H TAXI Boston Grill m and ibulance srvlca Ami Ser Anywhere at Anytime land Exchange Hulldlnjf MATT VIDECK, Prop. ,i't v or.7 -"- v a v "sits r re-elected by aeclamaUo Th! t were Hon J. A. Itobb. " nd Teniand ninfret. InBath-Npw Brunswick. P. J. Vrnlot. pot-lntrrai waa relumed unopposed f r.ltott for West Middle W D. Ruler for North Waterlo' nvi. m . . mui ' :- r of Immigration, was elrcted by 1 Jna:;on today In the ministerial c: ..;n. ALL Uh SNOW IN THE EAST IIOIU AMI UNT.tlllO AMI 0.1 1:- "c i.mi;km:m ino imvtiii WEtTIIEIC t'OMHTIONH WINNIPEO. Nov. 3. Manitoba and r iweatern Ontario are contending wintry weather conditions today. ' city being cut 08 from eastern "Riunicatlon following a heavy fall ;.. jw overnight At noou conditions uut mnv snow is situ lajiiua. OTTAWA; Nov 3. -Many aectlons ot '' a experienced a heavy fall of ',w this morning after a heavy rain ' ."BUI, UTO ACCIDENTS IN SEATTLE NUMEROUS SEATTLE, Nov. 2, Ten 'perwns were n W lulured In a total of I8J3 - cciaeiHs In the month of October snce ihm ri ...... i .nn. ..... v. tuv r v.- ' ben killed knd 3,410 Injured and -lasuu ieoraU. i f; m m m m m ''""'V MINING ENGINEER I EXAMINES PROSPECTS ! HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN ' BMmiERS. Nov. 3 8. N. Sharp. .mining engineer representing Spokaimt Interests, accompanied by Donald c 1 iBimpson. owner of the Victory Mine onj Hudson Bay Mountain, spent four days! last week examining the Victory and Coronado nroupt which adjoin tne Duthle mine He expresses satisfaction with what be saw. VANCOUVER BRIGADE WON IN EFFICIENCY FOR ARTILLERY WORK 4. Th Vancouver bat - ---- UHA" terles of the lth Field Brigade of Van- .. rftrlne couver won an vub competitions In the varloua branches of artillery held under supervision of the Cansdlan Artillery Association durln the past summer. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. 1,77 B.C. Silver a Oladstone Oranby Howe Sound Independence Indian Marmot Premier Burt tnlet Whest .07i .04 i .08 U 3 00 .03 1.43i; -ft Asked. M 43.00 0 Vi MM .00 3.05 .03 U 111 cntury-old Musnrooms - the banks of the Mississippi raves raves along , ono rlver at st isu. . grcstest musnrooni j..v...v of the Ibc Uuiied Btstts. fe" TORONTO, Nov. 3. Premier Ferguson announced, this afternoon thst the Ontario Government hsd definitely abandoned the plan to sell beer by tbe glass In the event of hi policy of government control of the liquor trsfflc with local option being approved by the elcctore on December I. He stated that beer would be handled in the aame manner aa oUier llquora and be purchased only at, Government -stores. WEATHER REPORT Terraee Clear, windy Anyox Foggy, calm . StewartPart cloudy. calm Haceltou-Fog, calm Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm Smlthein Cloudy, calm Burns take Cloudy, calm Whltehorse- -clear, south wind Diwton -Cloudy, north wind .. Temp, ... 3d . .. 43 ... 33 ... 30 . .. 43 ... 30 ... 30 ... 44 ... 33 PRINCE JRUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCE IIUPERT. B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 192C. KEVXN PEK30NS were burned to dsaUi when a rrtneh airplane crashed In a field near Pejshura. Tb boat were recorered. trotn -the he ofthe plane, of l&e pilot. me:hanle and frte- passeagera. KALUM LAKE MINES SHIP TO TERRACE llltT OKI IN IJl'ANTITV TAKEN OIT BV lllll'I'I.K IIAVIS t'O. 15 TIIKK.M K. Nov. S-Terrace Is on the nup a a shlpplug point for the mines of .Kalum Uikr. The Hopper IMtls toiitMiijr has nm-ineuird lilpplne Irwin the rlalms at lite Uke. the ore ronilng out oitr the road rrrenlly made Jw-.iule by Die ItotlniUI (lovrrii-ment. .Tlie haMlIng 1 lelng done bj r..lgliliie. 1 Ills Is Hie llrt ore to le shipped from the Kalum l-slr area In any qiunllt) and the returns wilt lie natehed Hli murh lnleret by all Interested In mlnlnr or other development In lhl 'rl ot the country. A toixt deal of development ha been dune around Kulum Mke during the t few jears and the opening of the (ioiernnient road throurli to I he lake l ee ted to mark a new era In the development of the mining itMrkt. ONTARIO DROPS BEER BY GLASS MMI-I.i: (ONTIHII. I'I.N WITH SAI.B -AT llOVl'UNMENT MTOKl'.S IS IE CIIIKli ON IF AmtOVF.ll Death to Every Enemy of Eiilni. Mussolini" is Fasdsti Cry Throughout Italy Today ROME, November 2. "Death to every enemy of Mussolini," is the cry sweeping through Italy. It is shouted by thousands of black shirts parading every city and town throughout the kingdom and Jast night was thundered in huge black type from the front pages of newspapers and received the official sanction of the Fascist-party through the voice of Secretary General Turati, who spoke to fifty thousand of his cohorts massed here last night. Italy is very much worked up over the attempt yesterday on the life of Premier Mussolini by the eighteen-year-old lad who was stabbed, beaten and strangled to death by the mob when caught in the act of attempting to fire a second shot at the Duse. Labor Makes Gains in Municipal Elections in Britain as Result of Prolongation of Coal Strike LONDON, November 2. Unusual gains were made by the Labor Party in the municipal elections in England and Wales, especially in the northern industrial districts of England. Incomplete returns give them 139 council seats. The change is thought to be due to irritation arou.ted through the prolongation of the coul strike and in protest at the inaction of the Government in regard to it. As a result many workingmen are voting for Labor candidates in the municipal field. Labor now controls Leeds and Sheffield councils and has made CONDUCTOR WAS KILLED BY BANDIT AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Nov. 3. -John Land, an operator on a one-man electric lnterur- ban Car between Seattle and Ren ton, was shot five times and kUled while grappling with a highwayman who held him up while his csr was entering Seattle early this morning. The bandit OCTOBER CUSTOMS TOTAL $32,049.38 Customs and txcle collections for the port bf Prince Rupert during the month ot October totalled 133.048.38 which. It waa stated at the customs big gains In other Urge centres. This year the party had 600 candldatea in 70 boroughs compared with 600 last year. Socialists' also made sweeping gains in the northern and midland areas. LUNCHED WITH KING GEORGE M U'Kr.NZtK KIM) WAX 'lMHSl'0.EI VI'.STl.HIAV III T WE LI. AOAIN TODAY LONDON, Nov. 2. Premier MRCkenale King, whose indisposition prevented his attending the naval manoeuvres executed by th fleets yesterday. U fully recovered and hsd lunch with King house this morning, compared favorably t George at Buckingham Palace thla morn- with the. total for October 1925. juig. Circulation 1607 Sales W VANCOUVER, Nov. 2. The Beard of Harbor Com:nlasloners announce that they are prepared to (lcae No. 1 elevator having a cipacjty ot. lod.000 bushel to the Albert Wheat Pool andjrlU" ao recommend to the Dominion Government. LEfll-LATOK IIIEll sVUIIENLY AT VICTORIA BECAME CAPITALIST With Farker Milium He Ome Controlled the ITovlnelal Oof eminent VICTORIA. Nov. 2. James Hawthorn-thwaite. 57 years ot age. a well known Socialist and former Labor leader on Vancouver Island and member of the Legislature for Newcastle for many years, died suddenly here yesterday. He was elected as Socialist representative from 1931 to 1908 when he resigned to contest the federal riding ot Nanalmo against Hon. Ralph Smith but was defeated. He was returned to the Legislature by election to his old seat but was defeated in 1920. Mr. Hiwt horn thwaite was a good speaker and an able man of affairs. He was trusted by the members of hts party until, while representing them in the Legislature, he sold a piece of property to the C.P.R. tor a gosdly sum thus betraying the fact that he waa In the capitalist class. From that time he lost his Influence In labor circles. Hawthornthwalte was at the time of the outbreak of war a shareholder in the Jlnglepot mine on Vancouver bland which had been organized under Oerman auspices and In which Alven sleben and a number of other promin ent Germans were shareholders. The mine was taken over by the government. Since that time Mr. Hawthornthwalte has been engaged In mining and real estate ventures and was active. In the development ot the Caaslar gold fields, lie tu out of iJoliUcs but remained a proteased Socialist. Politicians tell ot the days when he and Tarker Williams practically controlled the Legislature, the narrow margin of Conservatives under Richard Mc-Brlde making It necessary to placate the Socialist group to keep themselves In power. This they did and as a result useful labor legislation waa passed. Hawthornthwalte was never unreasonable In his demands. llll.O LAST NKillT VANCOUVER, Nov. 3-John Anchan. who was Injured Monday when a tram hit tbe mule team which he was drlv lng, (tied last night as the result of injuries. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least IMione 437. Price Five Cents EXCITED OVER MUSSOLINI VIKAKiwl i fflV f.fiMfV III V A IMI I II I V h K WAS MM Ml IIIIIAY " ' f mum mm mbargo on Shipments of Grain to Vancouver 1 Removed This Morning V AN OI V Kit, November 2. The embargo placed against Van-r grain shipment by the Canadian Pacific Hallway was re-' ; . morning and a ixrmlt stem instituted in its place. The w made by the railway as a result of improved unloading I here and the fact that ships are already in tort with a ; r more than a million bushels, and others are in sight, - ASSIZE JUDGE kl Ml 111)1 H cam: moi im- lO'lINU AMIJ - D A. McDoaaM vUI P-. secaon of the Supreme u -w vruch mill ofwn u Ue Y ?dV oj im: week. tr rder case Mil com- 3 :"vfL pubiiC IIUllUM Ol tr. down la Utts ml. en Joe Sanity. M cbrfMl Jrr ot VI u Loretu CWs-old sthool Uecher. on en. i; Port EMn-lea on Urj by provincial polite AO-1 tc - u innttd snd brought -v una before 8upnxJia i -'J fcr whom be U commuted i - : June IS Sinr then 89-.ss been tncsrmeted al Okalis t he vttt be brauibt here .:n4 case before tlx A-t b ihat of Member llkiwaa. C .1 theft, and L roon. n .1 Ue attempted murder at - r jv ot Chan Bow Huns. . ? ,t ma iir art aod Acjci it a divorce aruon. InJIS I KKS AKK N0T0PP0SED AKt III.TlKM.lt IMiritl'IM IN IIV IIJITIONH IX K.VMT TOIIW 111(111 IJ.tl.L (II IIVIIItlT I'll ui: lUllbut price aoarnf to a hi(h Irrti at the Klaii Ecchange Uim morotDS wbrn tbr Amrrlcaa twionm DrUk and Fatrwar old cstchM of ropecllveljr 34.-000 pouudt and 10,000 pounda at 33c aod 10c for Uw former and 33 "e aod c for the lalUr th mprrtlT purchaarxa bring Ur AUtn riahrrlra and the Canadian Flab A Cold Siorate Co Th Canadian boat BirdJe D old IMO poueda to the Canadian nh 4c Cold Siorate Co at ISc and Be WANTED A LICENSE 1 BUT NOT A WIFE tral rnrirrlf Hn llandrrloo and I N thurallnt to IlintM-lf Irlli Manhold U t Ug proapector. abnevi Wg enouh for I to. ao he doet not iM a wife. IIoftrr aome of the emptor ot tbe Court Home aeemert to think olbtrvUe rraterdar. When rrlli pmented htnuelf and aaked for a llcem. It at once aaaumed that It wm a marriage license he waa asking for HoweTer Fella aoon made hlmaelf dear on the subject and aald he alao wanted a fun license aa well aa a mln-era license. He would not be wanting a gun license to get married, would he? Fella got hla license and la bount for the unknown wild but he goea alone Attorneys for Aimee McPherson File Brief Saying She Had Right to Tell Any Story She Wished LOS ANGELES, November 2. A brief asking that the charges of conspiring to manufacture false evidence against Aimee McPheron and her mother Mrs. Kennedy be dismissed was submitted to Municipal Judge Blake yesterday by the attorneys for the two women closely following on the preliminary hearing. The brief alleges that the defendants committed no crime. No perjury could have occurred before the Grand Jury because the subject matter submitted was immaterial If the district attorney- is correct and the kidnappers do not exist, Mrs. McPherson had a right to tell Oi.. ... or she desired to explain her i asace T day ;he dUtrtct attrrney la pre-aen J ha brief and rill atate his caw tozacrrsw when argument will be heard and Judje Blake w3I then decide If defendants are to he held for trial before the 3u;.rtor Court or the charge dis VANt'Ol VEIt HAKUOK F.OAKll TO lAE' ELEVATOIt TO FOOL ELECTION HELD ALASKA TODAY missed. The tru: Jc which It m beUercd waa I'EIXIiATE SlTIiEKLAM Of 41XEAC cwrcl by Kenneth Ormlr.cn waa cpencdj BEING om.scu nY A. MAKKIIAM ycatcrdijr on its arrlTal tinder bondj Ol FAIRBANKS i frcm New Yiwk and w found to csn- tain 67 article, of womea'a finery. I J'-TSSAV. Vatf 3-Candldatet In the , Jtcrrltcnal elections dooed their cam- .............. ...I paJgna yeiterday and Totera are today " " i . . . jJchoosinj ci.ft de'egite to Congresa and eight senators and sixteen representa-4, lives for thf terrltszlal leglslatuie. g, ; Moat of the candidates either censured ; zr exonerated Delegate Dan Sutherland. Republican ot Juneau, who has repre- .tented the territory for years, tor allow- lng charges ot flagrant vice In Alaska 4 to g unanswered In the congressional investigation and of pandering to the A : vote of the-CUterate-. Indians. . Mr. Sutherland replied to support Markham. that certain 4 ierrltcnal federal officers had conspired NANAIMO MAN WAS SOCIALIST jinon monspoif, waicn ne saKrua run), (attacked him when he censured It. Republics ns are supporting (Regular Sutherland while aspirants styling them-j selves Independents lined up with his 1 opponent, A. Markham of Fairbanks, a 'Republican running as an Independent with the backing of the Democrats. Frank A. Boyle, a lawyer, who received - - .the Dunocratie nomination, wtthdrewr JAMES HAWTIIORNTinVAITK lOKMElt eome time ago and asked his followers MINIMUM WAGE TO BE FOUGHT COI KTS MILL HE ASKEll TO DE- VWU VALHMTY OF ACT BIT KOVCKNMENT WILL ENt'OKCC IT VANCOUVER, Nov. 3. The validity of the Imposition of a minimum wage law in the lumber industry may be tested in the coum and J. W. deB. Farrts, K C has been retained by the - lumber and thlcgle manufacturers association. In connection therewith. It was stated today. "One member of the association will probably invite prosecution by committing a technical breach, ot the order. This will bring the question before the courts. The government was asked last week to suspend operation of the order until Its validity hsd been tested or an order made for Its general application. This tbe government refused to do. DOMINIONS AND THE EMPIRE qi'EsTios or iiEFKNsi: to iik ins- ITSSl.H TIURMIAY WHEN PROPOSALS FKESENTEU LONDON, Nov. 2. The Dominions are preparing tbelr case. In the matter of Empire defence Jo present when the conference meets lit plenary session Thursday: It la understood that In all the discussions which so tsr have taken on the question of Empire defense the British government hst not made any definite proposal for further Dominion . participation. 'The . British government submitted an outline of its position and then left It to the Dominions to consider the case of Empire de tense for themselves. The British House of Commons l well provided with medical member and a call for a doctor Is certain to I bring number of M P.'s to their ftt.