T AOR SIX TOTS DAILT IfKWS Wednesday Anj.jf We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher than any other store in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Morchant of the North Listen! Have you considered your home market Buying at home is building your own town. If your home merchants prosper you will get a benefit somehow. First, he needs more help. He will employ someone living in the town; and it takes two to build a home. If you spend your money out of town . naturally you are helping Hie., other community. Visit our store and we guarantee satisfaction. You pel more for your . money and in return you set 5 per cent on each dollar. Our system has proved satisfactory to others. Why not try it? In 11)23 we cashed over '.'.i00 in tickets and in i'J2 we cashed &2.G00. In 1925 till July 31sl, we cashed $3,500 in tickets. It will pay you to spend your cash with us. Mussallems 417, 423-5th Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 JDemers Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 5 I'inco Orchestra, i Dance l lie 3 for 25c 1 ree Admission. I J. WARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 0. X-Ray Service Phone C86. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnlngs TO FLY ACROSS HECATE STRAITS Lieut. MacLeod Will Have as His Passenger Tomorrow Major Ashton of S.S.B. Having as his passenger Major,. V.. J. Ashton of Ottawa, commis-j sinner of the Soldiers' Settlement Hoard, who will arrive in the city from the East on tonight's train, Flight Lieutenant Karl MacLeod will leave the Digby Island base of the lloyal Canadian Air Force tomorrow morning for the Queen Charlotte Islands in flying boat OA. The plane will spend a week on the Islands during which time Major Ashton will look over tfle land there while Lieut. MacLeod will be engaged in patrol duties. The ship will be flown over Graham Island tomorrow and a landing will be made at Skidegate. . HALF MILLION TONS ORE SHIPPED FROM ST. JOHN'S. Nfld.. Aug. 20. Ore shipments from Hell Island, known as the world's greatest iron reserve, from the opening f the present navigation season up lo Auju-l o, total oi,19 tons. The total shipments las'. year amounted 10 OJ2,oi urns WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Us TAKE MTICE that Cleaner CimH- dated Gold Mine. Limited. wboe addrea 15 101 urknlre Building. Vancouver. B.C. will aDi.lv fur a licence tu take and tie IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. j In the Matter or the AdinlnlMratlon Act; and In the Matter or the F.clale or Jack ChrU-trr, OereaMHj Intestate. TAKE M'TirE that by order r Ills Honor F. Men. Ymin. made the Ulh day or inly. A.p. IttS. I appointed Ad ministrator or the estate nr Jack rhrlMoff. deceased, and all partlea havinr claim arainst the ld estate are hereby rr cjiilred to rnmlsh same, properly reriried "i me on or before the Snth day or Ainriist. .n. tv?. and all pari lei indented in- ettate are required tl pay the amount or ineir inaeuieaneit to nie rortnwiin. lMt a. watt. orrirlal Adrninlitrator Prln'e nupert, B.C Paled the nih ir nt IiiIt. !& Boy's Suits Our Hoys Furni.liinfr I)e-Iiartmcnl in al its lest. We can n u If if your hoy from head lo fool. Hoys' Suits with one or two pair pant. Sipn 2 years to 1(1 years, l'riced from $5.75 up Jabour Bros. Limited P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garrett representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. t?pecialliiifr In Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals Hello Daddy -dont Vteyomtttfltr rooking f when YrorVdr4. Iti gmtimie frotnatr five months. Selkirk Itayview Slip & pacV4e In your pocket rrhen' yon bo home lo- Gir the ycmn$alm IM rHoleomlon$-lartin$ sweet -for pleasure 4 fcofiUl. mm There is to be further aerial for (he twelve uicuuli period patrol carried out on the Island 'Shipments to tloilawl and Uer-this season but, pending it being many this year amount to KM.. STOCK MARKET H.C. Silver ... Daly Alaska . Dunwell Gladstone : Hazellon I'reniier all or ten second reel or water out 'uti porter r.l.ii.. ,'M.lr Aid.. btu.u-M . . Il,itl 1 i'"1- Idaho Creek, which flow westerly and tlraln!MIVercresl .... Inlu Taku Ami ilxiut 0u feet wtuth rc,,, ,.. . Knalnetr Mine rt.xk. The water will IwiU"1 ,n,el diverted trim tlx? utream at a lnt iNmiI'I, nn(l " I lou reel oulhwel or the lKrtheal ctw- ',N ner r the Myow.m mineral claim. Lot! lenniUlls o. lit, and will be used tor ininlnir pur-ifl.n ,.im,l poses on the Gleaner property. Lots o.l,,uwc -""o 39. Ill) and ill. Thtf notice was postrdi tmlinn n the irrimnd on the rd day or Auynt,!., . , isii. a ropy or this notice and an ap-1 Marmot Metals pllrallon pursuant thereto and to IO"ii,,f,ltI "Water Art. tttt." will he riled In thel,lu,us - orrire or the Water Itertirder al Allln.' Grailby with the Mid Water Hecurder or with the Comptroller or Water lllrhts. Parliament Hul.'-tinir. Vlrpirla. :.(:., within thirty day arter I lie flrt appearanre nt this notire In a local newpaier. Tlw date or the nrst publlratloii or thl notire U tlx- tltti day or Auinit. IS. OLE A.N tit C0.0l.lliTKD OOl.ll MIE3. LIMITF.n. Applicant. fly O. n. Smith. renl. IN PROBATE. Kid .80 1.55 .3 2.IH .00 VS 20.00 .01 13.00 .04 .05 BASEBALL Asked 1. 10 .25 K80 .27 .02 U 2.25 .15 .07 .25 .50 .00 .15 .18 MM .Otf 4 American League. Philadelphia -U Cle eland I. New York 7. Cliirago I. Iolon . Detroit 1 1. Waahinjrlon 2, SI. Louis 8. National League St. Louis i, Ilrooklyn 5. Chicago 10, Philadelphia 10. PillshurK I, Holon 2. Cincinnati 0, New York 7. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laait Lan In Prince Itupert Land liernrdlmr ! Irlci or Prince llupert. ami ltuale al liartleit Pulnl. Wales land, llrltlsh Columbia. TALK MiTirK I lut Analo-Hrlll-li Col umbia Parkin? i.oiiipunr l.liiillcl, or Vancouver. Ii.:., nrruialirti rackere. in ienl4 to apply rr a lea. or the follow 111! derrilird lailif.4: Oiiiiinenrliir at a pwt planted on the kiii Hi lmre or liarllrtt I'tMnl. Walea 1.-lainl, at hlah wiler mark, tlwnce tit an easterly direction alunv luali water mark rirt eirht loirwl real reel, more or le, ti a piMl markeil .n. I.K.; thence noiilli-rl in i In I in, mure or lean, to low water mark; '.hence In a wcierly direclkm almit low water mark furiy eUhl hundred eel. more or leu; thence nortnon)' I" tialn- lo ihiIiiI or roimiienrnneiit, anil iiiilalniim 75 acren. more or leiw. A.NOLO-nillTHII COI.H.MIIIA I'ACKIa CO. I.TII. Appllrant. Per Walter E. Walker. Ar-nl tiaied July m. mti. LAND ACT. Nolle or Intantion to Apply to Purthaa .ana. In tin Land lleeurdmir niatrlrt nr Prince llupert. and ornate at Awiim li ver. Awiim Hay, Mataett Inlet. J,r.. Itlanda. TAk'K NOTK.E that Mr. Jamea Tleld inr Stranr. i.f Sutmyaide, H.i'., nertipatluit iiiarileil wiiinan. Iiilcil to nj'p'y fur fier- iiiimiii in iitirf:nae ine iuiii .irlljed laniln C'lnniiencinr at a poat planted at high water warn. Awiim noer; tiieni'f rnaint nnrtli; thence 10 chain vveat. more or h to mirthwect corner Iit 1517; thence Hi i-lialna arnitli; tliince IS etialna eail; i hence to rhalna north; ttieine t rhain went-, I he lice it rhalna notilti to tiolnt o; ''niniiieiiceiiient. and coiitaininir so acre, inoru ur lenft. NItS. JAMKS FIELniSO STIiANO. Apiilleant. rer win. u. Miieneii. . . . reni. naien mir -tn. Ufa j TENDERS WANTED. CKM.I.Ii IKMiUtS will lw received l.v he iiiKlcr-iniiil up to Friday ihmiii, HIi KepteiidM-r. rr the -Ktipply nf i;ijAI. (H'O toim and lipi at the Prinee llupert Oeii- erai HiMpital nd .Vureen' II'iiih-. to lie dn llvered r and wlwn reunited. iH-tuern the iiMiidha or Seiteiiiber,i IVti, and April. Ir,, an rollowa: (a. PKA t:OAI.. 'U. I.H Ml' COAL. Teiiilerer imiM rperiry Hie iumI anil unole on each lli in. aa afmve, H'liaralely. The arni ioiiiImpai. uiii r... 'iiilri-d lo rimiiKh a aaiiiplu or any or alt mi to lit supplied. The lo. hi, in anv lender, not tierc arilj ar'-eplrd, iiuuiv w iiiiini 19- oetretary RUSSIA TO BE DISCUSSED BY U.S. CONGRESS Question of Recognition to be Opposed but Trado Continues to Grow WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. ;lly ; Canadian I'ress). The question of recognition of Hussia will lie up in the coming session oT Congress once more. Indication nre (hat it will. be discussed wild uiorc animation and arcrbilv i hati ever. I On the one hand, Senator lioruh, chairman of the Foreign Iteluliuns Committee, is prewiring 'o forre.lhe issue to the front on all occasions when it seems 'opportune. On Mir oilier hand, conservative leaders in Congress and in ollicialdom are as ilnicb oppiiM'd to recognition as ever, Heccnlly, trade figures have been made public through llus- definitely ascertained as to the 951 tons and to Canada I5J.H13. ,;m sources slmwiiisr that 111. condition of piano GN which Ions, a total of 581,797. whereas ! trA Je between the United Stale made a forced landing in Mil- last year the greater portion of!alu Hussia- Is steadily and per-bank Sound at the end of the the entire output won I to Can- ceidiblv increasing The Sovie week, plans as to which plane will ada. The local Daily News point jt;(m.rnnieiit, j j, mud, I peek-carry out the work have not yet out in an editorial .that ship- m? 0 promote trade With the been definitely miide. Flying menls to Germany and Holland. United Stales on the theory thai Officer A. H. Hull is still at o far this year are 05.7 per cent' increase of trade will lend to China Hat looking after plane greater than last year when the bring alwut the reeognilion. The GN. . (total for the twelve month per-fni n.-.i Irani- u .r.uii. in Mod was 21)0,029 Ion-. The news- 'pjte of statement or -01116 gov-jpaper also points with sa!isfae-eriim,.n, ollierals thai Hussia has tion to the showing of shipments no ,ra(l, jM.jtiililo-s is not dis-to Canada this year in view ofiPllttHj or has not been to date. .Ihf fuel llmf tin iOiif tiiee llmi .im. . ... n... linn I,M- iac ,,,ai ou!,, nrn ipi inn 1 DELL loLANU, WrLU. I,Ia' Sydney, and Its lail vear , a .,oujrlt heavily ol ..jiuiaiui', icjmi in me aiowiun. Krujn products from Canada is of a complete tie-up of the Nova henp ,Wclt on here by the Scotia coal mines for a period of; friend, of Russian reroiniilioii. I is the general understanding that President Coolulge is showing much interest In (he subject but has not rem-hed the point where he is willing to take any step towards recognition. Statements recently made b; William 11. Castle. Jr., cine, o' the division of Western Kurotw- Ian affairs, Department of Stale, are typical of the strong opposition against recognition in some ollieial quarters. Mr. i.'.all who assumed to speak for the administration held the Soviet govern ment and the third interuaJion-ale are practically om opposed recognition, and said the admin istration was against recognition or extension or any loans 10 Russia. Mr. Caslle was more pronounced on the suhjeel Ihnn it is senerally 'underlood here the chief executive himself is. It is known he ha gone over th subject in much detail wild Senator Horali and other friends of recognition. CAPETOWN VISITING VANCOUVER JUST NOW V.VNCOl VKIt Auk- 1LM.S Capetown nrrned here at i p.m yesterday ami wiu tiven u tivic welcome. I'ln evening the offl cers are In lie Burnt at a for in ;il dinner al the Hotel Van couver. nf .Mil i Ail eninc on Hie nort liv'lern (ireeiiland. STEWART coa.sl of A permaueni camp ii lieinjr liiiilt on the Alliany jiroperly two miles from tin- road al an elevation of 170(1 fi-el. Development work il 1 announced will he prosecuted with iiror on 1 lie pro perly ilui iiiif I lm cumins? winler. 'IVo Iniiltliiits for winter line are In-in if i runted al I'orly- lilne and dcvi'liipnifliit of the properly continue. Jack I'edei Kin uud Harry How-eon, who bomliMi the Suiiilllno frroup upd oimilzfd a Hyndloatc to work it, are carrying on work at llui mine wilji good resullK. Sonic of tlio. iidjas go 100 ounces In cilM'r? o llio Inn. 1'iiiin hi wiiiiHHirrry m viHliiiijr IiJm urotfier Mprklll here. Dalhy II. THORNTON SAYS GRAIN CROP IS GOOD ONE BUT NOT EXACTLY BUMPER TiilluNin. An;. -'. i."tidi-tion in c;cni i.aiiuilu ure x- eellenl. aeconliiiK ' Sir Henry riioruton, who arrived in lo- rmilii ti il iv i i hii iniig iroin an iiieiecl'n lour of western lines. KxtimalitiK I lie Kiaiu rrop to he worth oo,imhi,ooo more than vrar'x. Sir lli-nry enrild it h- V""l. I tioitK li ii"t perhaps a InimpiT uno." PREVENTING TONG WAR IN STATES IS EFFORTOF POLICE XKW YOIIK. Auk. Wide-xpreml rirHaulnni were taken today hy I In- indx-e ilirotiithotit (lie I itilfd SI a ten In rut ithorl the Chinese Ton war in whieh lour i;iimee were killed and three wounded in I lie lat 2 hour. .More than 1 00 Cliine have been arreted and an extra detail of polio Riiarded the varHln r.liinalownn. Mr. Itoherl (inrdon. who ha- heen on n biiyinu (rip lo Vancou ver, returned hmne on Hie Prinee ieorge'llii iitoriiintr. UiUlilLLfin 011110 Nolle or Intantlcn to Apply to FvrthaMl I Land. ARE SAILING SOUTH ,n ,tr wxizzrj I twenty tour '!, Itanac rite ' . " i.oaM llU1r. u-iiiivi:ti.v i !. TAkL oth:i; Umi iriiicli- l. mm.. I t .u. ..i. '" r prince Itiinrrt, H.i... tuerrluiil., mlen.i Mac.Millan expcilitimi rexumed itn i M f' vrm-um . titr-ie tie ...11.. .ij.4t..l hiuU. Miutliward vn;ite weather liouiul for LAND ACT. ... after heiiw;', ou.nwnrtna; at a P il planled al IIm ....n. I ,i-.v- ifrieai nier or ioi iweuty nr tt . ni.tiiiii i,.ii,, ma :. . : iiiiri i ou.ii. i- LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention lo Apply to Pvrthaao Land. In Hie Mnd llnrordim IllnlrKI nr Prince Imparl, ami altitale at I lie iiinulli .r Hlk rail creek which rhiw min tin Keilall luver ahoui In ruil fn.in II iinjolli TAkK S"TI i: lltat JoIim A. Kmiih or I'llnce IdHrt, II. c... imtuimIIoii lumber loan. Intend, l.i apply for ii-ciiiLhwii p, purc)iae th- rollnwlnc ilexrllied laud- Onwneii' inif at a ixnt idanteii m the aouthweal rnriter uf Lot oak; llanfe f.ior. lUrnne 1 lMln northerly; Ihenci- nn rni .1111 wenlerly. Heire or lama, o the l'.ci I'er r. v liatad Antiial th. lilt a. LAND ACT. Prince Rupert Annual Exhibition noulherly oulherlV! tall IllVer; tin me no rlialua Mi-iicr av cfiain eaoerly I I MMlth IMMX two elMtlia; IttMi-e wot forty chain-1; thence uorth eittii rhaiua, liajfe or b'M. to hlth water UMik. (Ih iik nor lliMtl ahmr tatarti water mark lo point or eoffiineiiri-ineiit. and nmtalnini elaht. (Hii acre, more or le. , I'KIZZKI.I.'K I.IMITUi I tppllcanl 1 I uled VnaiMl I Ulh, 'A.H.. j and eouuintnir aerea, inore or lew. JOIIM A. SMITH. Am. IP am lllrl, Arent. Notlca of Intanllen to Apply lo Pvrthaaa Land. In the land llwnrdiiK IHntrlrl t prince unpen, aim oiiiaie on inr rail Creek which Mown liipi Um- Lcmall Kivci aln.nl l a mile rrnin n numih TAkK. MTH K tlwl prince lltiierl Cpriice Allan iniiinitfce Mllia, l.liolled, of Prlure Illicit, .tiiiiii .1111 Moikill Kin, iiillllllKtl 01 ,if Hut llio nccnpa a ,H.r iiiaimfai hirer., iuiiii.1. in , II.. 1. 1- ..f f.. 1'. ..I 4 ...... I .M.k M,I 1' r..r iu.rn.lM.lirf. 1.. to .... .1... ..i av iiaa a - 1 tnjiiia AnyoX. Is lr;iiUliMi purchase tho rol O'liiliienrlinr al a mini iilanicd 11111111 tn etialn iHirlherlv rnun Um otiihea.i cor tier of lit r.V-. Ilainn- fwin thence 10 riniiin iciruiiTir: inence 01 rnain ealc Willi..... t;i '! thellce n clialli niMitltcrlv; IIkji.i- n Wlllilllll Mnfln, mailllKer of Hill chalim i-Mly tu puiiii .,r cuhneni'. Daly-Alii.xku, homo from I dp to KltK!; hi. Advertise in lbs Daily News i r. lueiil, anil . it... nuininit liiu acrea. mure ur run' k iu pi:n r rni i:r, vnr 1 I.IMlTlh, Ajipllcaui p. I I p II f f,n,t Dated uu.t (U, lSia. and Fair Get your tickets from the students who have the sale in hand and take in all the fun of the Fair. You will have the time of your life Entertainment, ample and varied, is in store for you Field Sports Cowboy Stunts Band and Orchestral Music Addresses and Dances You will be impressed perhaps as never before by the xhibits. You will see an epitome of a country in die making a country of tremendous resource and scenic beauty. You will meet hundrcdi of pioneers whose energy and faith is making progress more and more possible Prince Rupert Calls Come! September 8th to 12th, 1925 Fair Office - - City Hall, Prince Rupert, British Columbia INVOICE No. A 1255 All r,'nid- ill tin- tirr IteiirMifr the ultm : higher iiuliitxT, liave lieen received into our i Feliruury, 1025. Thete Goods are subject to no special reduction 5f." per tent reiliifttoii i rflt-rlive on nn ill our lore under mir i lieduli- of tn k lm year. In "Hmt wonl- .my K"'"'- rei-nvrd pi.'.i1 ( I, l'l.". il md ..!re.idy ld. d no juM -In instead of In iiik .in a--i'l are artu.tlly ,i li.iihi CUSTOMER'S PRIVILEGE it i I he ciiloHier'! pnvileRc to demand (liot'oiint on All giNMlft whieh do not Lear it Ihk'' tliaii A 1 253 wlnrli ruvem exuty item on (he lo ur goMl rereived on lelirur I, ll)2o, provid . oasli fur same. Credit arroimls are mil sulijc t llMrOIMll. OUR GUARANTEE No department m lhi -tore will lie allovv I Hie itivon e numlier mi nuy arln le in lln- i"i-r -ave Hie -iien.il iIim oiiiiI for departmental h ' This Policy to be Maintained Next tni'iiili we will iiiiiMiunp Ho- niv r Hie fir-t Inpnieuf received on March I. 0?;. I ci-nl di' oiiiil a ill Lo then eifei tive on .ill g in Felni;try. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. II ' WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 0 p.m. 'Excuse Me Miiperl IIhkIh's' rollirkuig eomrtly drama 1 .. The ni'is) moving picture of Hie er. The exed !l tint'- of two nearly-wed in the I'ulliiiiiii or train. A berth control comedy. A girl, u boy. tniMin e.iresft, ininiiH the iiiini"li'r, u benoiii n trouble, teari. lie liml Hie girl; lie bail Hie nx parson. A screamingly funny lory of love' . joy. You'll enjoy every miniile of il. Ami IliriH " 1 ttnil litl inn .mi liml leniii tL.rnnL' mt.iinrr i':it ill ' 11UII 1111 .-1 tllf.l. 1 nt .llli'liri ... rnni.J ajncinl. Nnemn ShaiMr .Inhn rtnlfl. WA'lur vumgu l v , .vwiiiim wiivmwip vviiii . RJlai Hlors, William V. Mong, Ronoe Adorce, Edith Yorko, I" - Wolls and olbers. e COMEDY "THE BUCCANEERS," and "MEET THt MISSUS." PATHE REVIEW 35c and 10o UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., L.TD. Saiiinn from rnnca nupert, . 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon . and Alarl Bay, Tuaadafi r ( 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. Far PORT klMTION and Naaa Rlvae Oannarlaa, Friday A.M. nu,,rt., US Snd Aianua. t. Barnalay, Aaant.