T t -3 Mi I'.! a ff.' 4; ! : Mi :i ti i i r r - ismt, a uktllhood that the Dear ay will be operated al Stew ' according to J. W. Blew-t-cwart Land Com(anjf. wh ' wart and family are on Scotland on a rlslt. They t"t Uiu morning and will Qutbee for Otasgow. " said they were expecting g definite word thai - w.uid be operated, at first tad to get out the timber 1 and later In the devclop-' mines and poulbly It may led o the Interior. The main Getting It in operation, a was built by, the Donald rf-U at the time ot the E'ewart yeara ago but was wd to go out of repair. It be reconditioned before It I td If this should hapivn ' oitwart ia in tor a flurry, -!" i.iilnk. LIBERALS ARE RE-ELECTED 'NMENT SOU ALL "iiiiiit A COMI'IETF. CONTEST AND LAW MV III: lilANOEII '!i!TAWA' Nov ,0--lv'rth the acclam-Kin." E 'rtld Wrday to Hon. J. U,,, m Ea" Kootenay and Hon. Jamea trt North ,,ruc ,a tna mluU" bf nv. L 80Vrr"nnt of Premier King oecn acclaimed by the electorate,. fn ' lhe Bovwnmeiifa mln-n.t Wers 1 . twl b' oclamatlon a week ago it mini ftturn without opposition ot .ep nt t...(... ...... '"blui "'"in anu civil re-rw- 'unfl" ana t minister of trade lr "mm,,r the two remaining mem-l government, has given tU lrodu'JdU,Mllon tht b may be In-n ' 11,9 n'xt session obvlatlnB " t ;ra, i ,., ........ . . lr 'u ' 01 "Oiding mlnUtertal by- ... w in three months of a gen 1 Ocnr al Manager ot Western Region. CamdU: National R lway GOLD SHIPMENTS FROM tni tor, be i.ri ih boat a Board ger consisting of Q. W. Ntckerson, i .t iinrM n JIIV ..... o xirrsnerv ana umm to him a Bir Henry district requirements. Kir Henry. wl" addressed luncheon this Mm Bsssssssssssssssssassw Bsssassi assaaam NOME ON THE INCREASE j SEATTLE. Nov 10. -Oold shipment from Nome to the United Statea up to the present month increased by 1400.000 over shipments for last year Total ahipmenU to date amounted to 68,038 ounces of gold valued at ll.SIS.-063 Shipment of tin from the mines at Tin City near Nome totalled 33,700 wuuds Thomson and presented " "I- . . i..J memorandum 01 porv the Oyro afternoon and who will Mn l'k a.PUblle ban-quet being Riven tonight In the Com-modore Cafe, stated to a rrprecutatlv that any "nounc. of the Dally New. ment. he might have to make would be made at the meeting tonight. ; Member, of the party, which will pro-cred direct to Calgary tomorrow morn-L train which U at 8 30 on a special re 8. J. Hunger- . ready in ?oru vice-president In charge of opera- r. viv Taclflc Const mana- oo" v ' . tM,t cinvrrnmriih - 'Minimum Wage Hoard had a right to; I discriminate In mature of this kind In sistint general maangcr of western lines; H. A, Dixon, chief engineer. Winnipeg: W. O. Manders, freight tranV! manager. Winnipeg: A. H. Eager, gencrel superintendent of motlTe power and car department, Winnipeg; A. McCowan. superintendent of car department. Winnipeg; C. C. Labrle, purchasing agent, Vancouver: Dr. J. M. Leney. assistant chlif medical omcer: J. M. Horn, general freight agent. Vancouver; CI. H. Lash, publicity representative; Mr. Tap-ley, englneen of maintenance of way, and O. W, Shaw, private secretary to Sir Henry. Accompanying the party north from Vancouver today were C. J. Quantlc, auperlntendent of motive power. Van- 25 TAXI Ambulance itnd Boston Grill Service! Lirge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing nj where nl Anytime floor, for hire. m4ndf Kchangc Hulldlng NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. ' 3IATT VIDKCK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 437. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ' 4.i " T ... . v or.i w PRINCE RUPERT, U.C.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1926. Circulation 1653 Sales 331 Price Five Cents. - - 1 ; SIR HENRY W. THORNTON 1 J ulv Thornton as well as n largo party 01 iiruminc.u u( iu w- , " . v 1 1 nmriann nci) ra U'nv 11 1 IPC- I ....... ned in the presidential I''J '""" , president ana cnairman 01 me 1 . .. . !.! f V... Ilnnrr! nf Trni l Ilhd other mem-: r, m.i. r...j.. w. fllrtf 1 1 It II H II II . IllCrluirilv " - 1 nuniu v uuiv.w. n, bi.iiaui.it - -" were i uni rM..v v..- ""JJ rs of the boani present T-v. .1. mm, ger irpr western lnirru I"11 intra, w. v. vnt.it.uui u. , muv 1 . . . 1 f EIGHT OPPOSE MUSSOLINI LAW ROME, Nov 10. Mussollut's defence law Including the Institution of capital punishment for attempts against the lives of the premier or member, of tlw Royal Family, were approved today by the Chamber of Deputies on a vote ot 395 to 8. Simultaneously the Assembly unseat ed the Communists and 130 oppositionists ot parlous parties, who refused to participate in Parliament since the Mat corner; S. Morrison, district engineer, teottl murder in the summer of U2. and Thomas Louden, marine auperln-j . " C O M.M V mana.ll.-ntl.ut A, KUigsUud. gclt.MJ Vancouver. j Advertus la Th Dally News ssffiZ) visrroRS here tod a y ION AND 1 amr iw nnwM mnvrmn thdv r.ATmomn mm i mm a mm chooinouse dmasned by Storm That Struck It and Killed Children J Mi, ATA. Mo.. November 10.-Fifteen children met death! ; rt!a when a twisting windstorm struck suddenly out of a ; 1 -1 it tl i . . . - . . .. . nu Biiaut-rvu me scnoomouse nere in which sixty child-1 Al leasl HJ others are suffering from injuries. i,s 'rm, wnicn wrougnt navoc and destruction along a ii " i- -rat wiuc. came wimoui warning. Some of the children' r a "til lt 700 fol frr.m tha uWI TL. Al r i I m - -led against trees and the content of the school scattered; rr a -r:cr of a mile over the landscape. NrkKkNIk DEALS WITH RELATIONS Ul-illll m a. I lll mii ii:t tti:iLT nirii nv fKl.MllKS W'l H 10 British genius foe asserting itself in th! ' in Prroirlfrt' rommii-l npailat, latalkma. al XUt. .imnet Ta Domini u- , ' jt ; trt H moat ot tnt iir. in of tk owifrrtmr .u jr to truth a dt-.ti,. c ' ira tbt and of llt rfc . t-mnf nt naa bttn rracMil t utu but it u thought r re Ira that the nviat !.kr : be a alatetnent tmn ,e atatua of the rat: ' mm maealiti ail iiiairaifi an way MiK STEWART SOON in(i:mkm i.pi,ni;ii to iii: NWK Of I.T AIII.IMIMK.NT 01' LOMilM) AMI MININU KOtll Aceardlag to the Mary relited by Ml Ethel Oram. teacher of the rtmntr7 class Of U. tfee wind struck the build -lof. Movie an the windows and In ' Uses a sseond. the children, equip-sneflt and paru of the building seemed to be 111 tad up aivd hurled away. Tb alorm did not cover a wide area but ToaaMcrabl property damage la reported within a radlua of 30 mtlea. V. A. KINGSLAND This bridge at Dunblane in Saskatchewan will complete the banch line of the Canadian National Railways linking Central Rutte on the Kiverhuret sub-division wi.h Dunblane on the t'jnoueit sub-division. The bridge is to be opened this month and Hoards of Trade of I.(rina, Moo. e- Jaw and Sasatoo7i will participate in the opening. The bridge, which has been under conbtruttion for two years and which will carry vehicular a3 weira rail traffic, arid branch line will effect very considerable mileage saving and will provide for a more direst routing of coal and other materials over the lines of the Canadian National to and from point in southwestern Saskatchewan and southern Alberla. There are ten spans supported by nine concrete piers and two abutments. MINIMUM WAGE YANCJOUVETt, No 10. -Cocn:ted on the firt rliarge laid under the new minimum age at", aa applied to the lumber induatry the tlobertaob Ai Ilackttt Savrn'.lla Ltd. were fined ten; dollar! in the police court yeaterday 07' Uaglatrate 8baw and orrparatlona have! been made tor lodging an appeal. "1 realize that ttua la a teat and Is uot uu, iw tat iie uwuNLswiiM' exUcme . curative method. uumwu. . ..A ... t 1. . ' -i'-l . . Lion and Lamb Lie Down Together at Meeting of Conservatives, Vancouver VANCOUVER, November 10. The annual meeting of the Vancouver Conservative Association, despite earlier forecasts, was a quiet, good humored gathering. W. J. Bowser in a short speech announcing his candidature for the leadershin. created amiupmp .t 1 : 1 " ' ' F v; i2ld uijttrave sihaW in imposing tu when he declared: "ItVoften been said that polities' males strange minimum tine. ! bedfellows, and here on this platform is a bed on which the lion 4. w. de B. Fame thereupon asked and tire lamb arc lying down together. I need hardly add that Gen-for a stated ce aa to whether the eral McRae is the lion and I am the lamb." General McRae, frankly enjoying kidded" the audience In return with 1 ukt u in u. wwupaww.w. v.equa rooa nature. i the lumbar Industry for action and not ! A rpe?lal committee was appointed to I including" bfters. consider the proceedings of the Saanlch Oarar Orr. city prosecutor, auted that . Coruerratlve meeting tor the election thr order waa laaued conctrning tne 01 ocjegaves 10 ne Mmiwpi raunuuu 'lumbermen as Hie first "atep toward : establishing ae scales In all Indus-tiles referred to In the text ot th4 statute. it aiii: HTML m:i:ino ARCTIC CONTINENT ALASKA. Nov. 10 Carl Hammond, a dog" driver with the Detroit Arctic expedition at Point Barrow, when the Norge passed over there on May 12, after flying over the North Pole, expressed the opinion that land sighted ,300 miles north ot Alaska was mistaken for Point Barrow. He declared the Norge flight supports his contention. Sir Henry and Lady Thornton and Party Visiting the City and Are Being Entertained which It la charged was Irregular and the committee Is to meet In Vancouver , on Saturday. 1 Announcement by R. It. Pooley. j MU.. leader of the Conservative opposition In the Legislature, that he will uot be' a candidate at the forthcoming Conservative convention tor the leader ship of the party and a declaration by w J. Bowser that his name will be placed before delegates, featured the meeting his unique position, INVESTIGATE THE DRUG ACT KENORA, Nov. 10. A commlsilon will be appointed by the Government for the completion of an Inquiry Into an, alleged combine In the drug trade. Ap- j polntment of commissioners under the act la being made by Minister ot Labxj Heenan In order to provlda the propi-le tary articles association with the full est opportunity for formal presentation I ot their case as requested by the Advertise in The Dallv Newn ceeds, Next on the list. It is planned, win be the most Important and sensational case coming before the court at thl. time, namely the murder charge against the Indian youth. Joseph Sankey. who is alleged to have killed Miss Loretta Chlsholm, school teacher, at Port Es-aington on May 33 ot this year. , The case of Hrgbert Hanson, charged with theft, la the third and last crrav lual case on the docket. A. M. Johnson, K.C.. deputy attorney general, la prosecuting ln all case, and L. W. Patmore has the defence tor tha three. One divorce case is to come before the court, that of Thomas Hetton va. Mary Hetton with H. Frank named as co-respondent. The petitioner wUl be represented by L. W. Patmtfre. A certiorari application of Capt. Cameron against a conviction and fine of 100 Imposed by Magistrate McCly-mont tor a breach of the harbor regulations will complete the list of case.. The proceeding, will be brought In by L. W. Patmore on behalf of Capt. Camerar. FISH ARRIVALS - Two Canadian boata offered their catrhca here today, the Nuba with 3.-00 to the Canadian Fish & Cold Star-age Co. and the Mayflower with 5,000 pounds to Atlln Fisheries. The price wns about 20c and 8c. CALIFORNIA (TAKE ANAHEIM. CaL Nor 10 An earthquake ot sufflcleut Intensity to ahak the windows was felt here last nigh: Ho dunage la reported ; S. J. HUNGERFORD BgsK. f iBaawaaaaaaBl SSSBSSSSSSSSSSS1 lggH gggH Vice-president in charge ot operation, Canadian National RaUways. Supreme Court Assizes Opened Today with Mr, Justice Macdonald Presiding to Try Three Cases t With all the usual formalities the fall session .of the Sunreme I Court Assizes for Prince- Rupert district opened this morning at 11.15 o'clock with Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald presiding. His Lord ship, in opening court, briefly reviewed the cases on the docket and adjournment was taken until 2.30 this afternoon. The first case being taken up is that of Lee Foon, Chinaman, charged with the attempted murder of a, countryman, Chan Bow Hung, at Captain's Cove during tho summer. After the Grand Jury has returned a true bill, the empanelling of a jury will commence this afternoon before the hearing pro- , The following are those who have been called tor Jury service: I IRANI! Jl'RV Oeo. H. Arnold. Don Brown, Thea Collart. Harvey C. Fraser, Qeo. J. Frlz- zell. T. J. Fuller. E. C. Olbbons. E. Large. George F. C. Letts. Qeorge Me- Ilmoyl, Chas. V. Malrs. Wm. Tattersall, D. Thomson. PETIT JIRV Frank Aldrldge. R. E. Benson. O. Besner, R. Blance, A. J. Bishop, Jos. Brown, W. Buchan, John Bulger, O. B. Casey, 8. V. Cox. J. A. Curtis, S. Darton. W. H. Derry. II. M. Foote. P. Oamula, P. J. Olbbons, Martha J. Otlchrist. Joun J. OUlls, W. J. Oreer. Sid ltamblln, Julia Hammond, James Hampton, James Hunter, M. M. Lamb. Elizabeth Lancaster, Chas. Lemon, H Letourneau. Malcolm McArthur, W. L. McKenzle, M. M. McLachlan. A. H Mcpherson. James Mennlc, W. H. Montgomery. Ethet Morgan, Margaret R. Munro. J. Naylor. Jame. Reld, S. V. Relth, J. Fred Ritchie. W. Roth well. P J Ryan. E. Sabourin, Frank Salter. Fred Scadden, Daniel Scherk. W. It, 8her ir.au, J. A. Smith and Douglas P. Stork CONFERENCE COMMITTEES AREMEET1NG REOLl TIO.N IIEINd PREPARED I OK M'BMISSIU.V TO PLENARY (jATII-ERIMI or PREMIERS LONDON. Not. 10 The Imperial Con- iference has become a conference ot conference committees which are now caching the stage of passing resolu tions. Within the various gatherings of delegates there are almost constant knots of members pcrlng over draft re-o.uUons and suggested amendments. Yesterday the conmlttee on nationality, which la considering naturalization difficulties ot British women Hurried to aliens reached virtual agreement on Its resolutions but there Is stilt the question aa to whether or not thee sh:uld contain some retroactive pro-Tlslona. Taken as a whole, the conference la In such a stage of flux as where the exact terms of the resolutions are still at Issue. There will probably not be a plenary meeting ot the Imperial Conference until next week for consideration of the resolutions, although there may be one on Friday. immELriunio IN DEFENCE IN9TRICTS ATTORNEY TO FILE AN.xUCR TO ALLLUATIONS AOAINST HER ANO Dt. I EN II L.NIER LOS ANGELES. Nov. 10. Committ ment papers holding Almee Sempls Mcpherson and her ro-defendanu to trial on three Counts of conspiracy are In the hands of the criminal division' , ot the superior court and .consideration la being given to what 'judge should preside at the trial of the evangelist. Mrs. McPherson announced that she had instructed her personal attorney to tUe answers and flgat the allegations ag'alnst her In the suit t;r sUnder fUed by Mr.. Vera KlmbaU, a defense witness at the hearing. The evangelist accused Mrs. Vera Kimball of having been the - Miss X, ot Carmel Cottage, the visitor with Ormlston, the fugitive MOLTEN LAVA KILLS MANY FLOWS FROM ACTIVE VOLCANO AND OVERtWIELMH PEOPLE IN ITS COIR.SE SAN SALVADOR, Nov. 10. Fifty-seven people perished In the canyon of Matazano overwhelmed by a Jow of motion lava from Izalco volcano, according to advices received today. The lava flowed In a stream 400 yards wide and spread over a large area, The In habitants of the neighborhood are fleeing from their homes, tearing renewal of the eruption. The latest reports .aid the eruptions had lessened In violence but - volcanic ashes were .tilt falling In the vicinity. PRINCE WILL COME FOR CELEBRATION DIAMOND JUBILEE LONDON, Nov, 10. Although not om-dally announced, It Is understood the Prince of Wales will vl.tt Caaada on the' occasion ot the Diamond Jubilee celebration next year. PURDrS WErFS): LIQUOR IN CHOCOLATES VANCOUVER, Nov 10 Convicted on a charge of selling liquor R. C. Purdy St Co.. confectioners, were fined 11.000 by Maglatrate Flndlay In the police court yesterday when a decision was handed down as to the legality ot liqueur chocolate.."