ukUA rnmnn t .... i . v - t : ' ' THK DAILY NEW3 t'.'.y i 7i V Puie Tea Everr tinsf leaf and bud of "SAT.MA" GREEN TEA BEST PROCURABLE Seek- ytQtt? BOTTLtO 4 5UANTtt0JST MOPUU Or fCOIUNO HC87 is sealed in air-tight aluminum. More delicious than any Japan or Gunpowder. Ask for SALAD A. Try it to-day. The Daily News FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Everj" Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 4" H. Pi PULLEN, Managing Editor. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATESi City Delivery, by mail or cnrrier; per month 9l.(u By mail' to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.'0 Tti all other countries, in advance, per year $7,r Advertising and Circulation TsUphone 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - '- - 86 i - All'adverlising should he in The Daily News Office before A p.n. on day preceding publication. AH advertising received snhjce to approval. Member of Audit Buraati of Circulations. Friday. April 0, I02fi. Crime Of Being Caught Is The Most Heinous. Law. are numbered by the hundreds and possibly by th-thousand and people aro i-onstautly breaking them. A few arc caught and punished and Ihe others, think themselves wonderfully clever and when llieir less fortunate fellow citizens art cafight I hey are among the, first In shunt for severe sentences. , .Many cases! ocVur where the fathers are notorious law breakers; and (ben because the sons follow in father's fo'ol steps and are caught, the fathers condemn Ihe sons and turn lliem off. The chief modern crime seems to be thai of being caught. men an examine must lie made of Hie culprit. .Most people break I be lavvVat sume time. Let a police man or pouce. magistrate or buuday school Jeacber or parson look back in his lire and see if "there is not .some occasion when bo overstepped the humid ind made himself liable to fine or imprisonment, lie Was not caught and today he is resectable aiMl without slain on his reputation. Olhers were caiurhl Ihe first lime and bear with them Ihe, taint of apison sentence or litis tiol Intended here lo suggest that law-breakers should not lie 'punished or even that lheybe let Off'with ligM sentence lilt that is suggested is that a moiv. charitable view be laken of railings in our young people often caused by railfhgs in our system whiclf leads sume or lliem Jo oversle.'p the hounds which the law declares is the one pastwhichnthey may not go. Law Breaking Shows Failure Of Society. .,' When there is Jaw breaking, it indicates thalfocietv as organized today has failed. It shows thatdhe leaders of thought and the fonnulalors of I'usloms have failed miserably au'd ihe emotion which should pervade us' should be one of "sorrow a! our nwn failure rather than of iiger agaiiisf thoe who have been caught breaking the law. ' .' Milch Or Savagery ' . ' : Still Remains In Us. There U much of savagery still in our nature. We Imi-n entered ourselves with a veneer of civilization but beneath arc allihe emotions of our savage ancestors awaiting only Hie break- iug oi me. veneer to allow lliem lo slyw ih.-m.Hhp jn ai (heir ul(Jtirne riiggedness. f When we read of the excesses of Russia and or the crim inal instincts cropping out in other peoples who have had less trapping then ourselves, we have jiltle to be proud if. for just beneath the surface we have tho'sanie only partially curbed vices in Vnibryp. .Quickly they develop and ofleir are seen in Inosl iincpeeltjd places. .!.j;-t Human Nature " : . , ' . Tending Toward Goodness. ' - uieie js iioiiiiug 10 worry ai.oiu" irr. this .Qfidilifm under i ncii we i inn ourselves, we have not advanced far along the j.uij. t.i cn.miniii imi improvement i noted and in Ihe course ol a few thousand years avc shall probably evolve a man who will lefroniethiug more than a creature, with a painting of eiviliza- nop on uie outs-ide ami Ihe savage nature continually cropping outlat every crack. We hai-e l(i nfi'Mnf flip tin fuiM it and to improve it as much as possible, but we must nol( iinjiK. wiai any one person or ncencv can onset ihe l.iws ir ire which are me inws nr i:.ui nn.i i.rim. ni...,i ..,m....: :.. 11 HIS ailt. We are sf riiirirliiiir fpl,1. ir. .,,.,.... .. i ...i coiidilion and when we see reversion to type it rhould be re- iiiniiiiereu uiai we an nave in us similar impulses and that the fnulls of youth are often the faults of wrong training or neglect. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' Tb Orifintl Lbl look" for It at th Vendor' and intiit on " GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" ACASKA WILL BE PROSPEROUS Goverriop Parks Says Never Has Outlook 'Been as Bright as y,;, Today , KETCHIKAN. April 9, "Never before in the history f the Territory, has the outlook been as bright as It is now. Alaskans have Lgre'aler prosperity," declared! (Jovernor (JeoVgo A. Parks while' III 'AL'lCIIIKilll. - I Hovernor Parks was here aftorl li is. annual visit Id dip national! capital: Ihrwcnt e.asl lale in Hecember and after a visil-in Denver proceeded to Washington where ho has been in conference with President Coolidse anil the beadsofyhe various department ed in Alaska Decentralization Efforts are now being made to ilecentralize the control of Alaskan affairs and to establish as much of the authority within the Territory as possible instead Of having the Territory managed fly a lange number of bureaus in Washington 'as is now the case, the governor said : "The co-operation accorded myself, .Noel V. mith, r.ol. James Steese and olhers who were in Washington during the past few months in the interest of Jernlorial matters was ex hemcly gratifying," (oeruor Parks said. "Each of us found great willingness, for the most part, among congressmen and department heads to be of real Assistance to Alaska ami 1 per sonally feel that some things of benefit to Ihe Tercitory will b evolved during the coming months." Governor Parks was unable to indicate just what he expects as he says all plans are jun in tne lormauve stage. ' Three Changes "'Ihrcp measures presented lo con.ress and which (iovernor Parks lelieves will be of great benefit to the Territory are the homestead act, permitting home cteadin of ground alou irregu lar lines so as lo include Hie most desirable pround, instead of al right angles as has been Ihe heretofore; the fur farm Eustom easing act. permitting the leasing of Ihe public domain lo breeders of fur bearinp animals and the townsile ad, which will permit the deeding of town lots lo natie. TO ERECT NEW FISH BUILDING Co-operative Association to Build ' on Dock Near Other Houses The provincial government will erect a building on the povern me lit wharf to be used as a fish handling plant, by Ihe Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association wliicb will po nto the business of reeelvlng, icing and shipping halibut on behalf of the fishermen just as oon as .the plant Is ready announced O. Av.fNickerson, president of the Lp-operative Association, yester days afternoon. The new plant will be, erected on the vacant space, of' the government wharf ueiween tne present iisn nouses This will make Ihe third build ing that the" government will erect here this season for the benefit of the fishing Industry The other two will be Ihe hio- loglcal slatfon and Hie fih pack tnfr plant for the Daeon Fisher ies Ten Years Ago in Prlnc Rupert April 9, 1916. At the evening service in th Anglican Church today, Lieut. Col. V. 11. Clayton, of Ihe Cana man Dental uorns, delivered an address before a large congregation on his experience? In F-urnpe." Yesterday aflernoon Col. Clayton addressed I lie. Canadian Work; on the conslruction of the wharf and railroad for the )o)ly Aanlen Mining Co. at Allco Arin has been cloned down on account; of a wage dispute. The companyWill pay no more than cJ a day for laborers and the men are not satisfied with Ibis. C. L. Younffman. recrulllnir sergeant for Ihe 102nd battalion, U igning on men In the city. t LOCAL MEN NOW BUSYIN SOUTH Pete Rorvlk and George Macdon-aid Establishing Their Reduction Plant at The (Victoria Colonist of rc-rcni date lells( pi Ihe operations of the local fisiermen who recently went south to establish a reduction plant on the wesi coast of Yanfiouver Island. II says: A firm that is '-entering the business U thai or Ihe, Marine Products Mil., y which has for years been operating oiil of Prince llupert in different lines of Ihe rishing, business. Willi Capt. P. Ilorvik and (Jcorge Macdonald at the head or Ihe company, this concern i trnns'-ferring its fleet of seine and other boats to Ihe west coast ni' Vancouver Island to engage in this business of handling pilchards in the reduction works. Takes' Over Packing Plant A location lias been takeh by the Marine Products at Totpiart Harbor, where there formerly was located a packing plant op erated by .S. 0 buck. This has" been overhauled an4 converted to the Use of the reduction purpose. The necessary machinery has , been purchased and Is in large -pari in place ready for the opening of the season. Tanks .have been bought in Victoria ami will be conveyed lo the site, and creilcd to take care or ihe output. This company will have a capacity oT about inn tons a day. Dependent upon Ihe results of Ibis reason will bo the future plans for an increased capacity another year. , Kyuquot Plant In the whaling station at Kyu-juol, which has been acquired by riptain3..E. fSilmoro. Peter Wat- lace anil others', there will he an effort 'mad tlifv year to utillzo Ihe pilchard ralch for reducllon. These are only some of thej firms that will be in the trade in j pilchards Ibis -suinmer. There j are a number of others who havo' made preparation for entering' this line of the fishing business I as well as the ordinary canning j branch, should the run of these fish warrant It,. I THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: :tt f 89 MtMWl liOODXKSS is not always -miles per gallon should not also meritorious. A' snail never runs amuck. V At 1 Kit yon have watelied a woman try tn sharpen a knife you ran realize why man is m dull. MI'SSOI.IM gol shot in th" nose but bis Kali remains in lac! TUB run about wickejlness it- ! h;it the nimethinK eirr&hlcou have worth while lo de noiinee. ',Jt . . CX"': . ii i mi si ne ainensi rwo ween since, . llfern wasf a French cabinet r'ts.,. What Is wrong with A that 'LflT K;no! yUl fijidlislied. DON'T borrow I rouble, cheaper lo buy it outright. Until She Used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Its ADAM ued the first woman, to blame things on and since (hen men have used women chiefly tr. hang things on. A MAX who is interested In She Coughed Night and Day Mr 8. E. Utu, 103 Inkrmtn St., London, Ont, writrsi-J'I got a very erara cold which fettled in my lro-elial tube. ., I erogted night nd day, and although I tried MTeral different rem-diet I could get no relief until a friend adrited me to take lit, Wood'a Norway Pine Byrop. Thl I did, and I muBt ay that It gave me alaioat Immediate relief aa I got rid of my eough tery oulckly. I hope this teatl-monial will U the meani of helping othera." "Dr. Wood'a" ii put un only by The T. llilbora Ca, limited, Toronto. 0t lake an quart. interest m smiles per WOMBX havo their hair eu short, Ihey smoke, drink ami have some of the dlher foolish -iii'scs of man, but when it comes to put i ins Iheif reel on the' I utile tln'V fail nn -enitily. ARCHITECTURE : A LA RUSKIN Miss St. Jam Qlves Intarattlng Address Before) Rotary Club on Gothic Forms . An, interesting address on Ilus kiii ami oinic areiiiieciure was delicred yesterday ariernoon nt Hie Itolary Club liinchenu by Miss HI. James or the lliirii School teaching slarrr She illustrated her lecture by chalk drawings showing exactly what she meant Taking her bearers baric ti the Temple id Karma at Thebes. Miss St. James spoke or the Kg.vptian architecture, which was the oldest known outside or the Orient. Then she traced lis rovlh through Ihe (Ionian. Mreek and Norman periods, flo Hue arclilleelure originated in France and was featured by lis savageries, rrom which it got Us name, Its naturalness, grolesque ness, rJgidlly, redundancy and oilier feature. The. main thing about it was Ihe pointed arch. with an apex formed from a triangle which was less than that rormed wilhin Ihe seinl-clrcle. The-speaker mcnllnned many Interesting features ot this lye of dweMbiK particularly on lis truth and falsity, Un over decor-alion and it's general effect. At the close President McCly-oiont Ihauked Miss HI. James for her address. ftKN'KVA, Aiiril 0. American ulrls who have Jnsl rmnpleled 'heir collce edueation lire com-'ntt lo fienpva In Increasing num-hers lo perfect llieir knowledge of the Trench language. Waxaami imzFT IWHOIiEMILK 1 " AW'JKJI' QhtNesV fnffisaa-. EVERY housewife knows by sad experience what It means to find the milk sour and useless nearly always, of course, when "the comer" is far away, when someone drop3 in and an immediate cup of tea is taken for granted, or, in the country, when the next supply of fresh milk can come only with tomorrow's milking. The New KLIM never sours. It never goes stale. Come heat or cold, long day or short, it never loses the natural sweetness that went with it into the tin. It is always at hand and always the same, lacking only water to turn back again into what it was whole full-cream milk rich, appetising, sweet and wholesome. Neither does The New KLIM freeze. It fears no temperatures. What a relief fpr the housewife: to have instantly at hand whole full-cream milk that can develop no taint, that cannot turn sour, that cannot freeze imperishable purity, in the brown-and-yellow tin 1 Bay a tin from your grocer or druggist to-day. Canadian Milk Products Limited 347 Adelaide St W TORONTO "MaJ at oar moJfl plant In th country" 3 iCARADIANl VPACiriC' . auiTi CooKiad i It Never Turns Or Sours! 1 l? junoauy K MOWN, it Camn Smi fat thttt two toaAfWt FKECt Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCt OEONQC aiMl PRINCI CHARLES Mill Me fniRCC RUPIRT t..r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, .ml inl.rnKillil.- Mmi. rRIDAYS au MONOAVS ai S 00 a.m. Iw STEWART ami ANTOX, WE0RES0AYS. SATUROAVS, 1000 fjn. S.S. PRINCE JOHN f..rtnifilH tut VANCOUVER lie QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS PASIENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY RION0AV, WTDNESOAV III.) SATURDAY at S ..m. ft PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, .1) ,, J.,.urn, I ID ml Suu A0ENOV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllf Tlert Offke, Bit Third Am, Print RuparL Phana 20 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services' MM Sailings from Prince Ruiwr lh " ix mucus Buruct ' Par Rutadala. Swanton Bar, Eaat Balla alii, Ocaan Fall. M..,u a.. Campb.ll Rlt.r, and Vantautar atari Sal.rdaJ 11 Vm ' ' An far all Steemahlp Llitaa. uii i'f . , W. O. ORCHARD oantra! Aa.a' Ocrnw of ath Street and Srd Aanua. Prle? Rfart, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Saillnta Itoiu Pnaie Murri. ar VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanion Sa,, Alarl .,. Tuaadat. S P TEA KETTLES In all sizes, ALUMINUM-COPPER-ENAMEL AND TIN From 50c to $4.75 each Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd.