fAOE SIX THB DAILY NEWS FRESH IN ! Rochon's Chocolates $1.00 per 1 lb. Box Also Hoxes tit $2.00, $2.75 and $4.00 ROCHON'S ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT OF Needle Point COATS THIS WEEK ONLY "Demers" We aim lu please . Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Vegetable Special Tomalocs, hulhouse, per liaket 35c Tomatoes, green, lit. . . 4c Vegetable Marrow, lb. ..6c Hubbard Squash, lb. . . 7c Pumpkin, per lb 7c Cucumbers, large. for 25c Heatis, green, 3 lb. . . 25c Means, wax, JJ lb, for 25c Celery, 2 heads for ..-25c Lettuce, 3 heads for. .25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phonos 18 and 84 417.423 5th. Avenue East DEPENDABILITY is the one big farlor necessary in your glasses We suppiy hat faclor through inir carcfpl, conscientious, scientific examination, of your eyes and lhe production iff lenses to meet lhe results of that examination. Accuracy und precision characterize our service to you from start to finish. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist for 27 Years 319 3rd. AVE.' I'llONK MA) 41? SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce I'cr load $8.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. MODERNIZING MOSLEM FAITH Effort Being Made By Turkish Government to Reassert Au-thorlty of Country. SPIRITUALIZE RELIGION Would Make Pilgrimages to Mecca of Value to Those who co and to Those Who Stay. Constantinople, Sept. -'0. The .Government of the New Turkey appears (if be- anxious to diss'pale Mm impression in 'he Moslem world that the Turkisn peofile. once I lie leader of Islam, have lost thu faith and become infected by Western scepticism. fill now il has been fully occu pied with the' internal reforms enlailed by the change to a modem Hcpublic. It has not had time to develop what mav he called its religious foreign policy! r (o reassert the authority tf Turkey, though unpossesed of) ihe Khalifale, in Hie world of Islam. The is now to change. II accepted the Wahabilc invitation to send a delegate to the Con gress of -Mecca, which met it the end of July to dis cuss all iiuestions concerning the . .-3 Vcurtly of. pilgrimage and tin ioly Places-ix ihe light of mod- I'n nrcila It has also just cn- ered for the first lime into dip- omaljc relnliohs with the Iled- is by appointing an cxlrao: Unary diplomatic agent and ac- cptuig a Hedjaz agent. Not Antl-Rellglous t.nc lurwisn authorities aM low extremely anxious not to li ! considered anti-religious and lb; intellectuals are equally anxioiM to assert (lie country's nosilion is leader of a modernist refor- nalion in Islam. Thev alto- ether regret the Itussian revo- utionary view that "feligion is the opium or the people," and oppose to it the view that a Turkey without religion would Im o true national Turkey at all. It is intended that Hie Amroct lelegate should internrel to t!i est of the Moslem world through Ihe Congress of Mecca the real meaning of the religious changes winch have been instituted in tFK CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MOTICE IS HEBEBYCIVE:V thil lhe re ierve etUtlor over Lot 4607, Cuilar Die-irltl, li camelled. Deputy MinJMer or Laoda. O. h. fiAfiE.1, i.iihIs tH'parUntat, Vlcturn. B. C. tent June. HIS. . NOTICE IX THE MATTER c.r an application tar tier lue or a I'rotuioitat UerilUrate o' illlr ti Lul rive ii and li (,. Dixit tlilrl.v iu ia.. SfrU.n me (I, cujr i .Tiiice lsuK-rl. .Map SJ3. Satisfactory proof of-lh lox of thr Certlfirale of Title rovrlin llw above lilM naviiijc ixrn proaurra to uie, II I my In-pnOoii to l!ir after the eiDlratlou of n (I, month frrin the first -(.uunralUm hrrrof, a I'rotUloiul Ortiflrate iif Tll! the almvn uml in thf namp i.r 11 I FAIIiLIE. Tb (.rlKiiul Ortlflralr of Till (Utl tlw Htl Marrti. 191. and I nuni. ttrred lH-L I and llrr'lry Offlre. rnnri. iiuikti. b. c. tih sn'ternlx-r. il. t. Mi:i.i:iii, IlerUlrar of Tltli. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE In the Laml llfcordfnir Imtrlrl or Atlli Mlninir Dii.1mi of Caolar Lit trie t. TAkE SOTKE thai lh Enrtncrr OoM Mlnf. l.K! . Inc , a rrrKterrd mlnluir rrni- lny oixTitliir within the I'rotlnre of Brt- un '.Diuinuu, ix'i'utialion. a tnlnlnr jm-pany. IniPiuU tn airly rr a rorehor let or th followlni' awtlnl land: O.niiirt iirlnir al a hii pUnird about 50o Tfet dilnt In an Katrrlv dlrrrtion frt.ni tlx X'M'th Vil riirruT nf lot nil skv- lark Mineral claim, xttuatd al th iwHi'th r Wann ttlvrr. on Takn Arm or Tarttli i-.pii i- m a .toruwiv nirrriui iti tftt. liit-iir-f Karrly IUO rt. tlmr Southern ISO fwt nirr or lew to til art) water mirk. I Ik me Wemerlv I mo feet more or ira to Milnt or comtiieiir fluent aim i-'iniaininr or, aire mure or leti. L "lrd (hi. f&th (lav or Annul. t? (Slimed II. Mi-N. FRASEn. B C. L. S. Aveni Fur Coats & Jacquettes An requisite Stock of F'ui Trimmings at low prices B. C.FUR Co. Nait Q.W.V.A. Third Ave MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-. PINO CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 i i i . Mr Snowry Whitened i liat what Ihe Turkish Slate has urned il hack' im is only isrnor inl hodjas, fanatical pilgrims. intriguing and idle monks, and ridiculous popular upertilion-, Modernfelng Spirit As an example or the kind of nuidf rnir.ing spirit which Ihe Turks hone gradually to intro duce into Islam by the eomiirv I'1'' be carried out in a different spirit. They waul Turks lo re- lorn from the Holy City not, as riles of Jhc pilgrimage are In' take on a fresh and higher niean- iifg. In kissing the Hlack Stoii" of Mecca, the i'ilgrim will lib taught not lo believe any longer thai he is venerating a stone Not Chasing Devil When, in another rile, he runs or walks over the too yards be tween the two low hills of Merve and SeTa, he will not heiirefprt.i rcthird bimselr as chasing away I he Devil and getting ahsolution from Ids sins, but Jie will do lJ as an exerciso or piety in honor of, the sutTefliigs exper-ienreil Ibere by the Prophet and lhe Saints. Such is the kind of spiritualizing reformation that lhe Turkish intellectuals hope gradually to impress upon I ho Moslem world through the new "ontact Willi Ihe oilier Mn!etn I'oiiinniiuiies which Turkey is uiiout to jiiake nl the Mecca Con gress. A serious aHempt will hi) Pacific Holds its Friends 7 X Jt M 1 You're sure ofsnowy A whiteness always " : 5 ; 1 in the children's garments 1 in your own pretty things 11 in all your dainty linens 11 and cottons II i vK if you aVays use II 1 &s3$& Reckitts If i Bad Blue fi t) It nL-J r iha hnnrlM Kn4 with Ihtt I L K'M Blue and White strioes It Wml Turkey by the Iteputdic. II will made :o ounieiM. t the Imjfrt's-m his duty to impress on the tiun ttial tlte Itrpuiilu-'e suppres-issemhly that the Turks as a "ion of the Khalif.tie. of (uc r--vople are more than eer at-'tigious schools, and of the inim-acued t the Muslcm faith antt!nlic orders, ww oeis directed Mra. Alice Wlillama in a lettrr received recently aaya: "Par two yeare we have used Pact-fic MUk almost, conatantly. Our home Is awy ' from town and from epwt. We live In a rather out-of-the-way plac lup here In Brltlah Columbia. Everything muat be ahlpped In. That ta how we come to use Pacific Milk. We bring It In a caae at a time.' PACIFIC MILK Head Of rice, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. against religion t an unli-flct -ical and sceptical . . nun,- cla-. or that the Yieri:zaiion of Turkey pels athriMi.. It is no the ideal of the Aurora ijoer i- ment to renew he itvvut period of Islum by organiiiw. a development of the faith along llitei. of nioitern sciein r and plilloso- reassertion -of their iufluenise. one may take the rite or pilgrimJCRADLE OF MANKIND age to .Mecca, which is to be llf ; M mtTnii irnTPl chief subject of discussion a-.j Ifj ItNTRAL ArRICA the Hedjaz Congress. There is no; idea of discouragiing this eustom'Confuilon of Lanauaaei lndu as superstitious, itut l ie re- -r,- r n.w.i . . I vnvi vi uumi Ml a T rr.t.t.iAwi It... ...I . . iuiiiivi? wnm vuu III lllldf IUI Have Been There London, Sept. 20. Central 'Africa, ami nut Onlral Ai:i -i- before, more fanatical and ignor- U,e cenlre from which the- race. ant than ever, so thai ex-idl-lnf mmi .nr..i,i ..in an.i .i..t...! - : ' -m jrv 'in "li il gniiis neeome me centres ol io people lhtipl,, is the inter- .Hiiiurai ami intellectual reac- ;ion, but to return elevated and uspired by a new sense of vig-! orous lrailitunialini and world wide religious biiily. The curious esltng hypolliesiM ,uggested by K. Meek, jthnolgif and statistician, in his pj-w ok, 'Tli Xoriiieni Tt1bvf .Nigeria." Hi findings will Ih, available f r the first tlino wjien the Interoa-lional Conferentjjf. on lhe Christian Mission in Africa convene in Itelgium this month. Further suggestion thai lite Tower ot Ilabei may well haw that fell from heaven at Ihe faU',H,en el UI norlheni Xiguriu of Adam a stone Ions Mince,ra",p' ,,ian i" the Valley of the blackened by (be sins IS OT of lllall-r man .Tiri' " I" iiiiiiailini contained in ill a u ICUPff review kind. He will look on n fid a u HOfOi I afillJuin nti it simply o 'Mr wfJi ''J" ''y I'lora enlriiig and'1'" ,',!arJ. Ahlnger Common, localizing nil the liinlnrlc ir.i.ll- ."urrey. wife of Sir I-redcrick tions of his religion. l.ugant, a former governor ot Nkgcria. "The linguistic confusion of northern Nigeria transcends the possibility or complete clue jdallon," writes Lady l.ugant, ipioling Mr. Meek s asuraTicjf .hai It Is the growing opiufoir-nrcthiiologist (hat in- irai .Ainea.wa the cradle of maukliitl. Took a Census Appointed ij0 njake lhe-census Of Ihe cobrtiy. Mr Merk worked roc many years and brought forlh a volume in which ethnography has swallowed up cen sus. He finds three majn types or population in that region, N. grc. llamit and Semite, and several half-caste (cadencies. Ho finds striking evidence for hi theory in lhe fact Uml the races of ;upe and Yorubalatid Imvi ;umlengone profound modification by intermarriage with lhe I'ulant, (the result being a slightly Mongoloid lype. On Ihe tdher hand Hie find, that other tribes sho evolution toward an Arab lype. For Colic And Cramps Pains In The Stomach THERE'S NOTHINQ TO EQUAL x!flfl PjaWB i It naa been la use for the past eighty Tearg; ita action is pleasant, rapid, reliable and effectual, and relief comes promptly. I Be sure that you gel "Dr. Fowler's" when you aak for it. Put up only by The T. MUbum Ofc,' limited. Toronto, Oat, NEW CAVE MAN IS DISCOVERED - Skull of Raoe Having Snout-Like Noses Found at Gibraltar. . i S li irlittiirt of a human skull, iududjiig. the I fronlal bone. tieloiiKitug lo tJui 'mysterious XeandPithnl face Hint 'vanished from the earth about 25,000 years ago has been dis-,coercd at Devil's lower. (lihral-tar. by liaisy K. (larrod, of Ox ford University. The bones wet? buried at a depth r ten reel and I with them were the rude stone implements ue by Ijiese cave men of prehistoric huropo. . The discovery is regarded by anthropologist as being of con siderable imporlance because it corroborates the data of a similar i discovery made al Gibraltar lu 1818. Historic Event The (iibraltar skull brought lu lkgjit TK iars ago was an historic event since il gave lhe flrsl clue tn a branch i the human race very different from people of today. Itut this significance of the skull was nol tv-alled until tMO. when a skeleton of (he same peculiar type was unearlbcd at lhe Neanderthal region Ip i'rus-sla. This Neanderthal skeleton was so strange that it vvai at first regarded as the body tif -a man mis-shapen by some terrible disease or deformity, but later finds proved lhe e.tlsleuee of an entire race with large flat skull; great rld;e over lhe brows; snout like nosps, probably unlike any noses that we have any conception of; thick clumsy Joint: head carried heavily bent forward. The remains of this type of htimat being have been found In widely scattered places in llurope. and evidence indicate that the race existed for some Sti.OOO years In Ihe era before the last great ice age. The first Gibraltar skull could be dated no more exactly than to say II belonged lo the Neanderthal race of (he Moilstrrian age II is possible that this new skull will enable ' anthropologists to find out more definitely when. why and how these extinct people made t);ir cave homes in south ern Spain. SYNOPSIS OF LiND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. euxveye4 L'ronn Janda mar tx preenipte4 by Uritlah autjrcu ovr II yar of age, and by aliens on declarinc tntantloa to lrtrm Urttlah aubjtcta. condl tlcnal ui.en reeldenee, ocepatloa, Ad linprovament for agricultural turpueee full Information conrernlna; ram-jitlcna rrcarJlna: preemptlona It riven In llullettn No. 1, Uand Heiiee. "How to Ire-empt Land, copla ef iftlch can obtained free of charge ly addreaaLna; the Department of I nda, Victoria. H.C, or to any Government Kent Hecorda will be (ranted covertna only land suitable for agricultural purpoaoa, and which la not timber land. I.e., carrying; over 1.000 board feel ter acre west of the Coaet Kant e and t.OOu feet pr acre east o( tbat lunge. Apptlcatlone for pre-emptlone are to be addreatad to the Uand Com mUaloner of the Land Itecordlns Division. In which the land applied for le eltuated. and are made en printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Coromlaalonar, I're-emptlona muat be occupied for five years and Improvemente made to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing; and cultivating at leaat five acrea, before a Crown Grant can be received, for more detailed Information see the liulletln "How to i're-empt Land." PURCHA8E Appllratlone are received for pur chaae of vacant and unreaerved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price for flrat-elaaa (arable) land ta IS per acre, and eecond-ctaee (graa. Ing) Und KiO per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leaae of Crown lands la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Beriea, Turchaee and Leaae of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Induatrlal ittee oa Umber land, not exceeding it acree. may be purchased or leaeed. the con dltlona Including payment erf atumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Uneurveyed areaa. not eiceedlng.l acrea. may' be teaeed aa homealtee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected tn the tlrat year, title being; obtainable after realdence and Improvement eondltlone are fulfilled and land haa bean eurveyed. LEASES For grazing and Induatrlal pur-. poeee areaa not eioeedlng 140 aeree may be leaaed by one pareoat or a company, QRAZINQ a Under the Orating Act the rror tnee le divided Into grating dletrlots and the range admlnletered under a Orating Commlaaloner. Annual grating permit a are leeued baaed en numbers ranged, priority being' given to eetabltahed owner. Stock-owners may form aaactatlone for range management, free, or partly tr permit are available for eeUVer. nvpki and traveller, u u teei HOKDAY, BtPTtMBER M WE ARE OFFERING A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIENCFn OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED OPTOMFTrkt TO 8ERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES It is tho Kix-ul ilifferettco in lhe result ; ,r -iirrt'i:! mctljOiU tf wnitlinaliPli fur (eff, ., u,,. uUeiilitiii lafilluiff lht!.iie,acriiliou and tliu ilet'n, sary in rorreel frnme' filling llHtt cii.o our inn., "i tiiscriuititnlc in favor of gluse fUlfil in our ih, ' ' ' We use tiiudcrtt nietlim. Wy (ry to ic lom:. vice. Tlinis wny joti ,vti reel mi much t , jmi arc deciding on u fratiio Uml will exuciiv pariictiinr liking. REMEMBEn Ntf co presents perplexltiei to one. qualified In tho Science of Refraction! Gotisiill our 0iloiiM'lrHl,u ymi would u fn-iM r,, vice will be jtisl at reliable. Max Heilbroner 627-520 Third Avenue v. ir t1a-w iw WMMwaamJ WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. BUCK JONES In "THE DESERT'S PRICE" A thrilling druttiu of Ute lnnis. ui win. t his liesl n" a fighling fool. ihtiililc-lMrrcll. i lure Willi thrills, humor, love, hntc and ciissexlc - piny rich in uuttiral K-rnfn wilh necr a i Slrong rol: Buck Jones, Florence Gilbert, MonUguo Love, Ernttt Butterworth, Harry Dunkinion, Edna Marlon COMEDY "THE SKY JUMPER.1' INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patter makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELOINQ. Our plant ui eqiiiHMl lo h.tnillr l kind l MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK, PHONES 43 and SJ Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPE8, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHINO, GROCEniCS. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde SL STOVES AND RANGES Pipes - Dampers - Elbows Stove Boards - Coal Hods Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phone 101 Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, The Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Hulls iniiile lo unler in our shop in Prince 1 lu pert ns low a 223 8lxlh 8treet P. O. Box 247 $50.ou I. ANQER, Cutter . a c, Pr nee Ruperli.