faUe two TIIE DAILY KEVS 1" V,,. Would You Like to be WAS NOT ANY PORREEN MINE Forever FREE from DISCOURTESY, WILLOPERATE fir 5- HOAKO OF TRADE EM'LAIXS T1IIT KOAIl TO HE ITT IX I'DMllTION' 9 mum Asthua-Sera, a wonderful new medicine, soften and oodies the bronchial passage, restores gland activity to normal and QUICKLY and FOREVER banishes Asthma, Hay Fever and all bronchial troubles. FREE information aent fclaolr", tear out this adTerrisement and send it tout name and address to M. W. UUMMLATORItt, Ltd. 615 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. atfcr Published Every Afternoonexcept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily New?, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, rer month $1.00 By mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United ' States, in advance, per year . $fl.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion. ...... J l .40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch , $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line ,. 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15c Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ; t- . . DAILY EDITION. 98 6 Tuesday, Nov. 23, 192C. BOARDS OF TRADE AND TIIE PUBLIC Boards of Trade everywhere get criticized by those who are not members because outsiders, do hot projierly understand the functions of such a body. Being a body of business, men representing the business element of the community and not the public generally, it assumes the business attitude toward rublic questions which Is often opposed to the political aspect. In Prince Rupert it is sometimes said that the Board of Trade is a political organization. That is simply -because more Liberals than Conservatives seem to take enough interest in public affairs to pay their regular fee to the organization and attend the meetings. In many places it is noticed that a majority of a board is Conferva live n politics for an exactly similar reason. There are in Prince Ituoert a number of men who lnrit largely" from he publicity work of the Board of Trade yet who. do not"tcome- members, presumably because they do not like to pay the twelve dollars a year required for membership. Then they sit osck ana want to know why the Board of Trade docs not do this or that.- It is so In every community and the more active a board the more criticism it must expect. " TWO SORTS OF PEOPLE ' . ... ' IX EVERY COMMUNITY. , . There are two sorts of people in every community, those who do things and those who throw stones at the ones who do them. : The former are the workers and the latter the wise critics. Without the workers & city would make little progress and the latter are al useful' just as flees are useful to a dog keeps him. scratching. , In every community there are the successful businefesrneji who always speak well of their town and the unsuccessful , seciin that spends the time they should be working in knocking the; place in which they live. When you hear a person knocking you may- .bfe pretty sure he is either incompetent or unlucky, but usually Incom peienu ine time spent in knocking and explaining. If-put to Aome useful purpose, would often change failure into success.- . . ': ' MANY PEOPLE : LIKE A KNOCKER. In politics you find a certain number of knockers becauje 'a great many people seem to like a' political knocker. They think, he has the courage of his opinions, When you knock hard von firirl a lot of wasters come around and pat you on the back arid' shy: "Cfo to it, old' man, give 'em hel. They deserve it. We're behind you." Being behind does not mean being willing to back up JJie opinions by spending money but simply' behind in everything which the wpfd implies. They are never to the fore except in knocking. In the eqd they find themselves behind in the race for business and in time drop out and curse the place where they failed. In a live town, you find the people ready to say a.irood word for the community, and for the people who are doing, things. That is wnat gives it lire. An encouraging word is worth a 'barrej of knocks. - 1 And so, dear friends and brethren, citizens of Prince Rupert, having delivered ourselves of this little sermon, let us; pray that the city may prosper and that the knockers may all depart-tb some otner warmer clime and that from this time forward we inav work to one end and one end only, to make Prince Rupert a bigger, better ana more influential city where it will be pleasant to live and where the citizens may have all the opportunities they have at other cities, una more. .i.'. i j Off for school, full of pep SHREDDED WHEAT The perfect food for children Ready-cook?uready-to serve no mrinn invitatiovs u ere SKXT tOlt IUMJIET ! At the last meeting or the city council a resolution was posted by tlx city council expressing resentment at in alleged Jnult to the citizens aud tho people of Bkecna electoral riding be cause the member tor the district and the mayor had notbeen given teats of honor at the brad of the table at a banquet tendered to Sir Henry Thornton, on the occasion of his recent visit. The matter' wan considered at a meeting of the council of the Board of Trade yesterday and sortie of) the member ex pressed the opinion that the matter was too petty tor serious consideration and should be dropped, as the publication of such petty thtnes put Prince Rupert In the village class. Howevtr, other thought the Board of Trade should be set right In regard to It and the following lettrt was ordered sent to the mayor and city council explaining the Dear Sirs. THE I.ETTEK. On behalf of this Board of Trade I beg to acknowledge receipt of a copy of a resolution passed at yuur last mfeiinSr concerning this Board. TUe matter was duly considered by a meeting of the CouncU of this Board held thU afternocn and as the infer-ence Unfiled in your resolution Is mainly Incorrect and misleading. I vu instructed to reply to you as follows; At the monthly meeting of this Btwrd held on the Pnday evening prior to th arrival of Sir Henry Thornton It w&a eo&sidered only fitting that sonic recognition of his visit should he made, and as there was no knowledge of the1 City Council or other body taking any step In thl direction. tb Board decided to tender Sir Henry and his party a complimentary dinner and also place before him, matters that needed attention and were of mutual Interest to the city and the Canadian National Railway. I'l'KELY IIOAKIJ OK Tit APE The matter remained a purely Board if Trade function, no suggestion to co-operate was made by either yours or iny other local body, and therefore the first and principal care of this Board was to adequately entertain the President and party of (.facials of the C.N ruilway. Thirty seats were reserved, at the dinner table. There were seventeen visiting oOclals Including Sir Henry Thornton. These were seated alternatively with local citizens In the reserved seats. There was room for only nine of the reserved seats at the top table, and five of these were occupied Cy Sir Henry and hi principal officials seated alternatively with Mr. Stork, the Honorary President of the Board. The President, and two members of a cdmmlttee appointed by this Beard to take-up with 8ir Henry matters re quired of the Canadian National R.R. by. this city, and to entertain him and hi, .party during their stay. The re maining reserved seats were on the fldt. tables Immediately adjacent to the top -table, and in these reserved seats were seated both Mayor Newton and ilr4 Brady amongst C-Nil. officials and Verj close to Sir Henry. NO INVITATIONS ''Regarding Invitations, the Board did noi issue any to local citizens whatever. or'glve them complimentary tickets, but Old do so to each visiting official, Ur. Brady purchased and paid himself for his ticket, and Mayor Newton was pre-nested with one by the President of this Board, as a personal oourtesy. The Honorary President's term of office expires at the end of this year, and a It: has been customary for the local member to occupy this position, Mr. Brady will most likely do so after our annual meeting in January. This Boardeels that .no malice has ( been" committed or slight offered any person, and regrets that the City Council when unaware of true facta should pass resolutions of this nature. This letter Is for Information, not controversy, and as far as this Board la. concerned Is final. Respectfully submitted, frHINCE RUPERT BOARD OP TRADE, A, Brooksbank Sec. PROGRESS OF ALBERTA POOL (Edmonton Bulletin) In connection with tlie criticism that Mr. Saplro has made of the Alberta wheat pool for not launching out' more rapidly on a policy of elevator ownership, the fact should not be overlooked thtt a start ha been made In that direction. In addition to the Prince Rupert terminal which It has lcawd from the government, the pool 1 now operating" forty elevator of It own. At iU headquarters It 1 stated that,' up to the beginning of this w ttk, thi I grain handled through these, ' amounti ' to over 2.000,000 bushel. The Information I also given that new contract are being received In Urge number. Of these 415 haveabeeu sent In since the announcement of the I final payment for 1925, which Indicates j that such dlssppolntment a hs been ' felt because tills was not larger has sot affected at all seriously the growth sf the enterprise. Advertise In the Dully New nutiMj uiyii:k o Tiitr out; MV HE Ml I ITEM Mining orepations on the Knauss-property at D;rreen have been discontinued until spring although Mr. Tredwsy. who has been operating the property the past season, w.ll rrmaln at, Drreen and during the winter will corduroy the road from the station to the mine, says the Ornlneca Herald. This will overcome the present difficulty of hsv tng to suspend operations every time the roads soften up. A couple of weeks ago a heavy snow storm visited the locality and when the snow melted the road was too soft to use. During the season Mr. Tredway shipped three cars of ore and the returns were so satisfactory thai he is now planning on working next seassn on a much larger scale. This property has always been regarded as one thst was worthy of development, and although considerable work was done on It years ago by several outfits, for one reason or another work was suspended. It Is quite within reason that Mr Tredwcy wUl go ahead and make a mine out of It. Such things hare frequently been done before. Many of the biggest and best mines bars been turned dawn, first by one engineer and then ansther. but eventually became heavy dividend payers. In fact this has happened so often that an adverse report by an engineer is taken by many as a big boost for a pro pec t. This msy be another such case. TOPLEY MINE PERHAPS SOLD rt.oi.in.uEn mimno and melt- INtf COM PAW Mill TO IIAVi: IIO.Mtll IT It Is reported on the best of that th Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. have clewed a deal with Frank Taylor for hi gold property at Topic y and that the new owner wUl go to work on It without any delay says the O miners Herald., Taylar set his price and stayed with It until he finally got an offer that was awfully clo'e. Instead of 10.000 cash be Is taking IV-000 cash and 15.000 more In six months. The bond Is for 1300.000. This is about as good news as the district ha heard for a very long time and it win make business a whole lot better thl winter. Since TayUr dis covered the property last summer It has atttaeted more engineers than any property in the Interior, and while all the engineers did. not rush back to tbrtr principal with advice to buy at any old price, there was nane who reported adrersely. Mr. Clay born, representing the Consolidated, was here last week and closed the deal. The final paper in connection with the deal and the final signing was expected this week. NATIVE SONS HAVE REGULAR MEETING Com in litre .Nainrd la Take Charge of Arr-iiixmiriiU I'ar loniiruinini IUII Wilfrid Oration I InllUtrd The regular meeting of Prince Rupert J Assembly, Native Sons of Canada, was held last nlgbt In the Metropole Hall with Vice-president A. J. Prudhomme In the chair and C. R. Blggart acting as secretary. WUlrld O rat ton was initiated and routine business was transacted. Further plans were made for the As sembly a first annual ball 'which will take place In the Moose Hall the second week In December. A committee consisting of Prank Fortune. Ralph Smith. C. a Blggart, Olllla Royer and Capt. Jack Morrison was named to take charge of further plans for the event. ANGLICAN WOMEN'S AUXILIARY HOLDS ITS ANNUAL BAZAAR The annual bazaar of the Women's Auxiliary pf st. Andrew's Anglican Church wa opened in the Cathedral basement at 3 o'clock this afternoon by Could Not Sleep Heart and Nerves Were So Bad Mr, (too. Meek, WinJaor, Ont. write I--"I suffered nith mjr Jn-art and nerve and could not Ieep at night for nofse in raj head. I managed to kep at raj work somehow, uutil I begin to bare dirzv it'll wliich ?vt so bad I rould not go to taj work. I was araid tfl go out any place, for Terr ofun I would stagger on my feet, and everything in frent of me woold tarn bla and fade away. While I was noma tick a friend told me to take i et ruur boxes and )y the tlm. I had used them the pain and mines In my head ceased and I was able to gt a good night' rrrt, Although that was six year ago t v... ..... iJz. troubled with that complaint again." Price 60c a box at all dealer, or mailed direct on roeeipt of pries by Tbs T. iiilUm p,., limited, Toronto, ftti 0r MAIL CONTRACT JTILUi- 1 WU DIAL r Nh AIJJILS I . Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Prettily deserated ro the red and gold colors of th WJU the hall present a pretty sppearanc and in tt are to be found an abundsiuv cf useful and ornamental article well as many novelties, such as the .Jen's booth, flab pond and fort one tilling. Mrs. Thcmas Andrew, president cf the WA, is convener of the affair This evening a supper will be served j tctween the hours of snd 7 JO and,! titer the aupper. there will be a concert in which will be Introduced a number of curalc novelties In addition to a trgular concert program. Mrs. Bryant's orchestra will play selections during the afternoon. TIIE M W H INE 1-KOTI.tT. BarberHaircut, elrt Customer Yes, but don't make It too thort; J dont want to look effeminate - Life. " V. ,U .Postmaster Oeneral, will be received at uiiswa umu noon, on rriday, the 17tb I December. 1928. for the conveyance of ii aujcsij a msiis, on a proposed Con- tract for a period not exceeding four! year six 6 time per week on the routs between Prince Rupert and Sub I Delivery Post Office at Seal Cove, from' the lit April next Printed notice containing further in-1 formation a to condition of proposed Contract may be seen and blsnk forms vi iniuw may w coiaiiiea l U) Post Office of Prlnct Rupert. BC. and Prince Rupert Sub Office No. 1, BC. and at th office of the District Superintendent t,f Tuatal Service. . . J' F. MURRAY. District Superintendent of Postal Service. District Superintendent's Office, Vancouver. BC November 5. 192. LAND ACT. NOTICK Ol' I.N'TKNTION- TO AlflV TO LEA UK UMl InOona River Land Recording DUtrlct of Prlnc Rupert. DC, and situate on sn island in Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2IV9 R. . Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island I. take rjirnrr that tnhn n.. R?.!lRIJ'er nf-occupatlon fUherman, 'yi'ij r a ias oi the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner Dost of Lot 3199: thence 1.000 tttt southeast thence 200 feet westerly: thence 1 ooo feet nnrthwMt- thrm (An i '. 5. planted, and containing ten acre, more JOHN BERGMAN, ApP,le,nt Dated October 30. I82. MENT. All the advantages of master control plus all the advantages of minute adjustment Most economical new set known. Preferred by Canadians for Canadian reception conditions. Quality, ease of control distance. R M 'eTuU!Wt $110 w. Victor Northern Elect rk I L4 ,U J . Victor Tnlkbi. MacWds Ccejasyi CANAOt WARNING to USERS of RADIO All Kailio Itrcflting Set .Ml'ST he Mct-ntd 1'enaUy on gummarv conviction It a fine not ex a m License Fee $1.00 per annum License, valid to Slut March, 1927. may Ik? of . J -Staff Port Offices, Radio Dealer., nad) Ini Kadlo Hranch, Department of Marine' and Fish A. JOHNSTON, Deputy .MlnUler of Marine and Flak- UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED mailings i rum it line nurii. ail "" lor V A MO It lit, YlriOKIA, huanson Ray snd Alert luj, r I Kor V.I.NTOirt EK, VICIOUIA, Alert lly and Miiuii IKJ rt' "i,,r4J!' j a.m. .i,tt lor I'Oltr MII'SO.V, ANVO.V. AI.MT. AILM, UTEWAKT snd nr"ri' "u,",n. P-m. ,rt, lt.1 2nd Atrnur, raa.sall 111 I It, M. tlllll. Agrnl. i , i ... .rr a air ro..vcr GRANTS Best Procurable (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bitl fi (MMt4 Sir Vitliiw Can! A Sant UihiI OnlUk 0lMt -Clli( OiMiDraaa, Dall A MB TMn ndvorliseniciil Is nol puMMied or ilisplayw m Liquor Control Hoorl or by the Ooverntnen of Ilrllish Columbia.