FAGE TWO Js, SftJj Adhf f,m fain T-R-C S IMPLETON lJ?ISff-p IQ3 flTHClJ capsules b he c ej i va . arvi m.,k.i ( Munlis Lumbago baaliai Kheumstiam And aimilax forma ot ment of Rheumatic and NeuriticPain. Pin almost alwaysyieldlothe T-R-C s If you read our booklet carefully (Templtton'a Rheumatic Capsules) you will undemand why the T-R-C's treatment. Your druceUt can very likely tell ybu how creatly T-R-C's have Jielped some of his own customer. To ree even a few of the hundreds of testimonial letters in our files, would convince you that T-R-C's are e :raordi-narily successful in the. treat- treatment is so successful. Cut wouldn't it be better to know iiow successful T-R-C's can be by using them for your own Pain? Oct a 50c or $1 box from your druggists or send 10c for booklet and ccner- pus tna toTemplejtons"K" The Daily News r PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations?. DAILY EDITION. rt' T46 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor, .i Saturday, Jan. 22, 1927 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT STARTS HOUSECLEANINtt. Following the example of the federal government, the provincial administration has decided to institute a clean-up in its services particularly in the matter of liquor affairs. The government is to be congratulated on its courage in taking the bull by the horns and. at the risk of bringing discredit upon itself through the failings of its officials or employees, meeting the demands of the public for a searching investigation Into its services. Stronger is the government that has wrongdoing and corrects it than one whose officialdom is so clean that it needs no rectifying. The attorney general seems to be embarking upon a campaign, of general housecleaning ivhich will be admired and appreciated by the public.' IS MOST OUTSTANDING v NEED AT PRESENT TIME. One of this city's most outstanding needs at the present time is protective facilities for the fishing fleet which, after all, is the port's most important adjunct. The fishermen have long enough suffered with the makeshift and disgraceful accommodation and it is high time that something were done about it. The property loss Involved in such a gale as that which struck the waterfront last week would hardly have to be doubled or trebled to give the boats suitable protection. The importance of the desired project cannot be over emphasized and there should be a general demand on the proper authorities to have the need met without further dlay. COMPARING DEALS OF STEWART AND TOPLEY. Up to the point of wildcatting, all the world loves a booster. The editor of the Portland Canal News at Stewart is that, but in giving three rousing British cheers over a mining deal recently concluded on a Marmot River property it was hardly necessary to attempt to ride to glory on the shoulders of any other district In a spontaneous outburst of enthusiasm the Stewart editor became madly tangled in its comparisons with the 'deal on the Taylor property at Topley as a means of setting out in relief a deal that-means much to Portland Canal. The Stewart paper describes the Marmot River' transaction as without doubt, the finest deal made on a mining property in Brit ish Columbia in the last two decades." This statement truly takes " ... - - uM.uv.r.. SlAldllCllfc WUIJr IclllCS - in a lot of territory and much time, but the editor proceeds to calmly give figures to show that it is nothing of the kind, and. comes- far irom naving "tne laylor deal faded." e also question the statement that "Portland Canal district comes along all the .time with a little better results than any other section of B.C. can produce in any respect." In the Marmot River deal the Premier people take over he Prosperity group of seven claims on the basis of $20,000 cash on a bond for 5125,000 for 52 per cent interest. OTTAWA, Jan. 22. The province ol British Columbia was the centre ot a eer mine, located on Cadwallader creek In the Llllooet district was worked In a ux.ll way for some years prior to 1914, but owing ty lack ot capital operations private were not profitable and gradually ceased, 'prices. THE DAILT NETV3 Saturday jH - t. DEVELOPMENT IN ANNUAL BALL i MINING OF B.C.1 OF REGIMENT! I i . int. i.oi.macii: or i kucic i. ur.oi.o- .ur.uii in moom: iii.i. ist nkiiit'.tl. MKU.V TILLS OF I'KO-tlltKSS .M.IK IN THIS has riioitot (iin.v i:nmyi.i iiv mdik si:vi:ntv-fiv; vm im.ks The annual ball of the 102nd Battalion. First North B.C. Regiment, held great deal of mining development durlnc last night lUwthe Moose Hall, was a 1826. and. according to Dr. V. Dolmage highly. sueeesAfal and enjoyable, ' nlrv of the Geological 8urvey of Canada, There VerefibJut 75 coflples p'rWeiaVWI j some notable results were obtained. -of whom d'Jnced merrily until he smalt; In the Stewart district the B.C. Stl-1 hours of the morning to splendid music 1 ver Mines. Limited, continue to add. to furnished by Un It P. Ponder's Or- their already valuable ore reserve and chestra. At mldnulu. delicious refresh- j some of the ore extracted during devet- menta were served. Company Sergeant-, opment work has been shipped. Further Major Harold Ponder acted as matter of' development at the Sullivan mine lndl- ceremonies m the hall which was ap-: cates reserves of Immense sle and It Is proprlately decorated for the occasion. unofficially reported that the present The event was under the general eu-rate of production can be maintained for pervlslon of Capt. 0. P. Tinker and the ' fifty years. Electrical prospecting and various committees were as follows: ordinary development have made sub-j Decoration Company Sergeant-Major ; stantial Increases' to the large ore re- "Harold Ponder and Private Lnog. serves ot the Britannia Mining and Invitations and program Lieut. Nor-Smeltlng Company, and the valuable re- rts Prlngle. Csmpany Sergent-MaJor C. serves of the Old Sport copper mine on ; I- Youngman, Private R. Howard. Prl-Qu&Ulno Sound, Vancouver Island, un-. vate F. HSmlth and Private Williams der development by the Consolidated' Refreshments Lieut. Alex. Rix. Cora-Mining and Smelting Company, have also 1 pany Sergeant-Major Murray and Plon- : been Increased. A comparatively new ! er Sergeant tt. B. Eastman, mineralized area has come Into promln- 1 ence following development by the Fed- 1 r. "-tt eral Mining and Smelting Company on the Ll-Li-Kell claims, located on the' divide between the Llllooet and BIrken- : head rivers, some twenty miles north of Pemberton. A very high grade sliver Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ore Is found on this DroDertv. ' JANr.tKY tt, m: Twa important gold producers have . The city has accepted from C C. become prominent. The Engineer mine. Perry, Indian agent, the gift of an old In the Atlln district, acquired great no- ; service rifle used by the guard at Port toriety a few years ago out of the lltl-; Simpson away back In 1853 and two ' gatlon In which It became involved as a stone Hatchet of Indian make, result of ' Its former owner's sudden , " , ,., death. When ownership was finally ea- ; W. E, Thompson leaves tonight to at-tabllahed and the stock, put on the New , tend the B O. Federation of Labor Con- York market tt soared to fabulous ventlon which .eonrcaes at Reveletoke. prices. Present operations do not at1 all . - warrant those prices, but they are fairly . E. M. 8andllands. government agen. successful and the mine haa become an , on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Is In important producer of gold. The Plon- j the city today on his way to Wllmtr where he haa been transferred. The Retail Grocers' Association held a meeting last night to discuss In 1924 D. Sloan took charge and toon! put the' mine on a paying basis. It la' Alderman D. C. UeRae tneattoned at now one of the most important and pro- ! the council meeting last night that f (table of the smaller gold producer? of most Ol the business was transacted by the province and promises a still brighter j committees which generally held longer future. The adjoining property, the sessions than the council. Coronation, has come under the same i . management and seems likely to become The Indemnity by law providing for equaUy profitable. Still another neigh-! the salaries of the mayor and aldermen' boring mine, the Lome, has benefitted by the success of those operations and Is being revived along similar lines. In the Slocan dlitrlct the Victoria j Syndicate has added materially to the I .--.. . . U... .MM. W fct i V. . .M.O mv VVU Increased by the development of the farJMcAlllstor. Luckv Jim and Whitewater mines. The Monarch mine, near Field, may become a large producer of low-grade lead-zinc ore. , MITKWOKTIIV llf KKIK.H The following are the most noteworthy discoveries made during the season, according tA Dr TVilmxr On The Taylor property of j Marmot river, which enters the eastern oniy live Claims was turnea lor $10,000 cash on a clear bond of iide or Portland Canal near its head, a Sysuu.uuu. inese are the main facts; the comparative details tell a(three.foot vein of pure galena carrying different story. iioo ounces of silver to the ton was Prosperity group adjoins the Porter Idaho, a property on -1lsvered on the Porteryidsho property which a great deal of work has been done for a number of years !,n(1 on the ,3Jolnln8 ellin owni br and which, according to the Stewart paper, has been "somewhat of !fncow"' n1 watiand. At Tpo-a spectacular producer." Everyone knows that a wealthy neighbor j tTr thertTn " lends class to the surroundings, whether it be a mining pVospe'ct JTJSXZiZ just somebody trying to keep with the and up Jones, this nice neigh- trace showing carrying good values m bor was no doubt a big factor in the Prosperity deal. Then, again, (gold was discovered Wiy in the summer, the Prosperity shipped thirty tons of ore to Trail from which SC. I This ha attracted muct attention and was read last evening and laid on the table for one week. The bylaw provided 1 that the Mayor's salary will be 11500, and each alderman will receive 1300, the same as last year. II In The Letter Box HOUl TO TKKIttrK. Editor. Dally News. I have noted with pleasure the Interest the dtseens of Prince Rupert, sre taking in a road out of the etty snd to 500 was returned, and it is quite clear that the Premier did not buy " t Prent bonded at a high figure.. ting cordwood and a a prospect, because the effervescing Stewart publisher says that A ,are ePt ' galena was discav-j pectors to took the country over Am Brighten Your Home At Little' Expen BE AUTIFUL-and at the fill PYTHIAN SISTERS prices- fo Inexpensive fill 1 ' .. r 7 T .aHte 1st . . w ENTERTAINED WITH CARDS LAST NIGHT njoiptilr Atrial l ilnrlluu Held at Home of Mr. and Mr. (I. t. Hatha llflreii Table An enjoyable card party was held last Terrace I se the Idea Is to build thelga-v. bT ,h, Prthla Bl,tera a-va r aUna W. OL. . J v4 aViSJ tsU- OsVSTlia. I think a better and cheaper one could be built further inland which would be of more benefit to Prlitce Rupert What matter If It la a little longerf The longer It la. the more country it will open up. Land along at the ; pome of Mr. and Mrtf.O. E. Oullck. CM', Seventh Avenue Eastt ' There were flf-' :eeu tables and the iinntrs mere: I Bridge - Ladles' 'first. Mrs. M. L. Stepp; ladies' second,' Mrs. Let Dell: ! ' -jen's first, J. Howet -men's second, Lee Dell. , the route would be found useful for! Whist Ladles' first. "Mrs. M. Leek: different purposes, sueh as chicken andhadleV second. Mrs. d.McCUUoch; men's nog raneues. vegetable gardens, coun. 'Irst, D. R. Wilson: men's second, Joe try homes, work for unemployed cut- Rtchford. "'' chance for pros-1 Alter cards, refreshments were served nd community singing snd music wsi "It .... must have been recognized by the purchasers that an erfd by J' Fergun on tn Ingonlkajiong as the proposition can be killed enjoyed until 2 o'cloti."' Musicians of the amount of ore worth more than the cash payment has been exnosed exposed ,R,!'r 45 mlle ,rom Fort 0ranim' aoo.)ust by the mere statement that it wiui"nn "- "! - Oullck, Bid by development." mlI north of t to,.n OI Priucejcct , U WWer be buuthith and W. N. Hoi,., : So, then, have the ifZl !: ""e tbe' would Outieit we Prosperity slam bang up against a "sen- : . Rational nroducinir mine." and itlf ahlr,nlne Mfn. Kf o, r. IT" 7. AT ,;VT: ; MVtT t0 P" n the f 7 .r.rvr. a,. werm, . -n ... .7 . ,"" v" uic. it, nevrrmejeai i- north. My idea would be rbr na Mrs. Oedrge Johnstone. Both n-. j wou,a ,or the tne dlv c"' the. Prospentv and its neighbor have bpPn nndor Hviinnn,,nt traetin- mrh .tt-minn k..,,.- nf .l. . joi evei-. years, out io auu glamor to tne deal the Stewart paper ire" Mze ntl promise and the strong finds it necessary to compare this with the Topley property discbv-iladlcatlon ot othfr ,are deposits or ered seven' months ago that has never shipped a pound of ore and -ea nd ""PP" found ,n tne district. has had barely $1,500 spent in development ind because ot the probability that a ' For a display of the kind of sportsmanship In mining so much mUCh R,Ter V''3' mV b' exlende(1 10 ..JT. u.Ti., become to-be dnsi.P,l. and ri th. anWLn, f Prospecting ha. will tro to the Standard Silvpr-IH rmMn nj r. lr region and ans be made to conlruci: construction of the rail- r,wrv,v iiiuvu carry out me e ug wish our roruanu canai inends every success in our way. irjendly rivalry for the greater good of B.C., but it hardly becomes' Th Prating companies, many lndl-necessary to compare a raw piece of ground with a mine that has!TlduaU ,nd eveT' Wrongly rinanced been developed for years. ' British companies are keeping up a But Stewart has talked in similar tons all the way from Main !,lTelJr M"c.h ,or new dePMlu w,th 'lr Beef to JIarmot Itiver.. Much of It they don't mean, anS muh oi lZZ land keen lSlL competition are JTaT,, greatly stimu means nothing. Interior News In Meat may be your poison SHREDDED WHEAT will keep your arteries soft and healthy -Eat it with hot milk Strengthening and satisfying lating prospecting actlvltfla. MILADY MUST HAVE SMALLER FEET SAY STYLE SPECIALISTS CHICAOO, Jan. 32 Smaller and da!ntler feminine feet are required to meet the demands of 1937 shoe styles. Fashionable women must trip through the coming aeaeons on heels one quarter to seven-eights of an Inch higher than the highest that have been in vogue. Other edicts of the shoe stylists who attended the National Bhoe Retailers' Convention aie that vamps will be shorter: toes will be more rounded, and all thew features combined, say the stylists, will make any foot appear two sles smaller than It really Is. Light colors and two-tone effects will be favored. Mannish designs will prevail for sport wear. "Step-ln- types, types, ties, and airy open shoes with straps will be popular. to employ a counle f tiDerleneed woodsmen to mark 'out route as farj as Terrace. I think they could do if, In about one week. The city would then have some facta to go on. Perhaps some man or company would construct It and operate It as a tollj, roan, tne province jnignt neip witn a land grant. z DONALD McLEAN, Vancouver, B.C. KVCMMI HUK? (?) A little tulle, a yard of silk; A little skin, aavwhlte as milk. j A little strap. Howdare she breathe I; A 111. I ..v. rtAA ri.nin. Viia M -rPunch Bowl, "fiOVElLVMENT I'.lQUOIt ACT;' l -t- NtlTICK Or'AI'I'MCAflOX KHlvltlKIt I.HTM'I.' NOTICE IS IlERnrV' GIVEN that, on' "My wife has a tollable even dUposI-1 the 10th day of February next, the un-1 tlon." admitted Lafe Ugg of fiddle Com? licence ! Bord r a In respect Jreea. "That so?" returned Dud Ruckman. "You belcha! She's mad the most of the time " em? m )j taken Your JfcrvcFood To-day? cf premises being part or the building, known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Pro vince of uniisn Columbia, upon tne Rupert, City of Prince Rupert. vlnce of British Columbia, Map Your dealer is now ofTerini; (ONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL 4rt-Rugs with the improved ongcTMmirinj surface, for as low as $5.75 for a 9 x4H foot rug. Ask to see the full" assortment; or mail the coupon below for a booklet show, inn all the attractive patterns in their true colors. Jl lafateas I j To avoid dUappolnlhg ImUalhn. (r.usl $ing thu CoUSoul on th ruf T.. k - WmH'xy--- -w' W ..This -t. : - -w-. r'!S Viiii' enJ ntln glad Bit (W " "T lleatKin i a ir'Ur aiuiriiej "fleautify your II "n.-leunt Cold 5: riosa.- rY, THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation To make our annual stock taking easier, wc watt out broken lines. And these price will do it. lion Sale price have lieen still further reduced. OVEHCOATS for men There are 26 Men's OverconU in thin lot to I lands described as all that portion of ! the City of Prince Rupert. Province of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince British Columbia, upon the lands de- Pro- scribed as Lots Eleven (II) and Twelve Prince Rupert Land Registration Dis- in Block Ten (ioi. uocuon una !!., trlct. and being more particularly de-'Clty ot Prince Rupert, Province of Brit-scribed ss follows' lh Columbls, according to a registered "Commencing af. a point which lies In, map or plan deposited in the Land Reg-a atralaht line of bearlntr north SB dee. , Utry Office at the City of Prince Rupert 1 28' 8" east a distance of 707 JO feci aforesaid and numbered 823, for the from Ui centre of circle as shown on sale or beer by the class or hy the open said Plan 933, Section 7, thence aouth bottle ror consumption on tne premises Odeg. 35' 25" east a distance ot 00 reel to a point, thence north Sldeg. 34 35" ; east a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north Sdeg. 35' 35" west a distance of CO feet to a point, thence south 83deg. 34' 35" west a distance of 100 feet to the point of commencement." i for the Mle of beer by the glass or by ! the open bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED at Prince Rupert, ll.C. this 3rd day of January. 1937. CORA E. BLACK. Applicant. LA NO ACT NOTiri: or intention to .wtly to Tt) l.l..K LAND f.m DvlnM II I ln.H tin. II meA inn Tl) DATED this 12th day of January. 1027. ! trlet .nd situate at Huston Inlet. Ziun H, A. DODD. charlotte Islands. . ' Applicant, TAKE NOTICE that Robert; M. Currle. tiU r.K.Mh.T I.HIUOK ACT , pucker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following desenbod landi: MiTK'i: or Ai'i'lJC.tTION I Olt lli:i:il Commencing at a post planted at MCKM'ti i northeast cbrner about laOO feet wes- -- terly from miners' cabins at hesd of j NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that on Huston Inlet: thence westerly W the 1st day of February next the under , chains; thence southerly about 12 chains; ! igiicu tiiicuu w api'ir vo vnv liquor i inence eosieriv v cnaiiia: vnencm nur. Control Board for a licence In respect therly about 13 chains, and conUlnlns to premises being part of the building 1st acres, more or lea. snown a ienirai noiei, suuaiea at tne 'corner of First and Heveulh directs, In RonRRT M, curtniE. Applicant. Ir before the winter Is liver. These arc all pure wool r cut in the latest models in snappy designs for men una men. Itegular price to f 45.00. Temptation Hale Price SUITS FOH novs Tnese are "made of pur wol material, and come in hIzm and In a uplendld variety of deKlgnH and color, have two pair of pant. They arc all, hard, wearing uif cut to make any Ixiy look dn'Hscd. Templnllnn Sale I'rire SH.ll." Acme Importers Termn Strictly dish. Third Avenue No charge arrunl MILK From liutkley Valley FKESH .MILK AND Willi4 I'LNfJ CKEAM Quality and Servico Valentin Dairy I'l.onc C57 ANGER, the TAILOR Suitn made to or tier. In our shop a., low as ... . $50 22.1 Sixth Street