ursday, May 20, 1926. Change wasna Rinse Don't Rub Soak the Clothes Dl IV nso The new kind op soap a Couple of Hours or OverniqKt- Rinse and that's All Vacfe bu the makers of LUX 4SS air imely Suggestions fAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALTS 50c rvfrehniir niul hp.iiiliriii ilrink HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM . . 50c f mr nit? Iiaiul ami rare ami for ue after shaviiifr pVALTINE- Nature Tonic Food 00c mill $1.50 Minnie nrani. ,ere mnl IimI. Overcomes taugje. ensure sound sleep mnl supplies a rc--ene of strength. IERITAS TOOTHBRUSHES Sp , ,! ; 25c v. o ih'ii-ii iii n i arion. Twenty per cent off all French Ivory Goods (inninig tileiny"'"! Chiicolales Iftc ll. r ih. ii.jx &2.l0 ORMES LTD. Rexal Druggists Phones 82 and 200 I'inaiitls ' I.ila do Krance I.OO Piitniiti Kan de (Jiimiiic Ig. $1.35 Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCI OIOROK mil PRINCE CHARLES ttill Ur PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE anil ml. niMsllale PuHUs. THURS DAYS and SUNDAYS it 11 p.m. STEWART aim AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, p.m. i STEWART ONLY, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fnrnillllll f..r VANCOUVER ls QUEEN CHARLOTTE HANDS. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ilJll rxr.pl Stilnla) al nil ri i PRINCE QEOROE, iOMONTON, WINNIPEG, (II points L'atlrrn 1 4, I Hllnl 8'ali". Asentv all Ocaan Sttamahlp Llnaa. " 1 inailian .Villi.nal Kpr. fm Mom nnlrr. luri'iaii Cheque. elr ' ' 'ii ii. (i liiiiirnl Cll Tlttal Office, B2S Third A.a, Prlnca Rupart. Phone 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 'tCTCRKAI.siUNGtU, KHUN. SWCWAY . .MjjIO.21,31 uNCOUVM, VlCTDRU s4 SEATTLE Hi 14. 25, J. 4 Si. PRINCESS BEATRICE rr S"""'1': Swtnaon Ba, Eaal Bella Balla, Ocaan fallt. Namu, Alart . t cmPall RKtr, and Venceuier atari Saturday 11 a.m. e fcr m suaniehlp Llnaa. Full Information frem-t W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agant. oernar f ih Siraal and Jrd anu, Prlnca Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 9",na """ Tlnof Hurafl VAnnm.u.. J vawouJ ltlJ- !r"B"" " uri " T",' 1 port "'". ian ,, and iwanion saiurgsj, iw m.m ai ' port .!1--0N 4nd Nm' R'r Cannarlaa, Thurada p.m. I Snd IaIiT.r N" NV0. -ICE ARM. STEWART, 8unda. S p.m. MMa J laaaalaa at..-at iiaktat ft V ft M I in Local and Personal Hone 15. IMl. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. tf U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. 'V4H uf I'Prt l'.dliifilon it mm)- loday.' . 'Mmm l irofSgliteis. 48 fo; ,0l,lJe Transfer. IMidne - rohuflt loniglil. Acro.olls Hill at i5M5. CoM SIoijiup vd. K. -.McTlrllaii of Terra&ri n-ir- ifilernJ ImJay at llic 1'rincn Itn. pert Hold. -Major M. A. Iliirliank of Prinr.. Oeorgf is here today rellcreil nl (he Prinze Hiipcrt Hotel. A rlh ii rV orchestra everv iiltth'. this vtffk nt the, Uonitiiodor! Caharet from 0 to 1.30. 120 Aiiionsr the uhurt)an visitor o I'rim-e Jtuperf yianlprilny wit limil M. Irelt of. Port Ksxingtoit. t. A. McMillan, hull imrin- triiliiit at Ihf Dryiloek. i ex. peeti'il back rm the sofit'h on rajunlar. Mr. and Mf.i". 'J'om Wallace nr Claxtoii ami .1. A. Clark of Ihi ianie eann-ry are filor In U;.- euy loijay. Kdmouton vixilor here ar rivhuj e-lT.lay were A. K. .May and II. l);tIlon, hotli rrgUtered o' lh Prince Rupert Hotel. r . . . .... i .a ii nr ii j-.uiPiim n coins inn. diy.lnck today to have the tiro. peller han ted and for cleaning painting and repair to her lank (leorjre Caey and lin on Har row Chiv werp each fined leu dollar in Hie t Mil lee ennrl ll.i morning for aault unon fjidro (urvish. W". II. lljim. manasfr of Uie I la I moral cannery and A. M. Kipp, manager of .Mill Hay can. ne.-y werv iKtth iitors iu the ciU- elcrdav. l""iir more men are l.-in-r (day for Kelowna lo help pui tKeiher the lake hoal that falincalcd Imti". Thev are Pclr Kerr. T. turn toil I A Kirhv .1 . naiiiuiori, j ' r ' .Wllirns (if mililie inniorlansn rk place Is! nl7lil at th eeneral Hireling of Ihc H.W.V.A. to w (be Uinadiaii lepion. I tele-pate YouiiKinaii and llnlcliin- on reptrl'd on the result- of Ihe I'Oiiveiitioii at which Hi union of the War Veteran and the Canadian lauion was con- Kinnuia'e. tinder the l.emon name. Ilouliiie work oecunird UH' re -I or I lie limn. VISITORS AT JASPER. ' - ' . illols io ,la -per IlliVwoeic ncliided . .1. rtunirerfoeii: iice. president of. the ;.N.R. and Mrs. HuiiKerfoi'd, C. II. Hrown. chief engineer ur Montreal, II. A. DiKon, chief engineer at Winnipeg; and W. A. Kincoland. sen. al manager of weern linen. RENT OF ELEVATOR $100. iep;iti-he published in (li-i noutli nay Hie rent of tlir Prino Rupert elevator i to l.c l!i.. nuininal amount of Slot) a vear. Advertl.aa In the Dadv News. Her Face Was Covered With Large, Fed Ffrrplcs Miss 0 ret ft CarliaJe ?.t J Urantford, Out, writm: 'A short while Ago, uiy face was complrtily envr.rA.1 vrllti I : . irVnled tist it wu almost impossible ior me io gn na or tutm, u nothing I took aecmod to do mo any rood. One day I noticed an advertisement ot I THE DAILY NEW3 GIBBONS HEADS WEEKLYSHOOT 'J'he weekly slioot of the Prince .Rupert (iuri Cluh held lasl even- in at the Cemeiery (load Iraps refilled in MOin'.lyrkh-tnarmlilp. K. C.Tildxnis (ppped the list wilh 23 nil if a p9rijil.' 25 and lr. Tulticaiiie't'a' clouj second. Tim MniM ttnri!'. Cihlion IV IViH Aitrnvoif iOx .1. W. Srolt Jack Kef,.. Xickerfortlt. ;hainlipr , Taylor ..px PiudhoiniiH HOUSES GOING 23 22 20 I'J 18 IH IG 15 12 FOR ESKIMOS SKATTLK. "May -n. Sailinu from Seattle lornon-nv for Poii l (arrow Ihe echiniiiiT C. H. I folineK, carrytn-rf knockdown houwea eul for the F.skiiiio by Ihe department -of (lie inlfriir. The lkimo arc to pay $1340 eaeh for tin;, loii!-"e. each of wiueii nave four room. I'h price include evcrytjunsr to Ihe la Ml -of hardwaie Mot of Ihe Iumj - are letmed for SI Lawrence land, ISO omIc hoii',!i uf Iii'rnitf Straits. CABARET DANCE FOR VISITING TICKET AGENTS A. Brooksbank and W. Crulk-shank In Charge of Arrange-emnls For Enjoyable Event A caliaret dance was piven lat nishl in ihe 4mnio.ore for the vi-itiiiir inenilier or Ihe Canadian National ticket agents from i-ixlcrn Canada aud Ka-tern U!. potnl including .Montreal and Chteacn. 'the fonnnitlee in charge of Ihi was A. Ilrook-liank ami W. Cntikhaiik. The visitors enjoyed tin- event verv much and at thecle esurttssed 1hHr apprtfeiariom sajinc it wa tne nrl lime Ihey had lieen o well treated since they left home. In the afternoon (be parly was taken to I lie 4.:olj Storage and drydm-k and -tlinwn other c:hl!i of the city. DOCTORS MEETING ONTARIO NEXT WEEK LONDON. Out.. May 20. Pro- niinenl diyician.. surgeons and scienti! from many parts of Canada and the I'niled Stales are expected In attend and lead discussion on important pro fessional subjects, M the con-ventiou or Ihe Onldriu Medical Asoeialioii hero May 25 lo 28. II i: expected lhaful leasl fldil doctors vill allend.' ' Some of ioc inosi ouisianiiiui;. names :i; Iho American profession as Iconlier and speakers appear on Ihe agenda for the four davs meetinjr. These Include Irs. Oe.tver. Mellrae. Skillern tiiul lc Schweinilx of Philailclnhia: Or Ainonf.- Ihe rciiralions today l the Prince Rupert liolel are Ira McAllister of Ocean Falls. fieori'C K. Scoft and (ieore p. Fry of Toronto. Jame Conley cf Vancouver, Mr. J. Foolit and Mi S R.- YenuitiR or London, Hnsland. Mr. ami Mr. i. G. Wheeler of Seattle, Jt Macilouali and K. Krlmdsoii of Vancouver. Mr. and Mr. Roy Xewton.of Hy-der,J. T. TurnhuII or Yancoit-ver, (ieorgc V. lnkcnon cf .Vorlh Pacific. W. II. Chamber of Inverness, and i li. llaywarr of l'.iliiionlnli SYNOPSIS OF LIMUCTMDMENI!) PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrpaervml. aurrrel Crown lands may b tire-empted by I!ritlali nut leol nvrr :S r.-r. r . c. ami by aliens on lc!arlnt; Intention to lK-rom British subject, conditional uvon residence, occiwition, mil Improvement tor agricultural urpoes rull Information concerning rea-n-tlina regardlnc pre-emptions Is riven In Hulietln So. 1. Land Serlea. "How to Pre-empt land." copies ot aibicli can be obtained free of charge ly addressing, the Department of Lamia. Victoria, B.C, or to any Government AsenL v Kecorda will' be granted covfrirrt only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carry Inis over S.000 board feet tr acre weal of the Coaat Ran- and MOO feet per acre eaat ot that lUngo. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Dl- 1 vision, in which the land applied for ' Is situated, and are made en printed i forms, copies of which can be ob- ! t lined from the Land Commissioner, j i iT-empuona re-empiiona must must be le occupied occupied for for ) loter IViifoi- W I., v - i hennedy of New ork;i five years and Improvements mads and I III. i.. I B 1 I .1 . ..-1.. tlA s . l.eoiianl Rochesler. Minn. It own tree of! ,0 vtlu ot ,u Pr inQtudtna 'STOMACH SO BAD CANT EAT EVEN FRUIT 'J'or year was badly cotistiim led and troubled with as after ealinp. Could not vat fruit and many other thins. Adlerika has done inc nood can now eal anything.' (sijrned W. 11, Fletcher. Adlerika removes r.S and often brinus aslonishinuf relier to tho stomach. Iirinus out it surprising aiiiouut of old waslo inalter ou never thouKht was in the system. Slops that full bloated feeiinjr and makes you enjoy eiIng:. tllxcellenl for .chronic constipation. - Ormea Limited, Irui.'sists. AIMEE McPHERSON IS SAID TO BE DROWNED SANTA MONIl'.A. May 2ft. Search since Tucday"niuhl when SOd I will never reirret: the .! T it v.l niinil...l iiml It....... o bought It, as, cow, my face Is entirely pie Mcpherson, founder and mm- elcarod up of blotches sad p mp es of ; l,or irt- ,.r M ,"" V .! . , . every klni" 'Hgel Temjile a. For the past 47 years 11.B.B. has !'a,! Anpreles was drowned whilo been put un only by Ths T. Wilburs jiurr ba(hin)f, has railed 'to loeato Co., Ltoutod, Toronto, Out tho body. , cirnring ana cuiumung ai leasl nr acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received for purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. fur agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrst-ctass (arable) land la 14 per acre, and second-class (erasing) land per acre. Further In- j formation regarding purchase or leas ot Crown land la Ktven in Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on tlmher lnd nut irrllnr AO ...u . i may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment ot stumpaga. - I HOMESITE LEASES j Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding; tl i acres, may be leased as homesltea, I conditional upon a dwelling belnsr ' erected in the first year, title being obtainable after residence and tm- , provement conditions are fulfilled and land haa been surveyed. LEASES For grating- and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 140 acres may be leased by one person or a company. GRAZING v Under ths Grazing Act the Province Is divided Into grating districts and the range admlnlatered under a Ore ring Commlasloner. Annual gfaxlnt; permits are Issued baaed on numbers rsnsvd. priority being- given to established owners. Stock-owners may form aaatclatlona tor range management. Free, or partly free, permit are available) for settlers caliper and travellers, us te less 48 wont sweeten tea VARIETIES: K-lb. and 1-Ib. cartons and 5-lb. boxes Canadun, Pimento, Swiss, Camembert, Lim-burgcr, Cruyere, Crated. The difference between Kraft Cheese and imitations of Kraft Cheese may not always be obvious to the eye, but. is always evident to the fas e. So long as you can get Kraft Cheese at the same price, why should you be satisfied with less than Kraft quality? That's right, you shouldn't 1 PAGE THRSI yet it looks just like sugar. But oh, what it 1 tj a difference! ' ' f , t H DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kipp ers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLINQ GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL Bus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL Phone 34 J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. P.O. Box 186 Siminoa! Sled Beds, Springs, and Osterinour: Mat, Iresxis, in every room. , V. 52. Booms,- Hot and Cold Water, Bath's and jtv$5S Sleain Heated, Kleclric Light. $?' IS Corner of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Galvanized Tubs and Pails in all sizes Thompson Hardware Co,, Ltd. 1