PAGE TWO "TRY A HIP TONIGHT" "V BEST PROCURABLE 3 i MOOUCt Of JCOTLXO Th Orif inal Label loolc for it at ih Vendor's and iaiilt on CRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE- t This advertisment is not published or displayed by the 'Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ' The Daily News 4 PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Printe Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 7S By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, In advance, per year .x $5.00 Toall other countries, in advance, per year ...... $7.60 ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 j Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 85 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, Sept. 16, 1927 , START OWN INDUSTRIES l J. Alder, who is well known here and who now lives in Vic-: toria nfikea aujrjfestion that Prince Rupert ahottld have a flurj mill. ,He says that in Victoria they hare come to the conclusion th$. if they are, to have industries they must tart them themselves and Vina inai in view mey nave recently given encouragement to an elevator, a moving picture scheme and other industries for the pur pose of providing a local payroll. What Victoria can do. Mr. Alder thinks Prince .Rupert can also do. He sees no reason why the city should hot have a flour mill as it already had the elevator and the grain is therefore easily obtainable. If Mr. Alder can go further into details and with others evolve a practical plan fonthis industry, it might be well worth consideration. We must certainly look to ourselves to build our own city. SEEMS TO HAVE JUMPED INTO POPULARITY ' a -mm tr i non. j. u. jwacLean, 1'remier of British Cojyjnbia, seems U nave suddenly jumped into a position of popularity In this province. He set out by carrying on In a modest and retiring manner without in any way usurping the honors which were due the late Premier. As soon as he had got his hands on the reins, he was called upon to defend his position which he did 'at New Westminster with good results. He did nof sit up and crow over this but mnWk- thanLori the people for their trust and went back to his Job. Now he is taking up the work and making no mistakes. Mle has had many years of training as minister of education ami provincial secVetary and the premiership comes to him as naturally as would any other ministerial position. The outlook for his carrrying on successfully seems bright. CANADA A REAL NATION . Canada is now a nation, so recognized throughout the world. She has been elected to a seat in the League of Nation. It is only for a threejrear term but that is a minor matter, 'it places this country in thetpfsition of being recognized as a factor Independent of Great Britain or the rest of the Empire. True Canada did not get as many votes as Cuba but that waa probably a metter of world politics. Many nations are jealous of the power of Iiritain and for tha reason would not concede anything to a British country that could possibly be avoided. Aany is satisfactory to know that Canada is now recognized as a national entity and one that has an influence in world affairs. She bad a great influence in the war and nowjhe is taking that place in time f peace CHOOSING OF CUBA The choice of Cuba as a member of the League is rather an Interesting .one That country is almost a dependency of the United Mates. ' At any rate the country attained her liberty through the intervention of the United States and was started out in life as a na tion under the protection of the same country and is still to some extent considered in that light. Whether the election of Cuba received such strong support because of that country's affiliation with her larger neighbor or because of an effort to assert her independence of the United States and the desire of other countries I? ,f'J,m Tl P.8ltion- does nt eem clear. What is odd is that the little island just off the U.& coast and Canada adjoining the north are both members of the world league whereas the United States is the only important country in the world not yet a member And et the league came into being very largely as the result of the effort of an American president. Increase your energy and' vitality by drinking BOVRIL "The goodness o prime bee" 88 iCOPPER MINING SEEMS HOPEFUL Head of Britannia Mines Tell Mining Congress of Present State of Industry VANCOUVER. hrp IS- The eopper IftOumrr was octet la a mar fkwnrUh-Ukff eafiditton proamt. aadwttb the ofwuinf up of sew district. pr Uculariy in north weavers Quebec, there U awry proapect tint present prodac-nea will aoon be greatly neeeoed. C. P Br Jim log. general manager of the Britannia attain; and Smeltlnf Com pany, aantiraa rWUtlnf delegates f -day's maiaD of the Empire Ulalnf Obagreaa. Renewing tht progreu of the copper mlnteg industry In Canada. Mr. Brown ing Dtaecd ttw world 'a production at aevmlraatrly ,1.60 000 torn annually, the United State being by tar the large it ooatrnMtor. with 53 per rent, be- tatdea contwHteg a further IT per cent produced from miBea In Smith America. Canada's ebare ajnosmu M about lour per iru:. Mr. Browsing- netted figures to the Cott that the ooWHintpttoet of cooper 'per capita in cite United SUiei land 4hl voald, apply appeoalauteiy to Canada Hol was IS JO pound per an- nam. whereas la Etogland. Franc and Germany If amoasnted to only about reran per reart or a UtUa higher, -while hi China and India It waa retailTcty neffllfMe. (IHKAT rOHMMI.ITlE It would seem, therefore, he said, that there are great pisstMlltles tor In creased consumption ot copper In all part of the world. Canadian production In 1928 amounted to 133IS4.43 pound, valued at 17.490 J00. Tht is the largest output ever attained, and the fact that the total bat been to- 4sTehg ateadUy each year since the lump iwiwim wc wax iHtmi for the future of the Industry. At prerent. mine In British Columbia oantrlbwte about two-thfrda of the total and Ontario mtnea Dearth one-third. Qie balance oomlng fram Quebec, but Uve latter proetare laleattned to play A nrneh more tmpertant role la the Immediate future. "The acope of actlvt-tie In the northwettern section of Quebec, commonly referred to u the Bouyn dlatrtet may be Judged from the fact that during 1824 and 1925 more than 8 .DOS mining claim were recorded aiaay of thee claims having large de posits of good grade copper ore. AM OX HKH Kltt ll TO Mr. Browning referred to the forward atrMea that hire been made tn recent years in the meatnurgtcal pro cess for treating low-grade ore, and pointed out that Canada ha not been backwird tn this advance of technique me plant In British Columbia baring Vrn among ,the ftrrt to 1 natal the now well-known and highly aurcessful flota Hon process, while all producers bare hewn marked operating Improvements which are reflected by the low unit coeta and by the low-grade ore which they are able to treat tuccetefully. In The Letter Box TAXATION AtiltKKMENT. Editor. Dally New. On September 20 the ratepayers win be called upon to vote on the proposed Tax Agreement with the C-NJt. Very little Interest appears to be taken In one ot the most far reaching pieces of business that has been before the city In recent years and It Is plain ly the duty of every taxpayer to become Informed of the effect ot the agreement, abould It pass, before voting upon It. It every taxpayer before voting would answer to his or her own satisfaction the following question' I think they, would be In a better position to vote Intelligently on the 1. Wby should the Company offer to pay teS.OOO jaxes. for 1927 .when -the Court by revision of It croDertv as sessment left tj)e ON.R, taxe several thousand dollars less than the MS.000 proposed? 2. If the agreement 1 confirmed by the taxpayers -will it increase or reduce our taxe while the agreement Is In force? 1. Will such an agreement prevent or delay the necessity of taxing 4. Would the OJJ.B. be paying Its proper share of taxes under the agree ment, and If not what has the com. Pny done to merit the advantages of another agreement? S. When does the company purpose making good ita covenant of .former agreements? ' 6- I the company playing the game with the City In It operation of the drydoek ,when major, repair uch a 'hose necessary on It ss. Prince Ru-i-n are being done by private concern n or near Vancouver? Jut why the company's taxation officials are able to offer the city more in taxes than was awarded In court for the present year may be a mystery but r have a ausplclon that they an clever enough to see that their victory was so sweeping that It la bound to force down the land assessment of the entire city, making it necessary tor next year council to tax Improvement. By having company Improve' ment exempt under the agreement It would be nuking a very timely tnd advanugeou agreement. If the agreement 1 confirmed the advantag. to the city this year would be less than two mills on the assessment which the council should have had the courage to impose In this THE DAILY KEW3 ; ui null rate i ipendiMrr. Bu-rate be nest year' nan UHs unieas what win tfc fm nek IBIIIWIBintl i.ade to pay. The fised chargea ennetot be aiolded In :uuoa and aUeet. rewer and aedewalk laaprovetwenU ,are , imperative. While our Utea are etltnfc- j tne tie VJS H la -lttug prgMr i cetiefe, she reeai wui atwolutely .necetsary t tel menta. for Untesa they an taxed the rates op toad. ooe would creaai much more aettsu ptohlisn than the one st bate today through uiilnigsiina property revetting :o the city for to sea. Every tax sa'.e leave the city with a few more Iota which are not taxaMe. leaving the burden greaWjr tor who eaaoot let go. I cannot think tht CJfJt. la to pay more than ita rightful share of the utatiea, and that It paet reeord la the keeping and performing of 1U rwreaaata does not entitle It to Bother. The drfdoek, la exempted from nearly all taxation, and If pees lit operated should be to a poaltloa to execute repairs to the eempasya aulpa a ehesy ly a any other concern on the Pacific Ooast. and whether dryddck books showed a profit or a teas (SB the work it wuid be done at east la any event tore both dry dock and ship are under "he same owtstrtfctp. Tfcea why not repair the ships at Prince Refert in it own drydorkr It not so operated why tive tax exemption and are we aatia-fled that sueb operation of the drydoek merit It bttrden of uxatkaa being placed on local taxpayers? Privately owned drydoek are profiting on the repairing of the as Prince Rupert. Pay rolls are created In Greater Vancouver and Prince Rupert -hold the sack." Note carefully clause t of the aro- posed agreement, which provide that "the Railway -Campany shall annually receive from the city a a credit on account of the said sum of Stxty Ptve Thousand Dollars from the tax cot- ceted on any raUway land so alien ated. seM or occupied otaexwlt than by the Railway Company a sum of money computed on the bad of Use revised aeseatment (or the year 127 at the mill rate fur the jear In which urn rrnllt l dne Note that the miu rite is for the year la which the credit I due and the aaaraament I baaed on 1927. Could anything more clearly show that It I expected that the mill rate win rtsef After all why shonld this years council be so. bent on ptasing the agreement' This year's assessment and taxation wa settled by. the Court and la no longer In dispute. FlnaUyt remember that If tato bylaw la to be defeated you mutt vote against It- Staging st home will not defeat it M It win take the vote of every opponent to preserve the city's interest. Tour very truly. 0 SI. M. STEPHENS Man in the Moon ' g IT Is pointed out to me that a man la something like a match. When be feu lit up he tosc hi head and hi usefulness la gone. Time wa when the mechanic alwayt took his tin can to work but today the Un lizzie takes blm to work, i j What Is wickedness In a poor man Is an amusing eccentricity in a rich roe. TALKING of the modern methods at education I sometimes wonder If I'd been really a clever aa vou am nv Fm feeling fine! Kellogg's for breakfast means a joyous start for the day! So full of flavor everybody loves them! So easy to digest they help you to feel your finest Serve for lunch, dinner. With milk or cream and add fruits or honey. Order at hotels and restaurants. On diners. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Oven-fresh in the inner-sealed red-and-green package. Imitations cannot equal such wonder-flavor. CORN FLAKES :day if I hadnt bee Ucfced now and bea when I wot a Hd. THESIS are time whoa a pair of jack are Juet a useful a a ktag. a -ttcen or a flying ace. THE most unfortunate person la the world la be who trie to be funny but ia not. IP you feel tarry for yourself you I do not deeerve sympathy from others. Advertise In The Dally New LAND ACT vonri: or intention to apm.v to i.k w: MM) In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Oraham Island. QCI TAKE NOTICE, that Somervllle Can-nery Company. Limited. Vancouver. B.C . occupation Packers, intends to apply for a leaae ot the following described land: Cocnmenclng at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571. QCI.; thence east 30 chains; thence north 2 chain, more or leas, to low water mark: 'hence west following low water mark, 30 chain: thence south 2 chain, more or les, to point of commencement, and containing tlx (6) acre, more or lea. SOUERVILLE CAKNERT COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant Dated Aurtut 31. 1937. $0 The experienced sportsman selects his dogs with a keen appreciation of pedigree. "Black &. White" is chosen because it is a perfect whisky distilled and blended with strict adherence to an agcold recipe. a DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND "Quality Tells" iasrs !ucn Co IT . Guttow b Loioov BIACKWHITE SCOTCH . . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government!: of British Columbia 4 A THE -:- ACME'S uenuine Price-cutting NOW IN FULL SWING Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Sale Frices Acme Importers DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers J -TUB DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Huperl. B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Hailing from ITlnr KP T,fdJ. 1 lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Sanioo Uf, Alrrt Hay, cw ti m. rnr vivrnnvvD vtnritt nt ial. Alrrt lfcir For I'OKT SIMI'HO.N, ALICE 'ABM. AN VOX, UTIHA day, 8 p.m. .... For Naas Hirer Point and Port linpon. Friaaj 123 tnd Aftnue. R, M. SMITH. Arrnt Throurh tlrkrU sold lo Victoria and Brattle at bargare rbrrknl tbroufli to destination .RtTwaiM Lisol-"'