,,,1V Afrut " I 105. 9 m iiv 111 ... mm main ndvart'.att i i ...... . . ii over gellifi? ItJiwayi m home. . 1 up wa'clt doesn't come! ex'tieclation. why i ,i vmir ., i,iwuy Allow where, trf! ir. and liavenl niah, right X Hanged. . ii k n' aoteu is binding. II' ; are it low here a wiie c for pqii.il value. Jewellers S.TMC $10P WITH THE CU)CI New elt Hats ind Dresses Full Line Thread ILK HOSIERY $1.50 "Demers" Wo aim to please hont 27. P.O. Bos 327 III v cv I I I .1 llll I Market 311 Third Avenue, Oeorge Kerr by J. Preece ils w.Uh Scaly ami Doodson resh Meats rlwl. TU.IA. IAJaaI Iw Imhi the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 r. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. ''rts;e, Warehousing-, nd Distributing, Team of Motor Bervtae. ''osl, Hand and Gravel Specialize In Plane, a1 Fupilturc Bevlna. ILK from Bulkley Valley f pRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table, Croam at I5e for "lf Pint, Quality and Service BPclal oa Delivery Service Valentin Dairv Phone 657 Dsracr worn md atews .WOJf, STEWART QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS & INTERIOR POINTS SMITHERS Ja. O. lhirtahlon ami A I.. Iliirrlir'nf Telkwa wee buine vUllors In I own on Thursday. Will Orchard, on of .Mr. and Mr. K. K. Orchard loft for Kd- iiiufflotMin Saturday nlghlV train 'JiPrjj,li will lake up a coir of sludfab tin' llmoiilim JoJ-legc. , ' :. - Ml ItiHli Millar iili'rtaiiwl a niirnticr nf the yntitsr folk at ai In r ice held t Lake Katlilyn ml Friday evening in honor nf Mis Margaret llae, who I rlurnin to (hi man shortly after f tnl- iig the pal mtiplc of month liij Sniilhers, the guel of her' brother. II. II. Hae. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf llanou! were hol lo.a large gathering, at Ihclr Lake Katlilyn home on' Friday evening. The forepart of! ihe evening wa devoted to bridge, Uteri" beimg eight tables.; The prize winner for tin ladic.i wpihi Mr. I.. II. amer Mr. V F. Iloyrr and Mr. I.. S, Mf- (iill. For the ttipn tin? ulnin'r were: I., rf. Mnilll, F. (Kklehw and W. S. Henry. After rani a delightful upper wan partaken of. followirw wlilrh a rouple if hour wax enjoyed al danrintr. The fjrt public meeliiiir of the piBfenl pidiliral Cauipafifn wa held here in the Town Hall fin Saturday, when Fred ."lork, the Liberal eaiulidale, addrcHei a lurjr and attentive pathi-riii? on Ihe ueiion of the day. Ja. II. Oroal presided oxer tlietneet- in ami llunc A. Mci'.rea, president of (he loral aoeiallon wa nio on Hie platform, on Sunday afternonn Mr. Hlnrk poke at Hie Kvelyu chool liotl'e In a larve Kathertng of the rel ilnl of thai ditrict, and on Sunday eentnir he held a meet. inx at the Iiiitlile Mine with Ihe mine employee fur hi audi ence. J. O. Stephen. local Ullon asent. left for .Vinjtileg on SatunlaV evenin; when he will altetul the convention of the Or der of Hallway Teleprapher to tie held oon in (hat city. Mr. Stephen i repreentlnK the di- inct from lletl a Junction lo Prince nuperl. and rarrle a ity heaf of recommendalhin ndi usitelion from Ihe district liranche. TERRACE Mrs. II. King and Mis C Toombs returned on Friday from T'elkwa where I hey have lieen vMilins Ihe fonuer's sller, Mr. Donaldon. C. 1 M. Oiggey relumed on Saturday from a busines trip lo Prince Hupert. Professor Wrckenden deft on Saturday for Prince, fluperti where he occupied Ihe Anglican pulpit on Sunday. Margaret llias left on Saturday for u vllt with Mrs.' nan-haur at Copper Klly. . f .1. Lalliam and 1'. MArlln of llazellon arrived In town on Friday and on Saturday left on a prospecting trip to the Kaltim Luke mining area. , Mr. anil Mr. Taper were in lown on Saturday from Pacific. Mrs. Headmond Hamilton who has been a gttesl' al the hotn of Mr. and Mrs. C. It Oilbert for Ihe pal Ihree weeks left for her home In Vancouver on Saturday. Cienrwe LHIIe. accompanied by Dr. Marshall, head of the Oeo- (oglcal Surve)y parly, operating in Ihe district, left on Sunday mornlpg for Ihe former' mining claims al Vanrtrsdol. ' Mr. MeKlnnon, Indian lencher hi Vannrsdnl. was in lown on fSfttnrday. ' Fred Vech of Prlnc Rupert spent Ihe week nd nt the hjifne of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hnudenschlld. i In Ihe Kalunl Valley. nnbl. Haney left on Sunday on .linrl biisiiie. trip In Prlnt-e lluperl. Auctioneer Vv'tn. Vanderllp.dls posed of the hoitshold effects Of J. Morse lUti t an auotlon t m .ii .i - f irom an oincr laxtuvet and for relief Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature' Remedy (Nt Tablet) more natural and thor-ou(k. The effect will be a revela. tion you will feel to good. uaite the tet You will appreciate thi difference. . U4 Ftt Oft TMrir Ytari Chips offth Old Block M JUNIORS Uttl Tb uim W la M-thl 4tr-ft4. fvr children IM I hlrd lM, I and adiiUt. I mml mm MLO IT TOUR DfWKIST ISCItT ale held in I lie liviiifr roonm behind the Ur-i on Saturday af-terniNin. A large enrwd leathered and pverylbiiig wa quickly nold. A number of people from pointt-up Ihe line were present. Mi Kptiier Taft I vUUJng at the home of her .ifer. .Mr. H. llogan, Pacific. Mr. Sek)n and dauchtei Audrey of Pacific were in lowc on Saturday. , Mi Kvelyn Hicfl returned on .uuday to Prince Hutiert afler pending a part of her holiday In Terrace. Mr. ("Irani and children compauled Mr. Viger back Henvo on undar- Mr. II. L. Frank went Prince Hupert on Sunday vlH her-dattghler Mr. K. llnik. whir' 1 a patient In bopllal. ac- lo Hans liens: had the ml fori tit to lo T tit to cut hi leg tm Mip Hemo pole ramp on Saturday and wenl lo the Ilarellnn Hospital on the freight train on Sunday. Mrs. A. V.. Fowler wa !ui-le on Friday afternoon at a farewell lea given in honor of Mis llerlha Ftrwler before her departure for her h-iitie In Armstrong. -. Mr. Vt. Allan enlr:ained k ntnnber nf leen ay. girl on Saturday afternoon c a fare-wen lo Ml Helen Orelg. Music and games were enjoyed a were She bountiful refrehmenls supplied by the ho1es. Mrs. Allan wa .main Irosle at the tea hour on Saturday In compliment 10 her guest. Miss Andrews nf Skidegale, -and In Mis ll'rtha Fowler. Musical seleclion wer' rendered by Mrs. Miuiro, Mis Cousins, Miss Kerr, Miss Marh. Mi Fowler and Mrs. Allan. freshments were served anil n pleasant hour spent in ocial in len'ourse. W. J. llower and J. II. Brady returned by speeder on Saturday evening from Usk whero they held a meeting folbnvlng the ar rival of the train, and addresseil the Terrace electorate at a meeting in O.W.V. Hall presided over by .las. Nelson. Despite the very wel night the largo hall wa well filled and llie addresses tieued lo -wilh Interest. The speaker left by Ihe llme-frelghl on Sunday for Interior points. One of Ihe 'most enjoyabb1 dance held here in n loti t litis look place on Friday evening In O.W.V.A. hall to nutslo supplied bv the ltalnbow Orehrslrn When Attacked By Dysentery YOU SHOULD TAKK USr mr. ati lie jiij sinni-Ssi amveu wni ctr PROMPT RELIEF Whwi you aak for "Dr. Fowler's" be sure you set what you sk for, si Some, of thoae cheap, no-name, no-reputation preparations may prove dan. peroua to your health. ior eu years, pu op oniy oj ne i we.,, I4aivea, iswwo, vv. TRI DATET P1W8 PA01 (of Calgary. A large crowd wa present, and enjoyed dancing to the full. Refreahmenl were er ved by Z. Ii. Clayton In Die maH luill (hiwriftairs. Mi-.i llprlha Fowler of Arm- 'Iron?, H.O., who ha been Icjiendin the (summer vacation ;'.1t the home of herihrolher A. J',. I Fowler, Ylrrace, left for homo !on Monday' Mi4 Helen ireig left oft Monday for Sbawnlpan Lake where he will spend the next few monlliK wHh her "ioterj Mrs. Sam Kirkaldy. Mi Harbara Hati left on Monday for Vancouver and Victoria where ha will vml wita friend until Ibe arrival of he parent fflrae trine next month. Mr. Andrew of: Prince Ilupert spent several day at Hill Farm al the Week-eipl, en route from Hazcltnh to hcrJipme, Mr. Ohrilie and two children wlm have 4iecn ependinef a holi day at Hill I-arm returned to llieir home in Prince Hupert on Monday. Houabl and Norman Allan also returned lo Prince Hupert afler several week' slay at Hill Farm. Mr. Treadway of Ikirpen wa In town on Saturday. STEWART Mr. and Mr. W. J. f.rawfonl announce Ihe engagement of their daiwlilcr, I'dith Mar care; lo Louis A. Ilehnen. The wed ding will take place tm October 1. i.Mrs. O. F. HiH -relumed hert-last .week after a business trip lo Vancouver. Annus McLeod, superintendent of (he Ilig Misouri and manag ing director of Ihe Marmot Metals, has returned from a business trip to Vancouver. F. J. O'Heilly, one of the directors .of Ihe Vivloria Mines. was iiere rrim victoria 1al week looking over the company's lo cal affairs. I). J. McLean has been award ed Ihe contract for the repair ing of Ihe foundations of the lo-al hospital. ALICE ARM A dovelopment work proceed, it I becoming; apparent that the Keystone tiropcrly is ion to recome a suijstanlial shipper. A new tunnel driven this summer ' in 210 feel wilh the face In mineral. The properly is located m lloundy Creek four milt front Mice Ann and ha some excep Monal y good ore . iioiiies ot 'deal formulion. The log carrying barge Drum-rork left here at the end of Ihe week for Powell Hlver wit.i mother cargo of hogs. The Alice Arm publicity book let that I now bein? ditnbu- ed wa prlnlcd locally, the work doing great credit to the Herald prlnljng tufice where it was turned out for the Alice Arm Chamber of Mines. Mrs. Holaml King and sot; have arrived from tpoxane y? visit Mr. Kins who is examining mining properties in Ihe. di trict. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Falcone left last week for Vancouver. Mrs. Falroner will spend Ihe winter in Ihe south and .Mr. Fall eoner will return in abott' two weeks' time. n. N. Sharp, Spokane mining engineer, is a visitor iri Ihe district and will make extensive examinations before leaving. THRILLING EXPERIENCE SALVATION ARMY LASS TOItOXTO, Aug. 31. Filled In Die brim with thrilling experiences, and replete with good ly deed has been the life of Majnr Maggie Andrew, tin On tnrioJborn Salvation Arthy missionary in India, news of whose death has Just been ""'received here. She was in India for nine 7ears, .-, A. 1', BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, IMS. Ila produced. Minerals as follows: Placer (lold, !$77,003,M5; Lode fiold, $122,808,-4 oft; Silver, $74,1 1 i,.17j Lead, $80,218,907; Copper, $107,02,047; zinc, 539,925,947; AlisceUaneous Mrncrals,- 81,r0V,387; Coal a ltd Coke, 273,018,053;. Building .Stone, Itrick, Cement, elc, $i 4,905,880? making its Mineral Production to the end of 1025 ,,f,w an 3KJSft Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year lEnding Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal ind the fees lower than those of any other Province In the Dominion, or any colonyin the British Empire. Mineral locations arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles arc: obtained by develgping such properties, the security 6f which is guaranteed by Crown Grants.' Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINE8 Victoria, British Columbia. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work hai been done are described in some one of the Amytal Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer lo such reports. They ore available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria. B.C.. Reports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separalrly, and are available on application. Reports of the fieological Survey of Canada. Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of GIRLS' SCHOOL BOOTS Black and Brmvn fltlf; all size's $2.45 MISSES' SHOES Black and Brown Calf. Sizes tl lo 2. Special $3.45 ASTORIA SHOES . For men. Odd lines in black and brown calf. Snap Sale price . . $7.45 LADIES' OXFORDS AND STRAPS -Some odd lines in black and brown. Snap Sale price $3.95 LAST WEEK Of Our Great LADIES! A new shipment of the latest biiei jitt in, in the newesF styles. Thi' week oiily . . . . $4.45 MJcArthur Third Avenue THE TRUTH ABOUT PURE BEER I N the past several years the public has been told many thinss about beer, yet It is not surprising that many people should not know what beer really is, for the merits of pure beer have been almost entirely neglected by eontroversioi.-jlists. . Pure beer is a scientifically made malt solution, derived from malted barley and flavored with hops. In this malted condition the grain is much more nourishing than in its natural state and the beer has many beneficial activities when taken as a beverage. In the first place pure beer t in Itself a complete food, rich in proteins, maltose and dextrin, mineral salts and orfsnic phosphorous compounds. It is superior to either cider or wine in its nourishing qualities. Consumed st th rste of one bottle per meal, it would replace 300 grammes of bread in food value, because of its content of eitraetires, carbohydrates and proteins. 1 Pure beer sslst valuaht.r In the alm!ltlon of other foods, for, by reason ot It hop-bitter principle. It weak alcoholic strrnath and its dWoled carbonle arid n it exerts a beneficially stimulating action on the stomach. Beer I a beverarje rich In Tltamtnes so necessary to the well being ol Ihe human organism and as a defense against dUrase. It I aseptic, for the wort has been complete! slrritiird by prolonged boiling In the prcM-ncr of the hop bitters which are strongly autlsepllc The health-giving qualities of Ihe purr beer sold to I lie people ot llrills Isti Col mi Major Andrew had an irtler-estinig and eventful life In missionary work, tshe was in the Klondike for some years. At l.etlihriilge, Altn., she was Ihe spiritual adv iser tit a condemned murderer, fine was the Instru until are secured and main tained In the model plants or the Vancouver Brewery Limited. lUlnlcr llrevvlng Co. ot Canada Limited, Westminster llrruery Limited, Silver Spring Brewery Limited, and the Victoria PlioenU Brewing Co. Limited, members of the Amalgamated Breweries of British Columbia, which are models of scientific care and cleanliness. They are open for Inspection at all times, and visitors are gladly welcomed. 1 This advertisement la not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ment in reclaiming a Kirl sen tenced to ten years' penal ser viliule. In India, Major Andrew had many thrilling experience once narrowly escaping death by a fraction of a second when potsonous cobra struck al hit. BOYS' LECKIE SHOES Sizes t to 5 Vb. Sale price S3.45 YOUTHS' SHOES A real school shoe red si itched. Sizes tl to to 13. Sale price $2.95 Creditors' Compulsion Sale Positively Ihe last opportunity lo outfit the family for the winter weather at 'hese prices, fief The boys atld girls fixed tip before school opens. Just see these prices rand buy! TRED-RITE SHOES For boys. Welled Snap Sale price . . MINERAL ACr soles. $4.45 MEN'S DRESS BOOTS In black and brown calf. AH sizes. Snap sale price $4.45 Certificate ef lmprot.nt.au. Wnn Fractional So. J. iyn and Jiu-nita .Mineral Claim, situate In th Atlin Mining- tutuion or um casslar DlMrin. alMMii one mile up tlrram rnin the hutitti or Warm Rlw. TAKE .VIT1CE that The fmrlneer OoM Minr Hit., Inc.. rrtr Miner' Ortlflralf .. JT0C, Intend. Uty ilays frfim the due herw.r .to apply to the Mlnlnr Be-rorter for a Certiorate or Iniprovemenii. for the purpnre of iititalnlnir 'a Crown Grant r trie abuve claim. Arut rurthrf take notice that action, wider Section Si. mint be rnnilnenrmt berore the IsMie of iiirb Certificate of Improre-ment.. DATED this tut day of September, A.D. If. H. VcM. ntVSEn. Stent. LAND ACT Nellc ef Inuntlon to Applr te Lae Laid In Prince Itunert Land ttccnrdinr ni. Iiict of Ranre 4. Coast Land District, and Itiiale on Piuit Inland. take notice mat i. B. Frnel, of rcnoka. AUicrta. occupation Minister, intends to apply for a le of the following described lands: Cnmmrnclnr at t nut ntantcd at tin. Snrth West end or T'assare Island, near Coan Trlanrulatlon . st. lilt; thence round the Island It htm Water mark ami cnnuiitln 100 acres, nmrn or W-s. Joseph bhitw.id rav.nrjs, mejllh. ti. Applicant. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ....$6.50 Per half load 3.60 Per sack .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cool! HydeTransfer 138 Second Atrenu Phone 5S0 Night or Day Wt BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats Jacquettes , An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. PUR Co. Neiri B.W.V.A. ThlrJ Av tat