Nice it r ' atch 1 r aa Jewellers ninn v mm am. on sntm r itfliu.i ntwl l una A.I A (1 AA n s uus. sponged ana n s ram. ana .. . a a . it v i i"i"i riFuiiK'ii itiiii tin pressed, rrom.. ihi pressed t-i.tiu Ladles' Llit ii r . . j - in Suit, light color nn .... 12.50 Skirls tlazJc color 11.00 V I . ft Skirt rilA.ltw1 nnl A 4 MM 91 .If If Hoffman Vacuum PmaiaH Is Boit .DM GLEANERS Phone 8 I 30c e is.., o..... ...... i mm i in r t-inidtKr, iiri I . . . . , 25o 25o I . tl fl u A mtn WM ' l'l U'lNIIH. III.. . WW i r i ....... K i. v aly & Doodson Sixth Street una mua. vvh uaiiYer. i E. S. Tait DENTIST Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 8. X-Ray 8ervlo Phone 189. F.vcnlngs I INLAY'S rlage and Storage VV7 a 1 . . Olslrlbutlna-. Team or " Motor 8orvlee. (mi nann atj i m opaaiBiii m Flan an FunltuM Hevlncj. Tin lifllc watch is the now small size thin model until filtil screw back it in) front case, with a wr made fifteen Jewel movement. made especially fop u at the faclory. We lia7 fotiml nfler years of experience that this make l Ihe host timekeeper at a moderate: price yve can get. Wo guarantee (I. John Bulger Lid. I INDIANS MAKE j RAIN MEDICINE Contest to be Held to Decide' Which Tribe Can Got Best Results SIIIWIIHA.N, Wyn., .May (5. Medicine men if six Indian tribe of .Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming will weave "their uhnrin ami sound their chants trying !( convlnoo tin' of TfMiinli'r" lo 1oom rain from tint cJoinl in a fcaturi' e'iit of tho -I'liii-tiMili'iiiiiiii rcli'liration of (.UMli-rM m Staiul lit Ih; iielil in J ii n at I he Jialllffii'l.l itc of tin I. imp lilg Horn Hlvcr. Th-y will finilcxt (o Ne who can make tin '-bet jni'dicliif," on Ihf last Jay of the celebration Tin' tndlu'inx men, ich rcjUT-sontlllK a trllie Ihe Clieyenne, llrow, Ulackfeet, Aftitinlbonc. Hatheii.) and Sioux will l.e mure than three roro and ten year. The chief medicine man of an Indian tribe mini be one of the oldest member of the tribe. Limbs Painted Their bodie nueied with white clay, and faces and limbs painted with red, orange and yellow hues in wierd deigui, each Indian will carry a staff, pped with brftliautly-colored feathers. With a whistle ill his mouth he will ride through the Indian camp on the battlefield. Mow ilia the whittle and chanting wienl phrases. All tliiv while his ,irm will be outstretched (o tbe Ureal spirit. Maeh medicine man Mill be alloted thirty minutes to mix the niiilicine" that will recipilute rain. Bear Tail's Success In llear Tail, oldetl medicine man of their tribe, the Moulana row of the I'ryor reservation liae a participant who is expected to "mix heap big medi cine.-' Five years ajrp, Itear Tail warned the tribe tlial il would rum on a certain day when a nwleo wa to be held. He was jeered Uy tho younaer members llul when rode., day approached, he "mixed medicine " and liad Ins sipiaw make the tepee fnt warn ntg tier a I'ik storm was coming. Not u cloud obsrured the sky so the tooths 1 1 re pa red for Hie NAVIOABLI WATIR PftOTCCTION ACT, R..c iav, trin lis. TUr lau4r I .-U.DJI f I'vliiur .mt Mn l.inillrd. r(llMd trflirr l til wll. I""-!". ! ncile-p llul II ..a iiwlrr mtIixii , K Inr mm rl ImiixI llh Np Mllii.trr if I'liWir Wnrk I IMKW. Ilvl .11 Olr ilTrirr .if Ow iMi Mil Nrltrr ut llw IjikI llilrv n rrlnro iiui!. il iim ii v of I'nwi Mu rl. I'rmWe tit llrui'b a ilr- MTieiiim t.r t ur aiHi tuan at wiiari and ptr .,.ril In tr l.init ai MaiM-lt. O.i .1.. in llw I'mtinri' vr Hrulti Orfuinlsi. ul la), iurra i:turMt lliut. I'ni ii'-o h rill- ijiiiiiuok; tnrt Mkf ik.or trial ftr llw rilr-ssi iif to iihjiIU man IIh ilair ut llw "I iiiitilirasn r Oil. ikiIIiv Ihr I au ra r I l-hlin A 1'Kkllir l iKiiMnv l.imilnl. sill nistrr K-rli.iii T nf ilNb aaiit Art, ap- .i ii, ine Mini.irr .. runur ur. al irfr.i-i" In the ' or i'f IU. fur ai-n.val of Hi miI iti- ami i.lana ami lir ! In rtrti.iriirl I he I lurf ami anil ii rnn Hiiiwn. e.i .. mi am lay ut Ma. . I.ANKMlt IISIIIMi a, PtllilVO i 'IMCAV. l.ltllTLIi. Htr l( KiilK iliir. V'111"". VaiiKiit A r,nul "NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, It.S.O. CHAPTER 1t6. nosse mu i run umitfu. rtiiTMt r.mrs II Sfl llne .Slrrrl, m Oik I lly of Vanciiivpr, IT..HI1TI. of tihlih r.nluiiilla. IU.HHV lilVr.S MH U K llul It liaa unlrr win, 11 ; ur Hie all Art ufihmiiimi mini llw MinUIrr i.f I'ulilir Wnrkt al oiUwi, i ml In llw (.rrn of Hi hlklrlcl llrtifirar .a tin mini itmuity nuiriri m rnui-n (tiirl, at Crlmv IihimyI. B.C.., a ilrrlp linn '( ihr !!" and nlaii t a Mlurf mnl irr'll fur rarrjlu alr Hiie iiiw T-fl in n i.n hi it snaHDst uay. mni iarhill llsnt. u( tt I'rovimf i.r llrltlh i iiliimhla, nil fon'Ulmrr l ai cf tut t;.sa. vuri'ii i:iirlciili llaml. In I hi' iTnTini-ff of lirlllh Di.lniiilla, tint lir tan. I 'liilainmr in all an am if rutin i iiti nin ur ft. AMi TAkK MiTli.K that arirr tlw rx nation ur mie 1 1 nun Hi fmin llio dali if Ihf firm piitillraikm nf thla nullrr. Hi .or tllllrnl I.HiiIIihI will timlrr mm-IIiiii T "f llw Mlit A' l aiiMV I" h MliiilT of IMiblir W'Mik al In urriii' In lh" city nl oilavi fir apimval ut llw alit alii ami l.inn ami rur Ivavr to n i.i hi tlw aalil liarf aud trrml. luti-it at I'rtnrr iinprrl. H.n.. tlila snth (Uv i.r Urll. A H t'i lly II Si.llrllMin. William, Mainim A 'liinl'. QOVERNWENT LIQUOR ACT. Nolle f Application for Bp Llcane. .XOTtcr. is IIHIKHX 0IVK that im ttio ilh (lav ur Nay iwtt II miiWuimril In-trmt in iiplr In tin Manor r.nmrvl Hnanl tnr l lirrnrV 111 rf'lct ti prrinle min 1 O.W.V A, llulrl. minus In III tnwnalls or Curt Clf mnit. D.I ., tiMiii In; Unit 4earrltMtl iitlt littlf nt lot anil (, block 41, niMrlrt 11 Tl. Otirpn Uiarlull lUml lil'lrlrt. aprunling Im n-irltprp(1 map or plan depmUliMl I at the Prlrws piiiwrl, HC m nninlH,riil t. ror inn aw nr hpit ut u"- j llw iiwn Isitlls rr nmumpllon on llw rrn"iP?r'i rrinrs nuperi, n.c, ttiu utti ttay t April. 4m. pRAnr Appliranl. SOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. MlTlfr. M tlEUKHY'illVEN that nn tho J5IM ilar l Nav nMl Itw iiislirtlinml In-lV.i.1 la apply to tlw Uqunr Control i. "vn- "" 'V t$ltLlnX2' Marll, n.C. ami ln I lis Un.l ili-mrllicil a I lit A. H rak K. MP VIAS. "rl rf Miipi'r ;l I.iw1 Hiiralloii n .irlrt. In llw PnVtlnrr of Prillh I "'"MA ' tlw aati of lr hv ,lin ,l,nor1,.,'5fn'1'? on ins pre- own Isiitle fr iiinuniptln 3,Vn?u,,,uui.? No more washday odour Made by the makers uf Lux R451 rodeo. Just as it started a drenching rain occurred, supplemented by n slrons Kale, which blew away all the tepees not serorely fasteneed. LIBRARY KEPT UP ITS GOOD WORK IN LENDING MANY BOOKS of I lie Dawson slampeders, nu4 was horn In Olengary, Ontario. Ills relnllves live itt'Mnntreal, He has liecii nssocialed Willi mlnlia for twenty-five years. THB ' DAILY HBWB CONFESSION BILL INNES 11 I A'.Bensatlonal f tory of How Former in tne house Pr,nee n dm in wilds or Far North I KinSO SHOT-"BOTH TRAPPERS works with cool water No Rubbing No Boiling Just soak tvyo hours and rinse out the dirt Change the hard work of rubbing to just rinsing Confession of Crime Made During Period of Remorse and Death Followed Quickly Thoj.rtory. of the double mur eer, who was on his way to the copper regions. Iloth bodies were ly-ltitf h short distance npart, and it was supposed a duel to the death was staped, both falling victims to the other' sliots. BUI Innes Story This is the lor was told to Ihe astonished Shorty Veb Per, a short lime liefore the body if Innes was liroered. iii)i was tnippiiijf about Total Circulation for the Montti sixty miles away from Ihe cabin was 3767 Volumes or 156.9 of two men by the name of Holt-Each Daw nieyer and Christiansen, both j napjHT rs. He came down lo the The total library eirciilation!cabin on a viH an,, Parl' " for Ihe month ,f April was 37n;('"' "toritiHjs of January t, 1920, volumes of which fiction mint- ....... he shot down (.hristiansen, a . i. t i Iiered J523 volumes non-flcllon , """" l'"rr 103 and juvenilf Hi, aecordiimia,Hl ,,"M1 '"'. " Ve! to report ma.fe to tel. Library wa? ,.f, ' , 1 . lU,d at its meellnp last jilglil'' "I' by Miss Crulckshank. Ihe libar-' . ,""7rr.a"". r,.",?.a"" un''" " n 1 1 snois into ins noiiy. lie men The library was open 21 days in April. During that time 30) new borrowers t . . . , . iook tne iiiiuy of (?hri(iaiicu and Imried it in the pit nf an 1U r0t,X MUr an' af,r n,,,,,in!t r i lered i-'ii,. "wisteroii, Kn.i i ad r t i A .. . . , t If. -II. .. ut U III! Jirivii IIIIIHII n I I Hill . IH II, IIIM II lll'l llIIUil lo the roll of 27. The uran I total registered now is 22C9. Huring Ihe months 02 books were placed on the shelves 12 by ifl and rti lo purchaso while IH had to be discarded as unfit for further circulation. The total number, of books now owned by the library Is 1,012. CARRIED WIFE'S BODY 200 MILES OVERLAND WITH HISDOG TEAM NOMK. Mfty C. Duncan f.. .MrDnnald, Candle creek niininu man and pioneer of Alaska, nr- ived al Nome recently with iloi body of bis wife afler covering 200 miles overland by dug leam In order to have the remains embalmed for shipment lo Hillsdale, Mich., Hie home of her r- latiVes'. The Journey was made In six days aver mountain passes and obliterated trails. MoDonalJ slept otitjn he -open and kept the body frozen. The woman tiled frdm pre mature child birth in a district. whore there are no doctors or hospitals. She was .Miss Fran ces .llishop 'school leaclier and W wa .or,f'NVrtfi Tln' ttnieral vas held under the auspices ' of Hie llebekal lodge, of which she was past grand noble. . , She was postmistress at Candle, for two years. He)' husband was among the advance guard dollars relumed lo his own trap lines, leaving the body of Holtmeyer where it had-fallen. Never Suspected No one ever suspected ho had ever left his own line or Visited Ihe dead men who were hi;, friend.' - A. .Ieavy fa,llV,of, siuvv obliterated 'all 'track and tiuou llie police i)fj ,1Iiiioii Uh liflr in irtlibeinjlingiijfk'tUe lknlv of Hnl.iiVeyi.rl Ihey VrW-t't-dcd ft. Investigate. Tbe general opin inn up to fhe preent time was that C.lirilwinen had done away with his partner, taking Ihe seven hundred dollars they ;cre known to have possessed and disappeared. IiicidenlaUy, U was Shorly Webber in Ihe dark of night on his way lo Hudson Hone- some I der nflw'iy trappers in the far' inirlh mid of llie dealli of Wjllianii Innen, a former resident of; l-rince llupert who was hero in lite early days, is told in a special despatch lo (he ftlmoulmi Journal from Peace llher as follows: Shocking and sensational i Hie story reaehina here today of the death by his own hand of William Innes, well and favor- jably known wherever he was located as "Old llili Innes. in 'he lonely 'seclusion of his trap-pin? cabin In a rep ion known as "De-crlers (jabln" on Ihe Flnday Itiver west of Hudson Hope. .Surrounded by a lug catch of fur and plenly of money, Old Kill was found by Ole Johnson, a fur buyer, a few days ago wjtb a-fi.'iilii hole in bis chest made trroiu a 30-to rifle. ! Torture of Remorse While iiifferiiiK the torture of remorse, he unfolded a story that seems beyond credence to old timers, knowing Hill Innes in hi years of wandering I It rou limit he mountainous country to Ihe west which ho bad traversed tu is search for fur, and his discovery of the iron and copper oeinills thai were revealed to Ihe public Mime, few years ago when a small ' stampede was stuped for the staking of the copper deposits. It was on this stampede the Itodies of two slakers were found by J. II. Johnston, a h,cal engin "Bridget ten ilavs later who ili-mmn.1 in in ner. relumed to the Innes' cabip SvrrKiilfTVsn mm V I if en To Feel Much Better, and after uilng a few more boxea I eould eajoy my reat aa welt aa ever I eould." H. 4 N, Pilla have beea est Us aaarket for tne put Z yeaui yea atami aniKfiai aena tem; m; pat pat at aa eaty ay rat x. aiuuuxa Toreato, Oak LLbIUiI, f??i. sings as she works so does a Galli Gurci-both - ' are sopranos. But oh, what .V f Al? difference ! Galli Curci's is a higher form of singing. Imitations of Kraft Cheese A ' are cheese but oh, what a difference ! Kraft Cheese is a higher form of cheese1, because Kraft's is a higher VARIETIES: f lb. 'and 1-lb. cartons and 5-lb. boxes Canadian, Pimento, Swiss, Camembrrt, Lim-btirger, Gruycre, Crated. friend of Holtmeyer and Christiansen, thai the solving of Ihe seven-year-old , murders wits re vealed in a tragic manner. Visiting Innes and renewing acquaintance, Innes was slmwin.r him Ih rough a pile of snapshot-when he uncovered m' 'showing Christiansen' -and he immediate ly commenced o gr.oan and pace, U"tuUjtor, vtJltin iUnp J " rio f for some time, wrlien lie finally collapsed and proceeded lovnar- rale Ihe above story of the killing of Webber's friends. Webber, terrified, rushed away lo Ihe camp of I'rey and fire- gory, . wiiere auer some nesnn-tion he unfolded the horriht-t disclosures. Frey, in company with Webber and another trap Ihul were ordered away and the Her NervM Wera I story was retold to (lie Johnson, "All Broken Up" She Could Not Sleep Mr. David Gilloufher, 37 Lynd-kurst Ave., Hamilton, Ont, wrttsil "My nerves were all broken up sod I eould not aleep at light, sad I would bave to get up out of bed aad walk Uo floor for hour at tins. After Using a Box of Kinlay Fork mail carrier just a few uours before. Kvenls leading up lo ."the suicide, indicate that Hill Innes had on- several occasions re cently lieen found in a stale of tears and almost collapse by lifferenl trapiiers, who had oc casion In visit or pai. bit cabin. Confession Is Made U was lo Shorty Webber, who with an Indian, ostensibly to purchase fur, .went to the cabin only lo find Ihe door barricaded. Suicide's Body Seen Peering through the window, Johnson saw the lifeless body o Innes lying on the floor and th, door was thereupon broken down. Finding life extinct .loh'n-son proceeded to Hudson Hope and" reported,., A hasty eKaiijInafh'n-ny Johnson revealed the desperate efforts Innes had taken to mako sure he would not lie foiled of his intentions. In the evepl of the' riflf not completing Jim work il was intended to, he had cav"'fHy a '"fgc butcher knife within easy reach, but (his was not required, the rifle having been well placed lo do Its pari. Horrible Chapter, He was about 55 or 60 years form of cheese'-making skill. But we leave it to your taste. PAObFIVS - ' c i - ,vi viil Hollineyer and stumbled over His iieait nooy anu who. upon' his arrival at Hudson Hope found (hat Ihe news of the kill- n( age and powerfully twill, ai'd'i Ihe revelations contained in llie'l clearing up of Ihe murders of Holtmeyer and Chrisiancn have i ing had preceded him by lU'i'nn parellel in the nortli. In the! region where Hill Innes made his haunts for many years his prtie-s.ome confession came with a distressing shock. The H.C.I police arc investigating and jt will he some time before a complete clearing up ' of (tin case can be made. The ultimate finding nf the bones of tbe ur.-j fortunate. Christiansen will write) finis lo the horrible chapter tin which police and lonely trappers so orten play a part in Hie wilds of the north. ALASKA NOT PLEASED WITH HEARST ARTICLE , , ... .i Anchorage Newspaper Says Conditions In Alaska In Wildest Days Not Equal to Chicago (Anchorage Times' Thai nrlicle appearing In the Chicago and olher publications of Williani Randolph Hearst in which conditions in Alaska are described as .being .very lawless, would be amusing In Alaskans were-it not for the bad impression such an. article may create among its readers in Ihe Stales. Of all the newspapers in the country, a Chicago puuljcalion should be tVeJjs.tito criticise: vice condition In any 6ther section, and of all publishers, Mr. Hearst should be Ihe last to permit' his writers to indulge in that sort of Helton, ' If it is the desinvof Mr. HearVl really 'In; devote his columns to Jhe, vdrk of improving conditions.1 such as "he Inform his reftijers cxlit ihiAlaska.'lhere is ,!i more ferine. fWltt'dttt.siiV the haundaSl ies of mlfrton'mt 11 would not he pecessary, a matter of fact, lo go beyond ihe limits of Ihe city or Chicago il. sey lo.finil, conditions n. thou-sariii.'fiin.es1 worse than those existing in Alaska in its .wildest days; and there are many large and small cities rinse lo Chicago where the need of reform Is so apparent one wonders how It has escaped Ihe notice of Ihe Hearst publications. Crystal Firelighters 48 Fires for $1.00 N'o more chopping of kind-Ming. Safe, simple, and economical. Manufactured by HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone SS0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 23S, Black 735. Night. Phones 637,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Hxqulsite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next O.W.V A. Third Ave Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 878 DENTIST