EASTER TEA AT IHfcCATHEDRALI inierewnfl Event Took lace f esieraay Afternoon and He-; ' suits Good' Tlio nnniial Kaster lea; of Mm rpw': Anlican VQiiircli ""IS? AUJtninry was heldyes lor.iny; afloinonn l (he: Oatiie lral,iu and proved to ho an. in-, leresllng ami profitable event. Mrs. Andrew was general enri- vener and (ho decorations- which were ittiUfMi'ally prelly, daffodils nip cuior moufj were largely her work-. Mrs Mclnlosh and .Mrs, His i'miird. Assisting in the tearoom worn Mcsnames Kviii, Homer, West Parkin. V..;j. S,.(.Pr. Tllckpr Morgan, LaTrare, Creech anil A lahlo of plain sewing was in marge or Mesdames Smilli, Kr'nip, Maccy and Orchanl. Home rooming was sold by Mesdamos Muckie, Woodland ami f Julltn. Cash lor Mrs. riazctl-Jnne MiriiiK- Mm nriernoon Mrs. I'nnner erave selections on the piano and there were, vocal1 solos by Mrs.'Cullin and Miss Annie Dalby. The total proceeds of thn day worn about nn. RUPERT EAST CHURCH LADIES' AID HOLDS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Th Ladies' Aid of (ho. Rupert Kasl flynuiasiuin Church held a .... very successful sale or home ; cooking and candy yesterday afternoon, ahout $fiO being reaU izeu. nils gymnasium, whieli u already rendering a splendid service to its community, was thus generously supported by that community. Mrs. W. Unliinsoh was general' convener with the various dev ; parlments in charge of the following ladies: Home cooking Mrs. Mac-.Auley, ..Mrs. .Watt and Mrs. Mac- 'C .'!' tables Mrs. Ueale, Mrs. (pgwall, Mrs. A. Murray. Mrs. plcth Davies, Miss Hilda Jlealc, Miss Mary Jlussanich and Muriel Jlrewerlon. ) tlandy Mrs. Frank Vicker. Miss Wilma Wilson and Miss Doris I)inwa!l. Mrs. Snuires was cashier. RATE OF PAY FOR SUBSTITUTES IS REnilfEn RY ROARH - wm w m m m vri 11 LAS t The snl.nnl Im.-.r-l -lo.Mn.l .nisi.t to rciuce the rate of pay1,, n,f'M,"""' sened by lifor subsiuule teachers, rnslcad i',e , assisted by Mrs. ' Of the U per day that is now Su"'lal ' Mr. jl.hiuw .jpaid for all substitue work, in fii- , ..4- are H, will he paid for lli'TRAIL RAMPRS HIITFTl .IKnlrance and manual training classes and -$l for the lower "grades as well as the domestUi science department. 'I'he new scale is based on that now prevailing itj Nprth Vancouver. The l, m'a Iter was brought up by 1J. li. jllochester, chairman of Hie hoard,; who Was or the opinion ilinl t)i scale or 16 Tor substi-ilufes was too high. It is esti-maled that a saving ... oT ahout 1 ino annually will lie mm e w i ii.- i ir iirw wruic. " NEW INSTRUMENTS FOR BOYS' BAND Four Arrive This Morning Do nated by Employees of the Railway Here A shipment or four new instrument for the Hoys' Hand donated by the employees at the C.NK here from money secured through' their annual' dance, arrived this morning and arc on Aiew in the window of J. L. Mc-'I.nreii. They consist or a II Hat lenor, an K rial alio, a cornel and afHronibonn. This will be, a welcome Addition" lo the instruments 'l'!'iiired. 42HOTEI- ARRIVALS. , Prince Rupert ; Mrs. W. 0. I'hilllpsnn and Miss W.l). Anderson, Osland; H. Hos- ;eaUxand Miss Lila Hosseau; l.owe inlel; T. Ashley, H. Solle and It, II. I'onllfex, Vancouver. i ' ' . Central It. Agnew, Vancouver; .1. Jack-man and J. Malinnev. Artviix W L'egiile.iO.N.ll.j.H. o, Unwln and mr. a. iiiimiuiu, iTinco ueorge J; A. Iiugluis, Scoll, Sak. 1 bringing up father P-DOH-T . i r s . DIFFICULT KEEPING DISEASE GERMS ALIVE California Graduate Student Has Task Feed Them on Egg and Beef Sorurrr ' DKUKKLKY, April y. Keen, ing alive diphtheria and Intimitis. losi ReriiH U one of Iho tasks. of Anthony Salle, graduate .sludent. who is seekins' a- doctor's', dn- gree aLthe University of tlifor!J ilia. Hactoria must he had for ex perimental ituriioses and under Salle's rare are awiroximalrlv one Hundred varieties .Mill - I No epicures are more exacting in Iheir diet requirements titan j l . f . . . ... 1 iiM-Kt; warns oi ins llie invisible enemies tr the human race. Th" hardier eierms will thrho. in a meiliuni or he-f infusion ami other ingrLMlients with Japanese agar or gelatine added to make the solution. solid. Among these are the staphylococcus, which causes bolls; and the typhoid bacteria. The pnuemoiiia germ and; the Islrepfocorcus,. whirh .sCaucp- sorn: throat, are fed agar 'and blood, More delirate germs must have an egg or beef serum. temperature is a vital eonsid eration in the "culture" of germs, for virtually all are killed al (ill decrees or less. iiiiiw mniuu uulji f OF HONOR AT BRIDGE TKHHACK. April !). fa com-plimenl to Miss Deacon and Ml Kl'auda Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Dover entertained al bridge on Thursday evening. Three tables were played, th first prize going. to Miss Marsi, and J. K. Frost,-while Mrs. Ald- ous and W. Donald received the !''n'!"latl0ns. FAR AS NORTH PACIFIC The Trail Hangers or the United Church hiked tit port F-dwatd Wednesday accompanied by J. Liney and Ilev. i. (I. Hanker. TJiey inspected the net and can' making in progress al the cannery and yeslerday proceeded to North I'aeirie. returning hnihe; last evening on the train owing In llio hrnLnn u-Aollina t .l. " " " tiwii'il tmva mi.i iv i'- J If tHe symbol of social intercourse Your guests will appreciate your hospitality the more if you always serve NABOB . TEA TEA AS IT SHOULD BE' VOU THIN TH U s ii i i ... STANLEY NEWWAff GIVES ANOTHER FINE DISPLAY OF BILLIARD PLAYING Jrlck Balls Used In Amuslna competition Last Evening .MnTiing a heller showing ih.i lie did on Ule nlahl nrefioos nod playing an all arouint solendid 'Jf' V --"" imidmiii ueieaieti (ieorge Mcllmov e at IWev.ilranft IVrnililnt Club hist nrghl liy Hno fo iSJ after havinc spotted him too. This means Ihsil Millmivti ., wi i...' .... M "H I mi '"ans ldayiug tm o I. is old frm. made only HI points while VT . . . . ...... -rwinan sroreo oo. Ihere were -M innings an. I Xewman made the high average or 38.00 wifh breads of '07. 10 1 and I l(i. Mi llmvie s high hreat. wa i.1 and Ins average, t.DO STANLEY NEWMAN I ltr ! iBBBBBBi 'romineni Kiig.si liilliard Play er, appearing here in l xlnh liiotr maiehjls. I'he lime or.the tournament wjis one hour amj seventeen minutes Ihere was a Targe erowi! nf snec- 1 talors. . ' Tonight Newman will meet four local player and w'ill giv the groiin the -:inwV sliirl nf 5(1(1 while he makes KUU. ?Threi.n Ibe ldayersr will he r'red I'ylei Don - Drown lifnl- W. r.iniir. Thrt folirllr hail hot been c.hoserr 1iftt nigh I'. Toniorrow eVe'nihir. Ihe, Hritish champion will play Kgl.. Jebson and on ' Sunday night Charles IJalagno.. Arfer Newman bad disnlared his repertoire of trick sliolH last evening, the audience was given the opportunity of frying ror the high break with a set or- trich balls. The comoelilion was ' amusing and Fred pyje rar, sevejdeen which will be hard lo lop with llie (ueer balls. Tw" cue, will be presented at the end or the wel-k lo the two per sons maklnig the highest breaks during the compel ition with lhec balls. SPORT CHAT FsoeClal interest Will he at- , , .. , ... , I lVrinlnar i erinini lachcd to Ihe baniie! Iieing PtUjnraff. im mirifirrriw eveoio! oy llie rrince; nooen milium tnHiie in ... . . view or (He fact that the tropi.ies won miring- (he wlnfer s.rso.t u here wilt ' nCcNCfl e.f M Slhi-L. . ..' ' M,"'" """ .ii i were yon. i so .... , i- v-a - le Newrtuin. tile' Hnf sn elmro.L - u . olon nrofessional liifli:iiilif ftil : is . visitor in file. clfy. flelween a erf man and Onv . , Hedreen, man- - ' i ager of llie' flriirtswicke.falke Collenrler ancmiver, who is ais.r nere,. n is said some sur- prises win i.e provided ror lln - , fans who allend the banquet, AH! OOCHTEIR TOUO ME THAT MOO A. fc-OH (OU TEUL.MG: OP Tup . -WA' ,.1 I . 1 '.Mil For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2e per wore .VKT WAN'TKD. - F.tiergetic man look aiter husiness while own ef i out' of town. Must hav some security, (i. F. ririn- Auelioneer. Phone 771. i TO RENT II(lFfK for Ilent. Diniiwr room, kitchen, pantry. hath, four bedrooms, $;.j.nn. Apply? 15 Fourth Avenue Hasl. if FOIl HUNT. Modern four room ed flat with Monarch 'sing, Clapp Illock. Weslenhaver Hros. If FOR RRNT. Pianos, playe,- pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker' Music Slore. t FDll ItHXT. Five room modern bouse wfni riath. Apply llliie Toi afte'r HVe o"eek or San days. k; h'l HNISIIHI) Housekeeoiiwr llooms to rent by the day, week or month. Phone fled (507. tf! On ifFN'r.Furnished liouse-Kceping ..suite, MossaUerr: A part men fs. Phone I'd. if OH HF.NTi--Fonr room suite, hot waler heated. Apply Smit. Mallpt. "II HKN'T, Seven lloomel liouse. Phono (ireen 735. Hi II MiaO Ml III! 'tODKIlN' FLA1 ror Itent.- Apply Max lleilbfoner. if AI.MKrt HOUSK. Furnished suites ror rent. tf BOARD AND ROOM. HOAIID AN'f ItOOM. t25 Thirl Avenue. Phone Jted 330. HDAHD. The Inlander, 83! Second Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTIONEER. FOIl Five Days Only I will lose money. So will you if yoM don't tnkr advantage. For rive days you buy al your own figure, furniture and household elTeet or all descriptions. 0. I. P.riile, Auctioneer. Phone 771. GOOD EATS CAFE,: Third Avenue; Opposite Menson's Sliidlo. 0001) MFALS. CiOOl UAKF.S Coffee or Tea Served. ItKAL HOMF. COOKFD MCAI.S. Mrs. Unger, Proprietress. Therefore, it is expected that Ihere will he a nig turnout. Further organization for Ihe rnrlhromiig football season will be etfecled at Ihe adjourned an-niiaf session or the Prince Itii . perl Foolhall, Assoelalion lo-iAgbl.( The 'balance of the ofrico bearers' ' :foH the year will he elected and amdlier mailer lo he deall wilh m n notice of molioti wilh res peer I o Ihe conslilutlo:i as far as the Hoard of Control is concerned. Three teams have been entered Tor the Senior Foot-bajl League Ih'ls year (Irand Club, C'alhVs and Col-I I u- u ...... i no mien oevicr Pnldisher-'l hls slort, of ,r. PX(.cHem ...j ' . wouldn't use ' n " ..:. ; . your tianie;- .will make you r. ......... iniiiwijn, Aiilhor-imnioney I'm' after. ir Cm... itfiv, . imh Mill ij is im I1f1, 1 1 , iri'w IJfX;w .-- .'.'''. Publlsherut ymi'lf get Just as much nioheyfh eflher case. Aullior pin, f w;on't. If I publish over my own name, my wife, will got it, tT' ROOO' I i i uir a : O 1926 ay Ihtt. Fctv( Scwvttt, NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. inadvance. No Advei tisemt nt taken for lets than 50c FOR SAtC III sNFSS Property for Sale. FMly feel of impmved troper - ly m iiesi luealion on 'Illlrd .wenue. rroperlv in thin oca- lion is seldom on the market and this is exceptional value. Houses for sale. She mom house with harhor view on Itnnlen Street, i.r00.ftn; Well hnili house in Wet-vlew,. four lots, :,t50.'Ml. House on Firth AVenife, Section 7; two lots, t, Hiiu.no. We have also two of Hie very best re-idence intheciiy' for sale at atlrarlive orlces- MrCarTery A flihlfn. Ltd.. In surance and lleirf Hslate. FOR SAf.K. Lois . 12. in. with slore buihliw. warehouses and manager's resi lience Ihereon, together of separately. Also hits :m aiil Ti with five apartment home on enelij pivscMlly ucrupid Uf .Messrs Wlnshy and llent-on. all belonging to I be estate of If. Cunningham Si Son, Lid., ami Siluiile nl Hazeltnn. ft.C. Offers to m maile lo John I.. OhrMle. Lbpiidalor, Prine lluperl, DC. Hi IVARtlALVSI Two fully mo.era hnnses, five antF Vevfirl roontK. in first Ha? eohdMioh. $'oo casji and balance ?2S monthly. -Several tola, huror view, low. price; 50.ni ensh and 15.00 monthly, t'.ow Day fron--age for safe or rent. Se Thomas MrCIymont, tf CHINCHILLA HAIIHITS. -Ilegls-lered and pedigreed adulls for sale. Also standard pedigreed young sloek. North Lndl- llabbilry, Oueens and l.on-dule, Xorlh Vanenuver, U.K. HKAVF.N and Hell. Swedenborg' great wrk on Ihe lire arier death nnd a real world beyond. Over 100 pages. Only JV postpaid. II. O. Law, IH(f Fu-clid Avenue, Toronto. OASIIDAT. for Sale, 21 foot, rtiif- ralo engine. Suitable for pleasure or I rolling. 25O.0i Apply flov 302', Daily News' nf- rice. .. ; r'oil SALK.-i-TI)ree Inl? on T.iy. lor SlrCet for i25 cash. VhI-enhaver Hros. PIGEONS IIACINO Homers, bred from snm of Ihe besl blood In tin? world Strains, dills, Darker, Hon Ami; also Rarnenu.t Pygmy Pouters, Tumblers and Squab Hrceders. Slock birds and trained birds. From H5.00 lo i 1 5.00 per pair. Jack Hanks, 1 1 53 Hastings Rlreel, F.nl, Vancouver, U.K. BOOKKEEPING. WAN'TKD. Hooks to posl; gov ernmenl returns made; public audits. Rates reasonable:. Write Hox 2H!. Daily News office or phone lilac k 8!) TRAPPERS! NF.F.D 10.000 MINK SKIN'S. He.l prices paid. See me before you sell your furs. If lis furs I'li buy them. W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, April 10 ml' M :58 a.m. 20.8 H ''"w '5:52 a.m. 5.I " 1 a : 1 5 p.m. 3,1 ' By KNOW IT lb ! TriiJiHiU'! mm Inc. jjnr fArtlclft .Lost and Found.fi c AUTOMOBILES -I See the New Improved l CHEVROLETS Touring, prico F.O.n. Prince Hupert fSIH.OO Itoadler, price. F. O. II. Prince lluperl 1878.00 Coupe, price; F.O.H. Prince -Un pen ft 1. 1 20.00 Coach, price F.O.H. Prince. Hn- P'N . I2t.no 5-Vd.in, price F.O.H. Prince flu - yen i.ZJO.or1 "" ljuidau Seilan, priee K.O. H i. ... . "eomo. PrltiA Ilit,M.l t 4iiY nfli Loiiimeiulal (Jhasis, price l(i.H. Prince Hupert 1708 00' Ion ChaK prlc F.O.Ii.j Prince Hiinerl H'lHdn.i (Tall in and get pnrNeiilnr of Ihcf ot u.w.a.c. easy payment-Plan. A few bargains in Seeond 1 1 rind Cars. KAIEN GARAGE Dealers in nil ilencrnl Mnlnr.. Prodiiets Caillllur. MeLaugh-lln. Oakland. Ohlsniliile. pon-tlae and Chevrolet. wm:r.KiN(i sfhvuf day and NUillT NKW lU'At'TY OF DIWIUN PHICFS AT NKW LOW LF.VKI.. NKW TI.MK PAYMP.XT PLAN Delivered orlre nl Prince IIuimt' Self starter and tate included. Itunnlmnl 1030.00 Touring !ouie i 83S.0P',T, I'ndor Sedan 805.0l Fordor Sedan Commercial Chassis 52l.50! Truck Chassis 095501 Guaranteed Used Car nl Sfierlnllv Inw DF.MONSTHATIONR OH nniVIXfT lessons al any lim S. E. PARKER, LTD. 21 U Hennd Avenue. FURNITUE AND RANGES FAWCK'lT, Premier and Finlan flanges always In stock. Hs-more hed, ronlintious 2 ineb posls, frntn 30.00 up: any finNh desired. Dinin room suites; living room chairs and lounges, a good assortment of pallerns Dominion Lino Ieiinis''froui 75 per yard. Lin oleunVrngs, 1020 patterns, all sizes. Wicker rliairs $7.50 up. He.l linen. Table linens ant towels. A. Mackenzie, Furniture. Phone 775. TAXf TAXI Phone 67 Taxf (Call Oeorge, Paul or Ousli Six and Seven Passenger Slude. tinkers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across rrom F.mpress Holel. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. Back to the old stand. JI5 Third Avenue. All the lafesl In SHF.RT MFS 10. Columbia New Process RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coaf - Wood and Furniture Moving Hnirinitrn nn,l !.'.,...- 8lttiid:I.illlo's News Sland, Phone int. lies. iMioiie Oreen 020 FURNITURE. Nfw nnd Reeomilinn,! i.,..i lure Riore. We fiiiv nii i i... change New ami secoM,n.n',i Hoods. GEO. PAPAOOPlli n 839 Third Avo. Phon.. flic George McManus 1 r A. I I Ql- uv DON'T WMST TO . ' RlOTv - K MAIL SCHEDULE OUT'OOINO. rUtr T Vntuir MHA)' WrtlikHMiV flu irtini TrM)i nn( .... giuriliM Ti' trsin : r.R.. mii i. n T !, AIU Arm, tltn A .t-,' SMH4l) Kfitartm ..... f T Antoi, Psrt llmpMH ,4 Hut , Ttinrr ... Tt AtMt eit . tmi it. ta t o.. ct..nu. tu.4 r,ta,. .. . . ... . . ''" wJ.ii ' rrut.. -.' TlHS1tP mm Hi'ttr Points-. simntajM . . a rum AUtit pim t. is. r Trtm Q CHit mi pm t. is. -M, OS COLIIOTI0SI S i AT. 1 Mi Ain Am a raj st, Hi v4-, 4 TknNM-A s i II A -MttftMvnk' ' 9 v h "i. A llirs . w, t III l A IK', r..,, 3TV V lSM - M Srl k. H II en.. r.4iri f.Af , , . .Pes. O..VI. Whurr .. T P Wrf . . l flu IB t, 1H s A M si IS( STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS 'r Vsnuir lrM -. I'roir Httirl t a sjarttv 'suu " ithk- nMiriy s Alfll t-. Criirs Hji ApPlI l- I'dmrto Vn April fW . inusu u..,' From VnciMr ' Siiitar-M . srtMi4 f Wnln1jr . 'nir nupon ; t A rrWijr m isuir . SslMFilsy 1-rtiMs.M n.i MOirdsy- .. prftii K i turn rl . m rr.e. , IprM it rrinf. vi , April :m rrlnr. vi t ttr Psrt Slstpten t4 Ntti Nlftr TrMty ... r.u rrsm Port SlrnpM ns Km Rlttr SnliinMv ... ciltu t rf Aittii-. Ah-I u m. rnnrp Mrr April IS -m. r-rllirrM r Ami m ,',., pnnrrn, Hirv from Ainu April f .. Prinrrt Mai April u Primps, vie April l -t. PrinoM rf SttMsrt, Antei Allc Arm- SiimHy m Cjirrt.-trt WritiMturn M. prln(. Bllt,r, ,,. Saliintay ... imh,. , h..i. frtm Sttwtrt, Antei and Alice Arm- MimiUy.,. CHtwp ctiarlf. Tui-niUy g. rj-i. ru . . rtli1y - . pHi tluprrt For Anfoi . I'rlil.iv . Cilili From Anrei Sliir1yi. . r.aUln ror Qut.n ChsrlotU I.UnO.--April s . prince John April n m. enure ihn from Qun Ch.rlotU Ulnd April I ... prmre thn April II..M. frlnrii i.n April 10 -- m. Prlnri. rtin roRM r. Not lea PPlleallon' t for Cariif Icats Improromind Sini.i. i1 "?ln'l Claim Inriilr ih krH bilrlr, W ska lm?S, Vw:.,"'4 KUn.k : more h","r', f rf Miner! Orrlf :' iii" ami ;?i '.fA7' 1JC. inir - 1 nunm.. '.rf."i'!r h'lPriivrnirntt Mi i iriirm oirihcr tnkr n ' Hint .V-.""" ..w.' . "rJin. iindrr (nriinn ,.f ilt Ko'vrmalr"rnrr nf "'" OrlirtCAl. 0' bsteil Dili 'olri, rts'v rtf rihrmrv, l' . ,WAN IMIIN, Ownr , By K. T. Kenny, At-