rfaV, .Tulr fl, 1020. T " THH DAILT PTHW8 tAOIl FiVS perfection ut ourwhishy is Due to 94 Years Experience SdoderhamArts .,ffiCANAD,AN prRYE WHJSKY 9 YEARS OLD! S 41 advertisement not : i ffi or displayed by the : Control liuanl or by ,..vernminl of Hritlsh Columbia. BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, ,- : . n taken Oser from jr-'rge Kerr by J. Preece w ti it1y niiil Doodton Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkier Valley Phone 178 (SUMMER SUOOSSTIONS FOR tt r r-v x-v w-v WUUU Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce ..! $6.50 ilf load 3.50 n-k 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones e 423, 539, Qreon 238, Black 735. Nlrjht. Phone- 87,. 639, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Slock of Fur Trimming at Uw price" B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave. SMITHERS HAS j CELEBRATION1 People From All Country Round I Assombto to Take Part In Big Event. SMITHEHS, July (5. Canada' nnttonal birthday war, certainly celebrated in most filling manner in Smillicr laxt Thursday ntul has set a precedent for Hie year to miho that will tRke some beating. SlartUig the previous evening and w)iiljjij)iw until noon July ear oad4ni bugy loads of peo-ilc camo !i from all point of lhe district, o thiit when the hour: rame for the opening ceremonies there was indeed a great throng out for a sow! time. Promptly at 12.30 o'clock the big proresnion formed at the rail-way station and with this member of lhe local assembly of the. Null Son of Canada marching in tin- lead, started for the fair ground-, where the snorts were to be held. Fifty Car The Native Sons clown band, umler llrollmr Hart, sergeant-alarms, loaded in a liay wagon was the niece ife reilance of the parade and wan followed by over ttfly ear, oiiine l,iJefiilly deeor- led and all lllle.l with holidayer young ami ol.. Arriving at the proiin.I an opening speech was delivered by K M. Diirherntn. Urand Chaplain. Value fiin of Canada, after which the ehmi children in a "Hly ..n the Brand land le in " nMng of 11 Canada. j-nm then on mud 5.30 every minute wu fully occupied by an atliletir event of Mime kind. Thre was baseball. SmHher vs. Telk- . Uero.se tielween two nicked team, married ladies' playground ball between the C V It. and the town matron, and n bin urogram of ranng anil other sports for the kiddie and grownups. There was alo tug-of-war and horseshoe pttHntis. Snrilhers. wintiitur the former attaint! Telkwa and the Hulhie mine and I'Jmer nosder- LAND act. K tf leWnll U AM, U Lull Und In I and hmtrdint District of prince tUrt. and tlul bo Mnrr.by Wand. V"ti wru.iie i.ruap. on unnamed in el tbrc rude Man, of lie U Per he la let TAtr onrr itui the riudun nh at iKi. I lin.lrd. ut Vinraarrr. if rilflAlhri. (iflMili HUM. I.lan.1. . n .M.ti, tor t ric of Um" CrlVilB drrrilK lllkll 'nintrnrint at 1 poi pltnml it hrt.t ' Inlrl ! 1 H mile ImhIIi f uuumrd ' tk ihrnr, i ft rhhi; thrnr "'fin iu rin.8i. imnr, rati if riuint. loot m (. lu Otttrr line: Itonre norih rt)r fulW.mo.it thnrv llrwt 14 I'.fi.C- tn1 mattlfiln o rr. nnr or to. THE CATMiUT nMI10 CrVP!r. UHIII.il, AflMlll. Pr Wliium Alfrtt Bor nl1 th Attftl. i NOTIOC t the MiTTrn or n rrifonn rnr ihr i..ur iTotitionil lrlillraie t4 lilt f..r ihr L. tulr of U4 lo (II, HI- '(Tl lw lit), W.lln at im -.v. wMreti atul rrivi inii tnn 1 lurlolie ouirtrl. in ihe l'ftinre "1 BHIoa nllimlri (Map It!). Saii.fanorr pnf or in k of Ihe riiriral tf Title rurerint the ttmnr lml (mint lirrn rrnOiMrd jo rue. II l my inirniim to lu arter lb riptratlAn f ..nr pn.nlh frmn ibe flrl publiralKin Ih i-.f. I rruvuinnal trrnrirale i.f HI).' t the aim lnj in tlw nan or I... tla"tiy The V'li.ar In Ihe ltlhl .f inr imiMirui Ntinithwa Pidnl. The nrir-Inal 1 iTtlflraU. of Till it iialea Ihr 1 th l.tirnarv itie. ami la nunilM-re.1 tof.Kf l. umi nriiir- iirnre, J'rinre niil" ' It . IM June. m. It. F. Matl.Ff.n. Xrnlrf nf Title MINKHAL AOT. certificati 6rMeaovtMCNTe Black Htnllh .Mineral Claim, alluale rn Ihr Atlln Mlnlnr I.KIm.ki nf Cllr Il-irlrl Whrre luralnl: On r.ralrr rrer, a tril.iilary of Imirih nf July rrrrk, frfjninin th Oarry Owen Mineral Claim 4I il Miilllirrlv nljr. TAir MiTII K Dial I, I rlrr OabHa Free Miner' Orlirirair .Sn. 70Jn. In-lend. ilr ilavt Inmi he ilau twrrof. " wlv n Ihr Vlninr Hrmrilrr tnr I irlirirae t.f Imprntrtnrnu. for lle pur-l,r nf .thiamin 1 (wn Grant of th 3tt.iv.' rlalm. Ami runner lake noil re thai acl.fin. iimtrr ai'i'llnn ST, nwial be n.nuiirnrrii lirr.ire the llie of aurb frrlirirale of lniprivrnnlt. iialed Ihn HI 4ar nf June, A.n. If. II, MrX rusni, rnt. MINtRAU AOT. CIRTIFICATK OP IMPROVEMENTS lilt ranynn N. t Mineral r.lalin. mlu-air In Ibe Allln Mlnlnf )vllin nf rat-alar Intlrlrl. Wli.-rr hM-aled: On Vul . i-anlr i:rerk (Vulran r.rrrki, a.ljnlnlnr laml iulhrl ir BUr rtnyim No. t Ki-. IrnM.ui Mineral rlalm (l.ol 1171) ). TAkt: miticf: (hat I, Molloy, Tree Miner' Crrtirirate No, 707J9, In-li-nil. UIV tiv rriini the dam hermr, to pplv lo the Mlnlnr lleriirilrr for 1 rrrllflrate nf linnrnvrinrnia, fur 111 nur- IMiae nf .JitalniiiR 1 Crown Oram of the almve rUlni. And rurlher lake nntlre that anion. unWr aei-lkin ST. niunl be roiniurnreil iH-forc Urn liie of (iirtl Crrtirirate of linnnivri.i. 11M. Haled llila 11 .Uy of June, A.n. IBtA, II, Mc.N, FHASF.H, Aicrnt- MINERAL AOT. certificate or improvement III r Caiivmi Mineral Claim, alluate In the Allln Mlnln DIvHK.n nf Calar Ilia-irlrt, W'here l.iraleiti Near Crater r.rr'k and i.lJnliilnir n. nnrlheait of ihn lll ij.nvi.n :leiiioii Mlnertl Claim tl.o "take MITICE tint I. ioi'i.Molloy. Frre Miner' CertlfU! No. 70TS, In tend. mlv itny fn I he dale hereof, In annlv 10 the MlWii llernrder for 1 Crrlirirale or liiiprovemi'DU, fur Urn inr-Pne of .litalnlnir Crown Oranl of the h ' Ami f uriiier Uke nnllre that irtion. under arrtlon S7, rou.l lie nunenred brr.ire Hie ue of iuh Crrllflrale of liiiiimvementt, . . , . .... liied in., l.t d.yHof June, vn.( tm. ADt. Many Countries "Think other tire in Canada is born under such promising conditions NO as the ''Dunlop." When Dunlop England evolves some process for getting more out of cotton we have the benefit of that immediately for Dunlop Canadian-Made Tires. Vhen Dunlop Japan tests out a tread and 'finds it gives more mileage we immediately have that likewise for you, the Canadian tire buyer. When you buy Dunlop Tires you get not only the results of our own technical experts but the results of the great tire experts of Dunlop in England, Dunlop in the United States, Dunlop in France, Dunlop in Japan, Dunlop (British) in Germany. In other words, wherever there is a Dunlop factory the specialized knowledge on tire-making of their chemists, research men and technical .engineers is available to us as our knowledge is available to them. Do not accept anything less than the tire created by world minds the "DUNLOP." DUNLOP Head Office and Mm and lele Hers nf the C. N. It. winning the tatter from a bic field of entries. Dance In Evening In Ibe evenina one of the largest ami too I enjoyable dances held here in a long time was held in the Town Hall, ami to music supplied by the Crescent Orrlie Ira daneine wa continued until after 3 a.m. with only a break at HiidniKhl wlirii refreshment were ened. The celebration wn held un ier Ute aupice of the Smilher Athletic Uub. ai(et1 by Dm Na live on of CinaiJa, and the eoni- eommtllee in charve. in being hiclily complimented on the pro gram carried out, a i al.o the weather man for the delightful weather of the day. SMITHERS Mis Myrtle MeOalin and Mi Margaret Itae of North Vancou ter, are holidaying- in Smithers and will rpend the nexl .ix week here a the srue.t of the latter brother, I). II. Itae. engineer in Charge nf the llr. Can. Silver Corporation'A work poin on at the Srhufpr mine. Mi Nan Fetlerly, one of the loqal .ehonl leaeher; left for Chflliwapfc on Saturday' inornlnu lo ,iiend the. vacation nt the home of her parent. Mr. I.. II. Warner and family moved lo their . u minor home at Lake Kiithlyn on Saturday. Mr. H. C. Itainford and sons left for their home near Hndako on Saturday ewnlnft' train, af ter a few day vUil in town. Dr. Itainford remaining in town lu practlre dentistry for a couple of week. Stephen H. Ilosklns, poveru- meut agent at this point, left 0'i Saturday jnorninp on n trip. to VatiPouver and Victoria. I.. II. Warner, editor of the In terior New and president of tli.i local Native Sons of Canada, left for Vancouver on Sunday, as a Smllhers deleirale to Hie drainl indideslion DUNLOP TIRES Dunlop Tires and the Dunlop Dealer together typify unified service, built on known values, plus courtesy TIRE & RUBBER GOODS CO. LIMITED Factories: TORONTO. Branches in the leading; Cities Lodge Aex. "ions of that onler be- ng held in Vancouver this week. The gubernatorial party arrived in Smitber late Saturday evening, liavltig driven from Fort James thai day. On Sunday l.ieut.-Oov. Itatulotph ltruie, Mi. tlrKemie, Hon. A. M. Manso.t nut Hon. Dr. and Mr. Sutlier- ainl motored over to HnzelUia reluritinr the fame evening-. TERRACE NOTES Tom ,11. Marsh, who ha spenii l he past year near Calvary, Alberta, arrived home on Friday to spend ji holiday at the home of ins parents, Itural Dean und Mm l J. Marsh. Miss (ila.iys Kenney spent I Ik .veek end with friend in Usk. Mr. Chas. Haven was in from .akil-e HateJiery on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Walt and daughle: )orolhy of Ainesbury, aftpr pending several day. lnU wepi it the home of her parents, Mr. in. I Mr. II. L. Frank, left on Monday for Prinre Hupert. Mr. nild Mrs. Jas, Itaker, who .rrivisl! J-ereiitLv . .front Hnglan utd hiiffl' beerJvTiillh,(g a! he home of the inU'ef'f sister Mr, Ja. Swann, have rone to keep house for Knule Olson. Misses Norma and Ueth Mo- Cubbln of Pacific returned honn on Saturday after a short visit lo Terrace. They were accom panied by Misses Edna and Jeat. Dover who will spend n holidiv .villi them. . T Misses Clara and; Dorothy Lit fie, relumed home on Saturday from Prince Hupert where they spent the past week nt the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.- Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kenney and family left on Monday for the south. Mr. Kenney will nl- lend the Native Sons convention in Vancouver this coming week and then go to Victoria to vlstl his parents, Capt. and Mr. D. V. Kenney before returning north. Mrs. Kenney ainlj family will re main for "the summer vacation in Vltfvrin, where hjy have taken a Voftage at the beach. It. Farnin, assayer nf Saint Point, Idaho, arrived from t In- oulh on Friday and on Saturday left for Hie mineral claims of he Hopper Davis' Mining Co. at Kalum Lake. F. E, Clark, engineer of the Public Works department, al present engaged in cruising the Provincial highway through this'. district, was in town on Sunday Carl Carlson of Kalum Laky spent the week end in town. t Oeo. W. Kerr, Prince Hupert. spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. ThuMtun of Kiutene, Oregon, were guests of Hcv. and Mr. T. J. Marsh for a day this last week enroute to eastern Canada. Dr. and Mr. Coleman of Los Angeles, California, spentf a day here at the week end in the course of a pleasure-trip. They motored a far as Vancouver and were making the triangular trip through ILC. Miss Nannie Walker of Prince Hupert is spending a holiday in own with friends. Despite the very unpromiit; weather of the early morning 1 food crowd took in the picaic it Kitsumkaluin Lake on Sunday, Inly I, and all report a good ime. nimnn f 1 irn tiuxria LAKt His Honor Randolph Il.'Hruee. ienlenant governor of Drltish Columbia, visited here last Sat-irday and met local citizens in lie Community Hall. Norman Iiijdley of the OmlnecK Hotel staff has returned helV nfler n fortnight's visit in Vancouver. Hubert Donaldson of the noyal Hank stalT ha relumed to Iturn.-Lake after having spent two weeks visiting hi home In Telkwa. John .Swanson of the forestry survey party operating in this district is a patient in the Hums Lake ,1lnspital -uiilVring front severe lacerations sustained is his hand while chopping wood. Miss Margaret Palmer was liven a farewell dance at Decker I When You Do I Not Feel Like H I "a Regular Meal" I I B0VRIL 1 Will Fill the Gap I An exclusive Dunlop feature: There is a Dunlop factory located: in Canada in England in United States in France in Germany (S) in Japan Lake last week and was present ed with a kodak from the people of the district. After a success iui year leacmrw? sein.ui at Decker Lake, Mis Palmer has left for her home In Prince Hit pert. A son was born at the Vernon Hospital on June 18 lo Mr. and Mrs. V. Schelderup of Hums Lake. Miss Thelma Titlemore, TintaJ gel school teacher, has gone to aer home al Fort Eraser wlier.-she will spend the summer holidays. HOTEL ARRIVALS . Prince Rupert Mr. aHd Mr. W. E. Drake an. 'hildC, McLean, L. O. fireen, A Haddod, A- Matson and Miss Marjo.ry D. Dacquot, Vancouver: S. W. Darctay, Victoria; D, T Samuels, Mrs. p. It. Valde and O (, Valde, Winnipeg J. Sullivan. rMmorilon; Mrs. W. II. Watt and Mr. 'and Mrs. K. T. Kenney and uihtreni Terrace; Miss A. flar1- ner,' England; E. D. Langis 'and family, Swanson Hay: S. N. Christian, Poii, Ilvvar.; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Senker, Hattle Creek ..'Ch.; L. Cilvh, A. Aldridse. hii-3 , Cooper, Kilwanga ; It. EvValde. Prince rtupert;. Mr. ,and "Mrs, A. V AngHlson fliid family, Ket--jiikan. Central Mr. and Mrs. IX Parsons, T. nderson and H- Amherst, Van ouver; S. Shersky, and -W. F. rjaylor, C.N.H.; P. Kearney, City. J. Sullivan, superintendent -i J,N.R. telegraphs, Edmonton, a"-rjived in the city on lasl night' (rain and returned East Ibis morning. MINERAL AOT. Notlca of Application toe Carllflcau ol Improamanu. Mineral Hill lin.tiD. run-tlttlna of Mm eral Hill .No. I, Mlnrral Hill ,u. . Mm rral Hill .No. 3, and Summit Mineral Clalnia. alluale la the skerni Mloinc IHvl akin of .Nix I OUtrlrt on the aouth-eavterv end of ln.n Mountain, kitlmal Valley. i.awiui noitien, vv. J. iioiMiwin, tree Minera Certiorate No. ttOIIC. Charier E. M 110 re. Krr Mlwr'f Cernrirata No. iiTC TAkE NOTICE IImI I. Charle. E. Moore. Iee Miner's Ccrlirirale No JITC arent for the owners, intend al the rnd nf altty days fruin the date hereof, to apply lo the Mlninr Keeorder fur a Certiorate of ImprorriMenU for Iho purpose of h'..ivlnr a Crown Grant nf the ahnrr rlilms. And rurlher lake nntlre thai artlon un-tier Sertlon SI of the Mineral Art muil tie rouinieiireil hefore the l.suanre of mrh i.eriuiriue or improvements. nalert ihls iTih dav of April, 1t. "OOVERNMENT UQUOR ACT." Nolle Of ADDlkatlon fee Bat. Llcanaa. .Nntlre la hrrehy men that, on the fRih u.iy or June neii, ine iindersia-iied inlrmia to at.nli- to the Limine Cnniml Wruinl mr a li.fnse In resu-rt of premle belnt n.irl of the tmlktina- known as Oeran Falls ll.ilel. annate on Front Slreel, Tnwp.of Orran Falls, lip-in the land dearriW J l lot No. SI. liana 1. Coast Mtrlrt. Man .0. 11..V. it. ui iie-iir!W nuirKi. In the I'rnvinre or Hrlllh coluniMa, for Ihr aale or lieer br lite rl. or br tli 0111 bottle fur r.vniuuipllvn od the pr-a.ltes. Pllrd this 7th day of June, lit A. PACIFIC MII.L4 miriD. ftt C L. Buker, TriiHirtr. Out" m DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Tlmbar Sal X2GS3 Sealed U-itdrr wiU be recviYrd bj tba Minister of Lauda al Victoria not later 1 nan noun on the fvrn oay or July, tvit, (or the purtlia.-e of Urrnce i64, to cut l,eS4.ut feci of spruce, llriukKk and Cedar mu an area alluated on the Weil end of Tamo Island, near Moresby Maud. Vuren UiarUaie Island Olilrlrt. Three (3; year will be allowed tor reUMiiai of tlniuer. turioer particular of the Chief Fwrea-ler. Victoria. U. t., or District Koreater, l-rinr llaiTt. B. ... DEPARTMENT Of LANDS Tlmbar Sal XT949 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands al Victoria not lalt-r than noon on Hie Uih day or July, tvit. lur the purrbase of UrriH-a X7DIV, to rut xji.vvo uurai leei 01 iutr roles au.i I'lln.r ou an area situated ou Durtlon of Ula Hit. iill and 1518. .North of llairl-in. tenter Iwtr!ct. Three (3; j cars wiU be allowed for removal of limber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores-Ier. Mrtoria. B. C or l.l.lrlrl rurrslrr. Prince hui-rt,B. C TIMBER SALE X 6491. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister or Laud al Victoria nut later ilian noon on the 1Mb day or July, Wit, r..r the purrha. of Licence-Xt 4 VI, to rut M8I.00U feet of Spruce, lleinlaxk. Balsam and Cedar on Oale Island, Ihiutls Channel. Ilanire 4, Coan-Drilrlct. Two (Si years will be allowed for removal or limber. Further paril.uUrs of' th CJilef Fores ter. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, rpnre wuptri, p.i;. LAND REGISTRY AOT. Section 113 and 227. IN Till. MAVTHl of ajnralinn No. HIS for the camel till. si of I rnarre, A .Ml IN fill; MATT HI of an Aaree- tneul or optkm lo l'urrlue. dated the am ueceiuucr, ivi. ana rnrisiered inn (th Janutry, ISIS i applicallon received the 3rd January, mil, as o. Jlttli. between GFOIKik T. i KANE, or Hie first Part, and OOHIio.N C. LMUEllSo ut the Second Part, coverlnt the folluwlut proiny: Uu seven (7), elfht (ti. nine (, leu (IV). eleven ll), twelve (111. Ihlrteen (13-. fourlern (II). fifteen lilt an.1 .1 turn I,., HL..b ..r. J.., ant Lois nine (. ten iIOj. eleven (It.. and fourteen (I4j, Bkick srveolreu lit), of District Lot number ni humlrrd and rco-lv.mr (ail i. nanre rive 111. Cuatl Mstrlrt. Map IJ0. sausfactory proof of breach of roven- inl and re rnirv and recovery of Dosses- Ion by the vewlor or owner of Ihc lands, J ublecl lu the. above Airreeinent or Oiloii I- Purrhuse. tuvlna- been filed In this office. TAki: NOTICE that mi aPDllrallon has licen mad Ut rau.rl Uie registration of Ilia atnive nuntluued Arrremctil or option Ij H'irrhate. and which I reentered in Herl-ter of Charire Volume 19, Folio 1(7. a No. t IUi. and that In support or aurh tppllratlon ha 'been pmdun-d a derlara i..n of OlOIKiE THOMAS KANE daled th ttth October, lS. ind a declaralii.il of T.MtV ALTKR TAYLOIl daled the nth Novemlter. I5, provUir the breath f covenants and re-entry and rerovery f n-r-.isln aa aforesaid. IT 19 MY I.N- TINTI'.N, arier the eiplraUon or thirty 'JO i day from Ibe service of this notice to cancel the reaitlrailnn or the option lo purchase or Aarerownl upon tlie rrjlsler ml thereiiiwn the etale of the pur- baler In lw land des-rlbed lo lb aald Atmii.tnt or option to rurrba, shall rrase and delermlne, unless you shall Uke and prosecute the proir proceedlnrs lo publish your rlalm. If any, lo the ald lamts o to prevent aurh prtposed action on my part. siMirn ai ine Lann nea-.iry iirnre at I'riiM Ruiri. n.C ihls First day of June. A.H. Its. . II. r. Mari.f oo. llrriSlrar of Title. Tft Onrilon C. Fmrne rsor r.tl. , LAND AOT. Nolle f InUntlon lo Apply to L Ln4 In prince ;ipper land nerordlnr ti trlrl of Coast lianre a, and tltiiat on Vniih tlarhaet Idand. TUE NoTICf: that Airred wanon, of Pnnrp flutiert, nrrupalliMi Mariner, Intends i apply for a leas of th follow. lr d'.srrtlied landai- C'Miin.entinr at a pnl planted at lh north end of Sou Ik Karhael Jilandi thrnr aroim.t I he Uland at high water Uiark, and rofilalmor to arre. nv aCt Un. ALFftED SWANSON. Oittd AprU IT, till.