TAXI and Boston Grill j J Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOl XVI NO 13 SNOW r - MAYOR AND T. D. PATTULLO MAKE TENTATIVE ARRANGEMENT pnow Motors Seattle Today to be Used in Arctic Dash wZach will haul five sledges carrying 1500 tons of supplies for airplane that will fly , from Point Barrow .SKVITI..K, Jan. in. The three miuw motor lor the n cxpotlitioii are leaving bore ftr Seward today in! fi' oi Golden Senll or I If IroiL, who came we-1 to a cmlue t -...tor- ln.e. Ainiiimiiiiig nlo will he A. Malcolm SmilM K ji i Ho-ri4Ui. S nit -,iuj lh;i' Hit- new -now motor- would he tnl in opera-i Nfiini.-. One w ill In- leTl to dear Ihe field fur 4 he plane-' x(m-()(I ion and tin- older Iwti will limii five sb'dgt ea h i g ol i,.tim tons of MENARIAN ' DIES HAMILTON i kdam Brown Attended 72 Annual, Meetings of Canada Life As- ; surance Co. v httfurtMhtMptiHy levtN Vnuna. .UII,l'i. Jan. 10.- AiluiiijSwtl aitfc to?rainM lite gwsoline. II' "W M kin-Mil as Hamilton It mid (Mil Man. 1 1 its I Iimv fit lit Ml Ih l eiHh year. He suffered a! pIuiu'iiik -II Thursday, which: pa !-. i !n Mil in into- Hi-- annual flic-' i- I I he (Uiiioila I.i i i- fi i, !. i'.iiiiiMiiy f"i Mir Ihird i:iu- in ' " year-.'-r In- rill- Mil -uftemi a relap-r- yt-t- i tiay. dn-d al three u clock Ih - lit" n ni( alter calling ti .. .i-m a 'emitting lo tliriaie a li r n f-tend a m England TWO SKIPPERS EXONERATED CaptaHis of Cowlchan and Lady Cynthia Get Back Their Certificates A Mail M il. Jan. 10. Wreek 'iiiiii --iiilii'i Mtirphcrsnii ulllii i-m luimi of the iiniiirv in! I Ik I oll-MII IllT l'lMlll ItltlMTl - of 1 w Inial eele on Jiereiiiht'i ' i-iiiay relumed Iheir Uekeln I iiipiain Itoto-rt Wilson of th ' " ii'liun. the rnnitiHMl m-i--1 wiui Ii -mik, mill' di Ciiiliiin .1. Iltiili-ii n tlu I. inly ( : nt liia. Tlo- i-iiminUttioiiei' einnjill-imnt'il Imtli tiiiiMlvrtt mi Hieii e. .iii-iii .'iiiuiinsli'ii ut I lie tune ti tie ai'iill'lll CHINESE BEING SMUGGLED U.S. Worn Captured Noar Blaine when Getting Through In Darkness WI Vi' I LK. Jan. 10.- Aller t cliii-e ilnimgli the fnft and dark-ni is neat- lllalne Mnmlny nijilit Vim- llrih-h Oihllllliill CIiIim'hi were eniiliiifd unit lirotiyht here f"t- ileleiitiun li.v the iininirnlinii I'ffii ialtt. U wait learned lutlay. The HiiuiuKlul'e Ihi'iuselven et- ciipt'd. I.. -S. .M ecFf 1 1S in 1 1 1 1 c r"l ia r r I a 'er. him Ihtii n visilnr in Van onver litis week. In nn Inter view pulilihlicil liy one of lho HnnMierii iiapei-M, In1 xpeaktt very t'P'iiniHtieully of tninintt pro V ' ii lii. Ji !!'. I'Ailittm -1 1 71 1 MOTORS CO Leaving : i irtiiitin mid -upplie-, vhiefly nil Ullll fflMtlUM' lor lilt- plane. Smith in to hpI at guide. The) will go frmn N'-iihiiu to Tauana uitil llieiice In lleille. up the Jolin river and follow (be Anak- avuk to On' Arciit i-an. thence innke 3 iuii a 'lay and will rarry very lit lit- Io.mI oul-ide ol ugar, lt and flour. TUny pet - i . lt mostly off rarilioti. It will prvbably be February will no) arrive in lime In make fiirlli-r. Aflrr the oUtiir wil l Wilkin iup off front I'ttlnl Harm li en rax an will wail week and lltett fly Un- leinam- iiic ittiiif In Ai-naua mi Ihe a- uiiipUon thtil WilkHi- lta fltiwn to S.HImthii. If ilkuio fimif laud lie will return I'oinl lUr- nti and IIm-ii fly in i-ilnii- the land. ATIIER OF LOCAL LADY PASSES AWAY Mrs. S. D. Maodonald Is Daughter of Late Joseph C, Moore of Victoria Tin- tli-alh oeeurred in the lloyiil .luhilee llonpital, Virlurin lul week of Jo.-epli C. Moore. father td Mr-, s. Ii. Maedttiinlil of llii eily. Ilei-ea-ed. who wail native of liwen Sniiiiil. (lulurio. will HI) yeur if ion1 and hail lied in Yieli'iia for ewhteen year-. EIGHTEEN KILLED ON RAjLWAY IN JAPAN JiiKIO. Jan. Id. I.isfliteen tiitrtoiir were killed anil iweix lujui'ed today near Miyaii'hitii when a Irani jumpi-il tin- trai-k mil fell Iwo htindreil feel. VEREGIN IS WIPED OUT BY BIG FIRE ' m VKIllltilS. Sa-k.. Jan. 10. - l ire -yenlei'ilay wiped out prar.lio-allv (lie rut ten lniinrs Metifin or ihik mi-II eineui Willi eMimweii iii-i- of ro.ono. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. Wheal 1 l.t SiUcr I"i 1-75 I (unwell 1.&I l'1 llutellon " -nJ! Purler Idaho .. -K' -'s Silver l'.rel -12 -H Surf Inlel J'H'i MRS. DICKIE DIES. VICTOHIA. Jan. 10.- Mrs. G II Iiiekie. wife of ihe federal ineinlier for Niinaiuto ridinis. died -mlileelv !:i-' ni'.'M. Northern and SI NK Ti STOI' KHtK One ih 'he ntoI m'i-m.ii. .m-! Iilhimi lire ever known at Ihe Tiiburv Ji,.-k. Eiitami. Inoke out reieuliv in Ihe hold of the r.omi-oii i;it,i Ma hax. Ntii until the ve-el eemed il.iomed Tor ile-lrue!ion wu III- tles-perule expedient of -inking tli- lir;ul urt re-oried lo. II -.uei eeded in quern lung the flame-. Premier King May be Returned Without Opposition at Prince Albert and House May Adjourn UTTAYYA. Jan. Ill, W hen mil il- In- t andiduliire for I'arliuinent lo I'run-e Allieil on Felru-jnd y 5. il i- poilde he will he retiinietl uiioupo.-etl. lio ip- arv here 111"- il thai Ihe oppo-ititui letliup Die Prune Minister return to the lluu.-e ol Comiuixi- ut the eurlie! po ible momeiiL It i- probable Ihal be fort' polling tlay Pariiametil will be in reref, if the suggested notiee of Ihe f loverunieiil for an iidjournmen' for -everal week- earrie, uflei Ihe aildrr i- adopled. The reres-. if il takes plat e, will be - for the iiirHt-e of oleariiiK Hie THIEVES BORED LIQUOR STORE Got In and Took Booze and Money at Esquimau Thursday Night VICTOHIA. Juu. 10. Thievt- 1 w tin I n irtM I tlieir way Hirout-'li Ihe floor uldained itboul ?;tr( worlli of liipior and a small amount eali froin I In- r.siiiiinall liipior Wore Thursday uisht. TRYING TO IDENTIFY BODY DROWNED MAN Was not that of Minneapolis Contractor but may be John Noble VA.VCOl Villi. Jan. 10. The liodv found final injr near Hluhhci Hay yesterday wa- not that ol Peipan'l. aeeording lo .wortl re- reived Troni Powell Itiver. The Miuiienpolis muitratlur, who dis-apepared from Vanrouvcr on Keeeuiber 10, weighed ubnul 150 pounds while Hie lmily found at lllulilirr Hay is that of a man of :'5 pounds wejhl. .Mrs. John Xolde of Vancouver lliinks itip reiuiiins limy he llio-c of Hot liiisluuul who disappeared from fjui'O Deeember 27. At 3Uie lntiiesl , yeslerday an open vprdiel wu relurned. Tho liead iiiiil tieek of the hody hnd been roinplelely severed from Ihe liiTnk and I be re was no ev! deuce it Indieule how or when this bad been done. HOCKEY RESULTS. Yietoria .' Portlanrt ,'t. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper J'IMNCK IllPKltT. 11.(1, MTl II DAY. JAM NORTH FOR ARCTIC DASH Premier Mark-nie King ",-! may iniplii tin- silmi h,i h way for culiujcl reoraniiatiou and for Hie holding of Hie liy-elerlinii lieee-sary lo proMtte Ihe Premier Willi n seal in the House. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. rsenal :i. Maiielii-sler l iiiled 2. 'Aston Villn-beetls (ihaudoiied. Hlaekliurn It. 1. Itiriiiiugliain t. Hnllon 3. Hury 2. i:erlon 1. Gtirtllff 1. Iluilder-field 1, Klieffiehl j. I.eieesler 3. Huroley 2. Mnnehesler (Sly H, Tottenham 0. Nolls Coimly t. NVwoiisIIp :i. Sunderland I, es llrninwich 0. West Ham t. I.ivernool 2. Division II. libiekponl :i. Nolls Forest 0. Chelsea Port Vule .1. Clapton t. Harn-ley u, Ilarlinirlon 3, Derhy Cttuiilv II. Hull Cily 5. Hraiirnrtt City (I. Hldham-Sioekpni-l abandoned, l'ortsinoutli I, SoiiUiamptnn 2. Wednesday I. South Shields 0. Bloke. 5. Fulham 0. wauseu Town 1. I'rostun I. Wolve rhupiutoii :t. MliMlesburo 1 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Aherdeen 0. Falkirk 0. Alrilrieouians 1. I'arliek 3, huntlee I . I. Cowdenbeath.?. , IlilH-rnians t. Cetlio ti. Kilmaruork 5. lunie,n . Motherwell I. St. .fiihiisloiie I. Oueen s Park 0, llhiniltoh 2. Ilallh Hovers :t. Mru-lourO Hangers 2. Hearts 2. St. Mlrren 3. Clydebank 0i , rienrpe CI. Hushliy snlle, IhU inornlnjr on Ihe Gatalu for Y'an-cnuver and Vietorn,'' ftli a enm-hlned business anil pleasure Irio. Mrs. Itushhy aei-omiuinied him and they expert lo he away ahout e ti, da vs. AHY M, 1025. ViMteriU) - Agreement Between Minister and Mayor is Reached Over Cow Bay Waterfront Question Ve-terdav alleruoon lion. T. Mayor Newlon nuilerred on re-till wa- Dial an uiiilerslandiiip MiMniiled lo the city roiilieii al an early nieeliiig for its approval. The la-i of the agreement i- Ilia I Ihe proviurial govern -iiieiil will Irun-rer to the eily four hundred feet of waterrronl u Cow Hay on t-outlilinu that the eily lakes rare oT the retpiire-uienls wi ihe fi-huig fleet and the I'rinre Hupert Yarht (Hull, SITE FOR FISH PLANT IS ASKED ; boat Uwnars Committee As-, cured by Minister of Lands That It will bo Forthcoming 1 luring his visit lie re this w eek. Hon T. 1 1. I'allutlh. minister or lands, was waited. upon by a rummittee from the Canadian Halibut I tout Owners' Association eonsisiiirj: of O. W. Niekefson. II. J. Hr itlbury. J. Morrison, ami J. Uirisiiau-en. One of the niat-'ers taken up was HhiI a site b.' Kriiuted on the xnxernineut wharf. for a fish lianillinc plilpt that may be put up for Ihe iirpnsp of the Cn-OperaU e Assoeialioi. reeentlv formed. The eomniitlce was ien assnriinee hy Mr. Pal lull" that surli a site would 4'" fnrlliroiiunv when required. ALASKA SUFFERS FROM LACK OF SNOW TO ALLOW GETTING OUT OF TIES SIAYAIlh. Mnsl.a. Jan. 10. Mrawlierry jiiani- ami Brass erops ci-owing in mild sprins-like weather whieh is now pre-vailiiic. .It is raining and there i almost no snow on t tin railroad this year, except on Ihe liisli mountain passes. The Iftek of simiw is loppinc ihe contractors gelling out lies, and forcing Ihe railroad to secure lis supplies from Seattle. Ch'ivles I.emon left on Ihe stenmee C.-Hala ll'i morning fur Nima'mo where lie has become rr-!e. I ;ll husuiess. H'iU Stn-et !(. 473 I. Pallullo. Jinni-lt r of land- Ihe Cow Buy quetion and tin wax reaehetl whieli will be ami al.-o tippirt 4 lie uit iealion of Ihe Canadian .Ndtiunal Hallway to Hie railway eoiumis.-iun for aiilhority to Till in Cow Hay in order thai Hie agreement between Hie iroini-ial guxerninent aud Hie Canadian National llailwuy cxpijm,,. f inidt. property foi walerfronl may be eouik'te.l Mr. Paltullo urgtil Hit- mayor to have eonrirmulion of Hie understanding made by Ihe city eouueii as -non as possible us there are a number of applica tions Tor Hie remaining waterfront aud il is desirable that busines interests should mil be leiayeii any longer ilian neces sary. LAND SETTLEMENT IS URGED BY IMRIE HEAD EDMONTON BUSINESSMEN YANCtll TU. Jan. 10. A I-lre--ing Hie foreign bureau of Mie Hoard f Trade last nig' t. John Imrie. p:'i-snlenl of the Fdmoiiluii llnartt f Trade, spoke on "pre-rii! inn lil ions 'in Canada." aocentuaied the neod fur a new ami courageous na-honal ;nliey and dealt a length with the two chief eleuifTits In M'cli a policy. They were inten--ie stimulation of increaed land seltlemenl and equally in-tensivi- sliniulation of new Irado mil i-i'iutueree. MUCH GRAIN STORED VANCOUVER ELEVATORS YANCOt YFIt. .fa!i. lO. - Dut ilig Ihe week ending January II, 7KH.!:U bushels of wheal was shipped !o Iniledi Kinsd-tm points and :f.'I.IO bushels to Ihe Orienl. There now is stored In lite elevator. here i.:t:i;...5 lius- 'let-. Large I psta.r Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FIVF. CENTS. COW BAY I EDITORIAL WHO DID IT? In a letter pubbshed on another page, iSiayor iNewlou today states in toijiicctiun with his failure lo appear ut u pub-he meet culled oy hiuuetf this week, "I had il put over me and good and hard ut that." If Major ewtou was, iu the language of the street, 'duped," os his leller would suggest, if knockout drop- or some opiate wert given him, or if lie weie forced lo drink liipior that made him intoxicated, so that he could not appear, it is up lo him lo say where he got it ahu who gave it to him. It would be the reasonable Ihing lo think he knew where it was administered and by whom. Y'e think he should have lold this before the election, but he owes it lo the public and especially lo his opponents to make a clean breat of the w-ho!e mailer now. The Mayor says in his Jelter he is prepared to lake a most solemn oath that he ha- reason to believe sumethhig'of Ihe Mirt happened. There could be no other meaning lo his words, that we ran see. He approached ihe meeting in such a coudilioii that the rejmrt-.;iwa-spread abroad that he hail Ik'ch "doped" by his opponents. Hy whom? That i- what the public wants to know. BODY IS FOUND IN LONE CABIN Partner of Dead Man Has D'a- appearcd from Neighborhood .. of Fort Norman EDMONTON, Jan, 10.-What may jmne lo he another insoluble mystery of the far north is revealed in n tlespatclifrum Fori Siiupsun telling of Ihe finding of Uerberl llwdgesou, a trapper, in a lonely cabin iu the (travel Hiver district north of Fort Norman, of t lie body or J. G. Nichols, said to be un old timer of I!i3 Yuk"ii. and Ihe disuppearuuee of the partner. I.. Iieamau. Nuliol ami Heuman lc.ft Fort Norman in ty.'3 on a prospect-iug and trapping venture hut there is no Irace of the taller ia ihe cabin where Nfchol apparently died of sickness. Heatnan :- well known in Hie N'irthwei Territories. UKAIN nlr. WHICH SAILED Vessels Mostly Bound for European Ports Which. Left During Week VANCOUVER. Jan. Ifi. Ti.) following Ves-eJa cJe:ured ft :.un this port with grab during the " ' IMs week: Canadian I'lauler tnpjfeVulwprp. I5.0S0 bushels, for London 30(1 bushels. t A. I.. Kent for Avuumaulh, 37.-bushels. t ( Vulcan CHy for Coloti ' for orders ;0,tl0 bushels. Cily r Maiinra;':or' ( Londou. 7i.t500 Jitlhets, LWloit 33,333 bushels,. Hull 37,33:niTTiiH;ls. Iowa .for Havre or orders 175.100 liusheU. Hoyeisan Mitru fuV Shanghai. I L'O.fiO? bushels. Meiko Maru for MaJI Jia.r.tMi liusiiels. Tor YakoJiama lOO.OOu besliels.