ur!day February" 18, 1926. r Service for All SM ALL and moderate ized zc-counts as well as large ones are welcomed by the lianlc of Montreal. The service of this Bank is adapted to all and the quality of that service is die same wherever and whenever it is rendered. BANK OF. MONTREAL Established l8l7 mwmmm Total AtscU in excess of 76O.O00JO0O Imi - -Xi r ft F, .-. e Rupert Branch: D. C. PATERSON. Manage. FISHERMEN ! Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. '" '"" ! - '.'i. ill . I ,,, , k iwi.ni -i. Knc. ina s ..ij o loiiuw rifr gt..nJ iii ).t- kit. i( not, ' -!'! uml get iitiied. Iodine Lysol Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Plaster Cotton Wool Lint Vaseline Epsom Salts Castor Oil Liniment Tweezer Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. ' Tut.- mil liuil' t . i . . i i( v.,,i i.inrc it. Ormes Limited Ttie IUx.iM Store I'ii.imit iiMggis 3rd Atenue and Gth Street. Phones 82 and 200 8 am l.. 0 i in Siii.,i. .in.l ll.'i ,l,n. I !o .'. a d 7 i 1 e in. Phonographs 2 ONLY, DUKE AND DUCHESS MODELS, PHONOLA PHONOGRAPH 1 t.'ii.td.i . Sc.'.uig al ll.iir Pro v. $75.00 and $50.00 r. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Oh. .li.ur i ,i-t i.l I'.iilv i- Uliiri 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tnJlnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3BF Local and Personal Phone 10. l'.Il. Goal Co. Mm. (itHirs I rtxielL ufin ti ANNOUNCEMENTS llij:li School Dance. Klks' Home, i ciiniaty 20. VA'csilniline Theatre, March 2 and 3, Prince lluocrl Plaver Clul present a new Joyous comedy "W'eddi'ip Hell." SUPERIOR TEA 'i' i ,iio;'u7l7iif nil . .Hi-. if tf Arthur's Taxi, l'ljone 078. If H.C. Undertake. Phone 4!. Cameron" Dance Orchestra. Phone 177. tf Two. !cars at your service Sneddon Taxi, piione 134. tf Mimeographing circular,, clc. Mim Jelinslone Phone 387. If Mr I'ranci Mllterd returned from Vancouver on tin- Prinr Ituperl elerday afternoon. Morley Shier wan a n.ieni;e hoard the JTisjrji Hupert ye- mrauy going lhrusti ta Anvui and Stewart. Im?ii Kuaih on boliieK trip. reiuwieu to I he eitv on U. 1'rinee Itup.rt yelerday ' MM Jiu ltun .1 ii " . muiuni UJI IMC llriwre liuwerl yelerilav afler- ,'flG9,r uyins trip te Van-eHwmiritnt other point in Ui Mr. A. M. tflnorUni bim Child, who have lvn vioiliH in Hie m.ulh. returned iM I he rilv ri the Prince Hupert elrriay af. leriKKin. Mftlfl. M. Tavlltr nf Vun.lr. h.Hjf ipm h iawnirer from Ink to (rain velerday rrtuniinfr U Mic interior nfir u luiiiiav .-uii n !ln' Kouth. e'-iin Five lot for iale. I50 Six iIim-1i frum pot office, on Taylor S'reci. naved. Fine view S.!! thre for 1450.00 cal v oleiilmvfr jJr. n party f n per.ma. who Ul!I t'Mcaae III nlbrer ininfr in Hit- taaderhwtf dislrirt. were P''"S"'r fr"m bMtl ra:n ytrfa? uftenioon. Char!e. Hurkinft. general umn- wr 4i the i,ranh tU... i paenaer aouard Mi- Prinev 1"4fM: eerdai tmuiid from (Vancouver lo Anyox. J. A. Miller, H.C.I..S.. ho h iH-ri, ftiH'iidms Hit r,.w ni.mlhn in Virturia, returned lo Hie eily on Ihe Prince uiMrt y-iTly uriemoon. J. A. Hall, the llyiter l.anke- .! a IIHMetllttr llui:ml I lia I'rin.-.- Ruiierl yeterday ufler- 1 returniiig nortb after . Imihu trip In eallle. Mi. mid Mr. C. K. Stnrr to the city on (he Prior llniTi yi'teniay afierniNtn. Iur. ma i heir absence from the ctiy of l lie im1 few montlix, ihey motor-t from Seattle lo Florida and lU.i took H jauut aero. Ho wa:er from tin- I'enuuular Slale to t.UlM. The tirl regular moiitlilv iiiiM'tnis; of Ihe f, lio-niLil ard took ilrfi in the hopilal ih nijfht. lre:Jeril S. K. (iiimt- liell wan in the chair and Kioto pre -en I Were llireelor J. H. rlioiitpitn, a. j. Tinker. C II. i:ikm. js. Ii. Johnh.ne and Aid. M M. Slphcn. . w. Mireh. iii.niiU'ii'B -ecrelary. anil lerni Harrison. H.N.. tdv kiijmt-iil.n.leiil. I'liiilenl CMIllplei welcomed Ihe new memher of ti c li.:irl and "xpreiiM'.l the hooe 1 hal 'here wouUi he fraiiL nn.l cimlid di-cux-ioti" in the roursr. "f i In- year with ull due luir- nnniv. THE DAILY JJEWS r- , . gg i i ftoldhlooui buys fur and pays highest price. foe mm finst. Judjre 1'. McJI. Youn iff con fined lo hl homo fur a few day wiiii a eveie quid. Mi Ilcna Cameron arrive, I yesterday from Vajicouver on the J'rince lluirt to lake a jioMilion with Miss Jlarheuu. CallieV Whlct Drive in SI An. drew' itooiii! on .Monday even-IriK Kehruary 22 at 8 p.m. Ad-niisnion 5Uc. Refreshment?. Jlaiititjt la-liC- Aid Kale or fiiuin newins. home cooling and after. noon tea In the Church I'arJor on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 0. 42 Jack Zarelll - will Kail on the Prince Ituiierl funmrrow morning for VaiMiouvrr'.wjroule to J'ort Alherni where tt is hi intcntioa lo locale. Provincial Con"lahle Wyniac loft on Ihe Prlnee Ilupcrt lal niftlu for lewarl lo pick up pri-miierK who will he taken to Okallu pri.ioij. A. (1. 'HuUlljlnsOll of M on I re.. 1 0.11. lallf.lit!al lii-ii.-cUir, ii u visitor in the elly. He arrived from the liixt yexterday and will return liit oa Saturday night's train. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorue tS Itii.ti. hy. who have iieen viMtiii' for the pal monlli fat Yaiievuver and Victoria, relurpeil to the eity on the i'rince lUipmrt yesterday Walter ti. Uroail. cu-toiiii of- ficer al SlwwarL wa u ua-xeiiaer ahoard the( Priwc lluji.-rt ye- loniay anernoun roiurmti north after liavinz MH?ot a lndi.lav ii. the Miulh. Ir. II. J. MeiUekdi II of Winii:- je. Iieal of tUe Sovereign Life .urauee Co. of Canada, i.- a vitiiUir in the eily. He will t,r- eeed MHitH on the Prince iluperl loniorrow morning'. Charges of vacrnner a-reiiot He lietuia ami Warr ScoU were wiUHlrawn in (Ut oitv iwrfire court tlii inorninv'jud a similar charpr asaiiKt VajMa 4Jium, ,colred. wa diinuesKl I 'll ion steamer itala liiT.i. J a. rinJiay. uorihioHn.l from Vdii couver tu Prince llooert. it du- at Ocean rail af midnik'lit to MifrW and will reaeii here tomor row nijrnt or Saturday morning, In the election of ofriM-r. of the Itoyai Sparlei Ielpe. I..O.I the Mal commander un A. M. Iiavie. xeroixi Icelurer I.. Arrol. firl conductor M. II. Lemon. eeHnl coll.lllrlor II Anillr'll?. and Chaidain .Infm MunCu. John IUHf. j.erretarv or 11 wanl I.ipM;tlA Co.. 'aneouer. a visitor in the rilv no fn eoflwefion with t,e locn braticli of tlH. rirm. He arrived from the OUlh nf Hie 1rm.. Hupert yeu-rday aftepicon. The luiMiital board recoKed t rommunication lai iifchl from Aii-x lilHli MrUaul Ii.V rrn,M lady MierinliMidcnt of the local lmolal. afknowledsins romlol ruce that i,a. hem enl i.v ih lKaiil on the occasion of her fattier recent death. Mr. and Mr. (i A: I liol li i.r will sail tomorrow iiuiriiiiiv on the Prime Hupert for Victoria ner they cxjH.ct t remain a month while Mr. illolhter i nl the head office of the Meparl- meni or Mine turninir in hU .m- naul report for Ihe iiorlliwtem mineral dUlricl of which he is the resident engineer. Ml" MHV TJllllinitfOll rr tl... llllt.l I ...... . . . i. mini! supply rair wan IiokIc ill u iniiv i.ii.ii..i which wa field in the Si. Heal , ., orujin nil Mipper wan followed hv daticinc Arll.i.' l...i.. . i, iiinr.'ii a iiirinsiillit; the miivie. Tlw.i-.. ..i...... - .ii-.-wi men' Connie nresenl inwl Mil.. n..,i;.. i i in :irn inaner oi Howe's Slice! Metal Wort, i.u.i la teller l.efure the hipllal board iai niKHt oDiiiplaininy (Jiat il had ineen receivusr no work at the lho.pital. The ecrelary wa iu-jMiueled lo rc)l ioi;itln? oul I that there had heen I hi work in jlhi Hue lately but when u-.h arose I ho complainant would jrerrive. equal consideration with i ihti . . 1 ,1 PAGE THREE AN OPEN LETTER to the Public Dear Fellow Citizens: In business, as well as in private life, circumstances, always beyond our control, sometimes take a hand In our affairs, forcing us along paths directly opposed to those we desire to take. Such a set of circumstances faced us at the opening of this year a top-heavy stock at the beginning of the quiet season and unexpected liabilities that had to be met. Fortunately, the splendidly loyal response of our fellow citizens at a time when loyalty was most needed, enabled us to turn a sufficient quantity of our stock Into the cash necessary' to satisfy the demands and retake complete charge of our affairs. Business is reputed to be cold blooded but we believe the most solid foundation for any business is friendship and at times a little sentiment Is justified and we wish to take advantage of this opportunity lo express our warmest thanks to our many good friends and to assure you all that in the future it will be our earnest endeavour to give you the utmost in quality, the ultimate In service, et the lowest price possible in order that alt our old friends may continue to look to us for their needs and that goodwill and friendship may constantly add new friends as well. Yours truly, THOR JOHNSON "The Men's Shop of Prince Rupert" 720 Second Ave. Phone Red 627 "" WIRELESS REPORT. ; J I 8 a.m. IHi.IiV ISI.A.Mi. ll.,iu nn Treh ouiicat wind; Iian. meter. ,2'J.a.l: lemii'-ralure. 5o: ea ,Miii'"'h; 10 p. ui. iioke leame' Uriffci. left Prince ltiert iMiiind fir Anyot; V ji.m. r.ajic Scott at Lowe luie! mhiIIiIkjumU: 2:10 a.m eMikc eamer Prince Ituoer'. uheaiii Truro L-!ati.l imi'tbioiund. IKAI TltKi: POI.T. Ilaro- liM-lei. 2U.Ntl; leiupecallire. JO. HI I.L HAII1IOH. Overras1. Miuth-a-.t pale; harometer. 2l.5: temiierature. 10: rea rouuh: U.2 it.ui. Kkc motoi-lnii Xorco at h uu. JCj -miles from Seattle hoiiNU hetchikau: rim ook - " , tmilorshij. I.illehorn at 8 r'-m. itbeam Pine lland ioutli hound, a.m. Pauline J. iu Hull Harhor. Noon DKiMY lSLAXIf liuioim. I p ftron? outiieat wind; baroiuc- jer. 21M0; tejuiralure, 10; n jprnsh. IULI THIIi: POINT. Itarome- jer. 2P.88; leinpei aluie, 1 1 . i HILL HAIlltOH. - (hercasi. Mullieal jrale: harmiM'ter. 2'J.ll. tenierMlure. il; ea rough; 8 a.m. sjioke lujr tlape Scull in Wrijrht Sound; U a.m. pok. Hvi Parific Monarch towinv- Hlack- wolf in Safety t'aivc hound fo? Sipiirrel Cove; y.5 a.m. iok sieamer ialala in Schooner Pa-?at:e norllihound; 5..I0 a.m. spokt Itosalie f-lorinliouiid off Hull Harbor hound fur Port Aln. FINED AT OCEAN FALLS Georpe Noll of Ocean Fall. wh fined ."0 there i enilv for an in fraction of Hie liovernmeiit Liquor Ad in allowing drunken-He on hi premiM1. WOMAN AFRAIDTO- EAT ANYTHING; "I wa afraid to rat because I alway had stomach trouble af-lerward. Since taking Adlerikn 1 can eat and Teel fine." irned' Mr. A. Howard. ONT. sjioonful Adlerikn remove OAS and often briiip urpriinjr relief lo the Hlomacli. Slop that full, Moated feel in p. Hemmes old wale niatler from intestine and iiiakes. you feel happy and cheer ful. Kxeeileni for obstinate constipation. Ormes Ltd., lirujrifi!. Subscribe to Ihe Daily News. W Builds Up roar Health I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoU Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER - -Timbers. Uiniensnni. Shiliiuii. Fir Finish, Flooring. V Jumt. Iliislic and Bevel Siding. Cedar and Fir Hoat Lumber. Fir and Cottonwood Veneer, Moulding, Shingles, Kolured Shingles. Lath, Oak, Hardwoods, Sah and Hours, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As bestos Cement, llardwall IMasler. Plaster or Paris, Plaster lluanl. Lime, llydraled Limtf, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. Cornmoii Hrick, Fire Hrirk, Pressed Hrick, Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Flue Lining MISCELLANEOUS Nail. Diiiiding Paper, Tar Paper, Iliildieroid Uoofiugs. Johns, ManvilleN Asbeslos Hoof-mgs. Asphalt. Asphalt Roofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal for your Kitchen Ilange. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 73S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Han. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU. sminr ttuu lrince Hprt. or VaiUCOUVta. VICTORIA, S..non . .n Al.rt B.,, TwMit. s p m Of VANCOOVM. VICTORIA, Al.rt B... ,ln,0(( .,.,, ,0"' IV 1"; P0RT '"" C..rlM. Thurodo, p.m. ,B rml.ir, a(mU rnnoo .Mrt. a.o.