Tl PAGE FOUR TH2 DATT.Y NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus New Arrivals j CXJCAOS PROWttEO TO PW Hit WHNT-VOU Sf'NT f Wfc xr ) i ILL. 1T ftluhT none nn I to m ! -irTY or the ! T "bHOUl.OrVT tC HARD hundred Ftrvn UP TO NV HOUSE J6 ' WW wOLLARb THAT 0 HE OWES tE 321 TO ftEM' A TME.tENGUe JUL CALL HIM .' 'v -OU l rani rj l .-tv w- rrv nw ,tn BALBRIGGAN DRESSES i id ai cr,c- DID DO THAT FOR Ik HE SPRING FELT HATS ItXiOHN MAKE f 49 I QOOO CHILDREN'S, MISSES' and LADIES' COATS will lie in on next steamer. --- :. -s ,-r - ,j WILDSPUR CROCHET THREAD in 1? shades. Also D.C.M Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Box - - 989 Phone Circpn 389 Sausages! Pure Pork Sausage, per II). 30c HeeT ami Pork Sausage, per II ' 25c Tomato Sausage, per lb. 25c Fresh lloine-niaile Head Cheese, per Hi 25c Heef Dripping, per lh.. . 10c Sealy 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver SeeQur Window DEHDNSTRftTIDN of modern Laundry Services In Killas' Old Stand on Third Avenue DRY CLEANERS Phone 8. It Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load S6.50 Tlalr Load $3.50 Large sacks 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS. ('triage, Warenoustni, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. final, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano antf Furniture Coving. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite, Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. GAME CASES OCEAN FALLS Thirteen Convictions Obtained Following Visit of Officers to Nearby Islands Provincial Constables Drydeji mil Williams of Ocean Falls and Hella Coo I a respectively niade a patrol under the flame Act at the imK of last week of the islands hear Ocean Fulls nntl the result was (hat thirteen convictions of iolation of the Act were obtain ed before Stipendiary Magistrate till at Ocean Falls. Finos ratvr T. Tliorsen, Kiontna Inlet, pos session of pump gun not permanently plugged, 111 and costs, .-ame costs. I-.. Wheeler, (ireen Hay, essoin of pump gun not tnuneiitly pluggeil, ?0 costs, gun eon fi scaled. l. . Owen, (ireen Hay, possession of pump kuii not permanently plugged, 10 and busts, t-'un confiscated P. Hasalorf, llnstoralion Hay, carrying firearms without li-cense, jio ami costs: lraping without license, lO and costs; possession of game oul of season, if to and costs. S. Chrisleiison, Hella Coola, carrying firearms without li-lense. ?tO and costs, gun con-' fiscaleil. 1 (. Scoll, South Henlinck. Ann possession of game out- of season, s50 and costs. A. Ander.on, iti-lfhUo;n liny, possession of game oul of sea son. iu and costs. 11. Hunt, Hunter Island, pos session of game out of season. $10 and costs. a. S. Sproule, South Heutinck Arm, possession 'of game oul of season. I0 and costs. I tie dame Act reads liial no person whether hobltng a fire- nins' license under the Act- shall arry or have in his possession m a sail ooal or any yacht or iial propelled by steam, gaso line, electricity or other similar motnr power any firearm except the open se.asonj for game declared in respect, of fluy. iUcli pari f liis provlneo or except jOii n permit from the dame t.on- serval ion Hoard. COULD BUILD NEW HOSPITAL If all Outstanding Accounts Could be Collected Action to be Taken The hospital board last night accepted a recommemlal ion from me nuance cnmmiiiee inai u number of overdue accounts and outstanding promissory notes b placed in (he hands of a collector after thirty days' notice had been given the persons effected of Hie intent inn. The board was shown by . P. Tinker, chairman of the finance committee, a sheaf of notes aggregating several thousands of dollars in value. Presi dent Campbell remarked thai if all such outstanding accounts some dating back for many years could lie collected il would be possible to build a new hnspitnl t with the mnuey thus received. I he finance committee,, a i recognition of the efficient ser vice given by the managing sec retary, recommended that Mf Hircli s salary be increased ?r per month from the present f 200 After some liseuMnn, the re eoinpieniJalion was tteceplotl. Tli" committee also reporter liial lin.iwlal expeuililure foh January hail heen t..H0 eurreni and 3 1 cajiilal receipts liao lutaHe.l '.8r.t. :.?. There ha.l been I II5 hopi!al day. during :he iiiiinth and Hie per 1 1 t -pilai day had Iteen CANADIAN LAUNDRY IS GIVEN CONTRACT Underbid Pioneer Laundry Large Margin In Undertaking Hospital Work i For Year ing from 810 to .50 were imposed 1 lie hospital board lnt night is follows: on repoinmcmlalioit of the houe. II. W. "Iieeler, South Henlinck ieoiniultlve. awarded the laundrr ,rm. possession of pump gun iexnleaet for the ywnr to lb Can. ot permanently plucked, ijio'adiaii I.aurolr.' .Tlie sucres-fur ml costs, gun eonfisealed. ilenderer bid I0(1 per hionlh fw flat work and ?i per moiilh for et out that the hospital would be saving 1,000 this year on ils laundry bill. Itegarding lenders for bread, il was reported thai lhre baker ies had declined to submit bids but had offered to supply brea t on the basis of the flour market II was Ueflideil to give each bakery its slrare of Hie hospital': bread supply. Hie purchase of table napkin face cloths and towelling lo the figure of -I7.3. and ten new mallressp .and cover for I be nurse home was approved. J. II. Thompson, chairman of the house committee, reported that a new heating system had been installed in the operating room and case room and ui now in operation. SPORT CHAT With Hie .Moose and drew's team lied for Near Let a Cold Qcla Start SI. An-1 Icagur leadership. Hie Klks only one! point behind with one game to u ' and the Knight's of Pythias one full game behind. Hie situation in the men's section of the Fraternal Whist League is now par ticularly interesting and keen a1- Vapors Check a Cold Overnight There are many ways ! treat a cold but only one OIIIKCT way wilb vapors that can bo inhaled. Vapors penetrate immediately into every corner of Hie air passages "and lungs, soothing and healing with every breath. : Vieks is so remarkably successful in treating cold 'troubles because it nets tike a "vapor lamp in salve form." When rubbed over 111 mat and rhesl the body heat releases vapors of Menthol, .Camphor. Kucalyptus, Thyme ami Turpentine. At the same lime Vicks is absorbed through and stimulates the skin like a .poultice or plaster. This double, direct action often checks the worst, cold flvernfehl. Vapo Rub 0m 2IMiluohJars Useo Yearly Ke.'' 'C 0 19 W lt,a 6 i i enlion allaclic- itself lo th.j :anies. The league leabrs Moosp and St. Andrew's. sclied- ii led o meel tonight, have post poned hp game, in tiers sehiul uled for lln exeiniiK are as f,.l-ow: Son? nl FiuKitid . Knights if CoIuiiImi ; W.i Veterans vs. Oddfellow: K nm ht ' f Pythias VS. Suns tit llanT;. I. oval Orange Lodge vs. Klk. ! ENGLISH LACROSSE ! PLAYERS WILL VISIT b'i UNITED STATES APRIL l University Team Has Decided Not to Play Any Games In Canada XKW YORK, Feb. f8. The co in Id n in I Oxford -CamftrMge lacrosse tenni will nt visit Canada when, they cro-s the Atlantic nexl April, it is announced nurses griiforms -'.wtiereu lh(ilti''re. Twlvf . games will Pioneer Laundry, bid, $1 10 au'flplayiHj, and they will nil gun eonfiscated; possession of (V75 respectively. It was point- of season, 110 and be be n?aiiist lTnilel Slates colleges and cluli teams. When the I'.oclish I'nivArsily lUiyers visited North America in 1 22,. they played two ames in Canada anil fourteen in the I'm-teil Stales. The list was found lo be livi heavy for the invaders, with the result that Itjey failed to show (m iidvittasre Hi the clotn(i stages of 4ii?.4rii. winp lo h-jljries. k ll-- . TJie . Unjled Slates Intercollegiate LacrosfeiaMoh. which lias been carrying on ik'koIiii tio4s with the t Ufonl-Caiiilridg-team. has received lwenly-to reipiesfs for jnme from eollejres and cllts ill the I'ni'ed Stales. The campaign will open a! Washington on Aniil :i. with Hie t'lmersily of Maryland, bolder the southern inlereollegiate title in Hie opposition role. OBJECTIONSTO CLOSED SEASON Closed Areas Urged to Take Place of Present Regulations For Halibut Fishing Kl ICIIIKAN, Feb. 18.r At icceni liifiMineofo iif lite s Commercial Club, n number ot fishermen expressed m msrfvft us oppesed to the pwtcnli jifosiid eann on halibut and advocated on iti-place eloseii areas. Caplain HnuIiiiii. I.iigdal, Nalmnl and ifegge were among the speakers. All considered Hie proscnl closed season on halibut a fail ure ami uoi satisfactory. I-rum five to six luoiisand men are an nually I In-own oul of work for a period of three months. Captain l.Oti'ia! iieclnreil, and he reeoio mended, as did oilier of the speakers, that closed areas be established raJJier than closed seasons. .i The closed season preceding il was held directly responsible by ine captains for the poor year experienced during the open season in vriM, u was recom mended that fjsliitug banks when it was found tliat the fish wen younger than three or four years should be closed lo fishing and that if a cliii season must bt put In force. 'Ihat llie western banks which are as ytt nnfislied le left open foJr jtnpecting trips in order Ihap'vessels and crew may nol lie entirely witlioiil em ploy men t. Iiesire for co-operation between the business men ami Hie halilnil fishermen wns express,! and pledei.- "w ' L. II. Ilinton is bonked to for Victoria on Hie Prin.-e lomorrow morning. pe Wanted For Sale For Rent oft SW.F.. l.o n, h'.oik tl. seel ion ft. barvain fir cash, pdy Mov MJ O.iily News OR S.M.K.- Kuiiicl Oak dinina- mite. :n.oo Pi,, ,,,, inn,. (J23, 42 I H.MTI RK Htue f,'.'3. 'OH RKN'f. ier Street, '".lymotit. for Sale. HiiKS FOR HALF. I7. TO RENT Owe! 1 1 ii u 727 Apply Thos. Phone U Plmne IUak FOR niiN tV-Modern four roonv ed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Illock. Westenbaver Hros. tf oft RF.NT - Pianos, player nianos'. phonographs and sewing machines. Walker' UiKic Store FflTl HUNT.- Taib r-shop-i two business loom below, tw livins rooms above. Weslen haver Hros. tt FOR RK.VT. ,ous near busines Vecinni. i'U.OO. Apply 215 Fourth Awnue Fast FOIl HKNT. Room with or with out board; m-ar elevator. Phone Red 157. if Fra- Me- I'Oll IIFNT. - Furnished house newly decorated. .1. V. Mc-Kinley. if FOR' IlKNT. Furnished suite Mussallem Apartnvnis. Phorn If MODI'.RN PLAT for Rent. Apptv Mri Ilellhroner. if BOARD AND flOOM. HOARD The Seond Avenue DANCING MRS. II. O. I.IH.WF that she ha ' serin- Vli-l'S of llow.l'-.t I Inlander, 830 otmn t.i? Will lr a -crie. ,,f announces I Hie ser- MU.Uftf.- f III II 17 m 19?? Oldsmobile I. 5 passenger louring yon,oo Nash i passenger touring IH50.00 Ovettanil Sedan tlOO.tto 1019 Ilea seven passenger touring f700.oo I I'JfS I'onl (teiipe, ballmin tires ear like new 560.oo t i92i Font Twldr swlan, 1 115 on 1958 Ford Cmipe 1350 00 I9tl Ford one tun I ruck, panel body . 1175.00 Ford light deliver)' ehassi. rebuilt 115.00 All cars suarnnfeeit In good mechanical rondltinn. Kai terms can be arranged. KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agents for McLaughlin Oakland. Oldsmobile anil Ctiev-rolet cars, Hen, (i.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WRKCKLN'O HKRVIGK DAY AM NHJIIT. LOST MWT.---A silk scarf, blaek will, lifrhl stripes. Finsler whhi4 ohligH by returning same t.i lia'ly News office. AUCTIONEER PX'W.IC At'trrHlN. - Furnllnre and general household effects move1 for convenience of sale. Make one dollar look like two by atlcmling tins ule on Thursday. February 5 at 2.30 p.m. Place of sale and Dem ited list will appear Uter. Phonovarph record excluiog ed. Private sales dally. Phone 771. O. F. Urine, Auctioneer TAXI Phone 7 Taxi (Call.Oeorge. Paul or (lust) ix- and -.even -pncnger Slude bakers at yur disposal any ltm- 50c Service ROSS BROS, POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmpress llolel TRAPPERS! I NKFII 10.000 MINK SKINS. He.d PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, February 19 '"i fi:H a.m. 1 8.8 f yi" 'I and l ow "1 lessons In the Charleston and the Sl Louis the laid l.all- ''; -later, Tm-.,,v T'f i' .-. .( ,., t,:uU j. tlu j,s!.,i Phune Sli. prices paid. -See me before you sell your furs. If lis furs I'l buy them. W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggnge and Express Stand :Littlo' News 81 and, Phone Res. Phono Orecri 020. I0:.1U p.m. 15.7 " 0:01 a.m. 7.8 " 13:13 p.m. 7.0 " Saturday, February 20 7:U' a.m. 18.1 fl. ?l :03 p.m. 15.1 " , f,w 1 :00 a.m. tl r " 14 3fl p.m. 7.1 " If 1- X" DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word inadvance. No Advertiement taken for lets than 50c tVlKTSB WAN'TKH. One reliable tOM In every town, rtwrchaulw pfar-re1, to lake orders for heat ruBtoni-niade clothe in Can- ada. HifUest commission i. Rex Tailoring Toronto. Co., Ltd., WANTKH. Plain dre(roalcin'C and sewing; remodel lina-, re-pairing. kuiHmtf, elr. Phone Ureen 704. WAXTKIV S. condhnd Portable Typewriter. io Jjt5. Oaily Sewn' office. if FOR SALE FOR SALK. Oulf Isi.tmls. Snial! fruit and chicken ranch, Hear Victoria. Five acres, four roomed hoiie. Iiarn. Near stores, school. '.Mio first payment. Apply owner. P.O. Bm .. Ganges, n r. '1'WF.LYK Oold Seal Oincnleuri rnjr to in- c'.caicil at es than eoi. Ilciii'iful .il'crn and various sie. I'lu week only. Call in. Seeing i believing. ,A. MneRenrie, furniture.' Wioiic FOR SALK .New prid used nwchinery. Imal1 i.tfl rapine, (ilslfin rhiK and prrtfM'Ib'rs N'li-.'iiern Ftcl-auare. :'!.! Second venue. Plume 2 t. if DRY WOOD. Split lo nny length In block, per load $6.00. . SALT IIKIIItlXO. A. ISAACSON, Real Cove. Phone Itlack IAI CARS FOR SALE. 1 rs?'.. h 1 Artidn Loitn4 Found, 4e CAMERON TRANSFER Phone t:; Baggage, Furniture si.,i,. t jiiu main any or delivered. (PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC JTCItl 303 Third Attnut ole agents for i We ... Phonograph. ! Ilnequela an.i M triimn' if i. FURNITURE New a n d s. lure Store. e . ehanae New (ilM)d. OEO. PAPADOPULCJ HSP Third Ave warta nonet Dlfrtii 4 Um MU I. M Ola.. bartm o w tllHM Ho., tins nnnoiHuiHt I', m muiim-i I-. atul rtc n. Ilt ttt IHIliP' ra- n-r to r i,.. i r -aiw'St. --ui. -t4triif-inii A I... ii Ml) SJS-li' ll '' I" ' lr Wl ' Hp..- 'Hf II t- rllfc HIT IM.: CarMiu.. h iMiiif M Hhinv -im- 'i. . f B iviti ' i M AX lb. tutt I i M li-lt lfA C.H, trtf. mtf nr isno act HtXic f tatuilM U kWi u tet ! iJIWl tlim.nlii.c Ktnten. sisi tiimir M Qmsis " r o TJur miner it.. JCff.n f f'riii'-r i Ml Imwi Skin mti n ! mil' I: i i imiiiwn. i it ir at t Selltll .Ik-rr I'- r.ittr. 'M l.'IIHl. CrirliK i.f Kriii-ii Milllh IHri.H rlalll rhlii. ihin-o i.iOi ,.r li... .. lutfc m. rl) aimur Mih WIII1M Per V GOVERNMENT LIQUOR OTlCf or applicatios ro" e?.,i' to Taaria or w ViTM i: i in in n r;ui i 4 c.iii.. iriMsl )M-iui ii. i i Inil lir.i fur i mi-lKf l.lrnr Nuii.Ih Mwlawl r prliiUi- I sir knin t Tin i-tbr curtk-r .r fib In Ow Cll i.r pi-mi. -Ihr nd il-rrilsl i IHl irw If in K Van MM- tuihllnsl ami Ppfire Hf1 Isn't ' la il Ptnrtn r r Saltan rSaUufci. ! '" eriwr imim-i. i" Paled at PHnrr fi Millar of itnntry. 1 sf JiM m i tNO ACT Kollca 6f Intanlton U PP'' ot Land. In lh. Prlnr tin, tilsirlrt ami aliiitlK - rortiilnar one or Um" a 1 " in liu(ion nay pa'-as' 1 anniin PiJnt. nine pi "' . TAKK NOTICF I ha I V 1 nntM. n.i:.. Main H'ly rr a lra M nrrllil lantls : f:ifiiinrnrinit al a p- ' ll Kl aliln nf me 'i llii-nre J.ftOo fwl n- t' tm nnrlliraO; ihi-n- ral; lliont-e J.Oon Ii" 1 piilnl of iiniii,nr',mi 1 1 1 IIAtinis y-ul . as a hl Asl, LAND ACT. ftotlca et Inlanllan appir In the Prlnre lniiii.,"r OUlrlrl an1 sliusle m V iwar ninM l-lnnil, lllti ' TAKE NOTICi; lhl ' ii . . .... ii 1. 1 ii'iBrri. in i run inn- ' ;j Intends In apply fu a - Inwlnr ilrncrilM il land' . V .- f'i.ii.n...ln Bl II 41 1 i ' Itm fal alii ftf Whlli' n . t.non riHi nrtiiwri nvivs , mmmt lli.n.. AAA rr:-! J .no a rin r'l M the P inriirrincnl, ROOt- Datod Oactmber HH,