December 20, 1920 i: i Wg?,VtSl I la V A . . a, ' Vat M ft All the latent Copyright Books, at each .yj.oo Chums S;j.."o Boys Own and Girls Own ; $:t.7r Canadian Girls and Canadian Boys' Own $l.r, All the Standard Poets. J'lrturc Hooks. Rag Book, Burgess Books, each 7."r Dennison Xma Seals and Tags, per package lop White Tiasuc Taper for wrapping 10?, 3 for rtf McRAE BROS., LTD. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry J)oek Liigiru-irs, Machinists Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern-makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. , Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 Canadian Pacific. Rail way 'WSSff B- C- Coa8t Services c ?i? t r r oainngs rrom rnnce jfAupert T. Vruhllan. Virantrlf, Jaiirau aifd Maj Int. II, 29. T Itnrouirr, MiwU and Srattle It. I. riUNCi:H IICATKirC IkT HutrtUI. Ila't IVrlU lull. (mn lalK Nmu, Alert lUy. Campbell Khrr, and Vnruter rry Saturday. II am. .tfrnry for all Meamhl Une. lull Information from W. C. OltCIIKI. Ornrral Ati-nt. Corner of 4th Mreel and rd Atenue, ITInr Rupert, H.C. Thompson Hardware Co.', Ltd. While Porcelain Enamel Kitchen Cans Always clean and sanitary, can btf emptied and washed with ease. Complete with enamel cover, each .S-.7." Enamelled Child' Sets, consisting of plate and cup, attractively decorated, ir set S5f Infants Baths, white enamelled, decorated or plain, each , $T.0 and Sjili.OO. White Enamel Roasters Seamless, Self Basting, round or oval, with embossed feet, each and 5jVI..'0 PAGE THREE . t: i Hill HI ' J. N. McPhee, customs officer at Bute-dale, Xmas Gifts Xmas Gifts local and Personal who' ha been here for the past week, will return to his post down the 4 coast aboard the Cardena tomorrow night. Arthur' Tail. Phone 678. t: The current issue of. the B.C. Gazette DC. Undertake. Phone 41. announces the incorporation of the Bear River Mining Co.. Ltd. with capitalization Buy Telkwa Coal and keen Tour of $500,000 and bead office money In the district.. SESv'wmKIhIiv ! at Victoria. . 4 PoiWerplandJftiyipendphe holiday. ,m cat. wiu at 'tne wnite ' Capt. John Wick, local halibut boat owner, returned to the city on the Car-aena iast night after a busiuse trip to Vancouver. ' W. R.- Love, who baa been on a combined business and pUasure trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Cardena last night. Just arrived! A" shipment of silk dresses In all the newest shades and I styles at Mrs. Orahlman's. Fifteen per' cent off for the next two weeks. 297! The Scandinavian dance In the Met-ropole Hall on Saturday attracted the usual large crowd which thoroughly enjoyed the music and dance until the hour of midnight. 8. L. Smith, brother of WUliam Smith of the local C.N.R. service, arrived last ; night on the Cardena from Vancouver to spend the Christmas holiday season 1 visiting In the city. j James McAleenan. proprietor of th Stewart Hotel at Stewart, was a passenger on the Cardena last night returning north after a two weeks' bust-neas trip to Vancouver. rteore Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. a. Osborne. 1137 Seventh Avenue tt, arrived en the Cardraa last night from Oorvallls. Washington, where he Is taking electrical engineering studies, to spend the holiday season at hi home. W. Smith of the ON it. city .ticket office will return to the city ort Wednesday after a holiday trip In the south and W. CruMkshank will leave Thurs day night for Vancouver where he will spend Use Christmas and New Year season. , . Announcement Is made In Vancouver of the engagement of Miss Oertrude Amelia Lee. daughter of Mr. and Mrr a. P. Lee. 417 Sixteenth Avenue West, of that city, to Alfred 11. Silk of Bum Lake. The wedding will take place neat Monday at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church - - -- ! ANNOUNCEMENTS i St. Andrew's Society Christmas Tree. i December 37 at 2.30 pjn. St. Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Hogmanay Dance. December 31. Invitations may be had from the committee. Established 1923. OUR FEES ARE MODERATE The fact that this dental office is run on a strictly cash basis enables us to charge uniformly moderate fees for all classes of dental service. Dentistry on credit means higher fees. At the same time we make no charge for consultation. DrEPKennv j DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone Pont Forget m iliujlijhi "" '"" hi ii mmm i iwm ii m Only 5 More Days, to Xmas! DRESSIM! COWNS SUITS HATS AND CAPS OVERCOATS I'hone (Jreen 85. COLLAR BOXES SHIRTS TIES PYJAMAS SUSPENDER SETS SWEATERS , BOXED HANDKERCIIIEIS SILK SCARVES We have Mime wonderful surprises In Boys and Men's Xmas Gifts Steve King 3rd Avenue. 111!) Mode 1-6 $30.00 A Christmas gift the children will cherish A portable VictroU wDl keep the kiddies happy and. contented all year round. No longer wilt they disturb Mother while the is busily occupied. They will joyously , play their own child-songs on this instrument easily operated and constructed to stand rough usage. Holds six Victor records. Your neatest "llis Master's Voice." dealer vriU ilailj ' demonstrate. Give them a Portable Victrola Buy Rupert manufactured shingles from Seal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. t: The night school at the Salvattortj Army will be closed until January 3. Mica Laura frtoell arrived on the Cardena latt night rum New Westminster, where she I attending tin Columbia ColHce. to spend Um holiday season with her partttts. Mr. and Mrs. CKorge Frterell. Seventh Stmt. Capt. Alfred Swaaaos. proprietor at ' the Prince Rupert Boat House, returned I to the city on the Garden last night after having spent the past three or tour weeks In Vancouver and otner southern centres on a .combined, business and paurt trip, t Look in Bent' window and take guesa how many bean are in the Jar. First prise, gentleman! diamond ring, value S75.00: second prlae ladles' .wrist watch 'value 125.O0; third prize, gen tlemen's nugget pin. - ralue 15.00. Bent'a Closing Out Sale. ' U Trapper! Call and show your fun to the Old Reliable House. It will DY you a we can guaranteC to give -you higher price than anyone elae. We have big order for ail kind of furs, especially mink.. Win. Gold bloom, Scoond Avenue. Phone 522. tl 1 afternoon but is scheduled to depart on her return south at 5 p m. Among passenger for points here land beyond coming north on the Cardena yesterday were: for Stewart Miss Muriel Crawford. Miss J. Campbell, Dr. Dellor, Mlsi Melor, J. McAleenan. Mr. McDonald. Mr. Llttlepage; for Prince Rupert-S. L Smith. Qeorge Osborne, M. Langdale. Miss Laura Frlzzfll, Miss Robinson, W. R. Love. L., Mr. Sargent, Mr. Wrlnch. Mr. and Mrs. Aldous, A, Swan-son. L. Voge, Miss Zbura, J. Wick and A. r Nopei for Any:;. A, V. Bailllt. Rev. Dr. R. JbouglaV, wno'haVb'een relieving in the-pulpit 'of : 'thy first Presbyterian Church here for the past few weeks, will .sail tomorrow by the Cardena on his return to Vancouver. Passengers sailing for the Islands on Saturday night aboard the Prince Char les Included Rev. J. G. Glllett, Mrs. P. Ward, Mrs. A. Duval, Mrs. C. W. Swan-son, P. Pierce and Miss D. Edenshaw. Jack Sargent and Leonard Wrlnch, who have been attending school In Vancouver, arrived on -the Cardena last evening and proceeded this morning to their homes in Hazel ton to spend the Christmas vacation. . The Anyox High School basketball team, which bad been playing an inter- town series with Prince Rupert High School at the week end, returned to the emclter town on the Cardena last night. A local team will embark next Sunday night for ar return engagement at Anyox. HAZELTON Bill English was fined S1S0 and sentenced to three months' imprisonment for supplying liquor to Indians. 'Donald McLeod has sent Ills annual donation of S5 for. the Duroose of triv lng the Sunday school children a treat, The annual Christmas tree and school concert was held on Wednesday night lr. the Community Hall, there being a large attendance. A special program. was carried out under the direction of Re. J. H. Young. Miss Parfltt. local school teacher, left for Victoria where she will spend the Christmas holidays. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert. Clear, light south west wind; temperature, 3f. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. -temp. 29. Ross wood. Cloudy, calm. temp. 18. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm, temp. 32. Anyone Cloudy, calm. temp. 33. 35. Hazelton. Cloudy, windy, temp.- 37. S anthers. Snowing, light wind, temp, Bums Lake. Snowing, calm, temp. 28, HOTEL AKHIVALS savo.v O. M. Prantaen. Vancouver: O. Brown and C. B. Flewtri. Port Simpson; J. Johnson and J. Burns, city: Thorns Kent. Skeena City: "Nels Olsen. Naas; George Shoctall, Skeena Crossing; L. Rowe. Ritchie. Prince Rupert J. E. Stephenson. N. L. Lando and Mrs. A. C. Aldous, Vancouver: J. A. Brown. Port Esslngton; D. K. North- over and O. H. Wall. Smithers: B. S. Eientln. Terrace; C. A. Procunier, Sun-nyslde; Mrs. J. Anthony, Remo. ('entral Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. I. Blanchard, Miami.. Mani toba. Although the Inclement weather yes-; terday interfered somewhat with the! than 400.000 foreigner havs attendance at the Sunday School of announced their intention of becoming the United Church the olerlng of the 'French citizens. Intermediate department which is to - be used for the Queen Charlotte Relief Fund, amounted Jo over30.00. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ' Having in tow two lumber laden lost. PAIR OP HORN RIMMED EYE-' scows for Albert & McCaffery. Pacific gIllwSi betWfea Avenue West (Coylel Navigation Co 's tug Cape Scott, y and Cow BaT. na, return Capt. Hansen. Northern. Shipping Co.! . .. 299 1 Ltd.. local agents. arrivcd In port last ' , night from Vancouver and sailed this ! morning on her return ' south with an ' empty. I Miss Muriel Crawford, who attend.-the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, was 1 a pasenger g-ung north on the Cardena last, night to Stewart where she will spend the noii-idays with he parents. Mr. and Mrs. W ; 'j. Crawford. 'Miss Helen Crawford was , unable to come home to Chrlstnuv lowing to an attack of measles. I William Johnson, lloattton Indian. was sentenced by Magistrate H. C. Shaw in Vancouver ponce court to serve six months In Jail on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. It was testified that the accused borrowed S10 from C. Harakl, Atlantic Hotel, on a bundle said to contain furs valued at 1800. but later found to contain old pillows and two smalt scraps of fur. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived tt 6 o'clock last night from Vancouver and wayports and sail ed t 8 for the north. Having all Naas liver calls to make as well as other additional stop, the vessel will probably be late in returning tomorrow r Perfection in ourWhisfy is Due to 94Years Experience (?ODDERHAMRTS PIRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I I'll is advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cnlrot Board or by the lioverninent of British Columbia. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 ASSETS and LIABILITIES 30th October, 1926 ' ASSETS Cash on Kand . . . . . . . . $ 83.4ti.r134.JCj Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks ........ Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Call and Short loans on' Bonds, Dehen- turn and Stocks ....... Dominion and Provincial Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . . Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks jo344.$i7-8t .., 17,000,000.00 i6o,8h,joa",37 79,1 j'7,6 14.18 ig.2jo.7j4-i& 4,465,251.16 Quick Assets . . $424,919,084.27 Loans and Discounts and other Assets Bank Premises ......... Liabilities of customers under letters of credit (as per contra) . ; . . '. I Total Assets . 330.8jj.870.06 11,800,000.00 1 3,951. 190.87 . $781,525,145.20 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Notes in circulation .... Deposits Letters of credit outstanding . Other liabilities ..... Total Liabilities to Public Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public 656,259.467.15 13S51.190-B7 I.O3O. U7 .20, 5 710,417,775-11 . $ 62,107,369.98 PERFUMES In Original Bottles and Bulk Perfume Novelties, Atomizers, Sachet. Toilet Waters. Toilet Sets to Suit all Tastes-Manicure Sets and Rolls, French Doll Powder Puffs Powder Boxes and Jars, Bath Salts and Tablets. Compacts, Double and Single, in all Shades Face Powders, Face Creams and Lotions, Lip Sticks, Rouge, Eyebrow Pencils. ' ' Stationery in Lovely Boxes and Colors Portfolios, Fountain Pens, Eversharp Pencils, Pen and '' Pencil Sets. : Hair Brushes for Ladies or Men Military Brushes, Whalebone Brushes, Ebony or French Ivory Ladies Brushes. . , ,. , Christmas Chocolates in Boxes and Baskets , , 'Bridge Score Pads, Playing Cards in Leather Cases, Shaving Soap in Bowls, Kodaks and Brownies. ' French Ivory is on Sale at Cost Baby Sets, Thermos Bottles, Razors, Photo Alburns. Brocks' Christmas Crackers Tags and Seals, Place Cards, Christmas Cards, Ribbons and Tissue Paper. f-v A Gift that lasts the year round is a subscriptions to a Magazine Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists - The Rexall Store Three Registered Pharmacists Srd Ave. and Gth Street Phones82 and 200 Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince; Rupert, as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter P.O. Box 247 wn 00 Prince Rupert, llC- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prince Rupert, lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanson Hay and Alert Hay, itc, Tuesday, i p.m. I'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Hay and Swanson Hay, etc., Saturday, 9 a.m. For PORT SIMPSON', ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART and Naas Bler canneries. Sunday, 8 p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. It. M. SMITH. Aent. Itlnee Rupert II. C.