tv,,rl0rage." oerl. who ourchased lliree Iotsi on Fool Sheet for 2.00.- CAFE WINNER AT BASEBALL Younq Liberals Beaten Saturday at Vaneouvei Next Game Wednesday for VANCOIYKH. Aug. 31. Defeating the Young Liberals of Vancouver here this afternoon, Ihe Fraser Cafe of New Wost-mlnsler won Ihe mainland ama- 1... ..1,1I u iiilkinrwm lb llllo AWAITS INSTRUCTIONS in, .,... .; K ...c c.p... OF ARCTIC EXPLORER SKATTLK. Auk. 31. Tr.P exploration schooner Meude, now at Nome after three years' so-J(urn in the Arcllr. Is awalling instructions from ltuuld Am-umiseu oefore proceeding down the roast, ai-eovding 'o a oies sagn received here. team at Victoria next w nines- day for the provincial till r PICNICKERS DROWN PKllPICNAN, Aug. ill. Twelve pienickers were drowned through the capsiiing or 11 "tnnl! boat on Sunday. The capt:in reached shoe, after awtmimng Jtii o tiourii