There is No Substitute For SALADA Religion'And Sorcery Neighbors. uon hi generation. TEA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT JtDITIOR U -! 4 II It is the best tea value sold. The Daily News Fringe hupkht - British golumma "Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Dailv News, Limited, Third Avon no. H. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.mi By mail to all parts of the nrttish Empire .and ithef lUniled Slates, in advance, per year $o()l To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.ft Transient Display Advertising. 1140 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front 'lage v .$2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion. . '. . 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agalo line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising end Circulation Telephone - Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 WftlncMlay. Mar. 10, I92G. Books About Russia Are In Demand. books about Russia are much in demand these tlajs and especially interesting are thoseXhy Dr. Ossendowsky. When "beasts, .Men and liods" appe ureit a little over a year ago it vii much in demand mid those who read it were looking for fin; next. If 'came in "The Shadow of the (iloumy East," a ene of intimate sketches of Hfo in Russia u it was at about the time of the revolution. Dr. Oss-emlowckj, who speiil nianv. years in the country and slitdieddhe life if the people carefully, tells of the village life, court life, the wilclicruft, supejslilini), queer religious ideas, heathenism as he found it. lie recounts how he met on three occasions the monk Rasputin, the, last tune just when his body was taken out of the river whence it had beeu thrust by hi munrbrers. . I i i SktcheSiOWLe'StaUvnien aha" lhelr'iviirkt.fif 4hejeue"tor aire jjpreau ttiuuiu$il? iiihejp!enpas urine . oc3niis, these all give an insight into the cataclysm which followed. The gloomy picture he sums up in Ihe following comprehensive sen lence: "Disregard and ill-trealmeul of their womenfolk, be il mothers or wives, decline of family morality, polilical avidity. Jack of social cohesion, the gulf between the educated classes and the common people, extremes of democracy in the form of either .spiritual idealism or meanest vulgarity, Ihe nveKgrowlh of class hatred, t lie lust of murder and spoliation, indifference in regard to religions principles or their utter unreality, superstitious, remnants of thirteenth or fourteenth century culture, .servility and .social immorality dhese 4rr- U'5 inverse aspect"! uMheiEast which Jias oullived itself." telling of the curious habiljj.uf Ilip people of the villages; ihe writer of the book says: ... ; "In close neighborhood Avilh leaders of religion ami eduen-i tinu nearby in some j-imilarrfoom live Ihe Wizards, sorcerers ami hags. Hiey are Ihe survival of primordial paganism. Their traditional school has been preserved and llieir prescriptions, having lived through centuries, qre handed down from genera-i "The 3orrarer are generally old neonle who iosss h secret science of curing men and animals of diseases, of appeas-J i j:.,,. UK in; iioiis.nemiin i. f. wnenever . jie gels 1 into loo " greal a fury, of; grow up they begin to insult and heal her, forgetting thai nil her life he was thrashed like a dog hv Ihe father. Ihe head of Ihe family, the lord and rnasfer." The pictures Ihe writer draws are oflen horrible vet Ihev are so arli-li. nlK drawn Mint they fascinate. In a hurry? Eat SHREDDED WHEAT the man-sized meal IGAME CLUB TO LIBRARY BOARD ! BE ORGANIZED PRESENTS CASE Backers Feel That Much Good Larae Delegation Appears Be- Work Could Be Done Here fore Council to Ask that by Such an Institution A movement i.s on font for I ln establishment here nf a sport nicn's association or roil ami mm plele the urmnuallon. i. a .....i ...i. ...... ;.. ... .. . ' club lll'lllltll MTilMt itall.I Jl IttlA I the fry available and il is f.ll that all thai is necessary Tr this ilislni'l lo gel il thur in pressure from sonif ri'spnnsihb local organisation Mo.NKY lalk.. W hen ii talk to nv il sa "No.'" IN Hu'a if a iloctor faits In (ure you, the eorrael Ihinp is lo kill him. Tliat niethuil saves ex pense. WHAT I (buT! liae about I hi wilier ha bwn (hat I eould no ehaujc off into my Muck umler- elollip.s. .N'aver mind, bettor luck nest year. THE skales an slaitl hanf?ini( on lh nail and will tie able lo (take on another coal of rnsl be fore nejl year. I'll K skates are hansfnr on the wall, The snowshoes stand beside. We looked in vain for snow and ic To clothe the mountain side. Sow we muM wait another year And ilriNim most lougiiisly For snow-flake covering all Ihe land Far as eye can see. THE new hats will make lying , . , . ""ill'P'ny lr'Uy dillicult iiiiiicuii in this is year year when wntn i the to . "f - i'1"1, fr'".? '''cl-idfested houses of vermi.4y(lUnr Jnau ,,, ,?t.r sll4. ,0(lk. Cleansing, the vapor b.ilhs slanding oillside ihe village f,f devils, who chose them (heir abode, hauiiling the people; o Iraiking'Jibrse (; of invoking the souls of the dead; of fore(elliiig'the (ttturec of dUscovcxing treasures hidden mider grounii ami similar black arls. .n reality the wizard or Ihe wilcb has a good kuowl.ecge of bolnny, and through the dark pages of me nixiory or the Unssi, .village runs the sinister troll of the crimes u poisoning:" Lives Of Women In The ' Villages. -,... "In the Milages the life nf Mhe-iipearil woman is one loinr rtltlllil lit ii.ii.,l ... II t.L..I . . , ir in-.iinu iii ni tun nanus oi a uniiiken or savage husband, who uses infamous and disgraceful 1 anirnnire .mi! THE MAN IN THE lMOON "perfectly cri-ation. ays: darlins" in the new fiEAY paymenl-s 4nre monthly inslalmenls ibat difficult to make. those are so . Ten Years Ago in Pr inc-n .Rupert The Weslholme theatre wa- tlirasbes her nlmol to tleatli. The children loe resneel fnrdckei to ihe doors last nirhl oi eir mother. Hiey denylier all innrdl nulhority. and when thev occasion of the. farewell con- t III. HiAt' 1. ! ill 4 m ... . .'. IniMi cert f . II.a . . t S I. I 111.. I in the men of the 102ml IU-Klment. Aid. O. II. .Nelson presided -in Hie nbsem-e of Mayor .McCaffery -and delivered a suit able adjlross. There was a fu'l iriiareuii of musical iiunilinrs ami a 6mlc sketch. Olher speakers were Cfipl. J. F. Hrandl. Ilcv. II. It. (irant and 0, W. Morrow. For special treatment foi Alu-apnel wounds in Ihe spine. Don .Yejr or this oily has been admitted to the jiillllary jKupilal at disrjulinall where he expects to remain about three months bn-fore proceeding here. Charts VauKhan, N. Schein-' man and Ii. Hanmm of (bis city and fienrge Hniffity of Slevvarf are contemplating -slnrtinfr Inisi -ties at Alice Arm where a most active nimin season is nnlln paleil. Ole Kvmdsen has starle.l on tiie -onsirucilon of a hotel there Estimates be Passed In-Full AHarSc ifttifiiation of monitor 1 11 r tfi. i:nii-nv iimmiiI Trades A clul.ati.l. Nyill. Il. orKanlm 1- , !t)i)pl Cmf& (m(1 v..ioll, r,.a.Vv having npi.mncl. ..mi.. v) ,,,. .seventy or ewlily Inter,. cf, c.ti- ,11.t:allhBltl(1,l. JtI1pore.l be- .. .. .. . .: fni- the eily council lw' limit' -nun mi- ihm"fii, ii urge iikci.v mm a meeting win ri called in the near future to com r ii... I ;i i J I... m.'Wit.til in full in Um f.miiiMl in inakni- mo-.- mierestwu hi tin- mo-, ,,.,, ....., , ,.. ,ii-!P1 Jecl- ri line that witb-euch an or-i,- . u-iikhi..n. Kannion nn.Cl. K.uld he i,re..In-lrc.(I.v (f M; .,,.,, ,, piisiicn, luii'iicuiariy in ikuiiiiii.'i u- Taylor, ircideni of tin- Ullo'rs who uiipcatdl ..., .. ....... ..! uplirf of ,,. Mich n bojly would be to have re adjustment made in the open season for game hints. II is fell thai the .season for Ihe di Irict as it stands at present open and closes loo soon. Ko" Mix weeks after fh oienin?. then arc prpolietilly no bird ami six weeks after U closes the hunlina is pood. Innlenil of Hie ojxn eason bffing n H i nl pwenl from Fepleuiber IS to Dceenib' 56. It Is proposed to ask lliht il he ehnwed to from Octohor lf lo .la nun rj jtf. Another mailer which a local name club coMbl take up would be thai of festucking neislilmrirui streams and lako, which aw now iieoniin? ileplelert. with game fish. The sufrnnn'iil tins cnii!e wen- Mrs. J mew Clarke. Ili. Wnll'r Allen. ,tJuie4 'Rlattk. Mrs. K. I.. Mclntiisfr, J.ffns - . newsier. Principal mjjp. Mim. Ilrady. Misj iliH C.rulkufiani.. It 3. lU.on, J B. Inilie, A. il. 1'rudhoinine. Mr and Mr. W.J Kirkitilriek. J- tiuns atid never bad any extravagant r.-niMls lMin made. Essential 'Factor re, was now al UK' em I oi tl ret.ourc.-s and creator suiiiiort from the- eily wn alisolulel necessary. Tin .sjMNiker askeo the aldermen 1 take a greater inlarest in tin- affair nMlir library and personally 4riil Ihe premises so thai tjky iniaht sei- how badly the uionay whs neeileil and lo what a reat u.vteut the llbran was leiny useil by the public. In one ilay, .'i'.oi Wvksiai Js-n i. sued, nUan-iiK tlat ion .that d.iy ,: bouk.i'il IwN-n .Kiwh iiut ' for e'vary" uiiiiule (tie library vvn-opeu. Mr. V tlklosiin cbls.'.l his remasika Uy piiliug ,)JH 'hat forest tf ptfMm o(ifinli(ii-KvHs be-hiud the i.'i(iis of the lilirarv boanl, the size of the d.-b-afiiin in aM.-nibiiii-e lesUtyiiw to I hat. S. W. Taylor sS. W. Tavlor pointed out that Ihe preseti! i ,000 Umi!vS wa not a very bira- eollecliun when i was iealiei Hint Hie library li:i I over .'.(Kill suttsri ilici-s. book- Were nut rcn.-weil ami new ones She Was Troubled With Chronic Constipation Onfe your bowtli Ltrome eonttl-pated you are in for e lot of trouble, a eonatipition i one of the moat croliflc tuurtfi of Jim-HM- that the human rate it additH-il to, therefore a free inotioa of tbe bowels every day hould Us the Aim of ereryoae wio aipirei to petfeet koalth. Mrg. 0. W. tnntenet, Clovenlnle Est. N.U.. write.: I wa trouble.1 with enronie eonitipation, and became i to bad I wa alouitt Afraid to eat -nylhiiHf, of Oaeulay I mW your Jutvertiaeueat Milb urn's 14 T got tbree ml, and after taking tbe.m I hH never ts-en troubled line with eonstipatioD, " Pot ep om be The T. imiura Cc., LiuiUd, Twiunti), Oat. RRIT1SH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province pf Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. lias produced .Minerals n follows Placer (lold, 77,aH2,r:l ; l our (1( , Ut, nailti); Silver. $lS,H21,r7U; Lead, 70,&WJ8; t-oior, 8I87.1KO. ,x y 17HH7; .Miscellaneous Minerals. $l,i:U.a4t; Coal mid Coke, 2(IO,S8n 1K' ( Sloue. Hrick. Cement, elc, $2,22."KI ; making its .Mineral Product n,, , , '""' IU2-1 show an (lillis. Mr. Walla.-. C. tHnhanl.j .. . .li --- Mrs. Il, Hkiiic, Mr. s. Darlon.iniarod on the shelves. Ilo- inter-! .Mr. Wr.iK!inii. .1. II. Thinp-.,.,l j jlltl (. u-.folinv-s of (lie son. II. r. I'ulh ii. Mrs. .tnk,ilrury ,., ni) - uiainlauieil .Miss Ijuton. .1 IValherMto jij,.. avbr rererrwl parhcularlv Unuvh and oIIhm- lo n. Hiiporlaiiw" of Um- lihrur-. In speoking on in-half of Ibe a niean fur llu edticaliou ol library board, V WiUtinsrtii.j.i,,, t WH 4I. ,vabi !late thai the affair of tlie IH-t,,. fur a M yoillb of Ihe? mry hail ivaclod a rilM-al Mr (4,,,v wW u,ieerHl, il lint: i-j iod. There wa- an ii.sisienl il.- ,jIUitW nKn ehlblron had Ink.-n) maud for iww b.M.k- and n,..fjn, f i lk !! j erable repair an.i r.-placiiM'iilflM, ,,, j,m,ww lal j.-ar.l bud Iwcoiwe nee-ssnry. In view jj ui-ssav liS6, ai(Ki Irt.oks hail! or thi. Ike eily wa ltin aske 4KIHW ( hi.rary.j to M Uie .iimalw thi yeo'n,,i m.-anl tbaf ver 3;i day! in full ami di. onlintie the poli Lst,rv j j,rary had Uiai nail nwn iiiiowh.! in mimmi ...i ,.,,,1 ii,- siiM-k t jMit of eoisit-iill culling thf t,a j;oiie out tdhl Uih- during linrarys llinai.-s. 1 a oiM-f.,H. wir Muw ,Hi 11,., of the library board had biMi Mi..i xIimI wvitry elfori in ask for the minimum apprnpri-1 y.- rM,.,w,t r 11,.. iihrnr! iHiard whieti, to say I In- most ol it, wa erfnoilel. Aid. Sli'liei rebrr.'il In l - The library. Mr. Wilkinson rUH( !t, ni.rarv rj ..nh ksaid. hart ttrconio an as-enlia ;,. f institution thai lb- l i :.. ..... l:r.. --1 . i. . . Ml.-...! 111 IIM- lir 11 UK- r.lfllllllUI- MllMt lllllltl III Slltllllirl. Uy and its mi.di-hi wa:aj of wr, lt). utk-n ear- slea.lily inereasinK- Then' hail , A wmU.i ,IH , (m. ,,.ap hei-i, lvi new. roeiulwrs nrolU..I ;xvjlh ..nUHiy W.n Ho- ellv' in a suiKie Bionip finer inr nr.- .p,,,,,, ,i,wn )u ..sltniiUe for rif tlllU Valal ultll llsA ffVWStlllMftftllsIti S T C ( III" Illl" I "Mi l Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The .Mining Lnws of llu liovinco are mora liberal and Ihe fee lower ij,,,, p,,, s any oilier Province in the Jloininiou, or onj colony in the Empire .Mineral locations are grantud lo discoverers for nominal feR. Absolute Titles aro obtained by developing such properties, (he sei-urdv of .j,, 11 guaranteed by Crown OranLs. Pull infornuilion together with Mining Reports aril .Map, may he nhtuwl gr- , oil(lresiriR . THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Mlfiri Victoria, British Columbl. raclically all ilrilish Columhia .Mineral Properties upon win, n work has been done are described in some one of the Annual llejmri of .Mines. Those ennsulerutg mining ioveslmeiil slioilld refer lo h are available wiUi'uil charge on application lo the Department oi Mm-Reports of (lie (leologiral Survey of Caiiudn. Pacific Pudding. Van.ii mended as valuable sources of iiiforiunMou. lilif veiir and each would h to .late Atoo-I at i.tfi, ihI.I fairly mid as lib-rallr a senlina one taint of tin city's j jjj,, IMipiiiatinu. Then w-re al pr '. Falte Economv s.-iit l.fMMi books in Ihe library, ., , , w, aur.-ei.iir and Hi- laiv majority of the.- . iUl ,h. ,.iii,i,.iiU Mi.r.-.eit hv wore in practically eoiwtaot ue. A(, (p,,,.,,., ,M,., i, WrtH l'i... i I ...i. . .L : ,..:..! . ' '" " " !" iiiiiel. iH-Miuiwlliv with th- deb- year for lb.- passage of an ap- .,.,, ie belinveil Hi- lihran propriation of I.Uou. A.5uo i,, imuortaiit factor ir be used in Hi purctwe of tuwl.,,.. ,ul..i,iiieil of so.n! rili- books and lfto fur rebindiiiK.Li.... -n.. .....n, afler haviiw uliliwl all oUier mean to make the library a sue imvn on the library and play grounds, etc., was praclismx j.voiioiny from the wrona end b- felt. Act in? Mayor Qic stale.l thai (the reiiiel would be dealt wi'li uy Hie finance eommlltee in connection with Hie estimates, personally, he was in favor, if nl all possible, of meelins Hie rl-ili.s and he fell dial Aid. HIephen and Aid. Joe. Ilreer. Hie other inemliers if the finance eonimii-lee, were of Hie same mind. The deleyalion then withdrew. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert W. It. Iliicknall, A. C. Kmcht and i; It. MeMilluti, Vaneoiiver II. A. Ilorstiiiaii; Hlewart; Mrs. J,. Howe, Ititchie: li. i;. Jackson, Edmonton. 'Central F. A. Warren. t:.X;Il. Siilisoribe lo the Dally News fonm r. Neliee of Application (op Certificate ef Ifflprotementa "Sleht" Mineral Claim SIIMtte in Hie ermrr liiiierl Minlnt liltuusi nt liir Slu-rua liinlrlrt. Wliere loraleil: Near tlx- lirail ( kllMiifikalum tAkr. IjiwIiiI l.M-r Swan IhImi. ,iiui Iter nt lii.l.lrr'i. Iree Miner's f.i-rliriralf . sstoTC. T.tKK AOTICF. lint I. Swan litlln, Kreo Minrr' irlirirale V. samiic, Intr-iul al Us- nl r altly days from ihe line brreof. lo apl. l'i llw Minlnt lirmnlrr fur a lerlirfrale i.r liiiiruvrinenl fur ilw iHirisne or (iiaainiiir a m-nu Oram or I lie alMif rlalin. Ami furllwr lake intli-e that arlliMi. miller M-rlUrii 4.' of tlx-"Mllteral ,r.l." llill.t Is- rmiinMirel lh Oaiianre of nirh Certiorate of lllllll'lltMIM-lll. baled Ihls tint day of t'eliruary. tttA. SWAN IMI.n. owner. He V.. T. kennv, tr. iH PR08ATI. In Hit Suprama Court .of arlllah Columbia. HI llie Mailer or lie AilniliiUlratXin Arl; for Imhih-mi 3! M: -:,:r T,:r 11 Steamship and Train Service s.s. eaiNCC auetar will uf rniNct auetar cnn, .VIOTORU, SIATTLX lfl IMrnv41iU- wHi. m-I miDAr l I tn s s. emmet rupirt far iiiwmt iwl navox, wiomiotr nM s.s. eaiacc johh rurimihiif tar vncoovi guim uun ULANOS, fASftnaca tkaini LfAvc rmxcf aueiirt cvtar yoaoAV, wioniidav m satunoat t i v mmci uc, OMontoN, wiaaiitt. n inu- 4.imi AOIflOT ALL OCCAM HI A MM IT IM. Cllf Tll OIII, S21 Thlr At. frUt ai. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C,LTC suiib( ira rrm rti If VANCOUVta. VICTOAIA. S-aw a, Aln 1Hll, I II tr vAi-icouvta. vioroaiA, Aim (, m iiimi,iiu ft AKVOX. POMT ItlMSOfl 4 MMt.ait CHaHlu, Tkr4. jl 1 PORT HeOli, ANTOX. ALICt AAK. TKM'ART. !, A A TUGBOATS Day Phonos 423 530 Or. 238 Black 73S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man Dir. Pi ft ur w or. a BlKi lt L0GGERS, CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building nel door to Fruiell Hul- her !i"r tm' from the Kmpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION ,Jami Zarelli Propria WATia NOTICC. Dlieralon 14 Uh TAki: Mi'll-i: thai lirorte tittle atvl lair I m iiiry. buw aiMreu ia Irrrare. in . will apvl lr a llrenw Im rtoarine Ir'-atn- ursie mi kil.uiu aalluin liorr fnrfn If muvlh to jusirre. ai-pr-.iiiimi ir, uiil). wblfh tliwa ssiUierl) ami ittalna Inlii skeen Inter, akwui 9g nitle. ea.l of l-rinre Hiils-rl Tlx- W lie tiartl fur ratlllif, Urimif ir otherwise nmvrjiiK k, (Slim. Ile, eaw lm and all fin-i prisJuru, awl Um-nxtrtruflMi of Isaiinllur aisl Itulilint rMiiHl at i Ik iikmiiIi i.r sahl rler nel eiM-wliere. Tim nntire was puOed mi lie rmuuil on I Ik- aih aiwl Till ilaya ot Jinnary. If. A ntpy nt Mil nolire ami ail appllran.iit (sirtuaul llierln ami l llie -Walrr Al" will Im flle.1 In llie offlre ut llie Water tieennlrr al I'nnre ltuN-it, II . . otijeriiasi ! ilw arrn-atun ni be fil Willi Uh- aald Waler llemnler me Willi llie i;oihimiir. r Water lurhis I'arllaint-nt Huihlinr, Vieiorla, ll.C. with In lliirly cl. after llie first afearaue f this imiire m a l.s-al iMwapas-r. Tlie ilale iif tlx- Oral pnullratlon or llil ni Ure l Irbrnary ih. I if A. OEOIlOr. I.ITTIF, C. L. N. IJIOOKY. Apphrann, WATia NOTICC. . OUeralon and Uaa T.Vkr. M1H : mat ertll Cariflr I'oretU ml Mine. I.t.l . wImi.v alilre. it an I l'euilsrtui Jiuiktina, Vlttvlla. ll.C. will ai-im fur a Hi-imp in A- ami um In rulilr feel fs-r ernnd of water ut nf slate i hurJi Ueeji. .nlilrji fliiws jMHtlirl-rrlv. anil .tram min kaaan IU). alxAit I mile. nl or Una lalaml. skiill Inlet. TIm waler will lie ..liverleil frnlil Uie rlreain at Wnl al-i-. lirer.4iiarers ef a in in- jeirtliwrsiein fnsii Um- MMillieatl enrimr of ew-r. :t, Tp. V, and Will lie ue'l M nulla, i-uwer. nieani. in In lli Mallr.r.f !.. I t i.i... ..... ?"!".' I"ri"ie. Ol-Hl llie Umt learrllMMl .i.i u,ii.i.i i'r loniis i ami a, oranain .V'.1. Mf.Lr,".,. J.,rree.l. Inii-Male. Miami. iel.l a. i.l 4 ire..M.s mm hv ll.,m..7r r : i I, ' vVim.1" i."r,r . "1 '"J I'I'llranl. Tin. nullre wa s..lnl on tlis Kel.r ar'v V i iVaT'l "H.V". ."V . 1 ?'""",) '" y of rlanary. Ilfn. ii 11 iuiia?ral. nr o.l '..i.i t ".?,",, ! A "m of '"er- ami an ' ! .1 MarllsMi lr..if .a Ml m'1" lM,r.;uBl '"rein ami t.i Uh- "Waler f.aln r a7in. a.aln.r ii..,ii', i t'x wMI "led In llie ..rrire of llie iiafinir riaine aaaln-t Ihe aalil ealale are; Walrr lirruili-r at l-riuw liunerl lit' 57) r Marrl. A i f. . Lt . i ...?.V'J ,,h ,l",."'l 'Water lleioir i.r Willi Uh- f inriirwiin rliJw V f ",,,,'I"",M' t My. after tlie fir.t ariKiaranre nf 11,1. . 'V"""?. ,n " M''I'tl'er The .lain of ...... J3"'"4' Admmiairainr.. Miiit'ii i-trinc ninMT ....r.. .... ui nay ot tmruary, A.U, AMI MIMI. - l,Ti.' AM-tleanl, Uy llardtd , Whyte, Airnt. PRICE I Dry Cleanlno Pf"1" Men's Suj itess.-,i Men's Sni " pressi-ii Men'-. Pan' presse.l Men's I'ai" presseil Men's i iv i ami ir s-ilen'a llv ' ninl pt s- Ladle' -!' Ijnlies" Kin" Ijiilie' Sun- 1 Lni'lie1 Sku Lailies1 Ski'"- '''' Ijullea' Skn't- Cleancil I.a.lles' SkMi- I.ii.lles' Millies .-s.- Skli"? pre'' j:rii''''t Hoffman Vacuum r is ni 1 Phone 8 I ifK- Af III tl.?5 ai"' out' il Mi