,.v November 26, 1925. I Supplies a mill u v i t. v you v 'J K. J I If " t,WJ . 1 - .u 31 WUkW (fDlinm K9L9RED 3HINOLE3. ,,. , it ..Tr-aronma ...vrTtTli,tYi Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster ' Stock your winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling- fon Coa note i 4ber & 1 McCaffery, Ltd. W DL iii l it i uunr x in iini 11 ' ' V NEW : SEASON'S Fancy rozen oait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast anadmn hisn & n m ,nrage .0.. i.iu. - a J j J J u PRINCE RUPERT, B.C - m a ruit Assorted rastwes M ! I'v Boots Ltd., Nottingham, England T .-dlle- haw (Ik- genuine Frml Flavor ami re- I.HO per Hi. s. m Price, per lb. 65 Ormes Limited P ' Diuirtrislx Itevill SI. no "'witUV UHU U VI I . VV IIMir : X .i.in. lo It p.m. S ,l II,. I. .1...- Tluii I 9 In 1! 1. ill .Hid 7 l.i 1 P ill. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert mam, wuwtu, who. macwat i. jo k"1" h AK0im. VICTORIA ui SUTTtl K 3. 2- Dt"''f 4- ,S sx nmix suiwu utsilala, Insnsan Sav, East Blla HtU, Ocsan Falls. Namu, Alsrt Baf, Camoball R!k. mk wntrtniir aiarv latvrdav 11 ft m. -r i.r u aiaamtnip kinB. . ........ W. V. URVnHl.ll uantrai ntni. Cerntr of 4ih Straat and 3rd Anut, trine Rurrt. C NmN qtcaxkuid rnMPANV flP n r.. LTD. Ssilint from I'rinre Ilupert. "uuiin, VICTORIA, Alsrl ana awsnson sir. awrsar, - "I1TOX. PriDT kiuaanu ..A u... ! Canntr . ThuradX D.m. Milk ii. i iinii.nii: iiiiuiir' iiiihii - -amwikavj a - Ho-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with addition,,! nincliines Tor llio uiiiiiiifiiclurc of 8ASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried In stock, ,:n. I.... ii . . . . . .. ..f ...llll.l.K L U UI H IIV llll lllir lllll'I'I lllllll LIIU fliniiv ... Mindly. LESSTALKING AMONG MEMBERS Suggostlon Made by Hon. A. Manson that Speeches In Legislature be ANNOUNCEMENTS M. , (W. A, l).'iraves in Vun-wiiver Hlar) Around Hip corridors of Hie IUliihiri- Hit- ftuKK'stion made hy Hon. Alt'X. Manson early in the ih-lialf on the rejily to llio Speeeh fiuin flu- Throne that in fill we Die dfliale he limited to a couple of formal speeches, und that the limine llwri wl down to hrasa taekn and do hunmes. in lakiiiK root. Mr. Manx. m pointed out that in the Mother of Parliaments and very frequently in Ottawa now. this coure is followed. Ho also drew attention to the fact that in the luarislature Mils year the debate fouehed on by-elections, over a year pad; 'Dom inion elections, not germane to provineial ulTaii; freigiit rate yellow journal from the United Stale and eluewhere; irrigation; Pacific lir.-at Ka-ctern; brewerien and beer; educational survey; al-lejied pidiee weverily with the Doukhohor; university expendi ture; i reel eorner cnodal ab- oinieiy uuupporteil hy evidence; and other mailers which -liuul.i not have crept into the debate. 'Out of it all, with its ten dency toward political recrimina tion, now can any erious good cniiie .'" he aked, and suggested that it would be infinitely mure pri.riiaiue if i lie various Mibjei iiiatler lliat liad been nienl loneii were iiriuihl to the attention oi .if the lliie iii the form of eon- . rete leiiluluun. eiiiaiiat iii fron either nle, and Ihu eoiiceiitrat- inj; the thought of the House for 1 1 he I line heiiiitupon ttial particular -ul.ji'. t with the deue of jreilnii; the e.HM'ensu of opinion of the: niemtier. I nlkniK the matter over anion;-' llieiiiel' the llienilier ee lillieli merit lit III allege! loll. ami it in not unlikely that more will tie heard of it. A'n't Education Grand7 A. mi I'pliill.Jhr miner memlter for Kerme. im u great admirer ot idiii-.it inn. Iiavmg n he say, so hMle himeir. He lileued l.i :.i.tMiii Ian .Mackenzie on Thur .liv when the latter wa peukiua ii lite subject of MiiIikIi Ikjllllll-Inii inrlhilay, and was wnle-eye.l when the Vancouver member polled Kipling, I'auline Joiiu-.'niii' and oilier poet at lennii. in extolling the beaulies and na-I u r.il advantage of llrilisli Col-iiiuliia. "My, oh my!" vva his admir-iiik coiiiuieni. "I always thoun'il ymi were a lawyer, an' here you are a hloomin' poet." Cheers alio laughter greeted the remark. Twigg Resolution i:..nnl.ir comment this nioin-iii till .centre on the matiiier in which four members of his own parly refused to vole mi Hi 'IV i Kit renolutlon in connection with the Janet K. Smith cane, and the aeiierul impression anion; ti.illi i :..useral ive and l.ile-r.'it lu.'iuli. - i- the up posit ion mem Itupiist Church Ladies' Aid llaaar. November 20. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Itazaar. December 2. Auxlltarv Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid llai.ar. December I'nited Church Hazaar, Decem ber 10. Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells Mrs. J. Wilson, Tort Ocorw, N.8., write: "I mtTcrfJ from pslpitation of the heart soil fainting pefla, and, at time, 1 could not be left alone I via to nrrvoiu. Jljr trouble wan rautfd from overwork, and worry, having been left alone with a larcu family. 1 bad tried everything, without any relief, but I know, o-day, that' I would hav been a norvoua wreck but for your wouJcrful Then 1'itli are for aivle at all drug-(rlut' a a.l dealers pnt up only by Tho T. ililb'urn Co., LUaltod, Toroato, Out. TH DAILY fHBWB "AO THRKP her made a tactical error in hi. attempt lo make political capital out of the utilization of a dead body lo aecure scientific data lo assist the invest f gating official in their work. The fact - that. Menr. Coch rane, c ho fold, Jlriihn and Uo!. Cy l'cck, nbseafed themselves without pairing and that Labor ind I'rovinolal party member went solidly wllli the goveriiiuen! in voting down the Twigg motion shows bow flatly it fell in the lloiiuc, the Davie amendment to name a committee being vole. lowu, 30 to 15, and I he Twigg esolution bcini? snowed under hy a -iO lo 1.1 vole. VANCOUVER PAPER URGES TO ENCOURAGE PRIVATE ELEVATORS Says Port Will Always Remain Government Monopoly Unless Good Treatment Given Investors (Vancouver tun Unles adequate rain elevator accommodation is provided in' this port, Vancouver i ttoing lot be fiahtiiin sraiu embargoes, off and on. for the next ten years. And until the question of government ownership vs. private enterprise definitely el- iled, we will not have adequate elevator accommodation. Just now private capital is fiahlintf shy of hi port because it due, not know where it slam Is. (luce private capital is reasured in this, respect and is it i ven good reason 10 believe1 thai it will have fair treatment, tho whole situation will iron itself out in 24 hours. Hut private capital will not come in until ft ha that assurance, until the City qf Vancouver offer reasonable inducements. The Port uf Vancouver is either aoiuif to be thrown oen to private enterprise ami go ahead, or it is groing to remain a government monopoly and tagnale. It in up to the i(ple of Vancouver lo decide which. And that derision cannot be long delayed. CRIMINALS DO NOT LIKE GETTING LASH 'Victoria Times Vancouver'. board of trade has teceived a letter from an unony mou writer in Seattle complain in becaue our judge. are pre scribing the lash for gentlemen who want to take money thai does not belouK to them. This i an exeellenl advertise merit for Hritish Columbia's method of administering justice. It would be a food idea to give I he letter wide publicity, if only lo let our own gunmen 'know that if they kick over the trace in IhU province they will very likely taste thi apparently effective medicine. Canadian jixlces are doiiiir the right thiiiK by letting it be known that Canada is not n happy Imnlini: jiround for thugs. Our cilixenship is worth something. II will be a pour day when il is not jealously guarded. WOULD SEND DELEGATES TO CONGRESS IN CHINA CAl.tiAHY. Nov. -'ii. 'immcdi ale steps will be taken to raise fund with which to send a deje- arntiou of Canadian nurses lo the International Nurses Convention lo lie held in 1'liiiyi in ll2l Plan were formulated lit lhvs end al the convent ion of nurses ntteu.le.l by about ninety dele-untes from every section of the province. PEACHES WERE OYER FORTY YEARS OF AGE Sl.MCtlK, Nov. :(. .V quail sealer of peaches perfectly preserved, mil ui whole Jit I88-.', was found in removing eojflents of a house here. Mrs. .'Thomas Marshall, of Victoria, was the housewife whose jar Was treasured for so many years and then forgotten. A pnrload of grain arrived here Ibis wpek but it was nol for llio elevator. 11 eatne hero by mis. take instead of a carload of coal which went to Kauiloops where the grain was suppoeij lo have gone. The carload of uokcd wheat has now been returned by the railway company lo Kain-loops and the coal is boiiu direi iod bark here. Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Lutheran Church Ladies' Itazaar, December i. Aid Two cars' at your service Sneddon Taxi. 1'hor.e 134. tf J'J Taxi and Traiisfsr. 50c service. Day and night. T. Dybbavn. tf Private Christinas Cards printed by Hose, Cowan &. Latla, lib SlreeL tf Curries Taxi and Messeuscr Service. 1'lione 507. ServLv day and night. Stand, Carlto i Cafe. tf llrold Nickersou will -ail on ! Hit I'rinre Ilupert tomorrow morning for Vancouver. Harold Mcllweu, C.N.H. divis ion freight .agent, is making the round trip to Stewart and Anyox on the steamer Prince Ilupert today. Canon W. K. Itushhrook sailed last uivbl on tho Prince Huper for Anyox en route to Alice Arii. where he wMI conduct Auglifa.i Church services on Sunday. Valhalla Benefit flasket Social and dance in Metro pole Hall tomorrow night, November 27 at y.30. Centlcnicn l.0U, ladie-50c. Ladies with baskets free. Ilefreslniieiil. Union freighter Chilkoot, Capl C. II. Smith, arrived from the south yesterday afternoon nnU a Her unloading 10(1 tons of coai here for Philpoll A. Kvitl, proceeded to Stewart. The charge of intoxication against John Thompson wii a;raiu adjiHirned in the city poll..- f.imi.1 lliis imieii i n 'riiiiiiiiini J - v. . . look a fit in the jail yesterday and wa removed lo I lie hospital WIRELESS REPORT 8 a:m. IHtiltY ISLAND.- Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.28; temperature, 10; sea .smooth: 8 p.m. spoke steamer Amour, Anyox for Seal lie, 71 mile. from Anyox. Ill 1.1. HAIUIOIl.- Cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.-12; temperature, 12; liuhl swell. DKAD TllKl? POINT. Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.00; temperature, 20; sea smooth, foggy. Noon DKillY ISLAND. Part cloudy, ratlin : barometer, 30.20; temperature, 17; sea smooth. lit LI. IIAIimm.--l,ar! cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 3(U 1 1 ; temperature. 47-; light swell; 0:50 a.m. spoke steamer Calala in Millbank Sound northbound; 12 p.m. spoke steamer Yukon in Millbank Sound southbound. DKAD Tlll'.i: POIN T. - Clear, calm; barometer. 30.0(1; temperature, 43; sea smooth. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. T. O. tiarretl, O. V. Pearson. C. It. McMullan, N. Murchie. Charles P. Coles, K. Anderson ami family, I". II. Smith, Vancou ver; J. V. Anderson, Winnipeg; P. tiraiiam, Toronto; Itev. K. Hudson. Ocean Falls; Mrs. 11. (U'ccnwood, Triple Island. Central P. (iiaham, Toronto; Mr. and 'Mr, t E. l-age. Smitber. DOMINIQN OF CANADA WAR LOAN BONDS V MATURING Id DECEMBER, 1925 "THE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge, at any of its Branches in Canada. . For the convenience ofowners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to December 1? t, and will make payment in each case o Dec mber 1st, either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit in the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Home women, even though they realize what a waste of time and what a liring job washing is, slill Ihcy struggle with washday because they think laundry service is beyond Iheir names. Hut if they'd only try our Thrift-T Service they'd know how economical laundry service can he. Kverylhing washed clean, your flat work ironed, wearing apparel jusl lo iron and the cot is only 5c per lb. and lc per piece. fiet rid of washday and you'll have many new hours a week lo use them as yon wish. You'd like lo have them of cburse, so don'l let the pennies stand in the way. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plaut is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 381s Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Will leave PRINCE RUPERT rr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and luteniuiliitf ix.inti each FRIOAV at 8 a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART am! ANYOX, WEONESOAV, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorlnlgllllj for VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE PUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aiA SATURDAY al 8 p.m. for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, -Jl points l.aMem . auaria, I nlleU Slates. WHEN REMITTING land Canadian National Eipratt Mont, Ordtrs and Foralgn Chaquti. WHEN TRAVELLING carry Tratallars ChtquM. for -a'.' h .anaillal. alh.uil llv. Tuk.'l Airemv ana Kpre orrice. YOUR NEXT EXPRESS SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Oirica, 628 Third Aa, Prlnct Ruptrt. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT Phont 260 BEST PROCURABLE tzjt S0TTL10 A 6UBNTU0eY mi N fHOOUCI Of SCOTLAND 0iia,lt The Original Label look for il at Ilia Vendor's and Insist on GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or displayed by. the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government .of British Columbia.