t i PAGE FQ9M 7S3 CAILV KCWfl W'.-die- I jy, ,r GYROS AGAIN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiu vsSLU. IF t JiT PAVT r-1ACEi.S AH i ALUS WELL. kV btoolly! i Left ne T THIS IS A NICE. KETTt.R om r DEFEAT SONS Oook.I'pi JOSTAooO At TICKET ON MCDKEWER, HOUOU- FISH-1 IX MOW KT NMiKliVisi I CAN Yci-r Thj s . A ..r OUT! I V-JOUUOM'T fnSTHAT AN' COT "TO CIT T AJ WITHOUT RING IN' TMfc, tlBLU1 ' DAMCE. TO'MlCHTFtif? A I I n I'U'.v.vi li ii I m ? rARM God Game of Baseball to 5-3 Score Last Kvenlr" 127 In n cnnil cnmn nf iiarinil last night ihe fiyros defeated the .Native Sons of Canada bj; a 5-3 score,. The- doubtful' wcathet rather Interfered with the at tendance hut the. crowd on hand were treated to a good hrand of hall and got their money's worth. A feature of the game was, a sleal from third, base to home by Harry Menzies for the Son. The Gyros did some igood hitting 'making, several two ha.i- hits and llaveland made a long drive over centre field for three bases. In the sixth inning there was a double play from llaveland to Mitchell on second and from Mitchell to Frizzell on first. The .Native Sons evident); missed Balfour's hitting. Halfour was unable to play ann W. Mitchell took his place. Mitchell caught a good game considering the slight amount of practice. Batteries Gyros, McKeown ann Schenkler. .Native Sons, Mitchell and I.amhie. P. LaPorts umpired the balls and strikes and Gordon the bases. Th teams took the field as follows: Gyros McKeown, c; Schenkler; p; Frizzell, lb; G. Milc.hell, zb; Morand, ss; llaveland, 3b;. Geo. Hill, lr; SKinner, of: Tullocii, rf. .Native Sons W. Mitchell, c; Lambie, p; V. Menzles, tb; I.. Astoria, 2b; Farquhar, ss; H. Menzies, 3b; Dido Gurvich, If; J. Halchford, cf; J. Mc.Nulty, rf. Standing of teams to dale: W. L. Pet. Native Sons 6 4 (Jyro Club 5 5 Terminals 3 5 DEMPSEY AND coo 500 373 TUNNEY HAPPY menl that Chicago had bceri 'YrMAC8 LINC-UP ' m i :- The line-un for the E. Almond is bein prominently '..mentioned, as. Liberal candidate, for Hurrard to oppose Oeneral J. A. Clark, and Dugald Donaghy, former member for iNorth Yan-t couveri is bein pressed by Ihel "Liberals to run. against Hon', H.I H, Stevens in Vancouver- Centre. WEATHER REPORT (lovernment telegraphs, 8 a.m.l Terrace: Haln, calm, temp, 55". - Anyox: Rain, calm, temp. 01.1 Slcwnrli Rain, calm, lemp. 51. Ha;.elton: Rain, calm, temp. 55 Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, calm, lemp. 50. 54. Rmllhers: Rain, calm, lemp. 00 Itiirns Lake: Part cloudy, temp. .Prince Rupert: Part cloudy, fresh southeast wind, temp. 50.' at $33,979. mm' ALASKA EXPORT IS INCREASING Value of Products Sent from Territory to States 182,325 Higher Than June 1925. KETCHIKAN, July 28. The Alaska 'commodities shinned to the' stales last month totalled $2, 1 93, 1 30, according to the monthly statement issued by J. C. McHride, collector of customs. The total was 1 82,325 large. than the value of shipments fo;i June last year. ' Halibut, most of which was shipped from Ketchikan, showed a gain of approximately $100,000 while canned salmon decreased for the month about the same fisure. Fresh salmon gained about $50,000. Total halibut shipments aggregated $158,535 and salmon $70,212. Canned salmon shipments totalled $251,- 430. JAIL IS PREFERRED ".."P!rj comment InflFPU AP DAITUi&llt .510. uoioraoo springs. UUEXTl Uf IVINJIIIAniA dusler, leather gloves and high boots, she climbed Into the call and seized the throttle. Her Majesty drove the huge machine about Ihree miles with the chief engineer of the Rcsila plant at her side. The Kinsr an. I the Prime Minis'ler, General .erescu, also were in the caU.j3 i miii.aiuis ni pcafaus .uock-ed lo the railroad tracks to watch the royal steam Ingtine wlitz by; Afterward Ihe Queen declared Dint "driving a locomotive i. far more exciting and harder work than merely steering an iiutomoUile." TO PAYING UP FINES Many Liquor Act Offenders In Alberta Were Unable to Secure Necessary Cash EDMONTON, July 28. Only something like 20 per cent of the fines imposed in (he local police, court during the month of June, for infractions of th Itminr Inn. tvorn liuiil Ilia tna- S.oAn-'.5 in? in " o Jail, according to to.o.voi ior me same penou a of jun fnmarded lo Mavor mnn lausnea w ngnv in cni- year ago. Hlatehford by Chief of Polico cagosoui may Tieio mi- i uurea saimon snipmenis, mucii:4iiU(. IIOHS 01 WHICH WaS irom KCICIllKan. Arrets mHi Hnrirwr ll.U totalled $138,664; IMue fox skfns month numbered 72. identical CHiaxOO, July 28. Forty valued at $3.050A were vVhipned Vvilh lline for ih nrwrhii . . . . . i - . j I'. -r- ' I years- neiween neavyweigni out while otbeisjfins:sigle.d hnoiiltc.ft'rhere were 115 sum ciiainpionsnip iigius is a ions nearly $37,000. inons issued durine Hie month. time, dui pronaniy mere are sllll Palladium ore from the Kel- ns compared with 75 for tb a rew.old timers here wno saw chikan district shinned durinatmonth of Mar. and Chief Shut.- John Li Sullivan wallop Jacs the month totalled $30.00t." Mar- ascribes this to a more visorou-. nurse for a win Here in 1880 h,ie shipments, the greatest quan- enforcement of the city bylaw.- wno; also 'wiu lie on nana to see ntv nf u-liieh was Inken from Ihe 102 pomnlaints were turned over Jack Demrsey and Gene Tun- Tokeen marble qyarries, aggre- lo the deleclive department for ney enmn , tiirougu ine ropes a)e,i 25.250. investigation. This was t less some time In September. XVood. timber and lumber shin, than the' previous month. me long.awaiien announce- m,4 fn i. . mnn(. lvnp(4 vn,1I. property renorled as Jieinc lost or 'stolen amounted lo $5, cnosen ror tne la.'o version or T . . . . .. . . 811, of which the police recover Hie enampionsnip go, with tin .., ahtntxai, . ,,,,,., led $l.9il. The city coffers ben- oaib euner hem, u or epl. i, 038 ,07. nroducts of .,. UnUl efilled tri the extent of $521 in has Just come through from Pro- "f w,,ich Is 8100 less than . r a l fLiiriit'ii wrr il ----- ... moier ICX UlCKara anu every-l.,. , .. ... . . . the nrnvimw mnnlh. while Inlnl body seems lo be happy. Ul"" 01 f in oed-for nfringemen.s of Die linuor act amounted to mats just greai, lunney nmtni lAiAUAirtim nmuiU tc FVDCDT echoed in New York. UK1VU LULUMUliVh 1YU1IW1U LATER! It will be ten rounds lo a re- MATAD UCrilAKIIf feree'R flecision. the nrinclnals -..;..- - . mUlVIX mLVllrtlllly will divide fifty-five er cent otr." T " " " IT'- the gale which lUckard expects u "n,,n ou TORONTO, July 28. (Cana lo. amount to near $2,000,000 mile on Hour dian Press,. .Neat and effi ana $100,000 will go to a ehar- itf fund. Icient work ns a motor median lU'.SHPA. Rumania. July 28. in" was' Die vrrdicl of an oti- 1'he versatile Queen Mario or server who Avatcheil MUs I.sobeJ . . ' ... . -. . . . ' . . I ti : - l j t t. i ii I w i V Humania' has surprised her.;sub- Cockshutt handie.unaldeil urjii.l jocts. with a display f mecjian- h4. noondar traffic '.-.of ' the-, city Y-Macs ical- skill by driving a locomii- i'lreeiV Vfracio'yyy riC'r. ' Willi in the" Inlermediate football "v at 50 miles an hour. Th-J hood raised, a . piece of waste u game tonight will bo as follows: engine( the first ever built in one hand and a sjanner in the Hacker; C. Cameron anl It. Reid; "U'nania was the product of the other, she .deved into the in L. Bond. A. Phillins and H. Heil- Kreal metallurgical works at Iricacies df the motor, an ad broner; A. Slrachan,, It. HunL J. "esila in the Hanat region, for- justmenl here and another there Slrachan, S. Dickens and H. meny neionglng to Die Austri- and soon the six cylinders again flawlhorn. ALMOND MENTIONED AS A POSSIBLE GRIT CANDIDATE IN SOUTH VANCOUVER, July 28. AM H. an. Innrred Ihelr smooth rhvthm n Oneen Marie christened the lo-I.Jurvis. over the Rosedale bridge comotlve. then, garbed in a blueinto the grounds of the Lieui Goodir It make (rWSk them smile J wrort1 while. enant-Oovernor's residence. ENGLISHMAN'S STRENGTH ALMOST SUPERHUMAN WATFORD, Eng., July 28. J. C. Price- of , Gloucester U known as "ll(e strong man of the west.' He bends a four- inch horseshoe nail double with his hands, and' holding a bar of horseshoe steel In his teeth he takes one end in each hand and bends Die bar inln a loop. Re. I cenlly he lifted 130 pounds of, iron from the round to his; knee. I Price has been a blacksmith i for 30 years. He is 13 years old. His height Is 5- feet 10 inches und he weighs 221, I'ounds. He has n chest meas-. uretuent of 50 inches. The Herlln policeman Is prn- wilh an India rubber club, Ivided This should be handy when, in taking notes, he spells a word Iwrongly London Opinion. I V anted For Sale For Rent STEWART tfwen Mcl'adden I. suing the ortwr-IdHlio .Mining Co. fer, $015 ue on a parking contract. A ril was served out of- the ounty Court iu Prince Rupert. V. F. Irwin f 11. P. Clark A o. of Ynnftitivcr, who is vllttn.' lie district, wa tendered a luncheon on Monday evening In he King EJlward OriH by the lewarl Hoard of Trade. At the Stewart Hoant of Trade meeting lasrT week ei't glass icrry bowl, were presented (j arry .effert and J. P. Hawfclf- son as wedilinst gifts. Mrs. Harry Comer is on a v.i- allon trip lo Vancouver. . Mr.. Harry Tanner has arrir d from i-ealtle to join her bus- band. Mr. and Mr. James Stewnr' Itave arrived from Vieturia and win spend the summer here. Mr. W. Simpson and eJittil of nyox are viiitiifg here "wit Mr. ind Mr. H.M. tiibson. J. I.. Swanson, who left hei-! five years ago.Vhas returned le he eamu to remain. Mrs. William Melnlominey and faniilv havebieft for the bound ary eoiintrytwhere they will take up residency, Mr. Mclntnmlney heving liecome Interested in mln- Iner nt Heaverdell. Their home has Ven pur.bised by J. Clegg. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Digby Island Part cloudy fresh southeast wind; barometer .'0.m8; temperature 50; heavy swell; 8 p.m. spoke niotorsult linda bound Victoria for CraiK Vlaska, ui Inverness; a p.m poke tug Cape Scott 25 mile' orth of Lowe Island nortu- ound; 8 p.m. spoke steamer D .ere bound Akulan for Helling ti.-itn 1225 miles north of : Hol- ipshumj Cfa.nij ppkn : Reamer ilriffeo Wi6a:iuutartisdeh i1 I'oin i'onnd. for 'nyox. Hull Harbor Cloudy, strong outheast wind; barometer 29.80 emperaluro 52: sea el.uppy; I p.m. spoke steamer E. I). Kings ley bound Vancouver for Por Mice 120 miles from Port Alice 8 a.m. spoke steamer Cardcna .,ff Ivory Island at G.30 a.m -outhliound: 8 a.m, spoke slcam 'r Lillehorn bound Port r.ktnents for Vancouver 10 miles northwest of Pine Island. Dead Tree point llaroni".ler "j.9'2; lemiienilure 9. Noon Digby Island Overcast; '.frcs sonlheast wind: barometer 29.80 temp efaUire'' bti?' c "firi ode ra t e 9.30 a.m. spoke freighter Mmgu Oil miles from Vancotjvor bouua for Anyox. Hull Harbor Cloudy: south east gale barometer 20.70 i Use iiMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more tlmbtr In same time, with less labor tlun any other saw. IMOMH CANADA IAW CO. LTO. MONTRtAL VANCOUVtn. T. iOMH, H.-, TOMNTO O 1926 Int l FtATvnc Scvct, Inc. CtmI Enlftia rtghu wmA DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED. "Oil SALE, . Twenty-two fool launch, 1 1 h.p, engine, speed It knots. Sncrifice $275.00. Phone Red 720. tl FOR SALF.-Hargnin. Two be.l- and beddlnsr, range, healer PhAno Hlack 590. 177 HAHY CARRIAOE For Sale. - Phone Red 728. 17 TO RENT FOR RENT. Ijirsen building n 171 Third Avenue East; six room modern flat with bath room and worksiuip premises on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue FOR REN'l'-Two first class modern flats; Monarch "ranges waler paid; one furnished Weslenhaver Hros. iujuhi: ror Rent. some are furnished. $20 and up. App.y 215- Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. Pirfnos, phono graphs nnd sewing machines Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT. Four room suite hot waler heated. Apply Stnll tv. Mallet. MODERN HOUSE forlrent Fiv rooms and Imth. Mtinro Itros temperature 52; sea rough. Dead Tree Poinl - llaromete 9 .9 2 ; lenu.efaliire 5.1. HOTEL ARRIVAL8 Prince Rupert Thomas A. Kellcy, E. Ilenphy A. D. McKay nnd J. S. Wilcox Vancouver; P. E. Nelems. Pre mler; C. Ptixlonf, Victoria; rt. A laylor, Oceanic; W. F. Hinns an S. II. Donaldson, Hulmnral. Central W. C. Llltle, Woo.lcock. A THIRD 80N Friends In Die city have rn c Ived word of Die hlrlh in Vie tnrin recently of n third son I. Col. nnd Mrs. 0. W. Peck, for nierly of this city nml now o Sidney, Vancouver Island. - : u LOST. Articles Lost and Found, &c BOARD AND ROOM. WANTKI-Position as assistant: HOARD. The Inlander, 830 bookkeeper and stenographer! Second Avenue. Phone 137. by young man still in business college. Jlox 318 Daily News Office. (DID. wants work at once; nt least $35 monthly. Apply, Alice Noble. Smlthers, H.C. WANTED. Oirl for cenernl houework. Phone Red 7?R. Mrs. J Oreer. mitt; WANTED for ice erenm parlor. K.E. Confectionery. FOR SALE. FOR 8 A I.E. New modern busi ness block. Rooms and apartments are well furnished. All goes as It stands. Also nio-J ern Ihtee-momeil houe partly furnished on same lot. Here if a home and busineis ready to step It. A real pick-up -for cash. Property can be seen during afternoon hours. Terms ean be nrrnhged. Owner, W eioml Avenue Wesl. Phone 167. 170 FOR SALE. Ten aeres Im- provwl land at. Terrace. Fur nlslied liousc. erwps; ehenp fo- c.sh. Phone Red 285. 171 FOR RALE. Hotel Masselt. A good bargain. Ill health Cause for solHter. Apply Willin Hudson. Maftl. H.C. FOR SALE. Two view lots on Fourth Avenue East. Cheap Reasonable terms. Phone Hen 400 or Hlack 721. tf ROOM. - Hoard Third Avenue optional. Phone Red 330 ,oST.- Lady's small purse mui- lalning small sum. Finder p!nse return purse to Daily News Office. SUMMER RESORTS. for rheumatism. Hood ft Why Im without a car? $350 makes the first payment on a New Improved CHEVROLET, the balance in twelve successive eiy instalments. Let us demonstrate! KAjEN OARAGE Dealers In all Oeneral Motors The following prices are now effective. F.O.H. Prince Rupcr'.. iovcrnment taxes included: Runabout 1581.00 Sport Roadster fiSO.Oo Tourln? . COS.mi Coupe 751.00 I'udor Sedan 7i1o.O0 I'ordor Seslan 831.00 Light Delivery 592.00 U. Delivery Van 019.00 onunerrial Chassis IR8.0u I nick tJhassU Sir 581.00 Self starter Included on nil models. Term payments arranged if if desired. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 21ft Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODQE Heaulifiilly siluated near Ferry Landing Altitude 2115 feet. Camping and Fishing Trips arranged FIRST CLASS TAHLF. with produce FRESH FROM THE FARM. lasers ai your oisposai any Hme. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hold. V PRINCE RUPERT Tin? Wednesday, July 28 Higlt 3.19 a.m. 21.8 ft. KI.IO p.m. 20.5 ft. Low 9.51 n.in i fi 2211 P.m. 5.2 Thursday, July 29 W8l . 1. 10 a.m. 20.0 10.58 p.m l ow 10.31 n.m 23.02 p.m 20.2 2.0 6.0 ( OUT-QOINO. ft IM (ttl u . ....... ... . . . fishing for rainbow trout Ini rrwM I.akelse lake and river. Motor) '-" ' meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Telephone connected to Terraeu J. Itruce Johnstone, manager. CHEVROLET Tn ut.-a MAIL SCHEDULE . nmurinivi bi. ... . C"T id ruli)r) TbamMfA i 8lrltjri , stliinMy . r..f.H.. Jir J. : i Sumltri IMm rtuitA Tbtfl'J T !' Pldt lt t. . . IJ. I' f T NoMh Qun Ctrloo.. ulrihtm.A Alb At. lai Products HiuM- lining by mn-i" wbf$w . hinery. I'vl.nd. : r.-ut mdnw nndM. ,!?nn " reK.i...a. V ...J .v.M(,nuling ni J fh 4 , rfr( flat ni- O' Q k. Cfinm si Vre kihi; S. n ituv nt d nigh, tin A VrtWH St. Pro. Ont PMm rro rviti. wurt . . . 1 TP Whrf O T P. lUlloo B1 A tpi SI, Jrd A s rallnn St. Ml AT l'l for VintoiMtr UiMitir w rnnre niirrrt TiieM)r -t. rjnjiiA TlwrodiT-Prlnre :hoi:: Stturdtr -. CaIaIi " m. Prtiw O.iro " . PrlnrrM Sfitrl'O From VAKoiif . san-toy- m. rorrtf no Vmvlor- . Prlnre 3nrl3 Vlnf(ljr , rnnr 0( rrlilsjr - so. foulo rrlilst . PHnre nnr ' 1 1 Mimilivf . . ! Tt SUi Qhn Chfltt-. JlllT If 0.1 tl. AKEIE I.ODOE. near Terrace.; ,r,w IM lMJl!"C"",a-Visit I.akelse lithla Hot' MoMiiri. wtnrwjr rnain OIMIIIM". l.llllld l lIHJ UI til - - K (I finest mineral waters known! ',m ?' W ft, Ktx-'.liri M trm A... Ail.. l. . . Siitrrtn i. pllt Stlurdix'1 . . Tnm SUi ftlati. lnS t, T. IS. I. T 'i- Trm North Qn ChrlU- TNtrwlAi Ttvm South gvoon ChorloiiM Jul T 14 tt SOS COLlSCTIOlt 11 A, tt Ilk St ih A. ft pulion Si, Sth A. ft Thnn.pt.MI KM r is 1 ft K) ft' 'ti .t!V M : Soiiirdiy oi. rnnrrM fnr if Pert Slmsoon ontf Nooo rlit iuly It . Prince John July I . rrliicf John Prom South Quoon Chorlottoo July 7 . rrnrr John July tl -. Prmro John , fA ft s.'i i! i ISO lilt ( M Til II. II VII tf IT r ji i STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT. IP v i' tl v C.N.R. TRAINS ror loot Polly ncrpi sunrtoy it II ,: From Boot Dolly mrcM Turodoy HI P nt V II f iriuof . coioii r"rom Port Slmpoos os Nooo Si- ror Slooork Anroi Mi Sllto ' Sunrtor oo forrtrni I I' Prom Slowort, Snyoi ft Allco Srw Tnrortoy oo CiriU-no For Sloworl on4 n;oi Mnndy o. prinre rhr'i" Prtdor . Prlnro nnpr l from Stowort onf Snfoi ThursiUy -oo. rrlnrro Ci :r Soliinloy to, prlnre tinpr 2 Per North Quoon Chorlotto loloooo Monitor. o. prince i'.tn'- ' rrom North Quoon Chorlotto Ulono'- Thnr1ot prince 'thoi Take n Trip lo the Lako Country uth Quoon choriotuo this year. For reservations, write ' Mrs. Henkel, Francois Lake. H.C TAXI ' Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or flusl) Six nnd Seven Passenger Slnde IM V I" ii i " NAVI0ABLK WSTCRS PSOTICTI0S R.S.O. CHAPTSR H- i ur Snmrrvllle tonlicry t.:m y hcri-u tlit noiirn inn it lu 'lie tlll J (if III.' ooiil ort, ilc 'I' . .I V MiHlui'B.of. I'uuuo Mkt J u.4',,r' 111 Ihp iifllro of Hi linirin "'J lint Ian. I lirrmry ilirirl "mm -rl. it prliico nuperi. H, f 6r.kl . .ii- .... . L . I . .. il'- r.lnp niAtu.Ml .. I. III I 'I!!" Monocii InlPt. onwn f liorliiU' '"', Hull l.'oliimlilo. In from nf t r ff 1871. Oncrn :liorlnlli. hlaliil' ,,-Ami inks iiutim (Hot iflr "","Jfl nr of one inoiiili from Mm dt '.Vu r tiulilimtinn of ihU noiiro ti I firry Cmntionv Limited, will 'l,.;tWt t " 7 ot I h oold Act, Ol.plr m H" XrJS Piililie Worko tl Mo office in 'f tZ ,p iniani, ror oiiirovtl or iw "; ,w s ptin ind for Ic-ovs to conMru'i r noted tl Prince liuperl, H. C i" dy of July, A.n, i. , rpitfi &FkiWuV