PAOE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every After boob, ecft Susxlsy. fey Prince Rupert Daily News, Linnttd, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Advertising Editor and and Circulation Telephone Reporter Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 86 Tuesday. Nov. 22. 1927 PEACE RIVER PROPAGANDA The propaganda in favor of Vancouver as an outlet for the Peace River country still continue. The people of British C olumbia's Mggest city keep op the clamor like a Munch of schoolboys or I.W.W. strikers. No matter what the cost, they want Vancouver made the termhsus of the road Hut will handle the Peace River output. Were it not that there is a possibility of success, the move would appear ridiculous. What favors the Vancouver people is the fact that the Provincial Government wants to get rid of the P.G.E. which is a heavy load for the province to bear. The proposal is for the country to build a railway which crosses the present railway already built and fully equipped and operated, and spend the people's money in taking the grain to Vancouver. Any business nun will say that the road should not be built beyond the C.N.R. main line, no matter which route it takes. To go farther is to squander away the people's money for something that is not seeded. If the railway comes out to the main line of the C.N. II. it will then ship the grain by way of Prince Rupert, which is the logical port As it is proposed, the grain would be taken to Vancouver. It is futile to say the line may be built by a private company. If a private concern does the work it will be aided by the other governments. It will be bonused by valuable lands and possibly by cash. At any rate it will get valuable concessions from the government of the province and also from the Dominion in order to enable it to build a road which -is not at present needed. OPERATIONS OF WHEAT POOL In criticizing the operations of the Wheat Pool, the Northwest Grain Dealers' Association claims that except for December amr January the graiajof pool members was sold last ye at less than was paid to Xarmejrs outside the pool. The dealers have prepared a chart showing the condition as they lee it, evidently for the purjKw; of Influencing fanners to selJ their grain direct, to the dealers. It is an Interesting document and would be especially so to those growing grain. MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS Motion picture producing is now one of the established industries and as such is being organized. The largest organization In America dealing with the production and distribution of pictures is laying down rules for the guidance of members. In the first sot of those rules tkre are eleven subjects which are to be completely banned by the picture producers as offensive to the public. They are profanity try title or lip, licentious or suggestive nudity, sex perversion, white slavery, sex relationship between members of black and white rate, sex hygiene and venereal diseases, child birth scenes, children's sex organs, ridicule of the clergy, wilful offense to any. nation, race or creed. Then follows a list of twentjvsix subjects that have to be handled with care such as the use of the flag, international relations, religieus themes, arson, use of firearms, theft, brutality, murder methods, third degree, sympathy for criminals, sedition, cruelty, sex scenes, marriage, use of drugs or surgical operations and lustful kissing. If the organization can improve the present status of the pictures through its owe efforts it will be much better than letting the censor use the scissors. - GOOD SPIRIT OP FISHERMEN The halibut fishermen both here and at Ketchikan Tiave IforjWr a gcxKi spirit uy asking that tUe fishing season be shortened and by wni m:ijb w preserve ine industry. At the present l ucjucuun wn naimui DanKs cannot last long and unless new auVu v meuns mat very' soon tne fishery vWll begin to decline. The session of the commission here was a most satisfac- iur une ana me nsnermen are to be complimented on their irood sense. Doubtless the members of the commission will be well satisfied with the results so far obtained and will feel quite free to make . . . . yciiIY- m linflntinnn 4 V. f ' 1; er .vvvmrncmouuni, tu uif v..aiiaman ana united States governments wiucn win oe xne oeginning of a system of protection for the indus try wmcn means so mucn to 1'rince Kupert. Increase energy and vitality by drinking BOVRIL "The goofteess e prime been 88 LOCAL GIRLIS j PRETTY BRIDE - - i Mis Acnes Eliiabeth ftrattnn Married This Mornine to Cterne I . Aieneau of Tremier A prett k i:i ". i vihu . A Ur . .- wtjr. o urflm of w itu. iiu mjnuar .at l :,- r..ur..h ol the Ann unci fi.r Ki.saaeth. aai? SVHWfc-.a Mrs wurna arattaav of i.-caimt ths bride af Oeaag -vr-ti.. elde! 'or. sf I. C ASSe-. . j.' Prv:or B.C Rt Rev Blab) "jr.: per ijitJ use uraaanny. aad .. . Pailxr I : n of Stewart Mid the Tat bride ru awctatre of gletM) Vault l b.- entered the church OB :he trm of her tauter, to the stragaa .to bridal chants UeodeHsoh). played by C. P Batagna. SB om a paned goer of shell plak ebUfon tal feu. with overdress of cream lace. A picture hat of pair pta jhw ad Oold kid suppers completed bar costume Cream Victoria rosea, an tUies of-tbe-vaUey fanned see beuqwet. Wis Irene Bourases m etaraaUkg as bridesmaid in a period sown of tva-tssa lanvln green georgette, with attrcr irimming Iter hat M of ataauar sts&de. fr.a toe wore sliver vtbapets. Pale aaak jnd white carnatioai wem earned. v Th:ma MtKay of Premier suppaned the yroaaa aad the usher were Edward Smith aad Edgar CMtHre. During the stgalag af the register Us. J. J. khddoaa saac very sweettr. ua Ir.rd'i Art Matte." Pamawts V1 ere- .liouy i reetawJam was heM a the home ! of the brte" pares). 741 Third Are..) sbefe the young oatajae received the cob- i gratuUUnus and gawd wtahsi of la many fnaade. ! Assisting them as pass lean the guest 1 ni the brides uiaSJnr. gowned la black 1 wtln trkssned walk aaueMe af bat a mttS aaadel af Mack velvet. Bam lanced her aars quet rote. Her etotffan ice bou- In the d thing ream trie totde' tsble was centred witfe tkte bridal eake hi-rounded by ptak Mte. SUeer vase filled with pink iihijamill mi sad tU pink tafxs la aaau asonees aam- pie ted ate table amngesMOt. A buf fet luncheon was Barred- Those sefetK te Un 1. Arthur Smith. Us. OiifAttX Mn. John Date. Mn C. p. tuel. sad! Miss Mary OacaacUM. Later Mr. and Mrs. Aneoeiu left en the OaneeuD to apestd titetr htniinwwi in aoutbarn cltlea. For traealuac tfce bride wore s smart dreas af crafe ie main In ehsnel red. Her fur ooat was 1 brewn ceracul. trlmased with fax. Blonde ahoM and stocking, with hat to match, completed her csettuse. On tfeetr rrtrn. rn abetrt three week' Uaie, Lbry will uke up mldence at Premier. B.C.. where the groom 1 accountant on the staff of the mine office. LOCAL MAN'S FATHER HELPED TO TRANSPORT TROOPS TO RED RIVER JarvlR Ucleod. local curtomi collec tor. ha been interested to receive from friend in thf East a copy of a menu card recently lasued on the Canadian Pacific RaUway which recalls, through Diamond Jubilee of Confereda- tlen fflustratkm. the movement of 'roops from Eastern Canada to the Red River Rebellion on the pralriea In 1870. On the front pace of the menu is a picture of the old slde-wheeler "Al-toma." which plied between Coninf-wood and Thunder Bay on the Oreat lakes and helped to move some of the troops West. Mr. McLeoda father. Capt. John C. McLeod. now retired In Vancouver, was master of the steamer Al- goma at that time. He also oommand- fcd the "Algoma's" sister ship. the"Chl-oora," at one time. Manin the Moon THE geese go south In the fall and we can them silly. That Is only be- cause we cant go ourselves. YOU may possibly have heard of the little chap who said he knew the new baby was a girl because he saw them putting powder on It. SOME men feel that way. are big and others Just WELL. Christmas Is not far away I :! it In my bones. I hear about It every day In most beseeching tones. But Christmas time X would not mind. If only I could keep My money In my pocket book And sometimes get some sleep. EVERY hot dog. dog has his day, even the Tills Is theday"m which enrftcuss section oftRe ctty has a fTshv'pK' THE fishermen were said to be un animous on shortening the fishing season. Jake says that is the first time the fishermen have been unanl mous about anything except that prices are too low. uw mat the. halibut have pretty I wen settled one of their problems. It Is expected thaf the salmon fishermen will also fall In line and arrange a reasonable basis. THE DAILY NEW? FISHER CADUAC Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert XOVE.MBKU tl. 1917. It is expected that the new sawmill at Seal Cove will be in operation by early spring Construction work la going ahead satisfactorily and E. P. Duby, the manager, has left for the i south to order the final shipments of machinery. On account of washouts extending from Inverness to Amsbury, traffic on the railway is still out of commission The telegraph (ln s are alea still down. Kenneth Munro and O. H. Nelsot have been appointed enumerators tL Prince Ruper for the federal MONTREAL IMPORTERS' SALE IS SUCCESSFUL That the Prince Rupert public ap preciate a real sale was demonstrated on Saturday night and again yesterday, when, notwithstanding the wintry weattoer. the store of the Montreal Im porters was crammed with eager buyers an afternoon and evening. J. B. Miller, the proprietor. Is quite well pleased with the response the announcement of hie sale has brought. And that his customers are well pleased too, is shown by the fact that they come again and again. Nothing succeeds like success aod the Montreal Importers Sale Is succeeding beyond first hopes. Value for the money is the reason and most people like a bargain. All former Montreal prices have been Jettisoned at this sale. It will pay you to see the values offered for yourself. Advt. AUTOGRAPHED BALLS GIVEN FOR PRIZES ASHBURY PARK. N.J . Nov. 22. Baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig will be presented to the pupil who attains highest marks for scholarship in each of the eight grades of the public schools. Thomas T. Hurley Jr., secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, who obtained the autographs from the heavy bitting stara. said "we've found a way to make them study " MILWAUKEE. Nov. 23 - Purely by accident, Dr Samuel A Barrett, director if Che Milwaukee. Museum, has brought hoxee from Hawaii a motion picture o' i . ' spectacle never before photographed ad which few scientists have ever teen. WMfa his camera ertasUag away -.t the email drtbbtea of tatUstg rock la the crater of Kttauea. a bus sec ! ' Ion of the crater. 800 feet wide ani iiOO feet deep, weighting thousands of tons crabed down into the pit more than 1 .000 feat dxep Advertise la The Ostte News i;OVERNMBNT LIQUOR ACT fa'uricE oi' .irn.iu.Ti(is'irm i;ki:ii li core MUIICE Is HKBKBY OIVEN that, OB the 3rd day of Deoember nest, the undersigned intends to apply to the Uquor Control Board lor a licence in respect of premises being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, ait-'tate at the City of Prtnoe Rupert. In .he Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described aa all that portion of Waterfront Block "1." Bey of Prince itupert. oity of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Map S2I. Prince Itupert Land Registration District, and bring more particularly described as follows: "Commencing at a point which lies in a straight line of bearing north SSdeg 28' 8" East a distance of 767.20 leet from the centre of circle a shown on said Plan 923. Section 7. thence south Odea 85' 25" East a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 38" East h -distance of 100 feet to a point, thence northMef. 36' 25" West a distance of 00 feet to a point, thence South SSdei 24' 38" West a distance of loo feet to the point of commencement" for the wle of beer by the glass or by tren?en botUe ior consumPt'on on the DATED this 4th day of Nevember. 1027 H. A. DODD. ze? Applicant IN I'KOBATE IX Till; In Nl PIU-.MI; COI'ICT OF ( ; the Mattefc' of Act": and isnrrjsii the "Administration In .the Matter of the Estate of James I Darius Wells. Deoeaaed. InteatiS. TAKE NOTICE thatder of Hi. ' October. AJJ. j27 I was aooolnted Arf 1 mjnlrtratrlf of the ff ! Ja ' Dirtus Wells, deceased, and all oartlS I hv,n ,c'" spainst thesaVdPiuS are hereby required to furnish same gry verified, to me on or before t& 9th day of Drrember A D 1077 i ' Jeoufti? lnd t 2Sv. 8anre! "Sli to PV the amount of their lndebtednew t: me forthwith. Dated 1927. JANK LaCROIX tilt 9th day of November, AX. 1 BO OLDSM0BILE DEMAND DIES GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED LA SALLE ' MCLAUCHUS-BUICK OAKLASD postiac aimvF When the salesman points to the monogram plate bearing the symbol "Body by Fisher" on a motor car, he goes a long ;.f way toward completing die sale. For it is perfectly plain that the public today is grouping motor cars in two classes - those first-choice cars which arc. equipped J j with Fisher Bodies and those which do not offer the superior comfort, value and beauty inherent in every Fisher design 'PHOTOGRAPHED FALL ! OF ROCK INTO CRATER "Rupert Brand' K ippers THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." SmokedrDaily by Canadian psh & CoW StoraSe C" llCANASIAN? Prince Kupert. B.C Canadian Pacific Railwaj B. C. Coast Service .Sailincrs from Prince Rupe" - 1 . it , ... . ... .. . . v'j.t j.inlter . ju iiiKan, nraneeu. Jiinrau ana kri; ber i;, 81. .... Tn lsitiitiv tiMatitm Vnt'nililr Z. ICi v' and January 4. PRINCESS 1IEATRICE. w Airr ' ' n,,t.j.i. ..-II. ti.n. n tli. NSDlU, Sgency i.u.-h.ic, r 1 1 ikii . - Campbrll niter, and Vancuuier eery SaturdaVi J 'L, ff I W. C. ORCHAKU, fenrrai rn I Corner of 4th Slreet and 8rd Avenue. Prime Itunert. t UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home' 120 Rooms. American and European Plan. Water. Bus meeta li trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. Hot h. Martin,